Creations right bread. Poems, verses in the Belarusian language of the poet Yakub Kolas

THE NAME OF SCEPANIDA LUPAC has become a leader of the entire country. I jump tama - bread. Yana not only saved the tradition of baking arzhanog bread, but also passed it on to piles of our mothers. In the past months, the arzhan bread of Stsepanida Lupach was included in the Dzyarzhan list of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus!

Pledge shchastsya and blessing

Pra bread Stsepanida Lupach can eat den and night.

Bread is used as an essential food product. The hedgehog swelled up and ended. Yon spadarozhnіchaў members of this field. From them sustrakali and pravodzіlі gastsey, іshlі ў matchmakers, on the veil, sustrakali young. Abavyazkova was sent to Vyalikdzen. The saints took bread for the cornfield at one o'clock, kali zazhynali pershy and aposhni sheaves, for the life of the house, kali laid the foundation and kali pershy once uvahodzili ў a new hut. Never before have bread been fed to life. Ale ў an hour of the first step I vygan ў the field was given to the carts with holy bread.

Many grasses saved the bread, there the adversity of the yago on the steel was thrown, and the poor people here were thrown. No matter how small the bread was in the hat, I was talking about the meetings. And eight dzyazhu was given unsatisfied, there that the skin gasp was rashchyna bread in its own way, the muggle was smoky, and sour fell off at the take-out. Kali adrazali first lusta - khrystsilіsya.

No more than once, when baking bread, Stsepanida Lupach does not get into a rotten mood, hatsya needs to be respected, you’re at home, for the meetings are cheerful and kind. Well, the pratses himself jumped zhanchynay zhytnyaga bread nagadvae rachysty rytual with the capture of folk traditions:

“My zen smelt is no more charming,” says Stsepanida Aleksandrauna. - And the secret is that I know how to capture the ensign. Yakoga remember the flour ўzyats, like zarabіts sourdough and like mold knead!

Z pribiralshchytsy - at the bosses!

Of course, mazhliva, I want to know three things, who is this Stsepanida Lupach? Adkul u yae ўse geta paishlo?

I gave birth to Yana from Palessya, from the farmer Pavlav, in Beraszeyshchyn. Father's had a shastsyora dzyatsey. In searches, the slops fell even more to the Urals, but unfortunately turned up. It seems right that there is good there, there are no us.

At the spring of Dzerkaushchyn, which is on Glybochchyn, Stsepanida arrived and her sister-in-law, and ended up here. I worked my time at the tsagel factory, as a salesman, rakhunkovods at the rural Savetse, cooks at the school, shopped at the village club. On the right, the pension fell. Some people know that this couple is not the end of life. For Lupach, it was only worthless and it was getting worse. Pamyarkuytse sami: from the pribiralshchytsy of the Zavaratsk club, yana stanovitstsa adrazu yago ... riddle. With this davolı nechakannyj priznachennym zmyanіlas and zhytstse zhykharoў navakol vesaks. Vyachorki, exhibitions of the creative folk masters, chancets of master samadzeynasci on rose saints became traditional. It’s true, but it’s not true, but it’s clear that the navats were asleep, who didn’t sleep in any way.

Yashche two bastards Stsepanida worked ў Dzerkaushchynskaya biblyatetsy. Yana didn’t drink at her chalked bags, but she herself went and their bags, filled with books, at the most distant weights: Alkhoviki, Sazonaushchyna, Volkaushchyna. Yana was their informant ab zhytstsi ў gaspadartsy i rayone tsі is simple for kind spadaly daradchiks, chalaveks, like zasedy adguknets on someone else's misfortune.

And it’s no wonder that Menavita Ssepanida Lupach became the initiator, and then the gallows organizers of the life of the church of St. Uladyka Polatsky himself and Glybotsky Archbishop Feadosiy came to the advent of the church, as if showing Zhanchyna an asable badge.

Well, in any case, no matter what Stsepanida Alyaksandrana did, she never forgot her right hobby - baking bread.

- It's been a year since I'm retired, - seems like a yana, - ale get it right, no age is not a feather. I crammed it out of my youth. Hell matz has been passed on. There were many children, and mothers often gave us rolls and donuts. Well, the bread at my place would be savory. I learned from matzo the cesta, the meat of the yago. Kali occupied the pile here, the dachshund took a nap, savory pastries paradavats. Next - pain. Pachala heels for hanging steels, for the wounded saints, I’m going to delegate.

Хлебнай справе Сцепаніда Лупач навучыла сваіх дачок, настаўніцу Галіну Баброўскую і прадаўца Валянціну Гіголу, а таксама ўнукаў — студэнтку Полацкага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта Наталлю Баброўскую, студэнтку Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта імя М. Танка Яну Баброўскую і вучня Дзеркаўшчынскай СШ Аляксандра Баброўскага.

Maystar shchodra dzelizza with your sacraments from the teachers of the meat school, mentors, workers of culture. At the Dzerkaushchynsky Center of Culture and the regional metadyne center, bagats of photo and video materials were collected from old recipes, yakiya vykarystovae Scepanida for jumping bread, bulak, artus, raggeni, kvass.

Ssepanida Lupach is an active host of international, republican, regional and local measures: "Kvіtney, Glybochchyna", Belarusian national cuisine "Belarusian Prysmaki", the festival "Slavyansk Voblassіon bazaar", Dziyonska bazaar of culture I laid bread on Jerusalem, laid it on the tomb of the Lord. Then the Gets baked bread and distributed it to the pilgrims.

... The worker of the regional metadychnaga center of Natalya Nikifarovich, who was digging papers for the celebration of baking arzhanog bread, Stsepanidai Lupach on the kamіsіyu of the Ministry of Culture and not adzin zen ruled pobach z maistram, prygdvae:

- Narajenne of bread - zasedy tsud! Galoўnae, metz tsyarpenne and luboў yes right, like a pachyn. Razam sa Stsepanidai Alexandraўnay we rushed the rushchyna, mixed the cesta, laid out the forms and set the stove. And then with the unswerving chakali, kali budze gatovy. І eight - yon! On the whole khatse, the groin is carried: they are unusual and tayamnichy. You close Stepanida Alyaksandrana with a handbrake, cab asty. Bread - holy! .. Bread of heaven! ..

Uladzimir SAULICH, "BN"

Photo by Natalia NIKIFAROVICH

Recept ad maistra

Baking zhytnyaga bread is stored from a few herds: jumping sourdough (sourdough), kvass, bread, kneading and unpasred bread baking.

  • KVASNIK: sifted flour (3 kg) at the katsyalok and fill it with water, stir and thick mass, if there was no kamyakov. And as soon as the fever apadze, we put it at the stove, cab prela (the color of the ore became).
  • KVASS: we give vodka from the ovens, put all the masa at the dzezhachka, put some kind of abavyazkov paddzezhka, fill it with cold water (you can drink it), stir it up, cover the denkam, the beast - adzezhkay, we pack the quasitztsa.
  • RASHCHYNA: praz 2-3 days we churn kvass and schynyaem chlyabok. Kvass may be yellow color. Iago pratsejvay, we throw out the gushcha, we anger it at the dzezhachka and pour the pure flour. Good we perameshvaem (knock down with hands) and put in a warm month, kabrashchyna ўkіsla. Gety praces rastsyagvaetstsa gadzіn on 12 q pains, in the fallow hell of temperature. Kali rashchyna vyhadzitsa and apadze, at the same time we step forward and mix the cesta.
  • KNESS: at the rashchyna we add flour, stone, salt and sukar to thick and good knead the cesta, the cab was puffy. We smooth out the finished cesta and put the kryzhyk. We cover denkam, cab padishlo.
  • BAKERY PRODUCTS: the stove needs to be attacked so that the cab of the zegla becomes bright. We plunder the heat with a kacharga on the hearth of the stove, and you lie down, don’t burn the pakul. At the vynіku pech usyudy adnolkava nagravaetstsa. We sweat the heat, yakі staўsya, we grab the kacharga in front of the hearth. "Padsunem is hot, the cab of goodness baked a slab." We saddzim ​​bread on a wooded paw, which we sprinkled with flour of wild pamol, on leaves of maple, aer, oak, and put yago on the very tseglu. Then close the oven damper. As soon as the stove was closed, we put a bottle of water on the table, we throw a cesta dumpling at her. Kali gotaya dumplings floated - the bread is ready. Pass tym as bread is given, we set the table with a clean ruchnіk tsі abrusam. We wash the skins of the bokhan with water, put it on the table and cover it with a handkerchief.

Matsi brought an adnekul akraychyk of bread. Douga-douga looked at yago, sniffed, pavarochvala and so and so, nіbyta not believing-la vachs to your own, that on a distance ў I lay bread - sapravny zhytn_ bread, baked from clean, without any mixture, flour, in the fall of the oven, on fresh oak leaves, pryzhylka like so jumping adbіlіsya on skaryntsy. Then yana neik, as it fell to me, already nadta borzda and neakhaina broke the akraychyk napalova: she gave me adzin kavalak, and put the others on the table, falling abrus.

Little akraychyk of bread... A few times paўtarae avtar getae words. Holy word! I, mabyts, no wonder, for I myself experience the day of my childhood, hell on my own, what does a kavalachak of bread mean for a zgaladalaga dzitsyatsi. Although I didn’t bachyla the war, I didn’t wonder, but I mean the hero of the past, for whom it was so good to have a hatsel esci, for whom the akraichyka was so small, that the matz vydzelila, kab pad "esci, kab stifle the hunger, that we give the caters a day. , like a pasture of a svaygo kavalachka cotton, as if pasvyadoma, pa kropeltsy, pa tiny crumbs z "her and brother kavalachak. And the brother went to sleep halodly, did not fall "yes, although he worked the whole day. Ale no matz, no brother no ў chym did not miss the cotton, for he would have been menshy.

- Geta Tolika... Vernetsa from the forest - that's the fire... She herself, having taken a capanіtsu, paishla on the agarod akopvatsya bulba.

I am a great hatze esci. I of that kavalachak of bread, that matzі gave me, z "ey, praglynuў instantly. I, at home, but not naeўsya, only rastravіў yashche bolyp your hunger. How much I could not know the month itself: chamus lazіpad on the stove, run out into the yard and rush back at the hut. Then don’t wipe it all the time. Padseow, let it become, adgarnuu abrus, take your hand from that ka-valachak of bread, which she packed matsi Tolika, Mayma to the oldest brother. Don’t eat. , look. Palyubavatsa bread-bam, as if admiring matzі. And then raptam it happened to me that matzі me abdzalіl, packed a lot of bread for my brother, chym gave me. , not zaўvazhyў, like fingers of my own, not torturing me for that, adshchyknі yashche crumb.

I’m shamyanuўs then, kali on my distance, I’ve been abshchypa-naya from the ears of bakoў skarynachka.

What am I gaining? What shall I say matzі, brother, kali will return dahaty?..

Hutsenka-hutsenka I put a skarynachka on the table, akry yae abrus.

Ale spakusa z "estsi bread, hang it, if there was no spirit and spirit, if it didn’t smell of navat, it was so inappropriate that I didn’t get sick - in the heat of the fall, I became, taking a scarynachka ў hands and ўkinuў yae ў mouth ...

Brother vyarnuўsya from the forest, like a meeting, knowing.

You weren’t aiming for a day at the lespramgasausky dzyalantsy, absyakaў suchcha, earning pennies, if you had something for yourself "and life. There was nothing at home. .

No one - no matz, no Tolik - no chim me didn’t miss.

Not that evening, not pasture. The Jans were the oldest, I was the youngest.

Ale kali I remember that bread, yak it was for my brother and yak z "her, and that evening, kali brother went to sleep halodly, I did not sleep on my own.

Hello, I would add everything, if only it wasn’t for me to have such a spam, if it’s like, I don’t know, throw out the yago sa pile head.

Blog: igprecyp - Uncategorized

Ale at the dawn of the hell of Belarus, kali do not lychyts syarednyaya. Asia, Yana. another thing, if you are a dzіtsya of a vyalіkaga city, you can not vogule... Belarus loves black bread and bag on it, trapіўshy... Bade you, babachki, the cat will be cleaned, for tselama. Ukladanne, translation from Polish language, . The people of Belarus are conquered by yashche and tsyaper special padannі daunіh .. the sweet and black ball, and dze yana dangled and stsyany, from the getaga home .. vyalіkaga light, I read a book, that laughter for hours, tears for hours. , skochyў hell. 27 Sne 2013 . Prapanavany text - pashyrans perakaz my nyametskamoўnaya review for nyametskaga chytacha... yakіm not da galava budze ni belarusian mova, ni natsyanalnaya culture... . And not zhadayuchy zdavatstsa ў palon, jumped atruta from black vauchka (baligalova). .. Here I’m going to ab vyalіkіm prybytku.

Jumping getaga need to succumb to the fact that Belarusian peasants are not only zhorstki. z yago mova i svychayaў, besperapynna abrazha yago national fitness. .. Kazan first times with respected speech and praedmetau and with vyalikіm. The hysterical song of ab abarone Krychava was haunted: The blacks were falling.

Cleep if I were then halod, sleep if I lay down to sleep not eat! Hai would not be me, but my brother z "her is my bread! ..

Dy not! Tago, what was, you won’t return, you won’t overdo it. I s memory piles, yakbynikhatsev, nevykinesh. No, you can’t get out! .. (466 words)

Kastus Larkou svayo zhytstse vyrashyў add bread. Yon is an ancestral baker, yak z dapamogay bulak, loaves and piragoў wanting to tell the Belarusians what they need to love and shanavats piles. Akrom tago, Kastus vyadze is a unique blog, dze chooses all the magic information of the Belarusian traditional bread, and dachshunds are primaўki, songs and verses, dze apyavaetstsa Iago Vyalikast Bread.

Baker Kastus Larkov velmí zdzіvіўsya request to give an interview: “It’s good that there’s no such thing as bread, I don’t know what kind of magician I can be, but velmі I want to do it on the right daluchytsa and belaruschyny,” he says. Geta lad is not only a good specialist at his own right, he zasnavaў at the plant his “bread” project and choose all the magic information of the right bread.

Kastus Larkov

Adnoychy Kastus sprabavaў zvjarnuts respect on your own, and more, on a pile, you’ve worked out, right now, a grain exhibition, but at the same time, slouching behind a lid, jumping from your ears. Iago kіraўnіtsva paprasila na magchymastsі no longer vykarystoўvats “apazіtsynya prymaўki” on loafs of bread. And ў “Nasha Niva” wrote that the unseen baker Adyshov is not far from Hell Autar of the jackal Khatyn, writing on the loaf of bread the expression “It’s not bad, if you eat bread and water”. Ale Kastus do not call for a lid and work on your work with a task.

- Adkul showed up such a sluggish cackling and bread?

Tsyaper May tsikavasts navat big, chym in 1997. Then I realized that I would be bakers, and shepherded at the Vitebsk culinary school No. 16. Nechakan for yourself died yago with reddish smoke. How many ў of that hour I had baked a piragoў, adnam God vyadomu. And yashche matuly, more kali pryyazdzhaў yes to the house ў Verkhnyadzvinsk, then you couldn’t live without baking. At home, I rarely do this, but at that moment, my neighbors, coming out of the water, bridle us on the fire, tighten the pavement and say: “I’m casting the rolls.” Ale past a skanchennya learned a little bit of disappointment in the greatness. Both of you are the fathers of the fathers, I am apynus, softly seeming, the hell of the fathers of the fathers of the great succession were irritated. Pastupova ўsё zmyanіlas and lepshaga, and I vyrashyў pratsyagnutsya adukatsy. In 2007, the magіlёўskі ўnіversіtet kharchavannya died. It’s like there’s already a magchyma here, with such a base, far away outposts without tsіkavastsі and bread ... Mustache! Vyrashana kanchatkova! My life smells like bread!

- Yaki sama unbelievable bohan taba choked on sleep?

The most unbelievable naradzhayetssa before the exhibitions is usual. Then, and your mind is turned on that side, kab zdzіvits, kab people, kali geta pabachats, thought: “Isn’t it a cesta?”. On the saints of urajay, you can bake shmat and jumpers. And here at the leather baker's piles of secrets, yana pryblіzna know the secrets of the hell out of hell, but dzyalіtstsa іmі z astatnіmі do not sleep. Eight and ў mane ў tormented their hour: “What about a crushed bottle, and why about the beads?”. - “Zesta”, - adkazvaў I and zusіm not padmanvaў.

You are not only baking bread, but also acting as a propagandist for anyone. Navoshta? We all know that “bread over us panue”, kali “budze bread, budze and song” and “whoever looks at the sky, sits down without bread”.

Pershapachatkova I hatseў skarystats setsіva, kab zgurtavats zatsіkaўleny admyslovtsаў. I bakers, even if marudna, ale go to the contact. Write, dzelyatstsa dosvedam, tsikavyatstsa, navat z іnyh zahodzyatsya. Large acts - extraordinary karystalnіkі nets, yakіm tseshyts wok bread jumping. Shmat tykh, who borrows to bake bread ў khatnіh minds, tsyaper geta is fashionable. You are zvyartayutstsa with trials, as if you were trying to aptymal yakassi. Well, what about simple Belarusian words, laid out on a loaf of bread. Zychayna, kali geta of exposure, people sleep for bread with inscriptions, read, smile, then timidly sternly and freely breathe. Tsіkava for this panazirats.

- What can be written on bread, and what can not?

Bread is the product of an asable, on which you can’t write something for the good, here you need to choose a paddyhod and inscriptions. Bread - geta pratsa, zhytstse, radzima. Why wouldn't you guess more often? By ў attack, kali kіraўnіtsva prasіl me zrabіts nekalkі inscriptions on the bread, gave his text, alе ranіtsa ubachylі bohany zusі z іnshy, аle admetnym, ours, belarusian. What’s true, for such a savagery, they didn’t scare me in any way.

- How can the admyslian be tried - how can you get good bohan from the edge, savagely like prykmet, acre fresh?

Dzyakuy God, tsyaper asartyment at bread addzels is very wide, but, unfortunately, they often look sloppy. I’ll make my own bag from the leather. Tsyaper velmi is fashionable, napryklad, dietary savory food, grabs of bread production and getai skiravanastsi. Ale, I don’t blame on health, maybe there, that I eat traditional zhytnev-wheat bread, broken not in some harsh ways, simple in the krama, but on the succession, on sapropheid leaven. Such bread has a color, a water, and a taste of asable. Pryshous shmatgadzinny tekhnalagіchny lancets, uvabrushy ў syabe at the skin stage only nailepshae, it can not be nasmachny and not karysny. And kali ad'yazdzhayu ў іnshya belarusian garada, then I add peravagu there to bread, for the Etyketians of the yakog paznachan, which are crushed on STB-639, which is the warehouse for the storage of kvass wort, bulba and pazhadana kmen. I know that bread from such warehouses is more than that vyaskova.

- What is your favorite bread?

Shmat tsіkavyh prymavak right bread can be sustrets, the most popular - “Bread is usyamu galava”, but it’s not like ours, well, rezha vuha, it means Belarusian flatbread adpavednik “Bread at the gaspadar house”. Vershaў daksama shmat, tsі not dermal paet іmknuўsya zakranuts getu temu, but assablіva me cherishing the soul versh Larysa Genіyush:

Belarusians go, they bring their bread,
on the handbrake paladyўshy ўrachysta.
Bread - like the sun in your hands, bokhan to the bread,
and the ruchnik, like their hearts - prachysty.

Bread and salt are prazd vakі, ўklaўshy on ruchnіkі,
we endure good people for good.
Unkі seibitаў we, the sons of the bread-growers,
from pratsy we, from chalavech adnosin.

Yashche is a big treasure - old songs of the Land,
our mova, what is the heart of the crane,
gety voices of the earth we hell sold
i to our children we zahavay.

Bread and salt, bread and salt praz tsyarpenny and pain
our people carried the hell of the plow with their hands.
Tym, who's moving the crane, jump our soul,
we will pay more merit.

Plow ў museum spachyў, syannia іnshy pachyn
Belarus in the glory days.
We have life and creatures, we have the land of lamb,
and syabroў stren we caress the bread.

- You yourself chakaesh pryznannya pile pratsy?

I myself want to eat yashche and save the traditional Belarusian bread. Tavaristv ahova remember Minsk somehow prapanaval daluchytstsa and their getai on the right, hatsya used as a consultant on technology. Ale pakul farther for razmovy not paishlo. Byў adnoychy tsіkavy outburst. Shpatsyruyuchy on the streets of Yanka Maura and Minsk, in the distance, on the hellish supermarket, ubachy are painted on the school loaf. Zvjachayna zvyartaesh on geta ўvagu, kab padkreslіts for yourself yakіya-nebudz elements of jumping. Well, it was my zdzіўlenne, kali I'm there ubachyў my loaf. Shot, but right, sigh may be right and were parshany, ale tsi f geta is not known to my father?


Yakub Kolas

Stay, lads, stay, brothers!
Stand you, our diligent!
Look at us at the tent
Zhytsya novaga is clear.

Qi Well, we, lads, do not have hands?
Why does God not give us strength?
Qi over our native land
Will not change your will?

Let's go out and work,
We will become friendly, like a scyana,
I prachnetsa hell of drowsiness
With us, our efforts!

Yakub Kolas

Svetsіts me zorka z byadonnyh boulders.
The eternal sky is secret-jumping.
There is a certain connection, a nasty swim,
Only names for them, I don’t know the name.

Affectionately tell me a stare: Spachyn!
Ah, my vandroonnik, succumb, nebozha!
You carry the sirs of the pity of the distant,
Atam zhurbotny ў holy padarozhzhy.

Bright Zorka, you're a bright gorysh,
Odum my hills you know you are on the roof,
I’m sorry, you’re glad to have peace!
Oh, no, you are far away, your heat is cold.
My evening is never under the assumption of a cloudy.
The harp is broken - by whose hand?

Yakub Kolas

Idze vyasna ўzho, dzyakuy God!
The snow is melting from the damp earth;
Papsavala dirt for nothing,
The passes are gone.

The sun is warmer, jumping;
The ice on the rivers wasted.
Tseply vetser paryavae,
Hmar dazhdzhlivyh jump to us.

Eight busels are showing,
Geese dzіkiya roar,
Shpak is crucified on oak,
The cranes are already lying.

I winter, like smoke, prapala!
Greener meadow, rally.
I hurt like hell, achunya
Our native land.

end of summer

Yakub Kolas

Leceyka you, summer,
The song is sung
It was fun!
They took some charai
Shchodrast yours, gifts -
Sun and holy.
Ceshyla you zetak
Dy affectionate getak -
Match with your hand
Will the young
I cling to water
I clean cancer
Field and forests,
Singing - galasami
Your clear zen.
Washed their race,
Sontsavay kasoy
I killed them...
...Charai asalodu
Cherpali, like water,
I know, over the edge.
Golden summer!
So go for geta
Shchyrae "be there"!

Budz tsverdy

Yakub Kolas

You do not rot, brother, never
I sip pakhilai,
The springs of his own share
Vykuy ўlasnay ​​silai!

Bo hots it seems that I’m biased
Do not balіts galoўka, -
Do not call: from the yoke-jump
This sloka came out.

Don't sleep, don't fall down
You are on the line
Take care of the berries yourself,
I'll do it myself!

Help you people
Dear adshukat,
And the sub" eats, you know you'll be
Abandon parogi.

Do not go to the strong, being friends,
Bo do not leave the age of z-pad tug,
Stratsіsh vobraz boski,

I ў people you gonar stratsish -
І tsyabe zracuzza:
Lepsh zmagatstsa free, brother,
Chym tsyarpets dy gnutstsa.

Dzed Maroz

Yakub Kolas

Hodzits dzed belabarody
Field, forests, peraleska,
Cover rivers with ice,
Brylyantsisty snowy shine.

Sprinkle frost on the birch trees,
Tulits tree trees for light downs,
Covered runes, herbs, vines
White postilkay-kazhakh.

Dzeda ўhere rushing feet,
І come to us for a holiday
Adopt a roof for dear,
Seўshy to the yalіnka is important.

And yalinka! .. What only
There are no galleries on the ya!
Svetsyatsya vigilantly and vyaselki
In shining peacocks.

There is a fox, a hare, a mouse,
Rybki, buslik doўgavyazy.
And how zzyayutsya on her bump,
Never mind their diamonds!

Kalya elki karagody,
Songs, living gutarka,
And that dzed of the belabarody
Only ў vusy let laughter.

Duc rassun kola shyrai,
Let's dance on the pamos
Song call, song shchyrai
Let's get rid of the dzeda-guest.

Yakub Kolas

Goodness in the pocket ў hour of hell!
Easy to breathe there!
Khmarki white marudna
Swim for the fringes.

Windy paint a little bit of kalysh,
grasses roam,
The meadow is green with life, breathing -
Horses are trampled.

Ў vines shchebet not stsіhae,
Noise and whistle,
Ў bright shine spuchyvaya
There is a sheet on the cancer.

Sing-homan and ringing
Pountstsa ўwhole meadow,
I shiver over him, green,
Living spirit.

On the clear field

Yakub Kolas

I love prvolle
wide pale,
green sea
Rye kalas.

I high school
Sialyansky palos -
I love tsyabe, field,
I love your splash.

old toys,
Why make noise,
green borders,
Far smooth.

I love dear
What lay down between the mountains,
On the bottom fell down
Hand conversation.

I love uzgorki
I mound-mound,
I blue is far away
Clear mist...

I love paziratsya
On a clear field
Yak windy is hot
Swim away.

Kalyshatsa Zhita,
Cheer up,
And praising pavetra
Dryzhyts and dryzhyts ...

I love prvolle
wide pale,
green sea
Violent kalas.

Summer Adpachynak

Yakub Kolas

Papers lie on the table,
Charnilnitsa, like a stepmother, old ...
And I so want to stare at the doors,
Into the yard of the paisses of the sky, the distance is true,
Agledzet's gloomy caral nіts.

I love them, I love them knowing
I am free to move on the sun path,
Their scalloped growth, merchant adzenne,
I love to look like the sky sutarenne
Get rid of their shaggy fear.

Charnilnitsa May gazed at the dakors
I think, napeuna: "Oh, roar!"
And then I tell you about pakoray:
"I'm just a scumbag, I'll turn up soon,
Hvіlіnachku, dove, dirty!”

I'm for the doors! - I'm free.
So taba sang the Prastor!
Kuchmaty forest, utulny meadow and field ...
I look, what is looking in the black part,
I bachu - hmara tsіsnetsa on the forest.

I go ў weasel sachyts for gloomy getai.
Mіzh pines dvuh kalyshatstsa hammock.
I feel I - the thunder is deaf roaring dze-ta.
I'm in a hammock, - p "yu spell, slodych of summer,
Charnilnitsa tell me there: - Laydak!

Mimu friend

Yakub Kolas

We paid a lot of money
Pa foreign and native land.
Adykhodzіlі springs and winters,
I reptiles swam after reptiles.

Shmat snavali we are crossed by shakovs
From our dumak-lyatunak and mar;
Sustrakali us oak willows,
I lasses gave us their gift.

Pa-over the river at the pocket of the kvyatstіsty
We hadzili, happened more than once;
Centuries-old oaks to yellow leaves
Navyavali nyaўtsyamny told us.

The cranes were flying over the field,
Taking summer with you,
Dy pagulivaў evening at will
Z neakreslenay chihay zhurba.

Eh, don't lay pucins!
Hiba can you measure them, zlіchyts?
We packed two kalyains,
Ale song adna ў іх guchyts.

About that song, that my heart is good for me,
Ab tabe, where I live forever,
I want, my dear friend, remind me
Jumping old bastards.

Yakub Kolas

Empty in the pocket. Only stacks
The couple flock,
Dy spak kala dear
The goals of the day are hellishly croaking.

Buckwheat is squeezed. Gola ў field.
Zhita star yes.
Only swim in the wild
Heaps of hmar, yak valakno.

Dozhdzhik this besprastanku;
The evening sings like a beast...
How many puddles of kala ganka!
And grazi, grazi tsyaper!

The grasses dried up, everything blew.
Slots, puffiness, coldness, tsma.
Eh, scarey would close
Earthy black winter!

For science

Yakub Kolas

Runs and distances start,
Pavuchki natkali peacocks
Yes hung on the sun
Piles of white paint.

Walk the evening in the field with summaries,
Dze zhytso rune new sowing.
Hell has gone to us you, summer,
Zhaўtalіstsem forest adzety.

Finished, dzetsi, your party
Kalya bright river, Kalya puni,
I ў little green little dolly.

Pakhavaytse woods, arrows, bows,
Prystupіtse, dzetsi, yes science,
The cab was all neat,
Kab vuchytstsa on "issued".

Duc pavuchyms we winter shchyra;
Vyasna vernetstsa, and s yoyu - cut out,
Knowing we're gloriously walking,
We are gathering fresh berries.

Belarusian people

Yakub Kolas

You are cool, scichni, the song of the pakuta,
Beware, our land!
Belarusian people! Break the fetters!
Sing a new song!

Friendly and fit become a scyana.
The share is not passed by itself,
Will not zoidze to us with diligence,
To the side, dear, yama.

People! Prakanay: only we ourselves -
Share piles of cavalry.
Godse zha, dosyts panukat us,
Gnats from our native land!

We do not need fucking pains -
Budzem we live without panoў.
You yourself are better than heaven! -
Let's say so yes xiandzo.

Hiba we will forget you,
What is right without us?
The wounds are deep, oh, the wounds are fresh!
Pomsty fire did not go out.

We were fooled - who? strangers,
Tsemny darog makhlyars.
To hell with them! To the apple of the border!..
Our here drive, bars!

Budzem we ourselves gaspadarami,
Let's take care of our belongings!
Godze of that roof! Keep up with brothers
Let's go and volunteer our land.

Oh, and agorcles, these kpіny! ..
Wicked we ў choir galas:
Eh, you are scattered native land,
Our palettes, lyas!

You are kindred to our heart, hmakhi
Forest, meadows and paleo!
Dosyts ўshchuvali us pan-lyakhi,
We know the cisk maskalov...

Zmoўknі zha, stsіkhnі, the song of the pack!
Beware, our land!
People! Call out, tear your fetters,
New songs sleep!

Adlet zhuraўleў

Yakub Kolas

White valokny
Aim over the valleys.
Birds don't sleep
Sholam the forest.

Sceluzza valokny,
Tchetstsa pavucina -
Close, close autumn,
Troubled hour!

zazhurytstsa sky,
Skhovanae ў gloomy,
I sir
Neyki sorry and Mary.

Freeze summer,
Far away,
Siracee river,
Haladzeyuts praise.

Stomlenast, znyamelast ...
Toyatsya thought of pine forests ...
Shh! what the fuck is that
Can you smell the prastors?

Zhalasna jumper
Luzza in the sky gooki,
Listen to their lyas,
Meadow, balota, bows.

In the meanest sky
Little laces
Cranes on the vyrai
Mknuzza over the little girls.

Menshytstsa cord,
At the fall "and tae,
Eight ice-lady blacker,
Mig - i prapadae.

I staish you, vague,
How long do you play,
As if some kind of stracy,
And you don't know what.

So the hour is parting
Z tym, who is loved by the heart,
Adchuvaesh smootak
Tsyazhkay strata-zguby.

I look macular
To the gift thuy
What yas ў far away
I give my soul.

At native meats

Yakub Kolas

Fifty five nasty days I know Wusce,
Prytulak dum, abrany my kutok,
Dze vyststsa Vustsyansky my breast
І vecer of a light gaidaetstsa on a piece.

I go to the chest with a free step.
It's messy for me, because I'm a chiaper adzin,
I shmat chago jump on ўspamіn,
I n_knu I panted head.

The breast is all the same, as if, quick,
Gvazdzіchka white, chabor on it,
Yes, I look, I look to others,
Like an old oak tree, astaўshysya byazzetny.

I flock, I wave, I look at meat, -
They changed, and it is difficult to recognize them.
Duboў maіh changed the race,
Like people in our native land.

Byazlyudze, tsish. tall grass
Vustsyansky villages are overgrown.
Byareznichak is busy on the ground,
Atulvae spreading needles.

Gifts to the one who fled to Balachantsy,
Nyama nidze - perished in the grass,
In the memory of May, Yana is alive,
Yak shmat z tago, which he called to the palyants.

І tykh, with whom I would be so close to know,
Nyama already: who evicted himself
To the aposhnіm tym on the candle,
Dze kryzh village zhurbotna - unruly;

Another war ў distant light chased,
I many of them did not return back;
And tretsіh vynіshchyў, pabіў fascist kat,
І native land did not take them.

I don’t throw everything to me, I won’t throw it to the wok,
Nagadvae ab zhorstkastsyah vainy.
Znyavechany lyasy, and parasnіk violent
Live and see the wedding fabric.

Idze zhytstse, yago of strength is rampant, -
Hai, save someone, shun yago, sleep.
Snue zhytstse for a nice pile,
І powerful for the take-off of the yago wings.

I know - all wounds heal:
Z pazharyshch edge paўstane, flourishing
To all your beauty and paunace, -
Our faithful way, yon s right pavyanchany!

I only feel hellishly for a hill:
Nyama tago, with whom I thought,
With whom there is a flock, with whom I would be happy, -
Pagasla you, Yasnyusenskaya Zorka.

Asadji back!

Yakub Kolas

Dranna my life,
Everything goes wrong,
I roar me here:
"Asadji back!"

God you are my dear!
B "yusya I, like a bastard,
Only w dze n i poke -
"Asadji back!"

I remember, I'm zhanіўsya,
Good would be my matchmaker.
K dzeўtsy stuck their nose -
"Asadji back!"

Dzeўka was important
Dy neighbor Kandrat
Naga padstavit me -
"Asadji back!"

Trapіў times near the cities,
There was a parade
I'm climbing ahead -
"Asadji back!"

The aisles are empty
Zhyta vybіў hail.
- Give, old lady, loans.
- "Asadji back!"

I'm beating a penny
I'm happy to earn.
- Qi nyama work?
- "Asadji back!"

I myself get messed up
Lese from the shoulders of the bathrobe.
- Pamazhetse, people!
- "Asadji back!"

Son of svaygo ў people
Take out Ignat.
- Eight my son, panochki!
- "Asadji back!"

Bread sent ў weight,
There galodny shmat.
Prusya I'm with the littles -
"Asadji back!"

Galava I may:
Would be a deputy.
- Tsenzu you do not care,
"Asadji back!"

True, what is the story,
Be my charm;
Twice on life
I'm going out.

I'm bummed out.
Oh, what a year!
Pryazdzhae prystaў:
- Get out ўpyarod!

Geta you, bastard,
Rebel the people?
Gay, garadavya,
Give a hole ўpyarod!

Nastavnitsa pack. class

DUA "Milyavitsky VPK dz / s - SSH",

Mastovsky district, Grodno region


(for the higher herb classes)

Meta:pharmaceutics of the kamunikatyn culture of the study of the traditional Belarusian people.

Tasks:vykhavanne thrifty adnosin and bread, pavagi and people, dzyakuyuchy like bread on our steel; tell ab tym, like a way to work bread, kab trapіts on our table; know about abradams and paver "pits, yakiya are tied with bread; get out of any and pavaga and work.

Progress of succession

Teacher: Dear guests, sonia is holy to us. Yano sprinkled bread -a symbol of life and work. Bread is a holy word, a kind of zmyashchae Yes, native land, pavaga, and the forefathers of the hands of the chalavek; yak_ya raised yago, iўdzyachnasts for what he is on steel; what does he feed us...

1 wuchan: " Budzem with bread "- the baptism of the bread-growers. I geta means - people will be well-fed, adzety, be good, live and practice.

2 wuchan: Sonnya, try any of us, what is more for everything, the value of products, and you know, adkaz - bread.

Teacher: Bread don’t fall and us from the skygrow bread ears, patrimony of dzesyatkaў hands.

3 wuchan: smell bread skarynka

Bread-growers ў spring hour,

Seres shchodry sagravali,Klapatsіl_sya right us.

5 wuchan: Over the field, close thundered,

I brought the wind to the rain,

At the gleba, which is just pastel,

Barley kladzestsa i aves.

Rakocha tractar tsyagavita,

I through the feeling of happy laughter.

Qiache ў zhaleznaya karyta

Adborny grain toasty fur.

Hell seeders ў prassyag asenni

Lyatsіts far skin hook,

I pragne clean nasenne

So many clean souls and hands.

Teacher: Bread! What a capacious geta word, how many strengths, how many pratsypatrebna for tago; how to grow bread. Tug and work of seibit, like throwing grainў the earth, and the father of a vuchonaga, yakі took out the gatunak of grain, and the father of an engineer,worker - welder of new technology. 3 a.m. bread and ours the people would be sacred.

6 wuchan: Bread among Belarusians was family mascots, relics,symbols of life and goodwill. Iago abagaўlyali living story.

7 wuchan: Kali vypadkova padaў from the hands of kavalak bread, yago assyarozhnafell, prasili prabachennya and z "poison, if not skardzіўsya.

Teacher: Jumping bread was celebrated for sacred activities,yakіm was connected by many abradaў and paver "yў. Eight some of them:

- The first chym was the meat of the cesta, the zhanchyna pavinna was pamytstsa and perahrystsitsa, pasvaўshy ў information of God, if bread is successful and good padishov.

- I didn’t dare to spread bread in a rotten mood, bo geta swam on yago yakast .

- Kal іleb vypyakaўsya ў ovens to wave, to sprachotstsa in the house, to jump out navedvalnіkaў.

- The pastadtsy of bread ў the oven was not pazhadan znahodzitstso on the stove, dzetsi pavіnny were zleztsі z yae.

1 wuchan: Bread was an indispensable attribute of various abrads and holy - matchmaker, vyaselya, radzіn, adkrytstsa spring pale works,bookmarks new huts. Nawat, kali advuchvalі dzitsia ad malaka matzi, pitthe Akraian gave his hand bread and said: "Go to your bread."

Іnsceniroўna "3 chym bread paraўnats"

But father: 3 what kind of bread do you eat, son?

Son: Bread - geta soneyka chascinka.

Bread - geta happy shchastse ў hatse,

I ўsikh bagatstsyaў yon bagatstse!

Autar: I thought about hell

I mother said to the clap...

Matsi: Nyama z chym paraўnats bread, son,

Into not every right bread, then it is small.A. Dzeruzhynsky

Teacher: Symbols of I rajayu prasutnichali and ў Belarusian arnamence.The most papular would be Zhytsen, like nagadvaў dazhynkava vyanok. And eight how happy Zhytsen is at the folk song:

Give me, Bosch, on the field of snaps,

On the threshing floor snaps, to Tanu ўmalotam,

U to letsi - dispute,

At mlyn- prymolam, at dzyazha - paddyhodam,

At the stove - with padrostam, n and steel with cracks, s good fortune

2 wuchan: The words "zhyta" go to hell with the words "zhytstse". eat breadmean, eat and live. Kali zhyta grow up, yago reap. On vyalіkіhpalettes of cambains, on small palettes - with a sear.

3 wuchan: For a weighty wound, cling,

Ledz zaruzhovitzsa zara,

Reminder peralelka,

What do you want a couple

What do you want a couple.

4 wuchan: Zhyta - Zhyta:

Long daroga -

Hell fires loose, small,

Yes, loaves of arzhanog bread,

Yes, the Ukrainian is in your hands.

Teacher: Zhnіvo, yak and syaўba - the saint on the right, tamu daun yagogave the samai pavazhanai zhanchyna. Yana washed herself, apranala cleansarochka and yuletide adzezha, took with her bread, cheese, grama candle, a verba and a sickle, yakі abgortvala with a Christmas tree. U pouzen yanaI went to the field, I went to the field, I went to the field, I went in for two - three little helldarlings, feathered and familial, pressed two ahapki andput them on the ground of the roof - cover. Potym Yana ate bread, salt, cheese, pressed a small sheaf, carried the yago of the dahata and put a pad on the cornerabrasives.

5 wuchan: I know on rzhyshchy ripe kalasok

Geta nіvy summer sunny son.

Skіply i maўklіvy byў amal vіdzen;

And on the very right, the belongings are vyaliki yon.

Bo ў im important forty Cossack brothers.

Skin with ix and so many adshukats gatoў.

Kab we are non-derivable stranded on steel

Tomorrow and meeting fresh savory bread.

How do you start, say, such brothers?

Do not throw ў polі summer kalasov. M. Paznyanov. Calasoc

Walk "Vyanok"

Vuchnі padzyalyayutstsa on teams. 3 leather selectable parents. They need to listen to the cold and the signal, the transitions month after month, not releasing the chips from the hands, splashing cash.

teacher : Chalavek and unpaired bread are tied together with each other. I kali we bachym cotton cі ​​dzyaўchynku, yakіya nepavazhana adnosyatstsa yes bread,we are rich for the sake of thousands of people who grow bread.

Versh "Bread"

Adneuchy on kіrmash far away

Vandrounik spitting in the city

I narakaў on your bear,

Full of stupid argue.

I can’t even wipe out the bread, and so

Azvaўsya - What are you saying?

Zusim you are not me, dzivak.

Ale tsyabe nyasu I.

-Well, well, pabachym, who is naked! -

Toy zapyarechyў is strict

I s tsyazhkaga myashka svaygo

Bread is thrown out for free.

/ Pashkandybaў himself further,

Nothing to shrug your shoulders.

The day of the advent. Already ў imgle

Evening is coming.

It's time to have a bite,

Remember vandron bread,

What nedze, throw, lie down,

Dukhmyany and tsudouny!

I jumped on a dark dzirvana,

Kab adpachyts hots troshkі.

Ale halodnam and ў dream,

Know, snyatstsa bread crumbs

Tsyaper himself is not happy with himself.

Don't speak, don't lie.

Qi don’t varnuzza flatbread back

Dy s bread pamirytstsa?

Installer vandroўnik i brydze

-Idze fall to the dawn skies

Packed for a month, jo

Yon pastvaryўsya z Bread.

Oh, yang yong would be glad to know, kali

My pabachy strata!

IBread of life, yes earth,

Addav paklon, I'm a brother. M. Tank

mustache at times: Adtsenne words - not stupidity,

You do not pagarjay them:Skarynka. Skyba. Lusta.

Akraian. Loaf. Akraets - way, daroga

I hare bread is lyasny. Skarynka - sum, trywoga

I the pain of the past war. And skiba is the day of vyasnova.

Rally. Plows. Syauba, Our bread is life asnova,

Pratsyag and baratsba. And lusta - satisfying words,

Spiritual and shchodrae,

Yano ad llatsi satisfying

Qi congratulations-black.

And the loaf is hanging,

Holy yano.

Not sown on the hand

I rejoice, and wine.

I there are no hedgehogs on the right,

And ў savory mixture of layers,

I ¢ fresh winds,

I ў ringing kalasov ... P. Panchanna. Bread words


1 wuchan : Get up in a circle, loaf,

Whomever you want, choose and heaven!

Loaf : Baker!

He did not warm the side on the stove -

The loaf baked for the guys.

Baker, play with us

Whoever you want - choose!

Penar : Melnik!

He didn't talk nonsense

And he ground the grain into flour!

Melnak, play with us,

Whoever you want - choose!

Miller : Farmer!

He did not lie in the shade,

And he raised and reaped bread!

And the reward is the harvest!

Invite everyone to the holiday!

P. Rudenko. Bread

Bread is obtained in labors,

Not being born by itself.

Bread is not just wealth,

Bread is our support.

"There will be bread - there will be a song!"

Truth in these words.

There will be full-bodied bread

There will be joy in the eyes.

Everyone is involved in bread.

Let's all be careful.

There will be bread - there will be happiness,

There will be life on earth!