Monastic tea 8. Herbal tea monastic tea

Ancient doctors proved the direct connection between health, well-being, appearance of a person and the functioning of his stomach. Thus, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract appear on the skin in the form of characteristic pimples. In exactly the same way, other human systems and organs react to gastrointestinal problems. That is, by improving the functioning of the digestive system, you can forget about illnesses for many years!

Modern doctors took into account the experience of previous generations and created a new direction of medicine - herbal medicine. As a science, herbal medicine offers medicines that are completely safe for human health. For example, to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, there is stomach tea. The recipe for stomach tea was based on a collection of 9 medicinal herbs, which was still used in the monasteries of Kievan Rus. Actually, that’s why tea was called monastery tea.

Features of monastery tea

As part of research conducted in 2013, doctors proved the positive effect of monastery stomach tea on the health of more than 1,000 patients. Volunteers took monastery cleansing tea for 2-3 weeks. During this time, 80% of participants noted a significant reduction in sharp and astringent pain. Test results showed complete recovery from many diseases in the early stages and progress in the treatment of chronic diseases. Agree, such effectiveness is unattainable for most “chemical” drugs created by modern pharmacology.

How does monastery tea differ from other drugs?

Monastic tea compares favorably with the mass of other drugs with similar effects. First of all, stomach tea is completely natural product without chemical additives. This means that, unlike synthetic tablets, it does not harm your health. Secondly, the herbs that make up the tea are collected in ecologically clean areas and do not contain nitrates, radioactive substances or other impurities harmful to humans. Thirdly, tea has no side effects and can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Fourthly, monastery tea has a pleasant aroma and can be drunk instead of traditional loose or bagged tea.

Effectively cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes metabolism.

Mode of application: 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. leave for 15-20 minutes and drink as tea. Add honey or sugar to taste.

Compound: sage, mint, hazel, rose hips, St. John's wort, juniper, linden, elderberry, chamomile, hawthorn, blackberry, agrimony, rose, yarrow.

Contraindications: allergy to one of the components.

Shelf life 1 year

Not a medicine

Important! Monastic tea is not a panacea for all ills, as unscrupulous sellers write about it. Experienced herbalists have specially developed a line of medicinal herbs designed to combat strictly defined ailments. Monastery tea is made only from high-quality herbs that grow mainly on the Crimean peninsula. Each composition of monastery tea is unique and selected to prevent and combat certain diseases.

It is recommended to use monastery tea to treat diseases in courses of 2-3 doses per day for at least two weeks. You should start drinking any tea with small doses of 1/3 of a glass, gradually increasing to 1-2 glasses a day. You should drink tea on an empty stomach or 15-20 minutes before meals. In the evening, it is recommended to drink tea with honey without eating or at least an hour after dinner. Since monastery tea has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to the components), it can also be consumed as regular tea, diluting the brew with water, adding sugar, milk, etc., however, its therapeutic effect is reduced. In any case, we recommend drinking monastery tea in a course of 3-4 weeks, and repeating the course six months later.

We wish you good health!



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    • Anomalies of the genitourinary system, liver, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract;
    • Metabolic disease;
    • Poisoning, intoxication;
    • Decreased immunity;
    • Weakening after physical exertion and injuries;
    • Recovery period after surgery;
    • Anomalies of the hematopoietic organs;
    • Increased blood cholesterol levels;
    • Diabetes;
    • Irregular blood pressure;
    • Cancer development;
    • Stress, depression;
    • Avitaminosis;
    • Sleep disturbance, insomnia.

    Orthodox monks cherish the good tradition of using the monastic herbal collection every day, using it as tea. The benefits of the herbs that make up monastery tea have been proven by time. The use of the monastic collection helps with inflammatory processes, bleeding, general weakening of the body, nervous disorders, diabetes, hypertension, weakened immunity, the development of tumors, decreased reproductive functions, etc.

    Since ancient times, medicinal plants that were part of the monastery collection were grown by Orthodox monks in apothecary plots at monasteries. Today you can buy monastery tea in our online store “Russian Roots”, where only high-quality and properly prepared raw materials are always available for you. From us you can purchase a monastic collection, reviews of the effect of which on the body will help you achieve maximum treatment results.

    Thanks to the competent combination of herbal ingredients that make up the monastery tea, there is a significant improvement in the condition of patients who have suffered long-term debilitating illnesses, strength is restored, energy and tone appear, irritability decreases, mood improves, and depressive states are eliminated.

    If you have diabetes, hypertension, inflammation of the reproductive organs, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, loss of strength, lack of interest in life, we recommend ordering monastery tea on our website, where you can buy monastery tea in Moscow at the best price at any time time. Here you will also receive competent recommendations on how to properly prepare monastery tea at home, the features of its use, doses, courses of treatment, indications and contraindications.

    In our chemical age, saturated with artificial drugs, traditional medicine does not lose its position. The collection of medicinal herbs is carried out in ecologically clean regions of Russia. For example, Kuban medicinal herbal preparations are in high demand among the population. Herbal collections “Russian Roots” are a guarantee of quality. The raw materials included in various medicinal herbal collections are collected by hand, processed, dried, sorted and packaged in transparent bags. Herbal recipes are prepared by experienced pharmacists or herbal medicine specialists.

    Herbal teas “Russian Roots” - under our brand we collect the best for you!

    If you have been subjected to heavy workload, stress, surgery or a debilitating illness, we recommend treatment with herbal remedies to improve immunity. Monastic tea drink “Russian Roots” is a powerful restorative that helps increase immunity, improve metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and waste, treat tumors, eliminate the effects of stress and negative environmental influences.

    The result of the effect of the medicinal properties of the monastic collection of medicinal herbs on the body is vigor, physical activity, normal healthy sleep, amazing performance and optimism.

    Monastic tea from the herbal collection “Russian Roots” includes medicinal plants that normalize the physical and mental health of the body, enhance fluid excretion, regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, activate enzyme systems, stimulate the liver and biliary organs, normalize digestion, cleanse the esophagus toxins and harmful carcinogens at the cellular level.

    Systematic intake of monastery tea strengthens the heart and circulatory organs, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, stabilizes arterial pressure.

    If you decide to buy monastery tea in our online store, rest assured that our monastic infusions are made strictly according to ancient Orthodox recipes, all medicinal plants for them are collected and prepared by hand with strict adherence to the conditions of storage and procurement of each plant component.

    Now you know where you can buy competently prepared monastery tea, consisting of high-quality medicinal plants and meeting all medical and environmental requirements. Our monastery collection, the price of which will pleasantly please you, and its unsurpassed qualities will strengthen your body, is extremely popular among regular customers and is prepared by the best herbalists according to ancient recipes of Orthodox monks.

    In our online store “Russian Roots” you can buy herbal “Monastic tea” and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this medicinal mixture and how much it costs. The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

    Ready-made dry herbal teas can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail. You will learn about the benefits of the herbal mixture “Monastic”, what it cures, and how it is taken by visiting the page of our website.


    • immortelle,
    • sage,
    • nettle,
    • chamomile,
    • bearberry,
    • rosehip (fruit),
    • buckthorn (bark),
    • yarrow,
    • motherwort,
    • thyme,
    • linden (flowers),
    • wormwood,
    • Birch buds,
    • annual dried flower,
    • cottonweed,
    • series.

    The medicinal properties of this heritage of traditional medicine are due to its constituent macro- and microelements, vitamins, and chemicals necessary for the body.

    Method of preparation and use of herbal collection “Monastery tea”:

    To prepare tea from the monastery herbal collection “Russian Roots” for your health, you can order by mail the highest quality collection of medicinal herbs that you can buy in Moscow, in our online store.

    We draw your attention to the fact that the course of drinking monastery tea is long-term; its maximum effectiveness is achieved through precise and correct preparation.

    Monastic tea is brewed in the morning and drunk throughout the day. To do this, take a handful of the monastery tea, add a pinch of black or green tea, pour in a liter of boiling water, and leave for about half an hour. Or take a tablespoon of raw material, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse. Honey is added to this aromatic, pleasant-tasting drink to enhance its medicinal properties.

    Drink the resulting herbal tea half a glass up to four times a day for two to three months to achieve a lasting effect and eliminate symptoms of body fatigue. The course of application of the monastery tax is one month twice a year.

    Nowadays monastery tea has become fashionable. Maybe it will become a panacea? In the vocabulary of a modern person who discusses medical topics, this well-known word is often heard - panacea, by which we mean a cure for all diseases. Most readers probably know its origin, but perhaps it would be useful to recall how this word appeared.

    The Roman god of healing, Aesculapius, had two daughters with the gift of healing: the arrogant Panacea, who took it upon herself to bring a gift to humanity one single medicine that can cure any disease, and the reasonable, modest Hygia, trying to keep her sister from making such bold statements.

    The sisters went their separate ways: Panacea, whose name has become a household word, treats people with pills and mixtures, continuing the search for one universal medicine, and Hygia preaches a healthy image through knowledge of the Laws of Life. The paths of sisters in modern medicine often intersect and, for some people, run parallel.

    To believe or not to believe?

    Patients among the potential buyers of a panacea for all diseases, which in our time has become monastery tea, are divided into several categories.

    Some people trust everything they hear. be it from friends, on the Internet, or in popular television shows that focus on medical topics. They swallow everything that is advertised, trying to follow fashion trends and constantly hoping for a miracle to lose 20 kg in a month or be cured of prostatitis with the help of medicinal tea.

    Others trust the Internet unconditionally, believing that it will ensure health and well-being, but are skeptical about the recommendations of “knowledgeable people” who have tried the miraculous properties of the new medicine “on themselves.”

    Still others turn only to the advice of traditional medicine, and they treat orders on websites with caution, realizing that blind faith can end not only in a “pig in a poke,” but also in the loss of precious time in serious cases.

    The fourth do not accept everything and everyone, believing that the disease is not worth attention and will somehow “resolve” on its own. As a rule, it is these who make up the group that ignores a healthy lifestyle, diets, dietary supplements and the like. It is especially difficult for distributors of various “new products” to work with them, since it is difficult to convert them even into truly worthwhile medicine.

    Perhaps the monastic collection really is a good remedy for prostatitis, hypertension, osteochondrosis and many other diseases, however You can find out the truth about monastery tea only by thoroughly studying its composition. It is naive to believe that the same herbs are suitable for all diseases, therefore, before ordering a new product, the price of which is not so low (basically, it costs 990 rubles with a so-called 50% discount), let’s try analyze the therapeutic effect of the drink from the point of view healing properties its components. Let's start with the most popular exercises among the people - those that reduce weight.

    Monastic tea for weight loss: did the monks really struggle with excess weight?

    According to reviews from virtual patients, the monastery collection is an excellent means for losing weight. Skeptics will probably not fail to note that the monks had no need to struggle with excess weight, given the many-day fasts and far from idle pastime (prayers, work in the holy monastery, where their daily bread was grown and produced by the hands of novices). Meanwhile, fasting already implies abstinence and purification.

    Fast days are easily experienced, and sinful thoughts are not visited if, instead of fast food, you drink a drink made from herbs donated by nature, which heals not only the body, but also the soul. The composition of this medicinal tea includes plants collected in the vicinity where the monastery stands, dried and mixed in certain proportions. Today, the most popular on the Internet are two options for monastic collections for weight loss, which are given below.

    Recipe one

    According to statements from tea sellers on the Internet, the weight loss tea was born “in the depths of the St. Elisabeth Monastery,” which is located on the outskirts of the Belarusian capital. It consists of seven types of medicinal plants:

    Recipe two

    This recipe for monastery tea from Belarus, too, judging by the advertisement, was also found in the St. Elisabeth Monastery (Minsk, Novinki), however, in its composition it is noticeably different from its predecessor.

    What they all have in common is the presence of elderflower flowers and instructions on how to prepare monastery tea to lose 15 kg in 2 months “fully automatically,” without making any effort. Well, let's try to figure out this monastery tea, its composition and reviews of it. Monastic tea from Belarus is represented by a collection of 10 plants:

    • Birch. The young leaf of this tree has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diuretic and slightly choleretic effects. It does contain vitamins B and C, which to some extent classifies it as an immunomodulatory agent, but weight loss teas use the diuretic and mild laxative effect of the leaves, due to which they remove toxins. Whether birch leaves are able to quickly burn existing fat is still unknown to science;
    • Calendula. The use of calendula flowers is widespread not only in folk medicine, because since ancient times it has been noted that this plant can disinfect and heal wounds, prevent the development of inflammatory processes, kill some microbes, and, in addition, calm the nervous system and reduce excitability, so these advantages of calendula formed the basis for the production of many pharmacological drugs. The extent to which the flowers of the plant are able to give a feeling of fullness, reducing appetite, can be argued endlessly, because they have a completely different purpose, but calendula should not be excluded from the general strengthening collection. As part of a vitamin tea to increase the body's defenses, calendula will look advantageous;
    • Strawberries. Strawberry leaves add tea drink refined taste and aroma. Due to the high content of vitamins and other useful substances, have a lot of advantages: , fight inflammation, suppress inflammation, calm the nervous system, strengthen and tone the body. Like many other herbal components of weight loss teas, they have diuretic and diaphoretic properties, which contribute to weight loss. Strawberries are good for everyone and, perhaps, loved by everyone, but there is one “BUT” - they are considered strong allergens, so people with individual intolerance should better forget about them;
    • Sweet clover. The positive participation in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, hematopoietic system, heart and blood vessels of such a substance as coumarin, which forms the basis for the medicinal properties of the honey plant - sweet clover, is difficult to dispute, but For weight loss, sweet clover is good because it has diuretic and diaphoretic properties. and helps, together with other herbs, to lose a couple of kilograms;
    • The same purpose (diuretic, laxative) in tea for weight loss and nettle dioecious - plants with unique medicinal properties. Due to its rich composition, nettle is also considered valuable food product. It contains an impressive part of D.I. Mendeleev’s table (iron, boron, nickel, manganese, copper, etc.), as well as proteins, fats, fiber, organic acids and, most importantly, vitamins: C, B, K. By consuming nettle, one can hope that the most stringent diet will not be terrible, since it will take upon itself to provide the body with the necessary material;
    • Spiraea. The range of uses of meadowsweet (meadowsweet), included in the list of substances used by the official pharmacopoeia, is also wide. Here, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and anticonvulsant properties are noted, and the ability to activate metabolic processes is taken into account, but in weight loss tea the main emphasis is on the ability of meadowsweet to “break out sweat” and after that feel lighter;
    • Rose hip. Its fruits need not be advertised; even a child knows that it is a storehouse of vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant. Of course, its consumption will help cope with the stress caused by losing kilograms, support the immune system and generally strengthen the “suffering body”, therefore, if you find floating rose hips in the resulting tea, you can suspect that you managed to order exactly what you need;
    • Currant leaves help remove toxins, waste, feces and fluid in the same way as other herbs included in the monastery tea, however, being a high-vitamin remedy, currants can stimulate the immune system, improve the quality of metabolic processes and generally improve the health of the body. The ability to balance hormonal levels may be too exaggerated, so if there are hormonal imbalances, it is better for the patient to listen to the doctor’s opinion than to rely on the miraculous properties of monastery tea;
    • Elecampane, like nettle, meadowsweet, sweet clover and other medicinal plants, it is accepted by official medicine for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. However, the inventors of weight loss supplements most likely took into account the diuretic and choleretic abilities, as well as the high content of vitamin E, which inhibits the aging process, which is why it was included in the recipe for a new means of combating excess weight;
    • Elder plays a similar role, that is, it removes liquid along with grams and kilograms.

    Analyzing recipes for weight loss

    Obviously, the main emphasis when selecting herbs for weight loss is on diuretic and laxative properties, so it’s not surprising to lose a few kilograms due to the loss of water and feces. And if you stick to a diet and provide for yourself physical activity– the result will be even better.

    Undoubtedly monastery tea, containing mainly laxative and diuretic herbs, helps cleanse the body, removal of toxins, regulation of digestion, however, it also helps to remove very necessary microelements and vitamins, which should not be forgotten when drinking tea. This is especially true for people who settled on tea prepared according to the first recipe, while the second, representing monastery tea from Belarus, was selected more attractively in terms of vitamins and microelements. Besides, it would be unwise to sit at the monastery tea long time, hoping only with his help to maintain harmony and lightness. It would be good to develop a long-term diet for yourself, decide what you can eat and what to avoid, and learn a few exercises to maintain physical shape.

    The claims of manufacturers and distributors of medicinal tea regarding the regulation of hormonal status are also questionable. Such abilities are attributed to linden blossom, black elderberry, currant and some other plants, but such axioms should be alarming. Regulation of hormonal levels is a delicate matter that requires the participation of specialists, so it is better for patients themselves not to be fooled by such advertising and not to engage in amateur activities. In addition, the participation of these particular plants in balancing hormonal imbalances has not yet been proven.

    However, the positive effect of weight loss teas on the gastric mucosa, liver, blood vessels, and heart muscle is obvious, so the instructions for weight loss tea indicate its comprehensive effect (it will lower blood pressure, heal the stomach, and help the liver cleanse itself).

    Monastic tea for alcoholism: they say that there are no former alcoholics...

    Our people love sensations, and monastery tea has developed into bad habits. People are looking for teas for alcoholism, smoking and other addictions. Patients of drug treatment departments and their relatives have probably heard more than once that it is impossible to completely cure alcoholism with anything.

    The trigger for the resumption of the process will be the first glass after a long period of abstinence, which will help the body remember seemingly completely forgotten sensations and past “exploits.” However, it would be wrong to think that a person cannot be saved, unless, of course, he has reached the point of obvious degradation. Many means can help bring you back to your family, to work, to a full life, including specially selected collections of medicinal plants. The main thing is that the “quitter” understands: he will buy himself tea for alcoholism, but still will never again be able to painlessly celebrate holidays on a grand scale or drown out his grief.

    The monastic collection for alcoholism will help to forget the past, improve metabolic processes, increase immunity, and restore (as far as possible) the functions of the affected organs. The main thing is that the person himself does not resume not only abuse, but also use in general.

    Unfortunately, no doctor can reassure the patient and his relatives in terms of a complete cure, but since the medical history is already burdened, you should at least try to cope on your own, without leading the situation to a protracted binge and a severe hangover. For example, if you feel an irresistible urge to buy a bottle, you need to gather your last strength and drink tea, which contains herbs that relieve this urge. Well, if you have already had a breakdown, then when you wake up with a heavy head, don’t think about how to “go get a beer,” you need to brew yourself some tea for alcoholism and endure it a little - the next day will be clear and bright again.

    We can say that the following tasks are assigned to the monastery tea for drunkenness:

    • Reduce the craving for drinking alcohol and force the patient to stay at home instead of running to the store for “medicine”;
    • Bring blood pressure back to normal, which “after yesterday” has probably increased;
    • Cope with excruciating pain in the head by relaxing spasmodic blood vessels;
    • Remove under-oxidized decomposition products of alcohol-containing drinks, toxins and wastes formed as a result of “overdoing it”;
    • Prevent the development of serious consequences of alcohol intake (convulsive syndrome, psychosis, cardiac pathology, pancreatitis, etc.).

    Of course, monastery teas, for example, for weight loss and against alcoholism, will differ in their composition. If in the first case plants that have a laxative and diuretic effect primarily appear, then in the second, undoubtedly, they should take their place compositions that protect organs that suffer primarily from the harmful effects of alcohol.

    What is so miraculous about this tea if it can perform such complex tasks? But the point is in its composition, which, however, may vary somewhat depending on the different manufacturers, so there is no point in listing everything. It could be like this:

    Or like this:

    • St. John's wort;
    • Eucalyptus;
    • Black currant;
    • Thyme (by the way, it reduces cravings for alcohol);
    • Rose hip;
    • Hawthorn;
    • Chamomile;
    • Spiraea.

    The collection can be supplemented with yarrow, sage, immortelle, and butterbur. It’s good when tea for alcoholism includes herbs that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and calm the nervous system (oregano, calendula, hellebore).

    I don’t want to unnecessarily reassure a patient who is shaking from a hangover after a multi-day binge; at such moments it is better to seek help from a narcologist, because only he has drugs that relieve severe withdrawal symptoms, which can result in very sad consequences. But monastery tea for alcoholism can be effective if the person himself decides to stop drinking, but for some reason he rejects traditional methods of treatment (coding, insertion of a so-called “torpedo” or sewing in an “ampoule”). Of course, if you have confidence in your own willpower, you can try and start the course.

    By the way, such tea will certainly be useful for people who are not dependent on alcohol, but simply do not know how to calculate the dose or strength during any event. Anything can happen and happens to many people, so it’s good if there is such a seagull in the house.

    Monastic anti-smoking tea: is it easy to quit smoking?

    As Mark Twain argued, it’s easy to quit smoking, because the writer himself quit a hundred times, so he experienced all the torment from his own experience. For those who have decided to take such a crucial step in their lives, modern medicine offers many different “things” that try to deceive the body (chewing gum, lollipops, pills and even books). However, not everyone manages to forget about a pleasant, relaxing puff if they start dreaming about it at night. True, some people are forced to give up a bad habit by illness (often myocardial infarction), those usually quit once and for all - after all, they want to live.

    Whatever the reason for switching to a healthy lifestyle (even an argument with a friend), it’s one thing to say it, another thing to do it. The formed addiction reminds itself every minute and the person loses the ability to concentrate on other things. Trying to somehow fill the smoking break and calm the soul, some begin to eat more. The result is noticeable weight gain. Among other things, the body cannot help but experience stress, so a person becomes nervous and irritable.

    It is unlikely that the ancient Belarusians were so concerned about the issue of nicotine use in its current form, but monastery anti-smoking tea exists, and its origin is attributed precisely to the fields and meadows of the “blue-eyed republic”.

    You need to drink anti-smoking tea for several weeks (the main thing is to wait it out). During this time, he will not only “turn away” from cigarettes, but also cleanse the body.

    The recipe for monastery tea, which helps get rid of a bad habit, includes various herbs:

    Like other monastic drinks, smoking tea may contain other herbal components.

    The most interesting thing is that distributors of monastery tea recommend starting to take it as soon as a person feels symptoms of the presence of foreign “creatures”.

    Monastic tea, which kills living creatures unnecessary to the body, is gaining increasing popularity because it consists exclusively of plant components and does not contain “chemicals.”

    Most often, people hear about helminths that are a nuisance in childhood. These are pinworms that live in the lower intestines and lay eggs in the rectum. Pinworms cause the disease “dirty hands” (enterobiasis), which often, if not always, occurs in children due to the special curiosity of children and their inability to fully observe the rules of hygiene. However, you can imagine what you need to drink in order to it reached such distant places unchanged and killed the small, fidgety worms. Thank God, the times have gone into oblivion when all worms were often poisoned with piperazine, enemas were given with garlic and clothes were constantly ironed. Now there are drugs that dissolve these nematodes and do not require additional measures.

    I am well familiar (also from childhood) with such a helminthic infestation as ascariasis. Roundworms are relatively large roundworms; they are capable of causing a lot of trouble, migrating almost throughout the body. In any case, they move freely through the gastrointestinal tract, crawl into the respiratory tract, and their larvae can be found in the nasopharynx and organs of the genitourinary system.

    • Yarrow;
    • Chamomile;
    • Tansy;
    • Sage;
    • Agrimony;
    • Peppermint;
    • Oak bark;
    • Calendula;
    • Birch leaves;
    • Marsh dry grass.

    The main focus as an anthelmintic in the monastic collection is tansy, which is contraindicated in childhood, with hypertension, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, and wormwood, also having a number of contraindications (anemia, allergies, pregnancy and breastfeeding). Children under 2-3 years old should not consume peppermint and oak bark, and this list is completely reduced for allergy sufferers, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

    Tea for insomnia: healthy sleep and a strong nervous system

    I would always like to recommend drinking monastery tea, which is called “Healthy Sleep”. Due to the fact that sleep nowadays is disturbed not only among older people, but also among young people, there is no need to rush to “get hooked” on addictive drugs, so at first, a monastery tea or other medicinal tea from specially selected remedies will be just right. That is, in this case, the opinion of the manufacturers most closely coincides with the opinion of the doctor.

    The drink, designed to calm the nervous system and ensure normal rest, has approximately the following composition:

    1. Melissa;
    2. Oregano;
    3. Rose hip;
    4. Hops (cones);
    5. Peppermint;
    6. Motherwort.

    Tea to improve memory and brain function

    Monastery tea to improve memory and brain function is taken mainly by practically healthy people, mainly employed in professions that require considerable mental effort. Although retirees who want to prolong mental clarity as long as possible also often resort to herbal remedies that can allow them to work intensively with their heads.

    In general, readers themselves are well aware of this tea, as evidenced by its growing popularity day by day.

    The monastic collection for the brain and memory also has a considerable list of herbs, but the person purchasing the drink should know about the relationship of his body to the individual components (is there any possibility of individual intolerance or other contraindications?):

    Monastery tea for vision

    Unfortunately, we remember this important organ only when everything begins to blur before our eyes, it is difficult to read prices in a store or make out the license plate of an approaching vehicle. Many websites or acquaintances immediately offer monastery tea. Without detracting from its merits, I would still like to advise you to go to an ophthalmology office and listen to the doctor’s opinion. Perhaps the decline in vision is not due to age or excessive stress? However, if the doctor still considers age-related changes or constant eye fatigue to be the cause, then, probably, monastery tea to improve vision will help delay the onset of dependence on optical devices.

    1. A monastic collection that helps make surrounding objects clearer and more expressive can consist of various herbs:
    2. Chamomiles;
    3. Sage;
    4. Zhivitsy;
    5. Blueberries (perhaps even children know how blueberries are good for vision);
    6. Eyebright (this ubiquitous herb has been used for centuries to treat eye diseases);
    7. Barberry;
    8. Motherwort;
    9. Schisandra;
    10. Raspberries;
    11. St. John's wort;


    Monastic tea for diabetes: can diabetes be cured once and for all? can be cured! This is a strong word. Interesting opinion of a doctor on one of the sites, which does not recommend that his patients listen to the advice of traditional medicine, directing them to purchase folk remedies.

    Diabetes is one of the most pressing problems of our time, but here, it turns out, everything is so simple: I ordered monastery tea, drank it for 3 weeks, everything went away. Diabetes is a polyetiological disease; genetic predisposition has already been proven, but many causes remain behind the scenes. And it is clear that this disease, namely: diabetesIItype, you can slow down by following a diet and drinking medicinal herbs, but, unfortunately, cannot be cured completely yet.

    It is quite possible that a set of herbs is capable of lowering blood sugar, improving the well-being of a diabetic, and solving other problems along the way, but cannot undertake the mission of completely eliminating diabetes, therefore a patient drinking tea will still have to:

    1. Follow diet number 9;
    2. Control blood sugar;
    3. Visit an endocrinologist;
    4. Undergo medical examination.

    Any other behavior would be simply unreasonable, because tea does not replace insulin.

    It is advisable to use monastery tea for diabetes in conjunction with other measures aimed at excessive increases in blood glucose, leading to various complications. It is likely that By constantly drinking medicinal tea, eliminating foods harmful to diabetics, you can survive for a long time without resorting to the help of pharmacological agents. In addition, we can only talk about type 2 disease; with the first, such options will definitely not work.

    The recipe for the holy places of Russia is a set of widely used herbs known as wonderful remedies:

    • Rosehip fruits and roots, the healing qualities of which no one doubts, they were described earlier in tea for weight loss;
    • Oregano, containing tannins, essential oils, ascorbic acid, due to its unique composition it can in some cases even compete with antiallergic drugs and antibiotics, replacing them. Has a general strengthening and stimulating effect, has a diuretic, carminative, anti-inflammatory effect;
    • St. John's wort. St. John's wort is known and recognized not only in folk medicine, but also in official pharmacology, and is used in the treatment of a wide range of kidney and heart diseases, inflammatory processes, and depressive conditions. St. John's wort contains a lot of useful microelements, tannins, vitamins A, C, PP and, to the best of its ability, will probably help lower blood sugar, but completely replace the work of the islets of Langerhans that form insulin, despite its sonorous name and well-chosen combination with other herbs, the plant is not capable;
    • Black tea, store bought that they say can be replaced green, is also included in medicinal drink. Most people already use it daily, but, probably, with medicinal herbs, its effect will become more noticeable.

    Tea for diabetes from Belarus (monasteries of the Vitebsk region) has an expanded composition, which, in addition to oregano, St. John's wort, rose hips and tea from the store, is also represented by other gifts of Belarusian nature:

    1. Medicinal moss;
    2. Blueberry;
    3. Felt burdock;
    4. Dandelion;
    5. Thyme;
    6. Chamomile;
    7. White mulberry;
    8. Jerusalem artichoke;
    9. Cuff;
    10. Goat's rue;
    11. Blackhead.

    The list is certainly impressive and promising:

    • Strengthen blood vessels;
    • Reduce sugar;
    • Increase the body's resistance to various infections;
    • Regulate metabolic processes, gastrointestinal function, weight.

    Most likely, this will be the case, the tea is good, restorative, it will fulfill its task in this regard, but it will not be able to make you completely forget about diabetes, so the patient, having a more precise diagnosis (diabetes mellitus), should not completely relax. The disease will return as soon as the person finishes drinking the healing drink.

    The price of monastery tea for diabetes with a 50% discount is 990 rubles. In order not to run into a scam and not get a “pig in a poke”, it is advisable to order it on trusted sites, having first studied the composition of the product, otherwise they will send you “black long leaf”...

    Will monastery tea relieve hypertension?

    The instructions for the monastery tea for hypertension (arterial hypertension) indicate that the disease can be completely defeated, since the collection not only normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the occurrence of, or, with which, in general, one can agree. However, as the same instructions say, it also eliminates the causes of the development of arterial hypertension, and we are talking about grade 2-3 hypertension, when atherosclerosis has significantly affected the vascular walls.

    Based on the composition of the tea, there is no doubt that it has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, brain activity, and the function of the digestive system.

    1. Rose hip;
    2. St. John's wort;
    3. The monastery tea for hypertension includes such wonderful and widely available herbs as:
    4. Oregano;
    5. Elecampane;
    6. Motherwort;
    7. Hawthorn;
    8. Chokeberry;

    Undoubtedly, this collection helps fight arterial hypertension and other vascular problems, using it constantly, in some cases you can refuse to purchase medications that lower blood pressure, but if you do not drink tea for a week, hypertension will remind you of itself again. Atherosclerotic plaques deposited on the walls of blood vessels will not dissolve and will not go away. As sad as it is, this fact should be kept in mind. The monastic collection can be recommended by specialists; any doctor knows how difficult it can be to choose a drug that lowers blood pressure (to normal!) and, since a set of medicinal herbs can replace constantly taken pills, then why should the doctor’s opinion be different. Another question is how much monastery tea will cost a patient, because it needs to be drunk constantly. If the collection is enough for consumption for 3 weeks (990 rubles), then will the salary be enough, let alone a pension?

    Hearty monastery tea

    The distributors of hearty monastery tea are not lying when they claim that it helps cope with the problems that befell the cardiovascular system, that is, it helps, and does not attempt to solve them once and for all. People suffering from similar diseases probably know that many heart medications are made from plant materials. Why not make tea from the same plants without turning them into tablets? Both tasty and pleasant.

    Specially selected and correctly composed cordial monastery tea can unobtrusively help a person fight, improving health, regulating blood pressure, and evening out the pulse.

    • However, it cannot be said that “a young heart will invest tea, an old heart will be given in return”; the patient will have to live with his own, but perhaps the healing collection will help prolong this life. It consists of a long list of medicinal herbs:
    • Peppermint;
    • Hawthorn;
    • Valerian;
    • Rose hip;
    • Meadowsweet or meadowsweet;
    • Elecampane;
    • Horsetail;


    Some of the listed herbs have already been found in other monastic herbs, and the reader can roughly imagine their best qualities. Together, these plants enhance each other’s effects, help improve nutrition of the heart muscle, calm the nerves, strengthen the vascular wall, relieve vascular spasms, and reduce blood pressure.

    Treatment with monastery tea is very popular for diseases of the liver and stomach, which is not surprising, since these organs are most accessible to any influences, harmful or beneficial. Like pharmacological agents intended to treat the cardiovascular system, drugs that help with disorders of the digestive system also often have a herbal component.

    The liver is a very sensitive organ, it reacts to bad things, and it also shows the ability to quickly recover when the influence of the harmful factor ends. However, this does not mean at all that, by neutralizing poisons, it can withstand everything without needing cleansing. The monastic collection is well suited for restoring a slightly damaged liver and helps the organ affected by hepatitis, cirrhosis or (God forbid) cancer to cope with its task for some time. Of course, with hepatitis you can count on a significant prolongation of life. The liver collection includes herbal components that cleanse and heal the liver and have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic and choleretic effects:

    1. The monastery tea for hypertension includes such wonderful and widely available herbs as:
    2. Chamomile;
    3. Corn silk;
    4. Calendula;
    5. Peppermint;
    6. Fennel;
    7. Pharmaceutical agrimony;
    8. Sandy immortelle;
    9. Knotweed (bird knotweed);
    10. A series.

    They take the monastic medicine for 1-2 weeks (the liver recovers relatively quickly), brewing a teaspoon in a glass of water for half an hour, so that the infusion is enough for a day. The task of collecting for liver cleansing is the most common:

    • Protection from the adverse effects of medications, alcohol or completely non-dietary products, for example, after long New Year celebrations;
    • Improved well-being, increased ability to work;
    • Rejuvenation, work on appearance;
    • Weight loss;
    • Increased body resistance;
    • Elimination of problems of the digestive system.

    Judging by the reviews, the composition of the monastery tea for restoring the detoxification abilities of the liver fully meets the patient’s requirements, it really relieves the gastrointestinal tract, gives lightness to the body, and improves the condition of the skin.

    ...Soothes the stomach (recipe for monastery stomach tea)

    Stomach tea according to the monastery recipe is probably the most ancient of its “relatives”, since stomach problems were always solved first of all with the help of herbal preparations, and only then turned to a gastroenterologist. Treatment with monastery tea for digestive disorders accompanied by pain and dyspeptic disorders involves the use of the following representatives of the plant world:

    There is nothing to say - the collection is wonderful. It seems that the “ulcerers” know him and have long since appreciated him. Its price is no different from the cost of other medicinal teas (990 rubles, 360 thousand, 360 hryvnia), preparing stomach tea according to the monastery recipe is as simple as others, however, in the instructions everything is written in one sentence.

    Monastic tea and osteochondrosis

    I really want to question the doctor’s opinion that osteochondrosis can be cured by collecting plants. Undoubtedly - a collection for osteochondrosis, containing a well-chosen combination of herbs is able to stimulate microcirculation and metabolic processes in tissues and thus create an analgesic effect, improve mobility in joints, and at the same time - well-being and quality of life. It would be nice to drink monastery tea after traditional massages and exercise therapy for the patient. After, but not instead of. Lying on the couch, drinking teas for osteochondrosis, you may never expect any improvement.

    They say that if you drink monastery tea several times a day for 3 weeks, then the result is that the herniated disc may become “scared” and go away. We explain: the drink is taken orally, it goes through a long journey, which will end faster than it will reach the intervertebral hernia. It will have to be treated conservatively as long as possible, or removed surgically, if, of course, it is operable.

    Today, the Internet offers two recipes for monastery tea for osteochondrosis. The first, coming from the holy places of Russia, consisting of:

    1. Rose hips;
    2. Elecampane root;
    3. St. John's wort herb;
    4. Oregano herbs;
    5. Black tea.

    This drink for all diseases is prepared for the whole day: each herb - 2 tbsp. spoons, black tea - 2 teaspoons, elecampane with rose hips are boiled for 20 minutes, then the rest are added and infused for 1 hour, filtered. The brew is used like a regular brew, that is, you need to drink monastery tea 2-3 times a day, when “God puts it on your soul.”

    The origin of the second is again attributed to Belarus; its composition, as always, is broader:

    • Yarrow;
    • Sage;
    • Cowberry;
    • Burdock;
    • The monastery tea for hypertension includes such wonderful and widely available herbs as:
    • Highlander;
    • Birch (leaves);
    • Ledum;
    • Pine buds;
    • St. John's wort.

    How to prepare monastery tea is written in the instructions (a teaspoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water), and is used instead of the usual drinks - tea or coffee. It costs like everything else - 990 rubles.

    Monastic tea for prostatitis: will a man feel strength and confidence?

    In the hope of eliminating a common problem among men - inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), the strong half of humanity also turns to various methods of traditional medicine, among which monastery tea for prostatitis is currently leading. Here is its composition:

    In this composition, mainly used anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing and improving metabolic processes in tissues properties listed representatives of the Belarusian flora. Many of these plants, being a storehouse of useful substances (essential oils, vitamins, microelements, polysaccharides), are included in the official pharmacopoeia and serve not only as folk medicine. However, in addition to the main advantages, some have serious contraindications. For example, Licorice can retain fluid, lead to swelling and increase blood pressure, which will be completely useless for a person suffering from arterial hypertension.

    Probably, before purchasing monastery tea, you should first study its composition, the properties of the included components, and become familiar with the contraindications (not the whole tea, of course, because the instructions will indicate 100% harmlessness, but its components).

    Monastic tea and menopause

    It is often recommended to start the fight against the approaching menopause with medicinal tea. Increased sweating, hot flashes, irritability, and sleep disturbances significantly weaken the nervous system and reduce overall performance. Many women who take a herbal drink as a sedative note a decrease in the symptoms of an unpleasant period and an improvement in their well-being.

    Medicinal tea consists of various parts of the following plants:

    • Thyme;
    • Sage (has a high estrogen-like effect);
    • Rose hip;
    • Hawthorn;
    • Oregano;
    • Fireweed;
    • Calendula;
    • St. John's wort;
    • Stevia (honey herb).

    However, it should be noted that the list of flora representatives may vary somewhat, for example, in the composition of the monastery collection used for menopause, you can find shepherd’s purse, horsetail, yarrow, mint and other herbs.

    Monastic tea and varicose veins

    It is advisable to coordinate the treatment of varicose veins with monastery tea with a phlebologist. The doctor’s opinion regarding the condition of the blood vessels and the degree of their damage is especially important, because in addition to the dilated veins that a person sees with the naked eye, there may be other, deeply hidden changes. You cannot blindly believe that some disease, including varicose veins, will go away without a trace.

    Medicinal tea will help strengthen vascular walls, normalize metabolic processes for a while, relieve pain and swelling, and to some extent reduce blood clots, but it will not be able to solve all problems once and for all. It includes:

    It should be borne in mind that pathological changes in blood vessels often affect older people, so one must also take into account concomitant diseases, which may become a contraindication to the use of certain representatives of the plant world. And even young people don’t always have everything in order; allergic reactions don’t choose age.

    So - let's summarize

    Once on the advertising page dedicated to monastery tea, the reader will first of all receive information about the unsurpassed abilities of the drink and its absolute harmlessness. But, as advanced youth say, “filter the market”:

    The question of how to order tea and not stumble upon a scam is hanging in the air. Each person must think and make a decision for himself; the St. Elisabeth Monastery, to which all websites about teas link, does not sell the drink on the Internet. He sells herbal teas in a cafe located near the monastery (already prepared). The only thing that can be advised to a buyer who doubts the authenticity of the tea is to analyze the negative reviews on the forums. Believe me, they exist, but not on the pages of a website selling tea.

    Some complain that tea ordered for 990 rubles arrives for 1,300 (delivery costs), others say unequivocally that it cannot help, others, to put it mildly, report: “For monastic tea to help, you need to lead a monastic lifestyle.” Nevertheless, the largest part of the public confidently asserts: “A new, wonderful medicine that cures all diseases, effectively reduces weight - monastery tea for everything.” Our opinion is that you should not rush to extremes, treatment with monastery tea is auxiliary, It will not harm any illness, and even without any pathology it will help strengthen the body, increase immunity, improve mood and believe in a bright future.