Eee what can be done to cook from hawthorn. Simple recipes and ways to cook hawthorn for the winter

Most often, hawthorn is perceived as a medicinal plant with great potential. For some, this is, first of all, an ornamental tree, with spectacular fruits and a dense crown that fits well into a hedge. And not everyone is interested in the culinary possibilities of its red, dense, but tender, slightly tart berries. And in vain! Recipes for hawthorn jam or compote take a serious place in the old cookbooks.

Apart from unusual taste and aroma, hawthorn has undeniable advantages. It does not lose useful medicinal properties after heat treatment. In addition, its composition of sugars includes mainly fructose, which is important for diabetics. And in 100 g fresh berries only 52.5 kcal. These are just a few arguments in favor of making compote and hawthorn jam for the winter. How to do it?

The least time-consuming way to make hawthorn blanks is to make jam. It will retain all the properties of the fruit and aroma, and with the help of simple spices, you can vary its taste.

Jam from hawthorn with seeds. Sort 1 kg of large fruits, wash and sprinkle on a towel to dry. Boil syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water, pour the berries, mix with a wooden or plastic spoon. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring. Turn off, set aside for 10-12 hours. Reheat to a boil, add a pinch of citric acid and a bag of vanilla sugar, mix. Cook until cooked, stirring and shaking, 25-30 minutes, cook less small berries. After cooling, immediately pour into jars until the jam thickens.

Seedless Hawthorn Jam. Wash the fruits, cut off the tails and stalks. Cut each berry and pick up with a knife and remove the seeds. These operations should be done with gloves, the berries are painted. Pour the fruits with sugar, half a glass of sugar per glass of fruit (for long-term storage when room temperature make 1:1). After 30-40 minutes on a very low heat, stirring to evenly heat and release the juice, bring to a boil. Switch off. Then cook in 2 doses with an interval of 6-10 hours.

quick jam hawthorn. Pour 1 kg of sorted and washed fruits with seeds with sugar, 500–600 g, leave in a warm place until juice appears. To put on medium fire, stirring with a silicone spatula or spoon, bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer until thickened, about 40 minutes. Cool and pour into jars. You can pour hot jam into jars and sterilize. With this cooking option, jam is stored for more than 2 years.

Hawthorn compote

All hawthorn drinks, including compotes, have pronounced medicinal properties, for which they are loved by cores and hypertensive patients. This is both their plus and minus. You can’t immediately drink a lot of hawthorn compote, the pressure will drop dramatically.

Hawthorn compote, 1st method. Cut off the stalks from the berries and remove the seeds, put them in jars, at least 300 g per liter. Boil 40% syrup (a liter of water + 670 g of sugar), add 3 g of citric acid to it and immediately pour hawthorn. Cover jars with lids, sterilize for 7-10 minutes, roll up, turn over, cover with a blanket. After conservation, the maximum taste qualities compote made according to this and other recipes appear in a month and a half.

Hawthorn compote, 2nd method. Dip prepared berries with seeds in almost boiling 30% syrup (a liter of water + 430 g of sugar), leave for 10 hours. Drain the syrup, put the berries in sterile jars. Boil the syrup and pour into jars, sterilize for 5 minutes, roll up, turn over.

Hawthorn compote with apple juice. Remove the seeds from 1 kg of large berries, pour a glass of sour apple juice, boil 3 min. Add boiling sugar syrup(liter of water + 300 g of sugar), turn off, cool, pour into jars. Put in a warm bath, bring it to a boil, sterilize for 5-7 minutes, preserve.

Hawthorn Puree

Many winter preparations from hawthorn start with cooking gentle puree. This is due to the presence of very hard seeds in the fruits, which, although they have beneficial features, however, are almost not absorbed by the body and can even harm children and sick people. For hawthorn puree, only fully ripened red berries are taken.

hawthorn puree recipe. Sort and sprinkle with a thin layer of 1 kg of fruits, leave for a day in a warm room. Wash the fruits, pour into a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom. Pour 2 glasses of water. Cook until all berries soften. Rub the boiled berries through a sieve, reheat and distribute in hot sterile jars, roll up. In addition to the usual use for tea drinking, a thick puree flavored with honey is an amazing filling for pies.

Hawthorn puree - the basis for delicacies

Candy from hawthorn. Pour 400–500 g of sugar, taking into account personal taste, into 1 kg of puree, mix, cook until the volume is reduced by 1.5–2 times. Dilute 100 g of starch with warm drinking water, pour into hot mashed potatoes and mix thoroughly with a spoon (not with a blender, it will mix excess air into the mass). Pour hot puree onto a baking sheet or tray with small sides and air dry. When the mass hardens a little, cut into geometric shapes and sprinkle powdered sugar. Until completely dry, leave, covered, in the air. For long-term storage, pour into a jar and refrigerate.

Diet pastille from hawthorn. Boil the finished puree until thick, cool and pour a thin layer on a wet cold baking sheet or slightly greased vegetable oil ordinary glass. Cover with gauze and put in a warm, ventilated place, but without direct sunlight. After a few days, cut into strips and roll into rolls. Store in a dry airtight container, preferably in the refrigerator.

Sweet hawthorn marshmallow. For 1 kg of thick boiled puree, put 200 g of sugar or liquid honey and stir until completely dissolved, you can warm it up a little for speed. Spread the mass in a 1 cm layer on a wooden board and dry it in a burned-out stove, oven or drying cabinet according to the instructions. Cut the prepared pasta into cubes.

Hawthorn jam with apples. Mix 1 kg of finished applesauce, hawthorn puree and 0.5 kg of sugar. Cook, stirring, until a thick mass is obtained, arrange in jars and cork.

Spicy hawthorn wine

Hawthorn wine is advised to add, but not abuse (!), To a meal for people over 45 years old. It creates a positive mood and is very tasty, and also slows down the aging process.

Recipe fast food wine with hawthorn. Crush 500 g of berries, add a spoonful of dried flowers, pour 2 liters of natural white wine, keep for 10 days in a dark place, shaking several times every day. Filter. Together with the flowers, you can add dry mint or cinnamon. To increase sugar, put a handful of raisins or a couple of tablespoons of honey.

In addition to traditional hawthorn blanks, it is dried in the air under a canopy in the air, in an open switched off oven or in a drying cabinet at 50–60 0C. In cooking, the fruits are ground to a state of flour and poured into dough for buns, pies and cookies. Finished goods will be more tender, with a delicate fruity aroma and taste.

Hawthorn, unlike other berries and fruits, in addition to its individual taste, has a proven therapeutic effect. Therefore, it is worth having a sweet medicine on hand - mashed potatoes, compote and hawthorn jam. And delicacies from mashed potatoes prepared in the fall can also be prepared in winter: for the New Year or at any time if desired.

Autumn is a wonderful time, pampering us with all kinds of berries. Blood-red fruits of hawthorn are one of the most beautiful and delicious means for improving our body, in general, and the cardiovascular system, in particular.

You can learn more about the biochemical composition, therapeutic effects, contraindications and some methods of harvesting medicinal berries.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the use of hawthorn berries in cooking and folk medicine, because the dream of most of us is to be treated deliciously! And confirmation that the useful can also be very pleasant to taste are all kinds of desserts and drinks made from bloody berries. Ripe hawthorn fruits have a powdery texture and a delicate sweet-sour taste.

Pleasant sweets based on hawthorn

How to make hawthorn jam

Sort the berries (1 kg), rinse with water, put in an enameled or copper bowl, pour water so that it only covers them, boil until soft, rub through a sieve with the addition of half a kilogram of granulated sugar and one teaspoon of citric acid powder. Cook berry puree over low heat until thickened. Choose your own consistency - if you like thick jam that you want to cut with a knife, then cook longer and vice versa.

How to make hawthorn candy

In the finished thick jam, prepared according to the previous recipe, add sugar and starch at the rate of 0.4 kg of sugar and 0.1 kg of starch per 1 kg of mass. Spread the thoroughly mixed mass on a wooden board with a layer of 1.5 cm and level with a wooden spatula. With the blunt side of the knife, cut into rectangles, squares or rhombuses (optional), cover with a thin layer of powdered sugar and put the board for several days in a well-ventilated place to dry.

Sweets are perfectly preserved in glass or tin jars under the lid. A few sweet diamonds during the day will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals, charge you with vital energy and optimism, and help your brain. nutrients, and will also allow you not to feel tired.

Recipe for hawthorn in powdered sugar

Ripe berries are peeled with a knife from the sepals, washed under running water, dried on a kitchen towel, spread out in one layer. Then roll the fruits in powdered sugar and transfer with a spoon into a glass container, periodically shaking it to compact it. Fill a jar or bottle with a wide neck (for example, from ketchup) to ¾. Top up with powdered sugar, tie with gauze, and on top with parchment and put in a dark place (preferably on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator) for 2-2.5 months.

Use a healing dessert instead of jam, adding to tea or spreading on sandwiches. Regular consumption of sweets helps to cleanse the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, get rid of chronic fatigue and strengthen the heart muscle.

Healing drinks from hawthorn

Oatmeal jelly with hawthorn

A unique drug against arterial hypertension and cholecystitis. Daily inclusion in the diet of just one glass of this healing elixir will allow you to normalize blood pressure and significantly improve the condition of the liver and gallbladder.

Bake one kilogram of hawthorn berries until soft in the oven, cool, rub through a sieve, adding 0.1 kg of granulated sugar.

Prepare a decoction of oats: 0.3 kg oatmeal or flakes pour three liters of cold drinking water, leave to infuse for 12 hours, bring to a boil and strain. The remaining cereal can be used to make milk porridge.

Add oatmeal to the berry puree with sugar, mix, pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Take oatmeal jelly 120 ml in the morning and 100 ml in the evening immediately before meals.

Drink with hawthorn and wort

cook hawthorn puree: keeping the berries in a dry room at room temperature for at least two days, rinse them, add water, boil until soft and rub through a sieve. Ready puree arrange in sterilized jars for further storage under nylon lids in a refrigerator. Use mashed potatoes as needed for culinary or medical purposes, in this case for making kvass.

Mix a tablespoon of berry puree, natural honey, concentrate for making kvass (sold in supermarkets) with a glass boiled water(chilled). Pour the drink into a glass, add an ice cube and drink in small sips through a straw. A day should drink no more than two glasses of kvass from pureed hawthorn. Already after a week of drinking the drink, you will notice a surge of vitality, improved memory and clarity of thought, the disappearance of migraines caused by changeable weather conditions.

Drink with dried hawthorn and chicory root

Regular consumption of a drink made from hawthorn and chicory powder is not only a replacement traditional drinks containing caffeine, but also a great way to improve health. This coffee substitute has a diuretic effect, eliminating puffiness by removing excess fluid from tissues, gently lowers blood pressure, improves immunity, cleanses blood vessels, heals the liver and digestive tract.

½ kg of dried hawthorn and 150 g of chicory root (dry) grind into powder in a coffee grinder, store in a corked glass jar. Use instead of black tea or strong coffee to invigorate, improve performance, activate vitality and brain functions at a dosage of 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Cream is added to the drink, if desired, whole milk, natural bee honey or sugar. No more than 2 glasses of a healing drink are recommended per day.

The use of juice, alcohol tincture and infusion of dried hawthorn fruits in folk medicine

AT medicinal purposes fresh hawthorn fruit juice is taken 50 ml at a time with a tablespoon of bee honey three times a day.

An infusion of dried fruits is recommended for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. 50 g of berries are poured with boiling water in a half-liter thermos overnight. Strained drink is consumed 100 ml four times a day half an hour before a meal.

You can learn in detail how to prepare and use alcohol tincture of hawthorn (on vodka) in therapy.

Carefully! It should be noted that you should not abuse tasty and healthy fruits in order to prevent malfunctions in the heart and a sharp decrease in blood pressure. On the day you can eat only a glass of fresh berries or their equivalent in finished form.

Due to the unique composition of hawthorn and a huge amount of biologically active phytonutrients, any recipes based on it are popular among the people. Berries are especially useful for the elderly, patients who have had infectious diseases and people who are constantly experiencing heavy physical exertion.

Autumn generously gives us gifts. Just make sure you recycle. Every year we harvest a large harvest of hawthorn, but it can be dried, rolled into compotes, boiled, hawthorn jam and jams.

Hawthorn fruits are very useful, they will help calm the nerves, the heart, but at the same time they have a tonic effect. Helps hawthorn in the treatment of the digestive tract, urolithiasis, bleeding, obesity.

Hawthorn contains ursolic acid. This substance promotes skin regeneration - restores collagen, and has vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and cardiostimulating properties.

To get the most delicious hawthorn jam, we need:

hawthorn - 9 kg (62 cups),

Sugar - 3.4 kg,

Water - 31 glasses,

Citric acid - 1 teaspoon (or juice of 1 lemon).


Peel the berries from the stalks, twigs and black spouts (sepals, otherwise they will be in jam when rubbed.

For three hours together, you can easily clean half a basket. Pour the berries with water (half a glass of water for 1 glass of berries), cook until soft - about 20 minutes. Drain the broth into a saucepan - it will still be useful to us.

Rub the berries through a colander. It is also a very lengthy process.

We get two fractions, what passed through the sieve and waste - mashed hawthorn berries.

And what is left in the sieve is the peel and grains.

Pour the broth over the waste from wiping and cook for 15 minutes, strain again through a colander.

Combine with previously pureed puree and weigh. I got 3.4 kg. For 1 kg of pureed mass, add 1 kg of sugar, pour over all the drained broth. Let stand overnight so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

Boil with occasional stirring over low heat until thick sour cream for two and a half hours.

We check the readiness - we drip from a spoon onto a plate, let it cool, if it does not spread, then the jam is ready.

With the onset of autumn, many gardeners in their summer cottages begin to ripen a tasty and extremely healthy hawthorn, which is harvested for the winter. different ways, you will see for yourself. However, for some strange reasons or out of ignorance, gardeners prefer to stock up on wild roses, and hawthorn trees are grown only as a decorative fence. And in vain, because red berries conceal a lot of healing properties and at proper preparation give them away in full. And how many dishes can be prepared with their addition, which will surprise and delight in taste!

How to prepare hawthorn for the winter? Interesting ways

One of the fastest and simple options is drying. After removal, the fruits should be evenly distributed over the surface of the oilcloth or put in an electric dryer. Under natural conditions, the process is much longer - it takes at least a week. In rainy weather, berries should be brought indoors.

To speed up drying, you can use a conventional oven. As raw materials, both fruits and buds that have not yet blossomed are suitable. The dried crop is placed in a cloth bag and is perfectly stored. long time- some years. The product makes excellent fortified drinks that will help supply the body with the necessary source of valuable minerals.

It should be noted that not only hawthorn is dried. It's hard work, of course, but the end result is worth it. Fresh fruits are subjected to freezing and boiling. Juices, jams, compotes, jams and preserves are made from them.

Do not forget that after heat treatment many vitamins are lost, therefore it is recommended to cover the ground berry with sugar and use it to raise immunity. And for the sweet tooth we offer a couple delicious options cooking.


Before you prepare hawthorn for the winter, you need to take care of the products for conservation. A kilogram of fresh berries will require a similar amount of sugar, one and a half glasses of plain water and half a dessert spoon of lemon.

Sort out the fruits, blackened and damaged - remove. Rinse, let the liquid drain (use a colander). In a deep container, dissolve sugar in water and send to the fire. Boil the sweet syrup until the grains of sand are completely gone.

Pour the berries with a hot solution and leave for 10-12 hours in the room. We put the pot with fruit on the stove, let the mass boil, add citric acid and cook for 15 minutes. Cover with a towel and wait until it cools completely. We shift the hawthorn in sterile containers. Harvesting for the winter - a reminder of sunny days.

If desired, you can make pitted jam: boil the fruits for ten minutes, then pass through a meat grinder or sieve. homemade treat perfect for toppings confectionery. At the same time, you know exactly what products your dish consists of, you are 100% sure of its safety and quality.

Cooking in a multicooker

Don't want to stand by the stove? Then use modern technology. Put it all in the bowl necessary products(water, fruits, lemon and sugar), set the mode to "Soup" or "Stew". The cooking process takes two hours. You can reduce the amount of ingredients. When laying, always focus on the volume of the bowl. The instruction does not recommend filling it more than 2/3.

Easy winter recipe

This incomparable drink will invigorate and energize. It is prepared from half a kilogram of sweet and sour apples and hawthorn fruits. Also, you can not do without a kilogram pack of granulated sugar and two liters of water. We do it for a three-liter container, we’ll take a little more liquid, so that it’s probably enough.

Cut the apples into medium slices, not forgetting to take out the seeds. We wash the hawthorn. Harvesting red berries for the winter is also a combination of them with other products. We heat the water, pour the granulated sugar with citric acid, boil for five minutes. We subject the jar to sterilization, lay out the indicated products in layers on the bottom.

Pour hot syrup, roll up the lid and store upside down for a day. You will be pleasantly surprised by a soft, slightly sour drink. You can reduce the amount of sugar if you do not like too sugary compote. We prepare hawthorn for the winter and enjoy the delicacy in the cold season!

Everyone knows the healing ones that have long been used by pharmaceutical companies, producing popular and effective medicines from the fruits. Home-made preparations from attractive bright red berries also have considerable value.

What can be prepared from hawthorn for the winter, and how to do it correctly, while retaining the maximum useful and healing properties of berries? This is what we will talk about next, and offer some of the best simple recipes.

Hawthorn compote for the winter - a simple recipe


Calculation for one can of 3 liters:

  • fresh hawthorn - 400 g;
  • purified water - 2 l;
  • sugar sand - 240 g;
  • - 1 medium pinch.


Making hawthorn compote is extremely simple. The main thing is to choose ripe, rich red fruits, without any flaws and damage. We rinse them under running water, remove the stalks and let them dry a little. Now we put the hawthorn in dry and sterilized jars and fill it with purified water heated to a boil. We cover the vessels with sterile lids and leave for twenty-five minutes.

After the allotted time, drain the water, add a pinch of citric acid to it and let it boil again. At the same time, pour the required amount of granulated sugar into the jar. Pour the blanks with boiling acidified water, cork hermetically, turn them upside down and thoroughly wrap them with a warm blanket or blanket for slow cooling and natural self-sterilization.

If desired, hawthorn fruits can be supplemented with apples, chokeberry or others healthy berries, thereby diversifying the taste of the workpiece.

How to prepare hawthorn jam for the winter?


  • hawthorn (peeled) - 995 g;
  • sugar sand - 995 g;
  • citric acid - 1 medium pinch.


As well as for compote, for making jam, you need to choose the most ripe and high-quality hawthorn fruits, rinse them and dry them. Now we rid each berry of the stalks and ponytails, cut it into two parts and scrape out the bones. We put the pulp in a bowl suitable for cooking jam in it, and pour it with sugar. The weight of the last and already peeled hawthorn fruits should be approximately the same. We give the workpiece time to brew under room conditions and extract the juice from hawthorn halves.

We place the vessel on the stove and heat the contents with frequent stirring until all the sugar crystals dissolve and the treat boils. After five minutes, turn off the fire and leave the hawthorn in the syrup to cool.

We again heat the base of the jam to a boil, cook for five minutes and cool, leaving it on the stove. After that, boil the delicacy for the last time, supplement it with citric acid at this stage, stir so that all the crystals are completely dissolved and pour into dry and sterile glass jars. After the vessels have slowly cooled upside down under a warm blanket, we send them for storage to other blanks in the pantry.

How to dry hawthorn for the winter?

If there is no time to harvest compote or jam from hawthorn, then save valuable fruits for the winter by freezing or drying. Freezing shouldn't be an issue. But in order to properly dry the hawthorn, you need to know some subtleties.

Washed and dried hawthorn fruits, if possible and in favorable weather conditions, can be dried in direct sunlight, spread on a fabric cut in one layer. And in the conditions of an apartment or in cloudy and cold weather, it is better to use an oven or an electric dryer for this purpose. The temperature during the drying process should be at the level of sixty degrees.

From time to time we check the readiness of dried hawthorn by squeezing a few fruits in the palm of our hand. If they stick together, then continue drying further. The remaining copies in the palm of your hand will individually indicate the correct degree of readiness. Now you need to place the workpiece in a fabric or paper bag and place it in a dry and odor-free place.