The development of cafes in the world today. Theoretical aspects of the development of the food industry in Russia








student SKS-11

Alieva A. R.

Checked by: Associate Professor

department of MTB

Chernyaeva T. I.

Saratov 2004


Chapter I "The historical aspect of the formation and development of catering enterprises in Russia."

1.1. The first catering establishments in Russia

1.2. Brief description of some historical catering establishments

Chapter II "Modern definition of a complex of services of catering enterprises"

2.1. Enterprise types Catering

2.2. Services provided by catering establishments

Chapter III "State and prospects for the development of the market for catering services"

3.1. The market of catering services in Russia today

3.2. The main problems and needs of the catering services market

3.3. The situation in the restaurant market after the financial crisis of 1998

Chapter IV . "Services of catering establishments as component tourism industry

4.1. Definition of the tourism industry. Generalized classification of tourist catering establishments

4.2. Additional requirements for catering services

4.3. Special forms of catering in restaurants




The topic of my course work is “Development restaurant business in Russia". I chose it because I think that this topic is very relevant in our time. The development of the food industry in our country is now developing at a fairly rapid pace, but has not yet reached the world level. Catering enterprises play a huge role in the life of modern society, and it is very important how they have developed and are developing at the present time, because the main goal of catering enterprises is to satisfy human needs for food, and this is one of the main reasons as a result of which the restaurant business began develop. Public catering enterprises perform a number of social functions:

1. Biological (meeting food needs);

2. The function of communication (communication);

3. Functions of socialization (function of development of social and cultural norms);

4. Entertainment function;

5. Satisfaction of aesthetic needs;

6. Creativity;

8. Preservation and transmission of traditions.

The main activity of catering enterprises is the preparation and sale of food. "Restaurant business" is a generalized concept and includes various types of catering establishments: a restaurant, a bar, a cafe, a snack bar, a canteen. And in my term paper I am not writing specifically about the development of restaurants, but about the development of all types of catering establishments.

Restaurant is a public catering enterprise that produces a wide range of food products (dishes, dishes and drinks) in combination with a high level of customer service in specialized halls. In Russia, restaurants are divided into 3 classes: luxury, high and medium category. Its distinguishing features are: a special design of the premises, a diverse range of food products, high quality customer service, the availability of additional services, highly qualified staff, overalls and the availability of specialties.



In legends and epics that have come down to us, telling about Kievan Rus, the Novgorod Republic, the Vladimir-Suzdal and Moscow principalities, rich feasts, brotherhoods and merrymaking are mentioned, at which princes and warriors, and even the townspeople celebrated victories, surprised foreign ambassadors with an abundance of table , celebrated ritual holidays. All sorts of worldly affairs, family events ended with a feast or a merry drinking party.

Intoxicated drink (beer, mash, mead) each family brewed for themselves, brewed both worldly good and worldly beer for public needs. Harvested honey in the surrounding forests. Braga made from honey, beer and honey drink, as well as honey and wax, were widely used for exchange for other products and goods.

In cities and Slavic settlements, taverns have long been opened, where people came not only to eat and drink, but also zemstvo courts were held there, and the most important news was brought to the people. The korchemniks had considerable incomes and paid tribute. In an effort to enrich their treasury, the princes expanded the production of honey drinks and mash in their estates, thereby competing with free feeding.

The growth in the production and sale of drinks led to the spread of drunkenness, and under pressure from the church, Ivan IV the Terrible decides to ban the sale of intoxicating drinks. For guardsmen and guardsmen, the tsar opens a special house on Balchug, called tavern, where the Great Sovereign himself often took part in the revelry and drinking bouts of those close to him. The income from the tavern was impressive, and the tsar made a decision: stop feeding, forbid the peasants and townspeople from preparing home-made drinks, and sell drinks only in the tsar's taverns. Tselovalniks were appointed to sell wine in taverns. These were people who were respected and elected by the locals.

The king did not forbid the monasteries to prepare mead drinks, mash and beer for their own needs. In addition to their own production, the monasteries accumulated a large amount of honey, wine, beer brought by parishioners, as well as honey tribute from renting forest land. To sell the surplus, monasteries began to open their own taverns in settlements, at fairs, near wharves and in large settlements, and when the Ecumenical Council opposed the maintenance of taverns by monasteries, they began to be farmed out or rented out.

In 1756, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, by her Decree, demanded the construction of state-owned distilleries in each province, giving the right to merchants-farmers to have as many taverns as they wish.

For almost a century, the Decree of the Empress determined in Russia the entire organization of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages - the farming system. In 1861, the State Council abolished the lease and introduced an excise tax, which applied not only to vodka and wine, but also to beer, mash, must, and honey. The tavern was eventually renamed to drinking house. Many drinking houses, along with the sale of wine, equipped separate rooms with kitchens where snacks, hot dishes, and various stews were sold. Pies, pies and tea are gaining wide popularity, and for tea - jam and various sweets.

Drinking houses and taverns were replaced by taverns, which began to play a leading role in providing the population with food and drink both in cities and in rural areas.

One of the first taverns in Moscow appeared in the alley between the Upper Tenny trading rows (the beginning of Vetoshny lane) in the house of the merchant Shevaldyshev in an operating drinking establishment called Vetoshnaya Hysteria. This tavern was called "Hysterian".

A distinctive feature of the taverns was Russian national cuisine, practically without any admixture and influence of Western cuisine, which actively invaded at the end of the 19th century. in the menu of the first restaurants, in the kitchens of the richest nobility, who brought chefs from France, Italy, Germany.

Each of the taverns was distinguished by its customs, its own special dish, and had its own visitors. In Okhotny Ryad, in a corner three-story building, there was Yegorov's tavern, which was a favorite place for Okhotno-Ryad merchants. Here they prepared very well fish soup from sterlet that swam here in the pool, Voronin pancakes named after the cook Voronin, and excellent tea was brewed from the best Chinese varieties. Gurin's tavern, located in a house opposite the Resurrection Gate near Red Square, had a wonderful service, good cooks who know how to cook Russian dishes, rich table setting. The best Moscow taverns were equal to this tavern.

Not far from Gurinsky was the Testov tavern. The Moscow publicist V. A. Gilyarovsky describes the dinner of the millionaire I. V. Chitov in the Testov tavern as follows: “... he almost always sat at the table alone, ate for two hours and dozed between dishes ...”. Further, V. A. Gilyarovsky gives the lunch menu a whole page of dishes from fish, veal, liver and brains, kulebyak in 12 tiers and Guryev porridge. Testov's tavern gained great fame thanks to a wide selection of pancakes, seasonings for them and a variety of refreshing drinks. At the corner of Petrovka and Kuznetsky Most streets was Shcherbakov's tavern, a favorite place for Moscow actors and playwrights. A. N. Ostrovsky was here more than once. The tavern was famous for its full plate pies, fish soup and hospitality of the owner.

The clerks of the Upper Trading Rows and Gostiny Dvor liked to have a bite to eat at the Martyanych tavern, which was located in the basement of a new line of trading rows. When in 1953. Gunm was being reconstructed, traces of this institution could be seen in the basement: the walls were lined with glazed tiles with flowers, the floors were granite, low vaulted ceilings. Light entered the tavern through thick arched glass, fixed in cast-iron frames near the ceiling.

In the middle of the XIX century. on the site of several demolished two-story buildings on Voskresenskaya Square, a large Moscow hotel was built, one of the best in the city. On the second floor of the hotel there was a small tavern, where Moscow and visiting manufacturers and industrialists gathered for lunch. The tavern "Bell" on Sretenka was a favorite meeting place for painters who worked in churches.

A common trade in old Moscow has long been considered a cab business. One of the largest in the city, where hundreds of cab drivers gathered, was a parking lot on Lubyanka Square. It was here that the famous Gusenko cab tavern was located, where the owners of horse traction drank tea.

Talking about the taverns of old Moscow, one cannot but mention the taverns in the markets. Perhaps the oldest markets were Smolensky, Kitaigorodsky near the Varvarsky Gates, the bread market on Moskvoretskaya Embankment, the berry market on Bolotnaya Square, and later Sukharevsky, Khitrov, etc. as the patrons called him. At the Barbarian Gates there was a tavern - in Polyakov's house, where the trading brethren gathered to celebrate a successful deal. The landmark of Moscow was Trubnaya Square, where on Sundays there was a brisk trade in living creatures. Around this square, on the adjacent streets, there were several taverns, on Neglinny Proyezd - "Dog Market", a dirty, but very favorite establishment for hunters.

At the corner of Neglinnaya and Petrovsky Park (where the hotel and restaurant "Hermitage" were later built) there was a tavern "Crimea", which had good cuisine, gramophone music sounded in its hall, sometimes a gypsy choir performed.

In Moscow, there were many lovers of nightingale singing. Their meeting place was a tavern at the Nikitsky Gate. One of the halls was hung with cages with nightingales, and many visitors brought their pets here. Disputes about the advantages of this or that bird after its "eight-knee" whistling became stormy, and in the end the winner arranged a table with snacks.

Moscow has long been famous for its hospitality, and this is very clearly manifested during the days of great church holidays: at Christmas, Easter, Maslenitsa. In many places, folk festivals were held, with songs and round dances, booths were erected, roundabouts were arranged and right there rows of stalls with Pius and snacks, pancake rows, huts with products from Moscow Region, Tver and Kaluga handicraftsmen. Here, enterprising owners opened taverns with smoking samovars, various dishes and strong drinks. In the summer, on Sundays, taverns traded well in Sokolniki Park, a favorite resting place for craftsmen, weavers, clerks with their families. And for the wealthy public, a summer tavern was opened on Sparrow Hills.

The Russian writer E. Zamyatii in the story “Rus” describes the work of the sex workers in the tavern in the following way: “... All in white, the sex workers in the taverns are rushing about - only, like smoke behind a steam locomotive, the ends of the embroidered handbrake and the tassel from the belt curl behind them ... ". They worked for 12-16 hours, lived, as a rule, in rented housing or with relatives, and very few of them managed to break out into barmaids, become co-owners of a tavern or its owner. Much has been written and told about Moscow taverns, but even this is not enough to show their versatile, varied life. And most importantly, we have very little to say about those wonderful chefs who brought fame to the best enterprises of the capital and made Russian national cuisine widely known in the world.

The main types of catering establishments in Russia in the XIX - early XX centuries. were: restaurants, tea, coffee, coffee, cafes, taverns, canteens, cabbies, beer shops, porters, taverns, kitchens, etc. The main centers of catering, as well as hotels, in Russia were large cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.


Tavern- a drinking establishment for ordinary people, where only booze (vodka, beer, mead) was served. The tavern was a large room with simple furnishings.

Tavern- a catering establishment where you could taste the first and second courses, snacks, as well as drink vodka.

Tea room- a catering company that sold only second courses and buffet products (without alcoholic beverages). Tea was usually served in two teapots: the first for boiling water, the second for brewing.

Tavern(from the Polish word "trakt" - road) - a catering service, served by waiters, located by the road, with a wide range of snacks, hot first and second courses and buffet products. There were fashionable taverns for the rich and cheap ones for the poor.

At the end of XIX - beginning of XX century. under the influence of Western culture, confectionery and chantany cafes, which served wines, fruits, and snacks, became quite widespread; an orchestra often played in them, concerts with singing and dancing were held.

Tea houses that played a part public places, where one could soberly and interestingly spend time talking and reading newspapers, were the most typical for Moscow. Petersburg was famous for its coffee houses, where it was customary to “eat” coffee, which, most likely, is explained by the proximity to European culture.

At the beginning of the XX century. restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg begin to gradually replace taverns. Since that time, we can talk about the capacity of restaurants.

Fashionable restaurants in St. Petersburg were Ernest, Kyuba, Pivato, Kontan, Donon; in Moscow - "Slavianski Bazaar", "National", "Prague". Somewhat lower in the class were the restaurants Medved, Aquarium, Villa Rode, Vienna, Quisasana, Dominik, Angliter, Yar, Hermitage, Mauritania, Peterhof and etc.

The development of out-of-town restaurants is also associated with this period: Golden Anchor near Sokolniki, Eldorado behind Tverskaya Zastava.

The restaurants were mostly owned by the Germans and the French, as can be seen from their names. The rest of the catering establishments belonged to the Russians.


Originally created to meet the needs of consumers, the system of catering establishments also reflects the degree of economic development of a country. In turn, the degree of development of the economy is reflected in the incomes of the population and in its desire to spend some of them on the services offered, including the services of public catering enterprises.

Numerous publications in the press and scientific research are devoted to studying the tastes of consumers, trying to satisfy their needs as fully as possible, and, if necessary, to influence them. Specialists single out group, national, ethnic, as well as individual taste manifestations, which in one way or another affect the preference for one type of food over another and, as a result, the preference for one type of enterprise over another. Thus, following the affections and needs of the population, the state, as well as companies, firms, organizations specializing in public catering, create, for example, restaurants national cuisine, conceptual restaurants, youth cafes and bars, snack bars and canteens for employees, designed for a specific market segment and taking into account the socio-economic characteristics of their consumers, All these enterprises operate only if they are organized in a certain system of specific types of enterprises, for each of which certain requirements are fixed for the services provided to them.


The existing standard (GOST R 50764-95) establishes classification catering establishments, general requirements for catering establishments various types and classes. It applies to public catering enterprises of all forms of ownership, as well as individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of public catering enterprises.

The standard provides for the following types of catering establishments: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar.

Enterprise type public catering is determined by the characteristic features of the service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

The range of products sold, their diversity and complexity of manufacturing;

Technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution, etc.);

Service methods;

Qualification of personnel;

Quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, aesthetics, etc.);

The range of services provided by the consumer.

Enterprise class public catering is determined by a combination of features of a certain type of enterprise, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Consumers in catering establishments of various types and classes, including private entrepreneurs, are provided with the following services:


Manufacturing culinary products And confectionery;

Organization of consumption and service;

Realization of culinary products;

Information and advisory;

Catering services include services for the manufacture of culinary products and services for creating conditions for its sale and consumption in accordance with the type and class of the enterprise and are divided into catering services: restaurant; bar; cafe; dining room; diner.

In accordance with the above main types of catering establishments, it is proposed to consider the services they provide.

Restaurant: production, sale and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and complex products of all major groups from various products and wine and vodka products. Services are provided by qualified production and maintenance personnel in conditions of an increased level of comfort and material and technical equipment, combined with leisure activities.

Bar: production and sale of a wide range of mixed, strong alcoholic, low alcohol and soft drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods; creating conditions for their consumption at the bar or in the hall.

Cafe: production and sale of a diverse range of dishes, products and drinks in a limited range compared to a restaurant and taking into account specialization; creation of conditions for their consumption.

Dining room: production of culinary products varied by day of the week or complete food rations (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) for various groups of the served contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.); creation of conditions for the implementation and organization of their consumption.

Snack bar: production of a limited range of dishes of simple manufacture from a certain type of raw material; creation of conditions for its realization and consumption.


Various types of catering establishments also carry out other services on the organization of consumption of products and services:

Organization and service: celebrations, family dinners and ritual events; participants of conferences, seminars, meetings, cultural events in recreation areas, etc.;

Services of a waiter (bartender) for home service;

Delivery of culinary products, confectionery products and customer service on orders at workplaces and at home; along the route of passenger transport (restaurant car); in hotel rooms;

Reservation of seats in the hall of a public catering enterprise;

Sale of coupons and subscriptions for the service of completed rations;

Organization of rational integrated nutrition.

Services are also provided for organizing leisure activities for customers of public catering enterprises (for example, holding concerts, variety shows in restaurants); information and advisory services (chefs' consultations on the preparation of original and gourmet dishes, dietitians on menu issues at various types diseases in dietary departments and canteens, etc.).

Other important services provided by catering establishments:

Sale of perfumes, shoe-shine accessories, etc.;

Minor repairs and cleaning of clothes;

packaging of products purchased at catering establishments;

Providing consumers with telephone and facsimile communication at the enterprise;

Guaranteed storage of personal belongings (outerwear), bags and valuables of the consumer;

Calling a taxi at the request of the consumer;

parking of personal cars of consumers in an organized parking lot at the enterprise.

The list of services provided by public catering enterprises can be expanded depending on its type, class and specifics of the consumer contingent served.

Services provided by public catering establishments must comply with the requirements of GOST R 50764-95 “Public catering services. General requirements". Enterprises must also meet certain requirements: meet their intended purpose; provide all services in a timely manner while ensuring safety for consumers (up to the safety of their lives, for example, fire fighting devices); comply with environmental issues (environmental protection of the territory; technical condition and maintenance of premises, ventilation, water supply, sewerage, etc.). When providing services, the requirement of ergonomics, which is characterized by a combination of hygienic, anthropological and physiological consumption possibilities, should be taken into account. It is the observance of ergonomics that ensures the comfort of service and helps to maintain the desired balance in the organisms of consumers. The issue of aesthetics is no less important in this list of requirements, for example, the premises of catering establishments should be distinguished by a harmonious architectural and planning style, the staff should be distinguished by a service culture, etc. The social targeting of the service must be observed (conformity of the contingent of consumers to the type of enterprise). it is also necessary to provide complete and reliable information about this particular service (informativeness of the service). The requirement of informativity involves the use of various types of advertising.



Consider the state and prospects for the development of the catering services market using the example of Moscow, the capital of Russia.

As of June 1, 2000, there were about 6,000 catering establishments (public network) operating in the capital for more than 170,000 decent places, which is 45 places per inhabitant of Moscow (the standard is 22 seats). In comparison with 1998, the number of places in catering establishments in Moscow increased by 22%. These are mainly public catering establishments - high-class restaurants and bars, cafes and fast food establishments.

The volume of public catering turnover in January-September 1999 amounted to 7.9 billion rubles, which exceeded the volume for the corresponding period of 1998 by 3.6 billion rubles, or 181.5%, in actual prices, in comparable assuming a decrease of 27.9%

The one-day turnover of public catering is 27.8 million rubles, of which the share of the restaurant business is 75%.

The number of employees in public catering enterprises is about 50 thousand people, including up to 40 thousand in the restaurant business.

The Moscow government, paying considerable attention to the development of public catering, has developed a Program for the Development of Catering Enterprises in 1998-2005. The program provides:

Opening enterprises through new construction and the use of non-residential premises;

Reconstruction and modernization of catering establishments;

Development of a quick service system;

Development of taverns;

Development of specialized catering enterprises;

Catering for the poor;

Arrangement of the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) by service enterprises, including shopping malls with catering establishments.

Despite the severe consequences of the 1998 crisis, the program was carried out in 1999, the restaurant business network continued to develop both in terms of quantity and specialization.

Currently, the restaurants of the city offer cuisines from 80 countries of the world, including French, Tibetan, Mongolian, Jewish, German, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Indian, Cuban, Chinese, Bulgarian, Yugoslav, Brazilian, Mexican, Georgian, Armenian, Uzbek, Ukrainian, etc. At the same time, networks of enterprises with foreign cuisines are being created: Rosinger - Spanish cuisine, Golden Dragon - Chinese, Fuji - Japanese, McDonald's - American. Nevertheless, Russian cuisine prevails - 500 public catering establishments offer dishes of native Russian cuisine; in 280 - European cuisine. Certain preference is also given to Chinese and Tibetan cuisines.

At present, there is a clear lack of quality in Moscow fast food. The existing networks of enterprises under the brands "Steff-Holberg" and "Danish Crown" have ceased to fulfill the social task that is assigned to them.

For the development of a fast food system in Moscow, the government considers it necessary to create branded fast food chains based on traditional Russian food. Residents of Moscow learned well the lessons of American, Italian and Oriental cuisines. They know well what pita, burrito, pizza, shawarma, hot dog, all kinds of burgers, etc. are. Attacked by advertising, many were convinced that there was no chocolate tastier than Mars and Snickers, that only Sprite and “ Fanta" perfectly quench your thirst. Moscow, like the whole country, has become a victim of a well-thought-out advertising strategy to introduce food and drinks that are alien to us on our market.

But the situation is not completely hopeless. A significant majority of Moscow residents remember that at one time there were popular chocolate cafes, pancake, dumplings, donuts, patties, tea, coffee shops, dumplings, etc., where you could have a quick and cheap bite to eat. Modern opportunities allow turning these enterprises into modern, nationally oriented cafes. There are all the prerequisites for this: the willingness and ability to invest in development, national management and world-class marketing.

There are restaurants in Moscow that understand the needs of the city and are ready to invest in projects to create a network of fast food outlets, including mobile ones. The government supports these ideas, especially since the products sold in such enterprises are available to the low-income population. The Moscow government pays special attention to the development of small businesses in public catering. According to 1998 data, the share of small businesses in public catering accounted for up to 35% of retail turnover. The number of small enterprises in public catering is up to 40% of all existing ones. Almost 25 thousand people are employed in this sector of the economy. In 1998, the share of replenishment of the Moscow budget with receipts from small enterprises consumer market and services accounted for 15.3%.

Small catering establishments turned out to be the most attractive for investment. The share of investments in small enterprises of the consumer market in relation to the volume of investments in the entire sphere of small business in the city amounted to 49.9% or 8.5 billion rubles. New construction, reconstruction and modernization of catering establishments, including restaurants, were actively carried out.

This became possible as a result of support for small businesses by the Moscow government. In 1998 about 3,000 catering establishments took advantage of income tax, rent, and utility bill benefits. For these purposes, that is, to pay for benefits, the city spent about 1 billion rubles. in 1999, for small businesses included in the register of small business entities in Moscow, the previous rental rates were retained unchanged.

At the same time, the reserves invested in small business are not fully utilized. Such a promising form of long-term lease of equipment, vehicles and other types of property for small businesses as leasing requires wider distribution. The method of contractual cooperation of small enterprises with firms that grant them the right to conduct business using their own brand (franchising) is not sufficiently applied. Individual and family forms of small business and the prospects for their development require study and evaluation of the effectiveness.

The range of services provided in catering establishments was expanded - these were business lunches, entertainment for children, fortune hours (50% discount on all drinks), organization of culinary skills training, consultations of table setting specialists, packing of take-out dishes and many other various services.


In 1998, the conference "Restaurant-2000: Prospects for the Development of the Restaurant Industry in Russia in Russia for the Next 2-3 Years" was held in Moscow, which brought together the most active and professional market participants, who were invited to take part in a sociological survey organized by the magazine "Vitrina. Restaurant business”, by the companies “Vizavi Consult” and “MultiProject”.

Questionnaires compiled and then processed by professional marketers and sociologists were distributed to all those present at the conference. The survey results reflected the opinion of market leaders about the situation in the industry, its main problems and needs.

33% of respondents believed that the crisis has changed the situation in all areas of business, and the most acute problems were the attendance of establishments, as well as business development (24%). Restaurants also noted the problem of relationships with suppliers as an urgent one (16%). Opinions about competition were distributed in an interesting way: 28% of respondents did not consider the problem of competition to be of paramount importance, but 17% of respondents considered it important. Perhaps such a distribution of votes indicated a significant separation of leaders from the main mass of the market, or that a significant part of the restaurateurs present at the conference did not feel competition. the problem with the staff was attributed by restaurateurs to the number of minor ones. This was explained by the fact that the crisis has reduced the number of jobs and the risk of losing a job disciplines the staff.

The vast majority of respondents believed that the main component of the success of any restaurant is a high-quality and varied cuisine (44%). Restaurateurs considered the idea (concept) of a restaurant to be the second most important condition for the success of an establishment (33%). In addition, among the factors important for success was the level of service (27%). The advertising factor was among the least important for success, losing the lead in this category to food and wine suppliers (which did not negate the importance of food and drink quality for a restaurant).

Which catering establishments, from the point of view of restaurateurs, will develop most actively in the near future in Russia? Predicting the development of the restaurant business in Russia, the respondents gave preference primarily to small inexpensive family restaurants (31%), restaurants of the middle price group (27%), and fast food establishments (14.8%). In the opinion of many respondents, the success will accompany the chains of public catering enterprises united by one brand (21%). Undoubted outsiders, according to the respondents, will be expensive restaurants and elite cafes. In the opinion of the vast majority of respondents, self-service canteens will also become equally unpromising.

In order to find out the forecasts for the future not only of the market, but also of the restaurateurs themselves, the questionnaire included the question: “What do you predict for your business for the next year?”. The answers were distributed as follows.

3% of respondents answered that they have not yet decided whether they will remain in this business; all the rest will continue their activities in the field of public catering. Moreover, 35% intend to expand their business, and 30% - to keep it in the same volume. Perhaps one of the reasons for such optimism is that the respondents were the most active and resilient participants in the restaurant market.

In three questions, the same recurring list of services was offered for selection. It was proposed to evaluate: 1) which of them restaurateurs used most often (or did not use at all), 2) what may be needed in the near future (or no longer needed), or 3) which services are the least fully (unsatisfactorily) represented on the market.

Previously, advertising services were in the greatest demand (38%), which, apparently, was due to the expectation of an immediate effect in proportion to the amount of money spent on advertising. Interestingly, these same services were noted as less important to the restaurant's commercial success. Among the services, unsatisfactorily presented on the market, advertising services took the second place (16%). On the whole, this is a typical situation for today's advertising services market, which, unlike the commodity advertising market, is still far from perfect and is in the development stage in Russia. Most entrepreneurs somehow perceived the success of advertising in general as the success of product advertising, which resulted in some disappointment. At the same time, 21% of restaurateurs noted the need for advertising for the success of the institution, 26% of respondents believed that they would need these services in the future.

But the most interesting thing is the distribution of answers concerning development strategy development services. Compared to the situation in pre-crisis Russia, active participants in the restaurant market were more in need of developing a business development strategy. If before the crisis 30% of all respondents posed this question as the last in a series of problems that arise in the organization and operation of a restaurant, then after the crisis, 48% of all respondents announced a revision of their positions on this issue. Having decided to continue and expand their business, many restaurateurs believed that they should take the next steps together with professionals in this field. However, the sharply increased need for the development of a business development strategy does not meet with an adequate response from the service market and, according to the respondents, are the least fully represented in Russia today.

Among the services that restaurateurs used often, one can note the appeal to third-party companies for the purchase of equipment and furniture. Compared to the pre-crisis situation, the demand for equipment and design services has fallen by almost 2 times, but we must not lose sight of the fact that the general concept of the restaurants and bars created by the restaurateurs is the second most important among the success factors of the enterprise. Perhaps the plane of the search for professionals will shift towards firms that are able to develop a general business strategy, the concept of an enterprise and implement the project in full.

Among the services that have never been used, security issues are quite noticeable: 23% of the respondents have never been involved in the organization of security, 37% did not assume that they might need it.

About 20% of respondents believed that they might need to resolve issues with personnel, 10% were not satisfied with the offer of this type of service on the market, and about 12% planned to apply to recruitment agencies in the near future. We also studied the frequency of contacting recruitment agencies and the degree of satisfaction with the services provided by them: 50% of the respondents at least once used such services and the majority were completely or partially satisfied with them; 32.5% of the restaurateurs surveyed were disappointed with the results of cooperation; about 30% have never applied to a recruitment firm. Such a response characterized, first of all, the attitude of restaurateurs towards recruitment agencies and the image of the latter in the restaurant market.

The most effective and used sources of information about the provision of services/goods among professionals were specialized magazines (40.3%) and exhibitions (35.1%). This is a completely natural result, consistent with the results of other studies, which said, for example, that 80% of the specialists who visited the exhibition came there for reliable information. Many professionals also listened to the recommendations of colleagues and friends, some used the Internet to obtain information. The intensity of using the Internet (3.5%) is inferior to the frequency of using mass popular publications as a source of information (5.3%), however, the difference in the price of advertising in popular publications compared to the Internet is so significant that the popularity of the Internet as an advertising medium, apparently, will grow. Direct mail did not gain a single percentage.

The following people took part in this survey:

1. Restaurateurs from 31 to 45 years old - 49%.

2. Young businessmen under 30 - 32%.

3. Over 45 years old - 19%.

4. Men - 71%.

More than half of the respondents (51%) reported that they had worked in this business for more than 5 years, 13% - from 3 to 5 years. Groups of novice restaurateurs were also represented - 22% with experience in this business from 1 to 3 years and 14% - with experience up to 1 year. Business owners accounted for 30%, top managers and managers - 70%. 69% of all respondents to the questionnaire assess their business as "medium", 17% - as "small" and 14% - as "large".


Along with the stabilization of the ruble, customers began to return to restaurants. And yet the question is: “Will the situation on the market continue to worsen?” remains open.

No one has yet given an answer to this question. Few make predictions. However, the recipes for survival of the remaining afloat restaurants are similar. The first and most difficult weeks of the crisis with losses that did not threaten the viability of the business were experienced by restaurants that had a wide range of regular customers, and therefore sufficient margins of safety, and those who managed to change the policy of the institution as quickly and correctly as possible, starting with the reorganization of personnel and the system purchases and ending with the minimization of all costs and the development of a menu more adapted to new expenses.

According to a survey of 150 restaurants in Russia, conducted by the magazine "Restaurant Business", even very prosperous restaurants lost an average of up to 30% of their customers, while in most establishments the number of visitors decreased by 60% or more.

With the exception of a small number of very trendy restaurants whose turnover, including dollar turnover, did not fall during the crisis, the profits of most establishments decreased either due to a decrease in the number of customers or due to margin cuts where they chose not to raise ruble prices much in order to retain visitors.

Many restaurateurs note a decrease in the average bill amount: today customers order less than before and look at the price of dishes first.

Restaurant managers, who hardly had to change the usual rhythm of work in the conditions of the general crisis, associate the personal well-being of restaurants with their popularity. Some of the guests stopped going to restaurants, but there were customers from other, more expensive establishments. However, a survey by the magazine "Restaurant Business" shows that there are only a few restaurants that have maintained the pre-crisis level of sales and practically did not resort to special measures for this.

Managers of many restaurants, in order to survive during the crisis, had to quickly adapt to new conditions, reduce prices, and therefore minimize costs.



Regarding the inclusion of catering enterprises in the tourism industry, neither theorists nor practitioners of the tourist and hotel complex have a finally formed position. So, according to the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation", the tourism industry is understood as a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, catering facilities, entertainment facilities and facilities, educational, business, recreational, sports and other purposes, organizations carrying out tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion services and services of guide-interpreters.

At the same time, according to OKONH, catering enterprises are included in the group of enterprises in the sphere of material production, and, for example, hotels, which are also included in the tourism industry, belong to the non-material production industry. This situation is explained by the fact that, according to a number of authors, to date, in the current classification of sectors of the national economy, the tourism industry does not have a clear production and socio-economic status. This is the result of a discrepancy between the sectoral principle of constructing a classification scheme adopted in the Soviet period. social production conditions for the functioning of a market economy.

The implementation of the scientific and technological revolution leads to the fact that the old concept of "industry" as such is gradually being eroded. A market economy is characterized not so much by the development of separate industries as by the functioning of diversified intersectoral complexes.

Food is one of the main services in the technology of tourist services. The tourist food industry includes: restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, kitchen factories, procurement factories, buffets, barbecues, manufacturing stores, kiosks, cookery, etc.

These enterprises are both owned by tourist firms and leased. Most of them are "built-in" in the tourist-hotel block (hotel) and are part of them, less often these enterprises operate in an autonomous (independent) mode.

Depending on the method of service, enterprises are distinguished: served by waiters; self-service; mixed service.

According to the diet of tourists, these enterprises provide services in the form of breakfast, full board, half board, special meals for children, etc. In a number of hotels, kitchens, mini-bars are provided, and the catering service can be implemented both in the room (on call, order), as well as in the food industry.

According to the range of food for tourists, this service is divided into complex meals, meals of choice, meals on pre-order, including servicing solemn acts, receptions, anniversaries, banquets, etc.

Enterprises are also classified according to the number of seats and the mode of operation (round the clock, with a time limit).

Depending on the degree of technical equipment, quality and volume of services provided, location, price, architectural and artistic design of the premises, product range, degree of automation and other indicators, enterprises in the tourist food industry are divided into classes.

Class is a hallmark of a catering establishment that characterizes the level of service quality.

Generalized classification of tourist catering establishments

1. By type of enterprise: restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, snack bars, kitchen factories.

2. By type of property: own, leased.

3. By location: as part of a tourist hotel complex (TGC), as part of hotels, as part of other accommodation facilities, autonomous.

4. Service type: waiter service, self-service, mixed service.

5. By class: “luxury”, “highest”, “first”.

6. By assortment: dishes of a wide choice, complex dishes, dishes of national cuisine, exotic dishes.

7. According to the mode of service: breakfast, half board, full board, Buffet(buffet), special meals, baby food.

In addition to the requirements described in GOST R, a number of additional, specific for this field of activity, requirements are imposed on tourist catering establishments.

So, for example, the territory of a public catering enterprise should not only be carefully cleaned, but also provided with the necessary asphalt or decorative coating. Such coatings should correspond to the design of the territory of the tourist complex and prevent the formation of puddles, dirt, potholes. There are also other requirements for the external design of the tourist complex.

All premises must be equipped with signs (pictograms) to help visitors navigate the TGC.

A copy of the certificate of this catering establishment, indicating that it has been assigned a certain class, must be posted in a conspicuous place in the lobby. Some of the additional requirements include:

4.2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TOURIST catering establishments

1. When serving organized tourist groups by bank transfer, it is recommended to offer complete meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, based on the age and national composition of the tourist group, energy costs on the route. The repetition of the diet for this group is allowed not earlier than after 10 days, and the dishes included in the diets, not less than after 4 days. The menu of completed food rations must be agreed with the team leader;

2. Preliminary table setting with cutlery, tableware with bread, cold snacks and spices can be used in all types and classes of enterprises only when serving organized groups by bank transfer;

3. Products used for cooking must have a certificate confirming the absence of substances harmful to health (nitrites, nitrates and pesticides), as well as radiation and microbiological contamination exceeding the established standards. In the absence of a certificate, a laboratory analysis of incoming products is carried out;

4. Regularly, but not less than once every five years, certification of production, maintenance, administrative and managerial and technical personnel is carried out in order to confirm or improve their qualifications. Not less than three years later, professional retraining of employees of tourist catering enterprises should be carried out at advanced training courses under a special program;

5. The head waiter, waiters and bartenders must know at least one of the European languages. The brigade includes waiters who speak different foreign languages;

6. Service personnel must be polite, attentive and helpful (but not intrusive) in dealing with visitors, if possible, fulfill the requests of visitors, if this does not distract them from their direct duties. In the event of a conflict situation, the employee must immediately invite the duty administrator, head waiter or director of the enterprise.

At catering establishments, the quality of services and services is monitored using the following methods: visual, analytical, medical, instrumental, sociological.


Special forms of service in restaurants are organized with one goal - to speed up the service of a large number of visitors with a limited supply of time. This form is used to serve participants in congresses, conferences, symposiums, etc. Special forms of catering in restaurants include such as an express hall, an express table, a buffet (buffet), and catering.

Express hall. It is organized in restaurants to speed up the service of visitors with a limited lunch break. This hall has a small amount seats (from 40 to 50), which are served by a team of four people. The menu is a set lunch consisting of four courses: cold appetizer, soup, main hot and dessert. The cost of bread is included in the price of lunch. By lunch time, all tables in the express hall should be ready to receive visitors. The dinner table setting consists of a pie plate, cutlery, wine glasses. Menus are placed on each table. As soon as the visitors sit down at the table, the waiter puts an appetizer, sweets (can be put in advance), then brings the soup, followed by the main hot dish and dessert. Typically, a visitor spends 15-20 minutes for such a lunch. The standard cost of lunch facilitates and speeds up the calculation of the visitor with the waiter. Payment can also be made on a cashier's check, which is issued after payment.

Express table. Designed for 20 people, it has a round shape, with a swivel central part, on which a variety of snacks, dishes, culinary confectionery, juices and drinks are installed. Visitors, sitting at the table, turn the central rotary part by the handle and choose certain dishes. Hot drinks are served by the waiter, after which he pays off the visitors. An express table was designed in the Neva restaurant (St. Petersburg), it is also called Repinsky, since it is structurally close to the dining table designed by the artist.

Buffet. Catering primarily consists in speeding up service for large groups of foreign tourists, participants in conferences, congresses, etc. Breakfast takes an average of 15-20 minutes, lunch and dinner - 25-30 minutes. When serving, visitors do not have to wait for ordered dishes and bills. To organize a buffet allocate a separate room or part of it, convenient for service. Information about opening hours, the cost of breakfast, lunch or dinner is posted in a conspicuous place at the cash desk. The buffet selection depends on the time of the meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and includes variety of dishes, which allows each consumer to create their own diet, taking into account individual nutritional characteristics.

For the organization of the buffet, special trade and technological equipment of various foreign and domestic companies is used, which includes:

Tray counter;

Refrigerated counter for cold and sweet dishes;

Food warmer counters for soups and main hot dishes;

Counter for hot drinks;

Carts with squeeze devices;

Counter for cutlery, etc.

The buffet can be made up of special folding tables 750-900 mm high, 1500-2000 mm wide (length of one line 3000-4000 mm) or rectangular (square) tables. To increase the usable area of ​​the table, you can use an additional element - a slide.

The table is covered with a white or colored tablecloth, which is lowered almost to the floor (like a buffet table).

A team of waiters is created to serve the buffet. Each employee in the team performs a specific type of work. The foreman of waiters or the chef, having received products for breakfast (lunch, dinner), exposes them to visitors, monitors the assortment during the day, replenishes it with the missing products as it is sold. Waiters serve dinner tables, clean up used dishes. At the request of visitors (taking into account age, physical disabilities and other reasons), waiters can serve them at the table. The control over the work of waiters and the organization of customer service is carried out by the head waiter of the hall.

For the sale of hot drinks, a separate table is most often organized. A samovar or coffee maker, cups, dessert plates are installed here, confectionery products are laid out, sugar, honey, jam, jams, jams are offered.

Visitors, taking a tray from a special table standing at the entrance to the hall, choose and portion food on their own, however, if necessary, they are assisted by a consulting chef.

The menu should be varied on the days of the week, taking into account the tastes and requests of foreign tourists. In necessary cases, the restaurant must provide foreign tourists with dietary and vegetarian dishes. Flagpoles and flags of the countries from which they arrived are placed on the tables of foreign tourists.

During lunch (dinner) in the trading floor, you can organize a portable bar with wine, vodka and tobacco products, which are provided to visitors for cash.

At the request of individual tourists, the restaurant administration is obliged to provide them with meals in the hotel rooms, for which tourists are charged an additional fee.

Catering. The organization of service is most often outside the premises of the catering establishment. The most typical examples of such services are the organization of picnics, banquets, receptions, weddings, etc. events when professional managers are invited to organize and conduct them. By the nature of the relationship, this type of service corresponds to the complex service traditional in Eastern Europe (cooking, table setting, assisting in holding an event, etc.) outside a public catering establishment by a general-purpose chef or a group of nutrition specialists, involving them on the basis of a personal contract with a catering company.

It is estimated that approximately 30,000 professionals participate in this type of service in the United States. To a greater extent, catering is developed in populous states such as Carolina, New York, New Jersey.

Catering can be divided into many different categories depending on the type of service provided to customers. However, it should be noted that many of these categories are somewhat similar. In general, the catering industry can be divided into five main categories:

Indoor catering;

Catering outside the premises;

Individual catering;

traveling catering;


Catering-type enterprises appeared in the capital of Russia: Potel Shabo, Figaro, Garson-2, Maly Manezh, Red Square, etc. These enterprises take part in off-site servicing of various major events - urban, sports and entertainment events, such as the Kremlin Cup.


In my term paper, I highlighted the main problems and trends in the development of catering enterprises in Russia. I started by writing about the history of the development of the restaurant business since the time of Kievan Rus, how the first catering establishments appeared in Russia, what they were called and described some of them. There is a standard that establishes the classification of catering establishments, general requirements for catering establishments of various types and classes. This With The standard provides for the following types of catering establishments: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar. When determining them, certain factors are taken into account. In accordance with the main types of public catering establishments, I reviewed the services that they provide. I reviewed the state and prospects for the development of the catering services market today. Russian restaurants offer cuisines from more than 80 countries of the world, and this is an important factor in its development. I reflected the results of a sociological survey organized by the magazine “Showcase. Restaurant business”, where professional market participants expressed their opinion on the situation in the industry, its main problems and needs. I also outlined the situation in the restaurant market after the financial crisis of 1998. The profits of most establishments decreased due to a decrease in the number of customers and they had to adapt to new conditions, reduce prices and minimize costs. I highlighted what are the requirements for tourist catering establishments and what are the forms of catering in restaurants (express hall, express table, buffet, catering).

So, we can conclude that the restaurant business continues to flourish and develop, gradually reaching the global level, which contributes to the development of the tourism industry as a whole.


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21. Journal "Business and Management: Hotel and Restaurant" / No. 6/28/September/2004 / Moscow / p. 41-43

The initial stage in the development of the global restaurant business is considered to be the industrial revolution of the 18th century, during which the movement of people from place to place became more frequent and a middle class was formed - the conditions that are necessary for a successful restaurateur.

The restaurant business is connected with the history of civilization in the same way that tourism is connected with geographical discoveries. The first written mention of the restaurant business appeared in the XIV century - in the "Canterbury Tales" by the English writer D. Chaucer. In them, Chaucer describes the Tabad Inn, the owner of which, in order to attract customers (itinerant pilgrims), offered free food to the one who told the most interesting story.

"Father" modern restaurant French businessman M. Boulanger, who owned a round-the-clock tavern on Bael Street, is considered. The main dish on the restaurant's menu was soup, which Boulanger called restorantes (strengthening, restoring), which served as the basis for the name "restaurant".

A restaurant is an institution that produces and offers food to customers in order to satisfy gastronomic needs. The economic purpose of this type of activity is to make a profit.

By 1776, restaurants had been established in a number of major cities in the United States, which had great success. Establishments like Bulls Head, Fronseas Tavern, and Mr. Little's had a sort of business cards New York. Banquets were held in these restaurants with a choice of expensive meals, on ordinary days, as a rule, beef, ham and vegetables were served there.

By the time of the French Revolution (1789 - 1799), restaurants in Paris were the most common. In 1814, the allied armies of the British, Dutch, Belgians, Spaniards, Russians and Austrians entered this city, defeating Napoleon. The families of the officers of the occupation armies of the allies stayed for a long time. Over time, the former occupiers took home the memories of Parisian culture and spread them around the world. The agricultural society took on the features of an industrial one, the trips of ordinary citizens across Europe became more and more frequent, which contributed to the prosperity of the restaurant business.

Now millions of large, medium and small restaurants operate all over the world, of which there are more than 14 thousand in Paris alone, and more than 17 thousand in New York. In Moscow, according to the Moscow Guild of Restaurateurs (MGR), there are now about 2.4 thousand restaurants, which is three to four times less than in Budapest and Prague, and eight to nine times less than in Paris, with comparable incomes and the size of the middle class.

The restaurant business in Russia began with cooperatives. The organizers of small cafes were the first to try to feed people deliciously. home kitchen that they offered was a huge step forward compared to the traditional Soviet menu (borscht, Russian salad, dumplings), although everything was done at an unprofessional cooperative level.

With the advent of high-class hotels in Moscow, which are part of international hotel chains, expensive restaurants with "high" cuisine, primarily French, appeared in the city for the first time. For some time they were the main gastronomic centers of the capital, where you could eat delicious food and get good service. Such services were in great demand.

The opening in 1992 of several expensive, prestigious restaurants, designed for the entrepreneurial and bureaucratic elite, which gradually began to move to new establishments from hotel restaurants, marked the emergence of a large restaurant business. A few years later, new points began to appear one after another. Among them, as before, elite and expensive ones prevailed, however, the market acquired the features of diversity, and there were noticeably more visitors in restaurants. However, according to some estimates, the capital's restaurant market can still be described as unsaturated.

The restaurant business in Russia today exists in three niches, unequal in volume and number of participants - fast food, mid-range restaurants and gourmet restaurants.

McDonald's is the leader in the fast food segment - the advantages of early entry into the Russian market, the abandonment of the franchise scheme (in other countries, McDonald's usually opens its restaurants on a franchise basis) and a well-established personnel development system within the company affect.

Franchising is a form of business activity in which a corporation (franchisor), which, as a rule, has a well-known trademark(brand) and a high rating in the market, enters into an agreement with other firms or entrepreneurs (franchisees) for the right to act on behalf of the franchisor. Franchisees buy a franchise that authorizes or obliges them to engage in a specific business under the franchisor's brand using its technologies and commercial information for a specified period of time in a specified territory. The latter has the right to exercise control over the quality of the franchisee's business and is obliged to provide him with all possible assistance (for example, in organizing an enterprise, training personnel, managing sales, etc.).

Expensive author's haute cuisine restaurants began to appear in Russia in the early 90s of the last century. Restaurants of this type include author's establishments of well-known metropolitan restaurateurs. According to experts, the price niche of the most prestigious category is filled, which is associated with a small number of people with the appropriate income.

Restaurants representing an average price niche are the most promising and sparsely populated sector of the business under consideration. Typical representatives of the category are inexpensive restaurants of Japanese and Chinese cuisine.

A more detailed classification of enterprises in the Russian restaurant market is shown in Figure 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. Organizational forms of the restaurant business

Consider some quantitative characteristics of the catering industry.

In 2007, the Russian restaurant market maintained a very high rate of development (about 30% in monetary terms), proving that it is still far from being saturated. According to preliminary data, the volume of the market in 2007 overcame the bar of three billion dollars. The number of establishments is also growing: in Moscow alone, about six hundred new restaurants were opened during the year, and their total number approached the mark of four thousand.

Meanwhile, according to experts, the actual potential of the capital's market allows it to accept 400 new participants annually for another 3-5 years, which is indirectly confirmed by the following data: in Paris, one catering establishment accounts for 126 people, in New York - for 365 people , and in Moscow - by 3,187.

Rice. 1.3. Seasonality of demand for restaurant services

As can be seen from Figure 1.3., the turnover of public catering is subject to seasonal fluctuations. After new year holidays restaurant turnovers are falling, but not significantly, the decline is about 12-15%. In the period February - July, there is an increase in turnover, which is replaced by a slight decline in August (due to the departure of potential customers on vacation). In September, the popularity of restaurants grows again (about 10-15%), after which there is a slight (on average 5%), but a steady increase in attendance until the New Year holidays, when the restaurant business brings the largest income in connection with the organization of corporate holidays.

In the structure of the turnover of the restaurant business, in addition to the traditional offer of business lunches, there has been a tendency for restaurants to promote breakfast. According to experts' forecasts, this segment has not yet exhausted itself and will add 30-40% annually.

In addition to the breakfast segment, there is a growing segment of companies involved in the delivery of meals to the office. In this sector, the growth rate is also high and amounts to about 40% per year. The market is far from saturation, the number of companies is small and will be rapidly increasing in the near future.

Observes growth in the field of catering establishments serving educational institutions. The profit of the segment cannot be called significant, however, enterprises operating in this sector can count on secure sales and support from the municipality.

Particular attention should be paid to the catering market, which demonstrates high growth rates (about 40% per year).

Catering (catering) is a type of activity in which any restaurant service, whether it is a banquet, a buffet table or a coffee break, is organized almost anywhere (indoors or outdoors).

According to research conducted by the Ready Business Store magazine, the target segments of the restaurant services market are distributed as follows (Figure 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Segments of the restaurant services market (consumers)

According to the chart, the most capacious market segment is street food and fast food restaurants. This is probably due to the availability and mass character of "points" offering the above services. The share of consumers who are ready to eat exclusively in establishments with a high level of service is not numerous and amounts to less than 10%. Finally, about 50% do not use the services of catering establishments at all.

Recruitment is an important part of any business. The quality of the services provided and, consequently, the commercial success of the enterprise directly depends on the qualifications of employees.

The list of vacancies most frequently opened in the restaurant business is shown in Figure 1.5 (average data for restaurants in the capital in 2007).

Rice. 1.5. Demand for restaurant staff

The most demanded are low-skilled workers: waiters, cooks, dishwashers.

According to, a common source of problems when working with personnel for all restaurateurs is a limited number of competent managers. Restaurant directors mostly grow from waiters, room managers, even bartenders; they are little mobile and do not have sufficient opportunities for their further professional development. As a rule, one step above the director is the owner, whose place is simply impossible to take.

Based on the material presented, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the price niche in which the institution operates and the conditions for doing business. Expensive gourmet restaurants have the most serious barriers to entry into the market, which is associated with the occupancy of this segment and the lack of clientele due to the high cost of the services offered and the established preferences. Inexpensive eateries, and in particular mid-range businesses, are seen as favorable destinations with potential for further growth. The restaurant business as a whole is unsaturated. The main problems of restaurateurs at the personnel level are, on the one hand, the lack of low-skilled labor due to the excess of demand over supply, on the other hand, the lack of professional managers, which is caused by the lack of a proper training system and limited motivation.

1. Organization of the work of the restaurant hall

Own the principles of organizing the interconnected work of all structural divisions of the restaurant. Rationally organize the work of service personnel. Plan your working hours. Control the availability of the necessary stock of restaurant linen, dishes, cutlery and restaurant accessories. Supervise the preparation of the hall for service. Monitor the efficiency of preparing the restaurant hall for work. Ensure compliance with sanitary requirements for the restaurant hall and its utility rooms. Ensure compliance with labor protection requirements by service personnel. Ensure compliance with fire safety requirements. Ensure environmental safety. Comply with the inventory rules for table linen, crockery and cutlery. Conduct on-the-job training. Maintain accurate and timely documentation.

2. Organization of meeting and greeting guests

Develop a procedure for meeting guests: greeting, seating, farewell. Establish a chain of command. Supervise the communication between staff and guests. Advise on food and drink choices. Offer branded and special meals and drinks. Be knowledgeable about food and drink. To acquaint the guest with programs and discounts valid on certain hours and days. Create comfortable conditions for the guest. Monitor the observance by waiters of the rules of courtesy and protocol procedures when meeting, seating and parting: a typical dialogue and exchange of remarks. Master the techniques of interpersonal communication. Control compliance with the rules of etiquette.

3. Quality control of guest service in the restaurant hall

Control the procedure for welcoming guests and offering menus, receiving and executing orders from guests, serving guests, preparing invoices and accepting payments, holding banquets, cleaning tables, communicating with foreign guests, observing protocol and etiquette, and preventing conflict situations.

4. Work with restaurant guests

Maintain a positive image of the restaurant. Create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Communicate verbally with guests and partners. Expand the base of regular guests. Identify consumer preferences. Respond to changing guest tastes. Work with the public. Possess oratorical skills. Take action to resolve claims and wishes.

5. Mapping wines and drinks

Know the principles of compiling a map of wines and drinks. Compile and fill out a wine and drinks list in accordance with the style of the restaurant and menu. Observe the sequence of the location of alcoholic and other drinks. Maintain a wine and beverage list in working order. Periodically update the list of wines and drinks. Provide visibility and ease of use of the wine and beverage list. Interact with the sommelier and the chef of the restaurant. Make a menu for a banquet, gala evening, etc. Determine the real ratio of price and quality of services provided. Realistically assess the capabilities of the restaurant and staff. Satisfy the expectations of the guests. Respond to changing guest tastes.

The principles of compiling the menu of a banquet, a festive evening, etc. Market for liquor and other drinks. Classification and characteristics of alcoholic and other drinks. Features of the technology of preparation of individual dishes. Image direction of the restaurant. Compatibility of food and drinks. Professional terminology. consumer preferences. Fundamentals of computer literacy and office equipment.

6. Selection of restaurant accessories and other goods from suppliers.

Conduct business negotiations. Draw up contracts with suppliers. Determine the timing and volume of purchases of commodity items. Define a list of possible suppliers. Determine the quality of received goods and compliance with documentation. Learn information about the tastes and preferences of guests. Use business communication techniques.

Fundamentals of Marketing. Fundamentals of financial management. Supplier market. consumer preferences. Image direction of the restaurant. Information sources of the proposed positions. Rating of the most popular restaurant accessories, materials and more.

7. Sales management in the restaurant hall

Control the availability of the necessary inventory for the stable operation of the restaurant hall. Constantly monitor the sale of food and drinks in the restaurant hall. Analyze food and beverage sales. Determine the tastes and preferences of guests and the rating of the most popular dishes and drinks in the restaurant hall. To study the psychology of the guest and his needs. Orient and train the staff of the restaurant hall in the correct combination of dishes and drinks. Conduct food and drink presentations. Generate demand and respond to its change. Expand the sale of food and beverages in the restaurant hall.

8. Work with personnel and its assessment

Recruit and place staff in the restaurant. Distribute responsibilities. Organization's business practices.

Prepare work schedules for restaurant staff. Create conditions for the adaptation of the staff of the restaurant hall. Create a favorable climate in the team. Conduct performance appraisals of subordinate staff. Maintain internal company communications. Effectively manage restaurant hall staff. Resolve conflict situations within the team. Identify, analyze and resolve problems in working with the staff of the restaurant hall. Maintain organizational culture and social ethics.

9. Conducting professional trainings at the workplace

Plan professional trainings. Develop methods and techniques for serving guests. Transfer knowledge and experience. Rational use of knowledge and experience of mentors. Use interpersonal communication techniques. Attract specialists from organizations to conduct professional trainings on the study and sale of alcoholic and other beverages.

10. Implementation of changes in the work of the restaurant hall

Set goals and objectives, develop an action plan. Study the competitive environment and consumer preferences. To master progressive forms of service. Ensure the effective implementation of changes in the operation of the restaurant. Apply innovation and creativity when implementing change. Conduct additional staff training when implementing changes.

11. Self-development

Continuously improve your professional and personal image. Demonstrate class and your own style of service. Define goals and set goals. Develop an action plan. React to changing situations. Make the best decisions within the competence. Have complete information about the offered product and service. Master the art of public speaking. Possess oratorical skills. Be resilient to stress and capable of change. Constantly study the market of restaurant services. Attend seminars, exhibitions, presentations. Conduct master classes. Advise in the field of professional activity. Share work experience. Use innovation and be creative.

Professional standards unify similar positions in different regions of the world. Since employees can perform similar job responsibilities at the same level, the standards capture the general nature of the required knowledge and skills. This facilitates the exchange of experience, technology, educational materials between regions.

In general, workers, employers, government employees, and educational institutions receive many benefits:

    The standards create an opportunity for employees to improve their professional skills, confirm their qualifications with a certificate, strengthen their professional pride, and receive a basis for further professional growth;

    The standards create opportunities for employers to improve the professionalism of their employees and, consequently, increase motivation and efficiency, improve quality and achieve greater profitability;

    Standards allow you to control the professionalism of employees, maintain and improve quality standards for a particular area of ​​activity;

    For government bodies, standards provide an opportunity to formulate realistic and measurable goals for the training of personnel, to assist in the planning of policies in the field of activity, to create a basis for the development of curricula, to clearly define career paths for various fields of activity in general;

    For educational institutions, the standards provide an opportunity to create a framework for the development of curricula and training support materials, to monitor the impact of their curricula and training outcomes, to develop an education and training system that would provide flexibility, high quality;

    For personnel certification bodies, standards provide an opportunity to create the basis for a system for assessing and certifying personnel.

Practical application of the professional standard:

    An analysis of the professional activities of restaurant industry workers revealed the presence of new professions in the restaurant industry: “quick service employee” and “sommelier”, which are first described in this standard.

    The occupational standard is the occupational minimum that employees and managers must meet and is applicable to those businesses that operate at an appropriate minimum level of productivity and quality. A minimum means that everyone must meet it.

    Individual organizations can take a professional standard only as a basis and create their own internal standards on this basis. Internal standards may contain detailed steps or procedures approved by a particular organization or enterprise.

    The professional standard provides employees with the opportunity to determine their professional level and improve their professional knowledge, improve their qualifications, get certified, and receive the foundations for further professional growth.

    The professional standard allows employers to assess and improve the professionalism of their employees, increase motivation, achieve efficiency and quality of work. If workers do not meet this standard, they must undergo vocational training or refresher courses until their knowledge, skills and abilities reach the required level. At the same time, all new entry-level employees must be educated and trained to this standard.

    Job responsibilities reflected in the professional standard can be used in the development of job descriptions. At the same time, it is allowed to expand and clarify the list of job duties of employees, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibilities.

    The list of skills and abilities from the professional standard can be used to form questions during the certification of personnel in organizations.

    The list of knowledge, skills and abilities from the professional standard is used in the preparation of training programs and methodological materials in the system of in-house personnel training.

    The professional standard helps with the selection, placement and use of personnel, as well as determining the degree of their responsibility. Improving the structure of the organization can take place in accordance with the titles of positions and the level of qualification prescribed in the professional standard.

Thus, we have considered the standards for the organization of restaurant service, which must be observed in any restaurant and on the basis of which each restaurant introduces something new, original, unusual, which distinguishes it from its competitors.

State educational institution of higher professional education


Faculty of Geography

Department of Recreational Geography, Tourism and Regional Marketing


(course work)

Completed by a student

2 courses 984 groups

Yuyukina A.M.



Scientific director

Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor

N.N. Prazdnikova



Job protected

"___" _________ 2010


Barnaul 2010

INTRODUCTION ................................................ ................................................. .............3

1 HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS..................................................................7

1.1 Ancient period (4th millennium BC - 476 AD) ............................................ ........7

1.2 Middle Ages (5th - 15th centuries AD) .............................................. ....................................9

1.3 Modern times (XVI century - early XX century) .............................................. ...........................13

1.4 Emergence and formation of catering enterprises in Russia..................................16


2.1 Classification of catering establishments ..............................................18

2.2 Nutrition conditions, methods and types of service in restaurants of hotel complexes .............................................................. ................................................. .................................28

2.3 Special forms of catering in restaurants...............................................32

3 CURRENT STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS........................................................... ...................................................34


Restaurants play quite an important role in human life. In addition to satisfying physiological nutritional needs, “going out” to a restaurant has an important social function. A person needs not only to eat, but also to communicate. Restaurants are one of the few places where all the senses work and generate an overall sense of satisfaction. Taste, sight, smell, tactile sensations are combined in the assessment of food, service and atmosphere of the restaurant.

The restaurant business is different from all other types of business. This is an enterprise that combines art and tradition, the mechanisms of activity and experience of marketers, the philosophy of service and the concept of forming a potential audience. The restaurant business is an integrated area of ​​entrepreneurial activity related to the organization of production and restaurant management and aimed at meeting the needs of the population in varied, healthy and tasty food, services, as well as making a profit.

From year to year the restaurant business is developing rapidly. There is a serious competition for visitors. It is this factor that makes top managers think over not only the main strategy and style of the restaurant, but also the details that make the establishment unique and inimitable.

Only with the formation of a well-developed concept and consistent integrated implementation of all components of the restaurant business, success in the development of the restaurant is guaranteed.

The efficient operation of a restaurant depends on several factors. Like any complex system, the restaurant begins with the idea of ​​its founders and ends with the control of the functioning of the institution.

The main role in this is played by the practical philosophy of its owner or director. It is revealed by the approach to doing business, which determines the ethical and moral values ​​that are implemented in the process of the functioning of the enterprise. The main idea of ​​the founders of the restaurant is to define its credo and satisfy the visitors as much as possible.

The modern restaurant business is represented by a wide variety of types of establishments: these are classic fast food, quick service restaurants (or QSR - fast service); free flow restaurants (“free movement”), where part of the technological processes is put on display for visitors who choose various types of dishes for themselves; "Replicated" restaurants are middle-class establishments with high quality traditional cuisine that use fresh convenience foods and fresh homemade pastries. They are distinguished by a good level of service by waiters, various additional services, for example, free parking, landline phone, fresh press, takeaway food; author's restaurants, where a high level of cuisine, service and prices is focused on regular customers. But, despite such a wide variety of services, restaurateurs are looking for new trends for the development of the restaurant business, as well as new ideas to attract an audience.

One of these trends is the interaction of elite restaurants and democratic cafes with a cozy atmosphere and low prices. These establishments are ultimately designed for the middle class.

A restaurant is a living organism. Just as it is impossible for a person to save on his health, in the same way in a restaurant you cannot save on equipment, chinaware, glass, and, most importantly, on staff. The name of the restaurant is made by the team, which must be aware that everything is interconnected in the work of the restaurant. When choosing a restaurant, a bar, consumers take into account the following features: the quality and range of dishes, the level of services provided, the attitude of staff towards consumers, the general atmosphere of the establishment, the external and internal decoration, the ratio of the location of the enterprise and the prices for food and drinks.

Much attention began to be paid to the service, the quality of the menu and the wine list. The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose cuisine for every taste: Italian, Spanish, German, Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Today, the restaurant business requires professionalism. The requirements for production and service personnel restaurants, the level of qualification of which must meet the requirements of the standards. The restaurant business is being structured: there are designers working only in the restaurant market, suppliers of equipment, food and drinks. On the other hand, control by state bodies (sanitary and epidemiological supervision, state trade inspection, fire and tax authorities) has become tougher. Competition among restaurants has intensified; new criteria for assessing the quality of culinary products have appeared. There is a growing need to constantly expand knowledge about wines, reinforcing them with new information that the consumer wants to know.

The forms and methods of service in the restaurant business are dictated by the specific circumstances of time and place, as well as the technology of preparing culinary products. With the advent of new cooking technologies, modern forms of service (business lunches, Sunday brunches, etc.) are being further developed.

The quality of service has an impact on the financial results of the restaurant, as it forms a steady flow of consumers who want to use the services offered and enjoy the level of service provided. With the growth of the service culture, the turnover increases, profitability increases and the distribution costs of restaurant business enterprises decrease.

The object of study of our course work is the restaurant business and its development trends

The subject of the study is the current trends in the development of the restaurant business as a means of attracting an audience.

The purpose of our course work is to consider current trends in the development of the restaurant business

To achieve the goal of the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

A complete study involves the use of scientific and journalistic literature, familiarization with Internet resources for a complete description of the restaurant business. When conducting this course work, comparative, analytical, historical methods of research were applied.


Restaurants have long and unshakably become an integral part of the life of every modern person. Large restaurants in large shopping or hotel groups, small cafes and simple bars - all these establishments differ from each other, but the art of cooking deliciously and politely receiving any visitor cannot be taken away from them. The history of the restaurant business is very extensive. And now it is already hard to imagine that before it was impossible to go to your favorite restaurant, retire at a separate table and enjoy your favorite dish, which is simply excellent prepared by a local chef.

Considering the evolution of hospitality industry enterprises, we can distinguish periods that historically correspond to the periods of development of human society:

● ancient period;

● Middle Ages;

● new time;

● modern period.

1.1 Ancient period (4th millennium BC - 476 AD)

To this period of social development, most historians attribute the appearance of the first guest enterprises - the prototypes of modern hotels and restaurants. The mention of such enterprises - taverns is contained in ancient manuscripts, one of which is the code of the king of Babylonia Hammurabi, written around 1700 BC.

In ancient Greece in the 1st millennium BC. taverns were an important element of social and religious life. Although the taverns had accommodations for travellers, they were more for the provision of catering services. The development of trade and the long trips associated with it required the organization of not only food, but also accommodation. This circumstance predetermined the emergence of another type of enterprise - inns.

The most extensive network of inns was created on the territory of the Roman Empire. Ancient Roman inns were located along the main roads in cities and villages at a distance of about 25 miles (40.225 km) from each other.

Catering business is an integrated area of ​​business activity related to the organization of production and restaurant management and aimed at meeting the needs of the population in a variety of healthy and tasty food, services, as well as making a profit.

The object of the restaurant business is the restaurant, and the subject is the restaurateur.

Restaurant - a catering establishment that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery, including branded and complex cooking, as well as a high level of service in combination with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

Restaurateur- the owner of the restaurant, the person who owns and restaurant manager.

Today, the success of a restaurateur depends on many factors, but, first of all, on the presence of good management, modern kitchen, availability of the concept of a restaurant, bar, impeccable service, interesting interior and reasonable prices.

The most important element of the restaurant business, without paying attention to which you should not count on success, is location of the restaurant. The right choice of location allows you to determine how a restaurant should be: democratic or elite. A democratic restaurant is usually located on a large area. Halls can be located on two floors. An elite restaurant is placed on a small area in order to ensure its payback. Parking next to it is a must. The choice of location is preceded by a demographic analysis of the area in which the restaurant will be located. We study the age, occupation, average income of people who regularly visit nearby and are future potential consumers of the new restaurant. Traffic flows must be carefully studied. In places where there is a large flow of pedestrians, there are democratic restaurants, for example, taverns and fast food establishments.

Having defined the concept, the restaurateur must pay attention assortment policy and quality of service, which should be interconnected. Russian restaurateurs have a clear idea of ​​how to organize the preparation of national cuisine. In addition, they widely use the experience of foreign restaurateurs. In many cities of Russia, a huge potential has been accumulated for creating a restaurant business.

Many Russian cities are centers of tourist, spiritual and cultural life of the country. One of the main tasks for the near future is the creation of a well-established infrastructure, public catering. According to official statistics, there are over 2,000 restaurants in Moscow alone. And, despite this, the current restaurants, bars, cafes do not satisfy the needs of all segments of the population with different income levels.

A restaurant is a living organism. Just as it is impossible for a person to save on his health, in the same way in a restaurant you cannot save on equipment, china and glassware, and most importantly, on staff. The name of the restaurant is made by the team, which must be aware that everything is interconnected in the work of the restaurant. When choosing a restaurant or bar, consumers take into account the following features: the quality and range of dishes, the level of services provided, the attitude of staff towards consumers, the general atmosphere of the establishment, the external and internal decoration, the ratio of the location of the enterprise and the price of food and drinks.

Today in Russia there are many restaurants that meet all these requirements. Managers are trying to become more democratic and attract potential customers with a wide variety of services. They began to pay more attention to service, menu quality and wine list. The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose cuisine for every taste: Italian, Spanish, German, Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Today, the restaurant business requires professionalism. The requirements for the production and service personnel of restaurants have increased, the level of qualification of which must meet the requirements of the standards. The restaurant business is being structured: there are designers working only in the restaurant market, suppliers of equipment, food and drinks. On the other hand, control by state bodies (sanitary and epidemiological supervision, state trade inspection, fire and tax authorities) has tightened. Competition among restaurants has intensified, new criteria for assessing the quality of culinary products have appeared. There is a growing need to constantly expand knowledge about wines, reinforcing them with new information that the consumer wants to know.

Forms and methods of service in the restaurant business are dictated by the specific circumstances of time and place, as well as the technology of preparing culinary products. With the advent of new cooking technologies, modern forms of service (business lunches, Sunday brunches, etc.) are being further developed.

The quality of service has an impact on the financial performance of the restaurant, as it forms a steady flow of consumers who want to use the services offered and enjoy the level of service provided. With the growth of the culture of service, the turnover increases, profitability increases and the distribution costs of restaurant business enterprises decrease.

In modern conditions, the activity of the restaurant is based on the following principles: reimbursement of all expenses for the implementation of production and economic activities with income, the dependence of the further development of production on work efficiency, the connection of material incentives for employees with the final results of the enterprise.

The main trends in the development of the restaurant business in Russia are:

- creating a favorable image for restaurants for their establishments;

- timely settlements with suppliers, on which the credit limit and the attitude of the suppliers themselves to this restaurant depend;

– formation of a positive opinion about the restaurant among regular consumers.

In the future, small inexpensive restaurants and bars of the middle price group will receive promising development. There will not be many expensive and elite restaurants and bars left.

At the same time, the rapid development in the restaurant business will receive such a direction as the creation of democratic restaurants.

Democratic restaurant- a new direction in the restaurant business, located at the junction of such technologies as fast food, and high-quality national (or mixed) cuisine, requiring individual approach.

World practice shows that democratic restaurants are the most dynamic direction in the restaurant market.

The main visitors of such restaurants are middle class people. On the one hand, in developed countries, eating is transferred to restaurants due to lack of free time, on the other hand, thanks to new technologies and high competition, democratic enterprises become accessible to the population. Some of the democratic restaurants are united in the network.