Pre-revolutionary Olivier salad. Olivier with black caviar

It is known that Olivier salad home recipe, which everyone loves, has been preparing for many years. The origin of Olivier salad dates back to France, the 19th century. Over the years, the history of Olivier salad’s creation and preparation has undergone enormous changes, and the dish has come to us in a modern, cheaper version. Today, in order to make even an analogue of an ancient recipe, you need to shell out a good amount of money, which many simply do not have enough money for. Therefore, people slightly changed the serving and cooking options in order to still plunge into the flavor of French cuisine, at least for a short time.

Who invented the Olivier salad - the history was accidentally preserved by a French chef, and the recipe came to us from the last century. You can only admire such a set of products, but if someone wants to feel like a bourgeois, then they need to spend quite a lot of time on preparation and money on purchasing all the ingredients.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Tongue (veal) – 270 g;
  • Barrel cucumbers – 120 g;
  • Hazel grouse – 190 g;
  • Pajus caviar – 110 g;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • Crayfish – 140 g;
  • Capers – 80 g;
  • Salt – 6 g;
  • 3 yolks from a chicken egg;
  • Unscented oil – 55 ml;
  • Grape vinegar – 25 ml.

Olivier salad old recipe:

  1. The tongue needs to be boiled until tender. To do this, the offal must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water with added salt before cooking. Then boil in water, where you should put various spices for aroma. Cooking time is about two or three hours. After cooling, you can easily remove the top film and cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Boil fresh crayfish in boiling water until they turn red, this will take no more than eight minutes, because if you cook more, the meat will become tough. Separate the pulp from the shell and cut into cubes.
  3. Boil the whole hazel grouse with spices and salt, then cool, separate the meat from the bones and chop it into small pieces.
  4. Boil chicken eggs, then cool, peel and chop.
  5. Barrel cucumbers should be dense and crispy, with sourness. Cut vegetables into cubes.
  6. Mayonnaise sauce is a must homemade, the one sold in the store will not work. You need to mix raw chicken egg yolks in a blender along with lean oil, preferably olive oil. Add vinegar, stir until thick.
  7. Place all the ingredients on a deep plate, add capers, caviar, add a little salt and season with homemade mayonnaise.
  8. You can decorate the appetizer with halves quail eggs, removing the yolks, and instead putting eggs in the recesses.

Ancient Olivier recipe

A slightly modified recipe, which is prepared according to the principle of the previous one, but has some amendments, which makes it a little similar to the modern version.

Olivier salad - ingredients:

  • Quails – 220 g;
  • Black caviar – 110 g;
  • Pork tongue – 240 g;
  • Crabs – 170 g;
  • Pickled cucumbers – 90 g;
  • Canned peas – 90 g;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • Capers – 130 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 85 g;
  • Salt – 8 g.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Wash the quail meat, cook in broth with a small amount salt and various aromatic spices. After finishing it, you can cut the pulp into pieces.
  2. Pork tongue cooks faster than beef tongue; to do this, you need to rinse the offal and boil it in water with spices. After cooling, peel off the film and cut.
  3. Boil fresh crab meat in boiling water. Then peel off the shell and cut into pieces.
  4. Boil chicken eggs hard-boiled, about 9 minutes. Once cooled, you can peel and chop.
  5. Cut pickled cucumbers into cubes.
  6. Combine ingredients with capers and green peas, add sauce and stir.
  7. Garnish the appetizer with black caviar and serve to guests.

Olivier salad recipes

This version of the salad is taken from ancient recipes, but updated to new way. Preparing an appetizer is easier because the ingredients are more familiar to us than in the very first recipe.

Products for Olivier salad:

  • Chicken breast – 210 g;
  • Beef tongue – 180 g;
  • Red caviar – 80 g;
  • Crayfish – 170 g;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 180 g;
  • Green cucumber – 130 g;
  • Capers – 90 g;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 3 chicken yolks;
  • 160 ml sweat oil;
  • Mustard – 40 g;
  • Vinegar 3% - 45 ml;
  • Salt – 7 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and cook chicken breast with spices. After cooling, cut the fillet into cubes or tear into small fibers.
  2. Beef tongue should be boiled for about four hours in salted water. Peel the finished offal from the film and cut into pieces.
  3. Crayfish meat needs to be cooked, waiting until the crayfish themselves turn red, then the meat is separated from the shell and cut. Don’t forget to add salt and bay leaf to the broth when cooking.
  4. Cook hard-boiled chicken eggs, pour tap water into the bowl with them, clean and chop the cooling area.
  5. Chop fresh and pickled cucumbers.
  6. The dressing for the dish is easy to prepare. Simply beat the chicken yolks with vinegar and mustard in a blender and add a little salt to the mixture. After the products are mixed into a single mass, you need to pour in a thin stream of vegetable oil, this will lighten the sauce and instantly thicken.
  7. In a large salad bowl, mix all the products, add capers and black caviar, season with homemade mayonnaise.

Olivier old in a new way

Everyone's favorite salad can be updated by adding some ingredients. Many people will like this recipe for its unusual taste, which contains sourness and piquancy.

Ingredients of the dish (4 servings):

  • Potatoes – 270 g;
  • Smoked meat – 320 g;
  • Sour cucumber – 160 g;
  • Korean carrots – 260 g;
  • Canned peas – 190 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 90 ml;
  • Salt – 9 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and boil the potato tubers in their skins, after cooling, peel the root vegetables and cut into cubes.
  2. Hard-boil chicken eggs, cool, remove shells, and chop with an egg slicer.
  3. Separate smoked meat from bones and skin, chop into pieces.
  4. Cut the pickled cucumber into cubes.
  5. Place the peas in a colander and wait until the marinade drains.
  6. Stripes Korean carrots shorten
  7. Combine the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and mix.

Ancient Olivier with a modern twist

The well-known Olivier, which has been preparing for what seems like an eternity, has become boring to many. If you modify the dish a little, you get a new one. very tasty and original treat.

Products (for 4 servings):

  • Potatoes – 170 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 6 pieces;
  • Red fish – 230 g;
  • Carrots – 140 g;
  • Green cucumber – 170 g;
  • Green peas - 130 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 80 g;
  • Dill – 25 g;
  • Salt – 6 g;
  • Salmon caviar – 110 g.

Step-by-step cooking procedure:

  1. Wash root vegetables (potatoes and carrots) thoroughly to remove dirt and boil them, then cool and peel. Cut into pieces.
  2. Carefully remove the red fish from the skin, check to ensure there are no bones in the fillet, then chop the meat.
  3. Hard-boil chicken eggs, after cooling, separate the entire shell and finely chop.
  4. Fresh and young cucumbers work well; they add crunch and freshness to the dish. You need to cut off the edges of the vegetables so that bitterness does not get into the salad. Cut the fruits into pieces.
  5. Wash the dill and dry it with paper napkins. Shred.
  6. Drain the peas from the jar in a colander and wait until the excess marinade drains.
  7. Combine all ingredients, season with mayonnaise and mix.
  8. Top the appetizer with red caviar and sprigs of dill. You can also use pieces of vegetables, olives and pieces of quail eggs for decoration.

The Olivier that we are used to seeing at festive feasts has nothing in common with the old recipe of European chefs. From original dish There are only a few products left that have survived the century and are still available to us today. But this does not mean that the treat has lost its taste. On the contrary, the composition was improved and changed. Therefore, you can conduct an experiment in your kitchen, choose one of the original Olivier options we offer and add those ingredients that seem more tasty to you.

A live Christmas tree, Soviet champagne, tangerines, Olivier salad - these have been the main ingredients for several decades now. New Year's holiday. Today, many families no longer put up live Christmas trees; they have been firmly replaced by artificial ones; there are even plastic spruce trees with the scent of pine needles. Soviet champagne on our tables has given way to a variety of foreign-made sparkling wines. It’s hard to surprise anyone with tangerines; the selection of exotic fruits in any supermarket exceeds any imagination.

But the Olivier salad does not want to give up its position and is still the main decoration of the New Year's table in many families. Despite the simplicity of the ingredients, this salad has become a symbol of the New Year. “Capital”, “officer’s”, “winter” - all these names hide the same dish. In many restaurants around the world it is served as Russian salad. Television shows are named after the salad; it has become the hero of comedies and jokes. Many publications calculate the annual “Olivier salad index”, checking the level of consumer prices against it.

Olivier and his salad

The history of the creation of this dish is surrounded by many secrets and legends. The famous salad was invented by a French chef Lucien Olivier in the 19th century. Lucien Olivier was born in Paris into a family of hereditary cooks. The Olivier dynasty possessed the secret of a special spicy sauce Provencal, the recipe was family and kept in the strictest confidence. The Olivier brothers were famous French chefs and worked in the best establishments in Paris. Lucien, not finding himself in France, decided to try his luck in distant Moscow. Here in the mid-60s of the 19th century, together with a Moscow merchant Yakov Pegov he opened the Olivier Hermitage Tavern. The name “tavern” was used more as a tribute to Russian habit; in fact, it was a chic restaurant, in no way inferior to Parisian establishments. There were few similar places in Russia, and the Hermitage quickly gained popularity among the wealthy Moscow public; it was famous for its excellent gourmet cuisine. In the luxurious halls of the restaurant, ceremonial and anniversary dinners were held: in 1879 in honor of I. S. Turgenev, in 1880 - in honor of F. M. Dostoevsky, in 1899, on the centenary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin, the Pushkin dinner was held .

One of the main treats of the Hermitage was famous salad Olivier, the recipe for which was kept in the strictest confidence. The famous Frenchman himself initially called his dish “Game Mayonnaise.” There is a version that the salad was invented almost by accident; initially it was a set of traditional Russian appetizers, which included boiled hazel grouse fillet, veal tongue, crayfish necks and pressed caviar. All this splendor was laid out on large dish in a circle, and in the center for decoration there was a pyramid of boiled potatoes, pickles (small pickled cucumbers), and capers. The appetizers were traditionally served with Provençal sauce, prepared according to Monsieur Olivier’s family recipe. The unpretentious Moscow public did not understand the exquisite serving; many restaurant visitors began to mix all the appetizers in plates and generously pour sauce over them. An annoyed Lucien Olivier decided to mix all the ingredients and serve the dish as is.

The new salad became extremely popular, Muscovites began to specially visit the Hermitage to try it unusual snack. Olivier kept the family recipe for his famous sauce until the very end; he died in 1883 and was buried in Moscow at the Vvedensky cemetery. After the death of the French culinary specialist, the name “Olivier” was finally assigned to the salad; it did not disappear from the Hermitage menu, although many visitors assured that its taste had not changed for the better.

New life for salad

Several attempts have been made to recreate the famous salad. So, in 1894, the Olivier recipe appears on the pages of the magazine “Our Food”: “ Required Products and their proportion per person. Hazel grouse - ½ piece. Potatoes - 2 pieces. Cucumbers - 1 piece. Lettuce - 3-4 leaves. Provencal - 1½ table. spoons. Cancer necks - 3 pieces. Lanspik - ¼ cup. Kaporets - 1 teaspoon. Olives - 3-5 pieces.”

In 1899, a falsification book by K. K. Morokhovtsev “A Complete Gift for Young Housewives” was published, it also contains an Olivier recipe, but it looks a little different: hazel grouse, potatoes, veal tongue, pressed caviar, lettuce leaves are used to prepare the salad, boiled crayfish or canned lobster, pickles, soy-kabul, Provencal sauce, fresh cucumbers, capers, hard-boiled eggs. The appearance of this and similar publications forced Elena Ivanovna Molokhovets, the real author of the book “A Gift for Young Housewives,” in which there is no recipe for Olivier salad, put an autograph stamp on the first page of his publications.

We can say that the restored Olivier recipe went among the people, ceased to be an exclusive restaurant snack, and many wealthy Russian families began to cook it.

In Soviet times, salad as a bourgeois relic was forgotten for a long time; a shortage of food forced people to make do with simple folk dishes. They remembered Olivier only in the more affluent 30s, when a new elite had already formed, and they also wanted to gourmet in restaurants. Renaissance legendary dish happened in the Moscow restaurant, according to some reports, it was recreated by the chef Grigory Ermilin, he started his career in the famous Hermitage and remembered the recipe original salad. The dish appeared on the restaurant menu under the new name “Capital Salad.” Some visitors who remember the taste pre-revolutionary Olivier, claimed that the salad tasted practically no different from the original.

In 1939, the first edition of the “Book about delicious and delicious food” was published in the USSR. healthy food" A significant event: it was the first big cookbook, published in the Union. There was also a place in it for the famous Olivier, however, here he again changed the name and appeared before the reader as “game salad”.

In 1951, the salad appeared on the pages of the textbook for cooking schools "Cooking", the author of which was L. A. Maslov. Here the dish again appears as “capital salad”. It was from this time that one can observe the triumphal procession of Olivier across the festive tables of Soviet citizens. The recipe changes in accordance with the availability of products on store shelves. So, capers disappear from the salad forever, they are replaced by green peas, a little similar in appearance, but has a completely different taste. Hazel grouse, accordingly, were replaced by chicken, then veal, and later even boiled sausage. By changes in the Olivier recipe, you can track all stages of the deterioration of the food supply in the USSR.

In our time of abundance, the availability of products has given free rein to the imagination of culinary specialists; they began to add corn to Olivier, crab sticks, shrimp, mushrooms and much more. Some restaurants have returned to their roots and serve the same... classic recipe, invented by a Frenchman back in the 19th century. Everyone has their own Olivier recipe, but this dish is still loved in many families and remains a real symbol of the New Year holidays.

Especially for our readers unusual recipe The president of the Association of Chefs of Kazakhstan and co-owner of the Bulbash cafe shared the Olivier salad.

Alexander prepared Olivier for the first time when he was in the fourth grade, precisely for New Year's table. He recalls that his aunt made a rather original version of the salad: she added canned liver cod. It was very difficult to get these canned goods in the USSR, so it was rare to try such a salad. As an adult, Alexander tried to make Olivier according to his aunt’s recipe, but he could not achieve the same taste from childhood.

Some tips for preparing Olivier from professional chef Tregubenko. In order to receive delicious salad, you must always take the freshest products. The ingredients of the dish must be cold; pre-boiled potatoes, carrots and eggs must be cooled.

For salad, it is better to use salted or pickled cucumbers with a minimum amount of vinegar; too sour cucumbers can ruin the taste.

Salt the salad after dressing it with mayonnaise. You should not overdo it with the dressing: if the salad seems a little dry, it is better to add a few tablespoons of cucumber brine to it.

The main mandatory ingredients of Olivier are potatoes, eggs and pickles. The quantity of these components can be taken based on the number of servings. For one person, it is optimal to take one medium-sized potato, one egg, one medium pickle, half a boiled carrot. The meat base, as a rule, is added arbitrarily - to the taste and discretion of the cook. You need to season this portion of salad with one spoon of mayonnaise.

The basis of the salad can be boiled meat, boiled sausage, smoked fish, chicken fillet, shrimp, veal tongue and much more. To suit your taste, you can add green peas, boiled carrots, and an apple to the salad.

Chef's recipe

Today Alexander made a salad with smoked salmon and shrimp.

The salad was prepared for five servings, so to prepare it you needed:

100 g potatoes;
100 g eggs;
70 g carrots;
50 g canned green peas;
50 g fresh frozen peas;
50 g pickled cucumbers;
50 g fresh cucumbers;
150 g smoked salmon;
100 g shrimp;
1 tsp. table mustard;
3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

All salad ingredients are cut into pea-sized cubes.

This salad uses both salted and fresh cucumber. This will give the dish a summer freshness. Cucumbers are now in greenhouses; they have very delicate skin, so there is no need to peel it.

The salad uses not only canned, but also fresh frozen peas. Add the canned one immediately, but let the frozen one simmer a little over steam.

The shrimp are briefly marinated in olive oil with garlic, salt and pepper. Gently mix all the ingredients of the salad, except the shrimp, and pour over the dressing.

The dressing is prepared from three spoons of mayonnaise with the addition of one teaspoon of mustard; this dressing will make the salad a little spicier and piquant. After dressing the salad, salt and pepper to taste.

The finished salad is sprinkled with shrimp on top and decorated with tomato concasse and herbs.

The finished dish turns out very fresh and light, you can recognize your favorite Olivier salad in it, but it delights with a new taste, and in such an elegant presentation it will undoubtedly decorate the New Year's table.

Alexander Tregubenko told us that today there are more than three hundred various recipes Olivier salad He tried many of these options, prepared some personally, but, nevertheless, prefers the classic Soviet Olivier with boiled meat, which he will definitely prepare for his family New Year's table.

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Date: 09 December 2015


A popular favorite, contemptuously rejected by apologists healthy eating, it is as natural on any holiday table as a penguin on an ice floe in Antarctica. Where would we be without him? We whittle it with bucket bowls to the immortal songs from “The Irony of Fate,” which we watch out of the corner of our eyes for the hundredth time. Respectful and slightly familiar address to him speaks only of incredible respect and honor. And what kind of hero is this? Well, of course, Olivier salad or simply “Salad” with a capital “S”. We’ll talk about it, or rather, about the transformation of its structure and ingredients, today, if you don’t mind, my reader. After all, he is a phenomenon, a process, an event, and not just food. And yet, yes, once a year I allow myself to eat it without thinking about calories. Olivier salad ingredients from different eras - in the studio!

Ingredients of Olivier salad of the pre-revolutionary period

When the object of our love and national pride was born is not known for certain. I once read that the publisher and editor of a magazine with the non-poetic name “Our Food,” M. A. Ignatiev, enjoyed eating it at the Hermitage restaurant during the All-Russian Exhibition of 1882. In those years, Master Olivier still reigned in the restaurant kitchen. Later, in 1894, the first considered reliable recipe for the cult snack was published in the above-mentioned printed publication. And for those times it was quite simple and democratic. Judge for yourself. It contains completely ordinary products for that time, which cannot be said about ours.

The original core composition of the pre-revolutionary period. Olivier "old style"

  • Fried hazel grouse.
  • Boiled, not crumbly potatoes.
  • Fresh cucumbers.
  • A few lettuce leaves.
  • Cancerous necks.
  • Capers.
  • Olives.
  • Good strong lanspike.
  • Provencal.
  • Soybean Kabul.

Partridge, veal and chicken were offered as replacements for hazel grouse. It was emphasized that the correct Olivier is possible only with hazel grouse - nothing else. The bird was used exclusively as a shot bird obtained during a hunt. Nowadays they even raise black grouse on poultry farms, but back then - only from the forest, be so kind as to bring them, pluck, singe, gut, fry! Everything else was an imitation and replacement of the original.

At the beginning of such a tragic and eventful twentieth century, Russian factory owners and factory owners threw money around in ways that were not childish. It was then that perhaps the most famous, legendary recipe appeared to the world. It already included elements of bourgeois luxury. I don’t know why, but it is he who is still considered canonical, which, in my opinion, is incorrect. To normal classic set above, the following components have been added, listed below.

Ingredients of the most bourgeois version

  • Boiled eggs.
  • Boiled veal tongue.
  • Pressed caviar.
  • Lobsters (if there were no crayfish).

The dressing remained the same - mayonnaise with French vinegar, Provençal oil and two egg yolks, plus a mysterious sauce from Kabul. Then, in the 2000s, some cookbooks recommended preparing a semblance of the famous dish with the remains of any roast: beef, veal, grouse, chicken, and even non-bony types of fish (salmon, trout, sturgeon, for example).

What's happened? Why did a simple salad at that time turn into a spendthrift and a proud one? The explanation is simple. Rapidly developing capitalism in Russia has given birth to home-grown nouveau riche with their craving for excess in food. If it’s caviar, then in buckets, if it’s sterlet, then it’s one and a half arshins long. To please the owners of life - assorted capitalists, rich merchants and smaller trading fry, the new owners of the restaurant that belonged to the unforgettable Olivier made the menu more luxurious, with excesses and ostentatious chic. Further more. They began to lay the food in layers, added truffles, and began to intricately decorate it with chilled lanspeak. The country was in turmoil... And the revolution broke out. That same Russian revolt - senseless, bloody. However, that's not what I'm talking about...

Soviet segment of the biography of Olivier salad. Biography with lyrical digressions

For some time after the October revolution, due to an incomprehensible inertia, pre-revolutionary textbooks and books on bourgeois cooking continued to be printed for some time. They continued to feature “blanquettes made from natural banquet shot hazel grouse” that were absolutely unknown to the proletariat in taste and shape. Until the thirties of the last century, reprinted cookbooks from a bygone era appeared here and there.

And in 1934 we see the birth of a certain Soyuznarpit directory, which (oh horror!) includes our long-time and not at all worker-peasant acquaintance. His proud name was bashfully taken out of brackets and called Game Salad (Olivier). The ingredients are already cut into slices that everyone can understand, they don’t squash too much, and they directly recommend replacing gherkins and pickles with pickled cucumbers. Although the remnants of the former chic in the form of crayfish necks for decoration are still present, liberties are indicated along with them, which are green peas and boiled carrots. There are only a couple of small steps left until the boiled sausage, comrades! Let us omit the sad series of transformations, perversions and substitutions.

By 1951, an impostor began to appear on the pages of chef's textbooks - a certain one. A comparison with False Demetrius immediately suggests itself. Apparently, the fragile student minds could not be traumatized by a foreign combination of letters. Salad decorated with eggs and stripes chicken breast, prepared in all catering outlets - from train stations to the Kremlin. Kabul soybeans have forever given way to “Yuzhny” sauce, and prosaic chicken has replaced game birds. A meat analogue of Stolichny was born - all the same ingredients, but with the chicken replaced by any fried, boiled or even stewed meat.

Closer to the seventies (dear to my heart), a painfully familiar, very Soviet, winter, New Year’s version of the recipe began to take shape and conquer boundaries. With boiled Doktorskaya, canned scarce green peas, a table egg and mayonnaise bought under the counter. In a small glass jar, remember, elders? I just recently gave the same one.

The triumphal procession of “sausage-beautiful” from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok took place during the period of Stagnation...

Covered with valor and glory Olivier of all times and peoples

  • Boiled sausage.
  • Potatoes (boiled in their jackets).
  • Boiled carrots.
  • Green peas.
  • Hard boiled eggs.
  • Pickled cucumbers (fresh ones are also possible).
  • Mayonnaise Provencal.

All products are simply cut into cubes, without further ado. It’s more convenient to crumble them into basins for a large group with the help of some newfangled gadget. Here vegetable cutters, For example. Simplicity and democracy have returned to normal. Only in accordance with time and place. This is a meeting place that, as we know, cannot be changed. That’s how we began to sculpt tons of it from available components and make friends with families. Associations, memories, aromas, tastes of that salad, namely “Sovdepovsky”, are remembered and honored by millions, its ingredients have not changed for decades. And they are still loved, in spite of or thanks to - add it yourself. As you can see, the Soviet period of the hero’s life is very colorful and long.

The latest trends in the structure and ingredients of Olivier salad: nothing in common with the original source

In the nineties, bad taste reigned in everything, including recipes for famous dishes. How do you like “Olivier” with squid, seasoned with yogurt and avocado puree? In what agitated brain was this incongruity born? Vegetarian Olivier, with shrimp, lobsters, salami and artichokes - just a riot of the imagination of post-Soviet citizens unleashed! But we have what we have. And there is no escape from this. However, it warms the soul that the old proven recipes are gradually coming out of oblivion, according to which one can again cook, if not with bowls, but with crystal salad bowls. I hear objections about upland game. You can even buy it now without leaving the monitor. Of course, I can’t vouch for the “shooting” factor.

Well, I briefly covered the topic. I look forward to your comments. Please subscribe to blog updates - all the most interesting things are yet to come! If you find my humble works interesting, then please share the article on social networks.

Always yours Irina.

Women's logic demanded something with a touch of French chic. Probably the origin of the meter Olivier is to blame...

Quadro Nuevo - Bonjour Juliette

“Olivier” is the favorite salad of people living in the vast expanses of the former Soviet Union, and an invariable attribute of any holiday table, especially New Year’s. But the dish that we are accustomed to enjoying since childhood is by no means the Olivier salad that glorified the name of the chef who invented it. If you want to know the taste of the classic Olivier, prepared according to an old recipe, then we are happy to share it with you.

Original old recipe for Olivier salad

So, imagining ourselves as Lucien Olivier, let’s take the meat of two boiled hazel grouse and one boiled tongue. Let's cut it all into fairly small cubes.

Let's cut it thin strips 200 grams of well-washed and dried fresh lettuce.

Take the necks of 25 boiled crayfish (they can be replaced with 1 can of lobster) and 100 gr. black pressed caviar.

Prepare 100 grams of pickled capers by draining the liquid from them (capers are prickly vegetable crop, in which flower buds are pickled).

Boil, peel and finely chop five eggs.

Then Olivier took the kabul soy, and we will replace it with half a can of soy, canned without tomato, salt the liquid, grind it into a paste and add a little soy sauce to it.

Having prepared all the ingredients in this way, mix them and season with mayonnaise. Our original vintage “Olivier” is ready. Before serving, cool it and place it in a beautiful bowl, garnishing it with crayfish tails and herbs.

Boil about 300 grams until done. beef and, after cooling, finely cut into cubes.

350 gr. Wash the potatoes and boil them “in their jackets” until tender, then cool, peel and also cut into small cubes.

After boiling 4 eggs, finely chop them. To make it easier to peel boiled eggs, after removing them from boiling water, they should be quickly placed in cold water for a few minutes.

Finely chop 100 gr. pickled cucumbers.

Drain the liquid from 1 can of green peas.

Finely chop 150 gr. green onions.

All salad components are prepared. Now mix them in one bowl, add salt to taste, season with mayonnaise or sour cream (or you can take equal parts of both, it turns out very tasty), put them in a beautiful bowl and serve. One tip: It is common for salads to be cut in advance and kept in the refrigerator for several hours. In this case green onions It’s better to cut it and add it to our Olivier salad last, before dressing, then the salad will taste much better.

One more nuance: many people prefer Olivier not with meat, but with sausage. In this case, you need to add to the salad, instead of boiled beef, boiled sausage (Doctorskaya, Molochnaya), cut into small pieces, in the amount of 300 grams. We advise you not to skimp on sausage, as it greatly affects the quality of the finished dish.

I would like to say a few words about the meat component of the salad, which is decisive in Olivier. Her choice primarily depends on the imagination of the cook. As we have already said, it can be beef, high-quality boiled sausage, chicken, both boiled and smoked, lean pork, tongue.

We also bring to your attention a few more Olivier salads that can diversify your festive table and add originality to it, which will definitely be noted by your guests.

Vegetarian salad "Olivier"

It must be said that today there are a lot of Olivier recipes, sometimes the most unexpected. For example, for those who follow a vegetarian diet, we offer this recipe.

Steam 1 kg of potatoes and 0.5 kg of carrots, peel them and chop them into small cubes.

In the same way, chop pickled zucchini taken from a 1-liter jar and 2 fresh cucumbers.

Prepare the contents of 1 jar canned corn and 1 can of peas, draining the liquid from them.

Cut into cubes 300 gr. homemade cheese(can be a little larger than vegetables), and 1 avocado.

Prepare salad dressing: mix 400 grams of sour cream with 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard, add 2 tsp. salt, a third tsp. allspice, a quarter tsp. white pepper and turmeric. Mix everything, season the salad, add salt to taste and put it in a beautiful bowl, and decorate with herbs on top.

For lovers unusual dishes We suggest preparing such Olivier salads.

Olivier salad with pineapples

Boil in salted water 1 chicken leg and, having cooled it and freed it from the skin, cut it finely.

Boil 100 grams “in their uniform.” potatoes, peel and cut into small cubes.

Peel the pineapple and chop it finely.

Olivier salad with salmon

To prepare it, cut 200 grams into cubes. lightly salted salmon, 1 apple, 10 boiled quail eggs, 300 gr. potatoes, boiled in their jackets, 1 carrot.

Chop 1 onion (small) and several gherkins (to taste).

Now prepare the dressing: mix mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, white pepper, salt and sugar to taste.

Mix all the ingredients of our salad in one container, season, mix gently and serve.

Of course, such a salad can be called “Olivier” with a stretch, because it is traditionally considered meat. But I think that the main requirement for any dish is its good taste. Therefore, show your imagination, experiment, and may your Oliviers always turn out to be the most delicious!

The recipe for the traditional and beloved Olivier salad is most popular during the winter months. New Year, Christmas, February 23 - a huge number of our compatriots are still preparing Olivier salad for these holidays. But did you know that this salad also has summer option? And this is what the recipe for Olivier salad looks like if you cook it in the warm summer.

Salad “Tender Olivier” (summer)


  • 4 chicken fillets
  • 4 potatoes
  • 5 eggs
  • 3 carrots
  • 5 lightly salted cucumbers
  • 4 fresh cucumbers
  • 1 can of canned peas
  • 600 ml. mayonnaise 50% fat

Cooking method

    • Boil carrots and potatoes in their jackets. Eggs can be boiled together with vegetables. From boiling, cook the potatoes and carrots for 15-20 minutes (try it, you don’t want the vegetables to boil into mush). Boil the eggs from boiling for 5 minutes;
    • Cook the fillet in salted water for 40 minutes.
    • Clean vegetables and eggs; cut potatoes, eggs, carrots into cubes. Approximate size 6*6*6 mm, (not too small)
    • We cut each fillet crosswise into three parts and tear each part into fibers
    • We cut cucumbers in the same way as other vegetables; mix all ingredients, add peas, mayonnaise;
    • Let's serve!

Why does the name of the salad have the prefix “tender”? Firstly, in the recipe we used not salted, but lightly salted cucumbers. Secondly, the salad contains plenty of fresh cucumbers. Thirdly, instead of sausage we have natural boiled chicken.

Regarding carrots - if you like them, add more, not three, but five.

If desired, add finely chopped onions to the prepared salad (preferably take white ones). Add onions before serving the salad.

In this recipe, as I remember, there was also pressed caviar. Olivier prepared it close to this recipe. Instead of hazel grouse, quail, instead of crayfish necks, crab meat, and instead of pressed caviar - red, but lying separately from the salad. And yes, I added it to homemade mayonnaise Worcestershire sauce. Very, very tasty!!!

Here is another version of the Togo Olivier recipe
Kabul sauce (“Kabul soybean” as it was often called in the 19th century) is made from sautéed butter flour, broth (or water), grated horseradish, cream and salt. Ingredients: flour 20 g; butter 10 g; broth 50 g; horseradish 20 g; cream 20 g; salt - to taste.

Olivier salad, the way it should be.

The pre-revolutionary Olivier salad recipe includes hazel grouse and black caviar. It was invented in the second half of the 19th century by the Frenchman Lucien Olivier, who moved to Russia, one of the founders of the legendary Moscow restaurant “Hermitage”.
Interestingly, it was this salad that largely provided the restaurant with great fame. And both the richest merchants and industrialists and famous writers loved to gather at the Hermitage. For example, in 1879, a gala dinner was held at the Hermitage in honor of I.S. Turgenev, in 1880 - in honor of F.M. Dostoevsky, in 1899 - the famous celebration of the centenary of Pushkin’s birthday, which was attended by most of the most prominent cultural figures of that time. And, of course, all these feasts would not be complete without the original Olivier salad. True, by the end of the 19th century, different variations of its ingredients began to appear, including those that incredibly increased the cost of the already expensive salad. And in Soviet times, on the contrary, the traditional list of ingredients became such that Olivier turned into a truly folk dish. And, nevertheless, it is not a sin to sometimes treat yourself to this salad, prepared in the traditions of Tsarist Russia. And we present one of the recipes from those years, not the most complex, but at the same time quite luxurious, and most importantly - tasty.

For this dish you will need (for 4 servings)

Hazel grouse – 2 pieces.
Calf tongue – 1 piece.
Black caviar – 100 g.
Crayfish – 25 pieces.
Pickles – 1/2 jar.
Fresh cucumbers – 2 pieces.
Quail egg – 10 pieces
Pickled capers – 80 g.
Provencal sauce – 1/2 jar.
Kabul sauce - to taste.

Cooking method

1. Fry the hazel grouse and chop the pulp.
2. Boil the tongue and cut into equal pieces.
3. Add boiled crayfish meat, pickle cubes, chopped eggs and cucumbers.
4. Gently mix the ingredients, put them in a salad bowl, add Kabul sauce, capers, Provencal sauce.
5. When serving, decorate the salad with caviar.

Important Additions

IN original recipe Provencal sauce is not mayonnaise from the store, but 400 grams olive oil, whipped with two fresh egg yolks, with the addition of French vinegar and mustard.
Kabul sauce (“Kabul soya” as it was often called in the 19th century) is made from flour sautéed in butter, broth (or water), grated horseradish, cream and salt. Ingredients: flour 20 g; butter 10 g; broth 50 g; horseradish 20 g; cream 20 g; salt - to taste.
Thus, preparing Olivier according to the pre-revolutionary recipe will require a little more time and much more expense from you than the usual and beloved one by many Soviet version this salad. But the result is worth it!