What do you need to brew beer at home. How to make beer at home - technology and recipe

Beer home cooking compares favorably with cheap store counterparts more rich taste, thick foam and no preservatives. It turns out a drink that does not contain anything superfluous. I will show you how to brew beer according to the classic recipe using only traditional ingredients: hops, malt, water and yeast. To preserve the original taste, we will not resort to filtration and pasteurization.

It is believed that to make real beer you need to buy a mini brewery or other expensive equipment. This myth is imposed by manufacturers of such products. Together with the brewery, they will gladly sell you a ready-made beer concentrate, which only needs to be diluted in water and fermented. As a result, you will pay exorbitant prices for beer, the quality of which, at best, will be slightly higher than store-bought.

In fact, you can make home-brewed beer with the tools at hand: a large pot, a fermenter, bottles, and other available items, a full list of which is published below.

You will have to buy only hops, malt and brewer's yeast. I do not insist on choosing a particular company or brand. The range is quite wide, you can buy any material you like.

Theoretically, malt and hops can be grown at home. But these processes are beyond the scope of the current material. Further, I will assume that all necessary ingredients you have, whether they are homemade or purchased, it does not matter. The only thing: I do not advise you to experiment with brewer's yeast, but immediately buy their best strains in the store, because from grain mash beer differs precisely in special yeast.

Composition home beer:

  • water - 27 liters;
  • hops - 45 grams;
  • barley malt - 3 kg;
  • brewer's yeast - 25 grams;
  • sugar - 8 grams per liter of beer (needed for natural saturation with carbon dioxide).

Necessary equipment:

  • 30-liter enamel pot - wort is boiled in it;
  • fermentation tank - needed for fermentation;
  • thermometer (required) - if moonshine or wine can be made only by approximately controlling the temperature, then with beer this is an initially failed undertaking;
  • bottles for pouring finished beer (plastic or glass);
  • silicone hose of small diameter - for removing beer from sediment;
  • ice water bath or wort cooler;
  • gauze (3-5 meters) or a bag of cloth;
  • iodine and a white plate (optional);
  • hydrometer (optional) - a device for determining the sugar content of the wort.

Brewing home beer

1. Preparation. The first step, during which the brewer checks for the right ingredients and readiness of the equipment for work. I also advise you to pay attention to the following points.

Sterilization. All used containers and fixtures are well washed out hot water and dry out. Before working with the ingredients, the brewer thoroughly washes with soap and dries his hands dry. It is very important not to infect the beer wort with wild yeast, otherwise you will get mash instead of beer. Neglect of sterilization eliminates all further efforts.

Water. It is better to use spring or bottled water. In extreme cases, ordinary tap water is also suitable. Before brewing beer, tap water is defended during the day in open containers. This time is enough for the chlorine to evaporate, and heavy metals and salts to settle at the bottom. Subsequently, the settled water is carefully drained from the sediment into another container through a thin tube.

Yeast. For normal fermentation, brewer's yeast is activated 15-30 minutes before being added to the wort. a small amount warm water. There is no universal method that allows you to properly dilute any brewer's yeast. Therefore, you must follow the instructions on the package.

2. Grouting the must. This term refers to the mixing of crushed malt with hot water to break down the starch in the grains into sugar (maltose) and solubles (dextrins). Sometimes the malt is sold ready for brewing in crushed form (called "wort"), which makes things a bit easier. If not, you need to grind it yourself using a grain crusher or a mechanical meat grinder.

Attention! Grinding does not mean grinding into flour, you just need to grind the grains into small pieces, be sure to keep the particles of the grain peel, which will then be needed to filter the wort. The correct grinding option is shown in the photo.

correct grinding

25 liters of water are poured into an enamel pan and heated on the stove to 80°C. Next, the ground malt is poured into a fabric or home-made bag measuring 1 by 1 meter, made from 3-4 layers of gauze. A bag of malt is immersed in water, the pot is covered with a lid and boiled for 90 minutes, maintaining a stable temperature of 61-72°C.

Mashing malt at a temperature of 61-63 degrees contributes to a better yield of sugars, increasing the strength of homemade beer. At 68-72°C, the density of the wort increases, although the alcohol content in the drink will be slightly lower, but the taste will be richer. I recommend sticking to the temperature range of 65-72°C, which results in a tasty 4% ABV thick beer.

brewing malt in a bag

After 90 minutes of boiling, an iodine test is done to make sure that there is no starch left in the wort. To do this, 5-10 milligrams of the wort is poured onto a clean white plate and mixed with a few drops of iodine. If the solution has turned dark blue, you need to cook the contents of the pan for another 15 minutes. If the iodine has not changed the color of the wort, it is ready. You can not do an iodine test, but simply increase the mashing (brewing) time by 15 minutes, the quality of the drink will not suffer from this.

Then the temperature is raised sharply to 78-80°C and the wort is boiled for 5 minutes to completely stop the fermentation. Next, the bag with malt residues is removed from the container and washed with 2 liters of boiled water at a temperature of 78 degrees. So the residues of extractive substances are washed out. Wash water is added to the wort.

This method of mashing is called "in the bag". It allows you to do without filtration - separating grains (undissolved particles of malt) from the main wort. In turn, filtration requires specific equipment (cleaning systems) and reusable transfusion of wort from one container to another. Grout in a bag does not affect the quality of the brewed beer and takes much less time.

3. Boiling the wort. The contents of the pan are brought to a boil and the first portion of hops is added, in our case it is 15 grams. After 30 minutes of intense boiling, the next 15 grams are added, and after 40 minutes the remaining 15 grams of hops are boiled for another 20 minutes.

Depending on the chosen beer recipe, the time intervals and the amount of hops may vary. But, adhering to the indicated sequence and proportions, you are guaranteed to get a good result.

Boiling takes an hour and a half, during all this time it is important to maintain intense heating so that the wort gurgles.

adding hops

4. Cooling. Beer wort needs to be cooled quickly (in 15-30 minutes) to 24-26°C. The sooner this is done, the less risk there is of contaminating the drink with fermentation-damaging bacteria and wild yeasts.

You can cool the wort with a special immersion cooler (one of the possible designs in the photo) or carefully transfer the container to a bath of ice water. Most beginner brewers use the second method. The main thing is not to accidentally turn over a hot pan, scalding yourself with boiling water.

cooler design

The cooled wort is poured through cheesecloth into a fermentation tank. To saturate the future beer with the oxygen necessary for the normal development of yeast (after boiling it is almost gone), the transfusion is done 3 times.

5. Fermentation. Diluted brewer's yeast is added to the wort and mixed well. In this case, it is very important to observe the temperature and proportions indicated in the instructions on the sachet label. There are top-fermenting yeasts, which are fermented at a temperature of 18-22°C, and bottom-fermenting, working at 5-16°C. These two types make different types of beer.

The filled fermentation tank is transferred to a dark place with a temperature recommended by the yeast manufacturer. In our case it is 24-25°C. Then a water seal is installed and left alone for 7-10 days.

fermentation tank example

After 6-12 hours, active fermentation will begin, which usually lasts 2-3 days. At this time, the airlock actively bubbles, then the frequency of carbon dioxide release slowly decreases. At the end of fermentation, young homemade beer becomes light. Its readiness is determined by two methods: a saccharometer (hydrometer) and a water seal.

In the first case, the readings of two hydrometer samples for the last 12 hours are compared. If the values ​​differ slightly (by hundredths), then you can proceed to the next step. Not everyone has a sugar meter, so at home they often just look at the water seal. The absence of bubbles within 18-24 hours indicates the end of fermentation.

6. Plugging and carbonation. Carbonization of beer is its artificial saturation with carbon dioxide, which contributes to the improvement of taste and the appearance of thick foam. Despite the complicated name, the process itself is very simple.

Sugar is added to beer storage bottles (preferably dark ones) at the rate of 8 grams per 1 liter. The sugar will cause a slight secondary fermentation, which will saturate the beer with carbon dioxide. Then the beer is drained from the sediment through a silicone tube, filling the prepared bottles with it.

spill completed

One end of the tube is lowered to the middle of the container with beer, the other - to the very bottom of the bottle, this minimizes the contact of the drink with air. It is important not to touch the yeast, which, depending on the type, can settle to the bottom or accumulate on the surface, otherwise the beer will turn cloudy. The bottles are not topped up 2 cm to the neck and tightly corked.

The easiest way is to use a plastic container, since the lids for it can be twisted by hand. For glass bottles, you need yoke corks or a special device for corking ordinary beer corks (pictured).

bottle with cork

stopper closure device

The bottles filled with beer are transferred to a dark place with a temperature of 20-24°C and left for 15-20 days. To dissolve the yeast sediment every 7 days, they need to be shaken well. After that, the drink is transferred to the refrigerator.

7. Ripening. Homemade beer is ready, you can already drink it. But if you let it stand for another 30 days, then the taste will improve significantly.
Beer can be stored in the refrigerator for 6-8 months, open bottle- 2-3 days.

homemade beer (ale)

Therefore, a quite reasonable question arises: why brew beer yourself at all? After all, this is a difficult and very painstaking process: cooking takes several days, you need to carefully monitor the temperature readings during cooking and fermentation. And the slightest violation of at least one rule can threaten to damage the entire party and wasted time.

Answer: First of all, it is very exciting. And secondly, you yourself will know the composition of the foamy drink. In modern realities, this factor is very important. And most importantly, the taste of home-made beer is completely incomparable to store-bought.

Today we're going to show you how to make a great one-shot homemade beer. simple recipe. This is a great option for those who want to learn how to make a foamy drink on their own, but complicated recipes not yet ready.

How to make a one-shot beer at home: a simple recipe

To make a single beer, we need:

  • Water - 20 l

Necessary equipment:

  • Fermentation tank with water seal 30 l
  • PET bottles with cork
  • overflow siphon
  • Dextrose

The last 2 accessories on the list are optional, but desirable - carbonizing beer with them is more convenient. Otherwise, the siphon can be replaced with an ordinary sieve with gauze, and dextrose with sugar.

Cooking order

A simple recipe for homemade beer (video)


The last necessary step is the carbonation of the beer. Thanks to him, the beer is saturated with carbon dioxide (becomes carbonated) and finally forms its beer taste.

For this process we need:

  • PET bottles
  1. First of all, we disinfect all equipment - lids, the bottles themselves and the siphon. Sterility is one of the main factors for the proper maturation of beer. For disinfection, you can use any alcohol-containing liquid, we will use Deo-Chlor. Then we rinse everything with water and start carbonization.
  2. We fill each bottle with 1 tablespoon of dextrose, then top it up with our wort. We twist the lid.
  3. Before the final capping, we slightly open the corks on the bottles, press the vessel, thus releasing all the air from the bottle and twist it all the way.

Approximately one month left until maturity. After this period, the finished beer can be safely poured into glasses and given for tasting to relatives and friends.

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And most importantly, how to do it

I used to be indifferent to beer, but now I brew it at home myself.

Daria Stolovitskaya

brewing beer at home

Once I tried a delicious stout, then I found out that there are many more varieties besides stout. I became interested in the subtleties of the brewing process, and as a result, my boyfriend and I brewed a batch of homemade beer. It took one working day for 2 boxes: 4 hours of brewing the base, 1 hour of pouring, another 3 hours of bottling. But the beer took longer to prepare: two months passed from the beginning of brewing to the first sip.

In the article I will tell you how to brew two cases of beer at home and how much it costs.


Drinking too much beer is bad for your health. Minors, pregnant and lactating women should not drink alcohol at all.

Also, this post is about personal experience. If you also brew beer, tell us about the details of the process in the comments.

Homemade beer and the law

In Russia, you can brew beer for yourself without restrictions. Adults are solely responsible for their own health. If you get poisoned, there will be no one to complain to.

But only organizations that comply with the requirements of Law No. 171-FZ on regulating the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol can brew beer for sale.

Therefore, we will not sell beer, but we will brew it for ourselves. Everything is legal.

How to spend less and earn more

What beer to brew

It is unlikely that you will be able to repeat the beer recipe from your favorite brewery at home. In industrial brewing and craft breweries, all recipes are verified and classified: what types of malt, in what proportions and at what time to throw, in what barrels and at what temperature to withstand, what strain of yeast to use and what other ingredients to add.

It is almost impossible to repeat the recipe at home: the desired yeast strains are not available, correct proportions do not recognize, bulky equipment in a kopeck piece cannot be put.

But something will work.

Lager or ale. Beer is divided into ale and lager depending on the temperature at which it fermented, the exposure time and the location of the yeast in the vat. Ale is darker and stronger, not as sweet and denser than lager. On average, the strength of the lager is 3-5%, ale - 4-9%, although there are also stronger varieties.

Ale is easier to brew, because it needs a temperature of 10-12 to 30 ° C, and the lager must ferment for a long time at a stable 11-12 ° C. It is difficult to create such conditions in an apartment, so we brewed ale.

Filtered or unfiltered. According to the technology, beer is filtered through a centrifuge, and not by pouring, settling and filtering. These centrifuges are expensive and take up a lot of space, so we brewed unfiltered beer.

Pasteurized or unpasteurized. Beer is pasteurized: heated to 60…70°C to keep it longer. But pasteurizing according to all the rules at home is unlikely to succeed. It's not scary: unpasteurized beer will simply cost less, but it will retain aromatic essential oils.

So, our choice is unpasteurized unfiltered ale, or rather, its subspecies - stout. As an experiment, we decided to add cinnamon. We focus on 23 liters of dark stout, which is about 40-44 bottles of half a liter. In total, for this you need to brew 26 liters of beer, because some will certainly be lost during transfusions.

What utensils do you need

Almost all brewing utensils are already in the usual kitchen, but some things will need to be bought in addition to the brewery store and the usual household one. We purchased two fermentation tanks, a mixing paddle, dextrose, a water seal, a thermometer, a faucet, a siphon extension and a capping machine. Pots, cups and glass bottles were found at home.

Tank- made of food plastic for 30 liters with handles. The future beer will ferment in it, so it is important that the plastic is food-grade - construction or garbage will not work. Ordinary plastic will spoil the taste. Tanks are sold in shops for home brewing, household and markets. It costs about 450 R.

Tap needed to drain the finished beer from the tank. The tap is cut 2 centimeters above the bottom of the tank so that the yeast does not get into the bottles. This operation can be done independently, or you can ask the seller - usually taps and tanks are sold in one place. The average price per tap is 250 R.

thermal sticker shows the temperature inside the tank. Too high or too low a temperature will kill the yeast. If the yeast dies, it will stop eating sugar and no beer will come out. It is necessary to keep the temperature not lower than 10…12 °C and not higher than 30 °C and store the tank away from the sun.

Stickers are sold in pet stores, in aquarium departments. You need to glue the thermometer on the tank in the same way as on the aquarium - on the outside. The price is about 200 R.

Water seal. During fermentation, carbon dioxide is released in the tank. It accumulates in a closed fermentation tank. Due to the large amount of gas, the pressure will increase and the gas will escape at the joints, for example through a loose cover or valve gasket. Therefore, the gas must be removed, but it must be done in such a way that oxygen does not get inside and does not spoil the fermentation process. For this, a water seal is needed: it removes excess carbon dioxide and does not let oxygen into the vat.

4840 R

I spent on brewing utensils

I use a special water seal from the brew store for 250 R, although just a hose dipped into a can of water will do.

Width="495" height="667" class="" style="max-width: 495px; height: auto"> Thermal sticker costs 200 R width="495" height="667" class="" style="max -width: 495px; height: auto"> Water seal with lid - 250 Р

Lid for a vat with a connector for a water seal. The water seal is held on the lid of the tub. I made a hole for the water seal in the store along with the tap. The whole operation cost 30 R.

The hole does not have to be located strictly in the center, the main thing is that it should be in principle and there should be a water seal in it.

Disinfectant - deo-chlorine. You can disinfect dishes and vats with any disinfectant that is suitable for food utensils. We love deo-chlorine, it rinses off easily and leaves no aftertaste, which is not the case with dish detergents. Price - from 15 R for one tablet.

Thermometer needed so as not to pour the yeast into a solution that is too hot and not pour boiling water over them. An ordinary food thermometer is suitable, which measures the temperature of meat or wine. They are sold in hardware stores or hypermarkets for 500 rubles.

Siphon extension needed to bottle beer, starting from the bottom, and keep out excess oxygen. In addition, with it, beer will not lose carbon dioxide during transfusion. They are also sold in shops for brewers, they cost up to 300 R.

Spatula for mixing. One of the few specialized things in the arsenal of a young brewer. This is a spatula made of durable plastic, which will mix 30 liters of dense sweet liquid without any problems, will not break or bend. An ordinary kitchen spatula will not cope with a dense brew. A flimsy wooden spatula will not work either: if it breaks in the vat, the chips will fall into the beer.

Such a blade costs about 350 R.

Bottles and corks to cap and store beer. It is better to take dark glass bottles. It does not give off the extra aftertaste that can come from plastic bottle, and the dark color protects the beer from light.

It is better to cork bottles with crown caps. They must be new: used corks cannot be hermetically sealed. Corks and bottles can be bought in specialized beer stores or ordered online. Set "bottle + cork" will cost 20 R.

Crown caps look like this. Regular corks, as on all glass beer bottles

Capping machine. If you will be using glass bottles and crown caps, you will need a capper. Just don't put corks on bottles.

Capping machines are manual and semi-automatic. For the first time, you can buy a manual machine in a special beer store: it costs from 600 R, and semi-automatic - from 3000 R.

width="495" height="667" class="" style="max-width: 495px; height: auto"> This is a bottle with a yoke cap. For such a capping machine is not needed, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to save money: a bottle with a yoke cork is more expensive than with a crown cork - 60 R

Spice bag. We brew unfiltered beer, but that doesn't mean it has to be contaminated with spices. In order not to strain the beer through cheesecloth and not to catch cinnamon sticks all over the vat, we use a laundry net. It costs from 90 R.

Wort pot 5 l. Wort is the basis for beer, an unfermented mixture of sugars. Any household pan will do, the material does not matter. The volume is chosen according to the amount of ingredients that need to be poured there, so it can vary from batch to batch.

Width="495" height="667" class="" style="max-width: 495px; height: auto"> Spices in a bag. Such packages are sold in large hardware stores and hypermarkets, in sections for washing things. Cost from 90 R

Small ladle for 50-70 ml. A large one will do, just a small one is more convenient to mix. malt extract in the bank.

Tea and table spoons. Beer shops sell special measuring spoons, but a canteen will do.

Small bowl. Glass, ceramic or stainless steel. No need to buy it specifically, use any.

Cup with lid. It can be any container where you can fill the yeast with water. Better ceramic or glass. We have a 200 ml ceramic cup. The lid is needed to close the cup of yeast from dust particles and any external influences. Anything larger than a cup will do. We have a food container lid.

Small saucepan. We will heat the malt extract in it to pour it out of the jar - it is too thick when it is cold. A small saucepan, a stewpan, a steam bath will do - anything that will fit a tin can.

The cost of utensils for brewing - 4840 R

SpendingPriceWhere did you buy
capping machine1500 RShop for brewers
980 RShop for brewers
450 R
390 RShop for brewers
350 RShop for brewers
food thermometer350 RHypermarket or hardware store
Plastic water seal250 RShop for brewers
250 R
200 RHardware store, pet store, hypermarket
Deo-chlor tablets, 5 pcs.70 RShop for brewers or household
Crown cap, 50 pcs.50 RShop for brewers
0 RFree in the kitchen

capping machine


1500 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers

Glass bottles, 0.5 l, 50 pcs.


980 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers

Food grade plastic container with lid


450 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers or household

Siphon extension for bottling


390 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers

Spatula for mixing beer


350 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers

food thermometer


350 R

Where did you buy

Hypermarket or hardware store

Plastic water seal


250 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers

Food grade plastic faucet and gaskets


250 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers or household

Tape thermometer in the form of a sticker


200 R

Where did you buy

Hardware store, pet store, hypermarket

Deo-chlor tablets, 5 pcs.


70 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers or household

Crown cap, 50 pcs.


70 R

Where did you buy

Shop for brewers

Ladle, cup, ladle, spoons, pan, bowl


0 R

Where did you buy

Free in the kitchen

In the table, I indicated the average prices for August 2019. We bought dishes a few years ago - then everything was a little, but cheaper.


Most beer ingredients can be purchased from specialty brewing shops. For spices and water, you will have to go to the grocery store.

The cost of ingredients is easier to determine by budget: estimate the amount you are willing to spend and buy everything within this range. In the article, the amount of ingredients is calculated for 23 liters of beer.

Understanding malt, hops and yeast takes years of practice. I recommend the first time just ask the consultant what is good for X rubles. Most importantly, make sure all ingredients are fresh. With experience, favorite companies, discount cards and familiar sellers will appear.

Here are the ingredients you need to buy.

Hopped malt extract, 1.7 l. To brew beer, you need malt and hops - this is the basis. The malt is crushed, then boiled, then hops are added at a certain time. This is a difficult process for a beginner, so for the first time, you can take ready-made extracts. Add the extract to the water - and you're done.

To determine the total batch size, follow the directions on the hopped malt extract jar. It says how many liters of beer it is designed for. We bought a 23 liter can for 1350 R.

Unhopped malt extract, 2 l. The yeast needs sugar to ferment, but we use unhopped malt extract instead for a fuller flavor. But you can also brew beer with sugar syrup.

Dextrose, 300 g In addition to the extract, take dextrose. While regular sugar can contain impurities that will affect the taste of beer, dextrose does not.

Width="495" height="667" class="" style="max-width: 495px; height: auto"> 4 liters of unhopped malt extract costs R670. We need about half width="495" height="667" class="" style="max-width: 495px; height: auto"> Half a kilo of dextrose cost 81 R

Yeast, 10 g Ordinary yeast for dough will not work - you need special beer and always fresh. They will eat sugar and produce gas to ferment beer. You can buy yeast separately, or you can use the one that comes with the can of malt extract.

Drinking water. We take water in canisters of 5 liters. It is better to choose filtered, because the taste of beer on tap water is unpredictable.

2720 ​​R

I spent on beer ingredients

Spices- 4 packs of cinnamon sticks. I don't know what will happen: either there will be light cinnamon notes, or there will be no effect at all. This is an experiment.

Width="808" height="808" class=" outline-bordered" style="max-width: 808px; height: auto" data-bordered="true"> A bag of yeast costs 150 R

Spent on ingredients - 2720 R

Hopped malt, 1.7 l


1350 R

Where could I buy

beer shop

Unhopped malt, 4 l


670 R

Where could I buy

beer shop

Drinking water, 4 canisters of 5 liters


269 ​​R

Where could I buy

Grocery store

Cinnamon sticks, 4 packs


200 R

Where could I buy

Grocery store

To get rid of extraneous bacteria, you need to disinfect all the dishes. It is better to do this in the same room where you will cook, so as not to once again carry pots and not catch bacteria along the way.

For a tank of 30 liters and all dishes, you will need 15 liters of disinfectant solution - these are 3 tablets of deo-chlorine, dissolved in water. Pour the solution into the tank, wash all the dishes in the tank, pour the solution from the tank through the tap. Then rinse the dishes with running water to remove the deo-chlorine.

Disinfected dishes should be placed on a clean table. It is better to pre-wash it with a cloth soaked in a solution of deo-chlorine. I recommend working with deo-chlorine in rubber gloves - just in case.

We brew beer

We are preparing the base. Warm the jar of hopped malt in a pot of hot water to make it flow better. Pour 2 liters of unhopped and 1 liter of hopped malt extract into a five liter saucepan and add water, leaving 2-3 cm to the edge of the saucepan. Put some dextrose in there. We took 300 g per 30-liter vat. The resulting mixture must be heated and stirred so that it becomes homogeneous, but do not bring to a boil. Pour into a fermentation tank.

Add the remaining 0.7 liters of hopped malt extract from the can to the fermentation tank. Add water there to make 26 liters, mix everything thoroughly. In case the sugar from the unhopped malt was too hard to break down, we added another 300 grams of dextrose to the vat. Once again, mix thoroughly until smooth.

We revive the yeast. Typically, a jar of malt sugar comes with yeast. You can use them, or you can buy others. It all depends on the desire to experiment. We liked the BeerVingem yeast, it performed well in the last batch.

Yeast in packages "sleep": they do not eat sugar and do not give out a reaction. To wake them up, you need to fill them with warm water. The water temperature should be 24 ... 26 ° C, but not higher than 28 ° C. Pour 10 grams of yeast with a glass of warm water and leave for 15 minutes in a cup. We cover the cup with a lid so that dust and bacteria do not get into the yeast.

Mix wort and yeast in a vat. We measure the temperature in the tank. It should be no higher than 27 ° Cso that the yeast does not die. Pour the yeast into a vat, stir, throw a bag of spices, close the lid. The base for beer is ready.

The tank with the future beer must be placed on a raised platform in order to easily pour the beer from the tap and not disturb the yeast at the bottom once again.

We install a water seal. Without a water seal, bacteria will enter the tank, and excess gas will not come out. If the water seal was not installed by the seller of the tank, you will have to do it yourself.

How to install a water seal:

  1. Take the vat of beer to where it will stand for the next 1-2 months and gurgle. Better not to the bedroom: gurgles very loudly. We placed it in the living room.
  2. Insert the water seal into the lid of the tub. Close the vat with a lid.
  3. Pour into the water seal up to the idle mark cold water, can be unfiltered.
  4. Close the water trap with a lid so that dust does not get in and the water does not evaporate.

We check that the beer has begun to ferment. If everything went well, the yeast will begin to ferment within a couple of hours. This is easy to check: the water seal will gurgle. The peak of bubbling will be on the fourth or fifth day, the beer will gurgle 3-4 times per minute. I recommend closing the doors to the room where the vat of beer lives, it's really loud.

We pour beer. Yeast will gradually eat up sugar and release less and less carbon dioxide. Some of the yeast will overeat, die and settle to the bottom. To remove dead yeast from beer, it is poured from container to container, as compote is poured, getting rid of sediment.

When the beer gurgles every 6-7 minutes, it's time to pour it to remove excess yeast. We poured the beer in the fifth week because we couldn’t before - there was no time, but they usually do it in the third or fourth week.

How to pour beer:

  1. Disinfect a suitable container, such as a second tank or several pots.
  2. Pour the beer from the vat through the faucet. Do not pour it over the edge, so as not to raise the yeast from the bottom.
  3. Drain the cloudy dead yeast mixture from the main tank, rinse and sanitize it. About three to four liters of liquid will be lost - keep this in mind when planning the total volume of the batch.
  4. Pour the beer back into the vat, close the lid, put a water seal.

After pouring, place the tank on a raised platform so that it is convenient to bottle the beer without dragging the tank and raising the remaining yeast. Leave the beer for another 3-4 weeks before bottling.

We bottle. Of the 26 liters in the vat, 22-23 liters of dark stout will remain. It seems like there is too much of it, but in fact it is a little more than 2 boxes. A couple of times to go to barbecue with the company - and the beer will end.

It is better to bottle beer using a siphon tube with an extension cord: it will fill the bottle starting from the bottom and exclude prolonged contact of beer with air. The less it is in the air, the longer it will stand and not deteriorate.

Sending for storage

It is better to store beer in a dark, cool place. Not necessarily in the refrigerator, but not in the sun and not near the battery. Heat and light will damage the beer, even when it is closed in bottles - the drink will turn sour. We store beer in the second fridge in the living room.

The shelf life of homemade beer is up to a year, but it is better to drink it earlier. Even after pouring, yeast particles will remain in it, and the taste will gradually change.

What can go wrong

Brewing beer is not difficult, but if you make a mistake in the recipe or violate the basic rules, you can ruin the entire batch. I share my personal experience.

Bacteria got into the vat. If you carelessly wash the dishes and work in a dusty room, bacteria will get into the tank along with the yeast and wort, which will make the taste unpredictable: maybe it will turn out cool, or maybe sour or too bitter. You never know how the reaction will go.

old yeast they don’t eat the right amount of sugar, and the beer will turn out to be liquid, empty. If the yeast is old, the beer will rarely gurgle in the first week of fermentation - less than once every 5-6 minutes. It can't be fixed, you'll have to throw everything out. Buy yeast from specialty stores and check the expiration date.

Yeast is low on sugar. The yeast will quickly eat up all the sugar before the beer is ready. If it gurgled normally for the first week, and then slowed down sharply, then the yeast had time to eat all the sugar. You can add more dextrose to the vat, but you need to do this quickly and only from clean dishes - this is important.

Too much or too little spices. This cannot be prevented - you will only know about it after bottling. Home brewing is always an experiment, you need to be prepared for an unexpected taste.

How much is a liter of homemade beer

I figured out how much it costs to brew 23 liters of homemade unfiltered ale if you need to buy everything for the first batch.

59 R

worth a bottle of our dark cinnamon stout

23 liters of beer will cost 7560 R: 4840 R - for dishes, 2720 R - for ingredients. It turns out 164 R for 0.5 liters. It seems to be expensive, but next batches will be cheaper as the equipment is reusable.

The beer was cheaper for us, because we did not buy bottles, deo-chlorine and equipment - everything was left from the last brew. 2720 ​​R was spent on ingredients and crown caps: a bottle of dark cinnamon stout cost 59 R.


  1. It is impossible to brew beer for sale at home.
  2. You will not be able to repeat your favorite sort of purchased beer at home.
  3. Extraneous bacteria are the main enemy of beer, everything must be thoroughly disinfected.
  4. The result of home brewing is always unpredictable. This is creativity and experimentation.

5 l

5-6 hours

41 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Beer is the most popular and widespread drink. Its history began from the moment when people began to plow the land many centuries ago. Then it was boiled wild wheat, oats and barley. With the advent of new technologies and the invention of unique yeast, it has become easier to make such a drink. In almost all countries of the world, beer is considered an everyday drink.

If you ask yourself the question “What is the best beer?”, in my opinion, the answer is unambiguous: “Homemade!”. There are many recipes with practical tips and tricks on how to brew beer at home. Regardless of the choice of ingredients, it will be much tastier than store-bought counterparts. Many will say that brewing your own beer is very difficult, but in reality you just need to stock up on time and cook strictly according to the recipe.

Kitchenware: stove, two 6-liter stainless steel pots with lids, gauze cloth (30x30 cm), 3-liter saucepan, kettle, mug, slotted spoon, spoon, hose for draining the drink, saucepan, water seal, colander, plastic bottle (6 l), five liter bottles (plastic or glass), food thermometer.


Step by step cooking

Mashing the wort

  1. We put 3 liters of water in a six-liter saucepan and heat it to a temperature of 67-68 ° C.

  2. As soon as the water reaches the desired temperature, turn off the heat and pour 1.3 kg of crushed barley malt while constantly stirring the mixture.

  3. We check the temperature so that it drops to 62-63 ° C.

  4. We take the pan from the stove, cover it with a lid and wrap it in a warm blanket for 40 minutes. At the same time, boil 1 liter of water in a kettle.
  5. After we return to the pan with malt, open it and check the temperature with a thermometer. Ideally, it should remain at 62-63 ° C.

  6. Add 1 liter of boiled water to raise the temperature to 72 ° C, controlling with a thermometer.

  7. Now cover the mash again with a lid and wrap it in a blanket for thirty minutes.
  8. After another pause, turn on the stove and put on medium fire saucepan.

  9. We constantly stir the contents and control the temperature with a thermometer. The mixture should reach a temperature of 78°C.

  10. We take the mash from the fire under the covers for another 5 minutes. At this time, in a kettle or other convenient container, you need to heat 3 liters of water to 78 ° C, checking with a thermometer.

We wash the wort

Boil the wort

Adding yeast

Pouring green beer

Video recipe for making beer at home

In the video you can see the process in more detail easy cooking barley beer for beginners. From barley malt, Ossetian beer will turn out just as tasty according to traditional recipe. Stock up on patience and time, and as a result you will get a delicious homemade drink.

  • Buy good imported malt (German or Czech). High-quality raw materials will better withstand temperature pauses and provide the desired reaction. For example, in the recipe for Zhiguli beer, as in the USSR, three different hops are used, and each performs its own important function.
  • To accurately measure the temperature with a thermometer, stir the contents of the pan.
  • Pots and colanders are best used in stainless steel or plastic.
  • Rinse the thermometer in a solution of iodine and water before checking the temperature of the washed wort.
  • If there is no layer of foam on the surface of the liquid, and there is no sour smell from the bottle, the beer has fermented correctly.

wheat beer recipe

Time for preparing: 4-5 hours.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 36 kcal.
Servings: 25 l.
Kitchenware: mash tank with filtration system, digital thermometer, insulation, slotted spoon, kettle, colander, gauze or sock, water seal, saucepan, saucepan (3-liter), heat-resistant silicone hose.


Step by step cooking

Mashing the malt

  1. Pour 15 liters of water into the mash tank with a filtration system and heat it to a temperature of 73º C.

  2. Having raised the temperature to the desired level, we insulate the tank with a heater (you can do it without, or you can with foil).

  3. Add 3 kg of Pilsner malt and mix well so that no lumps form.

  4. After gradually falling asleep 3 kg wheat malt while stirring with a slotted spoon.

  5. As soon as the temperature drops to 68º C, we start the first temperature pause one hour long. At this time, you need to boil about 4-5 liters of water.

  6. After you need to raise the temperature to 72º C by topping up boiled water.

  7. We leave the wort in the tank under the covered lid for another fifteen minutes.

  8. Raise the temperature again by adding 4-5 liters of boiled water to 78º C.

Filtering the wort

Brewing wort and adding hops

Draining beer for fermentation

Wheat Beer Video Recipe

Watch a video of the process of making aromatic beer with a minimum of equipment and the right recommendations from the author.

Some store-bought beer is not to their liking. They like to brew beer at home. Companies and enterprises are engaged in brewing. On the shelves of stores there is a wide range of brands and varieties. People love this drink.

Beer - low alcohol drink characterized by a bitter aftertaste and hop aroma. This is the first drink created by alcoholic fermentation. The ancient Sumerians, who lived 9,000 years ago, brewed a drink from barley malt. According to the assumptions, the predecessor appeared in the Stone Age. In those days, people made it by fermenting cereals. Popular today home brewing because a homemade drink is tastier than a store bought one.

I'll tell you about the intricacies of cooking at home. Guided by the advice, you will prepare a treat in the kitchen. The main thing is to take the necessary ingredients: brewer's yeast, malt, hops and water.

Some people buy specialty hops, I use homemade ones. In my country house, “female” hops grow, which I collect and harvest. Hops ripen in August. The collected raw materials are dried and crushed. Malt is germinated grains of wheat, barley or rye. I use barley. I brew beer from grain or malt extract. Growing malt is not easy, I buy it in the store.

  1. I pour three liters of water into the pan, add a kilogram of sugar, mix and bring to a boil. I place the container with malt extract in heated water for 15 minutes.
  2. At the end of the procedure, I pour the malt extract into the fermentation vessel and sugar syrup. I mix.
  3. I pour 20 liters of pre-filtered water into the same vessel. The main thing is that the temperature of the solution is suitable for fermentation. It's 20 degrees.
  4. I add yeast. The procedure is very responsible, the quality of the fermentation of the wort depends on the quality house drink. Brewer's yeast is sold along with malt extract.
  5. I pour the yeast into the container with the wort evenly and as quickly as possible. The future drink is not recommended to be in contact with air for a long time.
  6. I tightly close the lid of the fermentation dish so that air does not get inside. After I install a water dispenser - a rubber stopper that closes the hole in the lid. I pour chilled boiled water into the device.
  7. I move the closed vessel to a dark room with a temperature of 20 degrees. I stand the must for a week. During fermentation, do not open the lid.
  8. After the specified time, I bottle it and add hops - a natural flavor. I put a few hop cones in each bottle, and only after that I fill the bottles.
  9. I add sugar to each bottle at the rate of two teaspoons per liter. After the bottle, I cork, shake and leave in a cool place for 14 days to ripen.
  10. After this period, the homemade foamy drink is suitable for consumption.

If you are tired of store-bought beer or do not trust modern producers, use my recipe. By the way, you can present a glass of homemade beer to guests as a New Year's gift.

Hop beer recipe

The taste of homemade beer will surprise you, because it differs from the store-bought beer; homemade beer has a different level of quality.


  • yeast - 50 gr.
  • boiling water - 10 liters
  • dry hops - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • molasses - 200 gr.
  • some flour


  1. I grind the hops with flour and sugar.
  2. I pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with 10 liters of boiling water, mix and insist for three hours.
  3. I filter the liquid and pour it into a barrel. Here I add yeast with molasses and mix.
  4. I leave to wander. No more than three days.
  5. After I pour it into clean bottles and cork.
  6. It remains to send the beer to a cold place for one week to ripen.

How to make beer from bread

European monks began brewing beer in the 12th century. Later, their Russian counterparts borrowed the cooking technology. For a long time in our country, home brewing was prohibited, but with the advent of democracy, everyone has such an opportunity.

I will consider two time-tested methods for making homemade beer, and you, having chosen a convenient option, will prepare a wonderful nectar. Cooking is divided into 3 stages: boiling, fermentation and ripening. You can buy a microbrewery and special beer wort to simplify the brewing process.


  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • malt - 400 gr.
  • crackers - 800 gr.
  • hops - 200 gr.
  • yeast - 35 gr.
  • water - 13 liters
  • peppercorns


  1. In a large bowl I mix 100 grams of sugar, 400 grams of malt and twice as many biscuits.
  2. I pour boiling water over two hundred grams of dry hops and add a few peppercorns.
  3. I breed 35 grams of yeast in 6 liters of heated water and add a mixture of pepper and hops. I mix.
  4. I leave the container with the resulting slurry in a warm room for a day. I do not cover with a lid. Then I add 100 grams of sugar and pour in 4 liters of heated water.
  5. I put the dishes on a small fire and cook for 4 hours. Should not boil.
  6. I repeat the next day. After I drain the liquid, add 3 liters of boiled water to the gruel.
  7. After 60 minutes, drain the liquid again and add to the first broth. Then I boil the wort, remove the foam and filter.
  8. I bottle and seal tightly. Two weeks of aging in a cool place and homemade beer is ready.