Useful properties of fat-free cottage cheese for humans. Fat-free cottage cheese: benefits and harms, useful properties

Greetings, dear friends! Through the efforts of ubiquitous advertising, we learn about the appearance of new products such as non-alcoholic beer and Coca-Cola without sugar. Fat-free cottage cheese, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article, also belongs to this group of products. Manufacturers claim that it looks and tastes the same as traditional fat. However, at the same time, its use does not affect the waist circumference. Therefore, cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat is positioned as an indispensable product in many diets containing protein and calcium. It is worth figuring out if this is true.

Now many people strive and often-densely exclude from their diet what is necessary and not necessary. Should I give up high-fat cottage cheese? Read the article and draw your own conclusions.

sour milk product, whose fat content ranges from fractions of a percent (0.1%) to two (1.8%), is considered to be free from fat. It is almost impossible to achieve a complete absence of fat in cottage cheese, so “zero” percent on the package is nothing more than a publicity stunt.

The technology for the production of low-fat cottage cheese is such that the amount of saturated fats is reduced in it (it is impossible to completely remove them). Otherwise, according to the manufacturers, this is a traditional fermented milk product containing protein, vitamins B, A, C, PP, phosphorus and calcium.

Advertising claims that the nutritional value (or, as we used to say, calorie content) of this product is quite low, making it indispensable for active weight loss (since it contains small amounts of carbohydrates).

The benefits of fat-free cottage cheese

  • To reduce body weight, you can eat 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day in four doses, washed down with milk.
  • With intensive sports activities, in six doses, “destroy” 600 grams of cottage cheese, diluting it with a portion of sour cream. Naturally, after training, and not before it.

By the way, speaking of diets and healthy lifestyle. Here these organic products I really liked it myself, so with a clear conscience I recommend them to you. Try it. Perhaps this is what you need.

For people leading a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Cottage cheese is good as the last meal before bed, around 19:30 (mix it with honey). A low-fat product is digested in 1-2 hours. That is, at about 21:30 it will be possible to go to bed. Be careful with food in the evening. Take food on time.
  2. It is believed that “light” cottage cheese plus fruit is an excellent breakfast before a morning run in the park.

The harm of fat-free cottage cheese

During pregnancy, a low-fat product should not be consumed. Although many continue to adhere to all sorts of diets. For the body of a future mother, a lack of easily digestible calcium in food (responsible for bone strength, blood clotting, muscle contractions) and phosphorus (necessary for the health of nails, teeth, nervous system) can harm both her and the unborn child.

What is the advertisement silent about?

Fat Free curd products they also automatically lose the main part of the vitamins contained in milk: A, D and E. The fact is that these essential components are fat-soluble, and therefore they disappear from the raw material even in the process of its technological preparation (bringing milk to a minimum fat content).

Also, along with milk fat, the phospholipids of lecithin and cephalin disappear from the lean product. These valuable nutrients are necessary for the body to fully transmit nerve impulses.

Violation of the balance of the composition of milk does not have the best effect on the digestibility of the final product. Nutritionists believe that the largest proportion of calcium and phosphorus contained in milk is absorbed by the body if its fat content is at least nine percent.

But if there is less fat than the amount laid down by nature, then useful minerals will simply “skip” the digestive system without being absorbed along the way. Pass through, so to speak. Although, if you get phosphorus and calcium not only with cottage cheese, then this is not a particular problem.

Nutritionists advise taking quality dietary supplements with calcium and others useful substances. For fans of low-fat foods, this is what you need. And the body is good, and the usual product should not be abandoned. I take these myself.

What should you know about factory cottage cheese?

For animal products (except meat), a simple rule applies: the fatter, the tastier. Fat-free cheese tastes "bare". Therefore, manufacturers often correct the situation with food additives and preservatives.

You can find them like this:

  • By the expiration date on the label. The product without preservatives is stored no more than 2-3 days. If the package guarantees freshness for a week or more, then there are almost certainly preservative additives. Moreover, they do not always work, so in such a box it is quite possible to detect an increased dose of Escherichia coli or mold fungi.
  • According to the list of additives printed on the package.

All this will never add any benefit to our, as it were, dietary product. Therefore, we turn on attentiveness and read all the inscriptions on the packages. And in general - choose, or each time hope for good luck in the supermarket. Well, or look for farm cottage cheese on sale, equipped with a quality certificate.

After some thought, I decided to say goodbye to fat-free cottage cheese and eat a product with an average percentage of fat content. So much tastier and healthier. What do you think?

Denis Statsenko was with you. See you later

Cottage cheese is a regular visitor to the stomach of any healthy person. Naturally fat free. We bought 10 low-calorie cottage cheese(everything that is sold in Auchan and OK hypermarkets) and tested them in all respects. And for a snack, they added a rating from a closed community

For any person leading a healthy lifestyle, His Majesty cottage cheese is a product that is included in the mandatory life set along with eggs (or their proteins), fish, meat and other dairy products. The degree of digestibility of curd protein with the widest range of amino acids (protein constituents) is higher than that of meat, and therefore this product is especially valuable for the lover. Naturally, low-fat cottage cheese is most valuable, so for testing we bought all cottage cheese with a fat content of 2% or less.

Thus, the following applicants were admitted to our testing:

1. Vkusnoteevo, fat-free cottage cheese 0.5%

2. Savushkin product, soft cottage cheese 0%

3. Savushkin farm, cottage cheese 1%

4. Vilvi, fat-free cottage cheese 0.5%

5. Auchan fromage frais mass fraction fat 0%

6. House in the village, fat-free cottage cheese according to GOST R, grained 0.2%

7. House in the village, fat-free cottage cheese 0.1%

8. President, crumbly cottage cheese 2%

9. Prostokvashino, cottage cheese 2%

10. Valio, natural cottage cheese 0.3%

The first thing we did was to test for added starch, because starch is a carb and many try to limit their intake. And in itself, such an additive is rather useless for the consumer and useful for the manufacturer (a cheap increase in the mass of the product). You can test cottage cheese for the presence of starch with iodine: interacting with starch in cottage cheese, it turns blue almost immediately. If there is no starch, then it remains the same brown.

As a result, having enthusiastically dug all 10 applicants, no matter how hard we tried to identify the traitor, we could not do it - there is no starch in any of the curds we bought.

The next test is for the presence of palm oil, which contains saturated fats, and at the same time helps the product look fresh longer. To do this, we laid out heaps of each cottage cheese in the open air for a day and looked at how they would behave: containing Palm oil the product will not change much.

As a result, each of our curds again passed a test drive, and again there was absolutely no one to complain about.

Finally, we began a comprehensive study of the characteristics and taste of each cottage cheese: we tried it, studied the composition, and then put them in their places, based on our own, deeply subjective opinion, but with comments.

Per 100 grams: protein - 16.3 g, carbohydrates - 2 g. Price per 100 grams: 29 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: Lithuanian cottage cheese, the most expensive of our sample. Taste: The best of high-protein cottage cheese, not sour, does not dry the mouth, soft, but at the same time has a grainy texture.

Per 100 grams: protein - 8 g, carbohydrates - 3.4 g. Price per 100 grams: 13 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: branded "Ashanov" cottage cheese, despite the fact that it is made in France, is the cheapest per 100 grams of the product. It has little protein, but the number of calories is the smallest in the sample - 46. It tastes pleasant, more like yogurt than cottage cheese. In principle, they can replace the sauce when cooking, since it is the most liquid of all in consistency.

Per 100 grams: protein - 16 g, carbohydrates - 1.8 g. Price per 100 grams: 20 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: grained cottage cheese from the Tula region. Tastes more like cottage cheese, delicious. You can immediately feel that there is more fat in it.

Per 100 grams: protein - 16.3 g, carbohydrates - 1.3 g. Price per 100 grams: 21 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: the taste is sour, a little unpleasant, as if a little sour, although the curd is fresh. Even though it is not very tasty, everything else in this curd is in order.

Per 100 grams: protein - 10 g, carbohydrates - 3.5 g. Price per 100 grams: 13 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: a small amount of squirrel, as in any soft cottage cheese, but the taste is very pleasant, not sour.

Per 100 grams: protein - 18 g, carbohydrates - 1.8 g. Price per 100 grams: 26 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: smell and texture - pleasant, taste - sour, gives something unpleasant.

Per 100 grams: protein - 11 g, carbohydrates - 4.2 g. Price per 100 grams: 17 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: Made in Finland. Cottage cheese unexpectedly contains a lot of carbohydrates - the most in our sample. Dense texture, tastes sour, dryish, an unpleasant aftertaste remains, you want to drink it down.

Per 100 grams: protein - 18 g, carbohydrates - 3.3 g. Price per 100 grams: 18 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: Contains powdered milk and calcium chloride. Do not be afraid of the second ingredient - this is a normal additive for curd to grain, but milk powder ... Tastes normal, not sour, but dries the mouth and, perhaps, one of the most tasteless.

Per 100 grams: protein - 7 g, carbohydrates - 1 g. Price per 100 grams: 16 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: includes nutritional supplements pepsin and chymazin, but that's fine. The taste is pleasant, non-oily, a bit like yogurt, but very low in protein.

Per 100 grams: protein - 18 g, carbohydrates - 3.3 g. Price per 100 grams: 24 rubles.

Zozhnik's comment: Most protein and calories (103 per 100 grams) in our sample. The texture is denser than President 2%. But only, perhaps, this is the most tasteless cottage cheese of the entire sample.

The best cottage cheese according to poll

On the closed site, there is a podlepra “for pumpkins”, where members of this community discussed, offered and “liked” the best healthy curds very vividly. We have lovingly sorted these votes and ranked the top 10 most popular curds according to in order:

* In fairness, it should be noted that there is information that this cottage cheese, despite its popularity, contains starch. We have read about it here, gathering information about cottage cheese tests. The cottage cheese itself was not tested, but Dmitrovsky rejected Yuri Spasokukotsky, personally known in narrow circles.

3. Svalya, 0,5%

5. Prostokvashino, 4%

9. Prostokvashino, 2%

Cottage cheese is a popular fermented milk product that is produced in the process of fermenting milk and further separating whey. It is a source of complete protein, necessary for the synthesis of musculoskeletal tissue. Useful for bones, nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

For dietary nutrition, fat-free cottage cheese is used, which is a low-calorie product. There are only 71 calories in 100 grams, but everything is saved beneficial features.

Benefits of cottage cheese for human health

If you briefly describe the benefits of cottage cheese, you get three important points:

  1. The composition of cottage cheese includes vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP and the basic amino acids methionine and tryptophan, which promote hematopoiesis and normalize the activity of the nervous system.
  2. It also contains beta-carotene, which normalizes the metabolism in the body, as well as a large number of trace elements necessary for normal functioning. human body(potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, fluorine, selenium, etc.).
  3. Unlike the components of other foods of animal origin, curd protein has a neutral acidity and is easily digested. Less gastric juice and enzymes are consumed for its digestion, so it is suitable even for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is the basis of many diets.

Types of cottage cheese, their calorie content and nutritional value

According to the method of preparation, cottage cheese happens:

  • acidic (prepared from skimmed milk when exposed to lactic acid);
  • acid rennet (with the addition of rennet).

Depending on the fat content of the milk used in the production process, the following varieties of this product are distinguished:

  • fatty (19 - 23%);
  • classic (4 - 18%);
  • low-fat (1.8 - 2%);
  • fat-free (up to 1.8%).

There is also such a classification:

  1. Home. Cottage cheese, which is prepared at home, may have a different degree of fat content, and therefore, different energy value. Calorie content homemade cottage cheese fluctuates between 230 - 265 kcal per 100 g. It is very useful for the body, but for those who want to lose weight, it is hardly suitable.
  2. Grainy. In granular, which is a curd grain with the addition of salted cream, the calorie content per 100 grams is much lower: 100 - 150 kcal. It contains a minimum amount of fat (0 - 0.9%) and is widely used in dietary nutrition.
  3. Calcined. Contains an additive in the form of calcium chloride, with a low calorie content, it contains a large amount of protein - up to 60%

The fat content of cottage cheese is directly related to its nutritional properties. Data about nutritional value the most common types are shown in the table below.

Kind of cottage cheese (100 g) Calorie content (kcal) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g)
fat content 0% 78,98 15,92 0,36 2,59
fat content 5% 116,20 15,00 5,00 2,40
fat content 9% 154,95 16,18 8,51 2,78
fat content 15% 183,82 15,38 12,93 1,76
fat content 20% 165,00 12,40 12,25 2,45
fat content 23% 301,07 9,55 21,44 16,99

The best option for inclusion in the daily diet is cottage cheese with a fat content of 2 - 5%. With a relatively low calorie content nutrients it is more balanced than its fat-free counterpart.

Influence on the calorie content of products added to cottage cheese

The calorie content of cottage cheese is affected by products that are added to it to improve the taste and enhance the beneficial properties. Most often it is eaten with dried fruits, nuts, honey, various types jams and jams fresh berries and fruits, vegetables and herbs.

The table shows the calorie content of some products that can be added to cottage cheese.

Product (100 g) Calorie content (kcal)
walnut 698
peanut 571
almond 694
hazelnut 707
cashew nuts 633
Dried fruits
dried apricots 234
raisin 262
prunes 245
dates 305
figs 270
Candied fruit
a pineapple 339
banana 346
Strawberry 286
orange 300
melon 319
lime 323
buckwheat 301
acacia 335
sunflower 320
floral 303

Curd can be used not only as independent product, but also be the basis for many dishes. For those who are on a diet, it is important to know the calorie content of each of them.

  • Vareniki with cottage cheese calorie content - 203 kcal when used as a filling low-fat cottage cheese (with a fat content of 19% - 284 kcal / 100 g).
  • Low-fat cottage cheese cheesecakes (2%) contain 183 kcal.
  • Cottage cheese casserole with a low percentage of fat - 168 kcal (with a fat content of 5 - 9% - from 213 to 249 kcal).
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream (20% fat or more) is from 139 to 228 kcal.

Alternative traditional options, which are high enough in calories, are dietary dishes. For example, cheesecakes can not be fried in oil, but baked in the oven.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Pay attention to the latest method of weight loss. Suitable for those who are contraindicated in sports activities.

An easy-to-make cottage cheese omelette is a high-protein, low-calorie dish. Allows you to diversify the menu and low-calorie cottage cheese and carrot casserole.

Another healthy high-protein dish for dietary nutrition is called "belip" ("without lipids", i.e. without fat): low-fat cottage cheese, cod fillet, raw chicken protein and onions are passed through a meat grinder, and then baked in the form of meatballs.

Is it possible to eat cottage cheese while losing weight?

Cottage cheese is not only important for the body, when it is used, a feeling of satiety quickly arises. It allows you to eat a varied diet without gaining excess weight, normalizes digestion, and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

The product has a lipotropic effect (increases fat metabolism), regulates the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. The high content of calcium in cottage cheese not only strengthens bone tissue, but also activates fat burning when interacting with essential amino acids.

Despite the opinion that such food is indispensable for dietary nutrition, more and more information is emerging that low-fat cottage cheese (0.1 - 0.8%) does not bring benefits to the body. With a deficiency of fats in the work of the body, serious violations can occur. For weight loss while maintaining good nutrition, a product with a fat content of 1.8 to 5% is better suited.

It is also necessary to remember that during industrial production, trans fats, preservatives, stabilizers and other harmful components can be added to cottage cheese. For example, starch is often used to improve consistency.

You can check its presence by adding pharmacy iodine. If the iodine stains turn blue, then this product contains starch, which increases its calorie content and slows down the process of weight normalization. Typically, starch is found in spreadable curds and products labeled "curd product".

To lose weight and maintain health, it is better to buy regular fat-free cottage cheese and add fruits, berries and other components to it yourself.

Norms of consumption and storage of cottage cheese

This dairy product is undoubtedly useful and helps to lose weight, but still it is a natural protein-calcium concentrate, and therefore, when using it, it is worth observing the measure. An excess of protein can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys.

A high-fat product increases cholesterol levels, which leads to obesity and the development of atherosclerosis. More useful granular cottage cheese, although it has some contraindications, such as individual intolerance.

According to nutritionists, the average protein intake is 0.86 - 0.95 g/kg of body weight. That is, the average person weighing 55 kg can consume 47 g of protein per day. But since it is known that 10-15% of the protein from food is not absorbed, the amount should be slightly increased (about 50 g).

A pack of cottage cheese contains approximately 32 g of protein. This means that 1.5 - 2 packs is the daily norm of protein for such a person, without additional products. But during the day we usually eat other protein foods, so experts recommend eating no more than 200 g of cottage cheese per day.

Another important point- shelf life of cottage cheese. This product is unstable, therefore, even with small violations of the temperature regime, its quality deteriorates significantly.


Fat-free cottage cheese made from low-fat milk. This product is easily absorbed by the body and contains a lot of useful elements. In addition, the calorie content of fat-free cottage cheese is low and amounts to only 110 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties are highly valued in cooking fat-free cottage cheese, which makes it one of the many low-calorie meals, which are the basis, for example, for a dietary diet. Low-fat cheesecakes, cheesecakes and dumplings, fragrant casseroles using low-fat cottage cheese practically do not differ from dishes prepared on the basis of more fatty types of this fermented milk product.

Cottage cheese 0% (fat-free): Useful properties.

Including in your menu fat-free cottage cheese, you will not get better if you add, for example, a small amount of any fruit. So, cottage cheese with a banana has an excellent taste, it is very popular with children and is useful for those who want to lose weight. But if you add a low-fat spoonful of honey to the cottage cheese, as a result you can not only get diet dish but also enrich the body with many useful nutrients.

With a high fat content of cottage cheese, such an important element as calcium is less absorbed by the body, therefore, in this case, it can be argued that fat-free cottage cheese is beneficial.

The benefit of fat-free cottage cheese, like any other type of this fermented milk product, lies in the calcium content, the amount of which is sufficient to cover the daily requirement of the body. In addition, milk protein and vitamin B12 fix cartilage and bone tissue, and this is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.

We can say that in general, cottage cheese is a very valuable product, and if we did not have other sources of protein, calcium and other compounds, then it could rightly be considered vital. And, despite some differences, both regular and low-fat lactic fermentation product are almost equally useful to us.

Cottage cheese 0% (fat-free): Harmful properties.

According to many scientists, there is little benefit from regular consumption of low-calorie and low-fat foods, due to the fact that they contain a small amount of vital polyunsaturated fats.

The harm of fat-free cottage cheese is a rather abstract concept, since in this case either something that is spoiled or expired, or something that has been consumed in excessive quantities is considered dangerous. Just try not to eat more than 400 grams per day of meals using this fermented milk product, and also do not abuse sweetened curds. Consider it a harmful dessert, not healthy treat. Carefully monitor the expiration dates of fat-free cottage cheese and there will be no harm to health.

Fat-free cottage cheese, 0.6% fat rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 13.9%, vitamin B12 - 44%, vitamin H - 15.2%, vitamin PP - 20%, calcium - 12%, phosphorus - 23.6%, cobalt - 20%, molybdenum - 11%, selenium - 54.5%

What is useful Fat-free cottage cheese, 0.6% fat

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin H participates in the synthesis of fats, glycogen, amino acid metabolism. Insufficient intake of this vitamin can lead to disruption of the normal condition of the skin.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
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