Duck liver dishes are famous. Duck liver: recipes for healthy and tasty dishes

Translated from French Foie Gras means “fat liver” because when fried it releases quite a lot of fat, causing it to shrink significantly in size. A medium degree of roasting of this product is allowed. Duck liver, the recipe for which we will give, is especially tasty in combination with berries and fruits, in salads or with the appropriate sauce. This sauce is prepared on the basis of rich thick meat - bone broth, which is called Demi Glace. So, what is the best way to cook duck liver?

Fried duck liver in berry sauce


  • 1 tbsp. spoon and 1 teaspoon butter;
  • half a small onion;
  • one glass of red semi-sweet wine;
  • one tbsp. fresh frozen blackberries;
  • 1-2 teaspoons and 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar;
  • 4 pitted prunes;
  • dry thyme 1/4 tsp;
  • You will also need one apple.

Step-by-step preparation:

To prepare duck liver, prunes must be soaked in wine for two to three hours. Melt one teaspoon of butter in a saucepan. Fry finely chopped onion until golden brown. Then add one or two teaspoons of granulated sugar, blackberries, wine, thyme and vinegar. You need to cook over low heat so that the volume is reduced by almost half, and the berries should turn into puree for the liver.

Grind the berry mass through a sieve and pour back into the saucepan. Then add prunes and heat the sauce to the duck liver. You can add fat to the sauce, according to the recipe, which was rendered when frying the liver.

Cut the apple into 12 parts. Using a paring knife, trim off the skin and core. To prepare the liver, melt the butter in a frying pan and add two tablespoons of sugar. When our sugar begins to caramelize, add apples to it, stir and after a minute remove from heat. An apple will complement the taste of fried duck liver.

Wash the liver, soak and cut into thin pieces. Fry on both sides vegetable oil until a crust appears, then combine with apples and sauce and simmer until cooked. Serve as a separate dish or with salad.

Duck liver salad with orange


  • greens "Frise" 80 g;
  • one orange;
  • salt;
  • oil walnut 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • 0.5 kg duck liver;
  • add pepper and salt to taste;
  • parsley for decoration.

Cooking method:

To prepare a dish with pieces of duck liver, according to the recipe, cut the peeled orange into slices. Cut the slices crosswise into small pieces. Rinse the lettuce leaves in cold running water and dry with a paper towel. Place the leaves and chopped orange in a bowl, add salt and sprinkle with oil. Mix well and place on plates on which we will serve the duck liver.

Cook the duck liver last. Cut it into pieces (escalopes) about 1 centimeter thick, salt and pepper. You need to fry the liver in a well-heated dry frying pan for one minute on each side. To absorb excess fat, place the fried pieces of liver on paper napkin and then transfer to plates.

Video recipe: Duck liver with onions

It’s not very often that we have duck liver on our table. The recipes we use are more focused on pork, beef, maximum - chicken liver. However, on the eve of the holidays, you can treat yourself to something new and unknown. At least in order to compare how different an unfamiliar product is from something that has been tried for a long time.

Duck liver in sour cream

In most cases, it doesn’t matter what exactly is in your refrigerator: chicken or duck liver - the recipes can be applied to both varieties. Both work equally well in sour cream. This dish should be prepared as follows. A kilogram of duck liver is cleared of unnecessary layers - films, fat, etc., washed, strained and pierced with a toothpick (to prevent “shooting”). You shouldn’t cut it: this will cause meat juice to leak out, and the size of the product is not that large. The liver is rolled in flour and fried in hot oil until golden brown, after which it is placed in a cauldron. In the juice remaining from it, two onions are fried; transferred to the liver. In a cup, sour cream (3 tablespoons) is slightly diluted with water, combined with salt and a spoonful of flour and whipped until smooth. The resulting mixture is poured into a cauldron, water is added to the level of the liver, and after boiling, the contents are simmered over low heat for half an hour. At the end, add the selected spices, herbs and salt (if there is not enough).

Gourmet duck liver with tomatoes

It cooks very quickly, it turns out extremely aromatic, but for successful experiments you need a wok or at least a thick-walled and thick-bottomed vessel - the duck liver will be cooked in it. Recipes for the most part imply uncut liver, but for this it is worth chopping the liver coarsely (at least in half). The offal is fried quickly and at almost maximum heat. If there is a lot of it, several passes will be required. Each game takes no more than 3 minutes. In the fat remaining from the liver, fry quartered onion rings (three minutes, again, is enough). Add chopped garlic, cumin and coriander to it for half a minute. Then add small cubes of tomatoes and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar (per 800 g of liver; other seasonings are optional). After 3 minutes, the liver is put back into the container for five minutes, peppered and salted. Don't forget to stir!

Duck liver pate

One of the best and unique dishes! Requires quite a few additional components, but worth the hassle. If you want to get real results, don’t neglect any ingredient.

Finely chop an onion and a clove of garlic. They are simmered in butter for no more than four minutes. The prepared liver - about three hundred grams - is fried for three minutes along with fresh herbs - rosemary, parsley and thyme. When it cools down, everything that makes up the duck liver pate is forced through a blender into a paste along with 100 grams of butter. The mixture is mixed with two tablespoons of brandy, placed in a bowl or container and poured with melted butter. This concludes the preparation. You can eat the duck liver pate as soon as it has cooled down. A sandwich with it can be decorated with herbs, olives, capers and pickled small cucumbers.

"Foie gras"

All of the above is not a complete list of what duck liver can make you happy. Recipes offer pies with it, casseroles, frying and stewing options. However, nothing compares to the renowned French dish! To prepare it, you will have to spend a lot of money, because duck liver “foie gras” is made only from poultry fed with a special diet. The first liver you come across, even if it is definitely a duck liver, will not work. And such a “preparation” costs two to three times more than a regular one.

To prepare it, home recipe advises first to marinate the liver for half an hour in a glass of good port wine mixed with white pepper and salt (the marinade is enough for half a kilogram). Then the offal is wrapped in foil, pierced several times, and placed in the oven. The baking time is usually indicated on the package of the liver; on average - about half an hour. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it!

Glycemic index (GI) – 0.

Calorie content – ​​405 kcal.

Duck liver is a delicious offal of the 1st category, has a unique composition, valuable biological and gastronomic properties. It is considered a medicinal protein product. Fabric structure and taste qualities ideal for the production of pates and liver sausages. France, Hungary, and Belgium are leaders in the supply of duck liver. Among Russian producers, a duck farm near St. Petersburg stands out.

Beneficial features

Duck liver is rich in proteins (up to 20%), contains an impressive amount of vitamins: PP, B (1,2,5,6,9,12), D, A. There are no carbohydrates in the composition, and the amount of fat reaches up to 40%. The mineral spectrum includes 18 items. Phosphorus, potassium, iron, sulfur, manganese, zinc, and iodine are found in high concentrations. The product has a balanced amino acid composition: lysine, tryptophan, thiamine, pantothenic acid.

Duck liver is the leader among meat products in terms of the presence of vitamin A - retinol (twice as much). When consuming 100 g, the daily norm is replenished with phosphorus by 25%, cobalt - 90%, selenium - 122%, sulfur - 18%, copper - 45%, vitamin PP - 27%.

How it affects the body

Duck liver is good for vision, cardiovascular system, and kidneys. Helps normalize metabolic processes, improve blood composition, brain function, and fat loss. Consumption of liver has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, joints, muscle fibers, bone tissue, and skin. Normalizes the state of the nervous system, activates the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates sleep problems, increases vitality, and gives energy.

Duck liver has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant effects. Helps prevent osteochondrosis and atherosclerosis. The ability to stop the progression of malignant tumors, tone the reproductive system, and increase potency has been proven. Blocks the effects of toxins including alcohol and nicotine.

How to choose correctly

The quality of fresh duck liver can be determined by its appearance: uniform softness, absence of dark spots. The imported product has a yellow-pink or cream tint, weighs 400-600 g. The domestic product is grown on other feed sources, and as a result has a smaller size and a traditional red color.

The assortment of stores includes: different types: canned, vacuum boiled, frozen. Compared to goose, duck liver has a bright aroma and a characteristic creamy taste.

Storage methods

Fully cooked sterilized or canned liver can be stored for 12 months, raw – 2 days, cooled in a vacuum – 6 days.

What does it go with in cooking?

Popular cooking method goose liver- This is a quick frying in oil with sautéed onions. Pasta is used as a garnish mashed potatoes, buckwheat, white rice. Fatty liver is neutralized sour sauces from berries or apple cider vinegar.

Liver dishes are combined with cranberry, lingonberry jam, sour cream, cream, and tomato juice. Classic use - salads, pates. Combination recipes with the addition of mushrooms are popular, aromatic herbs, spices. The most famous is foie gras pate.

Healthy combination of products

The high calorie content of duck liver excludes it from the list of dietary products. Dosed consumption is allowed no more than once a week in the form of a pate. Exists recipe for duck pate for dietary nutrition. The basis of the dish is vegetables and herbs: Sun-dried tomatoes, thyme, parsley, garlic, Chinese cabbage, arugula, basil, onion. Vegetable broth is added to the total mass, low calorie yogurt, white pepper and other spices.


Duck liver is harmful for liver pathologies, obesity, and high cholesterol. The presence of extractives is not recommended in old age. Restricted use for diabetes, angina pectoris, after a heart attack or stroke.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Duck liver is prescribed during the treatment of oncology, anemia, nervous exhaustion, dystrophy, skin diseases, frostbite, burns, and injuries. It is recommended to use it to strengthen vision, bones, increase muscle mass, and with decreased immunity. Used to prevent colds, atherosclerosis, and osteochondrosis.

Duck liver is useful for elevated physical activity, excessive mental activity, to tone the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism. It is used in nutrition for poisoning with radioactive substances, pesticides, and to increase potency. Cosmetologists claim that with regular use of duck liver, the condition of hair and skin improves and the aging process slows down.

A festive selection of duck liver recipes. It's really delicious: liver muffins, liver pate with mushrooms, salads with duck liver... Will you try it? Make up your mind!

The holiday is just around the corner, and we have decent options holiday dishes from duck liver. Try cooking one of them. Your guests will definitely love it! After all, duck liver is a real delicacy.

Please remember to properly handle the liver before cooking. Cut off films and all kinds of foreign inclusions. Wash the liver thoroughly with running water.

Whenever possible, use fresh, not frozen, duck liver. As an exception, you can purchase a product of the so-called blast freezing, which preserves almost all beneficial features fresh liver.

Raw duck liver is perishable, while vacuum-packed duck liver can retain its freshness for approximately one week longer. By purchasing this product, you need to pay attention to it appearance. High-quality liver is characterized by a yellowish or pinkish-cream color, and the consistency is uniformly soft.

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Salad with canned beans and duck liver

Open the jar canned beans in white sauce. Drain the liquid by draining the beans in a colander. Cut 200g cherry tomatoes in half. Wash, dry and finely chop 100 g of fresh parsley and 50 g of basil. Also finely chop 4 peeled garlic cloves. Cut 1 large onion into rings. Mix beans, tomatoes, herbs and onions. Add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. olive oil, salt to taste. Place in a salad bowl. Now you need to prepare the salad decoration - duck liver. Wash 300 g of liver, dry and fry in olive oil. You will need 2 tbsp of oil. spoons. Fry until done, place in a hot salad bowl. The salad turns out very impressive!

Salad with green beans and duck liver

Rinse 400 g of duck liver. Prepare the marinade: mix 100 ml of dry red wine, 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, a pinch of dried thyme and a pinch of dried celery. Soak the liver in the marinade for an hour (put it in the refrigerator). Wash 500 g of green beans - if they are frozen, there is no need to wash them - add water and boil until tender. Drain the water by placing the beans in a colander. Cut it into pieces. Peel and cut into small half rings 1 large blue onion. Peel 4-5 cloves of garlic, chop finely. Heat 3 tbsp in a deep frying pan. olive oil, add garlic and liver, fry the liver until cooked. Place it in a salad bowl, add green beans and onions. Prepare the dressing: mix 2 tbsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 2 pinches of ground black pepper and salt to taste. Add the dressing to the salad, mix and serve, garnished with fresh herbs.

Duck liver with sweet and sour sauce

Peel 2 heads of white onions, cut into thin rings, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown and add 1 heaped tablespoon of sugar. Stir, add 500 g of pre-washed duck liver. Fry the liver quickly (for a minute) and remove it to a plate with a slotted spoon. Add 50 ml to the pan soy sauce, 50 ml dry red wine, 2 tsp. wine vinegar. Let the sauce boil, add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Place the duck liver in the sauce and simmer a little. A little is about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Then you need to serve the dish beautifully: use a slotted spoon to remove the onion and place it on a large flat plate. Place the liver on top, sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs and pour over the sauce in which the duck liver was stewed.

Duck liver stewed with potatoes

Wonderful hot dish festive table. It is prepared in 2 steps - first you need to fry the liver, then simmer it in a cauldron with potatoes.

Prepare the liver: wash, cut off all excess, place one at a time in a frying pan in hot oil, fry until golden brown. Turn over with a wooden spatula. As soon as the livers are browned, add the onion, cut into thin half rings. Fry for another 3-4 minutes, leave in the pan with a lid. For 1 kg of duck liver, take 2 medium-sized onions.

Peel 1 kg of potatoes, cut into cubes, boil until half cooked in small quantity water. Then drain half the water, add the liver and dissolved in a glass of water tomato paste(2-3 tablespoons). Add salt and pepper to taste, simmer covered until cooked. Serve as a main course on the first table.

Duck liver pate with porcini mushrooms

Great news - you can use dried mushrooms. And this is how the dish is prepared. Soak 1 kg of duck liver overnight in 3 glasses of milk. Then drain the milk, place the liver in a saucepan, add 5 tbsp. melted butter, 1 large onion, peeled and cut into rings, 2 carrots, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, as well as 200 g of dried porcini mushrooms. Simmer over low heat until the liver is cooked. Add salt and mixed pepper seasoning to taste. Soften 200 g of butter in advance at room temperature. Mix stewed liver with vegetables and mushrooms and butter. Using a blender, turn it all into a tender pate. And then use it as you wish. This pate can be a hit on your holiday table.

Duck liver muffins

You will need 1 kg of duck liver. Wash the liver and soak in milk for 2 hours, then drain the milk, mince the liver twice, add 4 whipped egg yolks, 100 g grated butter, salt and pepper to taste. Beat 4 egg whites to strong peaks, mix with the yolk-liver mixture. Add 2 tbsp. semolina. Mix thoroughly, pour into muffin tins, place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until done. Check readiness with a dry wooden stick. Carefully remove the duck liver muffins from the molds (they are very tender) and serve hot.

Duck liver mousse with pear


  • 250 grams of duck liver;
  • 1 large dense and juicy pear;
  • 50 ml heavy cream
  • 3 yolks
  • 2 tsp Cointreau liqueur;
  • 1/4 tsp. ground ginger
  • salt (1/2 tsp), ground pepper as desired.


Grind the raw liver, cream, and yolks in a blender until smooth. Add liqueur, ground ginger, salt and pepper. Peel the pear and cut into small cubes. Stir into mousse. Grease the mold with butter, add the mousse and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Refrigerate until room temperature, wrap in foil and put in the refrigerator for a day.

Duck liver terrine with persimmon


  • 1.5 kg duck liver;
  • 100 ml brandy
  • 20 grams granulated gelatin
  • 120 grams of duck fat;
  • balsamic vinegar to taste;
  • salt, ground white pepper;
  • 2 ripe persimmons + 1 fruit for decoration;
  • ground pink pepper optional.


Cut the persimmon into small pieces, rub through a sieve and mix with half the brandy. Soak gelatin in 3 tbsp. l. cold water for 10 minutes, then heat in a water bath, adding the remaining brandy, until dissolved, stirring. Mix gelatin with persimmons, whisk, cool, whisking regularly and not allowing to completely harden. Rub the liver with salt and white pepper. Chop the fat very finely, place in a deep frying pan with a thick bottom and simmer over low heat until the cracklings are crispy. Remove the cracklings with a slotted spoon - they won't be needed. Increase heat to medium. In heated fat in small portions Place the liver, fry on both sides, turning often, until golden crust, 5–6 min. portion. Place the finished liver in a bowl. When all the liver is fried, drizzle it balsamic vinegar, season with salt and pepper, cool. Line a rectangular cake pan with cling film and sprinkle the bottom with pepper. Place a third of the liver. Then add half of the persimmon jelly, again a third of the liver, the remaining persimmon and finally the remaining liver. Pour in the juice and some of the fat from the frying pan, sprinkle with pink pepper. Cover with film and refrigerate for 3 hours. When serving, you can garnish with slices of persimmon sprinkled with balsamic vinegar.

Well, dear friends, we are waiting for your feedback on this collection of recipes. And we will be very grateful if you share your recipes for duck liver dishes. And if you want, look again