Which juice is better, kind or orchard. Fruit Garden juice is the key to health and good mood

The night before yesterday I felt that the corners of my lips were chapped. I thought it was from the wind. This morning I woke up with a terrible sore throat. I decided I had a cold.

All day (and the previous evening) I drank Orchard apple juice - this one here. And I'm getting worse and worse. In the evening - irritation of the oral mucosa, swollen lips.

I take Suprastin, my throat hurts terribly, especially if I sneeze, swallow and yawn.

From the article by A. Tikhonenko “Falshjuki” magazine “Home Encyclopedia for You” ():

“On the initiative of the State Inspectorate for the Quality of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food of the Moscow Government, random tests of various nectars and juices were carried out at the Soex-Test testing center of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The drink made from cherries “Fruit Garden” did not even turn out to be nectar - it was tinted with azorubine (E-122). The addition of such chemical dyes to nectars is completely unacceptable by GOST, which regulates their production.

I would not recommend anyone trying E-122 on their children to not be afraid of the letter “E” in food. Various allergies occur in 90-99% of urban children. And the Austrian consumer society “Konsument” includes azorubine, along with additives such as tartrazine and sulfur dioxide, in the list of the most dangerous allergens for patients with bronchial asthma. When cherry (!) nectar is painted red, this raises suspicions about its quality. Which, in general, was confirmed. There was less cherry juice in the Fruit Garden nectar than required by GOST, but apple juice was found in it.

The strawberry nectar “Fruit Orchard” was striking in its composition; its 15% apple juice was colored in “two colors” - azorubine and even more dangerous dye crimson (E-142). Their use is prohibited in many countries, including the USA.”

“The dye azorubine (E 122) was found in cherry and blackcurrant nectars of the “Fruit Sad” brand, as well as in apple-cherry and apple-blackcurrant juices “Tonus”. But all records were broken by “Fruit Sad”, containing strawberry nectar with pulp. E 122 also contained E 124 - crimson dye 4 R. The producers of these drinks, which are made at the Lebedyansky plant in the Lipetsk region, chose not the best dyes. They cannot be added to products in the USA, Sweden, Austria and Norway. .

Both dyes are suspected of causing the pseudo-allergic reactions discussed above. And E 124 even demonstrated carcinogenic properties in animal tests. It is clear that the negative effects of dyes should not be underestimated, even if they have been demonstrated in animals. This is enough to exclude foods with such additives from your diet. This is exactly what experts from CSPI, the most famous American consumer organization, are calling for. Unfortunately, these dyes are not prohibited in Russia, and manufacturers who secretly add them to drinks officially recommend giving their products even to children over 2 years old.

But besides the “chemistry”, a lot of other violations have been identified in juices and nectars. The most typical of them is not adding enough juice. Different nectars, depending on the type of berries, should contain 25-50% juice. In reality, it was almost always less. Cherry and blackcurrant nectars of the Dobry brand set records; they contained 3.5-5 times less juice than needed. This means that by buying such drinks, you will not receive enough vitamins and other beneficial substances.

And ending this study in red-chemical tones, we cannot keep silent about one more “crown trick” of producers - adding a fair portion of apple juice to nectars instead of berry juice. It was found in all of the above drinks from Lebedyan, as well as in cherry nectars “Ya” (made there) and “Champion” (JV Nidan-Ecofruit LLC). This is also the case with nectar from strawberries, blackberries, and currants “Gifts of Summer”. Like Dobry, it is made in St. Petersburg at the Multon enterprise. The drinks of these two brands were also tinted with grape skin dye. Probably to hide their pale appearance."

An anecdote on topic.

Late evening, husband returns home. His wife warmed up the pie in the microwave and served it to him.
- Well, dear, is it delicious?
- Yes, very much, I want more! Can you bake this yourself?
- Well, what are you doing, dear! We have apples, flour, sugar and milk in our house, but where can I find food additives E-122, E-430 at night?

Russian juice producers are trying to increase sales after a 13 percent market share last year. PepsiCo has chosen the path of gradually updating the packaging design of its brands. Following the “Ya” juices, which were redesigned in 2015, the manufacturer decided to update the visual appearance of the products under the “Fruit Garden” brand.

As representatives of the brand told the site, the main goal of the redesign is to create a bright image of the brand, as well as to stand out on the shelf among many competitors. The design of the new packaging was developed jointly with third-party consultants by the PepsiCo design studio.

All elements of the updated packaging - a new symbol “fruit tree”, made in the style of a child’s drawing, a green background, large fruits - are intended to illustrate the main advantage of the brand, which is the naturalness of Fruit Garden products.

As part of the redesign, each flavor now has its own “hero” on the packaging - these are children dressed as fruits, similar to the famous commercials. According to company representatives, the couplets “I am a green apple, filled with sunshine”, “I am a wonderful peach, good for health” are already well known to consumers.

“We hope that the new bright packaging design with “juicy” images of fruits and little characters in fruit costumes will undoubtedly appeal to our customers and will allow us to stand out on the juice shelf,” notes Margarita Meliksetyan, marketing manager for the Fruit Garden brand. .

According to PepsiCo, juice packaging with a new design can be found on store shelves and seen in a new commercial.

the site turned to well-known specialists in the field of design and branding with a request to evaluate the new packaging design “Fruit Garden”. Experts noted that the updated products have a certain similarity with the design of Dobry juices.

Artyom Maslov, managing partner

Recently, the shelf of juices in the mass market segment has already been updated; at the moment, almost all players have a strong design, but without any special character. And in the juice market in this segment there have long been trends towards commoditization - everything is leading to the fact that the consumer just buys juice, and not a brand. And here one reflects the other. This is exactly what the PepsiCo company is now struggling with, reworking the design of the “Fruit Garden” and giving it a clear character. It should be noted that with a green background fill, “Fruit Garden” is visually very similar to “Kind” by Coca-Cola. I'm guessing this is a conscious decision. The brand area looks convincing and will work well on the shelf, but at the moment the food area is losing out. And this is very important for our consumers - that it is juicy and tasty.

I think the new design of the Orchard may well be successful. This will finally become clear when the old design completely disappears from the shelves - which means the new one is selling at least as well. PepsiCo has already done a similar nod to Frugurt yogurt, but in that situation they returned the old design for yogurts in molded plastic cups, and the new category of drinking yogurts currently lives in a new design. For those in the market, the situation is unfolding like an action-packed TV series. I suggest observing the situation and waiting for a response from competitors.

Andrey Gladkov, art director of a branding agency

First of all, the food group is confusing in the new design. It is precisely this that is designed to create an appetite appeal, a feeling of that very juiciness. But it is hidden so low that it is almost invisible (and even less will be visible on the shelf). In addition, it has become more difficult to navigate the range of juices. It is clear that this is due to the location of the tree, which leaves no chance for other elements to fit into the package and, in general, makes the approach somewhat formal. By the way, the tree itself also raises questions from an aesthetic point of view. For some reason a nuclear explosion comes to my mind...

Decorative elements placed around in a random order also do not help create a feeling of freshness in the orchard; rather, they even create a cluttered appearance. The theme of the children's drawing is conveyed very implicitly; rather, it seems like an attempt to stylize it as a Russian popular print. Because of all this, the overall impression is that the packaging has become cheaper. On the plus side, I can note the increased “shelf pressure” due to the dominant green background and white spot.”

Vladimir Zholobov, director

The new packaging design certainly attracts attention. However, in the compositional solution, the fruit and the signature element compete in size with each other.

A lucky find - a colored element indicating taste. Overall, the design has become simpler with a predominance of green, but this has increased the similarity with the competitor. The goal of the redesign is interesting - attracting a new audience or an attempt to overcome a sales decline; in any case, the success of the project will be determined by the choice of consumers.

Today, Fruit Garden juice is one of the top three most popular juices in Russia. Recommended for children from two years of age. Does not contain preservatives, food additives and various dyes. Produced exclusively from natural vegetables and fruits. Juice "Fruit Garden" (manufacturer - Lebedyansky plant) is produced in the city of Lebedyansk, Lipetsk region.

Juice range

The Fruit Garden assortment includes only a few types of juice, the production of which at the plant is approached with the utmost responsibility. Packaging is done in bags ranging in size from 0.2 to 2 liters. And since 2004, the juice began to be packaged in plastic bottles, which are convenient to carry, size 0.385 l. And already in 2010, the Magic Style Creative Design Bureau developed a new packaging design specifically for the release of a new seasonal juice flavor - “Assorted Berries and Fruits.” The article presents Fruit Garden juice, the photos show the most popular range of products.

Properties and calorie content of juice

Tomato juice “Fruit Garden” contains 22.38 kcal per hundred grams of product, which is one percent of the total daily value, and 0.11 g of protein. The juice contains the most carbohydrates - 5.51 grams, which is more than two percent of the total daily value.

Apple juice contains 44.13 kcal per hundred grams of product and almost twice as many carbohydrates as tomato juice, which is about 11 grams. There are no proteins in this juice at all.

Buying Fruit Garden juice, you can be calm about your figure.

Juice production technology

After conducting research, it was revealed that buyers mainly prefer orange, apple and tomato juices. It is the raw materials that are used to prepare these juices that are the basis for all others.

Fruit Garden juice is produced using regenerative technology. Reconstituted juices, in turn, are obtained from concentrated juices. In order to obtain concentrated juice, it is necessary to remove most of the water from the natural juice. There are several ways to remove water. The most common method is evaporation. To do this, the juice is heated in special vacuums, but not brought to a boil. After a few hours, you get a mass with a consistency reminiscent of honey or syrup. In second place is the freezing method. In its technology, it is very similar to the evaporation method, only the water is removed under the influence of freezing. The membrane method is less commonly used - the juice is passed through a membrane with small holes. No sugar or any other sweeteners are added to concentrated juices. In order to obtain reconstituted juices, the concentrated juice must be heated to a temperature of 100 degrees in half a minute. Next, it should be kept for no more than 3-4 seconds and cooled to room temperature. Then pure filtered water is added to the juice in the amount in which it was evaporated. When adding liquid, it is important to consider the concentration method. For example, if the juice was concentrated using the evaporation method in three cycles, then it must be restored in three stages.

The result is 100% Fruit Garden juice, which in its own way taste qualities and the characteristics are in no way inferior to freshly squeezed.

Recently, people have increasingly begun to appreciate the gifts of nature. Drinks made from instant concentrates have sunk into oblivion. They were replaced natural products, and Fruit Garden juice is just one of them.

People's brand

Among the variety of non-alcoholic products on retail shelves, Fruit Garden juice especially stands out. It began to be produced in 2000 by the Lebedinsky joint-stock company (Lipetsk). The drink replaced the previous quite popular brand of this enterprise called “Tonus”. The new product instantly attracted enormous attention from consumers. Its undeniable advantages are:

  • a wide range of,
  • convenient packaging,
  • attractive price.

All this has led to the fact that Fruit Garden juice has now become one of the three most popular products in its segment. The company’s marketing service is making every effort to ensure that as many people as possible learn about the new drink. Television is replete with bright advertising, the company organizes various promotions, which helps make Fruit Garden juice a real national treasure. Technologists are also not in debt. New types of products are appearing that can satisfy a wide variety of customer tastes.

National recognition

"Fruit Garden" - high quality juice. This is confirmed not only by ordinary users, but also by respected experts. After appearing on the market, the company's products constantly win various competitions and exhibitions. She has a lot of silver coins in her piggy bank and the fame of the new drink has gone far beyond the borders of Russia. He is loved in Ukraine and Belarus, and in Uzbekistan in 2006 he even received a special award “Choice of the Year”, he was noted as the best among a fairly large number of applicants. In addition, leading Western companies began to pay attention to the drink. “Fruit Garden” is a juice that PepsiCo is interested in. And she already knows a lot about drinks. The owners of the world-famous company plan to further promote the promising brand. Since 2012, the famous juice has a new slogan, which perfectly reflects the attitude of a huge number of consumers towards their favorite drink.

At the beginning of the journey

Among all the products called “Fruit Garden,” apple juice was one of the first to appear. It was he, together with tomato juice in the early 2000s, the victorious march of a new brand began. The drink has its own secret, which has allowed it to become a favorite for many. The fact is that in the regions of Russia they grow completely different. But how can you make one juice remind many people of their native land? The plant's technologists found a solution. They decided to combine the flavors and created a kind of fruit mixture from different varieties. Both sour and sweet apples are used for production. The heterogeneous composition allows each buyer to guess the aroma of their favorite variety in the drink. This further increased the popularity of the juice. In addition, there is nothing superfluous in it. Only apple juice, sugar (or fructose-glucose syrup), and also as an acidity regulator and natural preservative. This makes “Fruit Garden” an ideal drink not only for adults, but even for the smallest children.

Vivid advertising

Now, probably, there is no longer a person who has never tried Fruit Garden juice in his entire life. Photos on billboards and memorable videos attract people's attention. There is a completely natural desire to try the product on offer. Feeling the present, they involuntarily again reach for the shelf with the familiar packaging. The choice has been made. The company's management constantly studies customer reviews and strives to take into account all possible wishes. They mainly concern the assortment. Meeting people's requests, the company creates new types of products that immediately appear on store shelves. Such attention captivates and forces each consumer to once again confirm his choice. Among other things, the company constantly establishes seasonal and holiday discounts on certain types of products. This also allows more people to join the good quality and join the army of lovers of the famous drink.

Tkachenko Alexandra
Lesson summary “Such different fruits”

Lesson notes on cognitive development (mean/environment) on topic: « Such different fruits»

Target: continue to introduce children to fruits. continue to enrich and consolidate children's knowledge about fruits, fruit trees, the work of people in the garden; develop the ability to use simple common and complex sentences in speech; mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification and inference. to formulate in children the ability to draw conclusions during research activities;

Vocabulary work: fruits, garden, gardener.

Demo material:

fruits(lemon, tangerine, banana);

Litmus paper, 2 pipettes, bandage;

Paper napkins;

Seeds fruits for each child;

Panel « Fruits» (puzzles).

1. Organizational moment.

Children, have any of you ever seen Orchard? Tell me what you saw there? (Children talk about their observations.) Introduce yourself fruity a tree with ripe fruits pouring in the sun, show it. Misha, what kind of tree are you? And Tigran, Arina? (Children's answers.) This is what we have varied orchard.

Do you want to play? You need to clap your hands when you hear the name of any fruit. Listen attentively: turnip, onion, pear, eggplant, orange; banana, jam, peach, compote, plum, salad, juice.

2. Introduction to the topic

Children, tell me to fruit the trees grew ripe and juicy fruits, what do the trees need? (Children’s answers, and for each correct answer throughout classes, children are given a piece of the puzzle from the panel.) That's right, trees need sun, water, and good soil.

Who cares for the trees in the garden? (Answers children: people, gardener, man.)

What does a gardener do? (Children's answers.)

The teacher complements answers: Trims old dried branches, sprays trees against various insect pests, waters fruity trees in dry summers, adds fertilizers to the soil, loosens the soil and, if necessary, treats tree trunks. How better person will take care of the trees, the richer the harvest will be fruit.

What do you think fruits healthier person: raw or canned? Why? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What can be prepared from fruit? (Children's answers.) That's right, from fruit you can cook a lot variety of dishes.

3. Physical exercise. Finger gymnastics "Cooking compote".

Get your hands ready - we will "cook compote".

We will cook compote, (hold your left palm "bucket" index finger of the right hand "interfering".)

You need a lot of fruits. (Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.)

Here: Let's chop apples (Imitate everything movement: crumble.)

We will chop the pear (They chop.)

Let's squeeze it out lemon juice (Press up.)

We'll put the drain and sand (Imitate movements.)

We cook, we cook compote ( "Brewed" And "interfering".)

Let's treat honest people. (Treat).

4. Main part

let's play: I will say the first word, and you will say the second.

Plum. (juice, apple. (jam, apricot jam. (apricot, plum compote. (plum).

Educator: Now, stand in a circle, I will stand in its center, and you turn your back to me and put your hands behind your back. I will put a seed in the hands of each of you fruit. You need to guess by touch which one it is from. fruit this is a seed and tell about it. (Children guess and write short stories.)

Research activities.

The goal is to establish why some fruits spoil faster, and others are slower?

Do you have children fruits that grow only in hot climates, name them. (Children's answers.)

How are lemon, banana and tangerine similar? (Children's answers.)

What do they have in common? (Children's answers.) That's right, pulp and peel.

What do you think the peel protects these from? fruits? (Children's answers.) That's right, so that they don't spoil.

A week ago we looked at these fruits: tangerine, banana and lemon. They were all fresh and beautiful to look at. We left them lying on the closet in a group. Let's look at them now. Have they changed somehow? (Children's answers.)

You and I know that they all have a peel - it protects spoilage fruits.

And what do we see? The lemon did not spoil at all, the tangerine began to spoil a little, and the banana turned black and completely spoiled. Why did this happen? (The teacher listens to all the children’s suggestions.)

Want to know why this happened?

I have special paper, it changes color if it comes into contact with acidic water or sour juice. Let's check it out. (Children from different pipettes drop water and sour juice onto the paper.) What happened to the paper? (Children's answers.) That's right, one paper remained the same, the other became pink.

Let's drop a drop of juice from the pulp of each fruit. (Children perform the action - alternately dripping onto different litmus tests lemon, tangerine and banana juice (pulp in gauze).)

Now compare the color of the paper. What happened to her? (Children's answers.) Where has the color of the paper changed the most? (Children's answers.)

So, where is the most sour juice? (In lemon.) And where is the least? (In a banana.)

So, why did the banana go bad the fastest? (children's answers are correct, because it is the sweetest. Why didn't the lemon go bad? (Children's answers.) Now we can all answer the difficult question together question: why alone fruits spoil faster, and others are slower? (The teacher listens to the children’s answers, then helps the children draw a general conclusion - sweet fruits spoil faster than sour ones.)

You are my smartest!

5. Summary classes.

Educator: What did you like about class? What new have you learned? What else do you want to know about fruits? (Answers and questions from children.)

After classes collective collection of a common panel « Fruits» .

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated drawing lesson in the senior group using the monotype “Such different butterflies” Summary of an integrated drawing lesson in senior group using an unconventional drawing technique "Such different butterflies".

Summary of GCD on gender education “Boys and girls - so similar and so different” Goal: To improve children’s ability to be attentive to each other. Foster friendly relationships between boys and girls.

Topic: “Such different fruits.” Goal: systematize children's knowledge about fruits. Objectives: Educational: Clarification and activation.