Easter eggs and krashanki: bright and simple ideas for decorating. Master class on decoupage of eggs with paper napkins

The custom of painting eggs for Easter, and then giving each other bright eggs appeared, according to the Tradition, almost 2000 years ago. The Easter egg is a symbol of the Resurrection, miracle and joy.

Traces of the most famous staining methods Easter eggs lost in history. Initially, the shell was painted exclusively in red, but over time, the tradition has changed, and now no one can be surprised by mother-of-pearl, multi-colored, or patterned eggs.

There are a huge number of methods for coloring and decorating, and every year more and more new ones appear, which does not cancel the classic ones. And each has its own subtleties. However, in any case, before the procedure, the shell must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of contaminants, otherwise the color will be uneven.

How to dye eggs with onion skins

This is a traditional way of dyeing eggs, which also does not require special expenses. The color of the shell is obtained from yellow-brown to rich brown-red, depending on the concentration of natural dye in the broth. The more husks, the darker the eggs will be (usually housewives start collecting it a couple of months before Easter).

The more shells, the darker the eggs. Staining time is less affected.

The husks are placed in a saucepan and a decoction is made from it, after which they are allowed to brew. After that, you need to lower the eggs into the water with the husk, put on the fire and bring everything to a boil. After 10 minutes, the eggs will acquire the desired color. The advantage of this coloring method is that a natural, natural dye is used, which is completely safe for the body.

How to dye eggs with birch leaves

It is not always possible to get fresh birch leaves for Easter, but dry ones are quite suitable for this method of staining, however, the effect will not be so impressive. The shell acquires a pleasant golden or yellow color. The broth should be insisted for at least half an hour, otherwise the eggs will turn out completely pale.

The eggs must be dropped into warm water with leaves and put to boil. After the liquid boils, you must wait another 10 minutes, and then you can remove everything from the heat and set to cool.

Other natural dyes

In addition to the traditional onion peel and birch leaves, there are other ways to color the shell with natural products. What can be used?

Pour water into a saucepan with eggs, add a spoonful of vinegar, then boil with one of the following products: green apple peel, blueberries, beets, carrots, turmeric roots, shells walnuts, red cabbage leaves, coffee, nettles, spinach, onions, lemons or oranges.

In order for the color to turn out even brighter and more saturated, you need to leave the eggs in the vinegar solution overnight in the refrigerator.

Coloring eggs with food coloring

Fans of environmentally friendly solutions can skip this chapter. Because it's about chemistry. But in fairness, let's say that this is food chemistry, that is, completely safe. We are talking about ready-made dyes that are sold before the holidays in stores and allow you to achieve the most incredible colors and shades of the shell.

Using these dyes is very simple: just dip it in warm water with the purchased powder and a small amount vinegar pre-boiled egg and wait a few minutes. It is best to turn the egg in the container from time to time (twist it), otherwise an unpainted stain may remain at the point of contact with the bottom.

Dyes with a metallic sheen look especially luxurious, however, if you hold such an egg in your hands for a long time, a solid part of the shining pollen will remain on them.

Fantasy ideas for Easter eggs

If, before dipping the eggs in onion broth or food coloring, stick a patch or curly drawings on the shell, you will get a light pattern. The imagination of a person in this case is practically unlimited.

"Marble Eggs" You can, for example, do marble pattern: attach the boiled onion peel on all sides to the egg, wrap it in a cotton napkin, tie the ends and lower into the water - the ornament turns out to be very beautiful!

Another way to create a marble pattern is to add a little vegetable oil to the container: then the paint will form decorative spots that look very impressive.

"Eggs in the speck." First, the eggs must be soaked, and then rolled in rice groats, then wrapped in a dense cloth (for example, nylon or gauze), tied in a knot so that the rice sticks to the egg, and boiled in onion peel.

"Grass". An egg turns out to be very beautiful if you stick a beautiful leaf (parsley, for example, or celery) on it, wrap it in cloth and then boil it in broth.

"Thread". If you wrap the eggs with a thread before lowering them into tinted water, you get an unusual and interesting pattern.

"Striped Eggs". Making striped eggs is easy enough, especially if you use food coloring. To do this, you need to prepare several solutions of different colors with the addition of vinegar to better fix the shade. After that, the pre-cooked egg must be dipped halfway into one of the dyes. You can hold it with your hands for the necessary time or do otherwise: pour a solution into a regular glass by about a quarter or a third and lower the egg there: it will be fixed and only half will be painted over. After that, turn it over and lower it into a solution of a different color. If the shades are "overlapped", it will turn out even more beautiful!

"Dinosaur Egg" Dry boiled eggs you need to wrap it tightly in gauze, fastening the ends with an elastic band or tying it with a thread. After that, the bundle is dipped into a solution with food coloring (especially good if it is dark green or brown). White streaks will remain from the gauze on the shell, while the rest of the surface will be well stained. The result is an imitation of the eggs of ancient reptiles.

"Wax". Melt the wax in a water bath and lower one half of the egg into it first, and then the other. After that, veins in any quantity or pattern are squeezed out around the entire circumference of the shell with a thread. After the wax hardens, the eggs are dipped in warm water with paint: only open places will become colored. If, after full staining, the wax does not lag behind well, then the eggs should be put in the refrigerator for a while.

"Silk patterns". Eggs are boiled with a small amount of soda, after which they are wrapped in pieces of silk and tied with a thread. The eggs are then boiled again in the same water as before. After removing the shreds, an interesting pattern will remain on the shell.

Some subtleties of the correct coloring of eggs

There are several subtleties that will allow you to achieve the perfect result when coloring eggs:

To make the paint lie more evenly, wipe the shell with alcohol or soapy water before the procedure. This will get rid of any contamination, and the eggs will turn out very beautiful;

To give the finished eggs a shine, they need to be greased with vegetable oil: the shell will simply shine;

If you just pulled the eggs out of the refrigerator, then before cooking and coloring, they should be given time to warm up to room temperature;

When using food coloring, do not add vinegar to purple or red water. It is better to first hold the egg in a solution of vinegar and clean water for a couple of minutes, and then dip it in the paint.

Why are eggs dyed?

The custom of painting eggs is associated with a legend according to which Mary Magdalene came with the good news of the resurrection of Jesus to the emperor of Rome, Tiberius. He did not believe the woman, saying that this simply could not be, rather egg will blush than he will accept her words for the truth. At the same instant, the egg that Mary held in her hand turned colored, after which the emperor had no choice but to recognize this miracle, like the resurrection of Christ. Different peoples have their own versions of the origin of the tradition, but this one is accepted as the main one by Christians around the world.

On the eve of Holy Easter, believers begin preparations for the festive table: they bake Easter cakes, make cottage cheese easter and, of course, paint the eggs. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to seeing multi-colored eggs on the table - blue, yellow, red, marble, with drawings. Eating them is always tasty and pleasant, even if on other days, there was no particular interest in this product.

AND in 2019, the feast of Easter falls. We recommend cooking for this great day, and put colored eggs on a saucer next to it. Before eating, believers usually pray, and then they choose the egg itself, and begin to beat it with the household. Whose egg is stronger and does not crack, he won. This is how the day starts and goes. Greetings, do not forget to say - "Christ is Risen." And in response you will hear - "Truly Risen."

And today, our issue is devoted to one big topic - painting eggs. And to your attention 30 ways. And if you missed it, we recommend reading it!

Our ancestors painted Easter eggs natural dyes such as onion peel, cherry tree bark or beets. Now there is a huge selection of food colors. But the natural product is no less in demand. There are a lot of methods and options for coloring and decorating eggs. This article was created in order to combine the most interesting and practical ideas in one.

According to an ancient legend, the block, which closed the tomb of Jesus Christ, was similar in shape to an egg. Behind this stone was hidden a Saint whose life is eternal. In the same way, a new life is hidden behind the shell of an egg ....

There are several variations of the tradition of decorating eggs for Easter. According to one of them, the Myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene, having come to preach to the Roman emperor, brought him an egg. She was an ardent supporter of Christ and carried the story of his Resurrection. At this gift, the emperor chuckled: “Life is as eternal as this egg is red, not white.” After these words, according to legend, the egg turned red right in the hands of the sovereign.

Among the ancient Romans, the egg was considered a symbol of new life and the Sun. For breakfast, men always ate a baked egg so that the day would be blessed with good luck and success.

Another suggestion is the birth of Emperor Aurelius. The story goes that a chicken belonging to his parents, immediately after the birth of the future ruler, laid a rather interesting testicle. Its color was bright, flecked with red. Witnesses interpreted this as a favorable sign of fate. After this incident, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome started a tradition of exchanging colored eggs as gifts.

There is also an opinion that decorating eggs was practiced long before the birth of Jesus Christ. With the advent of Spring, people celebrated the beginning of warm weather and dyed eggs as a symbol of the sun and eternal life. Then it was believed that the whole world, all living things came from an egg. Since Easter comes precisely at the beginning of spring, this tradition is still kept.

How to dye eggs for easter

It is customary to color eggs on the eve of Easter. We will consider the most popular and interesting ways right now.

1. Onion peel. This is perhaps one of the most common coloring methods. The shell is painted in a pleasant, brownish color. The level of color saturation is regulated by the amount of husk;

2. Coloring with turmeric gives the eggs a bright yellow color;

You can add shine to the shell by rubbing them sunflower oil after coloring;

3. A decoction of eggs in cranberry juice gives them a rich pink color;

4. Beige color can be achieved by boiling eggs in ground instant coffee;

5. Sprinkled eggs do this: sprinkle wet boiled eggs with rice, wrap with gauze and dip the water with the dye of the desired color;

6. By sticking a stencil with some kind of pattern on the shell, or simply parsley and dill leaves, and then painting them in the same way as described above, you can get eggs with a pattern;

7. If you put a few elastic bands on the eggs and color them, they will turn out to be evenly striped;

8. A beautiful pattern can be made with powdered sugar. Dilute it with water so that the mixture is thick enough and start creating on the shell with a confectionery syringe;

9. Very beautiful Easter eggs are obtained when working with wax. Boil the eggs first. Melt the candle wax and apply the desired pattern to the shell. Then place it in a dye solution (not hot!) and wait for the coloring. Then carefully remove the wax;

10. Zelenka. Bright and very beautiful eggs are obtained by dyeing them in this dye. It is a must have in every first aid kit.

11. Food coloring. Sold in every store. Especially the range increases before Easter.

How to dye eggs with beets

Beets are one of the simplest yet natural ways to color Easter eggs. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Place boiled eggs in a bowl with 100% beetroot juice. Willingness to determine by saturated color. If it takes 2-3 hours, they will be pink. If they stay in a bowl all night, they are bright burgundy;
  2. Peel the beets, grate fresh and pour a little water. Add 1 tsp here. vinegar and put on fire for 15 minutes. Place already boiled eggs in a hot solution and keep in it for at least 1 hour;
  3. A very best option is to boil the eggs together with the beets at the same time. So you get bright dyes and beets for salad;
  4. Grate the raw beets into a pulp and rub the boiled eggs with it. Let them stay in this state longer - so the color will turn out more saturated.

By wrapping eggs with green leaves before painting or sticking an interesting stencil, you will get original eggs.

How to dye eggs in onion skins

The basic principle of dyeing Easter eggs in onion skins is simple. To do this, onion peel is poured with boiling water and boiled for about 3 hours. Then add salt and dip the eggs into the onion water. Cook for 8-10 minutes and then dry them on a towel.

Eggs, before being sent to the pan, must be heated to room temperature, otherwise the likelihood that the shell will crack is very high. Therefore, 1-2 hours before the procedure, they must be taken out of the refrigerator.

To achieve the marble effect of staining with onion peel, it is necessary to mix it dry with small pieces of paper. Roll a raw, wet egg in them and place in a gauze bag. Further coloring is described above.

And by placing raw testicles in unnecessary lace stockings, you can get a very beautiful drawing.

Marble way of dyeing eggs for Easter

The more beautiful eggs for Easter, the happier and more successful life will be! So says the old belief. One of the most original ways of painting is the marble effect. It can be achieved in two main ways.

Onion peel and greens

You will need:

  1. Onion peel;
  2. Zelenka;
  3. Dishes with water;
  4. Stainless steel saucepan;
  5. Zelenka - 1 bottle;
  6. Threads;
  7. Gauze.

Grind the husk. If it is dry, then you can crush it with your hands. If fresh, then it is better to use scissors. fresh egg soak and roll in it.

Make a gauze single-layer bag and put an egg in it. You can add more peels. Fasten with threads. If the husk has moved out in places, it needs to be corrected.

Place the bags in a pot of water. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Pour in the greens and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Ready eggs free from gauze and husks, rinse under the tap and dry on a towel.

Food colorings

You will need:

  1. hard-boiled eggs;
  2. Vinegar;
  3. Sunflower oil;
  4. Dyes;
  5. Water.

Dilute a bag of dye in 300 g of hot water and add 1 tbsp of vinegar here. Pour the liquid into a free dish so that the egg can completely dip into it.

Add 1st.l. oil and stir. Immerse the egg in the solution and twist until patterns begin to appear on it. Then take it out and dry it on a paper towel.

Coloring eggs for Easter with a lace pattern

On Easter, every housewife wants her eggs to be the most beautiful and unusual. There are a lot of ways to surprise guests today. For example, lace patterns on eggshells look extremely unusual and appropriate. And making them is very easy.

To do this, you will need lace stockings that have become unusable. For a pattern around the entire diameter of the shell, place the egg in a bag of stockings. Next, paint in the usual and convenient way for you.

You can also make a strip of material and fasten it around the egg. After dyeing, only the middle part of it will be covered with lace.

How to color eggs with beautiful drawings

Decorating eggs for Easter is a very interesting and useful activity. This can be done even with children. It's great when, on the eve of one of the brightest holidays, the whole family is gathered for such a wonderful deed.

1. Wax. Melt the wax of the candle and, while it is hot, apply the design of your choice to the shell. As soon as it hardens, place the egg in a warm dye solution for a certain time. Next, the wax must be carefully removed.

2. Using sticky paper and rubber bands, you can make a very beautiful drawing on an eggshell. Just wrap the egg in the desired sequence and paint it in the usual way. Then the auxiliary items must be removed. The place under them will not be painted, which will create a picture.

3. Leaves of fresh greens. For this fit and parsley, and dill. Choose a beautiful leaf and attach it to the shell. Place it in a gauze bag and tie it tightly. Make sure that the sheet does not move out of the intended place. Color the egg. You can do the procedure on an already painted testicle. This will make it even brighter.

4. Hand-painted. To do this, you can use any paint. Including nail polish. Choose a picture yourself, whether it's Khokhloma, flowers or funny emoticons.

5. A lighter, but no less beautiful option - ready-made films with a pattern for eggs. You can buy them at any grocery store. They are usually sold in strips. You must first cut according to the pattern, and then dip into each egg. Now they need to be placed in hot water for a couple of seconds so that the edges shrink. And voila - beauty on your table.

There are many types of such films. Starting from religious themes, ending with cartoon characters.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

Natural is always the best. Taking care of our relatives and friends, we often tend to favor natural ingredients and dyes. So it is with painting eggs. Sometimes, looking at a colorful plate with Easter eggs, one cannot at all believe that such a rich color was achieved, for example, from turmeric. In fact, natural dyes they also carry out their mission very responsibly.

1.Tea or coffee. A rich brown color can be obtained by boiling eggs in 300 ml of strong drink.

For color durability and brightness, do not forget to add vinegar to each type of coloring with natural dyes.

2. By soaking boiled eggs in red grape juice, you will get a delicate lavender color.

3. Onion peel, as we already know, gives the shell a brown color. We discussed the methods of coloring with this ingredient above.

4. In hot water brew violet flowers and leave the eggs in this liquid overnight. It turns out a nice blue color.

5. Yellow color can be obtained from a decoction of birch leaves. Just in these spring days, the leaves have just blossomed.

6. A strong decoction of blueberries, currants, elderberries or raspberries will give the shell the appropriate color. Eggs also need to be placed in liquid overnight.

7. Golden color gives turmeric. To do this, add 3-4 tablespoons of spices to a pot of water and bring to a boil. Leave boiled eggs here for a long time.

Options for decorating and painting eggs with natural dyes

Despite the fact that modern industry works in good faith, natural dyes are always a priority. Their only drawback is that they take a little more time to prepare the coloring solution. But the result is always excellent.

Sometimes, during cooking, the shell can crack and the paint gets inside. This will not have a very good effect on the use of the product in food. A natural ingredients not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, useful.

Save this photo for yourself and you will always know which dye gives this or that color.

Colored eggs can be decorated with a pattern of a thick solution of water and powdered sugar. The drawing can be applied with a toothpick or you can purchase a special kit for creativity in the store. And add a coloring pigment to the composition, the pattern can be diversified with bright colors.

You can draw on the shell with felt-tip pens. The drawing is bright and beautiful. So that it does not wear off when touched, grease the egg after drawing the pattern with sunflower oil.

Choose napkins with a beautiful pattern, cut it out and stick it on a wet egg.

And a real Faberge egg can be made from improvised means - rhinestones, sequins, confectionery sprinkles and ... cereals. It is better to attach them to a homemade paste.

Decorating eggs depends on your flight of fancy. Tell us how you decorated Easter eggs in the past? What secrets and ways do you have? Your experience is very important to us.

Beautiful way to paint eggs

Eggs with a stunningly beautiful pattern are obtained by dyeing them in silk fabric.

This will require:

  1. Actually, eggs;
  2. A quarter cup of vinegar;
  3. Pieces of fabric with a beautiful pattern, 100% silk;
  4. Pieces of white cloth;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Vegetable oil;
  7. Paper towel;
  8. Pot for cooking;
  9. Egg bands.

Cut the white and silk fabric into squares so that the egg and the edges can fit there, while it could be pulled off. Wet the silk patches, wrap an egg in each and fasten the corners. Now wrap it again in the same way, only in white bags (you can use old sheets as them).

Place the bags in a pot of water and add vinegar to the same. Turn on the fire and cook after boiling on a minimum heat for half an hour. Carefully remove the eggs from the pan and lay on a paper towel. Once they have cooled, you can unfold them and admire the result.

How to decorate eggs for Easter and serve beautifully

Serving Easter table- a very pleasant and important ritual. Invariably, Easter cakes are at the head and colored eggs. You can serve them for every taste.

Kulich, lined with krashenki in a circle, not only saves space on the table, but also beautifully combines the main dishes of this holiday.

The Easter Bunny that settled on your table will not only decorate it, but will also be a symbolic sign of this holiday.

A nest for krashenok can be made from a wicker basket and ordinary straw. A simple and uncomplicated solution will perfectly complement the Easter atmosphere.

By tying each egg with a decorative ribbon in a contrasting color, you will get such beauty.

And these most delicate Easter eggs will simply amaze the guests of your house. Not only the inside is edible, but also the decorations of the shell. Just roll the eggs in granulated sugar and decorate with cream roses using a pastry syringe.

Marble way of painting eggs. Option 1

There are two main ways to marble eggs. We have considered them above. However, guided by them, you can also consider a few more options. For example, dyeing with onion peel and rice.


  1. Some rice;
  2. Onion peel;
  3. Dyes of the desired shade;
  4. Gauze;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Threads.

Pour water over rice. In the meantime, chop the onion peel with your hands or scissors. It also needs to be filled with water. Gauze cut into squares 18 * 18 cm. Roll each egg in the husk and grits and place in a bag of gauze. Fasten the edges with threads. Immerse the eggs in a pot of water and boil for half an hour.

Then prepare the dye solution. You can use dyes that are sold in stores. The instruction, as a rule, is always indicated on the packaging. Place the eggs in the cooled paint for a few minutes. Then take them out and unfold the gauze.

How to dye eggs marbled. Option 2

The second method involves the use food coloring, vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil the eggs in salted water until the yolk is hard. Only after cooking you need to start painting. Dilute the dye in a bowl of water according to package directions. The dishes must be chosen wide so that the egg can be freely placed and moved in it.

Drop a few drops of vegetable oil into a dish with a coloring solution so that oil bubbles form on the surface. It is they who determine the presence of a marble pattern. Place the egg in a container and twist in such a way that it “collects” beautiful patterns from oil drops. Now you need to wipe it with a napkin and the beauty is ready!

Decoupage with napkins

Decoupage is a great way to decorate various things and gifts without spending a lot of time on it. To decoupage Easter eggs with napkins, you only need boiled eggs, beautiful paper napkins, scissors, a brush and a paste.

From napkins, cut out the patterns drawn on it along the contour. You can also cut out a piece around it, this is called the patchwork method. Now prepare the paste. To do this, dilute 2 tbsp. water in 50 milliliters of water. Then heat the solution in the microwave for about 15 seconds, periodically opening the oven and stirring the paste.

Put pieces of napkins on the eggs and coat with paste on top. Leave them on a flat surface for half an hour to dry the glue.

How to paint eggs with nail polish

For this you will need:

  1. Several bottles of nail polish in different colors;
  2. A bowl of water;
  3. Toothpicks;
  4. Nail polish remover;
  5. And, of course, eggs.

Boil the eggs in boiling salted water. In a separate bowl with water, drop nail polish of several colors at once. With a toothpick or other thin object, connect all the colors, making stains on them.

Immerse the egg in water with varnish and turn it so that the paint captures the entire surface of the shell.

Lay the painted eggs on a flat surface and wait for the varnish to dry completely. Nail polish remover will help you get rid of its marks on your hands.

Grate the dyes with vegetable oil for a bright shine.

Beautiful egg stickers

On the eve of Easter, store shelves are full of an assortment of stickers for Easter eggs. Their variety is so great that it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. These stickers are very easy to use. Even kids can handle it, of course, under the supervision of adults. Eggs are better to choose the same size, then boil them until cooked. Before that, you can paint them with any dye, but this is not necessary.

Stickers must be cut along the line. Then each of them must be carefully put on the eggs. Separately, put a saucepan of water on the fire so that it is hot. Dip each egg in turn into the water. To do this, you can use a deep ladle. The edges of the sticker from boiling water immediately curl up, acquiring the shape of an egg.

The easiest option is regular egg stickers. Just paint the testicles in the usual way and decorate them with a cute sticker. They are also sold in supermarkets.

Egg coloring has its own history. Initially, our believing ancestors painted them red - the color of the blood of Jesus Christ. Over time, more and more new colors began to be used. Christ's Sunday was considered the most important holiday of the year, so the preparation for it was very intense and interesting. People developed new ways of painting and decorating.

And now, today, we have many variants of this symbolic action. In addition, talented housewives come up with something new year after year. Perhaps you have a couple of aces up your sleeve? We will be very happy if you share them with us.

Happy Easter to you!

Hello dear friends!

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching.

And we have prepared for you a selection of how beautiful and original you can decorate Easter eggs.

The oldest, simplest and budget way!

We'll need

  • onion peel
  • chicken eggs


Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Add onion skins to boiling water.

The more peel, the richer the color will be.

Cook for 15-20 minutes. The finished broth will have a dark red-brown color.

Strain the onion broth, removing the husk from it. This is necessary so that the eggs are colored evenly.

Place the eggs in the solution and boil as usual for 10 minutes after boiling, hard boiled.

Then remove from heat and fill with cold water. This is such a beautiful color for your Easter eggs.

For a beautiful shine, wipe them with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil.

Coloring eggs in onion skins with a pattern

Another simple and very budgetary way to paint eggs for Easter.

The testicles are obtained like this, as if from amber, very beautiful!

We'll need

  • Eggs are white
  • Gauze
  • onion peel
  • Zelenka


Tip: for best results, choose white eggs, they will show the pattern better.

Prepare the onion skins. In a small bowl, cut it into small pieces with scissors.

Cut the gauze into pieces so that you can completely wrap the egg and still have free edges.

If you don't want your marble green hands, it's best to protect them with gloves.

Here is such a shaggy egg, with a peel adhering to it, placed on gauze.

We close it inside, fixing our husk with gauze. We twist the tail and tie it with a thread.

So that it is not very large, we cut off the excess gauze.

After preparing the eggs in this way, place them in a saucepan of cold water.

Take the dishes, which will not be a pity if it is stained.

Pour a vial of brilliant green there and put the saucepan on the fire.

Boil the eggs in green water hard-boiled, until cooked - 10 minutes after boiling the water.

Then drain the boiling water and fill them with cold water to cool them.

Our eggs are ready. We unfold them from gauze, clean them from adhering onion peel.

To make them look even better and shine, wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.

Well, it turned out to be a beauty!

Very interesting way staining. The drawings are so different, very beautiful!

These testicles immediately attract the eye!

For detailed technique, see the video:

The easiest and easiest way is to decorate eggs with thermal stickers.

There are a lot of them for sale, they are all very beautiful and bright! They look very elegant and festive.

Gluing them on is very easy!

In addition, it is ideal for eggs that cracked a little during cooking. The sticker will hide all the errors.

We'll need

  • Pot with boiling water
  • Thermal stickers in assortment
  • boiled eggs


Place the boiled egg inside the film. It is very convenient to use a ladle for this procedure.

We put it in a ladle and carefully lower it into boiling water.

The film will immediately begin to shrink and wrap the egg very tightly and beautifully.

We do the same with others. We put on a “shirt”, lower it into boiling water.

When the thermal sticker tightly wraps around the testicle, take it out. Beauty!

Easter painting of eggs - Easter eggs

A special place is occupied by wax painting, popularly called pysanka.

This is a whole ritual, which has its own rules and customs, dating back to ancient times.

People believed that a properly painted pysanka could affect the whole life, improve it and bring grace.

Watch this video about the traditions of Slavic pysanka:

It is enough just to decorate the eggs in an original way with the help of food coloring.

The drawing is very elegant, bright, with interesting prints.

We'll need

  • Food coloring in different colors
  • Paper napkin
  • Cotton buds
  • Gloves


Boil the eggs first.

To prevent eggs from bursting, boil them in salted water.

Wrap the finished egg tightly with a wet paper towel.

Dip a cotton swab in the dye and color the napkin in random places.

Let the whole egg be in multi-colored spots.

Leave to dry for 10-15 minutes.

After the specified time, remove the napkin and you will see what a masterpiece you have!

Watch a few more ways to color with food coloring in this video:

Decoupage Easter eggs video

Beautiful and very elegant eggs can be made using decoupage technique.

It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and you will definitely succeed!

We'll need

  • Patterned napkins
  • Scissors
  • tassel
  • Egg white


Take already boiled and cooled white eggs.

Separately, break a raw egg into a bowl and separate the protein, we will need it.

Divide the napkin into layers. We take only the one on which the picture is printed, we do not need the rest.

Gently with our hands, we will need to tear off a piece with a pattern.

If you still have little experience and you are afraid to spoil the picture, then you can cut it out with scissors.

In decoupage, the tear-off technique is used, because then the edges of the pattern are not so noticeable.

Attach the resulting fragment of a napkin with a pattern to the egg. Dip the brush in the protein and brush the picture well so that it is soaked and sticks to the shell.

We decorate all the eggs in the same way, applying a napkin with a pattern in right places and smeared with protein.

When it hardens, it will hold the picture on the shell like glue.

Beauty is incomparable! You can create a spring joyful mood!

Watch also a video about decoupage Easter eggs:

Easter egg gilding

Check out the very beautiful technique of gilding Easter eggs. On any table, they will delight everyone!

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

How to dry eggs?

Before starting master classes, you need to decide where and how you will store the unfinished results of creativity? After all, it is very easy to lubricate the drawing, if you just put the testicle on a flat surface. There are several options:

  1. Use egg storage containers. In them, the pattern is less smeared.
  2. Take foam rubber and toothpicks. Insert the toothpicks into the foam at a distance that allows you to place your creation inside.
  3. Purchase special stands. You can also build them yourself. For example, make a cardboard ring in which you will put the egg after coloring.

I myself am still just getting ready for the total Easter coloring. While I tried a couple of ways, I will share my research further.

natural ways

In the meantime, keep a very valuable tablet, which depicts most of the most simple options decorating eggs with the most natural dyes at home. All of them need vinegar - add one tablespoon to a saucepan of water.

Presented here:

  1. Coffee. You can also use tea, as it is much more affordable and you don’t have to grind anything. It turns out a beautiful brown shade.
  2. Beet. My favorite color is pink or crimson, it all depends on the soaking time. It is recommended to soak for 8 hours.
  3. Carrot. Bright festive color will give you carrots, from which you will need to squeeze the juice, and then boil the eggs in the resulting solution.
  4. Spinach. A somewhat unexpected way for our latitudes, isn't it?) You will need spinach if you want to get a delicate green color.
  5. Cabbage. To obtain Blue colour eggs, take a couple of heads red cabbage, finely chop and mix with 500 ml of water. Leave the eggs here for 8 hours, covered with a film on top.
  6. Turmeric. But she will give a sunny yellow. Grind the turmeric beforehand (you should get 2-3 tablespoons) and cook until boiling, then cool and place the eggs there.

All the main nuances are presented on this wonderful hand-drawn instruction, which I have already stocked up in my hamster bins for a long time. A very useful thing during Easter

They completely forgot about the onion peel! But she is the most classic dye. There is nowhere more classic. For her, take the onion peel in the desired volume (for the brightest shade, peel from four onions is recommended for one glass of water). Boil the water for about half an hour, and then lower the eggs into it for a few minutes.

Advice: for a beautiful flower-grass pattern, place the eggs in nylon "bags", putting blades of grass, flowers, etc. there. The output will be an interesting drawing.

It is not necessary to make exactly plant-like traces. You can wrap eggs with threads, glue paper patterns.

Food colorings

In general, when buying any food coloring, it should have instructions on it that allow you to correctly turn the coloring procedure. If this does not happen, then:

  1. Add vinegar to water, bring to a boil. Leave for half an hour.
  2. Then the eggs can be boiled in this solution (for a short time) or lowered into the already cooled solution.

However, there are some tricks that will allow you to stand out from the background of others. For example, if you stick round stickers in the form of a polka dot pattern before painting, you will end up with an unusual and very stylish egg.

Or maybe you want a wealth of colors? Then feel free to take gold leaf (it's not that expensive, by the way, if you know the right places;)). First paint, and then wrap the egg with a piece of gold foil and lightly rub with a brush. It turns out an interesting marble effect.

I wonder where you can buy gold leaf cheaply? There you are reference on a comprehensive Aliexpress (the seller is verified and one of the most advantageous offers). Here you can buy a lot of precious leaves for a small amount).

Advice. If you want to achieve a beautiful marble effect, then you can do this: paint the egg in a light color, and then dip it in water with a dark color, which will contain vegetable oil(in small drops, about two teaspoons per 500 milliliters).


A favorite with kids and adults alike, they are super easy to make with yellow and blue dye, as well as lots of small toy eyes and a felt tip pen. To do this, the egg needs to be dipped in the dye only halfway, dried. On the yellow part, glue the eyes and draw funny faces. The child is happy

Drawing with a permanent marker

One of the fastest ideas. All you need is a permanent marker (one or more) and your imagination. Dots, lines, numbers, mysterious patterns - you will get minimalistic, but very stylish eggs. True, it seems to me that it is not worth leaving such for a long time so that they can be eaten. Still a marker...

Metallic markers are also on sale now - a perfect accessory for Easter. The drawing is more delicate than when using ordinary colors.

Simplicity and cuteness

Have you ever seen white chicken eggs remind you of funny Hello Kitty? Try to make one like in the photo. Little girls will be especially delighted - they will like the cute design. For extra decoration, use small flowers, bows, buttons, and whatever you have on hand.

We use paints

How without them? You can use watercolors or acrylics. In the second case, you can not be afraid of moisture getting on the surface - this is not scary for acrylic dyes. They do not have a strong smell, they do not penetrate deep into.

Feeling reluctant to mess around with lengthy painting? Then take a pimply film and paint over it properly. It remains only to roll the egg on the surface of the film and you will get a speckled egg

We turn to less traditional methods of coloring.

With the help of fabric

For me, these methods have become a kind of discovery. For example, an option appeared where to put old ties. For this, however, they must be made of real silk.

The method is as follows: take a tie, wrap it tightly with a cloth and over it with threads (you can use cotton cloth). Take a little more vinegar than before (about three tablespoons). Boil the eggs for 10 minutes after boiling, cool and very carefully separate the fabric. Incredible beauty comes out

Here is an option with a silk handkerchief and fabric. In general, do not throw away silk shreds - they can come in handy in the most unexpected situations.

On the topic of fabric and onion decoration: take lace and wrap the eggs tightly with it. The recipe is the same, but the patterns are amazing!

Thread decor

You can wrap your creations with threads not only to form beautiful patterns, but also use them as a full-fledged decorative element. To do this, take PVA and coat the surface as the thread advances, which is laid out in a spiral.

Groats in a move

Why does an egg need to be dyed? After all, you can just glue it with grains! Take anything - rice, peas, buckwheat, sesame and more. You can completely roll the product in one type of grain, or you can pour it in stripes, as in the photo.

confectionery topping

Again, it is necessary to properly coat the surface with glue (you can take PVA) and pour sprinkles on top of it. Balls, stars, and just long strips of sweet material will come in handy.

dragon eggs

Yes, not the most Easter idea, but it also has a place to be. For them, you will need round sequins and glue. You can go the other way - take an artificial foam egg and a lot of buttons. It remains only to stick them in circles to get the effect of scales.

I recommend using options with rhinestones, “scales” and other things either for an empty shell or for artificial fake eggs, since it will be a pity to scrape off all these decorations later.

Advice. How to blow an egg out of the shell? There are two ways:

  1. Pierce the egg on both sides with an awl. Take a saucer and just blow out the contents of the egg. Blow carefully so as not to damage the shell.
  2. Pierce the egg on one side. Take the syringe and use it to extract the contents.

Pieces of glass and rhinestones

To decorate eggs, both artificial and natural, square pieces of glass or rhinestones will help you. Looks very impressive and festive

Compromise option

A great idea for those who do not want to mess around for a long time, but still want to decorate. And not artificial eggs, but the most natural ones. For each instance, you will need several small rhinestones, which you can glue in any order. PVA is useful for gluing.


It seems to me that this method is also suitable for an ordinary Easter egg, it will only be a pity to spoil it. Or you can take an artificial form, as in a master class.

And now, perhaps, the most exotic way of all - coloring ... with nail polish.

We paint eggshell nail polish

My friends, just the shell without content, if you don't want to get poisoned. I decided to experiment on eggs with contents and realized that even after a short laying they are saturated with the smell of varnish so that only the yolk remains edible at best.

However, if you just want to get a beautiful shell or surface, then take note. Incredibly easy way.

Prepare nail polish (preferably several colors), a container of water (not used for cooking), and the shell itself. Pour the varnish over the surface of the water, drawing the patterns that you want to see later. Take only fresh, undiluted varnishes that have not expired, otherwise you will get not a thin beautiful layer, but thick lines and cakes.

The coverage area should be approximately equal to the surface area of ​​the egg, again to get a beautiful effect.

Gently lower the egg into the pan, submerging it completely in the water. It will immediately be covered with an interesting pattern.

This is what I “painted” for the second egg. First dripped with pink varnish, and then green. As a result, green "dispersed" pink.

I took the eggs not white, but brown, so the result was not very bright.

At the same time, I painted a plastic jar of honey. I didn’t take into account some of the features, so in some places there were lacquer cakes: _D In general, this method of coloring is suitable not only for the shell - here you can use small decorative jars and dip your nails (although then you have to rub your fingers, but the result is worth it :))

But what others get by breeding large quantity varnishes and as a base using the white color of the egg. As soon as people do not fantasize!

other methods

Suddenly I remembered that I had not told about all the options known to me. What else can be used to color eggs for Easter:

  1. Zelenka. It is better to use it like this: wrap the eggs with gauze, in which you put rice, leaves, pieces of paper, and so on. Tie tightly. Now place them in a pot of cold water and cook until boiling, then a few more minutes.
  2. paper decorations. These are all kinds of hare ears, eyes, man-made coasters. The decoration options here are almost endless.
  3. sequins. Coat the surface with PVA glue or paste, and then generously sprinkle it with sparkles, shaking off excess.
  4. thermal stickers. Before Easter, they are sold in almost all stores. All that is needed is to put a sticker on the already boiled egg and quickly lower it into boiling water. I must say, it doesn’t always turn out well - you have to experiment with stickers from different manufacturers.
  5. Pencils + watercolor. Draw an image on the surface with a pencil. Dilute the watercolor in water (the thicker the better) and lower the product there. Didn't like the effect? Wash off the paint and try again.

Finally prepared for you interesting video with very in a simple way decor, in which it is very easy to get the effect of "cosmic" coloring:

Well, how do you like painting? And I'm sure I forgot something. Maybe you can tell in the comments? I would be very grateful, as well as other readers who have looked at the blog. In the future, I will definitely share my painting results with you, do not miss

Don't forget to subscribe to updates so you don't miss new interesting articles! And I say goodbye to you.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Good afternoon dear friends! We have already closely begun preparations for Easter - we have prepared ideas, prepared recipes for the most delicious and. Now, let's discuss a variety of options for coloring eggs for the Easter week, because Easter eggs and Easter cakes are the main attributes of Bright Sunday. I got inspiration and ideas from this article https://page365.ru/kak-pokrasit-yajca-na-pasxu.html you can see for yourself how many colorful and bright ideas fit in one article!

Agree, because if all kinds of pastries for the Bright Holiday are prepared only for your family, then Easter eggs are given not only to relatives, but also to friends or just acquaintances. Therefore, I believe that they should be bright, unusual and fun! And in villages and villages, you can find such a tradition - to give this symbol to everyone, including strangers.

When handing krashenka, say "Christ is risen!". In response to this, you can hear “In truth, he has risen!” and get the same beautiful painted egg.

Why do they paint eggs for Easter, what is the tradition and where did it come from?

Not every person knows the true reason for painting Easter eggs and their presence on holiday table. Some do not think about it at all, but take it for granted.

Meanwhile, there is a legend about the emperor Tiberius and Mary Magdalene.

In the Roman Empire, when visiting the emperor, people had to bring something as a gift. Wealthy people gave gold, while the rest chose from what they had on the farm. Mary Magdalene was able to present an ordinary chicken egg as a gift. She didn't have anything else.

She brought with her the news of the resurrection of Christ. Holding out her gift to the emperor, she exclaimed, "Christ is risen!" Tiberius just laughed in response and said that he would believe it if only the egg turned red. At the same moment, the egg changed color to red. It was the greatest miracle. The emperor, greatly surprised, exclaimed, “He has truly risen!”

It was from this moment that the tradition of coloring eggs for the bright holiday - Easter began. The most important shade is always red. But the rest of the tones of the color palette came later.

There are also differences in the type of staining:

  • Easter eggs are amazingly beautiful and masterfully painted eggs. To create them, they are used: stencils with geometric patterns, ornaments and patterns, as well as various leaves or flowers.

  • Krashenki are eggs dyed with natural liquids made from the juice of vegetables, berries, herbs or food coloring.

  • Drapanki are eggs decorated with a scratched pattern. Usually, brown-shelled eggs are used for this type. It is more durable than white. The pattern is created with an awl, knife, thick needle or scissors. Eggs are dyed first.

Do not forget that they start painting eggs on Maundy Thursday. Easter cakes are baked in it and cleanliness in the house.

There is a tradition: the very first egg is divided among all family members. Each piece. After that, everyone eats their share. According to legend, this custom makes the family stronger and keeps love in it.

Original ideas for painting with your own hands, well, very beautiful!

Except traditional ways painting eggs, there are others. They will give the egg an unusual and unique look, they will look original on the festive table or serve as a cool themed gift!

  • Marble.

To get this effect, you need to dip the egg in water with a light-colored dye. And then in a dark color dye, with the addition of sunflower oil.

  • Foil.

If you don't want to spend time painting. Wrap pre-cooked and cooled eggs in colored foil.

Or simply cut out various decorative elements and attach to the egg with glue.

  • Water-based markers or paints.

For mothers with children, painting with an egg with water-based markers is suitable. They are harmless. And if the kid still does not know how to draw, but decorates well - draw a drawing on the egg with a simple pencil.

Also, don't forget the colors. It can be watercolor or gouache.

But what options for children I found, I think fans of cartoon characters will appreciate

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are just amazing, young guys will be delighted

funny minions

Fans of the cartoon Peppa Pig:

Disney cartoons, do you recognize cartoon characters in these cute testicles? These are my favorite cartoons, if they gave me such Easter eggs for Easter, I would jump for happiness!

But how can you transform for Easter according to the plot of the cartoon Frozen

Cute yellowmouths will also be a great addition to the festive table.

  • Powdered sugar.

Maybe for the first time you learned about this method of painting eggs? Then be sure to use it.

Mix powdered sugar with water at room temperature. The consistency should be thick and uniform. We collect the mixture in a confectionery syringe and draw the desired pattern. Now let's wait until the patterns dry. These are such beautiful eggs.

We color Easter eggs with natural dyes

Natural dyes, or they are also called natural, are the most popular and widespread, since for a long time only they have been used to color eggs for the bright holiday. And if you have onion peel, beets or turmeric at home, then you don’t have to spend money on their purchase. In simple terms, from natural way Coloring is a plus. Therefore, if you are interested in how to dye eggs with natural dyes at home, read the detailed guide below ...

We paint exactly with patterns in onion skins

Krashenki in onion peel were also made by our grandmothers. But how to make sure that they also have patterns? Let's get a look.

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • leaves (for example, parsley or dill);
  • threads;
  • square pieces of gauze;
  • onion peel.

Stages of work:

Wet the egg with water. Attach leaves to it. Carefully wrap the egg with cheesecloth. We pull tightly so that the decorative elements do not move. We tie the ends of the gauze with a thread.

Be careful because raw eggs very easy to break.

Thus we do with all the eggs.

Place the eggs in the bowl with the onion skins. Fill with cold water. Exactly half the pot.

We cook for about three minutes. To get a brighter color, you can use a little more.

After that, we take out the krashenki, cool, remove the gauze with leaves.

To add gloss, wipe the dye with a cotton pad dipped in sunflower oil.

Painting paint beets

  • Freshly squeezed beetroot juice can give eggs a pink tint. It is enough to pour it into a bowl and place boiled eggs there.

And if you leave the eggs in the solution overnight. They will be burgundy.

  • We rub 2-3 medium beets (peeled) on a grater. Add some water, 1 tsp. vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. In the resulting broth we place the eggs. The time depends on the desired color intensity.

You can also do it with the juice of any vegetable or berry. For example, cauliflower or blueberries.

  • But the most economical way is to simply boil eggs with beets. As a result, we get both krashenki and an ingredient for salad.

Coloring with turmeric

If you want beautiful eggs yellow color, this method is perfect.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp turmeric;
  • white eggs;
  • water.

Stages of work:

Pour into the saucepan cold water. Add 2 tablespoons of turmeric. Stir and put on the stove.

Dip the eggs into the solution.

After the mixture boils, boil the eggs for about 10-15 minutes. Constantly stirring with a spoon.

If you want to get a more saturated shade, leave the eggs in the solution overnight.

Here's what we got.

There are other natural dyes:

How to transform eggs with cloth?

Amazing Easter eggs can be obtained by boiling eggs in fabric, the dye of which is not resistant to high temperatures. It can be silk, muslin, chintz or other fabrics.

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • fabric with a beautiful pattern and unstable dye;
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • 3 tbsp vinegar;
  • needle;
  • white cotton.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut off a square of silk fabric.
  2. We wrap the egg with it so that the front side of the fabric fits snugly against the shell. We sew the fabric along the contour of the egg, so that there are no wrinkles.
  3. Next, wrap the wrapped egg in a white cloth.
  4. We fix near the blunt edge with the help of threads. Mix water with three tablespoons of vinegar. We put eggs in it, put it on the stove. When the water boils, cook pysanky for another 10-12 minutes. Then remove from the stove and fill with cold water.
  5. After the eggs have cooled, we clean them from the fabric.
  6. Easter eggs are ready!

And here is an example on different pieces of fabric, it turns out very beautifully!

And how do you like this coloring, would you make such Easter eggs?

If everything is done correctly, incredibly beautiful patterns on the shell will turn out.

Beautiful ornament with colored rice

And now let's try to give beauty to Easter eggs with colored rice. It turns out very beautiful and original, but do you like this idea?

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • food coloring for Easter eggs;
  • plastic bags;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • 0.5 cup rice (for each color).

Stages of work:

While the eggs are being cooked. Let's start coloring the rice. Pour half a glass of rice into each bag.

Add some vinegar to the dye. Dry powder dye is diluted with a small amount of water so that the color is juicy. And then add vinegar. Pour the mixture into the rice, 2-3 teaspoons. One sachet, one color.

Shake each bag well so that the rice is completely colored.

During this time, the eggs are cooked. We put them in a bag hot (two or one at a time).

We tie the bag so that the egg is completely immersed in rice.

We leave the bags for a while. The longer the eggs lie in colored rice, the more intense their color will be.

After, we take out the dyes from cellophane and shake off the grits.

Here is such an interesting way to paint eggs with rice.

You can experiment and mix two different colors.

We paint krashenki with iodine and brilliant green with our own hands

It is best to color already boiled eggs in this way. Just briefly put them in a solution of iodine or brilliant green.

But it is worth considering that this is a laborious and rather dirty process, but in the end you get these marble eggs. If you are interested in learning how to make such beauty, read step by step description below.

But still, if you are not afraid to get dirty. You can try to cook krashenki in this way:

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • Zelenka - 1 bottle;
  • onion peel;
  • small gauze squares;
  • sunflower oil.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut the husk into pieces of different sizes.
  2. Wet the egg in water and dip in the husk.
  3. Moisten in a gauze square, tie with a thread.
  4. Place the eggs in a bowl of water.
  5. Add a little salt so that the shell does not crack during cooking.
  6. Pour greens into a bowl. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. Then we free from gauze and rinse under cold water.

Despite all the variety of ways, it is better not to eat colored testicles with brilliant green, iodine and potassium permanganate, but to use them for decoration, because these are still medicines. Healthier, there will be natural dyes: onion peel, juices of vegetables and berries, turmeric or food, but of course each hostess decides on her own.

And I wish you a warm spring and a Happy Easter!

Be sure to write what methods of coloring eggs you use. If you liked the article, press the social buttons. networks and add to bookmarks.

Until new posts!