Cooking kidneys in Russian.

Recipe: KIDNEYS IN RUSSIAN. Beef kidneys have a specific, strong smell and taste, and therefore, before cooking, they are soaked in cold water. To do this, the kidneys are cut halfway on one side and the film along with the fat is separated from them. Then the kidneys are placed in a deep bowl and poured big amount cold water and soak in a cold place for 3 - 3.5 hours, changing the water two or three times.

Place the soaked kidneys in a saucepan, cover with cold water, bring to a boil and drain. Rinse the kidneys, add water again, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until completely cooked, periodically skimming the resulting scale and fat from the surface of the broth. Rinse the cooked beef kidneys in cold water, cover with a damp cloth and store in a cool place.

Pork, veal and lamb kidneys do not need to be soaked. Before using them, it is necessary to cut the film and separate it from the kidneys along with the fat covering them.
Cut raw veal, pork and lamb kidneys and boiled beef kidneys into pieces and lightly fry. Separately fry the potatoes cut into pieces, onion, parsley and carrots. Peel the pickles from skin and seeds and cut into pieces. If the cucumbers are young, with thin skin, then they do not need to be peeled.

Then combine the fried kidneys with vegetables, pour in red sauce and bring to a boil. After some time, add the cucumbers, chopped into pieces and half-cooked, into the kidneys, cover the dish with a lid and simmer. 20-25 minutes before the end of stewing, place in the kidneys Bay leaf, peppercorns, salt and finely chopped garlic.

Place the kidneys with sauce and vegetables on a dish, plate or lamb and sprinkle with dill or parsley on top.

Beef kidneys (lamb, veal, pork) 750-800 g, potatoes 5-6 pcs., pickled cucumbers 2 pcs., parsley 1 pc., onions 2 heads, carrots 2-3 pcs., flour 1 tbsp. l., tomato paste 2 tbsp. l., 1-2 parts garlic, salt, spices.

Recipe: KIDNEYS IN SOUR CREAM. Boil beef kidneys in advance. Cut into pieces (veal, lamb and pork are not boiled, but cut raw), fry, add lightly fried onions, spices, pour in sour cream, cover and simmer at low boil for 15-20 minutes.

Kidneys in sour cream are served to the table in a portioned frying pan, sprinkled with chopped herbs, and a side dish - fried potatoes or a complex vegetable - is served separately.

Kidneys 500 g, fat 50 g, sour cream 1.5 cups, onion 1 head, salt, spices, herbs.

The set and quantity of products in recipes are given per serving in net grams or kilograms, or in pieces.

Preparation time 5 o'clock
Cooking time 40 min.
Total time 5 hours, 40 min.
Type of food Lunch, Sauces, Dinner
MiscellaneousGourmet, Serve hot
EventEveryday food


  • beef kidneys - 4 pcs.
  • carrots (large) - 1 piece
  • onion - 1 piece
  • pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • vegetable oil -
  • salt pepper -
  • allspice, bay leaf -
  • fresh herbs -


You think that kidneys cannot be eaten because they stink. And if you soak them for a long time and boil them, there will be no taste at all. Try to cook “Kidneys in a royal way” and you will be convinced of the opposite!


Stage 1
First soak the kidneys in water for several hours. Then we cut, removing the ducts and begin to boil them.
Stage 2
I boil the kidneys like this: let it boil, drain the water, rinse the kidneys, add water, and so on 6-8 times. During the last boiling I add allspice and bay leaf.
Stage 3
Cut the cucumbers into cubes, add water and let them boil (separately).
Stage 4
Cut carrots and onions into cubes. Fry them in a saucepan in vegetable oil.
Stage 5
Add the buds to the onions and carrots and add water to lightly cover everything. When the kidneys boil, add boiled cucumbers to them.
Stage 6
To the boiling kidneys add lightly fried tomato paste. Salt to taste and add spices. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.
Stage 7
Serve as a separate dish or as a gravy. Bon appetit!

Stewed kidneys in Russian with potatoes and vegetables. To prepare kidneys in Russian, you can use pork, beef or lamb kidneys.


  • Kidneys (pork, beef, lamb) - 400 gr.
  • Potatoes - 200 gr.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 100 gr.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste

How to cook kidneys in Russian:

Rinse the kidneys under running water and remove films. Pour the pork kidneys with cold water adding a little vinegar and leave to soak for 30-40 minutes. Soak beef kidneys for 2-3 hours.

Pour the soaked kidneys with fresh cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 1-1.5 hours. Rinse the finished kidneys boiled water, cut into pieces and fry until golden brown.

Peel potatoes, onions and carrots and cut into cubes. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan until half cooked. Cut the pickled cucumbers into slices or strips. Mix fried kidneys, vegetables and cucumbers. Add tomato paste diluted in 1/2 cup of water, bay leaf and pepper. Stir and simmer the kidneys in Russian for 25-30 minutes. If necessary, add more water.

A few minutes before the kidneys are ready, add chopped garlic. Serve the kidneys in Russian style, sprinkled with dill or parsley. Bon appetit!

In our virtual tavern there is a special and place of honor Russian cuisine occupies. There are dishes in Russian cuisine that are tasty, but, nevertheless, they are rarely prepared. In some cases, this is due to rare products, for example, sturgeon or game. Not everyone can afford store-bought sturgeon, and the game still needs to be obtained. And there are dishes, the preparation process of which is quite long, and you still need to know how to cook the products themselves. For example, kidneys are an excellent offal - pork, lamb or beef. Of course, the priority is beef kidneys; they are larger and have the most refined taste.

Most often, pickle soup, a mixture of meat hodgepodge or stew them with sour cream. The dishes themselves are simple, but the process of preliminary preparation of this offal is quite lengthy, and if you neglect the thoroughness of its preparation, you can easily ruin the dish. It is worth remembering that the kidneys in the animal’s body are responsible for the removal of harmful substances from the body by filtering the blood and excreting them in the urine (not to the table). Be that as it may, if the kidneys are poorly prepared for cooking, then your food, excuse me, will smell like urine, and the kitchen will smell like a street toilet. Agree, such a prospect is of little interest. In Soviet times, in canteens with careless cooks, one could already guess at the approach that rassolnik was on the menu.

This recipe will talk about kidneys stewed in sour cream, or " kidneys in Russian" This is traditional Russian dish, kidneys were generally valued in Russian cuisine, it is worth remembering the imperishable phrase from L. Gaidai, uttered by a character from the Soviet comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”: “Man! Human!!! Waiter! Kidneys once for the queen!”

By the way, the film was based on the play “Ivan Vasilyevich” by M. Bulgakov, written in 1934-1936, and first published only in 1965. I don’t know what kind of kidney dish was meant, I doubt that they were kidneys in sour cream, but, nevertheless, we offer visitors to our virtual tavern one of the recipe options for cooking kidneys in sour cream (in Russian). The dish is tasty, satisfying, in general, as befits treats from traditional Russian cuisine.

We will need:

  • - beef kidneys (raw) – 2 pcs.,
  • - onions – 1 onion (large),
  • - champignons – 200-250 g,
  • - pickle- 1 PC. large or 2 pieces medium,
  • - sour cream – 1 glass,
  • - tomato paste – 2-3 tbsp.,
  • - broth (for example, chicken) - 0.5 l,
  • - dill greens - a bunch,
  • - salt – 1 tsp. (or to taste)
  • - ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp. (or to taste)
  • - butter– 2 tbsp.

As mentioned above, the most important thing in this dish is the kidneys that are properly prepared and cooked. The kidneys are prepared separately from all products. First they need to be cleaned, i.e. remove kidney fat and ducts. Here it is more convenient for anyone. I do this with kitchen scissors.

After removing the excess, the buds are washed with running water, placed in a suitable container, filled with cold water and soaked for several hours, 6-8, changing the water several times. I prefer to start fiddling with the kidneys in advance, in the evening. I soak it, changing the water in the pan two or three times, then leave it overnight.

The next day, drain the water from the pan with the kidneys, then add fresh water and leave for an hour. After this, change the water in the pan with the kidneys again, rinse the kidneys, return them to the pan with water and put on fire, let the water boil, skim off the foam (and there will be a sufficient amount of it, and a smell will also appear, not strong, but noticeable) .
After this, the water is drained, the pan is washed, and the kidneys are washed with clean water. Return the kidneys to the pan, add fresh water and bring to a boil again.
Drain the water again, wash the pan and rinse the kidneys. After this, return the kidneys to the pan, pour in fresh water, place the kidneys in the pan and cook for 1 hour.
The broth is drained, the kidneys are washed and allowed to cool. After this, the kidneys are cut into pieces convenient for slicing.

The remaining ducts are removed from the cooled buds and then cut into thin bars (or as you prefer). This is a simple but lengthy process.

Next, take the champignons, cut them into 0.5 cm slices across the cap, and then cut the slices into bars. Set aside.
Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes, also set aside.
Rinse the cucumber(s) from the brine and cut into strips, approximately the same size as the mushrooms. Set aside.

Heat the butter in a frying pan, reduce the heat to medium, add the onion to the pan and fry it until soft and transparent. Then add the mushrooms to the pan, mix the contents of the pan and continue to fry, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes.
Add the kidneys to the pan, mix the contents and let the kidneys warm up. Then add the cucumber straws, mix again and continue frying for a couple more minutes so that the cucumbers warm up.

Transfer the mass into a saucepan of suitable volume taking into account the liquid, put on fire, add broth, tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste, let the liquid boil, reduce the heat to below medium, add sour cream, mix everything again, cover with a lid and simmer some more. 10 minutes or so.
Rinse the dill, pluck the branches from the trunk, chop them, sprinkle over the contents of the saucepan with the brew, cover again with the lid, turn off the heat and let stand under the lid for about 5-10 minutes.

The finished dish is served with boiled pasta (or noodles) or potatoes.

According to the old Russian tradition, you can offer table wine No. 21 (from the refrigerator, of course).

Well, here it is just right:

Human! Human!!! Waiter! Kidneys once for the queen!

Sincerely, S. Zverev.

Kidneys are a fairly popular type of offal with a very high nutritional value, in which eleven percent are complete proteins, and two percent are extractive substances.

You can make a lot out of them variety of dishes, but the recipe is especially common kidney in Russian . When preparing this dish, the kidneys are first boiled and then stewed together with vegetables in sour cream and tomato sauce.

Kidney recipe in Russian

Products required:

  • kidneys (raw) – 200g
  • potatoes – 100-150g
  • sour cream – 75g
  • peeled pickled cucumbers – 60g
  • tomato – 10g
  • garlic – 1 tooth
  • carrot
  • vegetable oil
  • spices

Cooking process:

  1. Beef, lamb or pork kidneys you need to cut it in half, add cold water and leave to soak for two to three hours (the water needs to be changed periodically).
  2. Then the product is transferred to a saucepan, filled with cold water and brought to a boil (take 3-4 liters of water for 1 kilogram of kidneys).
  3. Then the broth must be drained, clean water should be poured into the pan and the kidneys should be brought to a boil again.
  4. The second broth should also be drained.
  5. Then clean water is poured in again and the kidneys are boiled in it until tender.
  6. After kidneys in Russian , taken out, washed, cut into thin slices and lightly fried.
  7. Peeled vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions) are cut into slices and also lightly fried.
  8. Further finished product Yes, vegetables are transferred to a pot or other container. Peeled chopped pickles, spices, and chopped garlic are added to them.
  9. Everything is doused with sour cream mixed with tomato and left to simmer.