Brussels sprouts with sour cream and cheese. Brussels sprouts stewed in a frying pan Brussels sprouts in the oven with sour cream

Brussels sprouts have a very delicate taste and delicate aroma. It makes delicious and open-faced snack pies; it is added to salads and vegetable casseroles. Brussels sprouts can also be stewed with a variety of foods. In this article we will tell you in detail how to stew Brussels sprouts in different ways.

Any cabbage contains a lot of sulfur, iodine and chlorine. These microelements are very useful for the body, but when cooked they emit a specific odor. Because of this, some people categorically dislike the smell of boiled or stewed cabbage and they just don’t eat it. A little trick will help solve this problem, and your family will love cabbage.

Before stewing Brussels sprouts, you need to boil them a little and add a slice of lemon to the cooking water.


Brussels sprouts stewed in sour cream

  1. Boil 500 g cabbage. Cooking time - 5 minutes.
  2. Cut the cabbage into halves or quarters and fry on vegetable oil(2-3 tbsp) along with two white leeks. Cut the onion into thin slices.
  3. Pour 200 ml of sour cream into the cabbage and onions and bring the dish to a boil.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste and simmer until the cabbage is soft.

The dish can be slightly improved: sprinkle it with grated cheese (100 g) and place in the oven for 5 minutes.

Brussels sprouts stewed with vegetables

The present dietary dish It will work if you stew cabbage with vegetables.

  1. 3 pcs. carrots, 2 parsley roots and 2 pcs. Cut the onions into cubes and fry in olive oil (2-3 tbsp).
  2. Add 300 g of pre-boiled vegetables to the fried vegetables and pour in 0.5 cups of hot water.
  3. Simmer everything together for 5 minutes, and then add salt and pepper.
  4. Peel 2 large fleshy tomatoes from skin and seeds and cut the pulp into cubes.
  5. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan with the vegetables and simmer the dish for another 5 minutes.
  6. At the end of cooking, taste the stew again for salt and pepper and if there is not enough, add more.

Cabbage stewed with vegetables can be served as a separate dish or as a side dish for boiled chicken breast.

Brussels sprouts stewed with chicken

Another dish can be prepared from chicken and cabbage - they need to be stewed together.

  1. Cut half the chicken carcass into portions, pour vegetable oil over them and bake in the oven until golden brown.
  2. Place the chicken in a casserole dish and add raw diced carrots and celery root to it.
  3. Pour chicken or vegetable broth over the chicken and vegetables and simmer in the oven for 10 minutes.
  4. Place 200 g of boiled Brussels sprouts and 1 diced and fried onion in the casserole dish.
  5. In a separate frying pan, melt 25 g of butter and fry 1.5 tbsp. l. flour.
  6. Pour 1 cup of chicken stew juice into the flour and heat this sauce well.
  7. Pour the sauce into the casserole dish and salt the dish to taste.
  8. Simmer for another 15-20 minutes until the meat begins to fall off the bones and the vegetables are very soft.

It is better to buy homemade chicken for stewing - it is much more aromatic and its meat has a more pronounced taste.

Brussels sprouts stewed with pork

Another very tasty dish with cabbage and pork. It can be considered dietary if you take a completely lean piece of pork. To prepare you will need:

  • meat - 300 g;
  • cabbage - 400 g;
  • rice - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • hot water - 500 ml;
  • salt and favorite spices.

It is better to cook the dish in ceramic pots and serve it in portions. So:

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Delicious stewed Brussels sprouts with sour cream and spices from our reader Svetlana Kolyasa:

I discovered a long time ago that Brussels sprouts are only tasty if you cook them with dairy products.

This recipe came about by accident. Longing for harmful mushrooms, I decided to cook Brussels sprouts in the same way as I cooked terribly harmful champignons

Stewed Brussels sprouts


  • 300 gr. Brussels sprouts
  • 4-5 tablespoons (or more) sour cream
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable or butter
  • spices:
    • mustard seeds – 1 tsp.
    • – 1 tsp.
      (I have 28%)
    • ground paprika – 1 tsp.
    • turmeric – 1/2 tsp.
    • ground ginger – 1/2 tsp.
    • nutmeg – 1/4 tsp.
    • ground coriander – 1/2 tsp.
    • ground bay leaf – 1/3 tsp.
    • ground black pepper – 1/2 tsp.
    • blue basil (to taste, if you like)

To prepare the braised Brussels sprouts:

  1. Boil Brussels sprouts for 2-3 minutes in boiling water.

    Boil Brussels sprouts

  2. Cut in half or into quarters if the head is large.


  3. Prepare the spices.


  4. Pour the mustard seeds into the vegetable oil heated in a frying pan.

    Frying black mustard

  5. When the grains begin to crackle, add the rest of the spices.

    Adding spices

  6. Stir and add Brussels sprouts. Fry over medium heat, stirring constantly for 5-7 minutes. It burns very quickly, so you need to stir it either constantly or every 20-30 seconds.

    Roasting Brussels sprouts

  7. Add sour cream and basil (if you have cream that you don’t know where to put, you can add that too). Salt (cabbage doesn’t like a lot of salt, so it’s better to under-salt than to over-salt, and remember that each salt has its own level of “salinity,” so it’s better not to rely on my standards, but add to taste), mix well, cover with a lid and simmer over medium/low heat until the sour cream turns into fat (15-20 minutes).

    It is advisable to take homemade sour cream, although it will be very tasty from the store :). Don't forget that the dish can burn, so stir every 3-5 minutes.

    Brussels sprouts in sour cream

Despite the large number of spices, the cabbage turns out very tender, soft and juicy. You can season porridge, potatoes, minced meat with fat; it is very tasty and aromatic.

Stewed Brussels sprouts can be served as a separate dish. It is also very tasty with, artek or potatoes.

Using a similar recipe, you can prepare both and.

Brussels sprouts stewed in sour cream

Bon appetit!

P.S. If you liked the recipe, !

Julia author of the recipe

Brussels sprouts are an extremely healthy and very delicious vegetable. Usage of this product both as a main and an additional ingredient will provide many of the most variety of dishes. This article will introduce you to the recipes of some of them.

Cooking Brussels sprouts in the oven

Preparation original treats It will take about half an hour, and the result will please everyone in the household.


  • 0.5 kg cabbage stalks.
  • 50 ml olive oil.
  • 2-3 garlic cloves.
  • 0.5 cups bread crumbs.
  • Spices – thyme, black pepper, salt.

Cooking steps:

  • Wash the small heads of cabbage and cut them in half.
  • Place the cabbage in a saucepan and fill the vegetable with water.
  • Place the container on the fire.
  • Boil the contents for 2-5 minutes, and then drain the liquid.
  • In a separate bowl, combine vegetable oil with chopped garlic cloves and thyme.
  • Water the boiled cabbage garlic oil, add salt and pepper.
  • Place the vegetables in a heat-resistant dish, sprinkle them with bread crumbs and place them in the oven.
  • The oven should be preheated to 200°C. Heat treatment time – 20 minutes.

You can skip the stage of boiling the cabbage, but then you should increase the baking time to 40-45 minutes. Don't forget to shake the buns periodically to prevent them from burning.

Fried Brussels sprouts

No less simple and quick way preparing cabbage buds - frying them in a frying pan.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • 400 g fresh Brussels sprouts.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Olive (or butter) oil for frying.
  • Salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking steps:

  • Wash the cabbage stalks and cut them into 2 parts. If the heads are small, they can be cooked whole.
  • Pour water into the pan, add salt and bring the liquid to a boil.
  • Place Brussels sprouts in boiling water and boil for about 5-7 minutes until half cooked. The cover must be removed. This way the cabbage will retain its color.
  • Towards the end of boiling the cabbage, take care of the garlic. Peel the spice and cut into small slices. Place the spice in the oil heated in a frying pan and lightly fry it.
  • Next, add boiled cabbage to the garlic pan. If the vegetable was frozen, you need to wait until it thaws a little and then start frying. You can skip the boiling step.
  • Crush the cabbage and garlic with ground pepper and a pinch of salt.
  • Fry the vegetables until cooked – 5-7 minutes.

Stewing Brussels sprouts

Stewed Brussels sprouts are a delicious stand-alone side dish that anyone can prepare.

Brussels sprouts stewed in water

Dish ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg Brussels sprouts.
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable or butter.
  • Black pepper.
  • Salt – 1/3 tsp.

Cooking steps:

  • Rinse the cabbage cobs thoroughly under running water.
  • Pour water into the bottom of the pan (height - no more than 1 cm) and add a pinch of salt.
  • When the liquid boils, place the cabbage stalks in one layer (!) on the bottom of the container.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and turn the heat to low (to maintain a simmer).
  • The duration of stewing is 7-8 minutes.
  • Place the finished cabbage on a dish and season with butter and black pepper.

Brussels sprouts stewed in sour cream

Fans of spices and rich taste can use spices.

  • Place the peeled cabbage stalks in boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Place 1 tsp of olive oil in a frying pan. mustard seeds.
  • When you hear their characteristic crackling sound, add other spices – ground paprika (1 tsp), 0.5 tsp each. turmeric, ground ginger, black pepper and coriander, 1/4 tsp. nutmeg.
  • Mix everything and add Brussels sprouts.
  • Fry vegetables over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Don't forget to stir the cabbage, because... she always tries to get burned.
  • Add 4-5 tbsp of not too fatty sour cream (or a glass of cream).
  • Cover the pan with a lid. Set the heat to low and simmer the vegetables for 15 minutes.

Brussels sprouts - contraindications

Despite numerous beneficial features This vegetable cannot be included in food for everyone. Among the restrictions:

  • Disorders of the thyroid gland. Cabbage components reduce the absorption of iodine.
  • Deviations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - weakened intestinal motility, enterocolitis, increased acidity of gastric contents.
  • There are disturbances in the digestive process.
  • Gout (due to the presence of purine in cabbage).

Recipe from: Julia

Delicious stewed Brussels sprouts with sour cream and spices from our reader Svetlana Kolyasa:

I discovered a long time ago that Brussels sprouts are only tasty if you cook them with dairy products.

This recipe came about by accident. Longing for harmful mushrooms, I decided to cook Brussels sprouts in the same way as I cooked terribly harmful champignons

Stewed Brussels sprouts

  • 300 gr. Brussels sprouts
  • 4-5 tablespoons (or more) sour cream
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable or butter
  • spices:
    • mustard seeds – 1 tsp.
    • asafoetida – 1 tsp.

    (I have 28%)

  • ground paprika – 1 tsp.
  • turmeric – 1/2 tsp.
  • ground ginger – 1/2 tsp.
  • nutmeg – 1/4 tsp.
  • ground coriander – 1/2 tsp.
  • ground bay leaf – 1/3 tsp.
  • ground black pepper – 1/2 tsp.
  • blue basil (to taste, if you like)

Boil Brussels sprouts



  • Pour the mustard seeds into the vegetable oil heated in a frying pan.

    Frying black mustard

    Adding spices

    Roasting Brussels sprouts

    It is advisable to use homemade sour cream, although store-bought sour cream will be very tasty :). Don't forget that the dish can burn, so stir every 3-5 minutes.

    Brussels sprouts in sour cream

    Despite the large number of spices, the cabbage turns out very tender, soft and juicy. You can season porridge, potatoes, minced meat with fat; it is very tasty and aromatic.

    Stewed Brussels sprouts can be served as a separate dish. It is also very tasty with buckwheat, artek or potatoes.

    Delicious vegetarian recipes With step by step photos:

    Comments (20) to the post “Brussels sprouts stewed in sour cream with spices”

    I really, really love Brussels sprouts, and I find them delicious even without dairy products)) simply blanched and lightly watered olive oil.

    Why are champignons “terribly harmful”?

    Write about mushrooms, everyone is intrigued

    Well, “terribly harmful” I, of course, exaggerated;-) besides, champignons are the safest and lightest of mushrooms. In general, the mushroom is considered a “difficult to digest” protein product, and according to Ayur Veda it has a negative character. Just like onions and garlic, mushrooms are considered ignorant foods. They are very useful plants, but not for food. They grow on rot, that is, where something needs to be removed, mushrooms grow, absorbing “nature’s waste” like a sponge. Very often, people are poisoned by edible mushrooms because they have absorbed something poisonous in the area where they grew. After all, champignons also grow on rot, but since they are grown in individual conditions, straw is used as a raw material, so there is nothing to poison them with, and their structure is easy to digest compared to other mushrooms.

    As far as I know, Vaisnavas do not offer mushrooms to God.

    Well, some of what you wrote is not true. I am now studying Ayurveda, one might say, in detail, mushrooms are recommended for kapha imbalance for people of kapha type of constitution, the guna of ignorance mostly includes non-edible, poisonous mushrooms. Mushrooms have a combination of sattva and tamas, but poisonous ones have more tamas. There is a variety of mushrooms, I don’t know what they are called, white ones, they look like champignons, they grow here near Almaty, they are eaten completely raw, there is no need to cook them at all! My husband ate. Vaishnavas really don’t offer to God, but they eat! Govinda Maharaj ate these mushrooms and my husband was there in this company with him, then he brought these mushrooms home. And we ate pizza with champignons, one Vaishnava treated us to him after he came from Moscow and said that Jaya Pataka Swami or Prabhavishnu Swami, one of them ate. Govinda Swami also brought a whole trunk of bottles of kumis from Bishkek and distributed them to everyone on the farm. and there, too, it’s horse milk and at a low temperature, we lived on the farm with the giriraj and the deities, and they didn’t offer it! My husband and I remember that we couldn’t finish the bottle, because it was too high. Well, we ourselves were in shock, we didn’t expect this! I still don’t drink kumiss! I don’t even drink Tan! Although we live in Kazakhstan. And they lived on the farm for 15 years.

  • Details

    There are a lot of recipes for cooking Brussels sprouts. It can be baked in the oven or slow cooker, fried or boiled. By the way, many housewives prefer to stew cabbage in a frying pan with various sauces. With such heat treatment, the product reveals its taste qualities and retains beneficial properties.

    Stewed Brussels sprouts in sour cream in a frying pan

    Required ingredients:

    • Brussels sprouts – 300 gr;
    • sour cream – 5-6 tbsp;
    • vegetable or butter– 2 tbsp;
    • mustard seeds – 1 tsp;
    • salt, spices - to taste.

    Cooking process:

    Wash the Brussels sprouts and remove the outer leaves if necessary. Place the prepared heads of cabbage in a saucepan, add boiling water and put on fire. After 10 minutes, drain the water and place the cabbage in a colander.

    Cut the heads of cabbage into two parts. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, add mustard seeds and wait a few minutes. Then add the cabbage and, stirring constantly, fry for 10 minutes.

    Add sour cream and mix well. If you have cream on hand, you can use that too. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce heat. In 10-13 minutes the dish will be ready.

    Cabbage stewed in sour cream can be served with porridge, fish or meat.

    Brussels sprouts stewed with onions in a frying pan

    Required ingredients:

    • bacon strips – 3 pcs;
    • onion- 2 pcs;
    • chicken broth - 1 glass;
    • dried thyme – ¼ tsp.

    Cooking process:

    Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Place the bacon strips there and fry them for 5-7 minutes. Then place on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

    Add finely chopped onions and thyme to the same pan. Lightly fry and add Brussels sprouts. Pour over the vegetables chicken broth and bring to a boil. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

    Serve stewed Brussels sprouts along with fried bacon.

    Brussels sprouts stewed with meat in a frying pan

    Required ingredients:

    • Brussels sprouts – 500 gr;
    • beef brisket – 300 g;
    • carrots – 1 piece;
    • onions – 2 pcs;
    • vegetable oil – 4-5 tbsp;
    • bay leaf – 2 pcs;
    • pepper, salt - to taste.

    Cooking process:

    The first step is to cook the meat. Rinse beef in cold running water. Boil until tender, cut into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the Brussels sprouts and remove the outer leaves. Boil the heads of cabbage in salted water.

    Place the cabbage with the meat, add grated carrots and pre-fried onions. Pour a glass beef broth, cover with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes.

    Brussels sprouts stewed in wine in a frying pan

    Required ingredients:

    • Brussels sprouts – 400 gr;
    • butter – 1 tbsp;
    • dry white wine – 100 ml;
    • chicken broth - 1 glass;
    • onions – 2 pcs;
    • cream – 2 tbsp;
    • mustard – 1 tbsp;
    • salt and pepper - to taste.

    Cooking process:

    Trim the Brussels sprouts and cut each head into two pieces. Take a large frying pan, heat the butter and add the prepared cabbage to form one layer.

    Salt and pepper the heads of cabbage. Fry them on each side until golden brown. Don't forget to stir the cabbage constantly so it doesn't burn.

    Cut the onion into thin rings and place in a frying pan. Pour in dry wine and chicken broth.

    Cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat and simmer the vegetables for 20 minutes. Then remove the cabbage and place it on a separate dish.

    Pour cream into the remaining liquid in the pan, add mustard and bring to a boil. Whisk the sauce and pour over the cabbage.