How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. How to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home? Methods for preparing sea buckthorn oil at home

An orange ether with a red tint is successfully used for cosmetic procedures, household chores and as a remedy. People use several technologies for making sea buckthorn oil at home, including all the main components of this shrub. These include:

  • Fresh Juice;
  • berry cake;
  • bones.

They are processed both individually and in combination. The result is an aromatic and healing potion. Below are time-tested methods.

DIY sea buckthorn oil

In factories, an oily mixture is squeezed out of just the seeds themselves. The consistency is more viscous and unusually transparent. The procedure for obtaining such ether is very complicated. For this purpose, special ovens and pressing equipment are used. It is difficult to conduct such an experiment at home. Therefore, it is better to use less expensive methods.

Homemade oil is best stored in glass or ceramic containers. In this case, the lid must tightly close the bottle so that the ether does not deteriorate.

From berries

Preparation sea ​​buckthorn oil at home, it begins with the selection of ripe, slightly overripe fruits. We must try to ensure that there are no stains of mold or rot on them, because such errors spoil the quality of the broadcast. After this, it is important to wash the selected crop thoroughly. A sieve and good water pressure from the tap are an amazing option. To ensure that the fruits dry thoroughly, they can be laid out on a waffle or paper towel. Some housewives use newspaper or a baking sheet. Everything is ready for cooking. There are two methods for obtaining oil.

Recipe No. 1: with fresh berries

Cooking steps:

To grind the fruits of the plant, you can also use a meat grinder or blender. For the best effect, it is worth passing the pulp through the unit several times.

Recipe No. 2: from fried fruits

Cooking steps:

To obtain a concentrated healing agent, it is recommended to perform the last step at least 5 times. In such a therapeutic and prophylactic elixir, a quarter of the mixture is nutrients. Among other things, it is important to familiarize yourself with another recipe for sea buckthorn oil at home. It differs in composition and preparation technology.

When frying berries, you need to stir them every 30-40 minutes so that they do not burn. Using a wooden or rubber spatula helps ensure even drying.

Bones, juice and cake

This tincture is often made for space procedures, although many people successfully take it orally for medicinal purposes. To prepare the ether, frozen products are used, which allows you to prepare it even in winter. But first you need to make preparations in the fall: collect ripe berries, sort them out, wash them thoroughly, dry them and freeze them in bags or food trays.

The technology for obtaining oil from golden sea buckthorn is demonstrated by the following algorithm:

You can treat the oral cavity with oil in case of periodontal disease, pulpitis, stomatitis or after extraction. It is also effective in treating colds. They treat the throat and sinuses.

The last step of this process should be repeated until oily stains no longer form on the surface. The color of the mixture will be lighter than with other methods of obtaining oil. This is because the seeds do not have pigmentation, so in the end there is no need to be alarmed. So, these three simple recipes show you how to make sea buckthorn oil at home, simply and with first-class quality.

Sea buckthorn oil - video

No matter how many modern means cosmetology offers us, traditional medicine does not lose its relevance. In pharmacies, specialty stores and even grocery supermarkets you can buy products for implementing “grandmother’s” methods. But since we decided to use natural ingredients, then it would be logical to implement the plan to the fullest. That is, don't buy finished products, and cook them yourself. For example, prepare sea buckthorn oil at home, which is widely used in recipes for both health and beauty. Making sea buckthorn oil at home is a guarantee of its quality. So it’s better to make sea buckthorn oil yourself so as not to doubt the safety and effectiveness of the product.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home
There is nothing to blame for sea buckthorn oil, which is sold in pharmacies. It is of good quality, made according to the rules and has safety certificates. But, you must admit that the process of preparing sea buckthorn oil with your own hands gives it some special “ingredient” that is not taken into account by the factory technology. So, if you have time, desire and sea buckthorn, then, of course, it is better to prepare the oil yourself, putting your soul into it. It’s not that difficult to do, although you will have to tinker. But believe me, real sea buckthorn oil is worth your work. This becomes obvious when it comes to everyone beneficial properties oh sea buckthorn oil. We will definitely talk about them a little later, but for now pay attention to the distinctive features of sea buckthorn oil:
  • We are accustomed to the fact that vegetable oil is extracted directly from seeds or nuts, sometimes from pulp. But sea buckthorn oil is prepared according to the same principle as burdock oil - that is, by extraction in a base vegetable oil. This is due to the fact that sea buckthorn seeds are too small to produce a sufficient amount of oil base. Sunflower, olive, and sometimes other unrefined vegetable oils are used as a base.
  • Sea buckthorn oil in its finished form has a rich red-orange color and a characteristic odor. It is quite liquid, but at the same time sticky and leaves stains that are difficult to remove. This is due precisely to the preparation technology: the oil from the seeds has no color, but it is colored by the flesh of the sea buckthorn berries, rich in carotene.
  • Industrial production of sea buckthorn oil involves complex technological processes, involving strong pressing, pressing, diffusion and final testing for compliance with standards. For homemade Simplified methods have been invented for making sea buckthorn oil.
But in order to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home no worse than the factory one, you will need high-quality raw materials. These are completely ripe, undamaged fruits that need to be separated from the branches, sorted and washed. Then the sea buckthorn berries are dried at a low temperature (outdoors in the shade or in a lukewarm oven). And only after this you can start preparing sea buckthorn oil at home.

How to prepare sea buckthorn oil from cake at home
Try making sea buckthorn oil first in a simple way. Of course, its simplicity is relative. But at least you will get an idea of ​​​​the technology homemade sea ​​buckthorn oil and you can decide whether to do this in the future:

  1. Pass selected and pure sea buckthorn berries through a juicer. Separate the juice and use it as you wish (for drinking or cooking).
  2. Transfer the remaining pulp into a non-metallic container (a large glass jar will do) and fill it with fresh vegetable oil.
  3. Use unrefined sunflower or extra virgin olive oil at the rate of half a liter of oil for every 3 cups of sea buckthorn cake.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid (no seal needed) and put it in a dark place. Leave at room temperature or slightly cooler for about a week (6-8 days).
  5. After this time, the pulp will have time to transfer microelements and vitamins to the oil. You can strain it from the cake and start using it, or you can further improve the quality of the oil.
  6. Juice again about the same amount fresh berries, like the first time. Use it as you wish, fill the new cake with the already infused sea buckthorn and strained oil.
  7. Repeat the infusion procedure, then squeeze the oil from the cake. Sea buckthorn oil is ready.
How to make sea buckthorn oil from berries at home
The apparent simplicity of the method described above does not in any way reduce the quality of the final product. But if you want to increase the concentration of nutrients, try preparing sea buckthorn oil this way:
  1. Place selected, clean sea buckthorn berries on a sheet in an even layer and dry in the oven at low temperature. Your task: make the berries dry and hard through and through, but in no case allow them to burn.
  2. Grind the dried berries into flour using a coffee grinder or chopper.
  3. Pour sea buckthorn berry flour into a non-metallic container (ceramic or glass jar).
  4. Heat unrefined vegetable oil to a temperature slightly warmer than room temperature. Pour sea buckthorn flour into the jar so that the oil slightly covers the height of the flour layer.
  5. Stir the contents of the jar a little, cover it with a lid (not airtight) and put it in a dark place. Hold at room temperature about a week, stirring the oil daily.
  6. After the extraction period has expired, strain the sea buckthorn oil. You'll need a very fine sieve, but even that won't remove all the flour particles completely.
  7. Therefore, leave the strained oil for another day, during which the sediment will settle.
  8. Separate the sediment and pour the clear sea buckthorn oil into another container. It is ready to use.
  9. As in the previous case, you can repeat the procedure from the beginning, using already infused oil, to increase the concentration of nutrients in the finished sea buckthorn oil.
How to make high concentration sea buckthorn oil
There is a fairly simple and effective, but, roughly speaking, not profitable way to make sea buckthorn oil at home. However, it is used when it is necessary to prepare sea buckthorn oil of the highest quality. If the quality of the product is more important to you than its quantity, try making sea buckthorn oil like this:
  1. Place clean and dry selected sea buckthorn berries into the juicer. Remove the pulp, and pour the fresh juice into a large-diameter non-metallic container (the wider, the more convenient it will be for you).
  2. Place the container with the juice in a dark place and leave at room temperature for about a day.
  3. After this period, you will see that a thin oil film has formed on the surface of the juice.
  4. Remove the oil in any convenient way and pour into a tightly closed container. Store in the refrigerator.
There will be very little oil, but the concentration of vitamins and minerals it will have the maximum (compared to sea buckthorn oil obtained by other methods). Sometimes sea buckthorn oil is prepared from frozen berries. This is quite acceptable, but oil from fresh sea buckthorn berries is more useful. But frozen berries are available at any time of the year. Even if you missed the moment and did not have time to prepare sea buckthorn oil during the harvest, you have a chance to make it even in winter.

Why make sea buckthorn oil yourself? Properties and benefits of sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn is a medicinal plant that has long been known and loved by people. And sea buckthorn oil is a kind of concentrate of all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn. It preserves the most valuable vitamins (A, C, E, K, F, group B) and organic fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, etc.). Sea buckthorn oil is rich in tannins and microelements. Thanks to the biological activity of all these components, sea buckthorn oil has a whole range of beneficial qualities:

  • antibacterial;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing (accelerates tissue regeneration);
  • tonic (gives skin elasticity);
  • nourishing, moisturizing.
Sea buckthorn oil is taken orally and applied externally. If you are going to use sea buckthorn oil as cosmetic product, then know that it cannot be applied to the face in its pure form. This is due to the high content of carotene, which can disrupt the natural protective forces of the skin. But when used in combined masks, compresses and creams, sea buckthorn oil helps restore the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, fights wrinkles, dryness, crusts, and strengthens hair and nails. Before using sea buckthorn oil, consult a cosmetologist or at least someone who understands folk medicine.

When prescribed by a doctor, sea buckthorn oil and preparations based on it are used to treat gastritis and ulcers, pancreatic diseases and intestinal disorders. Sea buckthorn oil strengthens the cardiovascular system, therefore it is used to normalize blood pressure and for vision problems. Sea buckthorn oil can be applied not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of stomatitis, conjunctivitis, etc. But if making sea buckthorn oil yourself is not a problem, then its use should be agreed with a specialist. Be sensible, take care of yourself and be healthy!

Treatment with sea buckthorn oil has long been widely used in folk medicine. Today I will tell you how to make sea buckthorn oil yourself at home. This is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, but by doing it yourself, you will be completely confident in its quality.

Recipe No. 1.

This is the simplest way to prepare oil, but despite its lightness, you will get a good quality product.

Sort the berries, rinse several times in running water. Pass through a juicer. We won't need the juice, so drink it; freshly squeezed juice is good for our health.
Fill the cake with regular vegetable oil. For 3 glasses, take half a liter of oil. Let it sit for several days (a week is enough) so that the berries transfer all their properties to the oil. useful material.
Strain the resulting oil from the cake and repeat the procedure again: Squeeze the juice in a juicer, drink it, and fill the fresh cake with the oil already infused in the first portion.
This tincture will receive a double portion of microelements and vitamins and can easily compete with natural sea buckthorn oil isolated from the berries.

Recipe No. 2.

After sorting the berries, rinse them well, then dry them in the oven at low temperature. The berries should be firm and completely dry, but do not allow them to burn while drying.
Grind the berries in a coffee grinder until you get almost flour and pour in slightly warmed vegetable oil. Take either glass or ceramic dishes. The oil should completely cover the sea buckthorn flour.
Stir the mixture, cover the container with a lid and place in a dark place for about a week. Stir the mixture daily. The temperature should be room temperature, neither higher nor lower.
Strain the oil through a fine sieve and place again in a dark place. The oil should become transparent and there should be some sediment left at the bottom of the dish.
Pour the product into another jar, separating the sediment. Cover it tightly with a lid. IN this product will contain approximately 15% sea buckthorn oil. To get a more concentrated oil, repeat the entire cooking process again, but you can do it several times - then the percentage of sea buckthorn will be maximum. But each time a new portion of the cake must be filled with oil already infused with sea buckthorn.

Recipe No. 3.

For 4 cups of fresh berries you will need half a liter of vegetable oil. You can also take olive oil. This method is good because such butter can be prepared at any time, even in winter, if you have run out of what you have already prepared, since we will need frozen berries for cooking.

Carefully sort the berries, rinse, dry, spread them on paper and place them in a container for 4 - 5 days. freezer. You need to defrost them very slowly, first put them from the freezer into the refrigerator, and then continue to defrost at room temperature.
After the berries have completely melted, squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer or other method. Place the juice in the refrigerator for a while, we will need it later, and dry the remaining pulp. When it dries, separate the seeds from it and grind them in a coffee grinder.
Combine the crushed seeds with the cake and place in a container with a volume of at least 2 liters. Pour the juice into it and add vegetable oil. Stir well.
Take a large saucepan, place a small metal lid (or other stand) on the bottom, place our two-liter saucepan in it and pour water into the first, larger one. Boil the mixture in a water bath over low heat for about 3 hours.
Remove from heat and place the container in a dark place for three days at room temperature. A layer of oil should form on the surface, which you carefully remove with a spoon and pour into a separate glassware.
Let the remaining oil sit for another 3 days and again carefully collect the oil that forms on the surface. Repeat this process 3 - 4 more times. To make it easier to collect the oil, pour the remaining oil into a narrower container each time.

Recipe No. 4.

This is also an easy and least time-consuming way to obtain the product. Wash the berries, squeeze out the juice, pour it into a wide bowl and place in a dark place for a day. Then use a spoon to collect the oil, which forms a film on the top of the pan. You will recognize it, it will have an oily consistency. Pour it into a glass container and store it tightly covered in the refrigerator.

The oil obtained in this way is considered to be of the highest quality and of the highest concentration. The only disadvantage of this method is that very little product is obtained.

Treatment with sea buckthorn oil:
In folk medicine, sea buckthorn oil is used both for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Here is just a small list of them.

Diseases of the digestive system. Improves the functioning of the pancreas, improves digestion, regulates the secretion of gastric juice, and enhances intestinal motility. It has a wound-healing effect in cases of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Indicated for gastritis, duodenitis, fatty liver, cholelithiasis.
Skin diseases. Being an excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, it improves the healing processes and epithelization. It is used for dermatitis, acne, neurodermatitis, lichen, eczema, boils, burns, frostbite, cuts and cracks (for example, cracks in the heels, if you follow the link, you can find out other ways to treat them), and other difficult-to-heal wounds.
Vision. The risk of developing diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes and cornea is reduced. Clouding of the lens is prevented, intraocular pressure is reduced, and inflammatory processes are eliminated. It is used for burns and eye injuries, conjunctivitis, trachoma, blepharitis. It is also used for the prevention of glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.
Oral diseases. It is used for the treatment of periodontal disease, pulpitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, and for healing wounds after extraction.
Colds. Helps with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis.
The cardiovascular system. By regularly consuming sea buckthorn oil, you will lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize your blood pressure. The oil also helps prevent the occurrence of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.
Diabetes and obesity. With the help of oil, sugar levels are regulated and lipid metabolism is improved.
Recuperation after operations and serious illnesses.
Boosting immunity.
Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis vitamins A and E.

My dear readers, share recipes with your friends on social media. networks, let them also learn how to make sea buckthorn oil at home - this valuable product, in my opinion, should be in everyone’s home. I suggest you look interesting video about the benefits of sea buckthorn, as well as how to choose and prepare it.