Do I need to add baking powder to yeast dough? What does baking soda do in yeast dough? To obtain fluffy baked goods, during what stage of work and what can you replace baking powder with? Different options for “effervescent” mixtures

Original message My_cook_book
Thank you! I'll try!

In my old notes, I found a recipe for a yeast dough called “Air”, which at first glance combines the incompatible - yeast and soda. I rummaged through books and surfed the Internet, read reviews and discussions on this topic. I learned that no one knows how these two components work together, but in Hungarian cuisine such a combination is traditional. And therefore I concluded that until you try it, you won’t understand anything (it’s not for nothing that I once wrote down the recipe). I made it once and the dough turned out just fabulous!
It's with apples

I thought maybe it was just an accident, lucky? Yesterday I made the dough again and baked pies from it. The result exceeded all my expectations - the pies are airy, soft, tender - SUCCESSFUL BAKING. Making the dough is easy and simple, it comes together very quickly, literally in 30-40 minutes at room temperature and does not have a non-yeast, non-soda taste.

Yeast dough with the addition of soda "Air"

Will need
2 tbsp milk, 200 g margarine, 3 tbsp sunflower oil odorless, 2 teaspoons of dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of baking powder or 0.5 teaspoon of soda, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 eggs + 1 egg for greasing, 1 kg 50 g - 1 kg 200 g flour or if for glasses (250 g), then 6.5 - 7.5 glasses.

It is better to sift flour for dough to get rid of solid impurities and saturate it with air, making the dough more airy and fluffy.
The amount of flour required for kneading the dough depends on the quality of the flour. Flour with a high gluten content is considered the best. For this reason, the recipe does not contain exact information about the required amount of flour.

Cooking method
Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add eggs, salt, sugar, melted warm margarine and stir everything well. To the resulting mass, add half the flour mixed with soda (not slaked) or baking powder, stir well, then add two tablespoons of sunflower oil and add the rest of the flour little by little, stirring well. The dough should be elastic and homogeneous, but it still sticks to your hands. Pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil onto the dough and knead it again, just a little so that it does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with film or a napkin and leave for 30-40 minutes.

If the dough has risen, but the filling is not yet ready, knead the dough, cover again with film and set aside.
When everything is ready, you can start making pies,

Once they are ready, gently brush them with egg. And to make the pies more beautiful and shiny, brush them with egg again.
I really regret that I didn’t write earlier about the temperature conditions and because of this, not everyone’s pies turned out well, but better late than never
Bake the pies at 200 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes, until golden brown. Baking time depends on the oven. If the pies are browned on top and pale on the bottom, then cover them with a sheet of paper and continue baking until the bottom of the pies is done.

Any filling for pies is suitable. But with this dough I liked the non-sweet one more.

Because, to my taste, for sweet pastries the dough should be more rich. But as you know, there are no comrades according to taste and color.
For the sake of experiment, I also baked some sweet ones,

So my sweet pies with raspberry jam didn’t sit too long, they were made the same day.

I will be very glad if you like my dough - dear Mommies!
Enjoy your tea and happy baking!

Most baking recipes include baking powder in the ingredient list. To make your baked goods tender and airy, you need to figure out why baking powder is added to the dough and what you can replace it with.

Why do you add baking powder to the dough?

The dough will never turn out fluffy and loose if yeast or soda is not added to it. Baking powder also successfully copes with the same task, but what is it?

What is baking powder made of and when should it be added to the dough?

If you examine the packaging with the composition, it becomes clear that baking powder is the same soda with the addition citric acid and flour, sometimes starch is added. The beauty of this ready-made component is that all components are selected in optimal proportions. The acid reacts with the alkali, releasing carbon dioxide.

This happens strictly in right time, which is difficult to achieve if you put the soda in yourself.

When to add baking powder to dough? Usually little attention is paid to this point in recipes, but it is nevertheless very important. If you make a mistake, the reaction will begin too early or late and the desired effect will not be achieved.

If we are talking about batter, then you can put it in it to loosen it at the very end, when it is already ready. All ingredients will have time to dissolve and begin to interact actively when they get into the oven or frying pan.

To ensure that the baking powder is evenly distributed in the hard dough, it is placed in the flour and mixed thoroughly, then combined with the rest of the ingredients.

It is not always clear how much baking powder to add to the dough when the recipe includes soda. To avoid mistakes, you can remember a simple ratio: one teaspoon of baking soda is equal to three tablespoons of baking powder. You can also take into account that 400 grams of flour requires approximately 10 grams of powder.

It is important to consider that baking powder does not always successfully replace regular soda. For example, if honey is used in baking, you will have to discard it.

How to add baking powder to dough? You need to gradually add the powder, stirring the dough until it is evenly distributed.

From time to time I come across a dough recipe on the Internet that contains yeast, soda or baking powder. I was surprised... and recently I came across a bag, or rather, a photo of the packaging of a baking mixture made specifically from dry yeast and baking powder. I got thoughtful... and tried one of the options for yeast dough with soda!

Baking soda is especially suitable for rich yeast doughs, i.e. which contains a large amount of fat, for which it is an emulsifier. Soda gives yeast baked goods a yellowish color; this is a good solution when you don’t want to smear the surface with yolk. Soda also affects the gluten of flour, weakening it, and the products do not shrink when rolling and molding. The properties of soda prevent the yeast dough from peroxidizing, and this is useful if the dough is prepared in advance.

Anyway, just try yeast dough with soda, maybe this is just the option for you.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list. I like the yeast that mixes with the flour and does not dissolve in the liquid.

I’m not a fan of kneading dough by hand, so I entrust this task to a bread maker. Either of the two modes is suitable. Mode " Unleavened dough", in which it is kneaded for 15 minutes, and then rises at room temperature. The "Yeast dough" mode, which has a total cooking time of 1 hour 20 minutes, during which kneading, rising at a warm temperature, kneading and a second rise.

Or knead the dough by hand.

First you need to mix the liquid ingredients at room temperature: milk, kefir and vegetable oil, add a pinch of salt.

Then add flour with sugar, soda and dry yeast. It is better not to add flour than to transfer it, because... It’s easier to adjust the dough with flour later than with liquid. The amount of sugar depends on sweet filling There will be baked goods or savory.

Knead homogeneously soft dough.

This dough rises well even in the refrigerator, and at room temperature in almost 20 minutes it is ready for use.

Make any pies from yeast dough with soda: with sweet or savory filling, without filling, or even pizza. It rolls out well and I ended up with three delicious pizza on thin dough with half-smoked sausage and .

Happy experimenting!

Why and how the dough, when baked, turns into an airy sweet pastry, delighting delicate taste and soft consistency? The whole point, it turns out, is in the magic air bubbles, thanks to which confectionery become very light and spongy. What is needed for the presence of small “balloons” in baked goods? Just remember to add baking powder to the dough when kneading, and success is guaranteed! Is it possible to replace baking powder with yeast or other special mixtures? You will find the answer to this and other questions in this article.

How and what can be replaced Homemade method of preparing powder

In the absence of this component, other mixtures with similar properties can be used. How and what can you replace baking powder with? Let's first figure out what the secret of action is. Its composition is quite simple. The magic dry mixture consists of three components: soda, acid (there are usually several types of them in imported powders) and ordinary wheat flour. When kneading the dough, when wet, they react with each other and carbon dioxide is released. As a result, for example, the pie mass becomes saturated with the formed air bubbles.

Try making a similar mixture at home. To obtain a serving equal to one packet of store-bought baking powder, mix 1 partial teaspoon. sifted flour, ½ tsp. dry and ¼ part regular tsp. crystalline citric acid. Required condition- use all components in dry form, otherwise the bubble reaction will occur prematurely.

To obtain fluffy baked goods, during what stage of work and what can you replace baking powder with? Different options for “effervescent” mixtures

Another way to make homemade baking powder is what is called baking soda. What can you mix it with? Use any liquid acidic medium. Most often, the role of “pop” is prepared in normal proportions. 9% ready-made solutions or essence diluted with water (prepared immediately before kneading the dough) are suitable. To do this, take 1 tsp. acetic acid and 20 tsp. boiled cold water. The resulting solution is 6% vinegar in concentration and can be used for mixing with soda.

Another possible type of acid is freshly squeezed lemon juice. Always carry out quenching at the end of preparing the dough. For this, for example, 1 tsp without a slide. soda placed in a saucer, pour 1 regular tbsp. vinegar or the same volume lemon juice. Immediately add the foaming mass into the dough at the last stage of kneading to maintain the maximum possible airiness and lightness.

How can you replace baking powder: using yeast

In the absence of baking powder, many housewives very often completely change the recipe. What to do if there is no baking powder? What can replace it with and in what quantity? To obtain an airy filler for the kneaded mass, you can use dry or wet yeast. The first ones are much more convenient to use. They act faster and are very practical to use. They are usually pre-mixed with a small amount flour, and then added to the dough. Another option for using them is to soak them in liquid according to the recipe (water, milk or kefir) for a while to swell. Wet yeast in the form of briquettes are not so convenient. Firstly, it is difficult to accurately determine the required mass. Secondly, the baking time will increase significantly. Despite all the disadvantages when replacing baking powder with yeast, there is one huge plus - the kneaded dough turns out to be unusually airy, and finished goods- lush and tasty!

Soda is a universal substance; its range of uses is very wide. We will add baking soda to the dough! Read what happens

I always used one or the other, either yeast or baking powder, depending on the recipe.

More and more often on the Internet or on TV I come across recipes that use both yeast and baking powder at the same time. Let's figure it out:

In our country, baking soda is quite rarely included in the recipe for yeast dough. For many theoretically trained specialists, the compatibility of yeast and soda causes at least bewilderment. Why add soda to sour yeast dough if it will be almost completely neutralized during the fermentation process and will not be able to affect the degree of looseness of the dough?

Cooks are practitioners and prefer not to delve into the intricacies of the processes of loosening the dough and simply add to the batch everything that is provided for in the recipe. They are not particularly concerned about the compatibility or incompatibility of biological and chemical disintegrants. Those who have mastered the technology of yeast dough with the addition of soda are, as a rule, very pleased with the results and claim that soda-yeast dough turns out amazingly tender and airy. So is it worth adding soda to yeast, and if so, then why? Let's try to understand this issue.

Baking soda is included in the recipes of not just yeast dough, but quite rich yeast dough containing a large amount of fat (margarine, butter, sour cream, etc.).

In such a test, soda acts as a very effective emulsifier, allowing you to combine mutually insoluble components (fats and water) into a single stable system. Thanks to the emulsifying effect, it is possible to obtain an unusually fluffy and uniform dough structure. The crumb of products made from such dough is more finely porous and tender.

The second interesting “soda effect” is the direct effect of this substance on flour gluten.

Under the influence of soda, wheat gluten becomes weaker and more extensible.

Remember original recipe preparing lagman noodles. Wetting the pieces of dough with a soda solution helps to stretch them into thin and long noodles.

The effect of weakening gluten allows you to successfully use soda in recipes for making yeast pizza dough. The soda-yeast dough can be easily rolled out into a fairly thin layer that will not shrink during baking and will have a very delicate taste. Small additions of soda will help you easily roll out not only pizza base, but also any other flatbread.

Baking soda can also influence the properties of the water used to knead the dough. Under the influence of soda, hardness ions are bound and water is softened. Soft water makes gluten weaker. In addition, calcium and magnesium ions bound in carbonates become less available for yeast nutrition. As a result, yeast fermentation processes slow down. The organic acids gradually released during the fermentation process will destroy the carbonates and again convert calcium and magnesium into a soluble form, but this will take some time.

The ability of baking soda to neutralize acids is used in cases where it is necessary to prevent over-acidification of yeast dough. Adding 3-5 g of baking soda for each kg of flour allows you to ensure normal acidity of the yeast dough for a period of up to three or even six hours of excess fermentation.

The addition of baking soda increases the stability of yeast dough when stored in the refrigerator.

A well-known technique for producing yeast dough with a lamination effect using soda. To do this, the dough is rolled out into a layer 1.5-2 cm thick, sprinkled with a little soda, rolled into an envelope and rolled out again and sprinkled with soda. The operation is repeated approximately 3 times. Products made from dough prepared in this way acquire an unusual crumb structure.

Adding baking soda to yeast butter dough for crackers allows you to ensure high fragility and good wetability of finished products.

A small addition of soda to yeast dough masks the characteristic yeast smell.

When including soda in yeast dough, it is very important to follow the dosage recommended by the recipe. Excess baking soda gives baked goods a yellow tint and affects their taste.

Here are examples of recipes for yeast dough with the addition of baking soda.

Early ripening pastry:

Premium wheat flour – 2.5 kg (to obtain the dough of the desired consistency, you may need a little less flour)

Milk – 1 l

Margarine (for baking) – 500 g

Pressed yeast – 100 g

Granulated sugar – 100 g

Salt – 25 g

Eggs – 4 pcs.

Baking soda – 10 g

Before kneading the dough, the yeast should be diluted in slightly warmed milk, and the soda should be mixed with flour.

All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous soft dough, the container with the dough is covered with cling film and placed in a warm place to ferment for about 40 minutes.

The dough is well suited for making pies with any filling.