Is it possible to marinate fish overnight. Marinated fish

Many young hostesses do not undertake to fry champignons in a pan. Some people think that preparing a dish is difficult, while others are sure that it is a very long process.

However, fry champignons using our step by step instructions with a photo, it will not be difficult.

Be careful, these mushrooms decrease in volume after frying by 2 times.

TIME: 35 min.


Servings: 4

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Champignons - 500-600 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Seasoning for mushrooms natural - to taste.

How to cook fried champignons with onions in a pan

If you bought champignons in a supermarket, you need to use a sharp knife to peel the flesh under the hat and clean it from dirt and black dots. Then put in a colander and rinse very quickly (no more than 1 second) under running water, and then let it drain well.

Now cut the mushrooms. Fried champignons will be tastier if the mushrooms are cut into larger pieces. I usually cut in half lengthwise and then, into several pieces each half, if the mushrooms are medium in size (the cap is 2 to 3 cm in diameter). Small specimens, up to 2 cm, can not be cut at all, but large ones need to be cut like this: first cut off the leg, then cut the hat in half and divide each half into 3 parts. I do not advise cutting champignons into slices, the mushroom taste will go away greatly. It is important that all the pieces are approximately the same size - this will help to cook the food quickly and efficiently.

When the mushrooms are prepared, let's take care of the onions. We will cut it not too finely, best of all in halves of rings or 1/4. We heat the pan with vegetable oil, while the fire should be medium, we pass the cooked onion in it until golden brown. We do not need it to be completely ready, it is enough that light brown stripes have just begun to appear on it. It will take no more than 2 minutes.

Now lay out the mushrooms. On them salt, seasoning for mushroom dishes. Mix thoroughly and fry over medium heat. Stir every 3 minutes.

During the frying process, quite a lot of liquid will be released. It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid, because we want the liquid to evaporate.

Fry until all the moisture is gone, usually no more than 10 minutes. Then you still need a few minutes (2-3) to fry the mushrooms until golden brown. At the end of cooking, if desired, you can add a couple of minced garlic cloves. After squeezing it through a press, mix the mushrooms well.

This is how it is simple and quick recipe fried mushrooms with onions. It remains to figure out what side dish you serve this dish with.

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Fried champignons with sour cream

Turn out very tasty fried champignons with onions and sour cream, as when fried with sour cream, the mushrooms will get a softer delicate taste. You can add more hot spices to this dish - this will make it saturated and not cloying. When using sour cream, the number of calories also increases.


Cooking method:

  1. First, prepare the mushrooms, cut, peel and chop the onion.
  2. Place the onion in a frying pan with hot oil and fry until golden streaks appear over medium heat.
  3. Now put the mushrooms in the pan (do not reduce the fire), but stir the food every couple of minutes.
  4. After 5-7 minutes of frying, you need to put 3-4 spoons thick sour cream, salt and spices on a frying pan to mushrooms. After that, the fire is reduced to a minimum and the pan is covered with a lid.
  5. Stew for another 5 minutes, and then remove. Sour cream will make the taste of mushrooms more tender and softer.

Fried mushrooms in the oven

It won't be quite fried mushrooms, they will stew a little in the oven. However, thanks to this, your dish will receive a bright mushroom aroma and rich taste. Instead of sour cream, you can put a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste here. Dish get the appropriate aftertaste.


Cooking method:

  1. Prepare and cut the onion and mushrooms. Place the onion in the hot skillet and sauté until golden brown. Then add mushrooms and hold on medium heat for 2-3 minutes, put spices and cream or tomato paste(with it you need to add 1 tablespoon of water).
  2. If fried mushrooms with sour cream are placed in the oven for 10 minutes, you will get a very fragrant, with rich taste dish.
  3. You do not need to shift the mushrooms, just remove the pan from the stove (5 minutes after the start of frying the mushrooms) and put it in the oven.
  4. Take it out of the oven carefully. To not get burned.

Mushrooms with sour cream in a slow cooker

You can fry champignons in a slow cooker. Then minimal participation is required. And the mushrooms will still be just as tasty and fragrant.


  • Champignons - 500-600 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Salt pepper Bay leaf,- taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • Sour cream - 90 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and cut the mushrooms, chop the onion.
  2. Fold up onion rings into the multipot and add vegetable oil. First, select the "frying" mode and fry the onion.
  3. Now put mushrooms, spices, sour cream (here it is better to take liquid sour cream) to the onion in a multi-pan and close the lid.
  4. Then turn on the "extinguishing" mode and set the time to 15 minutes. When the signal sounds, your mushrooms are ready.

Cooking Tips:

Novice cooks often have many questions about the competent processing of products and their further use. Information on how to properly and how much to fry champignons will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experimenters in cooking. various dishes. After all, cooking is a flight of fancy, striving for the perfection of aromas and taste characteristics of food, it is relaxation and love for experiments!

Champignons are the most popular mushrooms in the world! Their low price beneficial features, low calorie and versatile gastronomic qualities make them highly sought after in modern world cuisine.

These mushrooms are great in hot dishes, and in cold appetizers and salads. They are boiled, fried, marinated, baked, canned and even eaten raw, and often stored frozen!

Without a doubt, the most folk way cooking champignons was and remains their frying in oil. Therefore, we will share our knowledge and ideas on how to fry champignons, including frozen ones, how long they are fried and, most importantly, how to fry them deliciously to delight your sense of smell and stomach.

By the way, the calorie content of fried champignons depends on the amount of oil absorbed during frying, but the average figure is about 40-50 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

How to fry mushrooms champignons

1. Before frying mushrooms, they need to be washed and dried. Experienced cooks will advise you to limit their contact with water as much as possible, since their cooking time depends on this. It is enough to wipe each mushroom with a damp linen napkin, slightly trim the leg (and then - in case of contamination), remove damaged areas and cut into plates or in another way. Small specimens look great in a dish whole.

2. We heat the pan, pour in a little refined oil (according to our preferences) and fry the prepared product in parts. Here we can just answer the frequent question: “How long does it take to fry fresh champignons

If you put the prepared product in a single layer on the pan, then they are brought to readiness in a matter of minutes - with the appearance of a beautiful golden color. Moreover, keep in mind that with such competent processing, mushrooms almost do not lose in volume. Fire should be medium. Season with pepper, seasonings and salt at the end of frying.

If you wash the mushrooms well, do not give them time to dry, chop them and immediately put the whole product into the pan, then the cooking process is delayed until the mushroom juice boils off, which is about 20 minutes. At the same time, the product loses its useful material, and you spend extra time watching the process and stirring constantly.

3. At the end of cooking, put the fried mushrooms in a saucepan, add a little butter(this greatly ennobles the aroma and taste of the product) and simmer without a lid for another five minutes. Ready!

4. We reviewed the basic recipe with you on how to cook fresh champignons. But after all, often in our bins there are also frozen in freezer? How to fry them?

We turn to the experience of connoisseurs! They advise not to defrost frozen champignons, but boil them in salted boiling water for several minutes, then dry until cool, and only then fry in a pan.

The technology of cooking fried champignon mushrooms with other products

With onion

The technology involves first frying the onion until transparent, and sliced ​​​​mushrooms are added to the finished onion. Such an onion-mushroom roast acquires an excellent taste if you add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to it.

With juicy vegetables

We cook vegetables separately, mushrooms too. Then we combine the products and simmer for 5 minutes in time. Great option- stewing in cream, sour cream or tomato juice.

with potatoes

First, fry the mushrooms, salt them, and only then add the potato slices and cook in the usual way. vkusnotishcha

With meat

First, the meat is fried with spices and salt (until cooked), and only then mushrooms are added.

Over the coals

This method is loved exclusively by everyone! For a bright taste and aroma, we advise you to marinate the mushrooms before roasting over the coals or on the grill in any marinade. The simplest marinade consists of lemon juice, spices and vegetable oil.

By the way, vegetable oil can be replaced with mayonnaise or sour cream. Leave whole or halves of mushrooms in the marinade for 30-40 minutes, then put on thin skewers or put on a wire rack and fry on all sides for 10-15 minutes. But do not overcook, otherwise the mushrooms will lose their volume and density!

* Cook's advice
Before frying champignons, they should be boiled for 5-6 minutes. This will keep their volume and shape during the frying process.

How not to be inspired by such simple but delicious dishes? If you turn on the creative excitement, then on the basis of these basic recipes you can cook a whole fantasy series. delicious dishes! You now know how to fry champignons properly, don't you?

The popularity of champignons all over the world is explained by their special taste, absolute safety and availability. Depending on their growth, the classification into forest, meadow and field champignons takes place.

This type of mushroom grows everywhere except in the snows and sands of the desert. The mushroom is so unpretentious and easy to grow that almost all champignons sold in stores are grown industrially in special basement-type greenhouse complexes.

Before you figure out how and how much to fry champignons, you need to figure out what kind of mushroom it is. This beautiful and delicious mushroom very different from their edible relatives and beautiful hat brown or white, and brown plates, and a white leg. Beginner mushroom pickers are often confused with champignon - it is very similar to champignon in appearance, but very poisonous. But mushrooms that have been stored for a long time are no less poisonous. The choline formed in them during storage is also harmful to the body.

Mushrooms are good fried and boiled. This wonderful ingredient for salads and sauces. They can be consumed canned and fresh as a main course or as an accompaniment to any meal. Fried or boiled meat and poultry, vegetables and fish dishes, soups, seafood - not the whole list of dishes with which champignons are served. And it depends on what dishes and in what form the mushrooms are served, how long to fry the mushrooms.

Experienced housewives they will laugh when the young mistress asks about the time of frying mushrooms. And in vain. Not only the taste of the whole dish, but also the aftertaste depends on how much to fry the champignons in time.

If this fresh mushrooms- the total time for frying should not be more than 20 minutes, otherwise your household or guests will not understand what they ate - mushrooms or grass. Fresh mushrooms can be fried in general for 2-3 minutes - until browned. And if you yourself picked mushrooms in a greenhouse - fresh and clean - it is not even necessary to heat them.

Frozen less - up to 10 minutes, but before that you need to remove the juice from the mushrooms. This is done simply - the mushrooms are laid out on a paper towel and thoroughly blotted paper napkin.

Canned champignons, which are sold in any store today, are not fried at all. It is enough to brown them for 3-4 minutes or eat them in the form of cuts for sandwiches or a salad component. How much to fry champignons also depends on the products with which you will combine these mushrooms in the dish: the cooking time can last up to forty minutes.

Let's take the simplest cream sauce with mushrooms. Mushrooms are washed, moisture is removed (with a paper towel or napkins) and cut into slices. Mushrooms are added to the fried onions and fried for 3-4 minutes. Then add the chopped greens with flour and fry for another 1-2 minutes. In this case, you need to add water (or better chicken bouillon) and bring to a boil, then simmer for 2-3 minutes. After the sauce begins to thicken, add cream to it and simmer for another 2 minutes. As a result, the mushrooms were fried for only 8-10 minutes, and a wonderful sauce for the bird turned out.

And when frying mushrooms with potatoes, it will take at least 15 minutes for the excess moisture to evaporate from the mushrooms.

And how many minutes to fry champignons if they are purchased frozen? If you heat the pan and oil, then the frozen mushrooms are cooked for 5-6 minutes. At the same time, you should not defrost them first - you will get a sticky substance. When frying, the mushrooms will become soft, so it remains only to salt and pepper them to your taste. Finely chopped greens will not hurt. It is advisable to add lemon juice so that the mushrooms do not darken during cooking.

Everyone chooses how and how much to fry champignons - it depends on taste preferences and culinary skills: someone likes the elasticity of mushrooms, someone loves their softness.

Champignons fried with onions in a frying pan - a very popular dish with many housewives, because it is prepared quickly and simply. Mushrooms fried with onions are added to fillings for pies and pies, they are also delicious as a main dish with various side dishes: boiled potatoes, pasta, fresh vegetable salads, etc.


To prepare champignons fried with onions, you will need:
champignons - 200 g;
onions - 2 pcs.;
salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Prepare food.

Rinse the mushrooms under running water, then transfer to a paper towel or colander to drain the liquid. You don't need to clean them up. Cut each mushroom into two pieces, then cut each of them into "thin plates". Onion clean, cut into small cubes.
Put the chopped mushrooms into the pan. When fried, mushrooms release a lot of liquid, so first they must be cooked in a dry frying pan without oil over medium heat until the liquid has completely evaporated, stirring from time to time. This will take approximately 3-5 minutes. Literally after 1-2 minutes from the start of frying, liquid will appear in the pan, and the mushrooms will decrease in size (as in the photo).

When the liquid has completely evaporated (after 3-5 minutes), add vegetable oil and chopped onion.

After mixing the mushrooms, add salt and black pepper to taste.
Stirring, fry them until the onions and mushrooms are cooked (about 7-10 minutes). All this time, cook the mushrooms, without covering the pan with a lid, over medium heat.

Ready-made fried champignons with onions are delicious not only warm, but also cold. They are perfect for boiled rice, baked or boiled potatoes.

Tasty and pleasant moments!

Everyone loves these mushrooms for their excellent taste, but not everyone knows how much champignons need to be fried to make them tasty and fragrant. Let's try to understand all the intricacies of the proper frying of these mushrooms.

How long to fry mushrooms

Different types of champignons are fried in different ways. Each housewife must remember this information, and know how much champignons are fried until cooked:

  • fresh whole champignons are fried for 12-15 minutes depending on the size;
  • fresh mushrooms cut into pieces are fried for 3-7 minutes;
  • boiled mushrooms are fried until golden brown for 7-10 minutes;
  • canned champignons are fried for 1-2 minutes.

How long to fry fresh mushrooms

Fresh champignons in fried used to prepare a variety of dishes:

  • for soup;
  • for pizza;
  • for salads;
  • for omelets;
  • for sandwiches;
  • for sauces;
  • For filling;
  • for gravy.

How much to fry champignons in a pan depends on whether you are cooking whole or sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms. The readiness of the product depends on the golden crust, as soon as it appears, the mushrooms can be considered ready. But how many minutes to fry champignons depends on the size of the pieces, the longer you fry, the tastier and more aromatic the dish will turn out.

Helpful advice

Mushrooms cooked in not very thin slices are the tastiest and most even, they look beautiful in a salad.

How long to fry fresh champignons for salad depends on the recipe. How many minutes you need to fry champignons depends on the temperature, usually in a couple of minutes on both sides the mushrooms get an even, beautiful golden crust.

It is important to know how long to fry mushrooms until ready for cream soup, as this dish is prepared from already fried mushrooms. How many minutes to fry champignons with onions to prepare fragrant soups depends on the size of the pieces, over medium heat until a light golden crust appears and the onion is transparent.

How long to fry frozen champignons

If you do not know how many minutes to fry the mushrooms in a pan if they were already frozen, it is important to remember: they should only be fried under the lid so that they are cooked inside. How long to fry frozen champignons until cooked? Watch as soon as a golden crust appears, the mushrooms will be ready.

How long to fry canned mushrooms

How much to fry raw champignons, we have already learned, but how long to fry canned champignons in a pan until cooked? But is it worth it, because this is a completely ready-to-use product. If indicated in the recipe, you can fry them for a couple of minutes, for example for pizza or a warm salad.

How long to fry champignons in the oven

The most popular recipe depends on whether you cook mushrooms with or without filling. The cooking time is not very different from how long it takes to fry the mushrooms in a pan with onions, and as soon as the mushrooms turn golden, they are ready. In time, it will take as long as frying champignons in a slow cooker for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

How long does it take to roast mushrooms on charcoal

In nature, dishes are always cooked on coals. The cooking time does not differ from how much to fry the champignons in a pan and is 10-15 minutes until an even golden crust.