Filter bags for brewing. Filter bags for tea leaves Treatment with medicinal herbs - important rules and tips

In the 36.6 pharmacy network you can purchase medicinal products to eliminate health problems. On our resource you can get acquainted with a large number of medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on humans and help solve a large number of problems. They are suitable for all groups of the population and have an affordable price.

What you need to know about the work of our resource:

  • users can take advantage of special offers that are always posted on the main page of the site;
  • A convenient opportunity is to order medicinal herbs online. And pick it up, paying on the spot, at the pharmacy most convenient for you;
  • medicinal herbs that are sold in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in surrounding areas, have passed the necessary certification procedure confirming the effectiveness and high quality of the product;
  • Payment for the required product is made personally by the buyer at the pharmacy you selected on the card.

Indications for use

Medicinal herbs purchased at a pharmacy have proven effectiveness in improving health. With their help, you can improve the functioning of the nervous system, stomach and other vital organs.

Tinctures have a beneficial effect when:

  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • eye fatigue;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • sexual activity disorders.

Altai herbs are a classic medicine that will help cope with health problems.


Depending on the characteristics of the body, some herbal extracts are not recommended for use, as they can cause allergies and poor health.

  • some plants are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • there are some solutions that are not recommended to be combined with other medications;
  • individual intolerance to individual herbs and their components.

Release forms

Release forms directly depend on the dosage of the active component of medicinal herbs. Prescribed at the discretion of the doctor or in moderate dosage.

What forms are in our catalog:

  • powder;
  • pills;
  • extract or plant material;
  • filter package.

Herbal infusions are available without a doctor's prescription, so you can choose the most convenient format for yourself.

Manufacturing countries

Medicinal herbal collections are widespread throughout the world, as they have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. They practically do not differ in composition; it is recommended to purchase based on personal preferences.

Which manufacturing countries are in our catalog:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Croatia;
  • China and others.

We are confident that you will find the right medicinal herbs for you!



  1. [i] WHO monographs on medicinal plants - 2018. - Access at:

Based on them, you can make both medicinal teas and compresses. And most importantly, they are sold in any pharmacy at very affordable prices.
Can herbs have the same effect as medicine? Quite. Medicinal herbs are often used to treat acute and chronic diseases. But, as a rule, they are used in the early stages of the disease or as a prophylactic agent. At the same time, it is important to understand that not for every disease, not in all cases it is necessary to take medicinal herbs.

What is medicinal tea? This is a tea that contains medicinal herbs and active ingredients, medicinal property which have been proven by doctors, and they must be consumed in a strictly defined dosage. The content of medicinal components in such teas is noticeably higher than in ordinary herbal teas. The packaging of medicinal tea should clearly describe its properties and recommended dosage. Note! Such teas are sold not only in pharmacies, but also in regular grocery stores. Therefore, the decisive factor should not be where you purchased the tea, but what is indicated on its packaging.

Which is better: herbs in bags or loose? It is better to purchase medicinal herbs in bags. This way you definitely won’t make a mistake with the required dosage of active ingredients.

Is it possible to drink herbs all the time? In no case! They should be taken only until the painful symptoms go away. In addition, you should consult your doctor before taking it, especially if you have kidney or stomach problems.

Medicinal teas

For stomach pain
Chamomile This flower is distinguished by its anti-inflammatory properties. It perfectly helps with gastrointestinal infections, gastritis and colitis. Drink 2-3 glasses of chamomile tea daily between meals.

For inflammation of the bladder
Bearberry The plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and diuretic properties. Pour 2 teaspoons of bearberry leaves into 250 ml cold water and let it brew for a day. Before use, boil the infusion, add baking soda on the tip of a knife and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

For sore throat
Sage Its leaves have antimicrobial properties. Therefore, you can not only drink sage decoction, but also gargle with it regularly after meals. During epidemics, it is good to drink tea with sage for prevention.

Therapeutic compresses

For bruises
Arnica compress It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effects. Brew 2 bags of arnica in 1 cup of boiling water. Cool the broth, soak a handkerchief in it and wrap the bruise.

For joint pain
St. John's wort ointment It has analgesic properties and improves blood circulation. Grind 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort herb and 2 teaspoons of yarrow herb Then 1 tbsp. Melt a spoonful of Vaseline in a water bath and mix with herbs. Rub the resulting ointment onto sore areas before going to bed.

For itchy skin
Ginger root compress It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Grind the ginger root, apply it evenly to a piece of cloth, fold it in half and moisten it with hot water. Apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

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Therefore, when we come to the pharmacy, we increasingly stop not in front of a rack with multi-colored packages of tablets and capsules, but near the shelves where bright boxes with pictures depicted on them are placed. medicinal herbs. But are “green” medicines really that effective? There are many myths among people about this. Let's try to find out which of these arguments is true and which is idle fiction.

Our experts are specialists from one of the leading enterprises for the production of herbal remedies in our country.

Myth No. 1. All medicinal raw materials that are sold under domestic brands, comes to us from the West.

Is it true. Today, about 80% of raw materials are domestic. But it was not always so. Unfortunately, in the early 90s, many collective and state farms ceased to exist, and most of the raw material base was destroyed. Those small batches of raw materials that still arrived from the regions were of poor quality. It was in those years that our leading enterprises began to cooperate with major international partners - leaders in the field of procurement of medicinal plant raw materials and the production of drugs based on them, which allowed our companies to reach a fundamentally new level of work and continue to supply only high-quality products to the market. Currently, the revival of the domestic raw material base has begun.

Myth No. 2. It is better to buy herbs in bulk packs to see the quality of the product. Manufacturers pour God knows what into filter bags.

Is it true. This myth apparently came from the tea industry. In the 90s, when many manufacturers sought to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible, they poured low-quality tea into bags, sometimes even tea dust. But the raw materials used by leading herbal medicine manufacturers in our country are subject to equally high requirements, regardless of the form of packaging.

By the way, chopping plants, which many consumers have a negative attitude towards, is actually very important. For example, it is known that when whole rose hips are brewed, only 10% of vitamin C goes into the infusion, and if you put a filter bag with crushed fruits in hot water, then after a few minutes the drink will be several times richer in ascorbic acid.

You can determine whether the product you have received is counterfeit by lowering the filter bag into hot water: if the infusion is clear, everything is fine, if it is cloudy, it means that the raw material is let down and contains herbal dust. However, if the bag contains not grass, but, for example, hawthorn fruits, the infusion will also be cloudy - after all, the berries contain oil.

Myth No. 3. Medicinal herbs are good to take as a general tonic, so it is not necessary to follow the dosage and drink them in courses.

Is it true. Medicinal herbs and infusions, unlike herbal teas and dietary supplements, are officially registered as medicines. Their clinical effect has been confirmed by necessary tests and many years of domestic medical practice; the therapeutic effect of their use is guaranteed. Therefore, you need to take herbs strictly according to the scheme indicated on the package.

Myth No. 4. It is better to prepare medicinal plants yourself.

Is it true. To do this you need to be an experienced herbalist. The point is not only to collect plants in an environmentally friendly area, you should also know a lot about the features of collection, preparation and storage. Take, for example, chamomile, of which there are more than 140 species. It’s not enough to find the right plant - you also have to have time to collect it. For chamomile, even the location of the white reed flowers in the basket is important - it must be strictly horizontal. When the petals open in this way, and not earlier or later, a maximum of the healing essential oil of chamazulene accumulates in the yellow core of the flower.

It’s even more difficult with roots - try to find the one you need among the identical bare roots.

Proper processing of raw materials is also important. And the most important thing is that at home it is impossible to test raw materials for the content of harmful impurities.

Myth No. 5. Poor quality raw materials are no longer medicine, but poison.

Is it true. The standards that apply to the quality of raw materials will not allow herbs that contain toxic substances to be processed. Passed the primary selection appearance the raw materials are first subjected to analytical, microbiological, radiation and other studies (in this case, samples are taken not only from each brought bag, but even from three places: from the bottom, from the middle and from the top).

Then, if the raw material is found to be of good quality, it is sent to special equipment, which purifies the raw material and separates it into fractions.

Finished products must subsequently be checked by regulatory authorities - without this, the company will not receive a declaration of conformity and a marketing authorization.

Hello everyone!

Lately I have very often come across information that everything can be cured with medications.

That they are much more effective than pills, and that modern medicine does not understand anything about this.

That you need to look for salvation from various diseases in the recipes of traditional healers, in old books on folk medicine, where herbs are one of the main components of any product.

Many people really believe that herbal treatment is simple and very useful.

I don’t entirely agree with such a philistine statement and therefore decided to write this post about how to treat with herbs correctly and safely.

From this article you will learn:

How to be treated with herbs correctly and safely - the secrets of herbal therapy

I graduated from medical university, faculty of pharmacy.

And one of the most important and difficult subjects that we studied on the course was pharmacognosy - the science of medicinal plants.

We studied this subject for five years, and passing an exam or getting a test in it was more difficult than in any chemistry or pharmacology.

How we taught these herbs, only those who studied there know.

We not only memorized the names of plants and their areas of application, but also worked with a microscope, made chemical reactions, determining chemical composition raw materials and its structure, examined the roots and leaves in cross-section, sketched it all, memorized and crammed it.

In the spring we went to procure medicinal raw materials and analyzed them using modern methods research and, of course, explored its full application.

I still remember a huge table filled with Petri dishes with dry medicinal raw materials, some whole, some crushed.

From this abundance, you had to choose what they would call you and prove that it was exactly the right collection or that plant, using physical and chemical means.

Therefore, I can with great confidence refute the false statement that medicinal plants are the preserve of the knowledge of herbalist grandmothers or traditional healers. Official medicine knows no less, but even more about how to treat them and how it should be done correctly.

It’s hard for me to even imagine how many new studies are carried out annually on medicinal plants; this science never stands still.

In modern ecology, plants change their composition, which means their scope of application may change or new contraindications may appear, and the latest technologies make it possible to discover new medicinal properties of known or unfamiliar plants.

Therefore, you should not rely so much on old folk remedies, but it is best to buy a modern directory of medicinal plants, which will indicate their chemical composition, medicinal properties and methods of use, as well as contraindications, and be sure to use it correctly.

Treatment with medicinal herbs - important rules and tips

To begin with, I would like to voice several features of treatment with medicinal herbs, which few people pay attention to:

  • Well, first of all, I would like to immediately say that medicinal herbs do not work miracles, and it is impossible to cure all existing diseases with them!

If you hear somewhere a story about how a person completely cured himself with an infusion of oats or chamomile flowers from cancer in the fourth stage, consider that a miracle of healing simply happened to him, mostly thanks to his faith in himself, in God, in life, into this medicinal plant, or maybe he did something else that you don't know about.

Try herbal treatments for muscular dystrophy, ALS, multiple sclerosis, meningitis...

  • Treatment with medicinal herbs is not as safe as many people think it is.

Medicinal raw materials can cause severe allergies, poisoning, trigger pathological processes in the body, negatively affect the development of the fetus in pregnant women, potency in men, and much more.

Therefore, before drinking any “harmless” herb, be sure to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects that it can give and its contraindications for use.

Particularly dangerous are illiterate medicinal mixtures, herbs collected in environmentally polluted areas, as well as taking herbs simultaneously with medications.

Always remember what time we live in, and plants, like people, absorb everything from the environment.

  • A number of medicinal herbs have a strictly defined safe dose of use.

Roughly speaking, there are herbs that, in excess dosage, turn into poison.

  • Medicinal herbs contain “harmful chemicals”

Well, I already mentioned this in point 2, in medicinal raw materials, in addition to useful microelements, there are harmful ones (salts of heavy metals). They are especially abundant in those that were collected along highways and railways and in other environmentally unfavorable places.

  • Medicinal herbs should not be used for a long time and continuously.

Some herbs are addictive, others, with prolonged use, depress the nervous system, causing an overdose, which is accompanied by negative consequences, so the course of treatment with herbs is individual.

For example, Mint tea, with constant use, greatly lowers blood pressure, “safe” chamomile, with long-term use, interferes with the absorption of iron, wormwood can provoke a disorder of the nervous system, causing convulsions and fainting.

Therefore, by “healing” with herbs from one disease, you can easily acquire another.

How to use herbs correctly and safely?

So, remember the basic rules - how to treat with herbs:

  • In order for the grass to retain all the useful components, it is very important to collect it according to all the rules.

Taking into account the place of collection, time of collection, as well as the conditions of its preparation and drying. You can read how to do this correctly in any good reference book of medicinal plants.

It is best to collect herbs yourself, following all the rules for harvesting, drying and storage.

Or buy medicinal herbs from time-tested manufacturers and in specialized pharmacies, where you will be provided with all product quality certificates, including documents for radiological control.

I don’t advise anyone to buy herbs at markets from unknown people; no one knows exactly what may be in them, where they were collected!

  • Must be brewed in glassware in a water bath.

This rule is important to follow because plants are able to interact with various chemical components and accumulate them in themselves, so boiling in metal or plastic containers can be dangerous.

  • In order to prepare an effective medicine from medicinal herbs, you need to follow certain rules.

Medicinal raw materials are usually used in the form of aqueous infusions and decoctions or alcohol tinctures.

Infusions are prepared from soft plant materials (flowers, leaves, herbs), decoctions from hard plant materials (roots, bark, dried fruits)

Typically, infusions and decoctions are prepared in a ratio of 1:10

  • How to prepare a medicinal infusion?

Prepare the raw materials, take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed herbs. Pour into a glass hot water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool for 45 minutes. We filter.

  • How to prepare a herbal decoction?

Prepare the raw materials, 1 tbsp. l per 1 glass of water, add hot water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes. Strain while hot.

The only exception is that it is prepared according to special rules.

There is no need to increase or decrease the boiling and infusion time.

This is the optimal ratio in which all active substances are released from the medicinal raw material into an infusion or decoction, are not modified, are not inactivated, but act with optimal benefit for the body.

Bring the strained infusion or decoction to 100 ml with water and take it in the indicated dosage.

The shelf life of water infusions and decoctions is no more than three days in the refrigerator

  • How to prepare an alcoholic herbal tincture?

The crushed medicinal raw materials are filled with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 30 days in a dark, cool place, hermetically sealed, then filtered and stored in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months.

  • It is necessary to take infusions and decoctions in accordance with the indicated dosage.
  • When treating with herbs, they should not be consumed simultaneously with medications, alcohol, fatty and spicy foods.

Are herbs in bags beneficial?

I have an ambivalent attitude towards them.

On the one hand, this is convenient, but on the other, the technology for preparing infusions and decoctions is completely broken.

And if you consider that they are made like tea bags (low-quality raw materials after sifting), then it is better to buy herbs in bulk for treatment.

Well, and also, I would like to voice the point of how to treat with herbs correctly.

When you come across some kind of herbal treatment recommendation or prescription herbal collection Before you start using it, open a good reference book of medicinal plants (where the full chemical composition, structure, properties, etc. are indicated) and read:

  • composition and contraindications of this medicinal raw material,
  • pay attention to its dosage,
  • component compatibility
  • methods of application.

And only after that, decide whether to use this fee or not.

Some herbs today are credited with such incredible effects that you are amazed!!!

Therefore, before you believe in another myth that some herb or herb can cure, for example, alcoholism, read official studies, look at its chemical composition, what is in this herb that can really help solve this problem and draw your own conclusions.

Well, and finally, I really love medicinal products, I collect and prepare them myself.

At my house I always have thyme, mint, oregano and many others.

I am convinced that when used correctly, for certain diseases, they can have an effective therapeutic and cosmetic effect, restore strength and energy.

Therefore, be sure to use medicinal herbs, but do it correctly, and then herbal medicine will bring real benefits to you and your body.