How to pickle fresh-frozen mackerel quickly. Delicious brine for mackerel

Mackerel is a very grateful fish. Cold and hot smoked mackerel serves as an excellent cold snack to beer or more strong drinks, it can also be fried or baked in the oven - and then it will perfectly act as a main dish on your dining table.

But the most popular among fish lovers, and indeed among those who like to eat deliciously, is salted mackerel. This is not surprising. Mackerel - the fish itself is very tasty, it is quite fatty, but not too much. It is not dry and not bony, it has its own taste, bright and memorable, but not flashy, not sharp, but soft and pleasant.

Salted mackerel is interesting in how it behaves in combination with various spices, in different marinade. Depending on the combinations of spices in the marinade and on the different degrees of salting, it is transformed, retaining its bright personality, always remaining a welcome guest on the dinner table, on weekdays and holidays.

We will tell you best recipes how to pickle mackerel so that you can always please your guests with a traditional fish snack, consider several ways to salt mackerel, let's talk about different types marinade and discuss how to pickle mackerel so as to reveal the whole rich flavor palette of this wonderful fish.

In fact, salting mackerel at home is quite simple, it does not require any special conditions or special skills. You need to cut the fish and make a brine for it. The simplest pickle for mackerel includes salt, Bay leaf, peppercorns and spices: coriander and others, depending on the recipe. The brine must be brought to a boil and cooled.

Next, mackerel is poured with brine, whole or cut into pieces, it depends on the chef’s intention and the size of the fish, after which they are left in brine from 1 to 3 days. The time can vary depending on how you plan to salt the mackerel, strongly, medium, or lightly salted mackerel will suit you.

Before salting mackerel, you need to check your inventory and make sure we have everything in stock for this process.

We will need:

  • knife - necessarily sharp;
  • cutting board;
  • cellophane film (or package);
  • paper or cloth disposable towels;
  • deep bowl;
  • glass jar (or container);
  • pot.

Preparation method

Let's start cutting the fish. We cut off the head, fins and tail, gutted. To do this, insert the tip of the knife into the hole under the lower ventral fin and carefully cut the abdomen from the bottom up, in the direction from this hole to the head. Can be cut with kitchen scissors. We remove the insides and rinse the fish thoroughly under running water. Wet with a paper towel.

Next, we cut the fish - depending on how you are going to pickle the mackerel, we cut it into transverse pieces, along with the bones, or into longitudinal ones, having previously removed the fillet. If the fish is small, you can pickle it whole, but if the fish is large, then it would be better to cut it.

Before cutting the fish, cover the board with cling film to prevent the smell of the fish from being absorbed into the board.
If you make a little more marinade, you can cut the onion into half rings and marinate it briefly to serve salted mackerel with onion.

This is perhaps the easiest recipe for salted mackerel. You don’t even need to prepare a marinade for it - the mackerel will pickle perfectly in own juice. Fish prepared in this way can be bought at the store, but you can also pickle mackerel at home, it's not difficult at all and much more profitable.

First of all, it's cheaper. In addition, you can always make your own adjustments to the recipe and salt the mackerel the way you like, taking into account your own preferences. And, of course, salted mackerel home cooking is always received by guests with more enthusiasm than purchased.


  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • table vinegar 9% - 2 teaspoons;
  • pepper (a mixture of peppers);
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking method

First, we prepare the fish for salting: we make an incision carefully along the abdomen, from the bottom up, gutted. Cut off the head, tail and fins. We wash the fish well under running water, wipe it with a disposable towel. With a sharp knife, cut the fish along the ridge into two halves, remove the spine. Mix salt and pepper and sprinkle generously on the fish, inside and out. We put the two halves of our mackerel together and wrap it with plastic wrap or just wrap the fish in plastic bag- you need to create tightness.

For fidelity, you can put the fish in an enamel or glass container - salted mackerel will release juice and fat, which can leak if the cellophane is damaged. In addition, the fish emits a rather persistent smell, and if you do not want it to spread throughout the refrigerator, you'd better "isolate" it. It is better not to use plastic in this case, as it absorbs the smell, so enamel or glassware is best suited.

We leave the mackerel in the refrigerator for one day. After a day, we take out the salted mackerel from the refrigerator and wash off the remnants of salt and pepper from it, cut into pieces.

Let's move on to the bow. Onion clean and cut into half rings - thin, almost transparent. We put it in a separate bowl, sprinkle with vinegar, add sugar. Fill with water - warm, but not boiling water, so that the onion does not boil. We mix. Marinate 10 minutes. Gently drain in a colander so that water does not drain from the onion.
Cut the lemon into thin slices.

We return to the mackerel. Put the pieces of fish on a dish or a long plate. For a more beautiful serving, it is good to use a special dish for fish, narrow, oval. Spray the pieces with vinegar or lemon juice, as well as vegetable oil. On top of the pieces of salted mackerel, beautifully put the onion and lemon, decorate with herbs and serve.

Strange as it may sound, mackerel salted in cinnamon brine is perhaps the most classic recipe salted mackerel. This fish has a rather bright taste, and cinnamon sets it off very favorably, making it more spicy, soft, but at the same time saturated. It's getting ready a fish dish quite simple, but it turns out invariably tasty - both for recognized culinary specialists and for those who do not have much experience in salting fish.


  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 250 g;
  • peppercorns - 15 pieces;
  • Bay leaf;
  • cinnamon.

Cooking method

Before salting the mackerel, we cut the fish: gut, carefully cutting the abdomen from the lower fin to the head, cut off the head. We thoroughly wash the fish, wipe it with disposable towels.

I'm preparing the brine. We collect water in a saucepan (1 l), add salt (250 g), pepper (peas), bay leaf (several pieces) and a little cinnamon to it - literally two pinches. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Now the brine needs to be cooled to 40 degrees so as not to fill the fish with boiling water, otherwise we risk scalding it. Pour our mackerel with chilled brine and put in the refrigerator for 3 days.

For salting fish, you will need an enamel pan or a special container that will not absorb the smell of fish on its own and will not allow it to fill the entire refrigerator. After 3 days, we take out the salted mackerel and cut it into pieces. When serving, salted mackerel can be garnished with onion, herbs or lemon cut into thin rings.

Recipe 3: Mackerel Salted with Basil and Coriander

This is one of the best salted mackerel recipes for those who love savory, spicy fish. Cloves, basil and coriander are added to the marinade. All these spices have a very strong taste and aroma, so when using them, you need to be careful that they do not interrupt the taste of the fish, but only complement it, so do not overdo it.

It's pretty quick recipe salted mackerel - the fish is cooked in just one day, but the result is absolutely amazing. Fragrant and spicy salted mackerel will easily become your favorite fish snack, successfully fitting into both everyday and holiday menus.


  • mackerel;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • basil - 1 teaspoon;
  • coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • carnation;
  • water.

Cooking method

Before salting the mackerel, prepare the marinade. Pour 1 cup of water into a saucepan, put on fire. Add - salt, sugar, bay leaf, a spoonful of basil and coriander. Carefully add the cloves - this is very fragrant spice, so adjust its amount depending on your taste, 3 or 4 heads, no more. As soon as the marinade boils, remove it from the heat. Check if the salt and sugar have dissolved, stir. We are waiting for the marinade to cool down - to pickle the mackerel, we need it warm, not hot.

Let's start cutting the fish. Before marinating the mackerel, thoroughly clean it of all excess. We cut off the head and fins, remove the skin (film), gutted. We wash the carcass. Cut the fillet, cut the fish into portions.

We take a glass jar - if you have a jar of pickled cucumbers or other pickles, you can use it. It is best to pickle mackerel in a jar with a screw cap. Carefully put the fillet pieces in a jar, pour the marinade. We put in the refrigerator for 1 day.

Spicy salted mackerel with coriander and basil goes well with boiled potatoes and black Borodino bread. Potatoes can be poured with mustard or unrefined sunflower oil, which also has its own bright taste and aroma.

Another simple recipe for salted mackerel without the use of marinade. The fish is prepared very simply and marinated in its own juice with mustard and spices. The result is a spicy fish snack, with a bright taste and aroma.


  • mackerel;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground pepper;
  • ground mustard;
  • ground coriander;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking method

Before salting the mackerel, we clean it, cut off the head and tail, carefully remove the insides and cut off the fins and skin - a thin film. Rinse the fish thoroughly, wipe with disposable towels.

Next, mix the spices. In a bowl, mix salt (1 tablespoon), sugar (1 teaspoon or half a tablespoon), pepper and coriander (1 teaspoon each), ground mustard (half a tablespoon). Finely chop a bay leaf there.

We take a fish, sprinkle it with this mixture, rub it well. We place the fish in a plastic bag, sprinkle with the remnants of the mixture of spices and salt. We tie the bag, gently shake it, make sure that the spices are distributed throughout the fish, put it in another bag or in an enameled container. Remember that fish gives a lot of juice and even more smell, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the bag may leak.

We put the mackerel in the refrigerator and leave it there for 2 days. After 2 days, we remove the salted mackerel from the bag, rinse and wipe it with a disposable towel - paper or cloth. We cut the fish into portioned pieces and serve to the table. When serving, garnish well with lemon slices, onion rings and a sprig of greens.

Recipe 5: Salted mackerel in two hours

This is the fastest salted mackerel recipe - the best recipe for salted fish lovers. If you have already invited guests and want to pamper them with homemade salted mackerel, you can do it easily, even if you do not have special skills and experience for this. salted mackerel on hastily every housewife can cook - the main thing is that you have mackerel on hand and - the desire to please your guests.

It will take you a little over two hours to prepare this dish. Two hours - that's how long it will take for mackerel to be fed with spices and marinate, preserving its bright taste but without getting too salty. Mackerel has a very delicate structure, it is a rather oily fish, so it will be soaked with brine and spices quite quickly. This is the best salted mackerel recipe for those who love tender, little salted fish.


  • mackerel;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 350 ml.

Cooking method

First of all, we prepare the brine. Pour 350 ml of water into a small saucepan and boil. Now you can fall asleep salt, pepper, parsley. Cut the onion into slices, into 4 parts, and put them in the brine. Reduce the heat and simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes.

The marinade is ready. Now it should be cooled so as not to fill the fish with boiling water. While it is cooling, we cut the mackerel - cut off the head and tail, clean it from the insides and everything superfluous, and wash it. Cut into small serving pieces.

We take a jar with a closing or twisting lid, put pieces of mackerel in it, pour in a slightly cooled marinade. It should be warm, but not very hot, so that the fish does not boil. Close the jar and put it in the refrigerator.
After 2 hours, salted mackerel is ready in a hurry. (If you wish, you can keep it in the marinade longer - it depends on your personal preference). We serve salted mackerel with greens and pickled onion on the table

  • It is best to salt mackerel in an enamel bowl or glass jar with a lid, preferably twisted. Plastic absorbs the smell, which is then difficult to get rid of.
  • It is good to cut fish on a board wrapped in a plastic bag - this way the board will absorb the smell of fish less, besides, it is good to wrap the insides of the fish in this bag along with disposable towels and throw it away in it.
  • For those who love an orange root vegetable, you can cut it and add it to the marinade.

  • Wipe the fish well with disposable paper or cloth towels.
  • You can salt mackerel in brine or the so-called "dry marinade", in salt and spices.
  • When filling the fish with brine, make sure that it is not too hot so that it does not boil.

Salted fish is ideal for both a festive and everyday table. Therefore, we tell you how to pickle mackerel at home. You don't need to be a pro at all to make a delicious and quick appetizer. Let's not rant, let's get started right away!

Salted mackerel is tasty and fast: "Classics of the genre"

  • carcasses - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • laurel - 4 pcs.
  • coarse salt (not iodized) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • peppercorns - 4 pcs.

Since mackerel can be deliciously salted in its own juice, it is the method without water that is considered a classic of the genre at home.

1. So, butcher the carcasses, freeing them from the heads and gutting them. Wash and remove dark deposits on the internal parts.

2. Prepare the container. Pour into it 1 tbsp. l. salt and smooth out. Add peppercorns and lavrushka to this.

3. Combine the rest of the salt with granulated sugar. Rub the dry mixture on all sides of the fish, including the inside.

4. Place the finished carcasses in a container, cork, leave in the cold for a couple of days. Before tasting, rinse with water, dry and chop.

Mackerel, salted under oppression for 2 hours

  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1 l.
  • carcasses - 2 pcs.
  • vinegar - 40 ml.
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • purple onion - 2 pcs.
  • coriander grains - 0.5 tsp
  • peas (allspice + black) - 8 pcs.
  • laurel - 3 pcs.

Before salting mackerel, carry out preparatory activities at home. It directly depends on them how tasty and quickly the fish will turn out.

1. So, gut the mackerel to get the sirloins. Chop the onion into half rings.

2. Take care of the brine: mix together all the spices, granulated sugar and salt. Pour in water. Put to boil and let cool. Then add vinegar.

3. Prepare a bowl. Fold the fillet into it, alternating in layers with onion half rings. Pour in the fill.

4. Set a flat plate, and on top of it - a 3-liter jar of water. Leave the snack for at least 2 hours. Drain and drizzle with oil before serving.

Mackerel spicy salted in brine

  • pepper-peas (black and allspice) - 5 pcs.
  • carcasses - 2 pcs.
  • carnation in stars - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • coriander in grains - 0.5 tsp
  • laurel - 4 pcs.
  • water - 1 l.
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.

To get spicy salted mackerel, you need to cut the carcasses into pieces at home. Highly tasty snack it turns out!

1. Start by gutting, removing skins, heads and internal parts. Rinse the fish, then cut into slices of 4 cm.

2. Take care of the filling: combine water with all the spices, granulated sugar and salt. Send to boil and cool.

3. Place the pieces of mackerel in a container, season with brine. Don't refrigerate yet. Requires a temperature not lower than room temperature. Wait 3 hours, then transfer to the refrigerator for another 12 hours.

Mackerel salted in mustard brine

  • water - 1 l.
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • carcasses - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • mustard powder - 1 tsp
  • laurel - 4 pcs.
  • black pea pepper - 6 pcs.

If you do not know how to pickle mackerel, we advise you to take a closer look at this recipe at home. Appetizing, tasty and fast!

1. Start with brine, combining water with salt, granulated sugar, all spices. Boil the mixture and turn off, let cool.

2. During this time, prepare the carcasses by gutting and rinsing them. Chop the fish into pieces and load into a glass container. Fill the jar with the cooled filling, then move it to the cold.

3. Salting mackerel according to this method at home is carried out all night, which is quite fast when cooking in brine. If you want to get a spicy snack, then wait a day.

Mackerel salted in oil with garlic

  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • fish - 2 pcs.
  • oil - 60 ml.
  • vinegar - 50 ml.
  • laurel - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • peppercorns - 6 pcs.

1. Salting begins with cutting the carcasses into fillets. Then they should be sprinkled with salt and left for a quarter of an hour.

2. For the allotted time, make a marinade: scroll the garlic cloves with a press. Combine with vinegar, oil, spices.

3. Chop the onion into half rings. Prepare a jar, put pieces of fish in it, alternating with onions.

4. Enter the marinade, cover with nylon, keep in the cold for about 10-12 hours. Taste.

Mackerel salted in onion skins

  • salt - 45 gr.
  • carcasses - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 25 gr.
  • filtered water - 1.5 l.
  • black tea (brewing) - 60 ml.
  • onion peel - 3 squeezes

Before pickling mackerel, it needs to be gutted and cut off all unnecessary at home. According to this recipe, the fish will turn out tasty and fast.

1. Wash the husk and soak for a quarter of an hour in water. Then transfer it to a suitable saucepan. Pour in water, tea leaves, add sugar, salt. Send the mixture to the burner and wait for it to boil.

2. With the appearance of the first bubbles, turn off the fire. The brine in the pan should cool completely naturally. Strain it and pour over the fish.

3. Store the container with carcasses and brine in the cold for about 3 days. Turn the fish daily. Such manipulations will help the mackerel to evenly salt and color.

4. After the specified period, wash the carcasses under running water. Ready fish will acquire an unusual taste and a pleasant golden hue. Cut carcasses and serve.

Dry salted mackerel

  • granulated sugar - 15 gr.
  • carcasses - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 50 gr.
  • laurel leaves - 3 pcs.
  • grained coriander - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • pea allspice - 10 pcs.
  • vinegar - in fact

Since mackerel can be salted in a dry way, it is worth using it. At home, a snack is tasty and quick.

1. Prepare the carcasses according to the standard scheme, do not forget to rinse. The choice of fish can be cut into pieces or left whole. Mix all dry ingredients.

2. Sprinkle the carcasses with the finished mixture inside and out. Place the fish on the foil and sprinkle with the rest of the mixture. Wrap and put in a plastic bag.

3. Send the carcasses in the cold for a couple of hours. After a predetermined period, remove excess salt and cut the fish into pieces. Place on a platter and drizzle with vinegar and oil.

Salted mackerel

  • granulated sugar - 15 gr.
  • carcasses - 2 pcs.
  • coarse salt - 55 gr.
  • allspice peas - 3 pcs.
  • larv - 4 pcs.
  • pea black pepper - 6 pcs.
  • mustard powder - 6 gr.
  • carnation - 2 buds
  • filtered water - 1 l.

Mackerel in fragrant marinade lightly salted. Filling at home is easy to prepare. The snack is very tasty!

1. Boil water and add all the spices. Boil for a few minutes. Wait for the filling to cool down room temperature.

2. In parallel, butcher and prepare carcasses, rinse. The fish should be placed in a glass container.

3. Pour in the brine and seal tightly. Leave in the cold all night. Cut carcasses, taste.

Deciding once again what to eat, consider how to pickle mackerel. For this at home, there are quite a few unusual recipes. In any case, the fish turns out tasty and fast.

Why choose mackerel? The answer to the question is quite simple: it belongs to valuable species of commercial fish. Due to the content of a large number of trace elements that are very important for human life, and these are proteins recommended for mandatory inclusion in the diet of children and patients to raise immunity; these are fats that fight cancer cells; cholesterol-lowering acids, B vitamins, which are well absorbed by the body.

Choosing fish for salting without water

Choosing fresh fish is not an easy process. Here are some tips that you can use in the market or in the supermarket:

  • After choosing a fish, carefully inspect it. Light gray color, tight carcass, no traces of rust and not a pronounced smell indicate the freshness of the product;
  • look at the gills. In a fresh healthy fish, they are red, without mucus, the eyes are not sunken or cloudy, there are no blood stains and damage to the skin;
  • note the tail, which should be even and damp, with scales close fitting. If it is possible to check the fish for freshness in the water (it should sink), take advantage of this, do not neglect the advice. Consider for fresh frozen mackerel this verification method is not suitable.

Proven Recipes salting mackerel at home without water, which have been tasted by a large number of fish lovers, will help you choose the option of dry salting.

Dry salting

This method of salting does not take much time. For this recipe, you need ingredients that are always available in the kitchen of every housewife:

  • peppercorns - 10 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 4-5 things;
  • mackerel - 3 pieces;
  • salt - 50-60 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • some dill.

At the beginning of the process, we take out the insides of the fish, carefully remove the dark film from the belly, as it gives bitterness. Cut off the head and wash well inside. In a prepared containersprinkle spices. We mix sugar and salt, with this mixture we spread our mackerel on all sides. We put dill in the belly, sprinkle with seasonings again and put it in a container, closing the lid, we send our dish for three days in the refrigerator. It turns out very tasty. Salted fish will help diversify and decorate any menu.

Important! Iodized salt for salting fish is not suitable, since the iodine, which is part of it, spoils appearance product, it is recommended to use regular salt. For dry salting, glass, plastic, enameled dishes are used, the material of which cannot be oxidized.

Dry salting with cloves

Cloves will help to give a piquant taste to your creation. After preparing the mackerel for salting, mix salt and sugar in a ratio of 1: 2, grind pepper, bay leaf and cloves to a powder state and mix everything. In selected dishes pour a little salt, dip the carcass abundantly in a mixture of spices prepared in advance. Put the fish scales down in a bowl, sprinkle with spices on top. Similarly, we do the salting process with the second layer. Close the container and put in the refrigerator for about 10-12 hours. After this time, we change the layers in places, the top layer lies on the bottom of the dish, and the bottom layer on top of the other layer, again we send the fish to the refrigerator. After 24 hours, a dish of salted fish, seasoned green onions and vegetable oil, serve.

An easy version of the dry salting method

Salt mackerel in a dry way it is possible within 7-9 hours, using oppression, it can be either a can of water, or a bag with a weight of up to 1-1.5 kg. To make our masterpiece delicious, it is advisable not to violate the cooking sequence and observe the proportions of the selected ingredients. We will need salt (2 tablespoons), sugar (1 tablespoon), allspice and black pepper (1 teaspoon each), as well as the seafood itself.

For this process, gut the fish, wash it well inside. Dry thoroughly, cut in half lengthwise, preferably with a sharp knife. Be sure to take out the bones to make sure there are no bones, try the fillets with your fingers. Having separated the skin, we do it carefully and with a sharp knife, we undertake to cut the meat into pieces, we try to ensure that all parts are the same size. The container with spices is ready to receive our semi-finished product, put it in a container and sprinkle with a mixture of spices prepared in advance. We press down with oppression, and we send the “semi-finished product” to the refrigerator.After 7-9 hours alreadyFinished salted fish, pre-decorated with herbs or onion rings, can be served on the table; potatoes are best as a side dish.

Salting mackerel without water, but in oil

We want to offer the following recipe, which you may be interested in the simplicity and speed of preparation.This option is interesting with a minimum number of products used. Just salt (2 tablespoons),refined oil (200 ml) and 1 kg of frozen mackerel will be required for salting in oil.

Cooking process:

  • disassemble the fish by cutting off the head, do not forget about removing the fins and tail - these are the initial processes of cutting the fish;
  • get rid of the black film inside, giving bitterness, wash the belly;
  • cut the mackerel in half along the ridge, it is we who have chosen it for dry salting, pull out all the bones using special tweezers to remove them;
  • cut into beautiful neat pieces;
  • put in a prepared container, skin down;
  • sprinkle with salt, do not be afraid to oversalt, the fish will not take excess salt;
  • pour oil on the first layer, then lay out the second, and again salt and pour oil;
  • close the container, put in the refrigerator. A day of waiting and the fish is ready.

Interesting! If frozen fish is not completely thawed, then pulling out the bones from its fillet will not be a difficult process, and the pieces will retain a neat and beautiful shape when cut.

Cooking seafood dishes at home is a great pastime that you can enjoy while developing your culinary skills, and

Affordable mackerel after home salting turns into amazing tasty dish. Any hostess or owner can quickly cook it. A variety of recipes will help to serve a completely new product every time.

Ready-made salted mackerel is a great snack. Good salted fish in a salad. The advantage of the dish is the ease of preparation and the attractive cost of the finished product.

How to salt mackerel - step by step photo recipe

For a family dinner, you can cook a delicious salted mackerel. This fish will please the whole family with its wonderful taste. Many housewives mistakenly believe that salting fish with their own hands is not an easy task. This recipe will help cooks appreciate the amazing taste qualities homemade salting fish and the simplicity of the process of preparing snacks.

Your mark:

Time for preparing: 6 hours 25 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Fresh mackerel: 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf: 4-5 pcs.
  • Carnation: 5-8 buds
  • Allspice: 16-20 mountains.
  • Ground black pepper: 3 g
  • Vinegar 9%: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water: 300 g
  • Bow: 2 head.
  • Sugar: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt: 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking instructions

    Mackerel needs to be washed cold water. Very carefully clean the inside of the fish, remove the tail, head and large floats.

    Cut mackerel into medium pieces. Put the fish in a deep bowl. It is important that the dishes are non-oxidizing.

    Pour water into a suitable saucepan. Place the container on the stove. Immediately add white sugar and edible salt(2 tablespoons). If you like saltier fish, then you should put 3 tablespoons of salt. Bring the marinade to a boil.

    Pour vinegar, vegetable oil into already boiling water.

    Put allspice peas. Boil for a minute.

    Then add ground black pepper, put bay leaves. Add cloves. Boil the brine for another minute. After that, cool the marinade.

    Peel the onion, cut it into rings with a sharp knife. Mix pieces of mackerel with onion rings.

    Pour in cold marinade in a bowl of fish.

    Close the lid of the cup with all the contents. Put the fish in the refrigerator for six hours.

    Salted tender mackerel can be eaten.

How to quickly salt mackerel at home

You can quickly salt mackerel at home in just a couple of hours. This is the perfect option for an "urgent" snack when receiving news of the imminent arrival of guests. To get a delicious homemade fish, you will need:

  • 2 medium-sized carcasses of mackerel;
  • 3 tablespoons of moth;
  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1 bunch of dill.


  1. The first step is gutting and cleaning the fish. The belly of the mackerel is torn open, the insides are removed, the film is removed. The heads of the fish need to be cut off. The cleaned carcass is thoroughly washed under cold running water.
  2. For salting, a metal or plastic container is used. A layer of salt (2 tablespoons), half a bunch of dill and peas of allspice is laid out at the bottom of the container.
  3. The remaining salt is mixed with sugar. The fish is thoroughly rubbed with the mixture inside and out, laid out on the bottom of the container. The top is sprinkled with dill sprigs, the remaining pepper. A bay leaf is placed on the fish.
  4. The fish will be salted in a tightly closed container for 2-3 hours. Before serving, it must be thoroughly wiped from excess salt and spices remaining on the surface of the carcasses, and cut into thin pieces.

How delicious to salt mackerel in brine

One more way is enough fast food delicious salted mackerel is the use of brine. The following recipe helps to make your own favorite by many festive snack. For cooking you need to take:

  • 2 medium-sized mackerels;
  • 700 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 3 tablespoons of kitchen table salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


  1. For cooking delicious fish in brine, you will need to carefully and carefully clean the fish, remove all the insides, remove the film, cut off the head. The fins and tail are removed with kitchen scissors.
  2. Next, prepare the brine. Water is put on fire. When it boils, all spices, salt and sugar are added. You can add a few grains of mustard. The mixture is again put on fire.
  3. The brine will boil for 4-5 minutes. After that, the pan is removed from the heat and set to cool.
  4. At this time, a mackerel carcass or its pieces are placed in a clean container. The fish is poured with brine so that the liquid covers the carcasses completely.
  5. Next, the appetizer is infused for 10-12 hours in a cool place.

Recipe for pickling whole mackerel

The whole salted mackerel looks beautiful and festive on the table. The preparation of this dish is within the power of the busiest or inexperienced hostess. To prepare whole salted mackerel, you need to take:

  • 2 medium-sized fish;
  • 1 liter of clean drinking water;
  • 4 grains of black pepper;
  • 4 grains of allspice;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of kitchen salt.


  1. Wash the fish thoroughly before salting. Fins and tail are removed with kitchen scissors. The belly of each fish is opened. The entrails are carefully removed along with the film desalted inside. The head is also cut off.
  2. Fish prepared for salting should be put in a fairly deep container.
  3. When preparing brine, water is put on fire. As soon as it boils, add all the spices, sugar and salt, bay leaf. The mixture is left to boil for 4-5 minutes. Ready brine removed from fire and set aside.
  4. As soon as the brine reaches room temperature, it is poured into a container in which the fish was previously placed. The liquid should completely cover the entire surface of the mackerel.
  5. The container with fish is cleaned in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator, for about 30 hours.

Salt mackerel slices - a delicious recipe with video

The simplest and fast option cooking salted mackerel - salting in pieces. For getting delicious treats have to take:

  • 1 kg mackerel;
  • 700 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • a pinch of mustard seeds.


  1. To prepare salted mackerel in pieces, use a whole fish or a finished, peeled carcass. In unpeeled fish, you need to cut off the fins and tail with kitchen scissors, remove the head, gut the insides and remove the film. A carcass that has been cleaned in advance is simply rinsed thoroughly with cold running water.
  2. Later, the prepared carcass should be cut into equal-sized pieces and placed on the bottom of a deep container with a tight lid.
  3. Water must be put on fire. When it boils, add spices, salt and sugar, put a bay leaf and let it boil for about 4-5 minutes.
  4. Cool the finished brine and pour over the prepared pieces of chopped mackerel. On mackerel, you can additionally put sprigs of dill.
  5. Salted mackerel can be served on the table in just 10-12 hours, which it will spend in the refrigerator.

How to salt freshly frozen mackerel

Fresh fish is not the most frequent guest on our table. It is much easier to buy good frozen fish and cook salted mackerel with next recipe. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg of frozen mackerel;
  • 700 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of regular table salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 1 bunch of dill.

Other spices can be added to the brine if desired. For example, mustard seeds.


  1. To prepare salted mackerel, frozen fish must first be carefully thawed while maintaining its integrity. It is best to defrost the carcass on the top shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  2. Thawed and well-peeled mackerel from the inside is laid out in a deep container. You can immediately add greens.
  3. The water is boiled. Salt, sugar, black and allspice, clove buds and any other suitable spices are added to boiling water. The brine should boil for about 4 minutes.
  4. Pour the prepared fish with brine after it has completely cooled.
  5. The container with fish is tightly closed and cleaned in the refrigerator or in a cool place. The dish will be completely ready to serve in 10 hours.

  1. When planning to make salted mackerel in a very short time, you can pour the cut pieces with a warm solution and leave them on the table for a couple of hours without putting them in the refrigerator. In a warm room, the salting process will go faster.
  2. Do not use a boiling solution for pouring. If its temperature is above 40 degrees, salting will turn into heat treatment.
  3. The original taste will come from mackerel, cut into pieces and filled with brine from homemade pickles.
  4. The taste of salted mackerel will be preserved if it is peeled and put in the freezer.

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Lightly salted fish is a tasty, healthy dish and goes well with most side dishes. A huge number of people treat her very favorably. Red fish is not available every day, but the mackerel is not worse and lightly salted. At home, it is easy to prepare, and even salting methods - a sufficient number, there are plenty to choose from. And if you also include fantasy, you can create your own personal culinary masterpiece.

Fish in brine

Consider first the most trivial recipe for salting mackerel at home. Two carcasses are gutted and cleaned (if they come into your hands fresh). There is nothing new in cutting: the head is cut off, the insides are taken out, the scales are removed. Is it possible to draw the attention of an inexperienced cook to a black film in the stomach of a fish: it gives the finished dish an unpleasant sharp bitterness, so it must be cleaned off very carefully.

Mackerel is cut into convenient pieces, a large onion - not very thick half rings. We put the fish slices in a jar, alternating with onions and sprinkling with peppercorns, broken laurel and cloves.

Half a liter of water is boiled, two heaping tablespoons of salt and one and a half - sugar are dissolved in it, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil are added. When the brine has cooled, fish is poured over it, closed with a lid and hidden in the refrigerator. Ready salted mackerel at home will be in a day.

Dry Ambassador

It is not necessary to prepare a marinade for fish. There is a very simple recipe for salting mackerel at home without any liquids.

Salt (large spoon) and sugar (one and a half small spoons) are mixed. For more spice, you can crush the lavrushka into the mixture, but you can also simply lay the leaves between the pieces.

The cut fish is cut into slices, each is rubbed with the prepared composition, and the mackerel is folded into a pan (not aluminum!) Or into a container.

It is necessary to remove the vessel in an unlit and cool place. After three hours, you will have to drain the fish juice and return the container to its place. And this salted mackerel at home will be ready for use in another half a day.

Spicy fish with mustard

This recipe is an extended and more interesting variation of the previous one. And before salting, it is better to cut the mackerel into fillets - remove not only the insides, scales and head, but also the bones so that pure meat remains. So mackerel is lightly salted at home and will pickle faster, and it will be more pleasant to eat it.

In a bowl, one and a half tbsp are mixed. tablespoons of salt, half a teaspoon - sugar, a whole - grain mustard, dried dill (generously - it will not become superfluous in any quantity), coriander, allspice and two grated bay leaves.

Whole mackerel with onions

If you prefer salted fish whole carcass, take care of a suitable container first. For example, a plastic bucket or a large enamel pot will do.

Gutted mackerel, but leave the tail and head - just be sure to remove the gills.

For each fish carcass, 1 medium onion is peeled and cut into rings. The products are put into a bowl and poured with brine from a liter of water with the addition of salt, ground pepper, vegetable oil and weak vinegar (50 ml each).

In such a marinade, salted mackerel will be ready in ten hours.


If you are wondering how delicious and quick to pickle mackerel at home, look for fresh wild garlic on the market. It should be taken in fairly large quantities and cut as small as possible.

Gutted carcasses can be cut into fillets, or can be cut into convenient pieces. In any case, the slices are laid out in one layer, generously sprinkled with wild garlic, and on top of it - with fine salt and pepper.

Each such layer is sprinkled with vinegar (with apple or wine it turns out more tender).

Folded layers are placed in the refrigerator for forty minutes; stir every ten minutes. But in less than an hour, juicy and fragrant salted mackerel will be on your table.

Mackerel with lemon

There are quite a few options on how to pickle fish. And with the use of any of them, a wonderful salted mackerel is obtained. It is rather difficult to select the best recipes, since they all give excellent results. But I would especially like to highlight the lemon one. Firstly, having prepared a dish on it in the evening, before going to bed, the next morning you can already eat delicious fish. Secondly, it turns out especially thin, refined taste. And thirdly, no exotic components.

So, a couple of carcasses are cut into suitable pieces. The average lemon is peeled - its juice is just enough for fish, and the peels are coarsely chopped and poured into the mackerel sprinkled with juice.

In addition to lemon, it is supplemented with rings of one onion, a couple of tablespoons of chopped dill, an incomplete spoonful of sugar, cloves (a couple of things) and a spoon without a hill of salt.

The container is modestly poured with odorless vegetable oil, its contents are mixed - and in the refrigerator. Such salted mackerel will conquer you forever. Simple and tasty (the recipe allows you to cook it at least every day), the snack option will help out in any situation.

Salted mackerel "Smoked"

Salt - 5 tablespoons topless
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Black tea without additives - 3 tbsp.
Onion - 1 pc.
Water - 1 l

We collect water in a saucepan, add salt, sugar, chopped onion, black tea. You can take more tea, it all depends on its quality. It, firstly, gives the color to the fish smoked, and secondly, tannins make it dense and beautiful. Boil the marinade for five minutes and set aside until completely cooled.

At this time, we clean the fish. You can take not only mackerel, herring will also go wonderfully. We remove the head, entrails, wash. If the fish is frozen, then let it thaw to the point that it can be cleaned, and marinate.

We take plastic bottle from under mineral water / beer / lemonade. Cut off the neck so that the fish crawls inside. We put mackerel in a bottle. The 1.5-liter will include 2 things, and the 2-liter all four.

Pour marinade over fish and refrigerate for 2 days. Then we take it out, dry it on a paper towel, cut it and eat it in one sitting, it is so tasty, lightly salted and tender. Both color and taste turned out like smoked.