A significant drop, how not to make a mistake when measuring. The best scales - a glass and a bucket How to measure 1 ml of oil with a pipette

Ay, what a topic! I won't pass by.

The problem raised by Tatyana is truly pressing. Electronic kitchen scales do not show tenths of grams; between adjacent values ​​of 1 and 2 grams the difference in weight is 100%.

A couple more ways to measure small amounts of dry fertilizer.

Volumetric weighing

With all the variety of thimbles, the average volume of a thimble has remained unchanged for centuries - about 2 milliliters:

Measuring the volume of a thimble

If you have some kind of non-standard thimble, then:

  • set to zero
  • pour 10 thimbles into a cup
  • Divide the scale reading by 10 to get the volume of the thimble (1 milliliter of water = 1 gram of water).

If you don’t have scales on your household, fill a 100 or 500 gram jar with your thimble. And divide the volume by the number of thimble portions used. This will give you the volume of a non-standard thimble.

Or use a used syringe to draw in the water that fits into the thimble - the divisions on the syringe will show how much volume it contains.

Theoretical rationale for volumetric weighing

It is necessary to make a reservation that not every fertilizer has an equality of 1 milliliter of volume to one gram of weight. Therefore, Tatyana indicated fertilizers for which this equality is observed.

Fertilizers often have a lower density than water. But for violets, some lack of fertilizer is not critical, especially taking into account the recommendations for violets to dilute standard fertilizers by half. Therefore, volumetric measurement of fertilizers is quite appropriate in caring for violets, even if the density of the fertilizer is unknown.

After using the thimble, be sure to rinse it, fertilizer dust may not be the best reagent for your finger.

Pirate way to determine small quantities

Place the contents of the fertilizer bag on a piece of paper. The weight is written on the bag. By eye, move some of the fertilizer to the side so that in a large pile there remains fertilizer to one of the powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,... grams).

Divide the large pile in half. Divide each half in half again. Divide the quarters in half too. Eights are also halved. At some point you will end up with many, many small piles of fertilizer, each containing about 1 gram. Pack each pile in a small paper bag and use as needed for the health of your violets.

Using the same method, you can measure, for example, 1/8 of a gram from 1 gram of potent fertilizers.

Option. If you have a large bag of fertilizer and a kitchen scale, you can measure, for example, 16 grams and package it as suggested.

Historical excursion

In countries where there were many pirates at one time, there is still a running joke:

Question: How many pirates can there be on a pirate ship?

Answer: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,... Otherwise, you will have to shoot the extra ones during a fair division of the spoils.

Jokes aside, the pirates were great at dividing their booty into any equal number of parts, and everyone considered the division fair.

For this there was a special way of sharing, which was called pirate. In the very in simple form(2 pirates) one pirate divides the booty as he sees fit into 2 equal parts. And the other chooses the part that seems larger to him. Questions about fairness do not arise for either side.

For a larger number of people, division follows a similar scheme in several stages - first large groups of pirates divide the loot, then within the group the pirates are split into small groups and continue to divide small groups among themselves, and so on until the entire large pile of loot is divided between many pairs of pirates. Considering that the pirate life was short, everyone was in plain sight, and during the capture of ships, pirates often saved each other’s lives, they often trusted their fellow pirates, who were better familiar with the value of the loot in the colonial markets, to divide/choose their share.

In English-speaking countries, the medieval “pirate” is still one of the most favorite masquerade images for children:

Measuring small amounts of liquid fertilizer

I will add that you can also conveniently measure liquid fertilizers from bottles with a syringe.

And with a pipette you can measure out a very small amount of fertilizer. Don't know how much one drop from your pipette weighs?

  • place an empty cup on the kitchen scale
  • set to zero
  • pour 100 drops into a cup
  • Divide the scale reading by 100 to get the volume of the droplet (1 milliliter of water = 1 gram of water).

Similarly, you can measure how much a droplet weighs from a jar of Corvalol and use it as a container for storing liquid fertilizer.

The sizes of droplets from different pipettes and different jars strongly depend on their parameters, so it is better not to use the data obtained for one pipette or jar for others.

Usually the question of how many drops are in 1 ml arises among those who have been prescribed to take a certain medicine in milliliters, but there is no corresponding dispenser in the package. But for different solutions the number of drops may vary; it will depend on the composition of the liquid, its density, the external forces acting and the diameter of the tube from which they are dripping. Therefore, it is impossible to say unambiguously how many drops are in ml.

Back in the days of the Soviet Union, a table was created that indicated the number of drops for different liquids, including medicinal solutions. So, if there are only 20 drops in 1 ml, then in the same volume of wormwood tincture - 56, and medicinal ether - 87. One drop of ordinary water is about 0.03-0.05 ml, of an alcohol-containing solution - 0.02 ml.

If the medicine does not come with a measuring cup or pipette indicating the number of ml of the purchased medicine, and these data are not indicated in the instructions for the medicine, then it is best to measure the required amount with a regular syringe. When you need to measure more than 1 ml, you can use a regular 2 or 5 cc syringe, but to measure a smaller volume or need to find out exactly how many drops are in 1 ml, it is better to take an insulin syringe with a volume of 1 ml, with clearly marked decimal points .

If you need to drink a certain number of drops, and the medicine does not come with a drop dispenser or pipette, you can simply draw 1 ml of solution into an insulin syringe and measure how many drops are in 1 ml. Based on the data obtained, you can already find out how many tenths of ml you need to draw into the syringe in order to get the required number of drops. For example, you need to take 15 drops of a certain medicine. Having collected 1 ml without a needle, carefully scoop out its contents, counting the number of drops. Let's say that you got 50 drops for this volume of medicine. By drawing up a simple proportion:

50 drops - 1 ml;

15 drops - x ml,

We get 15k * 1ml / 50k = 0.3 ml. This means that in order to get 15 drops, you need to draw 0.3 ml of solution into the syringe, but before the first dose it is better to separately count how many drops you will get from the volume you collected. You may have made a mistake when calculating how many drops are in 1 ml. This calculation method is suitable for any type of liquid; it can be used to measure any number of drops, regardless of how many of them fit in one milliliter. This method is very convenient; for the next time you take the medicine, you do not have to count the drops again, just draw the required volume into the syringe and drink it.

It is also quite convenient to give water to small children in this way: it is better for them to insert the syringe directly into their mouth, directing the flow of liquid not into the throat, but behind the cheek. This way the baby will not be able to spit out the medicine and will not choke. If the dosage of the drug is more than 5 ml, then it is more convenient to use cutlery rather than a syringe. So, a regular teaspoon holds 5 ml of liquid, and a tablespoon holds 15.

If translation is necessary, how much is in 1 g. ml, it is worth considering that the weight will depend on the density of the substance. So, 1 gram of water corresponds to one milliliter, but 1 ml of alcohol is 0.88 grams.

Few people think about the issue of measuring liquid volume until there is a real need for it. An unexpected cold, a sudden awakening desire to cook exactly according to a recipe, spring cleaning. These are exactly the cases when a drop makes a difference. An overdose of medications can be harmful to your health; a lack of a drop of the ingredient will lead to a spoiled dish. So let's figure out how many ml are in 1 drop.

How many milliliters are in 1 drop, teaspoon and tablespoon of different liquids

Water, iodine and hydrogen peroxide

We combine these elements, since their parameters are approximately the same.


0.05 1
1 20
5 100 1
10 200 2
15 300 3 1
100 2000 20 6.7

Medicines and tinctures

Here are the most common medications that require measurement.

A drug Milliliters

Echinacea alcohol tincture
Motherwort tincture
0.05 1
5 100 1
15 300 3 1
Ambrobene 0.09 1
7 77.8 1
20 222.2 2.85 1
Carvalol 0.07 1
6 85.7 1
17 242.85 2.83 1


There are different types of oil. Some are used for cooking, others for cosmetic purposes. Let's consider oils for cooking food(vegetable, sesame, olive) and oils used in cosmetology (basic and essential).

TO base oils include apricot oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, etc.

Essential oils are formed from plants, which is why they have corresponding names: lavender, clove, orange, etc.

Type of oil Milliliters

For cooking food 0.055 1
5 90 1
15 270 3 1
Basic 0.03 1
5 167 1
14 467.6 2.8 1
Essential 0.06 1
5 83.3 1
14 233.24 2.8 1

Methods of measuring with improvised means

How to measure 5 ml of any liquid?! To do this, we look at the tables above (depending on the type of liquid) and try to measure either with drops or with a spoon.

For example, for water, iodine and peroxide 5 ml you need to take 1 teaspoon or one hundred drops.


If you don’t have a spoon or a pipette at home, you can use a simple kitchen scale. These scales support the function of measuring the volume of a solution in ml. If they do not support measurements in ml, then you can measure in grams.

Watch the video, where the grams and ml of products are immediately indicated for a specific recipe:

In the video, substances are measured using a faceted glass.

1 faceted glass is equal to 200 ml up to the edges, or 250 ml to the brim. Water and milk equal 200 grams to the risk, vegetable oil 190 grams.

Measuring cup, saucepan

In the kitchen you can find a measuring cup. It has gradations in ml and grams. Using the above tables, you can easily determine how many ml are in 1 drop. Some pots have ml indicators; at least “by eye”, you can determine the volume of water.


Dip your finger in the medicine and liquid will begin to fall from it, all you have to do is count out your 20 drops. This method is suitable if you need to count a small amount of drops, otherwise you will lose more product than you measure.


We take a syringe, preferably insulin. Its volume is equal to one ml, the decimal parts are clearly marked on such a syringe, so it will not be difficult for you to measure out 50 drops of valerian. You just need to fill the insulin syringe 2.5 times and pour the solution into some container, or use a syringe with a different volume, 2 or 5 cubic meters. In this case, we use the reverse method. We look not at how many milliliters are in 1 drop, but how many drops are in one milliliter.

Pipette, dispenser for other medications

You have already looked at the pharmacy, but did not find a syringe there. Then take a closer look at medications with dispensers. You can simply remove the cap from one and put it on the jar you need. Just remember to rinse the dispenser thoroughly before doing this so that there are no residues of other medications.

Cough syrups usually come with spoons or small glasses; with their help you can also measure the required amount of ml.

Handy items

Drink straw

You can draw the medicine into a tube, cover the bottom with your finger and then slowly release it. Control the process so that the liquid does not simply pour out of the tube, but drips.

Regular wooden stick

It could be just a wooden stick, an ice cream stick, wet it, lower it down and wait for the drops to fall.

Cotton swab

Dampen a cotton swab; liquid will start to drip from it.


Pour the syrup into a spoon and slowly lower it until it starts dripping.

Plastic fork, spoon

Such items usually have a tunnel on the back, i.e. there is a hollow space into which you can pour liquid and lower it again, and wait for the drops.


Extreme way. If you have a large volume of liquid, which you don’t mind. Dampen a rag, squeeze out excess water and wait until the drops begin to fall.

So how many ml are in one drop? Let's sum it up

Your imagination is limitless. You could easily and without special equipment determine how many ml are in 1 drop.

Good luck with your experiments!

Very often in many culinary recipes indicates the exact amount of ingredient required to prepare the dish. But not every housewife has special kitchen scales in her kitchen.

If such equipment is not available in your home, do not despair. You can measure the required amount using a teaspoon, dessert or tablespoon.

Note! But it is worth considering that the quantity will depend on the component itself. It all depends on the severity and density of the ingredient. Therefore, cutlery filled with different components will weigh differently.

A tablespoon is a cutlery. Its volume is 18 milliliters. This cutlery is used for eating porridge, first courses or other liquid culinary delights.

If you need to weigh a particular product, you should take into account the density of the ingredient and the “load” cutlery. The weight with and without a slide will vary from 4 to 6 grams.

The most common ingredients in the kitchen required to prepare a dish are sugar, flour and salt. Therefore, it is necessary to know the measurements of these products.

Table: measure of measurement.

Table: measures of other ingredients necessary for preparing dishes.

How many grams are in cutlery Without slide (in gr.) With a slide (in gr.)
Baking powder 15 20
Raisins 15 20
Dried mushrooms 10 15
Milk 18 24
Powdered milk 20 25
Cream 14 18
Tea 6 11
Citric acid 25 30
Jam 18 24
Protein 15 19
Rice 25 30
Perlovki 25 30
Millet cereal 25 30
Wheat cereal 25 30
Wheat flakes 9 15
Corn grits 25 30
Barley groats 25 30
Sago grains 20 25
Beans 30 35
Peas 25 30
Powdered sugar 25 30
Sunflower oil 25 30
Buckwheat 25 30
butter 25 30
flax seeds 16 23
Tomato paste 30 35
Bran 4,5 7
Lentils 25 30
Hercules 12 18
poppy 18 23
Condensed milk 48 55
Copper sulfate 65 75
Flaxseed oil 25 30
Cottage cheese 40 47
Cinnamon 20 25
Coffee 20 25
Vinegar 16 21
Cocoa 15 20
Oatmeal 12 18
Liqueur 20 25
Corn flakes 7 13
Mayonnaise 45 50
Ground crackers 15 20
Oatmeal 18 22
Monkey 30 35
Gelatin 15 20
Water 18 23
Soda 29 35
Starch 12 15
Sour cream 18 24
Egg powder 16 20
Dry yeast 16 20
Fresh yeast 45 55
Vegetable oil 25 30
Ghee 25 30
Melted margarine 20 25
Ground black pepper 12 15
Rye flour 25 30
Ground walnuts 30 35
Ground peanuts 25 30
Ground hazelnuts 30 35
Ground almonds 30 35

Honey is often used in many dishes. This is a very allergenic product, so it is worth knowing how many grams of honey are in a tablespoon so as not to exceed its permitted dose. One spoon contains 30 g. honey, provided that it is of liquid consistency.

Tables like these help in the kitchen. They relieve women from the need to purchase extra kitchen appliances and clutter in the kitchen space. This significantly saves a woman’s time, physical effort and financial resources.

How many grams are in a teaspoon: list

A teaspoon is a cutlery used for eating desserts, stirring tea, coffee or other hot drinks. The weight of the cutlery with and without a slide varies from 3 to 6 grams. The volume of the cutlery is 5 milliliters.

How many grams are in a teaspoon of the most commonly used ingredients:

    Water - five.
  • Salts:

    Coarse grind – ten.
    Fine grind – eight.

  • Granulated sugar - eight.
  • Wheat flour- eight.

Table: measures of weights of various ingredients in tea cutlery.

How many grams Without slide (in gr.) With a slide (in gr.)
Baking powder 5 8
Raisins 5 8
Dried mushrooms 4 7
Milk 6 9
Powdered milk 5 8
Cream 5 8
Tea 2 5
Citric acid 5 8
Jam 5 8
Protein 5 7
Rice 8 11
Perlovki 8 11
Millet cereal 8 11
Wheat cereal 8 11
Wheat flakes 2 5
Corn grits 6 9
Barley groats 6 9
Sago grains 6 9
Beans 11 15
Peas 10 14
Liquid honey 10 14
Powdered sugar 8 11
Sunflower oil 6 9
Buckwheat 8 11
butter 6 9
flax seeds 4 7
Condensed milk 12 16
Tomato paste 10 14
Bran 1,3 4
Mayonnaise 12 17
Hercules 6 9
poppy 5 8
Condensed milk 12 17
Copper sulfate 15 20
Flaxseed oil 6 9
Cottage cheese 10 15
Cinnamon 8 11
Coffee 8 11
Vinegar 6 9
Cocoa 4 7
Oatmeal 5 8
Liqueur 8 11
Corn flakes 2 5
Ground crackers 6 9
Oatmeal 5 8
Monkey 7 10
Gelatin 5 8
Soda 12 15
Starch 6 9
Sour cream 5 8
Egg powder 6 9
Dry yeast 5 8
Fresh yeast 15 18
Vegetable oil 6 9
Cottage cheese 10 15
Ghee 6 9
Melted margarine 6 9
Ground black pepper 6 9
Rye flour 5 8
Ground walnuts 10 14
Ground peanuts 8 12
Ground hazelnuts 10 13
Ground almonds 10 14
Dry rosehip 6 9
Fruit juice 5 8
Carnations 3 7
Black peppercorns 4,5 8

Important! There are four teaspoons in one level tablespoon.

How many grams are in a dessert spoon

Dessert spoons are often used in the kitchen. Their volume is 10 milliliters. But the measure of measurement is not equivalent to their volume.

Weight of the most common products and ingredients in dessert cutlery (in g):

Bulk products:

  • Table salt - twenty-five.
  • Bulgur - fifteen.
  • Peas - fifteen.
  • Barley - fifteen.
  • Rice - fifteen.
  • Couscous - fifteen.
  • Millet groats - fifteen.
  • Buckwheat- fifteen.
  • Granulated sugar - twenty.
  • Semolina- fifteen.
  • Flour (corn, rye, wheat) – twenty.
  • Powdered milk- nine.


  • Soda - twenty-four.
  • Powdered sugar- twenty.
  • Citric acid – fifteen.
  • Baking powder for dough - five.
  • Cocoa powder - fifteen.
  • Ground coffee- thirteen.
  • Poppy - twelve.
  • Gelatin - ten.
  • Mustard - nine.

Viscous consistency ingredients:

  • Condensed milk - twenty-five.
  • Puree - twenty-five.
  • Jam - thirty.
  • Bee honey - twenty-five.
  • Tomato paste- twenty two.
  • Sour cream - twenty.

Solid ingredients:

  • Beans - fifteen.
  • Candied fruits - twenty-five.
  • Walnuts- fifteen.
  • Fresh cherries, cranberries, currants - twenty.
  • Raspberries - ten.

Having such tables at hand, the housewife can easily create an elegant, unique and original dish even with a multi-ingredient recipe.

Knowing the unit of measurement will help her better understand the ratio of volume and mass of all products and ingredients necessary for cooking.

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Measuring dry yeast

How to measure approximately 1/4, 1/8 teaspoon of dry yeast

How to measure yeast using a medical syringe.

The ratio of dry and fresh yeast.

Beginning bakers, inspired by their first successes and ready to move on and bake bread according to GOST standards, will certainly have a problem with how to measure out a small amount of yeast, at least approximately.

A small amount is when the recipe specifies, for example, 1.42 grams, 0.8 grams or 1/4, 1/8 teaspoon. Many people are interested in how to do this approximately?

You can measure accurately if you buy high-precision electronic scales with increments of 0.01 grams or .

However, not every novice baker is sure that his bread will last for a long time. We're running out of time. Therefore, we are in no hurry to buy high-precision scales, measuring spoons and measuring utensils for small volumes.

If you really want to try baking bread right now, but the recipe calls for a quarter or an eighth of a teaspoon of yeast, there is a completely decent way.

You can fit a 5 ml medical syringe under a measuring spoon. It’s simple: take the plunger out of the syringe (see photo above) and hold it by the needle in the case. Here is a 5 ml measuring spoon with a 0.2 ml scale.

Cut off a corner of the bag of yeast and carefully pour in the required amount of ml. According to the rules for any measuring utensils, we do not shake out the yeast.

If you need half a teaspoon, add 2.5 ml,

for a quarter – 1.25 ml,

for the eighth part - 0.625 ml.

Naturally, we cannot measure hundredths, tenths – approximately. Well, these are minor things.

With recipes where yeast is specified in fractions of a teaspoon, this method is quite suitable.

Another thing, if the recipe indicates the amount of yeast in grams.

Then you will have to determine how many grams of yeast are in 1 ml.

You can believe the data from the Internet that there are 4 or 3 grams of dry yeast in a teaspoon.

Unfortunately, the data is different. You can determine it yourself for specific yeast. I tried the Saf-Moment bag several times with a syringe, without shaking it.

On average, I got 17.5 ml per bag.

So, there are 11 grams of yeast in a bag, 0.63 grams of yeast in 1 ml,

then in 5 ml there are 3.15 grams, i.e. in a teaspoon containing 5 ml, you get about 3 grams of Saf-Moment fast-acting yeast.

By the way, one division of a syringe 0.2 ml = 0.125 grams, but these are subtleties.

Let's determine how many ml the weight we need corresponds to.

Divide the required weight of yeast in grams by the weight of one milliliter in grams.

For example, we need to measure 1 gram of Saf-Moment yeast

1: 0.63 = 1.6 ml

If the desired weight is 1.47 grams

1.47: 0.63 = 2.33 ml

To my surprise, according to my measurements active yeast "Saf-Levur" in a teaspoon (5 ml) - 5 grams of yeast. But it is very convenient, 1 ml = 1 g.

Perhaps my package is open and the yeast has dried out and decreased in volume?

Everyone can try on themselves:

Lay on paper napkin so that the yeast does not spread.

Discard the container.

Measure, say, 5 ml of yeast onto a napkin with a syringe.

I think that the scales will show 20 grams, which means then everything is correct, 5 ml contains 5 grams of Saf-Levur yeast.

Oddly enough, home bakers today cannot do without arithmetic.

For example, to convert the amount of pressed (wet, fresh) yeast into dry or vice versa, there is a popular proportion:

Dry active to pressed – 1: 3

Dry fast-acting to pressed – 1: 3.5

However, there are other numbers on the network: 4: 1 and 2.5: 1

How to find out where the truth is?

To be sure that the ratio is correct, you should first look at what is written on the packaging. Not always, but often this is reported there.

On the package of Dr. Oetker instant yeast it says: 7 grams of dry yeast is equivalent to 25 grams of fresh yeast, i.e. 1:3.5.

If there is no data on the packaging, you can go to the manufacturer’s website and read about the ratio of dry yeast to fresh in questions and answers or on the forum.

For example, on the website of the Saf-Neva company they report that the replacement ratio of pressed yeast of the Record Red brand with dry yeast, for example, Nevada, Saf-Instant Red, is 3: 1, i.e. 3 kg of pressed is equal 1 kg dry yeast.

By the way, the Saf-Neva website has a very good forum. There, an experienced technologist-consultant answers questions about bread. You can ask a question, you can read a lot of interesting things.

Another tip on measuring cups: it’s worth buying a small 100 ml glass with a 10 ml scale, it will be useful to know exactly the amount of liquid in the dough. For bread recipes, 10-20 ml of liquid makes a difference.

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2015