How to make jam thick for a pie. What to do if the jam turns out liquid? Recommendations

I think everyone has encountered liquid jam intended for a pie.

Wherever I looked for advice on what to do, there were only 3 options:

1) boil until thick,

2) add starch,

3) add crushed crackers or nuts.

I only succeeded in the third option, but the result was not pleasing. I thought and thought, and finally came up with an idea!!!

Of course, there was a powerful stimulus for thought in the form of liquid currant jam. And I have a great desire to bake a grated pie with it.
So what to do?

Pour a glass of jam/jam/jelly into a saucepan, add 1 tsp. semolina, mix well and leave for 15 minutes for the semolina to swell.

Then bring to a boil and after 2 minutes you get a wonderful thick jam. Jam. Jam.

Semolina does not in any way affect the taste or appearance of the fruit filling of the pie.

Of course, depending on the consistency of the original semolina product, you may need a little less or a little more than a teaspoon.
And one more little piece of advice. As a rule, the most delicious jam is eaten outside of baking, and for pies there are options that are not the family’s favorite. Adding the zest of just half an orange makes any fruit filling incredibly beautiful, try it! Bon appetit everyone!

And I'm not worried about liquid jam. I lay out the dough on a baking sheet, making sides. I pour the jam mixed with lemon so that it is sour, distribute the jam, rub the dough from the freezer on top, which I put there for 15 minutes. Liquid jam only makes the pie softer. I bake it all the time, it’s always on my table. Now there is no thick jam anymore. And the grandchildren come, give them grated pie.

→ TamaraEasily! 500g margarine, 5 cups flour (unsifted), this will be 800g. 1 tsp soda, 3/4 tsp. Grind lemon juice into powder with a spoon (do not replace it with vinegar), 2-3g vanillin, 2 eggs. Grate cold margarine into flour, grind into crumbs, add soda, lemon, and vanillin. Mix. Beat in the eggs, knead the dough, divide into 2/3 and 1/3. Divide 1/3 into 3 pieces, make flat cakes and put in the freezer. Stretch 2/3 of the dough onto a baking sheet, making finger-high edges along the edges. Spread with sour jam. Plum, apricot, and apple are better suited. If the jam is sweet, I add lemon, it’s also better to grind it, at the rate of 0.5 tsp. per jar 0.6 l. This is approximately how much it takes for the filling, maybe more - 3 cups. Can be cooked fresh apple jam- 1 kg of apples, 300-400 g of sugar, no more. You can arrange fruits from compotes. Made with sweets curd filling, but we don't like it. Grate the dough from the freezer over the filling using a coarse grater, distributing the chips evenly. Bake over medium heat in the middle of the oven. I always put an empty baking sheet down, on which I put foil so that it does not burn. Bake for 35-40 minutes until golden brown on top. I cut it hot. First I cut the edges and fold them separately, although the taste is the same. Then I cut it into small squares. I have been preparing the filling since the summer. Just now I bought carrots, I will use boiled carrots, pureed, and cook the filling with lemon. Last time (on Friday) I added it to apple jam carrot puree quietly. Everyone was delighted. Then she confessed.

Why did the jam turn out liquid, the secrets of thick jam

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Many homemade lovers are faced with the problem of liquid jam. It happens that housewives, seeing that the product is not thick as planned, begin to “boil” it for 5-6 hours. However, this method will only produce something reminiscent of burnt jam with the taste of burnt sugar. Why this happens, how to deal with this problem and make the jam thick, read the tips below.

What is the difference between jam, jam, confiture, preserves

For ordinary people, these words seem synonymous, and, as they see it, they mean berries or fruits boiled with sugar (and sometimes with the addition of vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, flower petals, honey). But still, there is a difference in these terms.

  • Jam is a dessert, a type of preservation, in which the fruit retains its shape. Thanks to this, the product has a characteristic consistency.
  • Jam is a product with a homogeneous consistency, prepared from fruit, berry or mixed puree.
  • Jam or confiture (which is essentially the same thing) has a jelly-like structure. Often, to prepare it, the fruits are crushed or boiled to a homogeneous consistency with or without small inclusions of whole pieces. Thickening agents are often used for jams.

The easiest way to get thick jam- add pectin, agar-agar or gelatin to the mixture. By the way, you can read what the difference between these substances is.

  • To obtain the consistency of confiture, add 1 sachet of agar-agar per 2 kg of fruit or berries to the product. In this proportion the jam will be moderately thick. If you need a marmalade structure, then add agar in the following ratio: 1 sachet per 1 kg of fruit.
  • You can add pectin-containing products: grate apples, add currant puree or grated gooseberries, citrus zest. Experienced housewives They know that red currant is a gelling berry.
  • Collect fruits only in dry weather. This advice is especially relevant for berries. The fact is that during the rainy season they become overly saturated with moisture, “heavy”, and they need to be boiled for quite a long time. Most often, they make a rather unsightly jam: the berries “float” in a very liquid syrup. If in your region precipitation fell within normal limits this summer, then there should be no problems with winter preparations.
  • If you wash the berries before making jam, it is best to dry them and only then start cooking. The fact is that after washing, many droplets remain on the fruits, which in total significantly dilute the syrup. And for the jam to thicken, we don’t need extra moisture.
  • Increasing the cooking time does not solve the problem. It is best to prepare the jam in three batches: this way we will preserve useful material. Rather than keeping the product on the stove for 3-4 hours, it is better to do this: cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat, cool for 6 hours (this is the minimum). Repeat this 3 times.
  • Don't forget to remove the foam.
  • Some types of jam are initially difficult to thicken using conventional methods. As an example, zucchini jam will be watery, since these vegetables themselves contain a lot of moisture.
  • To thicken, some housewives advise adding lemon juice.
  • The best vessel for cooking is a wide basin with low edges, since excess liquid evaporates in it better than in a saucepan. You can use any similar wide dish.
  • How to thicken liquid Cherry jam? If you get more syrup than expected, then pour as much as you need into jars, and add to the remaining mixture and boil. If you want to get the best result, pierce each berry with a toothpick (you need two holes, that is, the stick should come out on the other side of the fruit). This way the gooseberries will be filled with aromatic cherry syrup and will not be shriveled.

If even after all these manipulations the jam turns out liquid, it means some mistake was made. Don’t be upset: serve it with pancakes, cheesecakes, and make jelly from it.

How to thicken jam for filling pies, layering cakes, pie and other baked goods?

If you need delicious filling for pies, sandwiching a cake or any other baked goods, and you only have in stock liquid jam, do not rush to get upset. We recommend using the following proven method.

Take the jam that needs to be thickened and pour it into a saucepan or metal ladle. Add semolina at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of product. After this, mix the ingredients and leave for 10-20 minutes (this time is needed for the semolina to swell). Next, place the saucepan on low heat and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Believe me, with this method of thickening the jam, semolina will not be felt at all! It will acquire the taste of boiled fruits or berries.

By the way, one more piece of advice. Usually not the most used for baking best jam(usually one that was underestimated by household members). Add a couple of spoons lemon zest to the filling, and see how much the taste changes.

How to prevent jam from molding: answer at the link

The ideal filling for baking are sweet winter preparations, cooked at home. Difficulty in preparation can arise only if the consistency of the dessert is too liquid. In this case, it is very important to know how to make jam of a thick consistency using different food additives so as not to spoil the dessert. Such additives and their use will be discussed further.

When cooking too liquid filling subsequently, you may encounter it leaking out of the pies, even when the edges are tightly clamped.

Also, a liquid consistency leads to a wet and soggy pie dough. To solve this problem, some try to put less jam, but in the end the dish still turns out not so appetizing.

The best way out is to thicken the jam to the required consistency.

Why does the jam turn out liquid?

Many families pass down recipes for searing from generation to generation. Everyone definitely has memories that are associated with delicious, thick, sticky jam, like grandma made in childhood. But in most cases, housewives cannot reproduce such a dessert on their own; the resulting consistency is not the same.

Why does the dessert come out liquid?

  1. The jam did not boil down.
  2. Little granulated sugar was introduced.
  3. It is important to remove the foam.
  4. You don’t need to take a pan for cooking; dishes that have low walls will help excess moisture quickly evaporate.
  5. Preparing jam should not last 3 hours straight. It is recommended to do this in 3 stages. The raw material is first boiled, cooked for 15 minutes and removed from the heat to cool. The procedure must be repeated 3 times.

To save liquid jam, it needs to be boiled down. This method is not recommended if the dessert is made from raspberries, since the longer the delicacy is cooked, the more vitamins will be lost. This berry is rich in vitamins, so harvesting it for the winter not only reminds you of summer, but is also a therapeutic and preventive remedy. Raspberries also contain many organic acids that act well as preservatives.

The fruits are overcooked, the strawberries become an unattractive brown color, and sometimes have a bad smell.

But the delicacy made from apples and pears benefits from long cooking. Fruit slices are soaked in granulated sugar and become similar to marmalade.

If during the preparation of the jam it comes out very liquid, you need to increase the cooking time. Fruits from the same tree, collected in different years, can have different juiciness. If there is a lot of liquid in the fruit, then a lot of it will be released into the dessert.

Afterwards, the hot syrup is sent to a bowl with fruits and berries. This thickening method can be used when cooking gooseberries, apricots, black currants, and pears. The taste of sweetness and the degree of juiciness of the ingredients used may vary. Therefore, to boil fruits from one tree, each subsequent year a different volume of granulated sugar may be required.

How to thicken liquid jam?

To make the jam thicker, various food additives are used.


Thanks to pectin, the aroma of the dessert is preserved. To cook Strawberry jam After adding pectin, you need 10 minutes of time. Using pectin, fruits and berries will remain intact, and the jam will have a bright shade of fresh fruit.

Reducing the cooking time will allow you to get more dessert.

How much pectin should be added to the dessert will depend on the volume of sugar and liquid in it. If you take 1 kg of fruit, you need to add 5-15 grams. pectin:

  1. Based on the calculation of granulated sugar and jam juice 1 to 0.5 pectin, 5 grams are required.
  2. If the ratio of sand to liquid is 1 to 0.25, then 10 grams of pectin is needed.
  3. When preparing jam without sugar, add 15 grams per 1 kg of fruit. pectin

Add pectin to the boiled dessert, mixing it with sugar in advance to prevent sticking. After adding pectin to the treat, cook it for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the jelly-like properties will be lost.


Treats using Quittin are easy to make. When preparing a dessert from whole fruits, you need to cover the fruits with sand overnight, and in the morning add Quittin and cook the jam for 5 minutes. If the fruits are ground through a sieve, then the quittin is added immediately and the delicacy is cooked for 5 minutes.

Starch - can it be used?

Starch is a powder that has no aroma or taste. It is used occasionally to make jam.

When adding starch to dessert, they decrease taste qualities treats, due to this you need to introduce more sugar, citric acid to improve the taste.

IN liquid dessert In a couple of minutes, starch diluted in water is introduced. After pouring in the product, cook the jam for no more than 3 minutes. The cooled dessert will become thicker.


The classic recipe is making dessert with gelatin. The delicacy is made as follows. For 1 kg of fruit and 1 kg of sand take 40 grams. gelatin. It should be mixed dry with sand, and then prepare the dessert following the recipe.


When making jam with the product, add 1 tsp per 250 ml of liquid. thickener Initially, it is filled with water and left to swell. After the thickener is brought to a boil, stirred so that there are no lumps or sediment.

The prepared solution is sent to dessert and mixed.


To make a dessert with medium liquid thick, add 1 tbsp of flour. l. for 250 ml of jam.

How to cook:

  1. Place the pan on low gas and wait for the product to boil.
  2. Flour is poured in little by little.
  3. The dessert should be stirred all the time to avoid lumps.


This thickener is used for fillings, as it has virtually no effect on the original flavor of the dessert. Semolina is introduced as follows: 1 tsp. for 350 ml or 300 gr. treats. If the mass has a very liquid consistency, the volume increases to 2 tbsp. l.

To prepare the filling, the jam is poured into a cauldron and poured semolina, mix and leave for 15 minutes. This time is enough for the cereal to absorb excess liquid and swell.

How to make thick jam for the winter?

To prepare a dessert with a thick consistency, you must follow the recommendations.

  1. The delicacy becomes thick if you use fruits rich in pectin: strawberries, raspberries, apples, plums, currants, gooseberries, cranberries.
  2. Pectin substances are contained in large quantities in unripe fruits. To make thick jam, take ripened fruits and add a little unripe fruit to them.
  3. A thick dessert is obtained by using fruits with a sufficient amount of acid. If the test preparation shows insufficient thickness, then you need to add lemon juice.
  4. To make the jam thick, you need to cook it quickly to prevent the natural pectin from being destroyed during cooking. Prepare the delicacy by turning the heat to high, stirring frequently. Dishes are used with low walls and a wide bottom.

Thick jams have a very pleasant taste and dense consistency. How to thicken jam when cooking plum, what should be added to the pan with the main ingredients? How to thicken jam when cooking plums so that the taste of the finished product does not suffer? Experienced housewives know that it is the thick delicacy that adults and children love so much. If you want to make truly tasty jam, you need to prepare it using gelatin. It is better to choose a regular gelling product rather than an instant one. For 1 kilogram of plums you will need 1 kilogram of sugar and 1 sachet of gelatin, the net weight of which is 40 grams. The plums should be washed, pitted, sprinkled with sugar and a gelling product added. After 2 hours you need to mix all the ingredients, and after another 3-4 hours you can start cooking. The jam should be cooked for about 15 minutes, after which it can be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

You can thicken plum jam directly during the cooking process. If the hostess has prepared a treat without adding gelatin, but finished product turned out to be too liquid, you can add a thickener at the very end of cooking, about 5 minutes before turning off the stove. But in this case, you must first dissolve the gelatin in small quantity warm water, and after swelling, place it in a pan with plum jam. The indicated proportions are recommended, that is, the amount of gelatin can be reduced or increased. But it should be remembered that an excess of gelling product can adversely affect the taste of the jam. Some housewives use special thickeners of synthetic origin instead of gelatin. Such components can greatly change the taste of the plum delicacy. Therefore, their use is not recommended. It is better to give preference to natural gelatin.

You can thicken plum jam without using any foreign products. If the cooked delicacy seems too liquid, you need to drain off some of the syrup and continue cooking. After 5-10 minutes you can evaluate the consistency again. The jam is considered to be cooked successfully if a drop of its syrup does not spread over the plate, but holds its shape. It is also worth remembering that when chilled, the delicacy will be thicker. If immediately after cooking it does not seem dense enough, you need to wait a little and evaluate the taste after an hour. Next, you can bring the mixture to a boil again and pour it into sterilized jars. The jam should be covered with nylon, not metal, lids. After it has cooled, you can put the preservation in a cool place. Some housewives prefer to add pureed red currants or other berries that have gelling properties to plum jam.

If the housewife does not plan to store the jam for a long time and wants to use it as a filling for pies, baked goods, you can make the treat thicker by adding flour or starch. Immediately after cooking, add this natural thickener to the pan with the main ingredients and cook the jam for another 3-5 minutes. Flour or starch must first be diluted in a small amount of water. This will help avoid the formation of lumps. You can choose the ratio of thickener and jam yourself. As a rule, you need to use 1 tablespoon of flour or starch per glass of product. It is not recommended to exceed this dosage. When plum jam is prepared solely for later use as a filling, you can add semolina or even breadcrumbs for thickening.

What housewife has not encountered a problem? liquid jam, which upset all her baking plans delicious pie or flavored bagels? It’s sad when you want to please your family with pleasant smells, but the jam prepared specifically for this purpose suddenly runs out.

There is a way out, and this article will reveal to you little secrets that will remain in your life for a long time. cookbook, and most importantly, they will save you at the most needed moment! We will be happy to share with you how you can turn liquid jam into thick jam, which does not leak from the dough and does not spoil all the baked goods!

Effective ways

There are many ways, born of experienced housewives, who can make something out of nothing. Let's look at the most accessible of them:

  1. The most commonly used is semolina. When it is added, the taste of the product does not deteriorate and does not change in appearance. You just need to boil the jam with a few tablespoons of cereal (1 tsp per 300 grams of semolina).
  2. The easiest way to make a thick mixture from liquid is to simmer the mixture over low heat for some time until it reaches the required consistency. The advantage is that you can control the desired thickness and viscosity yourself, as opposed to adding all kinds of thickeners. After all, you can not guess and overdo it with this matter.
  3. Many people use starch as a thickener. Moreover, you can use both potato and corn, adding it to the already heated mixture.
  4. To avoid suffering for a long time, you can simply buy an ordinary thickener in the store and add it to the liquid. The proportions are indicated on the packaging.
  5. Powdered nuts will remove excess water and add an amazing taste. Gelatin will turn your jam into a delicious jam. If you try to use flour for this purpose, the effect will be similar to how you prepare goulash. Stir a little flour in a small amount of water until smooth and pour into the jam, stirring constantly.
  6. Some even take egg whites. Beat it well and then pour it into the sweet mass.
  7. Hercules flakes will be able to absorb excess liquid without distorting the taste.

All these options have been tested by many savvy chefs and cooks who were able to find a way out of a difficult situation on their own and with their imagination.

Not everyone adds anything to the jam itself; some consider it advisable to simply sprinkle the surface of the cake with some kind of mass so that the liquid mixture does not penetrate into the dough and spoil it. Here are some of their recommendations:

  • flour;
  • cereals;
  • starch, cookies (crushed);
  • special powder.

The surface should be covered with these bulk mixtures as thickly as possible so that the liquid jam does not leak onto the cake.

Perhaps you too can find some for yourself interesting way, with the help of which you will successfully eliminate any difficulty that has arisen on the way to preparing delicious food for your family.