Calories in vodka per 100 grams. How many calories are in vodka from different manufacturers? Useful properties of vodka

The calorie content of vodka is the subject of lively debate. The exact value of this value must be indicated on each bottle that goes on sale (these are the requirements of state standards). However, discussions about how many calories are in vodka, where they come from and how they are absorbed still do not stop.

Figures and facts

Calories are a common unit of measurement. nutritional value product. Calorie content of meat white bread and the calorie content of vodka from this point of view is approximately the same - on average 220-240 calories per 100 grams.

The same number of calories (theoretically) you will get if you eat 200 grams of ice cream, 250 grams fried fish medium fat or half a kilogram of herring, 100 grams of chicken or sausage, a kilogram of oranges or grapefruits, one and a half kilograms of cabbage. And also if you drink half a liter of milk, 3 glasses of kefir or a glass of sweet yogurt.

The calorie data listed on the labels of numerous types and brands does not differ significantly. “Nemiroff” - 221 kcal, “Stolichnaya”, “Russkaya” - 224, “Blagoff” - 225, “Sibalko”, the most high-calorie, - 252 kcal. Some experts consider the standard figure to be 224 kcal; its insignificant reduction is a consequence of additional purification used for Premium vodkas.

Approximately the same amount of calories is contained in two or three glasses (glasses) of beer, 400 grams of aged dry wine, 150 grams of port wine, 200 grams of sherry, 300 grams of champagne.

Among all alcoholic drinks, only liqueurs are superior to vodka.

The calorie content of vodka depends on its purity and percentage of alcohol. If we take approximately 220-250 kilocalories for every 100 milliliters (per 100 cubic centimeters or 100 grams), then in a glass (200 grams) there are 440-500, respectively, in a bottle (half-liter) 1100-1250 kilocalories.

Calories and nutritional value

Vodka is considered a food product and is sold in grocery stores, not in stores household chemicals. How exactly does it nourish the body, what useful substances? Its action is in some ways similar to the action of candy and snacks, which contain just as many empty calories. Alcohol is a product of the processing of sugars by yeast, that is, liquid sugar, a fast carbohydrate. A significant amount of energy enters the body in a short period of time and is very quickly absorbed into the blood. The result is an instant burst of energy and a euphoric effect.

This process is not nutrition, that is, the absorption of fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates; the effect is achieved through the digestion of ethanol and ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol does not represent any nutritional value and is not a vital product for humans.

The energy value of vodka is also very subjective because the body has to expend a lot of energy to neutralize the harmful substances contained in it. The liver, kidneys, stomach and pancreas “fly” and get sick from such an energy source, the entire digestive system experiences excessive stress.

The number of calories spent by the body on the absorption of vodka and the removal of breakdown products exceeds the amount received by approximately five times. That is why one of the indicators alcohol poisoning when drinking a large amount of vodka, there is a catastrophically strong decrease in blood glucose levels.

For practical life, it is not the criterion of “calorie content” and “energy value” that is essential, nor even the indicator of “nutritional value”. The universal modern criterion is defined as “usefulness”, and at the level of intelligence everyone understands perfectly well what is healthier: vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products, salad with mayonnaise, chips, beer or vodka. Then completely different mechanisms come into force.

Energy value and intoxication effect

The very first experience of consuming this “food product” gives an accurate idea of ​​how natural such “energy charging” is for the body. Most people try vodka in their youth; a healthy body demonstrates a pronounced vomiting reaction, which has to be fought under the influence of social factors (“don’t break away from the team”).

Then comes the effect of intoxication (usually euphoric), then a hangover syndrome (a state of illness). The addiction mechanism turns on, alcoholism begins, which leads to personality destruction and loss of health. In the end, you have to pay for the dubious “energy value” with complete exhaustion of strength.

Interestingly, young people with good natural health initially have more opportunities to absorb the calories contained in vodka. The body, which is naturally weak, often resists more strongly and even loses the ability to experience the euphoric stage, since alcohol rejection begins immediately. Thus, traditionally, the most valuable part of the population from an evolutionary point of view “drinks to death.”

For the same reason, modern youth, who have not so much poor health as a more delicate physical organization, prefer beer. Unfortunately, beer alcoholism is replacing traditional alcoholism.

Can vodka cause obesity?

“Empty” calories from alcohol are not beneficial, are not absorbed and are not stored in reserve. They cause an immediate short burst of energy, which is followed by drowsiness and symptoms of poisoning. Fat deposits usually come from foods that served as snacks.

  • Firstly, stomach irritation increases appetite and requires special food - mainly fatty and heavy.
  • Secondly, the calories contained in food are pushed aside when drinking alcohol (lighter alcoholic ones are used first) and are accordingly stored in reserve.
  • Thirdly, impaired brain function, a lethargic state, and inadequate perception of information during intoxication make it difficult to control the quantity and quality of what you eat.
  • And finally, a fair amount of alcohol makes you want to sleep.

There really are no fat alcoholics. At the stage of obvious alcoholism, the digestive system is usually already destroyed.

After its appearance in Russia in the sixteenth century, the “traditional Russian drink” was for a long time sold only in pharmacies. Any medicine has a therapeutic effect only with the correct dosage; with any overdose, especially significant, it becomes poisonous, destructive, and life-threatening. This rule also applies to food products, although to a lesser extent.

How many calories are in vodka?

“We will eat her, my dear,” the alcoholic replies to his son in an anecdote. And there is some truth in his words: 100 grams of vodka contains about 240 calories, and a bottle contains almost the daily requirement of a skinny person. And yes, alcohol helps you gain weight. Zozhnik deals with alcohol.

Calorie content of alcohol

First, let's take a break from the well-known harm of alcohol, cirrhosis of the liver, the effect on the death of brain cells and other hackneyed truths and talk about it from the point of view of biological mechanisms.

In general, alcohol is a very, very high-calorie thing. The basis of any alcohol is ethyl alcohol, the same C2H5OH, glorified in jokes. Even a child knows that there is exactly 40% of it in vodka, and an experienced adult knows that it is 4-6% in beer and 10-13% in wine.

So, the calorie content of this ethyl alcohol is extremely high: about 700 kcalories per 100 grams of pure alcohol.

For example, protein or carbohydrate foods contain on average about 400 kcalories per 100 grams, only pure fat is higher - 900 kcalories per 100 grams. As a result, vodka (and its 40-degree relatives - whiskey, cognac, schnapps, Calvados) contains approximately 210-240 calories per double shot, beer - about the same amount per bottle, liqueurs have the most - about 350 calories due to dissolved it contains sugar, the amount of which reaches 50% of the total mass. Dry red or white wine has the least amount - 60-70 calories per 100 grams.

At the same time, the nutritional value of pure alcohol is zero. It contains 0 proteins, 0 fats and 0 carbohydrates. It would seem that there is a catch and how you can gain weight from alcohol if there is zero fat in it.

Empty calories

The fact is that alcohol calories are usually called “empty”. This means that they cannot be directly stored in fat and, of course, in muscles. Alcohol calories are pure energy that the body needs to expend. Have you noticed that under the influence of alcohol people become more active?

The body, receiving a dose of such empty calories, immediately adjusts itself in such a way as to get rid of them first. Because he cannot store alcohol and strives with all his might to remove it. This is why the body stops burning fat and carbohydrate reserves, switching to alcoholic fuel, and these fat reserves, prepared for burning, are simply postponed for the future. In the folds above the belt, for example.

In addition to burning its reserves of fat and carbohydrates during alcohol intoxication, the body also stops the processes of muscle recovery and growth. Therefore, even a seemingly harmless bottle of beer, consumed regularly in the evening, will not allow the athlete to build up any impressive muscle mass - a significant part of the body’s resources will be spent on alcoholic calories, postponing recovery and growth for later. Thus, the more you drink in terms of ethyl alcohol, the longer the body will burn these calories and push reserves onto your stomach.


This is why, for example, professional bodybuilders almost never allow themselves to drink alcohol. Especially when preparing for competitions.

But if you are not a professional athlete, then you can safely treat yourself, especially if you consciously include alcohol in your daily caloric intake. Moreover, Zozhnik, when a person reduces food intake in order to leave himself a reserve for drinking at the bar for the evening.

In general, if your healthy gut requires an intoxicating drink, you know that in terms of pure intoxication (i.e., the volume of ethyl alcohol consumed), the number of calories will be approximately the same - whether you drink wine or vodka (liqueurs do not count). And be prepared for the consequences. And may the force be with you.

Probably everyone knows. Moreover, this opinion is connected not only with the possibility of developing alcohol dependence, but also with the possibility of gaining weight. Is the last opinion correct? What is energy value vodka and can you get better from it? How many kilocalories do 100 grams of this drink contain, and do they have any energy value? Let's try to sort this issue out.

So, is vodka high in calories and how many kcal does it contain?

Composition and calorie content of vodka

Probably no one will dispute the fact that vodka belongs to the category food products. And if so, then in any case it should have some kind of energy value. Does this drink contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates? What is the calorie content of vodka in kcal? Can it be used by those who are on a diet, and if so, how much? Let's consider the composition and calorie content in kcal of 100 grams of the most purchased vodkas in the Russian Federation (Table 1).

Name Compound Content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates per 100 grams Energy value per 100 grams, kcal
Putinka classic soft Water, alcohol, sugar, honey, oat flakes infusion, royal jelly, glycerin 224
Stolichnaya Water, alcohol, sugar Carbohydrates 0.4 g. 224
Green cedar stamp Water, alcohol, sugar, glycerin, cedar nut infusion, juniper oil Carbohydrates 0.15 gr. 224
Cranes Water, alcohol, sugar, wheat infusion, glucose Carbohydrates 0.23 g. 224
Belenkaya Water, alcohol, sugar, honey, infusion of oat flakes, 224
Five lakes Water, sugar, alcohol, wheat infusion, soda, citric acid 224

Table 1

As the table shows, the calorie content of vodka in kcal, using the example of the most popular drinks in the Russian Federation, is 224 kcal per 100 grams. For comparison, this is the number of calories contained in 100 grams:

  • salted Pacific herring;
  • fried beef entrecote;
  • pasteurized cream, the fat content of which is 22%.

How many calories are in other alcoholic drinks? 400 grams contain approximately the same number of calories. dry aged wine, 200 gr. sherry, 150 gr. port wine, three glasses of beer.

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Nutritional value of vodka

At its core, vodka is a product of the processing of sugar and yeast, and therefore is liquid sugar and, accordingly, a fast carbohydrate. Once ingested, alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in an immediate surge of energy and euphoria.

However, this process can hardly be called nutrition in the full sense of the word, because, despite the calorie content of vodka and the sugar content in it, fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates are not absorbed by the body - the effect is achieved due to the body’s digestion of ethyl alcohol, which does not represent any nutritional value for the body. person.

In addition, the energy value of vodka is controversial because the body not only receives energy, but also spends it on neutralizing toxins formed during the breakdown of alcohol. Moreover, the number of calories expended in this case exceeds the amount received as a result of drinking the drink by approximately five times. That is why one of the indicators of alcohol poisoning is a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Can vodka cause excess weight?

Why is it believed that vodka makes you fat? Where did this statement come from? Based on the above, it can be noted that, despite the sugar content, vodka has empty calories that do not benefit the body, are not absorbed and are not stored by it. These calories lead to an instant burst of energy, which is replaced by drowsiness and symptoms of poisoning. Thus, no matter how much vodka you drink, you cannot gain weight from it. Moreover, chronic alcoholics tend to lose weight.

Where does completeness come from? In this case, people get fat because of snacks. And this is explained as follows.

Firstly, irritation of the stomach by alcohol increases appetite and requires special food, usually heavy and fatty - the person wants to eat and does not eat healthy food.

Secondly, the calories in food are not absorbed immediately after drinking alcohol, but after some time, and therefore are stored in reserve.

Thirdly, impaired brain activity, a lethargic state and inadequate perception of reality interfere with the control of the quality and quantity of what is eaten - a person wants to eat and cannot stop in time, regardless of whether he can or cannot.

Fourthly, after a rich feast a person, as a rule, wants to sleep.

It is this, and not the caloric content of vodka, that explains the obesity of those who like to sit down and drink a glass of vodka. Thus, people who are losing weight are not prohibited from drinking vodka in moderation. And especially if they keep track of how much of the snack was eaten.

In accordance with GOST, the manufacturer must indicate the calorie content of vodka on each bottle. It turns out that this alcoholic drink also contains calories. However, unlike many food products, vodka is completely harmless to the figure, but in excess quantities it is harmful to health. To better understand what this alcohol-containing drink is, you should study its composition, calorie content, and become familiar with the benefits and negative effects on the human body.

Calorie content of vodka

Depending on the brand, the calorie content of 100 g of vodka reaches 220-253 kcal. This indicator varies depending on the raw materials used, as well as the percentage of alcohol. If we assume that the calorie content of 100 ml (or 100 grams) of vodka reaches 250 kcal, then one 0.5 liter bottle will contain 1,250 kcal.

It is not surprising that vodka contains no proteins and fats, but carbohydrates are present. Their amount is approximately 0.1 g per 100 g. Where did they come from? Everyone understands that certain raw materials are used to make the drink. As a rule, these are grains and other ingredients. It is the raw materials that include carbohydrates.

Table of calorie content of vodka of various brands


Vodka lacks vitamins. The exceptions are B1, called thiamine, and B2, called riboflavin. However, these vitamins are very scarce. The drink contains several microelements, such as potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, copper. The main component is ethyl alcohol.


Vodka has very few beneficial properties, but they still exist:

  • due to the content of ethyl alcohol it is a strong antiseptic;
  • vodka-based compresses help with colds if applied to the chest, back and neck;
  • for minor frostbite on the legs or arms, you can rub the limbs with vodka;
  • Many medicinal infusions are made from vodka, which help with bronchitis, ARVI and other diseases;
  • if you use vodka in small volumes, it helps remove excess fluid from the body;
  • An alcoholic drink can be taken as a prophylaxis for cholelithiasis.

The benefits of vodka are due to its warming and antiseptic effects. In the absence of alcohol, it can be used to disinfect wounds to avoid infection.


In large quantities, vodka negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. If you use it regularly, you may develop alcoholism, which is very difficult to get rid of. This applies to all alcoholic beverages. But since vodka contains 40% ethyl alcohol, which is much stronger than beer, tinctures, wine and other things, it poses the greatest danger. When used in very large quantities Intoxication of the body occurs, leading to the death of a person.

On a note! Even 400 ml of vodka can lead to stroke and cardiac arrest.

By affecting the human body, ethyl alcohol leads to impaired reflexes, deterioration of memory and mental activity. There is a negative effect on the nervous system. With regular consumption of vodka, you can develop cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic hepatitis and other dangerous diseases that are difficult, and often impossible, to cure.

If you constantly drink vodka, irreparable damage to the digestive organs is caused. Their work is disrupted, the alcohol-containing drink irritates the gastric mucosa, and the pancreas suffers. The processes of insulin formation are inhibited, so vodka is contraindicated for diabetes. Since the drink has a pronounced diuretic effect, the possibility of dehydration cannot be ruled out.

Can vodka make you fat?

Even taking into account the fact that the calorie content of vodka is quite high, it will not cause you to gain extra pounds. The fact is that it contains “empty” calories for the body. An increase in body weight is associated with muscle growth, which is facilitated by protein, or fat gain; such processes cannot be triggered by this alcoholic drink. During breakdown in the human body, vodka is converted into water and carbon dioxide, but is not converted into proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Thus, vodka does much more harm than good. It is not advisable to drink this drink regularly. It can be used in small quantities externally or internally exclusively for medicinal purposes.

True Russian feast never goes without vodka - the most Russian drink. Experts say that vodka does not always bring to the human body harm. To prove this, just read the article below. At the same time, you can find out what the calorie content of vodka is.

How many calories are there in vodka?

All nutritionists claim that literally all alcoholic drinks are the most harmful not only to human health, but also to his figure. And the worst thing is vodka. It is known that the calorie content of vodka is 235 kcal per 100 grams . True, it is extremely rare for a Russian feast to consist of just one shot of vodka. In fact, the drink itself does not make anyone fat. Just pay attention to alcoholics: are there many fat people among them? There is none of them. The fact is that vodka inhibits various metabolic processes occurring in the human body. In addition, it is known that in order to process alcohol that has entered the body, it is necessary to spend five times more energy than was received from it. This is why many people know that after drinking a few glasses of vodka, a person develops a voracious appetite.

In fact, the important factor is not the specific number of calories in one hundred grams of vodka. The most important thing is that these hundred grams contain no nutritional value. This means that you won’t be able to get better from vodka. After all, the resulting alcohol is immediately used by the body. Hence the noticeable surge of energy after drinking a few glasses. True, in this case, the alcohol from vodka seems to push aside the fats and carbohydrates that were obtained from other products. Thus, these discarded fats accumulate in the human body, and the person becomes fat. What happens? A person is energetic, but at the same time neither vitamins, nor minerals, nor any substances necessary for the human body enter his body.

Where do the calories in vodka come from?

But if vodka is an “empty” drink, where do the kilocalories come from in it? It is clear that the reason here is not in the water, but in the alcohol that is part of this vodka. So, 100 grams of pure alcohol contains 700 kilocalories. When the alcohol is diluted, the kilocalories decrease. But still, this is a fairly large number. True, the number of calories also depends on the additives that manufacturers use to improve taste qualities your alcoholic drink.

Now you should consider the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in vodka. In fact, this drink contains only carbohydrates. 100 grams of drink contains 0.4 g of carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that vodka is made from molasses and grain crops, which contain carbohydrates.

But, in addition to calorie content, you should also consider the usefulness of this product. Of course, there can be no doubt when the usefulness of, for example, dried fruits, nuts, salad or vodka is determined.

In comparison with others alcoholic drinks vodka remains in the very first place. So, 100 grams of this drink are equivalent in calorie content to three or four glasses of beer, or three hundred grams of champagne, or four hundred grams of dry wine, or two hundred grams of sake or sherry, or one hundred and fifty grams of port or vermouth.

Does the calorie content of vodka affect human health?

Vodka has a fairly high calorie content. And, as a rule, sooner or later its use leads to excess weight. But this is not the worst thing: excessive consumption of vodka leads to the development of all kinds of diseases. And first of all, the cardiovascular system suffers from this. It also affects the liver and kidneys. The consequences of excessive consumption of vodka can be very different, and even fatal. Especially if it will be used daily. And to ensure that vodka does not cause mortal harm to the body, you can drink no more than one glass a day.

But in fact, each person’s norm can be purely individual. As a rule, it depends on the person’s health status, his weight and height. Doctors came to the conclusion that if the daily dose of 50 grams of vodka is not exceeded, this drink does not harm the body and will not lead to alcoholism.

From this we can conclude that the high calorie content of vodka is not the worst thing it contains. And each person has his own idea about the dangers or benefits of this drink. Our people most often drink vodka not to benefit their body. This is done in order to relieve tension and relax. But even for these purposes, you should drink not a bottle, but only one glass of vodka. Measurement is needed in literally everything. After all, vodka can become both a medicine that brings benefits to the human body, and a terrible evil that brings nothing but grief and tears. But it is necessary to understand that the cause of health problems is not vodka itself, but its excessive consumption.