Sample application for chemical examination of alcohol-containing liquids. Moiseeva T.F.

Alcohol in pharmacies has always been sold exclusively for medicinal purposes. It is widely used among the population as an external antiseptic and an irritant necessary for preparing compresses. Without it, it is impossible to perform an operation or make most dosage forms: tinctures, extracts. At the same time, it has become more difficult to purchase at the pharmacy due to the fact that not everyone uses it for its intended purpose.

The reasons that prompted the ban on the sale of alcohol in pharmacies

A ban on the retail sale of ethyl alcohol in the Russian Federation was introduced back in 2005, except in the Far North. Such a medicine, which has a lot of indications, should be in the first aid kit of every home. But, after the ban, its purchase became possible with a doctor’s prescription in the amount of 50 grams. per person and for external use only. It also happens that not all pharmacies adhere to the law and in some of them you can buy medical alcohol without a prescription.

A certain part of the population, not caring about their health, buys medical alcohol en masse at the pharmacy with the aim of further using it as alcohol. It is included in most strong drinks. People who have a craving for alcohol uncontrollably buy medical alcohol, dilute it with water in a certain proportion and drink it. The demand of such buyers was the main reason for approving the ban on the sale of alcohol.

The main reasons for banning the sale of alcohol in pharmacies:

  • Its cost is several times less than vodka, which allows alcohol-dependent citizens to stock up on it in large quantities and freely in pharmacies. The result is an increase in mortality, disintegration of society and complete degradation.
  • Ethanol was in the public domain before the sale was banned. It could be found in every pharmacy for a penny price, which is quite tempting for those who like to drink.
  • Before the ban, alcoholics could satisfy their needs in any quantity and at different times of the day, thanks to the fact that there were night pharmacies, while alcohol was sold only at certain hours.

To some extent, ordinary citizens who need ethanol as medicine suffer because of the prohibition measures.

Consequences of using alcohol-containing products for other purposes

Despite all the prohibited measures, there will always be those who get hold of and start using ethanol or analogues not for their intended purpose, but in the form of booze. As a result, they will receive:

  • deterioration of health, disruption of the functioning of most internal organs, threat of losing life;
  • an even greater increase in alcohol dependence;
  • broken fate.

It’s not for nothing that the label of medical alcohol states “For external use.” And all because it is produced by diluting distilled water of category VO with non-edible alcohol of the first category.

Increasingly, ethanol substitutes, such as “Medical Antiseptic Solution,” are appearing in pharmacies. But it is the same as ethanol, since the main component of the drug is ethyl alcohol (95–96% of the total volume). The solution works as a universal local antiseptic and vasodilator.

  • preparing solutions for compresses;
  • disinfection of skin;
  • wound treatment

Ethanol substitutes are deadly. Ingestion of liquids based on them, and even in large quantities, will lead to kidney failure and death.

Unscrupulous pharmaceutical pseudo-companies, in the pursuit of profit, substitute in an artisanal way, that is, in a technical way. This is 100% poison for the human body - it is enough to take 30 ml orally to lose your life.

Available alcohol products

Medical alcohol in pharmacies is sold in several forms:

  • ethyl (ethanol);
  • formic;
  • boric;
  • camphor;

Ethanol falls under the category of narcotic substances and, as already mentioned, due to the ban, it can only be purchased with a prescription from your doctor. When used adequately, it is indispensable in the following cases:

  • leather treatment;
  • preparing medicinal herbal tinctures for oral administration or compresses at home.

For home use, medical formic alcohol is usually purchased. They wipe the skin before injections and are used in the fight against arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, myositis, arthralgia, and neuralgia.

Boric alcohol contains ethanol and boric acid. It is used as a disinfectant and disinfectant. Causes death if it enters the human body.

Camphor medicinal alcohol has a specific odor. For external use only: skin treatment, preparation of solutions for compresses. If ingested, severe burns of the mucous membranes will occur. It fights germs, has an irritating effect on the skin, relieves pain and relieves inflammation.

By inhaling ammonia, a person can recover from a fainting state. This is due to the fact that it contains about 11% ammonia. Insect bites are lubricated with ammonia. Those who suffer from dermatitis and eczema should not use it, because it will do nothing but harm. Ingestion will cause burns to the mucous membrane.

Independent examination of alcohol-containing liquids- a fairly common type of chemical research, widely used in forensic practice and other fields. The subject of this type of analysis is to determine the specific characteristics of alcohol-containing liquids and draw conclusions about their classification, compliance with quality standards, the presence of various impurities, and so on. In forensic science, the examination of alcohol-containing liquids is used to obtain evidence of criminal offenses - on the fact of poisoning, the production of drinks containing excessive concentrations of substances harmful to life and health, various types of fraud, extortion, etc. The examination is also used to establish the facts of the production of counterfeit alcoholic products, on issues of compliance with quality standards, etc.

The classification of drinks based on alcohol content does not have a clear division into groups. The boundary between types of drinks is floating and depends not only on the actual amount of alcohol in the drink, but also on the accepted division of alcoholic drinks into classes depending on the principle of consumption and production. Currently, it is customary to divide alcohol-containing liquids into:

  • Low alcohol (up to 20% alcohol by volume).
  • Strong (over 20% alcohol by volume).

According to the method of production, alcohol-containing liquids are divided into:

  • Homemade liquids.
  • Handicraft products.
  • Drinks made in factories.
  • Factory-produced drinks.

Problems solved by the examination of alcohol-containing liquids:

  • Determination of the presence of alcohol in the test liquid.
  • Determining the strength of an alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Determination of the method of manufacturing the product under study.
  • Establishing compliance of the liquid provided for testing with the requirements of quality standards.
  • Detection of other impurities in alcohol-containing liquids.
  • Determining the type of alcohol that was used to prepare the liquid.
  • Study of the conditions for packaging, storage and transportation of alcohol-containing liquids.
  • Determination of the type and quality of raw materials from which alcohol-containing liquids are made.
  • Establishing compliance (or non-compliance) of various samples of alcohol-containing liquids.
  • Establishing the ownership of one volume of liquid to another. For example, determining that the liquid in a glass could have been poured from a given bottle, i.e. corresponds to the liquid in this bottle.
  • Determination of the method for producing alcohol-containing liquids.
  • Identification of possible manufacturers of alcohol-containing liquids.
  • Determination of the type, grade or brand of alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Establishing the nature of falsification of the analyzed liquids.

Our conclusions meet the requirements of objectivity, comprehensiveness and completeness of research; all examinations are carried out using modern achievements of science and technology.

If you are not sure about the correctness of the conclusions of a third-party organization, our experts will help you find procedural or methodological errors and give an appropriate conclusion (review).

Procedure for the examination of alcohol-containing liquids

Production examination of alcohol-containing liquids carried out on the basis of an agreement with an individual or legal entity, a court ruling or resolution, a resolution of an inquiry officer or investigator, a tax inspector, a resolution of a customs investigator, within the framework of public procurement.

Before concluding a contract, the customer can receive a preliminary consultation, at which the expert will explain the main features, clarify the customer’s goals, formulate questions for the expert to answer during the examination and explain the possible results of the examination.

At the first stage, the collection and removal of alcohol-containing liquids is carried out. Liquids in containers are provided for examination along with them. An average sample is taken from large containers such as tanks and tanks. If there is visible stratification of the liquid, a sample is taken from the lower, middle and upper layers. If sedimentation is observed in the liquid, then an additional sample of the liquid is taken from the sedimentary layer. Traces of alcohol-containing liquids on carrier objects are provided along with the latter. In this case, the trace layer must be isolated using materials that do not absorb liquids, for example, polyethylene film. Clothing containing traces of alcohol-containing liquids is packaged in plastic bags with layers of clothing sandwiched with plastic film. For long-term storage, the bags are additionally packed in light-proof paper. Drops of alcohol-containing liquids from surfaces are collected with syringes or pipettes and placed in a hermetically sealed glass container.

At the second stage, a preliminary study of alcohol-containing liquids is carried out, which implies the use of the expert’s special knowledge outside the research procedure in order to establish a connection between the detected traces and the incident under investigation, extract information about the mechanism of formation of the traces, and also collect additional information about the person who left these traces. Also, a preliminary analysis determines the suitability of the obtained samples for conducting a full-fledged study and establishes a range of measures to ensure the safety of existing material evidence.

At the third stage, the actual examination of alcohol-containing liquids is carried out using special methods and technical means, which are traditionally divided into three classification groups:

  • Technical means and methods designed to establish the chemical, physical and other properties of the materials under study. This group includes research and analytical technology.
  • Technical means and methods designed to carry out comparative analysis, mainly to determine the conformity or non-compliance of various samples provided for research.
  • Technical means and methods that allow assessing the possibility of using information extracted by an expert as a basis for formulating certain conclusions.

Questions to the expert

  • Does the liquid provided for testing contain ethyl alcohol?
  • What is the alcohol content by volume of this liquid?
  • What group (type) of alcoholic beverages does the substance under study belong to?
  • How was the alcohol-containing liquid provided for analysis prepared?
  • Are the contents of the bottle identical to the information on the label?
  • What raw materials was this alcohol-containing liquid made from?
  • Does this drink meet the required quality standards?
  • What alcohol was used in the production of this alcoholic drink?
  • How was the test liquid sealed?
  • Under what conditions was this alcohol-containing liquid stored (transported)?
  • Does the alcohol-containing liquid provided for research meet standard medical and biological indicators?
  • What type of liquid is the alcohol trace on the provided carrier object?
  • What is the volumetric content of fusel oils and other impurities in this sample?
  • Are traces of methyl alcohol present in the liquid being tested?
  • Does the liquid being tested contain dyes, flavors, or other additives that are not listed on the label?
  • What is the concentration of toxic substances in alcohol-containing liquid?

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Name alcohol-containing products that are not subject to excise tax.  

Alcohol-containing products, including denatured alcohol (except for alcohol supplied by import), are alcohol-containing products made from all types of raw materials, containing denaturing additives that exclude the possibility of using them for the production of alcoholic and food products, and manufactured in accordance with the federal executive body. authorities of the Russian Federation with regulatory documentation or agreed with this body.  

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Chapter 3 Rules for the sale of cosmetics

The rules for the sale of cosmetics are regulated by three legislative acts:

1. Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 On the protection of consumer rights (as amended and supplemented).

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 55 On approval of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods (also with amendments), sections I General provisions and V Features of the sale of perfumery and cosmetic products.

3. Letter of the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2000 1100/1106-0-111 On the sale of perfume and cosmetic products.

Analytical information on alcohol-containing non-food “dual-use” products

I will present the most important information on the sale of cosmetics, including those carried out in a store (department) at a cosmetic or cosmetology establishment.

When selling perfumery and cosmetic products, all general requirements of the General Provisions section of the Sales Rules, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and other legal acts related to trade must be met.

Thus, information about perfumes and cosmetics (in addition to the information specified in the General Provisions of the Sales Rules), taking into account the characteristics of a particular product, must also contain information:

■ about its purpose;

■ about its constituent ingredients;

■ about the action and the effect it produces;

■ restrictions (contraindications) for use;

■ about methods and conditions of use;

■ about the net weight or volume and (or) number of units of the product in consumer packaging;

■ on storage conditions (for goods that require mandatory requirements for storage conditions);

■ on state registration (for goods subject to state registration).

In accordance with the norms of current legislation, the basis for the legal sale of perfumery and cosmetic products is the presence of an original certificate of conformity. A copy of this document is considered valid if it:

■ notarized;

■ certified by the holder of the original certificate (i.e., by those indicated in the Certificate issued column);

■ certified by the certification body that issued the certificate.

In addition, retail sales of these goods are allowed if there is a consignment note, where the manufacturer (supplier) must indicate the details of the certificate of conformity.

The sales rules establish the seller’s obligation, at the buyer’s request, to acquaint him with the quality and safety certificate of the sold batch of perfumery and cosmetic products manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation, or its certified copy.

Before entering the sales area, perfume and cosmetic products must undergo pre-sale preparation. The products are unpacked and inspected, the external signs of the quality of each unit of goods and the availability of the necessary information about it are checked.

The seller must provide the buyer with the opportunity to become familiar with the properties and characteristics of the goods offered for sale. When transferring goods to the buyer in packaging with cellophane wrapping or branded tape, the seller must offer to check the contents of the package by removing the cellophane or branded tape. Dispenser packaging and aerosol are checked by the seller for functioning in the presence of the buyer.

Alcohol-containing cosmetics are subject to state registration with the issuance of a certificate of state registration directly from Rospotrebnadzor. Children's and professional cosmetics are also subject to state registration with the issuance of a certificate of state registration in the territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor. If we are talking about ordinary cosmetics that do not fall under the above types (alcohol-containing, children's, professional), then they are subject to sanitary and epidemiological examination with the issuance of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in the territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor.

To submit an official document to the customs authorities, your supplier should submit a request to Rospotrebnadzor indicating the names of the products, manufacturer, as well as the numbers of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions in order for Rospotrebnadzor to issue clarifications for him.

Attention! Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 1997 No. 720 approved the List of durable goods that, after expiration of their shelf life, are considered unsuitable for their intended use. This list includes perfumery and cosmetic products.

In addition, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 55 approved the List non-food products of proper quality, not subject to return or exchange. This list, again, includes perfume and cosmetic products.

On the territory of Russia there is a List of substances that should not be included in cosmetic products, given in Appendix 5 to the Hygienic Requirements for the Production and Safety of Perfumery and Cosmetic Products (SanPiN 1.2.681-97), approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 20 1997 26. The list repeats the Main Instruction 76/768/EEC dated 07/27/1976 (Appendix II) and Instruction 93/768/EEC dated 06/14/1993. It contains 412 positions, and if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with them by typing the document name in any Internet search engine.

From a blog post:

Alcohol-containing products

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Alcohol-containing products from all types of raw materials, including denatured alcohol, which contain denaturing additives that do not exclude the possibility of using it for the production of alcoholic and food products, and are not manufactured in accordance with the regulatory documentation established (agreed upon) by the federal executive body, are subject to excise taxes in the generally established manner .  

Alcohol-containing products, including denatured alcohol (except for alcohol supplied by import), are alcohol-containing products made from all types of raw materials, containing denaturing additives that exclude the possibility of using them for the production of alcoholic and food products, and manufactured in accordance with the federal executive body. authorities of the Russian Federation with regulatory documentation or agreed with this body.  

Name alcohol-containing products that are not subject to excise tax.

What is the difference between alcoholic products and alcohol-containing products?

At the same time, alcohol-containing products include solutions, emulsions, suspensions and other types of products with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol over 12 percent contained in excisable products, with the exception of perfumery and cosmetic products that have passed state registration with the authorized federal executive body.  

For ethyl alcohol, for alcohol-containing products, alcoholic products and beer sold from the 1st to the 15th day inclusive of the reporting month - no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting month.  

The following alcohol-containing products are not considered as excisable goods: medicinal, therapeutic and prophylactic, diagnostic products in accordance with subparagraph.  

In the absence of a certificate of state registration of alcohol-containing products, both denatured and non-denatured, these products are subject to excise taxes in the generally established manner.  

For the purpose of implementing the Federal Law on Excise Taxes, denatured alcohol-containing products, including denatured alcohol (with the exception of imported alcohol), are alcohol-containing products made from all types of raw materials that contain denaturing additives that exclude the possibility of using them for the production of alcoholic and food products, and manufactured in accordance with the regulatory documentation established (agreed) by the federal executive body of the Russian Federation.  

The following goods (products) are subject to excise taxes: ethyl alcohol from all types of raw materials, alcohol-containing products, alcoholic products, beer, tobacco products, jewelry, gasoline, cars.  

Activities for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (with the exception of retail sales of alcoholic and non-food alcohol-containing products) are carried out only by legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership.  

Alcohol-containing products, including denatured alcohol (except for alcohol supplied by import), are alcohol-containing products made from all types of raw materials, containing denaturing additives that exclude the possibility of using them for the production of alcoholic and food products, and manufactured in accordance with the federal executive body. authorities of the Russian Federation with regulatory documentation or agreed with this body.  

In accordance with Art. 181 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, ethyl alcohol from all types of raw materials, including denatured, as well as denatured alcohol-containing products are included in the list of excisable goods.  

According to Russian tax legislation, excisable products also include ethyl alcohol from all types of raw materials, with the exception of cognac alcohol, as well as alcohol-containing products.  

Excise taxes are established on the following types of products: ethyl alcohol from all types of raw materials (except for cognac alcohol, raw alcohol and denatured alcohol), alcohol-containing products (except for denatured alcohol), alcoholic products (drinking alcohol, vodka, liqueurs, cognacs, natural wine , special wine and other food products containing ethyl alcohol more than 1 5% of the volume of a unit of alcoholic products, with the exception of wine materials), beer, tobacco products, jewelry, oil, including stabilized gas condensate, motor gasoline, passenger cars (except for cars with manual control, including those imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, sold to disabled people in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation), as well as certain types of mineral raw materials in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.  

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Ministry of Economy against bans on sales of alcohol-containing liquids

Rospotrebnadzor limited trade in tonics and lotions at the end of 2016

The Ministry of Economic Development opposed restrictions on the sale of alcohol-containing household chemicals and perfumes.

12.3. Types of alcohol-containing products

Since the end of 2016, Rospotrebnadzor has limited the sale of alcohol lotions, tonics and colognes without spray bottles, the cost of which does not exceed 100 rubles per bottle.

The government proposed to give state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation the authority to introduce restrictions on the conditions and places of retail sale of alcohol-containing non-food products. Such powers include, among other things, a complete ban on the retail sale of alcohol-containing non-food products. This follows from the government bill submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development, a source in the department said.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, “the establishment of a ban on the circulation of any product, including alcohol-containing non-food products, in connection with its use for other purposes, appears to be unfounded and inappropriate.” A source in the Ministry of Energy emphasized that the proposed measures affect a wide range of products - perfumery and cosmetics, household chemicals and personal hygiene products, windshield washer and de-icing agents, paints and varnishes and others, which makes it difficult to predict the consequences of their sale.

Considering that the above products, when used for their intended purpose, do not pose a danger to humans, the establishment of proposed restrictions on the sale of such products seems excessive,” said a source in the Ministry of Economic Development.

He clarified that the department’s position was directed to the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance did not respond to Izvestia’s request.

Since the opinions of departments on many positions do not coincide, the Ministry of Finance intends to hold a conciliation meeting to develop a common government position on adjustments. A representative of the department reported this at a meeting in the Federation Council last Tuesday, May 16.

Since the end of 2016, as part of the fight against alcohol substitutes in Russia, the sale of some alcohol-containing non-edible liquids has been suspended. The ban was initially set for a month, but was then extended. From the latest decree of the chief sanitary doctor Anna Popova dated March 27, it follows that the sale of alcohol-containing non-food products to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs has been stopped for 90 days, and the sale of alcohol-containing food additives and flavorings with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 28% of the volume of finished products that are sold below the price is prohibited , through which retail sales of vodka, liquor and other alcoholic products with a strength of over 28% are carried out per 0.5 liter of finished products. From May 12, the minimum retail price for a 0.5 liter bottle of vodka is 205 rubles.

Rospotrebnadzor said that the restrictions do not include windshield washer fluids, personal hygiene products with alcohol, which exclude their use as alcohol - alcohol roll-on deodorants, spray varnishes with alcohol. The service did not comment on the proposed rule.

Executive Director of the Russian Perfumery and Cosmetic Association Alexandra Skorobogatova emphasized that the Rospotrebnadzor ban does not contain specific names, only product characteristics are described - therefore it is difficult to name product names.

The restrictions included items with screw caps, the price of which is less than 100 rubles, taking into account the alcohol content in the bottle. Accordingly, the less alcohol in the product, the lower its price, she said, adding that “in the end we are talking about lotions, colognes and tonics with a low cost, which contain practically only alcohol; in terms of properties, these are not perfumery and cosmetic products "

According to Alexandra Skorobogatova, now legal products of perfumers are not subject to the ban of Rospotrebnadzor.

The ban does not apply to bona fide manufacturers, she clarified, adding that at the end of 2016, the first resolution contained incorrect wording and it was then that perfume and cosmetic products, which were even theoretically impossible to drink, were banned.

At the same time, bans on alcohol-containing liquids do not affect retail pharmacies that sell medicines, for example, tinctures of hawthorn and motherwort, recalled the head of DSM Group Sergei Shulyak. According to him, over the past five years the market for such products has been falling both in monetary and physical terms.

Buyers are reorienting themselves to tablet forms and other drugs,” he said.

The tightening also affected pharmacies. Thus, in March, by order of the Ministry of Health, the maximum volumes of bottles, depending on the product, were set at 25 ml, 50 ml and in some cases 100 ml. The department will also limit the maximum purchase size to two bottles.

Previously, the Ministry of Finance reported that retail sales of alcohol-containing food liquids should be legally limited - food additives and flavorings, as well as ban the sale of alcoholic energy drinks.

Evgenia Pertseva
Photo: IZVESTIA/Mikhail Tereshchenko

When solving these problems, it is often necessary to establish the fact of dilution of a drink, partial or complete replacement of an expensive alcoholic drink with a cheap one, the fact that such a drink belongs to a certain type, type, brand, batch of production. If identifying the fact of dilution is not particularly difficult, then detecting the replacement of an alcoholic drink with another or establishing the nature of the original and added alcohol-containing liquid requires qualified research.

As an analysis of expert and investigative practice shows, one of the main ways of falsifying alcoholic beverages, in particular vodka, is the substitution of food grade ethyl alcohol with technical (hydrolysis) or synthetic ethyl alcohol, prohibited for consumption for food purposes, as well as the use of poorly purified food grade alcohol.

Counterfeiting of alcoholic products (wines, cognacs, vodkas, etc.) can occur with the participation of industrially produced ingredients (alcohol, essences, etc.), bottling, capping and packaging of which take place in non-factory conditions. The production of certain products, including moonshine, can be done at home.

The objects of research are: closures (caps, plugs, etc.); special stamps, labels, seals and stamps on them; contents of the bottle.

The contents of containers are examined by forensic materials scientists specializing in the field of forensic studies of alcohol-containing liquids.

Classification of alcohol-containing liquids

Classification of alcoholic beverages and their characteristics. Ethyl alcohols are divided into three large groups: food, technical and synthetic.

Edible alcohols are obtained mainly from starch-containing raw materials: grain crops, potatoes, beets and molasses sugar beet production waste. It is also possible to obtain edible ethyl alcohol from grapes in the production of cognac, and from apples in the production of Calvados apple alcohol.

The raw materials for industrial alcohols are waste from sulfite-cellulose production and wood hydrolysis products.

Synthetic ethyl alcohols are produced from natural gases containing ethylene and associated gases obtained during oil refining.

The technological process for producing edible ethyl alcohol from starch-containing raw materials includes the following main stages:

* boiling potatoes or grains in water in order to disrupt the cellular structure and dissolve starch;

* cooling of the boiled mass and saccharification of starch with enzymes of malt (sprouted grain) or mold cultures. During saccharification, starch is partially converted into maltose and glucose, easily fermented by yeast, and proteins are decomposed into peptides and amino acids suitable for feeding yeast;

* fermentation of sugars by yeast into alcohol. The resulting mash (fermenting wort) is a complex multicomponent system consisting of water (82...90%), dry substances (4...10%) and ethyl alcohol with accompanying volatile impurities (5...8%). Volatile impurities are alcohols, aldehydes, acids, and ethers. Their total content does not exceed 0.5% ethyl alcohol content. In this case, the largest amount of impurities falls on the share of methyl, propyl, isobutyl, and isoamyl alcohols. The last three alcohols form the basis fusel oil;

* distillation of alcohol from mash and its rectification. The fermented solution containing 8.5...9% alcohol is sent for distillation, which is the separation of ethyl alcohol from the mature mash along with the volatile impurities it contains. The content of the latter is about 0.5%. As a result of the distillation of alcohol, raw alcohol is obtained in distillation apparatuses, and rectified alcohol is obtained in distillation apparatuses.

All alcoholic drinks and alcohol-containing liquids are classified according to two bases: production method;

strength, or volumetric content of ethyl alcohol.

According to the method of production, alcohol-containing liquids are divided into those made at home, home-made, and factory-made, factory-made.

Based on strength, alcoholic drinks are divided into the following groups:

* low alcohol, ethyl alcohol content 515% vol.;

* strong, ethyl alcohol content from 1660% vol. and higher.

TO low alcohol drinks include mash, various wines, the content of ethyl alcohol in which does not exceed the specified values. Strong alcoholic drinks include moonshine, strong and dessert wines, vodka, rum, cognac, etc.

Homemade alcohol-containing liquids mainly include the following.

Mash is made by fermenting any carbohydrate-containing raw materials (sugar, beets, potatoes, grain crops, animal feed, berries, etc.) with baker's or brewer's yeast.

Moonshine is a strong alcoholic beverage produced by distilling a fermented substrate (mash) using an artisanal method.

Their strength ranges from 30 to 60%. These types of alcoholic drinks are sometimes infused with aromatic products (orange, lemon peels, nutmeg, etc.), and various fruit essences are added, which complicates their diagnosis.

In addition to those indicated at home, the following can be produced:

* wines from fruits and berries. Wines are distinguished from other alcohol-containing liquids by their characteristic delicate taste and aroma, and other organoleptic characteristics (color, transparency, absence of sediment);

* cider is a low-alcohol carbonated drink (5...7% alcohol by volume), obtained as a result of fermentation apple juice;

* beer is a low-alcohol sparkling drink with a characteristic hop aroma, containing varying amounts of alcohol (1.5...7% vol.), obtained by alcoholic fermentation of wort from barley malt with the obligatory addition of hops;

* kvass (strength 1...2% vol.) - a refreshing drink made from a mixture of rye and barley malt, rye flour or rye crackers, sugar and water, followed by alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation.

The following types of alcoholic beverages are produced in factories. Depending on the raw materials, wines are divided into grape (GOST 7208-84) and fruit and berry (GOST 17292-83).

Grape wine is a drink obtained as a result of alcoholic fermentation of grape must or pulp of fresh or dried grapes.

In accordance with the classification, wines are divided into varietal wines, produced from one grape variety, and blends, prepared from several grape varieties.

Depending on the alcohol and sugar content, grape wines are divided into:

* natural dry, special dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet;

* special dry, strong, semi-dessert, dessert and liqueur.

Dry wines are wines obtained by complete fermentation of grape must or pulp.

Semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet wines are wines obtained by complete fermentation of grape must or pulp with the addition of sugar or concentrated grape must.

Strong, semi-dessert and dessert wines - wines obtained by complete or incomplete fermentation of grapes

must or pulp with the addition of ethyl alcohol, sugar, concentrated grape must or mistelle.

Natural and special wines can be flavored, i.e. containing infusions of aromatic herbs and roots.

Based on carbon dioxide content, there are still, sparkling wines (carbonated “Cider”, “Salyut”), obtained by physically saturating the processed wine material with carbon dioxide, and sparkling wines, saturated with carbon dioxide during the secondary fermentation of dry, unfermented wine materials with the addition of liqueur or sugar, obtained by fermenting grape must in sealed containers. These include wines such as “Champagne” and “Donskoye”.

Depending on the quality and aging period, wines are divided into young, unaged, aged, vintage and collection.

A separate group consists of sparkling wines saturated with carbon dioxide through the natural method of secondary fermentation in hermetically sealed bottles. The increased carbon dioxide content in champagne causes the wine to foam and “play.” Champagne is characterized by a specific taste and bouquet that develops during the process of secondary fermentation.

In addition to the above classifications, it is necessary to point out that grape wines are divided into three groups based on color: white, pink and red.

In addition to grapes, various fruits (apples, pears, plums, etc.) can serve as raw materials for making wines. Wines made by alcoholic fermentation of sugared juice of fresh fruits or sugared juice obtained from pre-fermented fruit pulp are called fruit and berry wines. They are divided into varietals, made from the juice of one type of fruit, and blends, produced from a regulated mixture of juices of various fruits.

Depending on the preparation technology, fruit wines are divided into the following groups:

* dry, prepared by complete fermentation of juice;

* semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet, prepared by additional sugaring of dry wine materials;

* dessert varietals, prepared by fermenting the juice of one type of fruit (except apples) and then bringing it to the required concentration by adding ethyl alcohol and sugar;

* special technology, prepared by fermenting apple juice using special technological techniques that give the wine characteristic organoleptic properties;

* effervescent, prepared by physically saturating wine materials obtained by fermentation of fruit juice with carbon dioxide;

* sparkling, prepared by biological saturation with carbon dioxide of endogenous origin of wine materials obtained by fermentation of fruit juice.

Vodka (GOST 12712-80) - strong alcoholic drink, which is a mixture of specially prepared softened water (hardness up to 1 mEq/l) and rectified ethyl alcohol (GOST 5962-67). The alcohol content in vodka can be 40.0...45.0; 50.0 or 56.0% vol. In the process of preparing vodka, the water-alcohol mixture is passed through Activated carbon. By external signs vodkas are always colorless and transparent. Some types of vodka are added a small amount of impurities (soda, sugar, etc.). A separate group consists of special high-grade vodkas with a strength of 40.0...45.0% vol. with an emphatically specific aroma and taste obtained through the introduction of certain aromatic components.

Liqueurs (GOST 7190) - a group of alcoholic drinks (tinctures, liqueurs, liqueurs, punches, balms, etc.), a mixture of various alcoholized juices, fruit drinks, infusions and aromatic alcohols obtained by processing fruit and berry and aromatic plant raw materials with adding sugar syrup, essential oils, grape wines, cognac, citric acid and others food products, as well as alcohol and water.

A mixture of alcoholized juices, fruit drinks obtained by processing fruit and berry raw materials with the addition of sugar syrup, port wine, cognac, alcohol, citric acid and water is called tincture (for example, mint, anise, pepper, etc. There are tinctures:

* sweet (strength 16...24% vol., sugar content 9.5...10.0 g/100 ml);

* semi-sweet (strength 30...40% vol., sugar content 9.5...10.0 g/100 ml);

* low-grade sweet (strength 12...28% vol., sugar content 4.5...8.0 g/100 ml).

The group of bitters includes rum, whiskey and gin.

Rum is a strong alcoholic drink made from rum alcohol, which is obtained by fermentation and subsequent distillation of juice or molasses (sugar cane processing waste) by fermenting them. Received rum spirit diluted with distilled water to the required strength (45% vol. in the CIS), add up to 1% sugar to the solution, tint the resulting mixture with burnt sugar and pour it into oak barrels, in which it is aged for at least four years.

Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink produced by distilling fermented wort made from rye, corn and dry barley malt, followed by aging for 3...10 years in charred oak barrels.

Gin is a type of strong alcoholic drink from the group of juniper vodkas, prepared by distilling rectified ethyl alcohol (England, Scotland, USA), raw malt alcohol (Holland) with dried juniper berries and adding, depending on the brand of gin, various spices that add taste and smell. In Russia, gin is prepared by blending (mixing) juniper berry alcohol, rectified ethyl alcohol and distilled water to a strength of 45% vol.

Liqueur is a strong, spicy alcoholic drink obtained by mixing rectified ethyl alcohol, sugar syrup and fruit or plant essences (juices). For Va-hep liqueurs, the strength is 20.0% vol.

Liqueurs - a mixture of alcoholized fruit and berry juices with rectified alcohol and sugar. The strength of liqueurs is 18...20% vol., sugar content is 28...40%.

Cognac (GOST 13741-78) is an original strong alcoholic drink of amber-golden color with a specific bouquet and taste. To make cognacs, cognac alcohol is used, obtained by fractional distillation of grape wines, followed by aging in oak barrels from three to 15 years. Fractional distillation can be single, with the selection of the middle fraction of cognac alcohol, or double. In the latter case, first, using simple distillation, raw alcohol with a strength of 23...30% vol. is obtained, from which cognac alcohol is obtained as a result of fractional distillation. The composition (blend) of cognacs includes several batches of cognac spirits, which are mixed in different proportions to obtain a richer taste and aroma. The batches and composition of alcohols for the blend are selected by tasters.

Depending on the quality, cognacs are divided into ordinary and vintage.

The following brands of cognac are considered ordinary:

* “three stars” with a strength of 40.0% vol., made from cognac spirits aged for at least three years;

* “four stars” with a strength of 41.0% vol., made from cognac spirits aged for at least four years;

* “five stars” with a strength of 42.0% vol., made from cognac spirits aged for at least five years.

A separate group of ordinary cognacs consists of special brand cognacs (40.0% vol. strength, sugar content 7...15 g/dm3), made from cognac spirits aged for at least four years.

In addition to cognac alcohol, the blend of ordinary cognacs includes distilled or softened water, sugar syrup, alcoholized waters and colors.

Vintage cognacs are called higher quality cognacs, which contain alcohols that have been aged for at least six years. Vintage cognacs have their own names and are divided into the following groups:

* aged cognacs “KB”, strength 42% vol., sugar content 7...12 g/dm3, made from cognac spirits aged for at least six years;

* aged cognacs of the highest quality “KVVK”, strength 40...45% vol., sugar content 7...12 g/dm3, made from cognac spirits aged for at least eight years;

* old cognacs “KS”, strength 4057% vol., sugar content 7...20 g/dm3, made from cognac spirits aged for at least 10 years.

Examination of alcohol-containing liquids is carried out through chemical research and is often necessary for the investigation of criminal and administrative cases.

To preserve the original composition for examination, the SSG should be placed in hermetically sealed containers and kept in a cool place with the same temperature. If liquids are being tested industrial production, GOST and other quality standards for specific products should be provided in advance.

Objects of examination of alcohol-containing liquids:

  • ethyl alcohol and its derivatives, other solutions containing alcohol, in addition, liquids confiscated from illegal sales and sold as alcoholic products;
  • remnants of CVS of various natures found on the planes of carrier objects;
  • various devices used for the production of self-made SSF;
  • technical fluids containing alcohol.

Standard tasks of the examination under consideration:

  • comparison of the liquids being studied to a specific type of alcoholic drink produced at a factory (whisky, liqueur, vermouth, etc.) or made in a home-made way (beer, moonshine, wine);
  • determining whether the alcohol-containing drink of the type being studied belongs to a specific brand;
  • determining what nature the liquid or its traces are in order to establish the relationship to alcohol-containing liquids;
  • identifying whether several SJs have a common genus (do they belong to a single species or to one brand of alcohol);
  • elucidation of a single group affiliation of the considered CVS based on specific characteristics that are not recorded in classifications of a certain type, but were discovered during production, storage or other conditions under which objects are located (certain options for capping, pasting, composition, etc.);
  • recognition of sources of production of SSF (specific or general);
  • recognition of the total volume by its various parts;
  • finding traces of CVS on a variety of objects, but it is necessary to exclude internal organs and tissues of people, animals, as well as the remains of their vital activity;
  • identification of production option (at the factory or self-made);
  • determination of the raw materials from which the product is obtained;
  • whether the alcohol-containing drink meets a certain brand, GOST standards or medical and biological conditions;
  • determining whether the mechanisms (parts) belong to certain devices (structural units) producing high-proof alcoholic drinks;
  • determination of the actual use of units (parts) producing alcoholic beverages.

Directly issues affecting the counterfeiting of alcoholic beverages produced in industrial quantities are not within the competence of the expert and are resolved by the investigation or the court. The specialist deals with issues that affect the comparison of dry liquids with a specific type of product. You should not ask questions about the identity or similarity of the liquids being studied in terms of chemical composition, therefore it is difficult and does not make much sense. Comparison of SJWs with specific genera, species, and types is carried out based on the most characteristic components that qualify their personnel.

ANO "NEC" employs exclusively highly qualified experts with sufficient experience in this field. If you need to carry out an examination of alcohol-containing liquids, then our organization will carry it out within the agreed time frame and with due professionalism.