Cauliflower how much to cook. How much to cook cauliflower: recipes for cooking fresh and frozen

The cruciferous family includes many plants. Cabbage is valuable vegetable crop. White or Brussels, Savoy or color - all its varieties are healthy and easy to cook. The high content of vitamins, fatty acids and fiber makes this culture especially valuable and popular with culinary specialists all over the world.


Unlike the head species, cauliflower leaves are not suitable for human consumption. Inflorescences are used for cooking. Before cooking, they are separated into individual flowers.

Cooking cauliflower

The main task of the cook is to maximize the preservation of nutrients in products during cooking. This variety is not usually consumed fresh. As a rule, cauliflower is boiled.

Everyone knows that prolonged heat treatment of vegetables reduces the amount of nutrients. Having no information on how much to cook cauliflower, you can spoil the vegetable dish. It is enough to keep fresh inflorescences on fire for seven minutes. If frozen vegetables are used for cooking, the boil time will be ten minutes. Do not increase the time cooking: cabbage will be tasteless. Inflorescences after prolonged cooking become very soft, lose not only useful material but also an attractive look. Undercooked cabbage will be crispy.

Cauliflower Dishes

All sorts of dishes are prepared from any variety. Delicious cauliflower is no exception. It is served as a separate dish, or in combination with other products, for example, as a side dish for meat dishes.

Cauliflower salad

Required products:

  • cauliflower;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • vinegar or lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • greenery;
  • olive oil for refueling.

How much to cook cauliflower for salad?

For salad, cabbage is boiled whole or in separate inflorescences. Cooking time will depend on the method chosen. In the first case, it will take fifteen minutes, in the second - about ten.

salad preparation

Hard-boiled chicken eggs. Cabbage is cooled after heat treatment. All ingredients are cut and mixed. Add salt, spices and lemon juice or vinegar. The salad is dressed with oil. This recipe is pretty simple. The dish is perfect for a quick dinner.

soup cooking

Cauliflower soup is quite a nutritious dish with great palatability. The process of preparing such a dish is very simple, but you need to know exactly how much to cook cauliflower.

Required products:

  • frozen cauliflower;
  • four potatoes;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • oil;
  • salt.

The cauliflower is divided into two portions. The first batch is quite small. It makes up about a sixth of the total. A large portion of cabbage is boiled in a saucepan with peeled and chopped potatoes for thirty minutes. Salt is added during the cooking process. After that, the water is drained, leaving a little liquid in the pan. Boiled vegetables are rubbed through a sieve or chopped in a blender. Hot milk is poured into the resulting puree. The remaining portion of cauliflower is added to the cooked puree. Filled with oil. Soup is ready.

You can cook in several ways. The traditional method of cooking is in a conventional pan. After boiling, the inflorescences are often used as additional ingredients for second courses, so after being placed in boiling water, they are re-cooked in the form of frying.

The nuances of cooking cauliflower:

  • if you plan to cook cauliflower as a preparatory stage for its preparation, then it is not recommended to add the ingredient (if you cook the inflorescences completely and then fry them, they may lose their shape and acquire the consistency of porridge);
  • It is better to check the readiness of the inflorescences before the recommended cooking time has elapsed (sometimes cauliflower is cooked faster or, conversely, longer);
  • you can cook cauliflower in a regular saucepan, pressure cooker, slow cooker or double boiler (it is better not to use a microwave, but in extreme cases you can cook cabbage in it);
  • before cooking, cauliflower must be divided into inflorescences, washed and soaked for a while in lightly salted water (garbage will quickly float to the surface of the liquid and the inflorescences will become absolutely clean);
  • it is not worth cooking and eating cauliflower with signs of decay (the taste of the dish will be spoiled, the inflorescences will have a too loose consistency, and eating them can be harmful to health);
  • during the cooking process, the cauliflower may darken, so that this does not happen, it is recommended to add inflorescences during the boiling process a small amount of table vinegar(one tablespoon will be enough for a small saucepan);
  • it is necessary to lay cauliflower in boiling and slightly salted water (if you put the inflorescences in cold water, then in the process of cooking they can lose their shape and boil soft);
  • cabbage should be boiled over medium heat (at minimum heat, the inflorescences will boil soft, and a strong fire will only speed up the boiling of the liquid);
  • water when cooking cauliflower should be taken in such an amount that when the inflorescences are placed in it, they are almost completely immersed in it (when cooking in a slow cooker or microwave, the liquid should cover only half of the existing inflorescences);
  • after cooking, the inflorescences are laid out in a colander so that all excess liquid flows out of them, after which the cauliflower can be eaten or used for cooking second courses.

When cooking in the microwave, cauliflower is not salted at the first stage of cooking. First, the inflorescences are washed, filled with water and placed in a special container for microwave oven. The microwave timer is set to 5 minutes. After this time, the workpiece must be salted and boiled again, but with a timer of 4 minutes. The readiness of cabbage is checked by evaluating its softness.

When cooking cauliflower in a slow cooker, the inflorescences are half filled with water and salted immediately. They are cooked in the "Steamer" or "Cooking" mode for 30 minutes. For steaming cauliflower, you can use a double boiler or a homemade design made from a metal colander and a saucepan. In the first case, the inflorescences are placed in a special compartment, the liquid is poured into a special container, and the usual cooking process is carried out. In the second version, the cauliflower is placed in a colander and placed in a pot of water so that the liquid does not touch the inflorescences. The duration of this process may vary. The readiness of the inflorescences is checked for softness with a knife or fork.

How long to cook cauliflower

On average, the cooking process in a conventional pan does not exceed 15 minutes. If the inflorescences are boiled for subsequent stewing or roasting, then this time should be reduced to 7 minutes. When using not a saucepan, but kitchen appliances the process of boiling cauliflower will be different.

Cooking time for cauliflower in kitchen appliances:

  • in a double boiler, inflorescences should be boiled for 30 minutes;
  • in a slow cooker, cauliflower is cooked in 15 minutes;
  • in the microwave, cauliflower is cooked in two stages, the total cooking time is 9 minutes;
  • in a pressure cooker, cabbage reaches readiness in an average of 15-20 minutes.

Cooking times for fresh and frozen cauliflower are not too different. The difference will be about 2 minutes, and it is not necessary to defrost the inflorescences. They can be placed in water in any condition. If there is too much ice on them, then you need to wait until the cabbage thaws a little.

It has become a rare guest at our table. Knowing how to properly cook cauliflower, you can cook many delicious and healthy dishes from it. The benefits of this product have been known for a long time. It contains many vitamins and mineral compounds. In addition, like any vegetable, cauliflower contains a large amount of protein, while having low calorie. Therefore, it is essential to know how to cook cauliflower in order to preserve the nutrients and nutrients it contains.

All vegetables are very rich in vitamins. But of course, eating them raw is not very tasty. Therefore, they are subjected to heat treatment. But it should be borne in mind that with prolonged thermal exposure, all beneficial features almost completely destroyed. How to cook cauliflower so that all the vitamins are preserved in it?

Boil cauliflower should be no more than 5-7 minutes. With longer processing, it becomes less useful. Before heat treatment, cabbage should be disassembled into inflorescences. You can also dip it for a while in salty, cold water. This will get rid of insects that may be present in it. Inflorescences are lowered into boiling water and boiled for the specified time. It is not necessary to cover the pot with a lid. After 5-7 minutes, you need to get the cauliflower out of the water and put it in a colander to drain excess liquid. Then you can cook from it a lot variety of dishes.

When cooking, the size of the inflorescences should also be taken into account. They should be as similar as possible. This will allow each inflorescence to cook evenly.

A lot of. It goes well with other products. You can also cook a separate dish from it.

We offer a recipe on how to cook cauliflower. This salad is prepared quickly and contains many useful vitamins. To do this, boil the cauliflower, disassembling it into inflorescences. Cook for a short time to preserve all the vitamins. For those who stick only healthy eating, you can just drop it in a very hot water for a while. We spread the cabbage in a salad bowl and add chopped nuts and greens there. Nuts can be taken any, at your discretion. We also take any greens. Add vegetable or olive oil and mix. This salad is very healthy.

For lovers of spicy food, you can cook the following dish. We take a cauliflower and disassemble it into an inflorescence. Then boil for 5-7 minutes, no more. Add salt, ground red pepper, vegetable oil and some vinegar. You can grate some carrots into long thin strips and add to the salad. We mix everything thoroughly. In order to give the dish a beautiful color, you can add saffron. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew. In this dish, you can also cut spicy and bell pepper and add greens (parsley and cilantro).

In shops all year round for sale How to cook frozen cauliflower? The technology is practically the same. There are several opinions here. Some advise pre-defrosting cabbage when room temperature and then boil it for 5-7 minutes. Others advise to immediately throw frozen cabbage into boiling water and cook for 10-12 minutes. Perhaps the second option is preferable.

The most useful are vegetables cooked in a double boiler. Treated in this way, they retain more nutritional properties and vitamins. Many people wonder how to cook cauliflower in a double boiler, and most importantly, how much? Cabbage is cooked in a double boiler for 8 minutes. After that, it must be taken out and used in the preparation of the main dish.

Cauliflower is very beneficial for the body. The main thing is to cook it correctly.


Cauliflower is a large dense head of cabbage, consisting of smaller inflorescences with leaves pressed against the head.

Usually it has a light green or white hue, but orange and purple species are also found.

This vegetable is of great value due to the content of minerals, carbohydrates, proteins. The latter are present in the form of complexes of amino acids. It is also worth noting that an impressive part of the proteins is presented in the form of nitrogenous compounds that are easily absorbed by the human body.

Cauliflower - light diet a product that contains very little fat. It is great for people who are on a diet, as well as for babies as a first complementary food.

Cauliflower: nutritional value

100 g of vegetable contains only 29 kcal. The complete list of elements is as follows:

Preparatory stage

When choosing this product, you should pay attention to its appearance. The vegetable should not be bruised or limp, and there should be no mold, black dots, or brown spots. It is best to use medium-sized heads.

Another important indicator is weight. The heavier the head, the younger it is.

The preparatory stage includes the following steps:

  1. The stalk is cut off. All leaves are removed. The head of cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences.
  2. If dark, rotten spots are found, they should be removed (cut out).
  3. Immerse the forks in salt water to get rid of caterpillars, larvae and other insects. The proportion is 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt per liter of water.
  4. Inflorescences are washed under running cold water.

How much to cook cabbage after boiling

In order to rationally organize the cooking process, you need to know in advance how long this or that stage will take. Boiling cauliflower takes a little time, however, it may vary, depending on its condition and purpose.

After boiling:

At the same time, it is worth considering that the given time is indicated for cooking in general. Cabbage, disassembled into inflorescences, cooks 2-3 minutes faster.

How to boil fresh cauliflower

  1. A fresh head of cabbage is cleaned of leaves, divided along the stalk into two or three pieces. All dark places, black dots are removed.
  2. The vegetable is being prepared for cooking: removing insects, dividing into inflorescences.
  3. A suitable pan is selected, a sufficient amount of water is poured and the container is put on fire.
  4. Salt is added to taste. The liquid is brought to a boil.
  5. Inflorescences are laid out in boiling water.
  6. So that the cabbage does not darken during the cooking process, it is recommended to add a small amount of vinegar (a tablespoon is enough).
  7. Inflorescences are boiled for up to 10 minutes. If necessary, you can check the readiness for taste.
  8. The finished vegetable is leaned back into a colander.

Technological features of cooking

Increasingly, while preparing a variety of dishes, housewives use not only traditional means, but also kitchen helpers: a slow cooker, a double boiler, a pressure cooker, a microwave oven. In them, the cooking technology is slightly different from the traditional one - in a saucepan.


In this device, it is most convenient to cook cabbage in the “Steaming” mode.

  1. The vegetable is divided into small inflorescences.
  2. The product is laid out in a bowl, after which a sufficient amount of water is poured into it. The liquid should only cover half of the cabbage.
  3. The lid closes. The “Steam cooking” (or steamer) mode is set for 20 minutes.

Video recipe for cooking cauliflower in batter.


The process of cooking in a microwave oven is somewhat different from the traditional one. 0.5 kg of cabbage is pre-cleaned and prepared.

  1. The inflorescences are placed in a glass container or other suitable dish so that the stems come from the center.
  2. A small amount of water is added.
  3. The container is placed in the microwave, covered with a lid.
  4. The power is set to 800 watts. Time 5-7 minutes.
  5. After the time is up, the cabbage is taken out, salted and put back.
  6. Additionally, it is cooked for another 4-5 minutes at the same power.

Steam cooking technology

If you don’t have a double boiler or a slow cooker with a steam cooking function at hand, cabbage can be cooked in a simple device consisting of a saucepan and a metal sieve.

  1. Water is poured into the pan, put on fire, brought to a boil.
  2. Pre-prepared and disassembled cabbage is placed in a sieve.
  3. From above, the structure is covered with a lid.
  4. To understand whether a vegetable is ready, it is enough to use a knife or fork. When pierced, the vegetable should be soft.

Salt the cabbage after cooking.

Cauliflower as the first food for a child

Cauliflower is classified as a non-allergenic product, so it is introduced into the child's diet quite early. It is especially recommended to give it to babies who suffer from constipation, colic.

The vegetable is suitable for introducing into the diet of a child from 6 months.

In order to prepare cauliflower for the first feeding, you must follow the following instructions:

  • The head of cabbage must be prepared as described above
  • Soak in salted water to remove insects.
  • The vegetable, disassembled into inflorescences, is thoroughly washed under running cold water.
  • A sufficient amount of water is poured into an enameled pan, brought to a boil.
  • Inflorescences are placed in a boiling liquid.
  • Cooking time is 7 to 10 minutes.
  • After that, the boiled vegetable is leaned back in a colander and mashed.

When using cabbage for the first feeding, salt is not added during cooking. If the baby is already more than 8 months old, he can be offered cabbage not in the form of mashed potatoes, but in the form of small inflorescences.

To make the product as useful and tasty as possible, it is recommended to take note of the following tips:

If you do not plan to cook a dish of cauliflower right away, it is best to store it in a dark, cool place with normal humidity.

If you know how to cook cauliflower properly, you can easily prepare healthy and light meals that will undoubtedly please both guests and home. This vegetable goes well with other foods in soups, salads and side dishes.

Lovers of delicious food know that not always healthy meals delicious. But often this situation arises where we do not know how to properly prepare and cook a particular product. The same is true for cauliflower. How to boil cauliflower so that it becomes a worthy standalone dish or ingredient delicious salads or side dishes?

Benefits of cauliflower

The first question that arises among housewives who have bought a head of cabbage with white inflorescences is whether it is necessary to boil cauliflower? In order for such a vegetable to reveal all the facets of its delicate taste, it must be boiled in salted water. Firstly, it will soften, and secondly, it will become even juicier. Boiled cabbage can be used as:

  • garnish or ingredient of vegetable side dishes for meat;
  • appetizer (fried in batter or without, braised cabbage becomes a great dish for breakfast or dinner);
  • the basis of puree for infants, which introduces complementary foods;
  • addition to meat, fish or vegetable salads;
  • ingredient for canned vegetable salads.

Cauliflower gives tenderness and lightness to any dish, and also wonderfully decorates them with its white velvet inflorescences.

So that cabbage does not lose its beneficial properties, it must be boiled properly. The basic method of boiling is simple and straightforward.


  • head of cauliflower;
  • water;
  • salt (a pinch).


  1. We wash the cabbage under running water, sorting it into inflorescences.
  2. We put the whisks in cold water in an enamel pan, put on medium fire, bring to a boil, salt.
  3. To understand how much to cook cauliflower after boiling, you should periodically try its stems with a fork (if they are easily pierced, the cabbage is ready).

Usually the cooking time of the inflorescences is 10 minutes, if you cook the whole head of cabbage - 15-20 minutes. The main thing is not to miss the time when the stems soften a little. Because, if you overdo it with heat treatment, you will see that the cabbage simply falls apart.

How long to cook cauliflower until cooked in the microwave?

If you prefer to cook in the microwave, then you can boil the cabbage in this way.


  • a head of cauliflower, disassembled into inflorescences;
  • 1 st. l. water;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Put the cabbage in a microwaveable dish, cover with a lid.
  2. Set the time to 3 minutes.
  3. We take out the cabbage, salt, turn it over.
  4. We send it to the microwave for another 5 minutes.

In a slow cooker, the cooking time will increase slightly, but in this case you can be sure that not a single vitamin will leave the product.


  • cauliflower inflorescences;
  • salt.


  1. We spread the washed inflorescences in the multicooker bowl, add some salt.
  2. We set the "Steam cooking" mode for 20 minutes. The cabbage is ready.

Boil frozen vegetables

Frozen cauliflower is just as easy to cook as fresh cauliflower. Only 5-7 minutes should be added to the cooking time. And to speed up the process, you need to lay the inflorescences with the stems down - so they will boil faster. The same rule applies if a whole head of cabbage is boiled. But, in any case, if the cauliflower is frozen, then you do not need to defrost it first, otherwise it will darken and become unappetizing.

Culinary Secrets

A properly cooked vegetable is half the success of the dish. That's why it's good to consider some tips from professional chefs:

  • a head of cabbage should be without dark spots, surrounded by soft green leaves;
  • in the refrigerator, cauliflower is stored for up to a week;
  • to preserve the white color during cooking, you can add 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • if the smell of the vegetable is unpleasant, then after boiling, you can add a piece of white bread to the water;
  • so that the cabbage does not turn yellow during the cooking process, the pan does not need to be covered with a lid;
  • lovers of interesting flavor combinations can boil a vegetable in mineral water.

Before you start cooking healthy vegetable you need to know how to cook cauliflower. For the sake of an excellent end result, it is still worth spending 15-20 minutes on preliminary preparation of inflorescences. Then any dish with cabbage will become even tastier and healthier.