Expensive vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables today form the basis of the diet of any person. These products are not only rich in vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much, but many of them are also very satisfying and contribute to beneficial processes in the body.

Of course, we are all used to fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, pears and many others. But have you ever tried anything more interesting? Rambutan? Starfruit? Lychee or dragonfruit? And these fruits are classified as "the most expensive vegetables and fruits in Russia and in the world.

Of course, not all exotics are expensive. There are many fruits and vegetables that you can try for a more or less affordable price.

The most expensive fruit shops

One of the most expensive fruit and vegetable markets is Tokyo (Japan). An example of such a fruit parlor is Sembikia. Here we can safely say that this is rather an expensive jewelry store.

Here, even strawberries, apples, mangoes and other fruits are ten times more expensive than in ordinary markets. This is all explained, first of all, by the fact that the target audience is the rich population of the country and tourists. Here, each fruit has the same shape and size, is grown in special individual, sometimes even secret conditions in not large quantities which gives rise to their value. The temperature regime is maintained with the help of air conditioners or heaters, depending on the season.

The most expensive fruits are usually served at diplomatic receptions, meetings and weddings. We can't even talk about products from ordinary markets, which, by the way, are not so many in Japan.

Royal melon yubari

The most expensive fruits for today. Once a pair of such melons was sold at an auction in Sapporro at a price of 24.6 thousand dollars. Two pieces were purchased as a gift (an old custom in Japan). By the way, for such a price you can buy a pretty good used foreign car.

The fruit itself is a hybrid of two different varieties nutmeg cantaloupe grown on the island of Hokkaido. The shape and qualities of the fetus are very strictly monitored. The pattern on the peel is similar to the ancient pattern of ancient porcelain vases, so the peel is also served at the table. This most expensive fruit in the world (photo above) speaks of the prosperity of the owner of the house or the generous reception of guests.

The taste and smell of melon is very fresh, pleasant, definitely justifies its price with its luxury.

Black Watermelon Densuke

In second place on the list of "the most expensive fruits in the world" this fruit is not in vain. This Japanese watermelon reaches a weight of up to 8 kg. Moreover, it was auctioned in northern Japan and sold for US$6,100 (650,000 yen in local currency) to a seafood dealer to support agriculture. Thanks to this, he became the most expensive fruit (or rather, a berry) in history.

The fruit is also grown on and the first harvest totaled 65 units. Distinctive features of watermelon is the black color of the skin, as well as an exceptional sweet taste.

This variety of watermelons is considered elite and is often presented as a gift, it speaks of a high position and respect.

Grape Ruby Romans

In third place in the ranking is the extraordinarily expensive variety Ruby Romance. Why is he so remarkable? This grape variety originated in Ishikawa, Japan and was grown under very strict conditions. The bunch consisted of 30 perfect grapes, the shape and size of a ping-pong ball. And no wonder it is the most expensive fruit. The high price is dictated by the deluxe quality and the very small quantity.

Each grape undergoes strict control and selection. In order to meet the parameters of the variety, it must have a weight of 20 grams, and the sugar level must be 18%.

The first high price per bunch was $910. It was paid by the manager of a hotel. Later, the cost of this masterpiece at auction amounted to 5400 US dollars, and it went to the Japanese, whose name remained a secret. A year later, the owner of a Japanese candy store paid $6,400 for it. Today the cost is slightly less.

Durian - Strange but Gorgeous

This fruit is considered to be the king of fruits. Its price is not so high (one unit may cost about but the “exotic” index goes off scale. What is it notable for? First of all, a disgusting smell. When this fruit is peeled, the aroma comes from all the most disgusting things in the world. Many people describe this smell as "rotten meat". But what lies inside is definitely worth it to have patience and willpower. The taste is described as "divine". Plus, it is extremely healthy.

There are restrictions regarding this outlandish fruit - it cannot be taken out of the country, brought to a hotel, eaten in public places. Therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible to try it in Russia. To do this, you need to go to Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, India, Sri Lanka or other countries of Southeast Asia, where its natural habitat is located.

Potato La bonnotte de Noirmoutier

Among vegetables, the leader in price is, yes, potatoes. But very special. This variety is grown on the island of Noirmoutier in relatively small quantities (up to 100 tons per year). The collection of such root crops is carried out manually, they have a very short shelf life.

The island has all the necessary conditions - sandy soil and a high content of algae. It looks like an ordinary potato, the shape is not particularly monitored. The cost of a vegetable is determined by the way it is grown and taste, it is quite unusual: you can feel the sweetness and even hints of nuts.

The first harvest of such potatoes went under the hammer at a price of 457 euros per kilogram, and this was in 1996. To date, the price is much lower and is about 10 euros per kilogram, however, in elite restaurants and shops, it is still served in expensive dishes.


Thus, we examined the most expensive fruits in the world. Most of these fruits can be purchased in Russia, but their cost can be even more expensive, and the quality is slightly worse due to transportation.

Such varieties of fruits are grown exclusively for rich people. It cannot be said that they are very different in taste from ordinary ones. But their essence is in careful care, growing conditions, shape and appearance, of course, they are very tasty. For example, only a knowledgeable person will be able to distinguish an elite yubari melon from an ordinary one. And there are very few such people. Therefore, if you want to demonstrate your position in society or show respect and gratitude to a person, the most expensive fruits or vegetables will be a wonderful gift or table decoration for true gourmets.

There are a lot of delicacies on our planet, the existence of which many, perhaps, have never even heard of. And they are outrageously expensive. Such products are not always affordable even for a rich person. Unless, of course, he is a millionaire or some celebrity with a fabulous income.

However, there is a demand for everything, and some people are willing to pay, say, 500 euros for a pound of potatoes. Yes, the hair on the head stands on end from the announced amount. How, why, why? What's wrong with our potatoes? All these questions have answers. So, I present to your attention the ten most expensive dishes in the world.

white truffle

white truffle

The most valuable species are French black (Périgord) and white Piedmont, which grow in Italy, France and Romania. However, the most expensive was the white truffle, which has a unique taste, incomparable aroma and in a section resembling a piece of marble. These mushrooms grow underground, at a depth of about 9-10 cm, and only sometimes they can protrude quite a bit. That is why they are so hard to find. Here, specially trained dogs come to the aid of a person. They pick up the truffle aroma, “take a trail”, and then dig holes in the place where they smell the mushroom. True, sometimes pigs, which also have a subtle sense of smell, exercise in search of this exquisite and not accessible product. Interestingly, truffles should never be cooked, but should only be eaten raw. Otherwise, mushrooms will lose their famous taste and aroma. As for prices, it is difficult to give exact figures. The fact is that the price per kilogram of the delicacy is constantly changing, since almost every large mushroom is sold at auction, which is held annually in Italy at the truffle festival. It was in the Italian San Miniato that the world's largest mushroom weighing 2.5 kg was found. And in 2007, a 750-gram white truffle was sold to three Hong Kong magnates for $209,000. You can say now the cost of one kilo of white truffle is on average about 2 thousand euros.


Moose cheese

The world's most expensive cheese was created from sheep's milk and auctioned off during an annual competition in northern Spain for 6.3 thousand euros per pound. This event has become truly unique, because earlier the best varieties cheese was sold at a price that did not even reach 100 euros (50-80 euros per kilo).

However, in addition to the above, the list of record holders can also include very expensive moose cheese, produced in only one place - on the Moose House farm in Sweden. Moose milk is used for its production. You can milk a moose cow only at certain times of the year, and in time this process takes about 3 hours.

Moose cheese is white in color, resembles feta in texture, but more fatty, and tastes very delicate, slightly salty with a rich milky flavor. The cost of such cheese is a thousand euros per kilogram, and it is produced in very limited quantities.



And here is the most expensive spice in the world - saffron, which is considered to be the birthplace of India. To obtain the spice, the stamens of purple crocus flowers are used, each of which has only three of them. Therefore, a lot of effort and time is spent on obtaining saffron. Saffron is called the king. The spice has a strong aroma, bitter-spicy taste and amazing medicinal properties. In finished form, it is a fragile dried threads of dark red, brown and light yellow color. Moreover, the highest quality is considered to be the one where there is less admixture of light yellow stamens. Highly important point One thing to consider when using saffron is its correct dosage. The fact is that in large quantities it is poisonous to humans. So, taken at a time, 0.5 grams of saffron have an unpleasant narcotic effect on the body and can lead to poisoning. As for cooking, in some countries this spice is even put into tea and coffee. They tint it with butter, cheeses (saffron gives the dish a pleasant golden hue), flavor liqueurs and soft drinks, added to pilaf and oriental pastries. And there are special dishes that simply cannot be imagined without this spice - Marseille bouillabaisse soup, Valencian paella and Milanese risotto. For 1 kg of saffron, you will have to pay about 6 thousand dollars.

Iranian caviar

Iranian caviar "Almas"

The most expensive caviar in the world comes from Iran. This is Almas. By the way, caviar has always been considered a symbol of well-being and has never been distinguished by low prices. Be it black, white or red. But it was Almas that was awarded the palm. It has an incomparable nutty flavor and a pleasant shade that varies from light gray to almost white, with a dark golden sheen. Her albino beluga is tossing, and not younger than 80 years old! And the older this fish becomes, the more tender, tastier and lighter its caviar is. And that means more expensive. Add to everything that "Almas" is packaged in jars of pure gold! It becomes clear why the price for 100 g of such caviar is about 2 thousand dollars.


Potato "La Bonnotte"

The presence of light on the list of the most expensive products is a bit surprising. It would seem, what could be more affordable? After all, we can easily grow this vegetable even in our own garden, spending only on the purchase of a simple "seedling". However, there is a kind of potato that is not “too tough” for everyone. This is a delicacy "La Bonnotte". Its difference is the place of growth, the French island of Nurmoitier in the Atlantic Ocean. As well as the cultivation process: potato fields are fertilized only with seaweed according to a technology that has been passed down from generation to generation. And, of course, the laborious process of planting and harvesting, carried out exclusively by hand. Tubers "La Bonnotte" have a surprisingly delicate taste with a salty sea flavor and rather big cost - about 500 euro kg.

Dry-cured Ham

Jamon Iberico

In order to taste the best and most expensive pork ham - Iberico jamon, you should go to Spain. More precisely, to its southwestern part, to the Extremadura region. It is there that black pigs of the Iberian breed graze, which are fed exclusively on acorns and for which huge pastures have been set aside. Ham gives any dish with a rich and unique nutty flavor, it is used in cooking, main dishes, and even. One of the desserts can be tasted in Spain: creamy ice cream is served with a spoonful of flower honey and Iberico jamon chips. Prices for a kilo of dry-cured jamon fluctuate around 365 euros.

Argan oil

Argan oil

Argan oil is the most expensive, rare and valuable in the world. It is obtained by cold pressing the fruits of the argan tree (reminiscent of olives), which grows in the semi-deserts of Morocco. Argan oil is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetics. It has a golden yellow color useful properties, high content of beauty and youth vitamin E (74%), unobtrusive smell with hints of nuts and spices, and tastes a bit like pumpkin seed, but with a more piquant aftertaste. With the help of argan oil, you can give a pleasant aroma to hot dishes, a rich and rich taste to salads, and also use it for frying (it has a high combustion temperature). It takes 30 kg of fruits to produce 1 liter of oil, which is why it is so expensive: 100 ml will cost 250 euros.

tokyo store Sembikiya Fruit Parlo it looks like a jewelry boutique - luxurious shop windows, spotlights, glass and mirrors polished to a shine. To make a purchase there, you will have to save money - the size of the average check is rather big. And they sell fruits in this store that have an ideal shape and impeccable appearance. In Japan, they are very much appreciated, but not sold everywhere.

High-quality fruit in Japan is given on a solemn occasion, including to dignitaries. They can be a great gift for a wedding, gratitude to an official or a doctor. In a regular store or on the market, such fruits cannot be found, they are presented only in specialized stores.

For example, a melon in a fruit boutique costs $160. However, this melon is special. The fruits are grown in Shizuoka Prefecture, in specially designed greenhouses. In winter, they work there, and in summer, farmers turn on air conditioners and cover melons with straw hats. Early ripened specimens are mercilessly thrown away - only those that are maximally saturated with the sun remain, acquire a honey taste and divine aroma.

Not only the quality of the goods is on top, but also the service in stores. If the client buys the same melon, the consultant asks on what day it is planned to be consumed - and will select the perfect copy, the taste of which will be impeccable on that date. If the fruit is purchased out of season, the consultant will certainly warn about this, advising a suitable replacement.

Despite the fact that such fruit prices seem outrageous to many, business is booming. The Sembikiya store has a history of almost 200 years - oddly enough, it was originally a shop opened by the samurai Benzo Ohshima, selling fruits at discount prices. The business was family owned and passed down from generation to generation. Finally, the new owner decided to turn the concept on its head and focus on premium products.

For us, a symbol of prosperity and well-being on the table has long been black and red caviar. Considering it the most expensive delicacy, we carried the coveted jar home. And, pleased with themselves, proudly hoisted on festive table sandwiches or pancakes with caviar. Or they showed imagination and did it. Now, the powers that be are doing the same in order to demonstrate their status to everyone. Considering that a good show-off is more expensive than money, they order the most expensive products in the world to the table. Thus, admiring business partners and making their competitors gnash their teeth with envy. And although many of the dishes cost fabulous sums, in certain circles the demand for them is very stable. What do they eat there that we didn’t even dream of because of its exorbitant cost? It is interesting to us! And you?

The most expensive animal products are meat and seafood

Caviar "Almas"

The most expensive is the Iranian caviar "Almas". And the albino beluga females toss her. Their light eggs have a pleasant golden hue. Moreover, the older the beluga is, the lighter the color of the caviar will be, and the taste is better and more tender. It is extremely rare and therefore very expensive. But, despite this, the list of those wishing to purchase this delicacy is scheduled for four years in advance. It is packaged in 100-gram jars made of pure gold. A jar of such caviar costs $2,000, and a kilogram can be purchased for “only” $25,000.

Marble beef Wagyu

A real gourmet must try marbled beef. Of course, if he has extra $2500. That's how much a kilogram of selected meat costs. The Wagyu black cow breed is bred in Japan, and more recently in Australia. Although nature does not provide for the marbling of this product, this effect is achieved through special care for cows. Elite cows are kept on a special diet, and they are also massaged. The Japanese also add beer to their diet, and the Australians add red wine. The better the care, the more tender the meat will turn out, in which there will be a higher degree of marbling. From it prepare the most delicious and juicy steaks in the world!

Pork Jamon Iberico

Premium quality dry-cured pork ham is prepared in Spain. The so-called jamon is obtained by breeding black pigs of the Iberian breed. In one of the regions in the south-west of the country there are huge pastures for them. Thanks to the exclusively acorn diet of pigs, unique taste and high quality finished products. A kilogram of jamon will cost you $400.

Recipes that used simpler jamon:
, about the most expensive melon, read on.

bluefin tuna

The price of bluefin tuna ranges from $1,000 to a record $8,000 per kilogram. And all because it can be sold at auctions. Once a whole carcass of bluefin tuna (which is more than 200 kg) went under the hammer for an unprecedented amount - 1.8 million dollars. Its excellent red meat is appreciated by lovers of seafood. Particularly popular in Japanese cuisine considered ideal for making sushi.

Ordinary tuna is available to mere mortals, mostly in canned food. Here are some recipes:

Abalone clams (canned)

Canned goods can also be elite. Those wishing to taste Abalone clams will have to pay $250 per jar. In this container you will find three clams with a total weight of 500 g. Their tender and juicy meat can be consumed not only canned, but also raw.

Fugu fish

There are many gourmets who want to tickle their nerves. Those who ordered Fugu fish in a restaurant will feel a short-term paralyzing effect of all limbs and a state similar to drug intoxication. This is the case if the cook prepares the "deadly" delicacy correctly, leaving only the smallest dose of poison. Otherwise, this will be the last supper for the daredevil. A challenge to fate will cost a hundred dollars.

The most expensive and rare fruits and vegetables

Grape varieties "Roman ruby"

A unique variety of large-fruited grapes with the poetic name "Roman Ruby" was bred in 2008. This variety is grown in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Each premium grape is the size of a table tennis ball. You can become a happy owner by purchasing a bunch at an auction for $ 4000-5500, consisting of an average of 30 grapes. In this scenario, the cost of each ruby ​​grape will be from $100 to $200.

Melons Yubari

Juicy melons of this variety are grown in Japan on the island of Hokkaido. Their tender flesh is orange in color and impresses with its rich taste. This hybrid variety has a perfectly round shape. The best specimens are put up for auction, mostly in pairs. So the price of these truly royal melons can reach $ 25,000 per pair.

Watermelon Densuke

Densuke watermelons are a rarity. And although they have juicy scarlet pulp, a distinctive feature of this variety is the black color of the fruit. Refined taste and unusual coloring makes Densuke an elite gift, original, but quite expensive. Since no more than 65 watermelons are harvested per crop, the price of each is $6,000. They are grown on the same Japanese island as Yubari royal melons.

Potato "La Bonnotte"

The elite variety of potato "La Bonnotte" is grown on the lands of the island of Nourmoitier, which belongs to France. There is a "potato" island in the Atlantic Ocean. A special variety with an unusual taste is obtained by fertilizing the earth with seaweed. The special technology is passed down from generation to generation. And the tubers grown in this way have a brackish taste of the sea. A kilogram of such a special potato can be purchased for $600.

The question is whether you will cook regular ones from it.

The most expensive soft drinks

Dahongpao tea

Lovers of tea ceremonies are also not forgotten. For those of them who also have capital, the Dahongpao variety is grown. After all, drinking such a cup of tea is not a cheap pleasure. Six ancient bushes of this variety produce up to 500 g of tea leaves, only the very first young leaves are harvested. Those wishing to enjoy the taste and aroma of an ancient tea variety, purchase it at an auction. The price per kilogram can reach $ 700,000.

Kopi Luwak coffee

This coffee is unique not by the variety of beans, but rather by its unusual “life path” that it goes through before it goes on sale. In Indonesia, the word "Kopi" means coffee, and "Luwak" is a small animal that looks like a ferret or marten. Luwak loves to eat ripe coffee beans. But his body is designed in such a way that it does not digest them. However, after passing through the intestines of the animal, the grains acquire an unprecedented and absolutely unique taste and aroma. Surprisingly, coffee brewed from such beans (washed, dried and roasted) is simply fantastic: with the aroma of honey, nougat and butter! It tastes so amazing too. Coffee lovers do not hesitate to pay up to $ 700 per kilogram of unusual coffee. Also, such coffee will be an excellent exotic present brought from Indonesia.

Drinking water "Kona Nigari"

Enterprising Japanese have created and launched luxury drinking water for sale. The unprecedented price for such a product is simply stunning! What is the secret of the most expensive bottled water? It is desalinated water from the ocean. It is considered a great addition to proper nutrition, having healing properties. Packed in a container in a concentrated form. Upon purchase, it must be diluted with plain water. There are two forms of release: a tiny bottle of 0.06 liters. costs $ 33, and a five-liter bottle - $ 2000. Despite this, demand far exceeds supply.

Other most expensive food in the world

white truffle

More common is the black truffle, which is on the menu of every self-respecting three-star restaurant. But the most expensive is the white truffle. It has a unique taste and has an exquisite aroma. This variety in the context has an interesting color - it resembles a piece of marble. It is difficult to set an exact price, because such truffles are sold at auctions. The highest price for one copy was paid in 2007 and amounted to $209,000.


Even spices or spices can be "not simple, but golden." In truth, the exorbitant price of saffron, it ranges from $6,000 to $11,000. But this is on condition that natural Indian saffron is meant. Indeed, due to its great popularity, another type has become widespread - a false one. It is offered to customers under the name Imereti saffron. And this is another name for the well-known marigolds. In India, true saffron is lilac flowers, the dried stamens of which are an exotic spice.

Moose cheese

An unusual variety of cheese is produced in very limited quantities. It is made from moose milk on one of the farms in Sweden. Due to the fact that such milk can only be obtained at certain times of the year, the product is expensive and very rare. This variety of cheese has a rich, but very delicate taste with slightly salty notes. But what about the price? For a kilogram of cheese pleasure, you will have to pay $1,000 or even $1,500.

Argan oil

Rare and very useful vegetable oil made from argan fruit. Outwardly, the argan tree resembles an olive tree. Her oil is unique product used in cooking. The price is high due to the limited distribution area. Those wishing to give their dishes a rich and rich taste should remember that the price of 1 liter of argan oil is $3,000.

Chocolate "Chocopologie by Knipschildt"

If you are a true chocoholic, are you ready to pay about $3,000 for your favorite dessert? That is the price of haute couture chocolate. It and other elite sweets are produced in the USA by high-class chocolatiers. The products of the Knipschildt Chocolatier Coding House are a real work of art that meets the highest quality standards. All ingredients are natural, and therefore the shelf life is short. Yes, and it is not necessary! After all, having a coveted pound of elite chocolate, would it occur to you to keep it?!

Matsutake mushrooms

For those who are already fed up with truffles (and there are some!) we offer to taste matsutake mushrooms. A rare representative of the mushroom "family" is very loved by gourmets. Naturally, among those who can afford it. Because a kilogram of such mushrooms will cost $ 2,000. They have a specific aroma - spicy and sweet at the same time. Matsutake is not only tasty, but also healthy, having a rich set of ingredients. useful substances. The only unfortunate thing is that this mushroom cannot be cultivated. And therefore it grows only in China and Japan on a special red pine.

Macadamia Nuts

The most expensive nut is macadamia. Its high cost is due to the difficulty of collecting, because the height of trees can reach 20 m. As well as the complexity of caring for trees. The kernels of these nuts are tasty and very healthy, but their shells are extremely strong. Therefore, to extract them and try, you have to work hard. Macadamia trees growing in Australia bear fruit for up to a hundred years. A kilogram of such nuts costs from $ 30 and above.

edible gold

Surprisingly, the most expensive product in the world is food supplement! This is edible gold, officially marked as E 175. Gold leaf is used to decorate elite dishes, desserts and drinks. It is harmless and, being an inert metal, gold leaves the body unchanged 24 hours after consumption. It is also used for decoration, wanting to give chic and gloss to the secular reception. The price corresponds - from 30 to 100 thousand dollars per 1 kg.

Maybe, having the opportunity to purchase all this, we would have been tempted (at least) by a couple of items from the above list. And by combining some of them, we would get one of the most expensive dishes in the world. But even from simple products, (absolutely not elite) but of good quality, you can cook delicious and original dishes. And we are always happy to suggest you the right recipe!

P.S. : But I still want to try haute couture chocolate ...

The most expensive food in the world is the white truffle. Photo: AFP

Cheese, bread, chocolate are products familiar to us since childhood. Despite ever-increasing prices, anyone can afford to buy a loaf of freshly baked bread with a crispy crust or a bar of their favorite chocolate. A cup of invigorating coffee in the early morning has become a tradition for many. And rarely, who can resist fried potatoes with fragrant mushrooms.

Luckily, many of our favorite products are available. But there are some that we can only dream of.

We bring to your attention the TOP 10 familiar and at the same time the most expensive products.

1 Most Expensive Food: Cheese

The most expensive cheese is made on the Swiss farm Moose House, 650 km from Stockholm.

most expensive cheese

Here, from May to September, they produce cheese from elk milk. Only 300 kg of this delicacy product is produced per year, and its cost reaches $1,000 per kilogram.

Do not flatter yourself - even for this money you are unlikely to be able to purchase it. Cheese is sold exclusively at auction, and you can taste it only in expensive European restaurants.

2 Most Expensive Products: Tea

Chinese tea "Da Hong Pao" - "Big Red Robe" is considered the most expensive tea in the world.

most expensive tea

It can only be purchased at auction, where the price can reach $700,000 per kilogram.

This tea has been famous since the reign of the Qing Dynasty; it grows in China only in one place in the province of Fujian near the Tianxin monastery. Experts suggest that the age of the bushes of this tea is more than 350 years.

3 Most Expensive Products: Coffee

Kopi Luwak is the number one priced coffee in the world.

most expensive coffee

The price for 1 kilogram can reach $600. Connoisseurs call it "the drink of real kings." It has a taste of dark chocolate and a delicate aftertaste of caramel, including a little vanilla flavor.

The recipe for making coffee, although simple, is quite exotic, which just affects its cost. Coffee is made, or rather obtained, from animal droppings. These animals are Chinese badgers or musangs.

These predatory mammals feed on coffee fruits, and they choose the most ripe and largest berries, collecting them both from trees and on the ground. Coffee beans, while in the body of an animal, are processed by gastric juice and civet. After that, the excrement that came out of the animal is collected by a person.

Fruits that did not have time to be digested are selected, cleaned, repeatedly washed and dried. Dried grains are lightly roasted at a certain temperature. Exact recipe preparation and processing is unknown, manufacturers keep it a secret.

4 Most Expensive Foods: Mushrooms

The white truffle was and remains the most expensive mushroom in the world.

most expensive mushroom

It is rarer and more valuable than its closest relative, the black truffle. And the price per kilogram of such a delicacy reaches 7.5 thousand euros.

It is difficult to name the exact price, since usually the mushroom is sold at auction. The white truffle grows underground only in Italy, and the harvesting season lasts only two months a year. Outwardly, it resembles Jerusalem artichoke, has a brown peel and light flesh with red streaks.

Compared to dark truffles, the aroma of white truffles is more pronounced. Both culinary specialists and gourmets are unanimous in their opinion - not a single product can be compared in taste with the “white diamond”.

5 Most Expensive Products: Caviar

The most expensive caviar in the world is not red, and not even black. The caviar of the albino beluga living in the Caspian Sea is valued all over the world, it has a white or slightly golden hue and a taste of hazelnut.

The most expensive caviar

This fish spawns only once every 100 years and during this time reaches a weight of more than a ton. The older the fish, the higher the cost of its caviar.

The Iranian company Almas is engaged in the extraction and production of caviar. Caviar is packaged in tiny 100-gram jars of pure gold, each of which costs $2.5 thousand.

This delicacy tends to spoil quickly, so it must be eaten as soon as possible.

6 Most Expensive Foods: Spices

Although saffron grows on almost all continents, it was and remains the most expensive spice.

The most expensive spice is saffron

The high cost of saffron is due to the complexity of its collection. Saffron flowers are harvested by hand on the first day of flowering and only at dawn.

Saffron reduces arterial pressure, helps with vascular diseases, regulates lipid (fat) metabolism, increases the body's resistance to stress. This spice will be useful in the initial stages of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris, with atherosclerosis and hypertension.

The cheapest saffron on the world market is Iranian ($460-470 per kilogram). The price of Greek and Indian comes to $790, but it is stored the longest. More expensive and with the strongest taste - Italian saffron. But the most expensive, best and highly valued saffron in the world is Spanish. It has the most exquisite aroma and 1 gram of this spice costs more than a gram of gold.

7 Most Expensive Foods: Fish

Bluefin tuna is considered to be the most expensive fish. One kilogram of sea delicacy reaches $1,500 in price.

most expensive fish

In 2013, at an auction in the city of Tsukiji (Japan), a kind of record was set - a 222-kilogram tuna was sold for 155.4 million yen (about $ 1.8 million).

Bluefin tuna is an endangered species, so the volume of its catch is decreasing every year, which leads to an increase in the cost of the product.

8 Most Expensive Foods: Potatoes

La Bonnotte potatoes are the most expensive variety on the planet. It is grown on the island of Noirmoutier, in northern France.

most expensive potato

Indeed, this potato will never become a “second bread”. Its price per kilogram reaches 650 euros.

The fruits are sweet in taste, have a lemon aroma and a nutty flavor. Perhaps this is due to the special way of growing and fertilizing seaweed.

This variety can only be planted and harvested by hand. The fruits are small and round with firm and tender pulp are stored for only a few days. The peel of a potato is a source of vitamins, so it does not need to be peeled.

La Bonnotte is an exclusive delicacy and chefs around the world wait every year to have this potato in their kitchen.

9 Most Expensive Foods: Bread

In London, in Harrods department store, you will find the most expensive bread on our planet, which is called Roquefort and Almond Sourdough Bread.

most expensive bread

The recipe is kept in the strictest confidence. It is only known that only the best class A flour is used for making bread, the grain for which is grown in the fields of the British Wiltshire county, selected almonds and high-quality french cheese Roquefort.

Those who have tried this miracle of baking skill at least once recommend not to regret and purchase a loaf for just some $24.5.

10 Most Expensive Food: Chocolate
most expensive chocolate

The company has been on the market for more than a hundred years, and the demand for its products continues to grow.

Chocopologie by Knipschildt chocolate is a welcome treat on the White House table. Do not mind pampering yourself with the most expensive chocolate in the world and the English queen. And it costs $2600 per pound (453g).