Glass noodles with seafood and vegetables recipe. Funchose salad

One of my favorite dishes is funchose with seafood. The recipe is very simple and affordable. To prepare you will need funchose glass noodles and regular Seafood Cocktail, which is sold frozen in supermarkets.

This cocktail includes mussels, squid and shrimp. They go well with funchose, and to make it even tastier, you can add tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. You will get a salad with funchose, seafood, vegetables and mozzarella. No soy sauce needed here. Season this dish better with juice lemon and butter so as not to interrupt the taste of seafood.


- 190 grams of frozen seafood “Sea Cocktail”
- 100 g funchose
- 120 grams of mozzarella cheese
- 4-6 cherry tomatoes
- 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
- 2 dessert spoons of lemon juice
- a bunch of cilantro
- salt pepper


Place funchoza in a deep saucepan, steam with boiling water for 4-5 minutes, separate the noodles with a fork. Then pour it into a sieve to drain excess liquid.

Remove seafood from freezer, place in a separate colander and place under running water to defrost. Heat a thick-walled frying pan on the stove, pour in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, add the sea cocktail and fry it over medium heat for 3 minutes, stirring from time to time. Salt the seafood halfway through frying.

Take a salad bowl and combine funchose with seafood. Stir.

Slice the tomatoes and place on top.

Mozzarella cheese
cut into large cubes and add to the salad with funchose.

Rinse the cilantro, dry it, cut off the stems, chop finely and add to the salad. Season the dish with a teaspoon of oil, squeeze out lemon juice and mix gently.


To prepare a salad with funchose and seafood you will need:

funchose - 150 g;

carrots - 2 pcs.;

seafood (I have a frozen “sea cocktail”) - 200 g;

sweet paprika - 1 tsp;

Korean carrot seasoning - 1 tsp;

salt - 1/2 tsp;

vinegar 9% - 80 ml;

olive oil - 30-50 ml;

soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;

Cooking steps

These are the ingredients you will need for this salad. Pour boiling water over the funchose completely and leave for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, drain the funchose in a colander and rinse cold water.

Grate peeled carrots using a Korean carrot grater.

Seafood, without first defrosting, place in a frying pan and simmer over low heat. own juice 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Mix carrots, funchose and spices thoroughly. Add seafood, vinegar, oil and soy sauce. Mix the salad well, cover tightly with a lid or plate and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

Today in our country dishes are very popular Japanese cuisine. At every step you can find cafes and restaurants that offer a variety of sushi, rolls, noodles and others. traditional dishes Japanese.

Many housewives have already learned how to prepare such dishes on their own. Only, at first glance, it seems that preparing something like this is very difficult. In fact, the recipes are very easy and simple.

But for our people they are slightly unusual, which is why the stereotype arose that everything is very difficult. How can you prepare funchose with seafood at home?

Some facts about funchose

Funchoza with seafood is one of the favorite dishes of the Japanese. This is an interesting, simple and light dish that everyone will love. It will especially appeal to those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and are accustomed to proper nutrition. This is a satisfying product that energizes and good mood all day.

In the literal interpretation, “funchoza” is translated quite strangely - it is “ glass noodles».

Its taste is quite neutral, and therefore goes well not only with seafood, but also with:

  • vegetables;
  • various meats, for example, chicken, beef, pork.

Due to the fact that funchose has the unusual property of absorbing the aroma of the products with which it is prepared, it becomes even brighter and richer.

Unfortunately, funchose as a dish has not yet gained much popularity in our country. That is why many housewives are simply afraid to cook it, because they believe that no one will eat it. But everyone who took the risk is happy with the result and will definitely cook it again Japanese dish.

Traditional recipe straight from Japan

Traditionally, funchoza is prepared with seafood and vegetables. To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • regular or king prawns– about 500 grams;
  • frozen seafood cocktail – about 500 grams;
  • 1 small onion;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • small ginger root;
  • small fresh chili pepper;
  • 2 sweet peppers (preferably 1 red and 1 yellow);
  • medium-sized zucchini – 1 piece;
  • 1 stalk of celery;
  • special “rice noodles”, or funchose (can be bought at any supermarket) - about 100 grams;
  • various sauces (soy, oyster, fish, Worcestershire).

The list of ingredients is quite large, but if you look closely, almost all the products are in the refrigerator in every home.

So, the recipe is as follows::

  1. First of all, let's deal with the shrimp. Boil the shrimp and peel them from the shell. The final weight of peeled shrimp should be at least 500 grams.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into small rings or half rings (as you prefer).
  3. Peel the garlic cloves and chop finely.
  4. Fry the onion and garlic together in a frying pan. Don't forget to stir them constantly. It is advisable to shake the pan every 3 minutes.
  5. At this time, cut the ginger root into small cubes.
  6. We also cut the chili pepper into small cubes.
  7. Sweet peppers need to be cut into strips.
  8. Wash the zucchini well under running water and cut into small thin cubes.
  9. We need to cut the celery stalk into small half rings.
  10. Now we collect all the vegetables in one pile and place them in a frying pan, where we fry the onions and garlic.
  11. All vegetables should be fried over medium heat for no more than 5 minutes. Don't forget to stir them constantly.
  12. At this time, take the funchose and pour boiling water over it. Leave the noodles aside for 3-4 minutes.
  13. Add our steamed noodles to the vegetables. Mix everything thoroughly several times.
  14. Next we begin to pour in the sauces. Have to take:
  • soy sauce - about 2 tablespoons;
  • about 1 tablespoon of oyster and fish sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce.

Don't worry if you don't have any sauce. It is enough to add soy sauce to make the dish tasty. You will just need to add a little more of it than using traditional technology.

  1. Add shrimp and frozen seafood to the pan.
  2. Turn the heat on low and simmer the whole mixture for about 10 minutes. It is advisable to cover the dish with a lid.

This completes the preparation of funchose with vegetables. These noodles are more like vegetable salad. The dish is not only healthy, but also tasty. Bon appetit!

Preparing funchose salad

Another option for preparing funchose is a salad. It can be prepared with both seafood and meat. Fast, nutritious and very delicious salad Everyone in the family will love it. Consider a recipe with meat.

Product list is small:

  • about 100 grams of funchose;
  • about 150 grams of meat (preferably chicken, but pork or beef will do);
  • half each of the following vegetables - carrots, cucumber, bell pepper;
  • about 1 small clove of garlic;
  • about 5 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • about 1 teaspoon vinegar;
  • about 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • pepper, coriander and other spices and seasonings are chosen to taste.

Let's start preparing the salad:

  1. First, pour boiling water over the “glass noodles,” or funchose. Leave it alone for 5 minutes. Then drain the water.
  2. Vegetables, namely carrots, cucumbers and peppers, must be cut into small strips. You can grate it on a coarse grater.
  3. We also cut the meat into strips and fry in a frying pan until cooked.
  4. Combine meat and vegetables in one bowl.
  5. Add funchose and all the spices, mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Pour over the salad soy sauce and mix well again.
  7. Place the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or even overnight. The longer the salad is infused, the tastier it will be.

This salad can be prepared not only with meat, but also with seafood. Simply boil shrimp, mussels or any other favorite seafood and add to vegetables.

This salad is low-calorie, so girls who are on a diet will especially like it. Hearty dish It will be an excellent breakfast and will charge you with energy and vigor for the whole day.

Cooking funchose correctly: secrets

Funchoza is rice noodles. This is not a very popular product in our country. That is why many housewives do not know the rules, secrets and tricks of its preparation. Let's reveal a few of them.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the cooking time. Funchoza is a very finicky product. It is very important to maintain the ideal time to cook it to the desired state. If you don’t cook it enough, it will be inedible, and if you overcook it, it will soften and turn into mush. Therefore, many advise filling it with simple boiled water for a few minutes.
  • To prevent the “glass noodles” from sticking together during cooking, we recommend adding a few drops of regular vegetable oil to the water during the process. If you forget to do this, immediately after cooking, rinse it under running water, like regular pasta.
  • Also, many people simply place the noodles in cold water for 5 minutes. This stops the cooking process and thus the funchose stops sticking together.
  • The next day, the funchose is no longer tasty. Therefore, it is better to cook it in such quantity that you can immediately use it for cooking.
  • If you find a recipe that says rice noodles must be served in the form of threads, it is better to cut it after it is cooked. This will be much easier and simpler to do.

Bon appetit!

And I handed over the child to my mother-in-law - and I’m lazy. Well, how lazy am I? I miss my child terribly, I work, clear out the rubble at home, organize the household, work, I miss it. I'm so lazy. I don’t feel like cooking at all, but I want to eat delicious food. So my next opus is fast food.

Anyone who has already opened this recipe, know that this is a big step for me. I will remember this dish. At first there were no signs, but then it turned out that my husband, who only half the time eats what I cook, because he doesn’t like vegetables, fruits, pasta, beans and much more, this same husband, it turns out, got used to delicious homemade food. And when I pushed him in every possible way to order ready-made food from Chinese noodles to take away, he practically starved me out so that I could cook it for him myself.

And he also told me clearly and clearly in a human voice: it tastes better than in the average Chinese restaurant. So this is a step for me. If it tastes better than the average specialty restaurant, then I'm well on my way to mastering Asian cuisine! But I started mastering it only a year ago!

OK. It was all lyrics. Now in essence: noodles are the fastest food. Mixing ready-made sauces is also not a tricky thing. The main thing is to find a taste balance. I found one like this (and maybe you will find yours, another one).

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Complexity: simple (that’s what I told him: next time you cook it yourself!)


    funchose – 2 skeins

    boiling water – 1 l

    chili – 1 cm

    sesame oil – 1 tbsp.

    refined vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

    cilantro – 1 branch

    sesame seed – 1 tbsp.

Exit– 1-2 servings (my husband ate it all himself, but now he’s not sure if he did it right)

You can try replacing any of these ingredients with something familiar. But, as is usually the case with authentic ingredients, as a result, without them the dish turns out to be completely different from its ancestor. Maybe it turns out no worse, but it’s different.

So I specially photographed the information about seafood.

Here's what they look like inside. They're frozen. So what? Defrost in the wok!

I put two bundles of funchose in a bowl and put water in a kettle to boil.

In the meantime, I prepared all the other ingredients. And I didn’t prepare everything; I forgot some of it, as it turned out. While I'm doing the stir fry, I won't have time to bother with searching and cutting, so I pulled out everything as much as possible in advance.

I chopped a centimeter of pepper and garlic.

I heated the refined oil for frying in a wok to the maximum.

While I was busy, the kettle boiled, I poured boiling water into the funchose and set the timer for 5 minutes.

When the oil began to smoke, I threw in the garlic and pepper. They instantly turn black, so seafood quickly follows.

I throw frozen seafood directly into the wok. And I constantly stir (toss).

I stir constantly and add oyster sauce. It is so thick, sweetish, starchy, vinegary, with a very slight and distant rottenness. The beauty, not the sauce.

I stir constantly and add rice vinegar. It's a stretch to replace rice vinegar with something else, but you know, the devil is in the details, so if we're preparing Asian food, it's better to use Asian ingredients.

This is where the funchose arrived. The timer screamed - I tipped the bowl into a colander and rinsed the starch with cold water.

I threw the funchose into the wok. Now I have no more than two minutes until the fnuchose warms up, soaks and turns into a paste. I stir (toss) constantly.


Funchoza with seafood and vegetables- a wonderful dish of Japanese cuisine: interesting, simple, healthy, light, dietary and very tasty. We recommend using our recipe for preparing it at home to everyone who follows a healthy lifestyle, watches their weight, is on a diet, but at the same time wants to eat tasty and satisfying food.

The fact is that funchose (“glass noodles”) is a really light but satisfying product with a neutral taste that goes well with most other ingredients: meat (especially chicken), fish, shrimp, vegetables and spices. It not only enhances the taste of the products with which it is cooked, but also absorbs their aroma, making it richer and brighter. That's why almost everyone likes dishes with funchose.

Unfortunately, glass noodles are practically unknown in our cuisine, so we offer you step by step recipe with a photo of preparing funchose with shrimp, vegetables and seafood in Japanese. And don’t be intimidated by the number of different sauces: you can easily use only one or two (to choose from). And instead of sesame oil, you can use any vegetable oil. It won't turn out any worse.

This beautiful, light and appetizing Japanese dish is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.


  • (100 g)

  • Shrimps
    (1 kg)

  • (500 g)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (2-3 cloves)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1 stem)

  • (3-4 cm)

  • (1/3 pod)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (1 tbsp.)

Cooking steps

    If your shrimp (in this case, king shrimp) are not boiled, but simply frozen, then they should be boiled for 2-3 minutes. And if they are also in shells (like ours), then clean them. You will need about half a kilogram of peeled and boiled shrimp for funchose with seafood and vegetables.

    We cut the onion into half rings, and simply chop 2-3 cloves of garlic with a knife.

    Fry chopped onion and garlic in a frying pan ( A wok is ideal for this) V vegetable oil for 3 minutes, shaking and stirring regularly.

    Cut 3-4 cm of ginger root and a piece of fresh chili into small cubes.

    Chop two sweet peppers (preferably multi-colored ones) into strips.

    Cut fresh zucchini into medium pieces.

    And the celery stalk - in half rings.

    Throw all the chopped vegetables into the frying pan with the onions and garlic and fry for about five minutes, stirring regularly.

    Do not cook funchoza (100 g), but pour boiling water over it for 3 minutes.

    We prepare the sauces stated in the list of products. If any of them are out of stock, it's okay: you can even take just the soy one.

    Add steamed funchose to the vegetables, add sauces/sauce (soy - 2 tbsp, fish and oyster - 1 tbsp each, and Worcestershire - 1 tsp), season with ½ tsp. turmeric and the same amount of dry chili pepper and mix well.

    Add 500 g of frozen seafood cocktail to the pan (no need to defrost!) and boiled shrimp, quickly reduce the heat, simmer the dish for about 10 minutes. and remove from the stove.

    After this, portion out the funchose with vegetables and seafood on plates and place it on the table.

    Bon appetit!