A simple impregnation for sponge cakes without alcohol. Impregnation for sponge cake is an important stage in cake preparation.

Everyday haste has become such a common occurrence that snacking on the go and purchasing semi-finished products for future use have become a normal part of life for most modern people. How else can you fit work, household chores, hobbies and communication with loved ones into 24 hours? We have to sacrifice something, and most often this sacrifice becomes good nutrition and, as a result, our health. Fortunately, this problem, typical of modern society, was partially solved by the invention of quick freezing of food.

Thanks to this technology, almost fresh vegetables can be present on our table all year round. Moreover: they are already peeled and even chopped - in a word, they are completely ready to quickly and without unnecessary hassle prepare more or less healthy dish. And if you also show your imagination, you can diversify the menu with exotic mixtures and mixtures. One of the most delicious, and therefore popular, is the Mexican mixture. And don’t let the lack of cooking experience and even a very vague understanding of Mexican cuisine stop you - we will explain in detail how to deliciously cook frozen mexican mixture.

Mexican vegetable mixture: composition and benefits
Most of our compatriots imagine Mexican cuisine as a set of very spicy dishes containing huge amounts of hot pepper and other seasonings. In fact, the traditional diet of Mexicans and other nationalities living next to them in South America consists mainly of vegetables, meat and cereals. That is, it may well be considered balanced even from the point of view of modern nutrition. As for spices, their presence does not at all contradict the benefits of food, and even on the contrary - in most cases it promotes digestion, better absorption of nutritional ingredients and activates metabolism in the body. But spices are not added to the Mexican mixture of frozen vegetables in any case - so during cooking you can vary both their presence and quantity according to your desire and taste.

But when you purchase a package of frozen Mexican mixture, you can expect to find inside green beans, carrot, Bell pepper, green pea, corn grains and onions. Where, when, at what price and under what brand you buy the Mexican mixture - it should have this composition. You can add everything else (mushrooms, cereals, other vegetables) at your discretion or find it in other vegetable mixtures. The Mexican mixture can be bought by weight in the quantity you need, or in factory packaging, where it is usually packaged in 400-450 grams. One way or another, 100 grams of Mexican mixed vegetables will have nutritional value about 87-90 kcal, of which proteins occupy 3.4 g; fats - 0.9, and carbohydrates - 16.4 g. With such a low, simply dietary, calorie content, the components of the Mexican mixture contain natural alimentary fiber and complex carbohydrates, amino acids and a minimum of fat. These vegetables will supply the body with vitamins C, group B and carotene (provitamin A), as well as all the necessary minerals in their natural ratio. Moreover, it is in the frozen mixture that they will be preserved in a state closest to their natural state.

Such safety chemical composition frozen vegetable mixture is achieved through the use of so-called “shock” freezing technology, that is, it occurs literally instantly at an extremely low temperature. Today there is no longer effective way preserve and prepare vegetables, fruits and other food products for long-term storage. Please note that even the color of the vegetables in the Mexican mixture matches the color they have when fresh. Whereas, for example, after cooking, both carrots and peas lose some of their pigments and become duller. Instant freezing ensures the preservation of vitamins and minerals, practically does not damage fiber. But only if it is done once and on a special industrial equipment capable of this. After defrosting, the vegetable mixture must be cooked immediately, otherwise there will be little benefit left in it. And it’s better not to use re-frozen vegetables for food at all. Therefore, always choose carefully vegetable mixtures before purchasing: there should not be a lot of frost on them, much less ice. All these are signs that the product was repeatedly exposed to heat, and then they tried to return it to it. marketable condition in a regular freezer. You can expect neither taste nor benefits from such a Mexican mixture.

Recipes with Mexican vegetables
But what can you expect from a quality frozen Mexican mixture? First of all, saving time and effort on cooking and great pleasure from the taste of the prepared dishes. Because the versatility of the Mexican mixture can hardly be overestimated: it can be prepared as an independent dish or part of a larger complex recipes, and at the same time even the most picky gourmets like it. It all depends on what cooking method you choose, because the frozen Mexican mixture allows you to boil, stew, fry vegetables, combine them with cereals, meat, mushrooms, add them to soups, casseroles, warm salads and any other everyday and holiday treats. If you don’t believe me and/or haven’t tried it before, start with at least one of these recipes for making frozen Mexican mixture:
Frozen Mexican mixed vegetables are great to buy ahead of time and keep in the freezer if your lifestyle allows you to prepare quick, easy meals frequently. This mixture does not require long-term heat treatment or pre-thawing. If necessary, it can even be used to prepare vegetable puree For baby food, and for adults it goes well with any ingredients and seasonings. Moreover, the name of the vegetable mix is ​​only a conditional guideline, but you can prepare any dish national cuisine, successfully combining American, Italian, Russian and any other gastronomic traditions. The main thing is that you will get a tasty, light and healthy dish containing products necessary for health and vigor. A good mood With this menu you are guaranteed!

Biscuit - favorite dessert

Sponge cake is one of the most common and favorite desserts. It owes its amazing taste not only air test And delicate cream, but also such a seemingly insignificant detail as impregnation for a biscuit, which makes pastry juicy and aromatic. It’s not at all difficult to do, but you need to follow certain rules.

What is biscuit impregnation?

Impregnation for the cake is sugar syrup with any flavoring. As a rule, for a sponge cake with butter cream, impregnation is prepared with cognac, white wine, coffee, vanilla, liqueur, cream or chocolate. Fruit cakes flavored with fruit and berry syrups and tinctures with the addition of food acid. It can be apricot, orange, cherry, lemon, apple, currant aroma.


The impregnation for the biscuit is prepared from sugar, water and flavoring. For 120 grams of water you will need 130 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of rum, cognac, liqueur, syrup, wine, etc.

How to cook

Pour boiled water into a saucepan, add sugar, and put on fire. Stir constantly until it boils. Remove from the stove, cool to a temperature of about 37 degrees. Now you can add any flavoring you like. Here are some options.

Chocolate impregnation

Chocolate impregnation for sponge cake can be prepared according to next recipe. Place condensed milk (0.5 cans), cocoa powder to taste, and 100 grams of butter in a small saucepan. Pour water into a large saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Place a small saucepan with the ingredients in it, reduce the heat and simmer, stirring constantly. Do not bring to a boil, so as soon as the butter melts, remove from the stove. Beat the finished syrup with a mixer until fluffy.

How to soak

Cakes should not be soaked immediately after baking. They need to be allowed to sit for about seven hours. The amount of syrup will depend on the type of cakes. If they are dry, you will need a lot of it. But the butter sponge cake is coated only lightly to add smell and taste. You need to saturate the cake evenly, and a spray bottle into which you need to pour syrup will help. Sprinkle all the impregnation over the surface of the cakes and place the biscuits in the refrigerator for 8 hours, which will make the cake even tastier.

A variety of cake layers are used to make cakes, pastries, rolls and other delicacies. But sponge cake is especially popular. Not surprisingly, making a sponge cake is quite simple, it turns out fluffy, tender, and both adults and children like it. To give a special taste and softness, the biscuit should be soaked.

How to soak a biscuit - general principles

Impregnation for biscuits leaves room for the imagination of any cook. Traditionally, the biscuit is soaked in sugar syrup in a 1:2 ratio, where 1 part granulated sugar is used to 2 parts water. Wine, cognac, coffee, fruit juices, liqueurs, all kinds of essences and flavorings are often added to the cooled syrup.

It is important not only to prepare the impregnation correctly, but also to saturate it. What is important here is the quantity of ingredients used, as well as the thickness and number of cake layers, what kind of cream will be used to coat the sponge cake, and whether fruits, nuts and other fillings will be added.

Too thin syrup, thickened impregnation are common mistakes; carefully selected recipes for biscuit impregnations will help you avoid them, which will give your confectionery masterpiece a truly unique taste and aroma.

1. What to soak the biscuit with: vanilla syrup


vanillin - half a teaspoon;

250 ml water;

granulated sugar - one glass without a slide;

Cooking method:

Pour water into a small container and add granulated sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring continuously until the sugar is completely dissolved.

When the syrup boils, skim off the foam and remove from heat.

Cool the syrup a little, add vanillin, stir well and soak any sponge cakes.

2. What to soak the biscuit with: berry syrup with cognac


berry syrup - a little more than one glass;

granulated sugar – 30 grams;

cognac – 20 ml;

250 ml purified water;

For the berry syrup:

blackcurrant jam - five tablespoons;

250 ml water.

Cooking method:

Cook the berry syrup: put the jam in a deep metal mug, pour in water and boil over low heat until bubbles appear. Remove the foam and turn off the heat. Cool the syrup. Strain through a fine mesh sieve.

Pour water into the prepared cooled berry syrup, add sugar and boil over low heat until the sugar dissolves, stirring continuously.

After the sugar has dissolved, remove the aromatic impregnation from the heat, cool, pour in cognac, and mix well.

3. What to soak the biscuit with: coffee and milk syrup


half a glass of milk and purified water;

natural coffe in powder - two teaspoons;

sugar – 250 grams.

Cooking method:

Pour coffee powder with hot water. Place the container on low heat, stirring, and cook until it boils.

Ready coffee drink Cool slightly, leave for a few minutes, strain.

In another bowl, mix milk with sugar and boil over moderate heat with frequent stirring.

As soon as the milk boils, pour coffee into it.

Stir the resulting syrup thoroughly and cool.

4. What to soak the biscuit with: soaking with boiled condensed milk


half a glass of boiled condensed milk;

half a glass of sour cream 15% fat;

100 ml milk.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into an iron mug and boil over medium heat until the first bubbles appear.

Add boiled condensed milk to hot milk and stir thoroughly until smooth.

Add fresh sour cream and mix again.

Coat white or chocolate sponge cakes with the prepared hot syrup.

5. What to soak the biscuit with: syrup with lemon zest


purified water – 250 ml;

sugar - four tablespoons;

lemon zest - one handful.

Cooking method:

Pour a glass of filtered water into a small metal ladle, add granulated sugar, and boil until foam appears over low heat.

Grind dry lemon zest in a blender.

When the syrup boils, remove the foam, stir, add the ground lemon zest, and stir well again.

Close the prepared syrup with lemon aroma with a lid, cool, and leave for ten minutes.

Strain the impregnation through cheesecloth.

6. What to soak the biscuit with: syrup with pomegranate juice


filtered water – 250 ml;

sugar - half a glass;

one pomegranate.

Cooking method:

Pour water into a container, add sugar, and boil over low heat until foam appears.

When the sugar dissolves, remove the pan from the stove and cool the syrup slightly.

While the syrup is cooling, take the pomegranate, cut it into four parts, and remove the seeds.

Extract the juice from the grains using a juicer and filter it through cheesecloth.

Pour the resulting pomegranate juice into the chilled syrup, stir well and soak the biscuit cakes with it.

7. What to soak the biscuit with: lemon infusion syrup


1 glass of purified water;

half a glass of sugar;

30 ml lemon tincture.

For lemon tincture:

one small lemon;

half a glass of any vodka.

Cooking method:

2-3 days before preparing the impregnation, prepare a lemon tincture: wash the lemon, remove the peel (don’t throw away the peel, it will come in handy), squeeze the juice out of the citrus pulp in any convenient way.

Grind the lemon zest using a fine-tooth grater.

Squeezed lemon juice pour into vodka, add zest, stir well, close with any lid and leave for 48 hours in a dark place. Then we filter.

Prepare simple sugar syrup: pour one glass of water into a small iron or aluminum container, add sugar and boil until white foam appears over moderate heat. Remove the foam and cool the syrup.

Pour infused lemon vodka into the cooled syrup, stir thoroughly and soak the sponge cakes.

8. What to soak the biscuit with: fresh berry syrup


fresh strawberries – 300 grams;

purified water – 350 ml;

sugar - half a glass;

Any vodka is a full glass.

Cooking method:

Wash the strawberries in a colander with cold running water. We remove cuttings and greens.

Make puree from the prepared berries using a blender.

Mix the resulting slurry along with the juice with sugar and vodka, place on low heat and simmer until boiling, about five minutes.

Remove the foam, mix well, turn off the heat, cool, strain and soak the cakes from biscuit dough.

9. What to soak the biscuit with: honey-sour cream impregnation

Ingredients for syrup:

250 ml water;

any thick honey – 100 grams;

Ingredients for sour cream:

1 small jar of sour cream 15% fat;

granulated sugar - half a glass.

Cooking method:

Pour filtered water into an iron mug.

Add a little honey to the water and stir until dissolved.

Prepare the sour cream liquid cream: add sugar to the sour cream, mix well with a whisk until the sugar dissolves.

First, soak the biscuit dough cakes with honey syrup and then with sour cream.

10. What to soak the biscuit with: orange-lemon soaking


two oranges;

one lemon;

lemon zest - two pinches;

orange zest - two handfuls;

granulated sugar - half a glass.

Cooking method:

Peel the oranges and lemon.

Soak the zests individually in hot water for a few minutes to prevent them from becoming bitter.

Grind the soaked zest with a blender or fine-toothed grater.

We cut the fruits into pieces and squeeze the juice out of them through a juicer.

The resulting lemon and Orange juice pour into the pan, add the zest and cook for five minutes until the liquid is reduced by half.

Strain the boiled syrup through cheesecloth, cool and soak the cakes with it. If desired, you can add a couple of pinches of vanillin to the cooled syrup.

How to soak a biscuit - secrets

if you love wet biscuits, but against too sweet syrup, just change the proportions. Prepare the impregnation in a ratio of 1:3. The viscosity of the syrup will be given by added starch: for one liter of finished syrup, it is enough to take one teaspoon of starch.

In addition to water, you can also use juices, milk and even melted ice cream. It is permissible to add berry and fruit syrups and alcohol to any of these bases.

The simplest impregnation, which does not require absolutely any preparation, is syrup of canned fruits: pineapples, strawberries, apricots, peach - any of them is tasty.

When using alcohol for impregnation, be careful: for example, cognac or red wine will give the light biscuit an unattractive tint. Therefore, choose them for soaking chocolate and coffee cakes. For fair people, liqueurs and dessert wines are good.

If you want the biscuit to retain its freshness for as long as possible, use more sugar, which will act as a preservative here.

Soaking a sponge cake with a spoon is not very convenient; in some places you can underfill it, and in others, on the contrary, you can overfill it. Therefore, use a spray bottle or a pastry brush. You can take a regular plastic bottle with small holes in the lid.

If your cake consists of several biscuits, soak them like this: the bottom layer is minimal, the middle layer is standard, the top layer is generous. Then the cake will be soaked evenly.

Did you accidentally pour a lot of liquid onto the biscuit? Do not worry. Just wrap the cake for a while in any clean cloth, it will absorb excess liquid.

A biscuit prepared at home always turns out higher and tastier than the store-bought counterpart.

To keep the finished cake moist, cooks use sponge cake impregnation. It is made on the basis of two main components - liquid and flavor.

Today there are a huge number of impregnation options: chocolate, alcohol, sugar, coffee, with condensed milk, with juice.

Each type suits different taste preferences and different crust compositions. Several proven recipes will make the cake rich and flavorful.

Sugar syrup

  • Cooking time – 20 minutes.
  • Ingredient preparation time: 5 minutes.
  • After cooking, you get 200 milliliters of liquid.


  • Clean water - 10 tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 6.5 tablespoons.


  1. Before making a non-alcoholic version, it is recommended that you choose your sugar carefully. It should not contain unnecessary impurities and debris - they will not dissolve in the liquid and will worsen the appearance.
  2. When starting to prepare the impregnation from sugar and water, you need to pour water into a clean bowl - a deep ladle with a thick bottom is suitable for this.
  3. Add sugar to the ladle and mix thoroughly.
  4. Send the pan to medium heat, stirring constantly during cooking.
  5. As soon as the composition has boiled, remove it from the stove and cool until room temperature.
  6. With this simple recipe you can prepare your favorite cake layer and not have to think about what to grease the sponge cake with.

    The recipe is universal and suitable for any cake. By following the instructions step by step, the result will definitely please the hostess.

Coffee impregnation with cognac

  • After cooking, you get 250 milliliters of syrup.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons.
  • Cognac – 2 tablespoons.


  1. One of the most popular impregnations for biscuits is the cognac variety.

    This option is suitable for most cakes, because it leaves a pleasant alcoholic aftertaste.

    The recipe with cognac is relevant for such cakes as Sacher, lemon sponge cake, chocolate cake, and also for baba.

  2. Mix sugar and water in a saucepan, place over medium heat and wait until the mixture is completely dissolved.

    After boiling, cook the syrup for 1 minute. Cool the resulting composition.

  3. Brew strong coffee. To do this, you will need 3 teaspoons of the drink per 100 milliliters of water.

    The coffee should be rich in color, as shown in the photo. The drink must be strained through a fine sieve.

  4. Combine syrup, coffee, cognac in a saucepan and mix thoroughly. There is no need to warm up the composition any more - it is used in this form for impregnation of the cakes.

    Good taste comes from using this syrup on honey biscuits, as well as on delicious sour cream cakes.

Chocolate, milk and lemon syrup

In addition to the popular recipes listed, it is worth highlighting 3 more options: milk, chocolate and lemon.

Such delicious syrups They are not difficult to prepare, but they will give an unforgettable taste and add a unique aroma to the finished biscuit.

Note! It is necessary to coat the cake with syrup at the stage of cutting the cakes.

When the biscuit is divided into layers, before adding the cream, impregnation is used - it gives the cakes juiciness and makes them moist.

If you don’t want to use sour citrus, you can replace it with orange - then you get an orange impregnation suitable for most cakes.

Let's look at ways to prepare syrups:

Name Preparation

For 250 milliliters of water you will need half a lemon.

3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of cognac.

Sugar is mixed with water and heated over fire. Add lemon juice, cognac


1 glass of milk is mixed with 1/3 glass of sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 3 minutes, cool.

Add 2 tablespoons of cognac to the composition - the impregnation is ready.

It can be used in a springform pan with sponge cake


100 grams of condensed milk are mixed with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.

Warm the mass a little, add 100 grams of butter

Recipes with condensed milk and without alcohol

Impregnation with condensed milk and coffee

  • Cooking time – 25 minutes.
  • Ingredient preparation time: 1 minute.
  • After cooking, you get 300 milliliters of syrup.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Clean water - 200 milliliters.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Fresh ground coffee– 3 teaspoons.
  • Condensed milk – 100 grams.


  1. Many recipes calling for the use of condensed milk involve the use of alcohol, but this recipe excludes its use.

    Mix water with sugar and place over medium heat until it boils. When the water boils, boil for no more than 2 minutes.

  2. Separately brew coffee in 100 milliliters hot water. The drink must be cooled.
  3. The resulting drink and the sugar mixture are mixed, condensed milk is added and mixed thoroughly.

    Thanks to this impregnation, the cakes will be even sweeter, richer and more delicious.

Vanilla impregnation with condensed milk

  • Cooking time – 25 minutes.
  • Ingredient preparation time: 1 minute.
  • After preparation, you get 500 milliliters of syrup.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Condensed milk – 1 can.
  • Water – 3 glasses.
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet.


  1. Warm water is poured into a container, condensed milk and vanillin are added.
  2. The mass must be shaken with a whisk until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. The impregnation is used to lubricate the cakes; jam can be used as a cream.

Such simple recipes impregnations and syrups will help diversify birthday cakes, making them tasty, soaked and rich.

Useful video

Baking based on biscuits, by definition, turns out to be quite dry, and it is for this that the technology of moistening with special aromatic and flavoring compounds is used. Juicy biscuits are strikingly different from the dry version of serving desserts; they can be made spicy, chocolate, fruit and berry. One simple and proven baking recipe sponge cakes, supplemented with several options for impregnations and creams, will allow you to prepare dozens of different cakes.

Cake syrups - general principles of preparation

Sponge cakes to avoid dryness finished product, often additional impregnation is needed. Most often, specially prepared syrups are used for this. Cake syrup is not just a sweetened liquid that is soaked into a sponge cake for juiciness. The various additives included in its composition give the dessert a certain taste and aroma. The choice of impregnation directly depends on the type of cake being prepared and your own taste preferences.

Liquid and regular granulated sugar are the main components of any impregnation. When preparing it, first carefully dissolve granulated sugar in a liquid: drinking water, fruit or berry decoction, then put it on low heat and bring to a boil. The hot liquid is cooled and then flavored. If flavorings are added to hot impregnation, they will evaporate and the expected effect will not be obtained.

To properly saturate the cake with syrup, you need to determine the required amount of liquid. To calculate, you can use a special formula, where the weight of the finished biscuit is taken as one part. Ideally, the mass of liquid is 0.6 of the weight of the biscuit, the cream should weigh exactly twice as much. For example, if the cakes weigh one kilogram, they should take about 600 grams of syrup for high-quality impregnation.

How to properly soak a cake with syrup? Simple but mandatory rules:

1. First of all, make sure that the impregnation does not turn out liquid, which can lead to the sponge cakes spreading.

2. Soak only well-cooled cakes, and bring the syrup to room temperature before using. The only exception is the chocolate-based option, which tends to thicken when cooled. In this particular case, the cakes should be warm, and the impregnation itself should be hot.

3. To apply syrups, use a tablespoon or dessert spoon. Use it to scoop up the impregnation and apply it to the surface of the biscuit.

It is worth noting that impregnation of the cake is necessary only if the product is not planned to be coated with butter cream. To saturate the taste of such a cake, flavorings and all other additional components should be added directly to the cream.

Simple cognac sugar syrup for cake

The recipe with ridge is considered basic for preparing such impregnations. The dessert will contain a subtle aroma and subtle taste of cognac. Impregnation goes well with oil creams. Of course, such treats are not recommended for children.


Five large spoons of white sugar;

A tablespoon of three-star cognac;

Seven spoons of drinking bottled water.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the sugar poured into a saucepan with drinking water and place on very moderate heat.

2. Stirring continuously to completely dissolve the sugar crystals, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from the heat to cool.

3. Add cognac and stir well.

Alcohol-coffee syrup for soaking the cake

Coffee impregnation is prepared on the basis of a strong coffee drink with the addition of ice cream. It is used in the preparation of coffee cakes with nuts, for impregnation of sponge cakes, which are coated with low-fat coffee cream.


Full glass cold water;

Two spoons of ground coffee;

spoon of cognac;

200 gr. refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 125 ml of cold water over sugar and heat over low heat until the grains dissolve. Bring, stirring, to a boil, then remove from heat.

2. Add ground coffee to the remaining water and boil. Reduce the heat to medium, boil the coffee drink for a couple of minutes and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Then strain, mix with cognac and add to cooled sugar syrup.

Lemon syrup for soaking the cake

The lemon flavor is made from lemon infusion and flavored with vanilla. If you don't like the smell of vanilla, you can exclude it, aroma lemon zest will be sufficient.


Three teaspoons of sugar;

250 ml of drinking purified water;

Half a medium lemon;

Vanilla powder (optional).

Cooking method:

1. Cut half a lemon along with the zest into pieces.

2. Boil water and pour boiling water over lemon. After about 10 minutes, strain off all the liquid and pour granulated sugar into it.

3. Place over low heat and boil while stirring. Remove from the stove and cool well. If the sugar grains have not dissolved, continue stirring while the mixture is still hot.

4. Add vanillin to the slightly cooled sugar mass, mix well again and leave until completely cooled.

Chocolate cream syrup for soaking the cake

This chocolate syrup can be used to soak any dry biscuit. It will make the cake tender creamy chocolate taste. The syrup should be applied to warm cakes while still warm.


Four yolks;

A tablespoon of water;

300 ml 22% cream;

Beet sugar, refined – 1 tbsp. l.;

200 gr. 74% chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the yolks from the whites in advance. Place the whites in the refrigerator, and pour the yolks into a clean bowl and leave on the table, covered with a lid.

2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water and, stirring, bring to a boil in a water bath. Immediately add the yolks to the hot syrup and whisk quickly.

3. Also melt the chocolate broken into pieces in a water bath. Add the resulting chocolate mass into the egg mixture, stir thoroughly.

4. In a chilled bowl, beat the cream until fluffy with a cold whisk and add it to the hot chocolate syrup, stir.

5. Before soaking, let the liquid cool only a little or soak the cakes that have not yet cooled.

Orange syrup for soaking cake with vodka and mint

Mint adds its unique refreshing aroma to the orange flavor. Used in cooking fresh leaves mint, which are infused with the addition of vodka and sugar for about a week.


Small orange;

30 gr. fresh mint;

200 gr. sugar;

Drinking water – 125 ml;

100 gr. regular vodka.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the mint leaves thoroughly under running cold water. Wipe them dry with a towel and chop them, cutting them into thin strips with a knife.

2. Dilute the vodka with water, add all the sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.

3. Pour the prepared syrup over the chopped mint and cover with a lid. Place the container in a cool place for up to 2 weeks.

4. Strain the infused syrup through a sieve and mix with freshly squeezed orange juice.

How to prepare currant syrup for soaking a jam cake

Currant syrup is used to soak the “Negro” cake, the layers of which are prepared with jam. It can also be used in the preparation of other sponge cakes, in combination with sour cream. To prepare it is not necessary to take exactly currant jam, it can be replaced with any other containing a lot of liquid.


Thin currant jam;

50 gr. refined sugar;

Clean drinking water – 250 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Take about a glass of jam. Using a fine sieve, separate the berries. Take half a glass of liquid jam, dilute it with drinking water, add refined sugar and place on moderate heat.

2. To ensure that the sugar dissolves well, stir the contents of the pan thoroughly and continuously. Be sure to skim off any foam that forms.

3. After boiling, reduce the heat, boil the syrup for a couple more minutes and remove from the stove, cool.

Cherry-cognac syrup for soaking the cake

Prepared from cherry juice and sugar with the addition of cognac. Can be used liquid jam and canned in own juice cherries, and adjust the sweetness with granulated sugar. Good to use for cherry sponge cakes in combination with simple sour cream.


Cognac – 40 ml;

Glass clean boiled water;

4 spoons of cherry syrup;

Sugar – 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Mix cherry juice with cognac and water.

2. Add all the sugar, stir and place on high heat. Stirring still, bring to a boil.

3. Then lower the heat to medium and simmer the mixture for another three minutes, then remove from the heat and cool completely.

Syrups for soaking cakes - cooking tricks and useful tips

To prepare such liquids, it is better to use fine sugar. Its grains will dissolve faster and better.

To extend the shelf life of soaked cake in hot weather, increase the amount of sugar.

Before applying the soaking liquid, determine the condition of the cakes - are they dry or wet, and what kind of cream will you use. This will help determine the amount of moisture.

If three layers are used to form the cake, then most of the syrup, about 40%, should go to the top, a little less to the middle, and the bottom is soaked with the remainder, about 20%.

The most the best method application to biscuit blanks is spraying from a spray bottle onto both sides of the cake. But this method is not applicable for thick compositions; it is better to apply them with a brush.

To soak the cake well with syrup, it must be placed in the refrigerator for about five hours. Be sure to pack it well, otherwise the dessert will be saturated with unnecessary aromas.