Cookie Dishes. How to make cookie dessert: the best recipes

Ready-made biscuits as an ingredient are included in many sweet dishes. And Cooking a cookie dessert is very easy.! You need to mix cookies and ice cream, add fruit and jam.

Dessert Ingredients:

  • 3 scoops of ice cream
  • finely chopped fruits for every taste
  • grated nuts
  • jam, maple syrup or honey
  • mint leaf
  • cookie

This recipe knows no boundaries. Just take it and create your dreams in a beautiful bowl. Cookies can be inserted as a small decoration in the main mass, crumbled on top of the entire dessert, or mixed with ice cream at the first stage of preparation.

More complex dishes with the participation of ready-made cookies are prepared for 10-20 minutes.

Once upon a time, the famous “potato” was born thanks to fragments of crackers at the bottom of the bag. Today this dish is appropriate for New Year's table and joyfully meets sweet tooth of all ages:

  • butter
  • cocoa
  • cookie
  • sour cream

All ingredients are ground into a powder mass and mixed together into a tight dough. A long elastic sausage is rolled out of the dough and cut into small circles - an oval cake, which is the best dessert from cookies to tea.


gourmet dessert"Tiramisu" cannot be complete without the participation of cookies.

Not only is it based on cakes soaked in coffee liqueur, but on top of all layers to give delicate dessert mysterious and fragile "crunch", a cookie tube serves as an edible decoration.

To prepare a real dessert "tiramisu" you need special ingredients that can be obtained by visiting Italy. Our products are replaced by Russian positions:

  • mascarpone - for heavy cream and sour cream
  • special coffee infusion for liqueur or cognac with the addition of natural coffee
  • specially baked bread base is replaced by biscuit cakes

If there is no opportunity to try "Tiramisu" from real Italian ingredients, then the Russian recipe will do to surprise the guests. And some will like this interpretation even more than Italian proportions.


Another common recipe so that the hostess does not get tired and the guests are all full and happy is a big and sweet “Anthill”. For this dish, you can cook the dough yourself, but if there is absolutely no time, then feel free to take:

  • cookies whatever you have on hand
  • condensed milk (can be boiled or 2 types)
  • a pack of butter

Pour the cookies into a large deep bowl and crush with a crush. In a very softened butter, add condensed milk and bring to a homogeneous mass. You should get the consistency of oily, but fluid sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with cookies and mix thoroughly. The cake is prepared in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

With cookies and fruits

In alliance with cookies, fruits harmonize well. Let's take for example fast cooking dessert with bananas and biscuits:

  • 3 ripe bananas
  • cracker biscuits not salty
  • sour cream
  • sugar
  • condensed milk
  • nuts (to taste)

At the heart of the future pyramid lies, of course, a creamy cracker. We fill it very thick sour cream with sugar or other cream as desired. We spread sliced ​​banana rings on the cream in even rows, pour a layer of condensed milk on top and sprinkle with grated nuts. Layers are repeated as long as there are products on the table.

Within 2-3 hours, the cake is infused, the cracker is soaked in a delicious fruit and sour cream sauce and turns into a homogeneous mass that can be cut. You can do the same with other fruits.

Cheese envelopes

From crushed cookies, you can cook any pastry with filling. The solid mass in the raw dough will hold back the juice that the berries and fruits release when cooked. The dough will turn out hard, but crispy, and inside the dessert will be soaked own juice. In this way, you can prepare cheese or cottage cheese envelopes. This is very tasty breakfast and healthy foods.

For test:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • soda and vinegar

Before adding flour to the mixed mass of eggs, milk and seasonings, be sure to add slaked soda at the tip of a teaspoon. In a kneaded, not tight dough (like on pancakes), add the biscuits crushed into flour. Roll out a sheet of dough on the table and cut squares out of it.

  • grated cream cheese
  • cheese mass
  • cottage cheese mass or cottage cheese (possible with raisins)

Mix the consistency and spread on squares of 1 tbsp. l. You can roll the squares into corners or seal real envelopes.

The dish is baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes and until the dizzying aroma of hot cookies appears.

What other desserts can be made from cookies, if it is originally considered a dessert dish? Cookies can decorate desserts, combine with the general composition of the dough, complement dishes without baking. Get creative and create your own recipe!

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To impress acquaintances and friends with your culinary skills and enjoy delicious dessert, it is not necessary to knead the dough for a long time and stand at the stove.

Your guests will love these cakes! website I'm sure that you won't be able to spoil them, even if you try very hard.

Chocolate Banana Cake

You will need:

For the base:

  • 100–200 g biscuits
  • 50–100 g butter

For filling:

  • 2-3 bananas
  • 400 ml sour cream or natural yoghurt
  • 100 ml milk
  • 6 art. l. granulated sugar
  • 3 art. l. cocoa or 80–100 g dark chocolate
  • 10 g gelatin


Gelatin pour 100 ml of water and leave to swell for the time indicated on the package. Break the cookies and place in a blender or food processor. Crush it into crumbs.

Butter Melt, add to cookie crumbs and mix well. Put the mass on the bottom of a detachable form, smooth and tamp well. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, swollen gelatin and cocoa. Heat, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not boil. Remove from stove.

Add sour cream or natural yogurt. Mix.
Peel bananas, cut in half and arrange on the base. Gently, slowly pour over the top of the chocolate mass.
Place in refrigerator for at least 3 hours to set.

Fruit and berry cake

You will need:

  • 300 g biscuit
  • 0.5 l. sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 art. l. gelatin
  • berries and fruits (strawberries, bananas, kiwi, etc.)


Break the cake into pieces, set aside.
Gelatin pour 1/2 cup cold water and leave for half an hour. Then heat the water so that the gelatin is completely dissolved.

At this time, beat sour cream and sugar and, stirring, gradually add the gelatin mixture to them. Line the bottom of a deep bowl with cling film (or parchment). Lay out in layers: fruits / berries, then pieces of biscuit, again a layer of berries / fruits, etc.

Then pour everything with the sour cream-gelatin mixture prepared earlier. Put fruit cake for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Invert carefully onto a large plate and serve.


You will need:

  • 500 g cottage cheese
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 10 g instant gelatin
  • 2/3 cup water (or milk)
  • 250 g shortbread cookies
  • 100 g butter
  • berry sauce for serving


Grind cookies with a blender into crumbs. Melt the butter, mix with cookies, grind until a homogeneous crumb. Line the bottom of a 21 cm baking dish with parchment paper. Lay out the cheesecake base, firmly pressing the cookie crumbs along the bottom and sides of the mold.

Dilute gelatin in 2/3 cup of water, leave for 10 minutes. Then put a cup of gelatin in hot water and, stirring constantly, completely dissolve the gelatin. Mix cottage cheese with condensed milk. Pour gelatin into the resulting curd mass and beat everything together thoroughly.

Put the curd mass on the base of cookies, smooth. Cover the cheesecake with cling film and refrigerate for 3 hours to set. When serving, drizzle with berry sauce or jam.

Strawberry Cracker Cake

You will need:

  • 2 kg fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 500 g heavy cream
  • 500 g crackers, preferably square
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 50 g dark chocolate for decoration
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar


Separate the strawberries from the petioles, sort them out, rinse well with running water and leave in a colander to drain excess water. Then set aside a few berries to decorate the cake, and cut the rest of the berries into thin slices.

Whip cream with sugar and vanilla sugar thick cream. Divide the crackers into 4 equal parts or into several parts according to the size of the dish in which the cake will be prepared.

Place the first layer of crackers in a strawberry cake dish, top with whipped cream and top with strawberry slices. So repeat with all layers. Decorate the top layer of cream with strawberry slices and the remaining strawberries for decoration.

Break the chocolate and melt into microwave oven. Be careful not to boil the chocolate. Then gently drizzle the finished strawberry cracker cake with melted chocolate.

Milk jelly with chocolate

You will need:

  • 750 g milk
  • 150 g chocolate
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 30 g gelatin
  • vanillin to taste


Soak gelatin in cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:8 and leave to swell for 30–40 minutes.

Grate chocolate on a coarse grater and dissolve together with sugar in hot milk, add dissolved gelatin, bring to a boil, pour into molds and cool.

Before serving, lower the mold with jelly for 1-3 seconds in hot water, then cover with a plate and turn over, remove the mold. Drizzle the jelly with syrup or garnish with whipped cream.

Ready-made biscuits as an ingredient are included in many sweet dishes.

And it's very easy to make a dessert from cookies! You need to mix cookies and ice cream, add fruit and jam.

Dessert Ingredients:

3 scoops of ice cream finely chopped fruit for every taste

  • grated nuts
  • jam, maple syrup or honey
  • mint leaf
  • cookie

This recipe knows no boundaries. Just take it and create your dreams in a beautiful bowl. Cookies can be inserted as a small decoration in the main mass, crumbled on top of the entire dessert, or mixed with ice cream at the first stage of preparation.

Popular Recipes

More complex dishes with the participation of ready-made cookies are prepared within 10-20 minutes.

Once upon a time, the famous “potato” was born thanks to fragments of crackers at the bottom of the bag. Today, this dish is appropriate at the New Year's table and is happily met by sweet teeth of all ages:

  • butter
  • cocoa biscuits
  • sour cream

All ingredients are ground into a powder mass and mixed together into a tight dough. A long elastic sausage is rolled out of the dough and cut into small circles - an oval cake, which is the best cookie dessert for tea.


The exquisite dessert "Tiramisu" cannot be complete without the participation of cookies. Not only is it based on cakes soaked in coffee liqueur, but on top of all the layers to give the delicate dessert a mysterious and fragile “crunch”, a cookie tube serves as an edible decoration.

To prepare a real dessert "tiramisu" you need special ingredients that can be obtained by visiting Italy. Our products are replaced by Russian positions:

  • mascarpone - for heavy cream and sour cream
  • special coffee infusion for liqueur or cognac with the addition of natural coffee
  • specially baked bread base is replaced by biscuit cakes

If there is no opportunity to try "Tiramisu" from real Italian ingredients, then the Russian recipe will do to surprise the guests. And some will like this interpretation even more than Italian proportions.


Another common recipe so that the hostess does not get tired and the guests are all full and happy is a big and sweet “Anthill”. For this dish, you can cook the dough yourself, but if there is absolutely no time, then feel free to take:

  • cookies whatever you have on hand
  • condensed milk (can be boiled or 2 types)
  • a pack of butter

Pour the cookies into a large deep bowl and crush with a crush. In a very softened butter, add condensed milk and bring to a homogeneous mass.

You should get the consistency of oily, but fluid sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with cookies and mix thoroughly. The cake is prepared in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

With cookies and fruits

In alliance with cookies, fruits harmonize well. Take for example a quick dessert with bananas and cookies:

  • 3 ripe bananas
  • cracker biscuits not salty
  • sour cream
  • sugar condensed milk nuts (to taste)

At the heart of the future pyramid lies, of course, a creamy cracker. Pour it with very thick sour cream with sugar or other cream as desired. We spread sliced ​​banana rings on the cream in even rows, pour a layer of condensed milk on top and sprinkle with grated nuts.

Layers are repeated as long as there are products on the table. Within 2-3 hours, the cake is infused, the cracker is soaked in a delicious fruit and sour cream sauce and turns into a homogeneous mass that can be cut. You can do the same with other fruits.

Cheese envelopes

From crushed cookies, you can cook any pastry with filling. The solid mass in the raw dough will hold back the juice that the berries and fruits release when cooked. The dough will turn out hard, but crispy, and inside the dessert will be saturated with its own juice. In this way, you can prepare cheese or cottage cheese envelopes. This is a very tasty breakfast and healthy products.

For test:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • soda and vinegar

Before adding flour to the mixed mass of eggs, milk and seasonings, be sure to add slaked soda at the tip of a teaspoon. In a kneaded, not tight dough (like on pancakes), add the biscuits crushed into flour. Roll out a sheet of dough on the table and cut squares out of it.


  • grated cream cheese
  • cheese mass
  • cottage cheese mass or cottage cheese (possible with raisins)

Mix the consistency and spread on squares of 1 tbsp. l. You can roll the squares into corners or seal real envelopes. The dish is baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes and until the dizzying aroma of hot cookies appears.

What other desserts can be made from cookies, if it is originally considered a dessert dish? Cookies can decorate desserts, combine with the general composition of the dough, complement dishes without baking. Get creative and create your own recipe!


For form d=22cm:

250g biscuits (sugar cookies for sweet pie and unsweetened biscuits or crackers for savory pie), 150g butter

For sweet pies you need to take sugar cookie(such as "Jubilee"), for salty ones - biscuits or crackers, and for pies with a strong taste, for example, with a filling of condensed milk or heavily salted bacon, unleavened cookies that do not have any taste (like "Maria").

Grind cookies into small crumbs.
You can use a food processor or crush the cookies by placing them in a tight plastic bag.

The smaller the cookie crumbs are, the better they are saturated with oil and the easier it is to form a basket base for the pie from the dough.
If there are large unground pieces of cookies in the dough, then in these places the basket will break and crumble.
Melt butter.
Mix butter with cookie crumbs.

The resulting dough in the form of greasy crumbs should keep its shape well when pressed. If after pressing the dough crumbles, then you need to mix a little water into it - sprinkle water on top and mix.

For the preparation of pies based on cookies, it is advisable to take a detachable form.
If the form is one-piece, then it must be lined with foil from the inside so that the ends hang outward.

An easy way to line a mold with foil
Turn the form upside down.

Lay a sheet of foil on top of it and crease it, smoothing out the wrinkles.

Remove the foil from the mold, being careful not to straighten the folds.
Flip the form.

Place the foil basket inside the mold.
Press the foil against the inside of the mold, paying particular attention to the corners.
Lower the edges of the foil that extend beyond the side walls of the mold down so that they do not interfere.

Forming a dough basket
Spread two-thirds of the butter dough along the sides of the mold.

Press the dough against the sides of the mold with a spoon.

Make sure that the resulting side is the same thickness and height.

Pour the rest of the dough into the bottom of the mold.

Flatten and flatten the dough.

You can crush the dough not only with a spoon, but also with a wooden pestle, a tea glass with a flat bottom or a bottle with vertical walls.

Fill the resulting basket of dough with stuffing and bake.

In some cases, it is not required to make a basket out of the dough, but it is enough just to make a flat base without side walls. In this case, the test will require less.

Cookie dessert - wonderful and fast option making sweet treats. Such a dish is convenient to make in the summer heat, when you do not want to mess with pastries. And in general, it is always good to have recipes in the arsenal that are quickly and simply implemented. Such dishes save in case of unexpected arrival of guests.

cookie cake

It's hard to imagine how many cookie desserts there are. No wonder they are popular with housewives. A dessert is made from which is convenient and practical, since not all housewives want to mess with the dough.

We want to offer a recipe for the fastest and easiest cake.


  1. Curd mass - 420 g.
  2. Cookies - 520 g.
  3. A teaspoon of coffee (instant).
  4. Two tea spoons of sugar.
  5. Sour cream - 420 g.

And the cookies are very easy to make. First, you should brew a cup of instant coffee by adding a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Let's let him cool down.

Let's take care of the cream. We will cook it from cottage cheese and sour cream. Let's beat these components with a mixer. Next, take a dish and lay out rows of cookies on it, pre-wetting in coffee. Top the first cake with cream. Then we repeat the steps, laying out layer by layer. In principle, the cookie dessert is ready. It remains only to sprinkle grated chocolate on top of it. finished cake should stand for forty minutes in the heat, and then it must be sent to the refrigerator.

Cake "potato"

Everyone probably remembers a cake from childhood called "potato". This cookie dessert is very easy to make at home.


  1. Bank of condensed milk.
  2. Shortbread cookies - 350 g.
  3. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Nuts (walnuts) - optional.

The cookies must be crushed with a rolling pin to make crumbs. You can grind it with a blender. Next, add soft butter, condensed milk and cocoa to the crumbs. Mix everything well, and then knead with your hands. When the mass becomes homogeneous, we form cakes. From above they can be rolled in chopped walnuts. We send the finished "potato" to the refrigerator.


The famous cheese and biscuit is called tiramisu. To prepare it, we need:

  1. Two eggs.
  2. Mascarpone (cheese) - 270 g.
  3. Savoiardi (cookies) - 32 pcs.
  4. Coffee - 200 ml.
  5. Powdered sugar - 85 g.
  6. Coffee liqueur - 5 tablespoons.
  7. Cocoa - 75 g.

Put the mascarpone in a deep bowl and beat with a whisk until it acquires a uniform consistency of heavy cream.

Separate the yolks and whites. In a separate bowl, beat the icing sugar and egg yolks until white. We introduce the resulting mass in mascarpone and continue to beat further. In another bowl, beat the whites and gradually add a mixture of yolks and mascarpone to them gradually with a spoon.

Mix four tablespoons of rum with coffee in a large wide plate. The dish should be comfortable enough to dip whole cookies into. Gently lower half or a third of the savoiardi into the mixture (depending on how wide the cake pan will be). Put the processed cookies on the bottom, and pour some of the cream on top. In the same way, we dip the second portion of savoiardi into the solution, put it on cream mass and pour over the mascarpone again. Then lay out the third layer in the same way.

Fill the top layer of cookies with the remaining cream. With a spatula, you need to tap on the sides of the form so that there are no voids and the savoiardi completely sink into the cream. The dessert is ready, it remains only to send it to the refrigerator for the night.

"Hedgehog" from cookies

A cookie dessert called "hedgehog" will certainly delight any child.


  1. One kilo of cookies.
  2. Two cans of condensed milk.
  3. Three tablespoons of cocoa.
  4. Sour cream - 200 grams.
  5. Butter - 160 grams.
  6. Poppy - 4 tbsp. l.
  7. Peanut.
  8. Powdered sugar - 230 grams.
  9. Hulled sunflower seeds.

Grind cookies with a blender or rolling pin. The resulting crumb is mixed with powdered sugar, then add condensed milk, cocoa, sour cream, butter. The mass must be well kneaded by hand. It should become homogeneous. Then we form the body of a hedgehog from it. Then roll the figurine in the poppy. The nose and eyes can be made from and instead of needles we will take seeds. Of course, you will have to tinker with decorating the hedgehog, but the result is worth it. The finished dessert of cookies and sour cream should be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

"Monastic hut" without baking

How to make cookie dessert? The famous cake can be made on hastily and no baking.


  1. Sour cream (preferably fat, 30%) - 0.5 l.
  2. Powdered sugar - 120 g.
  3. A glass of shelled walnuts.
  4. A glass of milk.

In pastry shops you can buy cookies in the form of crispy tubes with fruit filling. For the cake, cherry is suitable for us. Three hundred grams will be enough. Heat the milk and soak the tubes in it for five minutes. If this is not done, then the cookies will remain hard and poorly soaked with cream.

Nuts should be crushed with a knife or rolling pin. Combine sour cream with powder and beat with a mixer. Then add half of the nuts.

Now that all the components are ready, you can proceed to the assembly of the cake. Put some cream on the bottom of the dish. Lay out the tubes on it (4 pieces). On top again put the cream and three tubes at a slight distance from each other. Then again cookies (2 pieces) and cream again. And finally, the last pipe. Next, smear the entire cake on the outside with cream, and then sprinkle with nuts. "Monastic hut" is ready. It remains only to put the cake in the refrigerator overnight and let it soak.


You can make this with cookies without baking.


  1. Half a pack of oil.
  2. Cookies (anniversary is good).
  3. Cream - 450 ml.
  4. Cottage cheese - ½ kg.
  5. A glass of sugar.
  6. Gelatin - 25 g.
  7. Strawberries - 250 g.
  8. Strawberry jelly - 100 g.
  9. Vanilla.
  10. Lemon - 1 pc.

Prepare the base for the cheesecake. To do this, combine butter and cookies in a food processor. We should get a homogeneous mass. Next, lay it on the bottom of a detachable form and evenly distribute it over the surface. The workpiece can be sent to the refrigerator.

Gelatin pour 50 ml of boiling water, and then let the solution cool slightly. Grind cottage cheese in a food processor until a homogeneous mass (curd) is obtained. Then with a mixer we beat cream, sugar and cottage cheese. Add gelatin, vanilla, lemon juice. And beat well again. We will transfer the resulting cream to the base, which is waiting for us in the refrigerator. And again the form will be sent to cool.

Thinly slice the strawberries and lay them on top of the cake and pour jelly on top. Now we send the cheesecake to the refrigerator.

Cake from cookies "ears"


  1. Three eggs.
  2. Milk - 0.6 l.
  3. Ears - 0.6 kg.
  4. Vanilla.
  5. Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Butter - 120 g.
  7. Starch - 2 tbsp. l.

Many sweet tooth are fans delicious cookies"ears". It is made from puff pastry. You can make good cookies out of such cookies. You will get something like a Napoleon. Such a dessert needs to be thoroughly brewed so that it is completely saturated and becomes very tender.

Let's prepare the cream first. Mix sugar and eggs and whisk. Add starch and flour. Next, gradually add milk, without stopping whisking.

Now the cake cream can be put on fire. Don't forget to stir it constantly. The mass must be brought to a boil, then add the oil and mix everything. Ready cream cover with foil and let cool.

Now let's take a cake dish and start laying cookies on it, first dipping it in cream. Having made one layer, on top we still well grease the ears with a creamy mass. Next, continue to lay out the cookies layer by layer. We cover the finished cake with cream on all sides. And on top of the dessert, you can sprinkle crumbs from the "ears". Now the cake can be sent to the refrigerator to soak.

Raspberry Dessert: Ingredients


  1. Oatmeal cookies - 350 g.
  2. Sour cream - 220 g.
  3. Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg.
  4. Raspberries - 0.5 kg.
  5. Pack of oil.
  6. Sugar - 150 g.
  7. Vanillin.
  8. Water - 320 ml.
  9. Gelatin - 30 g.

Preparing raspberry cake

Gelatin is divided into two parts. We put twenty grams in one dish, and ten in another. Fill everything with cold water. The gelatin should swell.

Next, use a blender and use it to mix the oil with oatmeal cookies. Take a detachable form and cover it with parchment. Put cookies on the bottom and level the surface. Send to freeze in the freezer.

Once again, we will knock everything down with a blender. The gelatin should mix well. We take out the form from the freezer and pour half of the curd mass into it. Lay out part of the raspberries, then fill in the rest curd mass. We level the surface and send everything to the freezer for at least half an hour.

We take a saucepan and put one hundred grams of raspberries in it, add four teaspoons of sugar, water (300 ml). Bring the compote to a boil, then turn off and let cool. Slightly warm compote is filtered. Add gelatin (10 grams) dissolved in a water bath to it, mix everything.

We take out the form from the freezer, spread the pattern with raspberries and fill it with a very thin layer of gelatin. We send the cake to the freezer (for twenty minutes). Then pour in the rest of the jelly. And again, put the form in the refrigerator for about six hours, or you can leave it there all night. When the cake hardens, remove the side, put the dessert on a dish.

with cookies


  1. Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg.
  2. Cookies - 30 pcs.
  3. Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  4. Oil - ¼ pack.
  5. Sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.
  6. Vanilla.
  7. A glass of coffee.
  8. Condensed milk - 2 tbsp. l.
  9. Chocolate glaze.
  10. Fruits (orange, cherry).
  11. Nuts.

The number of cookies can be different, it all depends on its size. Usually it is dipped in milk, but in our recipe we dip it in coffee or cocoa.

Place the cookies on the bottom of the mold. Lubricate it with cream, which we will prepare from butter, sugar, cottage cheese, vanilla and sour cream. The mass must be beaten with a blender and divided into three parts, since the cake will consist of three layers. Between the cookies, you can not only apply a creamy mass, but also add a layer of fruits, such as orange and cherry. The finished cake is smeared with cream on all sides and placed in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, it can be served on the table.

As you can see, all the cookie desserts, the recipes of which we have given in the article, are very easy to prepare, which is their undeniable advantage.