Recipe for lean cocoa glaze. Sugar icing for cake

If you want to cook a delicious cake which will decorate festive table, you definitely need to cover it with icing, then decorate with sprinkles or fresh fruit. But the icing is different, and you can cover it not only with cakes, but also with muffins, cookies, Easter cakes, cakes and others. confectionery. Today we will tell our readers about how to make white icing without spending a lot of time and effort on it.

How to make sugar white icing

Glaze according to this recipe can be prepared by anyone, even someone who has never cooked anything except scrambled eggs and dumplings. Pour into a saucepan 100 grams of water, dissolve in it 300 grams of sugar and put on fire. When the solution is heated, a sugar foam forms on the surface. Take a wooden spoon, remove the foam and wait until it thickens. That's all! Now you can spread the frosting on the cake.

We also note that from the prepared glaze you can make original jewelry for confectionery treats. To do this, you just need to pour it into small molds and wait a bit.

How to make protein white frosting

Take a suitable container and grind half a tablespoon in it. powdered sugar with protein chicken egg. Note that the sweet powder should be poured into the protein in small parts (gradually). Then take a blender and start beating the mixture until the mass becomes thick and at the same time fluid. If desired, you can add fresh to the resulting glaze. lemon juice(a few drops).

Apply protein and sugar icing in an even layer with a knife or wooden spatula on cooked pastries. Do this immediately after the sweet glaze is ready. Otherwise, it may thicken.

How to make white icing on sour cream

First, beat in a blender 4 tbsp. l sour cream and 4 tbsp. l sugar. Then pour the mixture into a cast iron bowl, put on fire, add 130 g butter and crushed tiles white chocolate. Mix everything thoroughly and wait until the mass boils. Now make a slow fire and cook the mixture for five minutes, stirring constantly. After the specified time, remove it from the heat and wait for it to cool completely. Now you can grease the cake, cupcakes and other confectionery with icing.


Please your guests delicious pastries covered with sweet white icing and decorated with fresh fruits (strawberries, cherries, kiwis). We wish you bon appetit and happy holidays!


  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 80 grams of water
  • 150 grams of white chocolate,
  • 150 grams of glucose (sold in special culinary stores, can also be ordered online),
  • 100g condensed milk,
  • 15 grams of gelatin.

If it is not possible to purchase glucose, you can replace it with the same amount of invert syrup prepared at home:

  1. 300 grams of sugar dissolved in 140 grams warm water, boil and add 1/3 of a teaspoon of citric acid.
  2. Continue to boil on the lowest heat for about 30 minutes.

Additionally and in more detail how to cook and check the quality of the syrup, you can find out by watching videos and photos from culinary blogs.

From the history

White chocolate is a very young product, not even a hundred years old. Its author is the Swiss Henri Nestlé (creator of the company of the same name), in 1930 Nestlé first introduced white chocolate to the general public, and a year later their competitors from M&M's also started producing this miracle. Chocolate reached the post-Soviet people relatively recently, when the Iron Curtain was lifted.

The peculiarity of white chocolate is that it does not contain cocoa powder, but only cocoa butter, which negligent manufacturers replace with low-grade vegetable fats, losing the usefulness and quality of the product.

Therefore, if you decide to buy such chocolate, carefully read the label: the cocoa butter content in a standard 100-gram bar should be at least 20%, and milk powder should not be less than 14, while it should not contain any impurities from artificial fats. Also, this type of chocolate does not contain caffeine, which is a big plus for some.

White chocolate is a fairly high-calorie product, so fighters for harmony do not need to abuse it. It is usually used to make icing or simply as hard pieces for tea.

How to make the white icing for the cake become a mirror, and on the dessert you get spectacular smudges from it? You just need to strictly adhere to the recipe, do not save and take high-quality white chocolate and constantly knead the mass to a uniform consistency.

Technology for the preparation of white glaze

  1. Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell (if instant is taken, then 10-15 minutes in time).
  2. Combine sugar, water and glucose, bring to a boil.
  3. Thoroughly mix the condensed milk until smooth with white chocolate melted in a water bath. Combine sugar and chocolate mixture and bring to a boil, stirring again. Turn off the heat, add gelatin to the mass and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then beat the resulting white icing with a blender, make sure that bubbles do not appear when whipping! Cover the bowl tightly with cling film and place in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Before decorating the cake with chocolate icing, it must be heated to 35 degrees and, if you need to make it colored, add food coloring.
  5. When applied to the cake, the icing should solidify almost immediately, so you need to act extremely quickly and carefully so that you do not have to redo it. And try not to heat the same portion of glaze over and over again - it is better to take a little and heat (not boil!) A new one as you use it over and over again.

To decorate the cake with white icing in the form of drips, you can use a pastry bag - then it is convenient to draw the length of the strips. Streaks are immediately drawn, and then the upper part of the cake is carefully poured, solidifying which becomes perfectly mirrored and smooth.

With it, you can also create inscriptions on cakes, draw patterns and wishes. In the photo, such cakes with white icing look very beautiful and professional.

There is another very important point in glazing: before the procedure, you need to freeze the cake so that chocolate glaze lay down perfectly evenly without tubercles, even glossy layer. Before applying, the product is placed on a wire rack (to drain off excess) and the white icing for the cake is quickly poured, carefully tilting to spread evenly over the surface. Remove leftovers from the bottom and refrigerate to set.

Decorating a cake with white icing is usually minimal, with a light touch of chocolate chips or a drop of icing in a different color. Just to emphasize the specularity of the plane as a skill level of the confectioner. The admiration of loved ones by your work and diligence is guaranteed to you and do not forget to keep the photo as a keepsake!

It can be compared with the work of artists. At the same time, the painters have no idea what the final touches of the paintings will be. But confectioners always know what they will do. As a rule, in their work, the final touch is icing, with which a variety of cakes, gingerbread, cookies, cakes and cupcakes are covered on top.

Variety of icing sugar

At this point, cooks can show all their creativity, as icing sugar can be quite varied. Common in all its types is the fact that all of it is made using sugar or powder.

Various ingredients can be added here. Among them, egg whites, starch, milk, cream, butter, sour cream, cocoa, juices and vanilla are very often used.

The powder is mixed with milk until it reaches a soft paste. Then added sugar syrup, and a flavoring is also placed here. After that, you can start whipping the resulting mixture. Beating is done until the icing sugar for the cake is smooth and shiny.

After obtaining the optimal result, you need to decompose the icing into small cups and add the dye of the desired color to each. A characteristic feature is that the more of the corresponding dye is put, the brighter the color of the icing on the cake will subsequently turn out. When icing cookies, for example, you need to dip them in colored icing or spread it with a small brush. In the process of drawing, sugar icing, the recipe of which was described above, is laid out in a special confectionery syringe, after which various color patterns are applied to the cake.

Gingerbreads with translucent icing and white stains are very tasty. The composition of this glaze is quite simple. This includes water and sugar. A feature of her recipe is the secret of cooking and the direct method of glazing gingerbread.

It is necessary to take one glass of granulated sugar and half a glass of ordinary water, which is poured into a saucepan. Then you need to dissolve sugar in it and bring this mixture to a boil. You need to boil, constantly removing the foam until large transparent bubbles appear.

After cooling such a glaze, flavors should be added to it, including vanilla, almond or rum. After that, you need to cool a little more and you can start glazing. For relatively large products, icing for gingerbread is applied with a brush. Small ones can simply be immersed in syrup, gently mixing and then removing them with a slotted spoon. After that, you need to put the gingerbread on the grate, so the excess syrup will drain and the rest will harden. This will make gingerbread frosting.

These are the ones that exist today. various recipes sugar icing, which serves as the final beautiful touch to any confectionery creation.

White icing will transform any cake and give it originality, uniqueness and special charm. You can prepare it, both on the basis of ordinary powdered sugar, and with the addition of white chocolate, which, of course, improves it. taste qualities, and also makes it smoother, silkier and accordingly improves the appearance of the finished product.

White chocolate cake icing - recipe


  • white chocolate - 420 g;
  • milk - 85 ml;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • powdered sugar - 325 g.


The most important thing in preparing such a glaze is to melt the white chocolate correctly. To do this, break it into small pieces, define them in a deep saucepan or stewpan and place in a water bath in a bowl with hot water. Stir until the chocolate slices are completely melted, pour in the same hour the milk, previously mixed with powdered sugar, add a pinch of vanillin and continue to stir until completely homogeneous.

Now remove the mixture from the water bath and beat with a mixer until a lush and airy mass is obtained. The white chocolate icing for the cake is ready, we can start using it for its intended purpose, while it is still warm and has not had time to harden.

White mirror glaze for cake - recipe


  • white chocolate - 135 g;
  • cream 33-35% - 110 ml;
  • milk - 110 ml;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • - 1/2 tbsp. spoons.


We soak the gelatin in a small portion of purified water, and pour the milk and heavy cream into a ladle or saucepan and determine on medium fire. We warm the milk mixture to a boil, remove from heat, lay the white chocolate broken into small pieces in advance and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then add a little vanillin, soaked gelatin and stir so that it also completely dissolves. Let the white glossy icing for the cake cool to a temperature of forty degrees, and cover the product with it, after filtering the mass through a strainer.

Well, the gingerbread cookies are baked, and the cake is even already soaked and smeared with cream, but something is still missing. It seems that a “finishing touch” is needed ... Yes, you are right, all confectionery products are especially attractive appearance through decoration. Things are easier with cakes. Here, thanks to fruits and multi-colored cream, there is no limit to fantasy. And what about cookies? Sugar icing will come to the rescue - white or chocolate, colored or transparent, vanilla or “with sourness”. Choice various options this thick jelly-like mass is limitless. And all pastries will instantly acquire a special, unique look. White icing is usually appropriate on gingerbread, muffins, and dark with the addition of coffee or cocoa on cakes and pastries. Depending on the baked products, decide what suits you best. We offer you several recipes for how chocolate and white icing is made. Choose to your taste!

from powdered sugar

This "cold" recipe will provide a coating that will have a special sheen. Mix three tablespoons of cocoa powder with powdered sugar (100 g) and dilute with almost cooled boiled milk (100 ml). We introduce one and a half tablespoons of butter (softened) and a pinch of vanillin into the mixture. Thoroughly grind until a homogeneous, like sour cream, and shiny mass is obtained. This glaze can not be made in advance, as it can harden very quickly. It is better to start cooking after baking products that are smeared with warm.

Vanilla white frosting

The traditional way of making "classic" icing is the most popular. Can be used for any baking, including for Easter cakes. Melt a teaspoon of butter slowly in a water bath, then add milk or cream (1 teaspoon), a pinch of salt and powdered sugar (100 g). Continuing to heat for no more than three minutes, beat with a mixer until thickened. If the consistency is too dense - pour in a little milk, and if the texture is liquid, add powdered sugar. Vanillin is added to the finished glaze.

"Quick" dark glaze

The recipe is very simple. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, for example - one tablespoon each. Mix cocoa powder, melted butter and condensed milk. This frosting is perfect for cakes.

Custard white glaze

A particularly shiny and smooth coating is obtained when using sugar and This glaze is dazzling. Place the dishes in a water bath, release four egg whites into it and, gradually adding sugar (1 cup), beat with a whisk for five minutes. After removing from heat, continue mixing (you can use a mixer) for another five to seven minutes until a strong foam is obtained. The finished custard glaze is applied to almost cooled pastries, drying occurs very quickly.

lemon glaze

Spicy sourness guarantees finished products unique aroma and a wonderful shade of taste. Beat until fluffy mass, consisting of butter softened to an almost liquid consistency (100 g), sifted powdered sugar (one and a half cups) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 tablespoons). The finished glaze is creamy, almost white.