Wishing you a pleasant tea party. Cool aphorisms and statuses about tea What can you wish for when a person drinks tea

People all over the world love tea and drink it every day: in the morning - to cheer up; in the evening - to warm up; during the day - at work, visiting or in a cafe. But few people know how to brew it so that it gives out all its taste and aroma to the last drop.

1. There are only 6 types of tea

All varieties of tea are obtained by processing the leaves of the same tea plant - Camellia sinensis. The inscription on the packaging “green tea” or “black tea” is only the processing technology with which it was obtained.

Everything else - herbs (like mint), fruits (like raspberries) and so on - becomes not tea, but an infusion.

2. Do not pour boiling water over tea

Never pour boiling water over tea, otherwise you may burn the tea leaves. But pouring boiling water over herbs or fruits is just a great idea.

The temperature of the brewing water can be determined without a thermometer. As soon as steam appears and the kettle begins to vibrate a little, this is approximately 65-75 °C. And when the water starts to bubble, it is 85-90 °C.

3. Use only fresh water
for brewing tea

When water is boiled repeatedly, they settle on the walls of the kettle. minerals and scale forms. Oxygen, which is necessary for proper brewing tea.

4. Brew tea based on the proportion of 1 teaspoon to 1 cup

Never add an extra spoonful of tea. By adding it, you will not make it stronger, it will simply lose its unique aroma.

5. Do not heat the kettle

The only time it is worth preheating a kettle with boiling water is when it is made of thick porcelain or very thick ceramic.

6. Remove the lid from the teapot while the tea is brewing

This saturates the leaves with oxygen and helps the aroma to develop.

7. The order of ingredients matters

If you drink tea brewed in a teapot, pour the milk into the cup first, and only then the tea. This way the milk will heat up to the same temperature as the tea, and the drink will be more flavorful. If you add milk last, then cool the tea itself.

8. If you are brewing tea bag, then milk should be added at the end

Place the bag in hot water for 3 minutes to allow it to steep, remove it, and then add milk. If you pour in the milk right away, the fat may coat the leaves and prevent them from brewing.

9. Remove the leaves from the teapot after it has brewed.

10. Never squeeze the bag against the side of the cup.

Otherwise, you will squeeze out the tannins and the tea will become bitter. Just take it out. If you like strong tea with a slightly bitter aftertaste, try second flush Assam or Kenyan tea.

11. Why tea brewed in a teapot tastes better

Loose leaf tea has a wider leaf surface, resulting in a deeper and rich taste. Especially if you brew it in a large teapot, where the aroma comes out best.

Tea bags are designed to brew tea quickly. Yes, the leaves in it are much smaller and may not be of very good quality. The compromise is pyramids, which give you the benefits of loose leaf tea and the convenience of tea bags.

12. Is green tea caffeine-free?

Since all varieties come from the same plant, all teas have approximately the same amount of caffeine, including green tea. And no one can guarantee that one tea contains more antioxidants than another. Because it depends on the quality of the tea, weather and other conditions.

And to relax, it is better to drink decoctions of chamomile and honey.

I made myself some Chinese tea... I sit and enjoy... Thoughts come to mind... of ancient Chinese sages... It's a pity that I don't understand a damn thing in Chinese!


Tea is a drink that gives you a reason with a clear conscience to eat half a kilo of sweets and several sandwiches before bed.


In the Russian tea ceremony, boiling the teapot takes the longest time.


Don't know how to quickly cool tea?
There is one sure way - go to the Internet.

If I didn't drink tea, I'm not responsible for myself...


Foam tea for the director? It's a piece of cake!


Whoever does not drink tsai is tsmo!


To fall asleep peacefully, you need to take a relaxing bath, drink green tea and throw a grenade at the screaming idiots under the window.


The owners, poorly hiding their sadness,
They told the guests: “Let’s drink tea!!”
But only the guests were outraged by those words:
"Let's drink what we drank before!!!"


The only thing better than an alarm clock is a big mug of tea drunk at night!


I am looking for regular tea for the two of us, but not offering coffee.


Drink Tea! DO NOT drink vodka, it ruins your gait!


Sometimes you drink some tea, close your eyes, think... Lord, how hungry you are to eat...


Haiku about tea

Fifth mug of green tea.
Harmony of the soul with the universe
interrupted by running to the toilet.


What I love about my job is that you can always drink tea there


A woman is like a tea bag - only in a hot situation you will feel her strength.


I bought a soothing tea... I can’t drink it... the infection infuriates me... both the color and the smell!!!


Tea ceremony

The team trudges and trudges
From how Fedya Ivanov
The tea gushes in its own way - without a saucer,
No sweets, tea leaves... No pants...


If a teabag can't do it a second time, then he's not a kid!


I’m sitting here, drinking tea with jam... Tasty, of course, but not beer...


Tea can be brewed seven times. On the eighth tea leaves float up to look at this greedy person.


My friend loves coffee, I prefer tea, so when we meet we drink vodka.


It turns out that the famous white Chinese tea, famous for its unsurpassed taste and amazing healing properties made from ten times brewed Chinese green tea.


There are very few people you can talk to over a cup of tea. As a rule, you need to drink with people.


The lack of something for tea is often more upsetting than the lack of tea itself.


First I chase the teas, and then the teas chase me.


An anecdote about tea.
- Lucy, I’m coming to you. I'll buy tea on the way.
Which one do you like: black, fruity, green?
- With pimples. Come quickly!


If you poured boiling water into a cup, but forgot to put a tea bag in there, and the tea still brewed, it’s time to wash the cup as you go...


I'm waiting for a friend for tea. I'm wiping my glasses!


Hot tea in the morning is good,
As a remedy for drowsiness and laziness,
Especially when you pour it
From the teapot onto your bare knees...


Tea is generally a universal remedy. If you invite a man to tea, there will be sex; if you invite a friend, there will be booze.


When the Japanese saw that Russian tourists, after brewing tea, put a tea bag in their mouths and sucked out the rest, they realized that Russia would fight for the Kuril Islands to the end.


I discovered that I was overweight. I bought Pohudin tea at the pharmacy. A couple of weeks later, I read the title again, more carefully... No, the letter “D” is still in the title!


Tea is a magical drink! How many people were born thanks to an invitation “for a cup of tea”!

With berries, apple, honey and herbs! We prepare delicious and healthy tea, which will help you warm up and lift your spirits on an autumn evening

Tea is like a hug. Only in a cup.

When there is bad weather outside and you don’t want to go out, then a cup of tea is simply happiness... and you can drink this happiness...

Will you have tea with lemon or mint?

Can I have tea with you?

— What will you drink tea with? With jam or lemon?

- With pleasure!

Tea shelves always have a euphoric effect on me. I love looking at them for a long time. There are varieties of tea that seem to take you on a long journey: the aroma, bright colors of the packaging and thin fancy letters on them fascinate, like cardboard mirages, bait for tourists. Sophie de Villenoisy "How I decided to die of happiness"

Let's sit again

For aromatic tea

And we'll talk about everything,

Without noticing the clock...

Watch good films, listen to cheerful music, drink tea, walk, get enough sleep and, most importantly, believe that everything will work out for you. And that’s when everything will be fine!

I would like some tea...

In a relaxed company...

In a quiet, pleasant place...

📖 According to Nikolai’s experience, sincerity is something like herbal tea: good people advise trying it in the absence of other means. Leigh Bardugo "King of Scars"

📖 We don’t need much - a pack of cigarettes is enough, ginger tea, chocolate sabers and each other.

Elchin Safarli “They promised me you”

📖 I’m sure that in order to understand whether you love a woman, you need to drink tea with her and feel: are you happy now? Other drinks are distracting. John Shemyakin "Wild Master in a Wild Field"

📖 I can even hear you breaking off cookies now, sitting at the table in your kitchen, drinking a cup of tea. You hide your desire behind it and wait for my call. Your desire is so strong that I can’t help but appear where my soulmate is waiting for me... cookies. Rinat Valiullin “Coffee in the morning sky”

📖 I took a sip of tea, noting with satisfaction that it was scalding hot and quite strong. I hated weakness of any kind, and above all in my tea. Deanna Rayborn Veronica Speedwell. "An intriguing start"

📖 The most effective means for loosening the tongue of women of a certain age and temperament is tea. Stephen King "The Sorcerer and the Crystal"

📖 I know some people call tea the word “infusion” and generously dilute it with water. So, please forget about this tradition. Max Fry "New Tea Book"

If everything is unclear, and everything is already in itself, and does not depend on you, you just need to stop and drink tea. Everything will fall apart on its own, get better on its own).

Brewing aromatic tea, it should be remembered that according to the Tea Code, over a cup of tea one should talk about good things: about Nature, about Art, about Beauty...

I drink hot teas

I rustle with candy in the morning

I replenish my supplies for the day

Give yourself a fasting day today - don’t overload yourself! Better have some tea with some goodies 😊

Take a break for aromatic tea...

Is your soul frozen? Brew some tea :)

How much does it take to get the day off to a great start? A cup of hot tea and a kiss from your loved one. Think positive.

In any unclear situation, put the kettle on))

Everyone knows that to improve tone and lift a fallen spirit, there is nothing better than a cup of tea, which is what all the guides and instructions, both Western and Eastern, agree on.

Jose Sarmago "Book of Names"

Tea - unless you drink it in Russian - should not be drunk with sugar. Yes, I realize: I’m in the minority here. But still, how can a person who can kill the taste of tea with sugar call himself a tea drinker? You can equally well season your tea with pepper or salt. Tea is supposed to be bitter, just like beer. By sweetening it, you are not drinking tea, you are drinking sugar, which you could just as easily dissolve in hot water. George Orwell, A Fine Cup of Tea

Tea is always a good idea.
Don't look for an excuse, just treat yourself to tea...

- Maybe we can come to my place for tea?

- Just for tea?

- No... still for jam.

Tea is a huge world placed in a small cup.

It’s wonderful when you have someone to brew a second mug of tea.

Tea is the most affordable and honest medicine that heals without breaking your pocket.

Not only tea, gloves, a blanket are warm... Everything is warm - conversations, looks, letters, people... This is that special feeling that gives us the strength to live, believe, dream, love...

— You have some kind of cult of tea...

- I only have rooibos, hibiscus, pu-erh, black, green, oolongs, four types of mate, three cups for different varieties tea, two kettles... What a cult, what are you talking about...

Through the sleepy window

Gentle rays of the sun

On my cheek

Three pinches of tea

God, what more do you need?!

Autumn...Rain...A time for the warmest hugs, the most cozy evenings, the most heartfelt words...

They don’t drink tea anywhere. Tea is personal.

Brew tea only with the correct infusion:

with happiness, luck, adventure and good mood!

The best evening is an evening with warm tea and a warm person.

Drinking tea has a rare virtue: it brings a piece of calm harmony into our existence.

Is it possible to feel something if you haven’t drunk strong, fragrant tea? Tea is the soaring of the soul!

Tea is a divine drink that gives us a reason with a clear conscience to eat half a kilo of sweets and a couple of pieces of cake before bed ツ

I'll have some tea. Seven glasses...

We have one employee in our office who is a big fan of taking other people’s things without asking. Stationery, cookies - all small things, but wildly annoying. They constantly made comments to her, but she just giggled stupidly and continued in the same spirit.

But one day I put an end to this disgrace. I just came to work before everyone else, changed my shoes and threw a couple of tea bags of the cheapest brand into my stinking sneakers - a well-known remedy for getting rid of an unpleasant odor.

After some time, the boss called me into his office. I took the bags out of my sneakers and threw them on my table so that they were in a visible place. I returned from the boss and there was no tea. I look, and my colleague is sitting, sipping tea from a mug and says to me:

Denis, I took two tea bags from you, they were lying on the table. Thank you!
- Cheers! I actually stuff them into my sneakers so they don’t stink.

The poor guy almost threw up. Well, that serves it right.


I have a wonderful friend named Sanya. Sanya is a perfectionist. Yes, such that sometimes it goes to extremes. His whole life is clearly planned out, all his days are scheduled. And one day I suggested that he go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Sanya agreed, but said that we wouldn’t have time this weekend, and it would be nice to go next weekend. I was in no hurry, so I gave the go-ahead.

I thought that Sanya didn’t have time because of some business of his own, but that was not the case. He took a week to prepare! As a result of the most meticulous gathering in the world, Sanya took the following with him to the forest: two tents (one spare), sleeping bags (if we don’t manage to collect them in one day), 10 plastic containers for mushrooms, a GPS navigator, paper guides about mushrooms , about first aid and survival in the forest, two first aid kits, three thermoses of tea, 3 packs of drinking water, a map of the region and a map of the region. In addition, he studied all the forums and communities of mushroom pickers and found out as much useful information as possible.

Well, now the most important thing is that Sanya doesn’t eat mushrooms. At all. For him this trip was just an adventure.


One day I was tinkering in the garage, and my wife was sitting next to me and very cheerfully asked questions about what I was doing, what kind of tool it was, etc.

Van, what is this? - asked the wife, pointing to the indicator screwdriver. - She is so beautiful. What do they do with it?
- Look! - with these words, I busily inserted the screwdriver into the socket... and either the Chinese screwed up the goods, or something else went wrong, but I was shocked with such an electric shock that I was thrown a couple of meters.

Have you seen it? - I asked my wife.
- YES! - she squeaked in fear.
- Don’t ever do that!

Tea is undoubtedly beneficial for the body. Have you ever thought that tea, in addition to its benefits, can also cause harm if it is not brewed and consumed correctly?
In the ancient Chinese tea culture, the view was formulated that tea is harmful if consumed incorrectly. It is set out in ten tea prohibitions.

1. You can’t brew tea for a long time. If tea leaves are steeped for too long, essential oils and polyphenols begin to oxidize, the tea loses its transparency, taste qualities and aroma. The therapeutic effect of tea is reduced due to the oxidation of vitamins C and P that it contains. In addition, when tea is kept warm for a long time, it becomes a favorable environment for reproduction. various types bacteria. A bite like this with bacteria will obviously not improve your health!

2. You cannot brew tea multiple times. Usually after the second or third brew tea leaf no longer contains enough nutrients. It was experimentally shown that during the first brewing, approximately half of the beneficial substances are extracted into the solution, during the second brewing, about 35% more, and during the third brewing, less than 10%. If you continue to use the tea leaves, harmful components will begin to come out into the solution, because they are the last to “leave” the tea leaves.

3. Do not drink scalding tea. It is clear that too hot tea irritates the throat, esophagus and stomach. If you drink scalding hot tea for a long time, painful changes begin in the listed organs. According to doctors who studied this problem in different countries, constant consumption of tea at temperatures above 60 degrees leads to increased vulnerability of the walls of the stomach and can be the cause of its diseases. According to their recommendation, the tea temperature should not exceed 55 degrees.

4. Don't drink iced tea. If drinking warm or hot tea invigorates the body, clears consciousness, makes vision sharper, and eyes sharper, then cold tea has unpleasant side effects. When it is consumed, the body experiences stagnation of phlegm and cold.

5. Do not drink very strong tea. High concentrations of tannin and caffeine can cause insomnia and headaches.

6. Do not drink tea before meals. If you do not heed this prohibition, a couple of cups of tea before lunch will thin your saliva. Lunch will seem tasteless, and at the same time, the absorption of protein by your digestive system may decrease. If you really want to take a sip of tea before eating, it is better to do it half an hour before meals.

7. Do not drink tea immediately after eating. As you probably know, any drink (including tea) immediately after eating leads to a decrease in the concentration of gastric juice, slower digestion and disruption of the entire digestive system. If you want to enjoy aromatic tea, wait an hour...

8. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach. The Chinese believed that when a person drinks tea on a lean stomach, the “cold nature of the tea” entering the body can cool the spleen and stomach.

9. Do not take medications with tea. Tannins dissolved in tea, when broken down, release tannin. The presence of this substance is the cause of the sediment that many medications give, and they are less easily absorbed. The Chinese correctly noted that tea destroys medicines.

10. Do not drink yesterday's tea. Tea that has stood for several hours quickly loses vitamins and other useful material. But this tea is quite suitable as an external remedy for medicinal purposes. Daily tea is rich in various acids and fluorine. These substances are good at stopping bleeding from capillaries. This tea is good for rinsing your mouth, relieving pain in the tongue, inflammation of the oral cavity, and bleeding gums. They can be used to wipe damaged and inflamed areas of the skin. By washing your eyes with yesterday's tea, you can reduce the pain in your eyes when red capillaries appear on the eyeball.