How to make peach jam at home. Peach jam for the winter

Feasts, family holidays, gatherings with friends are always a headache for housewives, because they need to figure out what to treat guests with and what dishes to serve. And I want to surprise you with something new every time. And even though there are a lot of recipes on the Internet, there is still a problem of choice holiday dishes doesn't disappear anywhere. And the recipe for a particular dish may not always be successful, but pink salmon in the oven will become a favorite that will appear on your table more than once.

On holidays, as a rule, delicacies, the most expensive snacks, wines, meat and fish appear on the table. But it is not at all necessary to spend exorbitant sums in order to organize a generous and delicious table. Expensive salmon and trout can be replaced with fresh pink salmon, which is in no way inferior in taste and healthiness.

When preparing each type of fish, you need to have some tricks in your arsenal that will help make fish dishes as successful and juicy as possible.

You only need to purchase fresh pink salmon, which was swimming in the water a couple of days ago. After all, the freshness of the fish greatly affects its taste. Try to avoid buying frozen fish, but if local stores only sell pink salmon, defrost it at room temperature.

It is quite difficult to achieve juiciness in cooking pink salmon. Before cooking, be sure to marinate the fish and use fatty sauces that will add that very juiciness to the dish. And to ensure this is achieved, it is recommended to cover pink salmon with foil when cooking. It’s worth taking this point seriously, because it’s not without reason that housewives very often have the question: how to cook juicy pink salmon?

Each housewife prefers to bake fish in her own way. Some people do not cut up the carcass and put it in the oven entirely, while others cut it into pieces. In order not to bother with the fish, cutting off unnecessary parts, it is easier to purchase cut fillets in the store.

The most delicious recipes

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of recipes on the Internet, but not all of them are tested and successful. However, here is a selection of the most delicious recipes pink salmon.

Whole baked fish

To prepare 1 kilogram of fish you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon carcass;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • sour cream – 60 grams;
  • potatoes – 1 kilogram;
  • vegetable oil;
  • olives for decoration;
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper;
  • spices for marinade to taste.
  1. Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the fish. To do this, you need to rinse it well with water, then use a knife to make an incision on the stomach and remove the insides. You also need to wash the inside of the fish.
  2. Next you need to make the marinade. To prepare it, mix sour cream with pepper, salt and other spices to your taste. Rub the pink salmon outside and inside with the prepared marinade, cover with something and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. This is necessary so that the fish meat is soaked.
  3. Set the oven temperature to 180 degrees. At this time, peel the potatoes and cut them in large pieces. Then coat with oil and salt to taste.
  4. Cover a baking sheet with a sheet of foil, and place pink salmon on it. Place pieces of potatoes next to the fish. Place the fish in the oven for 40 minutes. After time, decorate the dish with olives and sprinkle with lemon juice.

To prepare 1 kilogram of finished fish you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • onions – 2 jokes;
  • sour cream – 200 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 medium tubers;
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices to taste;
  • mayonnaise.
  1. Cut the fish fillet into large pieces. Mix sour cream with spices, salt, pepper and coat each piece of fish with the resulting marinade. Place the pink salmon in the refrigerator for several hours.
  2. At this time, peel the vegetables. We cut the potatoes into slices, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and cut the onion into thin half rings.
  3. On vegetable oil fry the onions and carrots for 10 minutes, remembering to stir.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Take a deep baking dish. To prevent the fish from sticking, grease the dish with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  5. We distribute the potatoes along the bottom of the dish, then lay out pieces of pink salmon, and fry vegetables on top. Lubricate our culinary creations with mayonnaise, cover with foil and bake for 40 minutes.

Pink salmon with lemon, baked in foil

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • lemon – 2 pieces;
  • greens (parsley, dill, etc.);
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. At this time, finely chop the greens and add two lemons to the juice.
  2. Spread a little lemon dressing on each piece of fish and wrap in foil.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place all our foil envelopes on a baking sheet and bake the pink salmon for 30-40 minutes.

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • tomatoes – 2 pieces;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the pink salmon fillet into large pieces, add salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. We clean the vegetables. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and chop the onion. Throw the carrots and onions on and fry in vegetable oil for 10 minutes, remembering to stir.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices.
  4. We take out a baking sheet, put the carrots and onions on its bottom, distributing it evenly. Then there are pieces of pink salmon, slices of tomatoes and a layer of grated cheese completes everything.
  5. The fish is baked for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. The cheese crust gives it a very delicate and soft taste that will make you lick your fingers.

Fish stuffed with cheese and mushrooms

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • cheese durum varieties– 100 grams;
  • champignons – 350 grams;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. Before cooking, you need to wash and cut the fish well: remove all the insides, cut off the fins, tail, head, and spine.
  2. The champignons also need a good wash, and after that you will need to finely chop them along with the onion and fry them in vegetable oil for about 10 minutes.
  3. After the mushrooms and onions have cooled a little, they need to be mixed with grated cheese.
  4. Having stuffed the pink salmon with the resulting filling, you need to use toothpicks to prick the cut in the belly area of ​​the fish.
  5. Don't forget to spray the bottom of the baking dish with a little vegetable oil. After placing the fish in a mold, grease it with mayonnaise and place it in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. After cutting the fish and placing it on plates, sprinkle each piece with lemon juice for sourness.

Baked pink salmon with mustard

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • grain mustard - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • lemon – 2 pieces;
  • olive oil;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the pink salmon fillet into large pieces, add salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. At this time, cut the lemons into thin slices and chop the garlic very finely.
  3. Line a baking sheet with a sheet of foil, place pieces of fish on it, coat with mustard and sprinkle olive oil, and place lemon slices on top.
  4. Cover the baking sheet with another sheet of foil on top and bake the fish for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • cream 20% – 600 milliliters;
  • greenery;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the pink salmon fillet into large pieces, add salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. This recipe requires gentle, cream sauce. Add a little salt, black pepper and chopped herbs to the cream, and then mix well.
  3. Grease the bottom of a deep dish with oil and lay out pieces of pink salmon. Pour the sauce over the fish; you want it to almost completely cover the pieces.
  4. At a temperature of 180 degrees, bake pink salmon for 30 minutes.

Pink salmon “under a fur coat”

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • carrot – 1 piece;
  • hard cheese – 150 grams;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe looks like this.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the pink salmon fillet into large pieces, add salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. We clean the vegetables. Cut the onion into thin half rings, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until slightly golden brown.
  3. Grease the bottom of the mold with oil, lay out pieces of pink salmon. Then evenly distribute the roasted carrots and onions, pour in milk and generously sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  4. Place the fish in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Pink salmon is a fish that often turns out dry when cooked. Before baking, be sure to keep it in the marinade for some time. Most best marinadelemon juice with spices.


The question of how to cook pink salmon in the oven is settled, because all the secrets have been revealed. By listening to the recommendations, pink salmon will always turn out very juicy and tender. The list of ingredients is very simple and inexpensive, and the dish is to die for.

Tenderness and aroma peach jam both children and adults like it. Properly prepared peach jam contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements. The color of the jam is golden, but the taste depends on the recipe. Every housewife who makes peach knows how to make peach jam. winter preparations. Homemade peach jam will be loved by all family members and is perfect for a variety of baked goods.

Subtleties of making peach jam

Every housewife makes peach jam according to her favorite recipe for the winter, but there are some tricks common to all recipes that will allow you to prepare the highest quality and healthiest product:

  • To prepare peach jam for the winter, you should select strong, unripe but juicy fruits. They will not boil over and will not lose their shape during heat treatment.
  • It is recommended to remove pits from peaches, as they release toxic substances during long-term storage. This not only spoils the taste of the jam, but also makes eating it hazardous to health. Jam with seeds has a shorter shelf life (7-8 months).
  • It is better to take enameled dishes for cooking with a thick bottom and low edges.
  • For long-term storage of jam, it is rolled up under iron lids. Using nylon lids is also possible, but the product should then be stored in the refrigerator to prevent mold formation.
  • It is advisable to remove the skin from peaches for jam. Jam without the skin has a more pleasant texture and delicate taste. Most easy way removing the skin - blanching the fruit in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  • To preserve vitamins, peaches should be subjected to minimal heat treatment. Great option For this, five-minute jam. If the recipe calls for a longer cooking time, you can cook the jam for 5 minutes a day, then the peaches will not lose their beneficial properties.

How much sugar should I use to make peach jam?

Recipes for preparing peaches for the winter are different and the amount of sugar used may vary, but the minimum amount of sugar for jam is 1 kg per 1 kg of peaches. Using less sugar can cause the jam to ferment and turn sour. Those with a sweet tooth can increase the amount of sugar if desired, but you should not add more than 1.5 kg of sugar per kilogram of fruit. Recipes with photos tell you how to properly cook peach jam in more detail.

What varieties of peaches are best for jam?

The peach ripening season is the best time to make jam. Yellow varieties of peaches are best suited for jam. Among the early varieties, Kiev Early, Morettini or Solnechny are suitable. Late varieties, such as Cardinal or Redhaven, are juicy and also suitable for canning. Peaches for jam should be aromatic, juicy and tasty, then the taste of the jam will be perfect.

How to make thick peach jam?

The thickness of the jam depends on the cooking time and the juiciness of the fruit. When cooking, it is not immediately possible to determine how thick the jam will be, so it must first be cooled. If the jam turns out liquid, it must be cooked over low heat. A recipe for peach jam with photos will make the preparation step-by-step easier and help you properly cook the jam to the desired consistency.

Lemon juice or citric acid is used as a safe thickener. Their use can guarantee rapid thickening and impart a subtle, refreshing lemon flavor.

In addition, citric acid helps preserve jam for a long time, which is why it is present in many recipes.

Why did the peach jam turn out sour?

Jam can turn out sour for two reasons. The first reason is not enough sugar. Such jam will not be stored for long; it must be digested or eaten immediately. The second reason is unripe fruit. This is not dangerous and there will be no problems with storage.

Why is peach jam bitter?

Peach jam may taste bitter if white varieties of peaches were used to prepare it. Other reasons for the bitterness of jam may be that the skin or seeds have not been removed. Peach jam: a recipe for the winter that will help you prepare the jam correctly.

Why is peach jam astringent?

The answer is simple. The fruits that were taken for jam are not ripe enough.

What do peaches go with?

The simplest peach jam recipe does not include any additional products other than sugar and fruit. But peach jam can be prepared with various additives:

  • Berries - cherry, plum, currant.
  • Nuts - almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, cashew nuts.
  • Fruits - lemon, orange, tangerine, apple.
  • Spices - vanilla, cinnamon, citric acid, cloves.

How long does peach jam last and where is the best place to store it?

The finished jam is placed in sterilized jars and sealed with iron lids. Can also be used nylon covers and parchment, but then the product should be stored in the refrigerator. To store jam, it should be placed in a cool place and sudden temperature changes should be avoided. Already opened jars should be stored in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of pitted peach jam is 1-2 years. But it’s unlikely that it will be able to stand that long; as winter approaches, the body already requires summer vitamins and it will be impossible to resist opening a jar of fragrant peach jam.

Peach jam with pits can be stored for no more than 7-8 months, since the pits release hazardous substances during long-term storage.

The benefits and harms of peach jam

Peach jam is natural and healthy. The minerals and vitamins it contains can strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system, help fight stress, depression, are useful for colds, and much more.

Eating peaches strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves memory. This is due to the high content of potassium and phosphorus, which can improve brain function and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

What beneficial substances are contained in peach jam?

Peach jam contains:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP, E, choline
  • Minerals potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium
  • Amino acids alanine, valine, tryptophan, lysine.

How many calories does peach jam have?

Peach jam has a fairly high calorie content - 258 kcal/100 grams of product. Like other types of jam, it contains a lot of sugar. During long-term storage, peach jam becomes candied and the calorie content increases.

Fresh peaches are a dietary product, but peach jam is no longer dietary, so you need to monitor the amount of jam you consume.

The calorie content of 1 teaspoon of jam is equal to the calorie content of one chocolate candy.

Is it possible to make peach jam during pregnancy?

It is safe to consume jam during pregnancy, of course in reasonable quantities. Sweet fragrant jam made from peaches for the winter (recipe with step-by-step photos, which you can find on this page) will bring a lot of joy to a woman expecting the birth of a child. In addition, peach jam is a good antidepressant, improves mood and strengthens the immune system.

Is it possible to have peach jam while breastfeeding?

The beneficial properties of jam will not harm the mother, but an allergy may occur in the child, since peach jam is considered exotic. During the first months, it is not recommended to eat peach jam. Daily use jam with breastfeeding You should start with one spoon, carefully monitoring the baby’s condition. Qualitative homemade jam made from peaches will benefit both mother and child, if there are no contraindications. This jam contains only useful material.

Can peach jam be made for children?

After the first year of a baby’s life, introducing peach jam into the diet is possible if there is no allergic reaction to the product or other contraindications.

Peach jam made at home from quality products is recommended for baby food at any age, as it contains useful amino acids, many vitamins and minerals.

What harm can peach jam cause?

Jam is a very high-calorie product due to its high sugar content, which spoils your teeth and figure. People suffering from diabetes and people prone to obesity should not consume peach jam.

Is it possible to make peach jam for pancreatitis?

Peach jam is not a dietary product due to the large amount of sugar, so its use can be dangerous for some diseases.

In case of acute pancreatitis, jam should be excluded from the diet. The glucose content in jam, when consumed by a patient with pancreatitis, can have a negative effect and even lead to diabetes.

During remission, consuming peach jam is possible and even beneficial due to the substances it contains. You can also eat jam with dried bread or cookies, or add it to baked goods or drinks. The volume of product consumed should be strictly observed.

Is it allowed to use peach jam for gastritis?

You can eat jam for gastritis with caution. Different stomach acidity implies the use of sour or sweet jam. Sour jam is useful for low acidity, sweet jam for high acidity.

In any case, the use of peach jam for gastritis is strictly individual and requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Good afternoon everyone!

It’s summer outside, which means you can go to the market again and buy fresh and ruddy fruits that nature itself created. Such riches have been lying on the shelves for a long time, and when we eat them to the fullest, we can easily make preparations for the winter. How about peach jam? Have you already prepared it? If you still haven’t, then you can correct this situation with me.

After all, such a peach treat can equally stand on festive table along with any . Because it is very tasty, and you can cook it different ways. You can use only the best recipes, but at the same time they will be quite simple.

In addition, there is such a variety that you can easily make confiture from these fruits, as well as jam or thick jam. Since peaches can be chopped into pieces with a knife, or passed through a meat grinder, twist in a blender until pureed.

The cooking technology can also be different, because there are options that are truly prepared with seeds, and there are those where the seeds must be removed from the fruit. Plus, you can use interesting ingredients as preservatives and thickeners, or you can do without them.

Please cook for your health and so that your dessert turns out truly royal and sunny. After all, the peach itself is quite sweet and fragrant, which means that cooking masterpiece It will taste great.

Don’t forget, friends, that in addition to this treat, you can also make a bunch of other preparations, we talked about them in

Perhaps I’ll start this time with the most classic version, which every housewife should have in her notebook. The ingredients will be sugar, water and peaches themselves. They can be taken in any size, and they should also be slightly firm; they may be overripe. Then there will be more pulp and juiciness. Green ones should not be used.

This cooking technology assumes that the fruit will be cut into quarters or halves, that is, you must chop them into slices with a kitchen knife. Be sure to remove the bones, they will not be needed.

It turns out that the peaches will be cooked in their own sugar syrup. By the way, you can not add water, but then the consistency will be too thick in the end. After all, everyone knows that peaches contain a large amount of pectin, and this will affect the structure of the jam. That is, it turns out jelly-like even if you don’t add any thickener, such as gelatin or gelfix.

We will need:

  • peaches, pitted - 0.4 kg
  • sugar - 0.4 kg
  • water - 1 tbsp. about 300 ml
  • vanilla, anise to taste (optional without them)


1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and put sugar in it, and immediately pour in drinking water. Stir and place over low heat and cook until all the grains have dissolved, stirring occasionally. You can also add vanilla and anise if you want an unusual taste.

2. Wash the peaches in running water, remove the pit and cut into small pieces or use halves. Throw them into the pan where they are already ready sugar syrup. Simmer over low heat after the fruits boil for about 30-40 minutes.

3. Then, when hot, carefully pour into jars with a clean ladle and immediately seal with metal lids. Store in a cellar or somewhere dark and cool. Bon appetit! Bright impressions for you.

A simple recipe for amber peach jam for the winter in slices

Everyone knows that fruits such as peaches are quite sweet and fleshy, and therefore, to prevent the jam from being too sweet, you can add a citrus flavor for variety, namely add lemon to it.

This treat will last you throughout the winter and will delight you with its yellow color and aroma. Although I think you will eat it before the cold season).

The secret of this particular recipe is that the peaches must be peeled, but I know that many people prefer to cook with the skin, it’s up to your discretion. But without it it will be much better, because then they won’t spoil the appearance, because they can shrink in the jar.

Take the proportions of sugar and peaches 1 to 1. You can cook such a delicacy with little sugar, but then you will need to eat it in the near future so that it does not sour.

We will need:

  • peach - about 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 950 g
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp


1. First of all, take care of the sunny “beauties”: wash them and then pour boiling water over them.

2. And then move them cold. Thus, the skin can be easily removed after such procedures. And you don't have to spend hours cutting it with a kitchen knife.

3. Cut the peeled peaches into slices and remove the pits. These are the pieces you should get.

5. Thus, if there are about 500 g of fruit, take about 500 g of sugar. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and leave to stand to release a large amount of juice for 3-4 hours.

6. Once the required amount of time has passed, place the mixture on the stove and select medium heat. Cook until it boils and all the sugar has dissolved. And then immediately turn off the stove and let the jam cool to room temperature.

Then repeat the procedure 2 times (simmer for 5 minutes after boiling), and when you start cooking for the third time, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice.

8. And don’t forget to leave at least a couple of spoons of this magnificent dish to try. You will definitely like it and become one of your favorites. Happy discoveries!

Recipe for jam with sliced ​​peaches

Well, let's move on and prepare a new recipe differently. I also really liked this method of cooking, because the jam turned out to be very thick and dense in consistency. Which made it even more attractive and, moreover, now I can use it as a filling for or, and also grease cakes or rolls with this jam.

We will need:

  • peaches – 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • citric acid - 2-3 g


1. Rinse the fruits in running water, then remove the pit from them and chop into small pieces. If the amount of work is large, you can use a device, for example, a Niser Dicer. The peel, as in the previous version, can first be scalded with boiling water, and then put the fruits in ice water, the peel can be easily removed after this.

Chop the peaches into small cubes with a knife and add sugar. Stir. And leave it to hang out for a couple of hours.

2. After infusion, cook the jam until it becomes transparent, that is, about 20 minutes after active bubbling. Just before turning off, add lemon and stir thoroughly. Take the jars clean and carefully place this hot masterpiece in them. Screw the lids on tightly and store in a pantry or cellar.

Five-minute peaches - recipe without water

We’ve reached my favorite option, and I think it’s one of the best for you. This is because it doesn’t take too much time to prepare. And also the fruits are not overcooked and retain a large amount of vitamins. But even that’s not all, look at the color, it turns out amber, as if honey. And such a preparation is stored perfectly even at room temperature.

And one more thing, it is amazingly tasty and unique. Be sure to try it and you will be satisfied in any case. Peach “5 Minute” is something that absolutely everyone likes, be sure of that.

Note that this option does not include water, which means that the peaches will only cook in own juice.

We will need:

  • overripe peaches - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - optional


1. Wash ripe and juicy peaches and remove the pit from the center. You should end up with a lot of halves.

2. Chop them into pieces.

3. Scald the lemon with boiling water and cut into quarters, along with the zest. It is she who will give the tart and rich taste citrus fruits. If you want to get a more delicate shade, then cut off the zest.

4. Add sugar and stir with a wooden spatula. Expect about 1 hour.

5. Then place the container on medium heat and cook for 5 minutes after active bubbling. And then let the jam brew and stand for a couple of hours and cool. Then boil again (five minutes) and let cool. Cook in three batches this way.

6. And when the mixture boils for the last time, do not let it cool, pour it immediately into prepared clean jars. Screw on the lids and turn the lids down. Cover with a towel and wrap in any warm fabric.

7. Leave it for night watch, and in the morning put it in the cellar or put it in the pantry for storage.

How to cook peach jam for the winter in whole slices in your own juice

Well, now at home, directly from this video, you can watch these instructions live with descriptions. The peaches will also be cooked in syrup, which will make them even more unique and tender.

And everyone will definitely ask you for the recipe for this. delicious treat. All because the author uses one secret, if you want to know which one, then quickly click on the view button.

Delicious jam from pitted peach halves in amber syrup

I would also like to demonstrate one option that should definitely be in every piggy bank. This is because this recipe uses cinnamon, and this seasoning is quite fragrant and gives a certain cool shade to the taste.

In this cooking technique, the skin is not removed from peaches in order to preserve all the vitamins. But, if this is fundamentally important for you, then you can remove it, if necessary. This will not affect the consistency and color scheme in any way.

Please note that here sugar is used to a minimum, which should not upset you, but on the contrary, will not harm your figure and waist.

We will need:

  • overripe peaches - 1.5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc. — 1-2 tbsp juice
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  • water - 1 tbsp. or 250 ml


1. In order to get a good syrup, you need to combine water with sugar and stir. Turn on the heat and bring the grains until completely dissolved, that is, stir the mass.

2. Do the same with the peaches as always, wash them, wipe them with a dry towel, and then chop them into halves with a kitchen knife. There is no need to cut thinly; try to keep all the pieces the same size.

3. Add the fruit immediately after the sugar syrup boils. Mix well, add a cinnamon stick and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then remove from heat and let stand for an hour so that the peaches are perfectly saturated with such a sweet infusion.

4. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon; this is easy to do if you first tap it on the table, or use a special device in the form of a juicer. Add it to the jam when it comes back to a boil on the stove. Simmer on medium for about 30-40 minutes, stirring, if foam forms, remove it.

When finished, remove the stick, that is, remove it from the mass.

5. Now all that remains is to distribute the beautiful and attractive mixture into jars, which must be sterilized in advance. Use metal lids for sealing. Using both hands, turn each piece over and put it in warm clothes until it cools completely. Store indoors where it is fairly cool. Bon appetit!

The best recipe for peach jam with walnuts

For me personally, such a dessert brings a smile and delight to my face. It's like I'm a princess, and this is a royal sign of attention. In general, this recipe has been a hundred years old for lunch, and from year to year it never ceases to amaze us all. If earlier they took and added only almonds or, for example, kernels from peach pits, now they also add walnuts.

Just imagine, the longer this jam sits in a jar, the better it becomes, because this aroma of nuts will permeate all the pieces of fruit even more, and the syrup will become more transparent, like flower honey.

We will need:

  • peach – 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • walnut - 1 tbsp. (already peeled, nucleoli)


1. So, remember the steps, first you need to peel the thick skins (shells) from the nuts. And chop the kernels with a kitchen knife, but not too fine, but not too large. Definitely not suitable for crumbs.

Process the peaches in water and remove the pit from the core. If you wish, you can remove the skin from each fruit, or you can leave it whole and unharmed.

2. Combine peaches with granulated sugar in a saucepan to form aromatic juice (for 1-2 hours, depending on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit). It is needed so that the fruits are stewed in their own juice without adding water.

Bring the mixture to a boil, and do not forget to stir thoroughly and gently with a wooden spatula so that nothing burns to the walls of the pan. Cook for 30 minutes. And only after that, add chopped walnuts. Continue cooking for 10 minutes.

3. Well, then, take a sample. Invite your friends to a tasting. And if you don’t eat it, close it in small half-liter or liter jars, of course then you will need a lot more ingredients. Store in the refrigerator or on an insulated balcony out of direct sunlight.

Thick jam made from strawberries, peaches and nectarines

Tasty and simple - that’s the motto of this treat. And you know why, the thing is that by mixing all these fruits and berries you will get a rather dense consistency. All you have to do is combine the mixture with sugar and boil for a few minutes. Although you can not limit yourself only to this list, which is given below, you can also add fresh apples.

If you want this dessert to have a transparent structure, then soak the fruit in sugar for a couple of hours.

We will need:

  • peaches – 1000 g
  • nectarines – 500 g
  • strawberries or victoria, wild strawberries - 300 g
  • sugar - 1300 g


1. Before you start preparing this fruit and berry confiture, I suggest washing all the fruits in running water. Next, remove the skins from the peaches and nectarines; chop the fruit into small cubes about 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm, throw the seeds aside. Remove the stems from the strawberries.

2. Next, mix the diced nectarines and peaches with granulated sugar, stir with a tablespoon and let stand for a couple of hours or at least 1 hour at room temperature. Next, once a lot of liquid has formed, place the container on the stove and bring the whole mass to a vigorous boil.

Foam will undoubtedly form during the cooking process; remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon. After boiling for 20 minutes, add whole strawberries (strawberries or Victoria). Continue simmering over medium heat for another 15 minutes. And then turn off the stove and let the jam cool completely, you will probably have to leave it overnight.

The next day you have to boil it again and boil for 10-15 minutes. And only then pack it hot into clean, sterile jars and roll it under a metal lid.

3. Store this canned product in the cellar or pantry. And remember that when there is a holiday in your house, you always have a jar of such a wonderful sunny dessert, just in case. From which you will simply lick your fingers, and your mouth will run on its own after the first spoon. Bon appetit!

How to make peach jam - you'll lick your fingers! (recipe for multicooker)

If your apartment has such an electrical device, why not use it. Besides, any preparation with it saves time. And he will always help you out at any time.

The main thing is to determine the desired cooking mode for Redmond or Polaris, and as always, a film from the YouTube channel will help with this. Join the viewing and you will succeed, for sure!

Assorted peaches and apricots

Very tasty and extremely beautiful, and the color is amazing, and it’s all in one recipe, which is very simple. Moreover, these two fruits are usually always sold on the shelves or at the bazaar at the same time. Therefore, many young housewives often combine these two ingredients. Yes, and rightly so, because it turns out even cooler and more amazing, if you don’t believe me, check it out for yourself!

We will need:

  • peaches and apricots in any proportions - 2 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. Rinse the fruits in running water, and then peel the oranges and chop them into small pieces. If you want, do not add oranges, this is optional, but they will only add a citrus tint, which will make this dish even more interesting and unusual.

2. Also cut the apricots and peaches into cubes with a sharp knife, just don’t forget to remove the skin from them. Throw the bones aside.

3. Then you can immediately mix all the resulting ingredients with sugar and cook on fire for 5 minutes after boiling. Or you can use a blender or meat grinder to grind it into a mushy mass, add sugar and cook for just 5 minutes.

In any case, you then need to let the jam cool, and after 5-7 hours, boil it again. Ladle this mixture into clean jars, seal the lids with a special seaming machine and store in your cellar or refrigerator until spring.

Recipe for winter peach jam (or marmalade)

Well, you will definitely like this preparation, because it turns out very beautiful and resembles puree or, if I may say, confiture. This food is usually used in pies or bagels, and generally in baked goods. Yes, or you can taste it with crispy fresh bread.

We will need:

  • peaches – 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. Wash the peaches and pour boiling water over them, remove the bones with a stick. Then place in a blender cup and blend into a mushy mixture. It is important that it turns out homogeneous and without lumps.

2. Then add sugar and stir, cook over low heat for 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the final result, if you want it a little thinner, turn it off after 10-15 minutes. And if you like a denser consistency, then turn off the stove after 40 minutes. After cooling, the mass will thicken even more.

3. Place the prepared boiled peach puree into clean, sterile jars and seal them with a special key under a metal lid. Store in a secluded place so that no one will find it, preferably in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

Amazing dessert with almonds

We will need:

  • peaches - 5-6 pcs. about 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • almonds - 0.2 kg
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp


1. Sort the fruits, that is, inspect them; rotten and blemished fruits will not be suitable. Then rinse them under cold running water. remove the pit from them. Take a sharp knife and cut them into plastics. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and stir. As you may have noticed, liquid will appear immediately. Let it brew for 2-3 hours on the table.

2. After the time is up, pour in drinking water and simmer on low for 20 minutes, skim off the foam. Let cool completely to a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Turn on the heat and simmer for another 120 minutes after active bubbling.

3. And then, as you guessed, pour it into sterile jars with a clean ladle. Wrap with twist lids, lower the cans on the other side and wrap in a blanket. After 24 hours, take the finished food in glass containers to the balcony, which is insulated, or use the cellar.

Peach jam with pit

Mmmm, what a delight, just think about eating a fragrant peach whole from a jar in the winter cold. Even if it's canned, it's home production. If you are wondering whether it is really possible to prepare such a delicacy without removing the seeds, then I think you have already guessed. Because the answer will be - yes, of course!

Just don’t forget that you don’t need to leave the jam with the pit for long-term storage; you should eat it within a year. Because the seeds contain cyenelic acid, which can harm your health.

We will need:

  • peaches – 3 kg
  • sugar - 3 kg


1. Be sure to rinse the fruits in water before cooking. And then take a stick or fork and make punctures, this is necessary so that the syrup gets in and completely saturates the entire fruit. Add sugar and leave to stand for about 4-5 hours.

2. After the peaches sit right time and give up your juice, start cooking. Turn the heat to low and cook for about 2.5 hours.

3. And then take clean jars and lids and preserve the workpiece. Store somewhere cool. Happy discoveries!

This is how quickly and deftly you can make jars with such a wonderful treat that really turns out tasty and has a unique and unique taste. Eat peach jam for your health, but in moderation! I hope you find from this note what you were looking for. Or maybe, if you don’t mind, share some other cooking method.

Have a great working day everyone! Cheerful positive mood. Goodbye.

Tasty and healthy peach jam (or jam) will definitely please all those with a sweet tooth in winter. Ripe fruits contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for the body. Despite the fact that due to the high sugar content and high calorie content (258 kcal per 100 g), jam can harm your teeth and figure, every housewife should prepare it.

Recipe for peach jam “Five Minutes”

This is the easiest jam you can make from peaches. To prepare it you need to take 1 kg of seedless fruit, 1.5 kg of sugar, 250 ml of water.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows:

  1. Wash the peaches thoroughly, then dry;
  2. divide into slices, remove the bone;
  3. make syrup from sugar and water;
  4. after the syrup boils, add peaches to it;
  5. boil the fruit for five minutes;
  6. pour the jam into sterile jars and preserve;
  7. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them up.

Quick peach jam is ready. Bon appetit!

Peach jam slices with almonds

Fragrant peach jam with the addition of almonds has a unique aroma and delicate taste. For cooking liter jar For this delicacy you will need peaches (1 kg), 800 g of sugar, almonds (100 g), water (200 ml), citric acid (1 teaspoon).

  1. Cut the fruit into two halves, remove the pit and place it in a deep bowl, cut side down.
  2. Blanch the fruit. To do this, scald the halves with boiling water and after a minute place them in ice water. Now it's easy to remove the skin from the peaches.
  3. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, combine sugar and water. Prepare the syrup, stirring constantly, over low heat. Turn off the stove 2 minutes after the syrup boils.
  4. Pour the sugar syrup over the peeled peach slices and set aside until it cools completely.
  5. Pour boiling water over the almonds, let stand for a couple of minutes and transfer to ice water. After this, it needs to be peeled.
  6. After 30 minutes, drain the syrup, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes and pour it over the fruit again.
  7. Repeat the procedure a third time, but do not drain the syrup, but put the jam on the fire and boil for a minute after boiling.
  8. Add citric acid to the pan with jam, which will increase its shelf life.
  9. Place peaches in jars and pour syrup, not reaching 1 centimeter to the edge. Cover with lids and preserve the jam. Bon appetit!

How to make peach jam with gelatin

In order for classic peach jam to have a jelly-like consistency, it needs to be cooked for quite a long time. Get thick jam Gelatin will help in 5 minutes. For 1 kg of peaches and sugar, it will be enough to take 40 g of gelatin.

The washed peaches are cut into pieces, covered with sugar and gelatin, the pan is covered with a lid and left in the room for 10 hours. During this time, the fruit will release a lot of juice. Then they are placed on low heat, allowed to boil and cooked for 5 minutes, skimming the foam from the jam. After this, the peaches in gelatin syrup are placed in jars, covered with lids, cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

Peach jam recipe

Thick peach jam is very easy to make. To do this, you need to prepare one kilogram of peaches and sugar, and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon (you can use 1/4 teaspoon citric acid).

Without removing the peel, cut the ripe peaches into slices. After this, puree them with a blender. Then add sugar and leave on the table for 20 minutes. After the specified time, put the peaches on the fire, stirring systematically and removing the resulting foam. You need to cook for an average of 40 minutes. You should know that the longer the jam is on the stove, the thicker it will turn out. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice (acid) to the jam.

While the jam is cooking, you need to sterilize the jars and lids. The finished jam is still hot and ground through a sieve. Then they let it boil again and pour it into prepared jars. After cooling, the jam becomes thick and jelly-like. It is pleasant to eat with a spoon and add as a filling to pies and pies.

Peach jam with orange for the winter

Delicate peach jam with a light citrus note is not difficult to prepare. To do this you will need 2.5 kg of peaches, 2 kg of sugar, 100 ml of orange and 30 ml of lemon juice.

First you need to wash and then blanch the peaches, after which the skin will come off very easily. Remove the seeds and place the fruit in a saucepan. Pour lemon and orange juice on top and simmer over low heat. The mass should boil for 20 minutes, after which it is pureed directly in the pan using an immersion blender. Then add sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, for another 1 hour. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars and, after the specified time, roll the prepared jam into them.

How to make peach jam in a slow cooker

Jam in a slow cooker is no less tasty, and cooking it in it is even easier than on the stove. You will need 1 kilogram of peaches and sugar to cook this delicacy. And to prevent the jam from becoming sugary in the jar, it is recommended to add a little citric acid (1/4 part of a teaspoon) to it.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Remove the skin from the peaches and remove the pits. Cut them into small pieces. If the skin is difficult to remove, the fruit is dipped in boiling water for a minute and then in ice water. After that she goes away very quickly.
  2. Place chopped peaches and sugar into the multicooker bowl. You can add citric acid.
  3. Cook the jam on the “Stew” mode for half an hour. For the first few minutes, until the sugar dissolves, the lid should be open, then the jam will turn out to be a beautiful golden color.
  4. After a while, check the readiness of the dish. To do this, drop a little jam onto a cold plate. If the drop does not spread, it means the jam is cooked. It can be placed in jars and preserved. Bon appetit!

How to make peach jam? We offer you the most best recipes making peach jam for the winter.

The most beautiful sunny fruit, the king of summer - the peach! Who among us doesn’t love this fragrant, juicy fruit? After all, it is he who carries the aroma of summer and all the light of the sun. Ripening in the last month of summer, the peach is maximally saturated with its energy and gives the body maximum vitamins.

This beautiful fruit It is useful not only to eat it in its fresh, original form, but also to prepare it for the winter. Modern housewives have gotten used to making compotes, jams, mousses and preserves from peaches. That’s exactly what we’ll talk about peach jam recipes.

The fragrant soft peach rightfully received the title of the king of summer. After all, this hot fruit contains the maximum possible vitamins and microelements, which are preserved even when heat treatment. It is for this property that housewives love to tinker with peaches during the winter harvesting period.

Peach contains a huge amount of potassium and iron salts. This composition is extremely useful for anemia, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood and normalizing metabolism.

Carotene in peach helps improve vision and strengthens blood vessels.

If you suffer from fatigue, absent-mindedness and complain of poor memory, then the phosphorus contained in peach maximum quantities, will help you improve your condition.

Regular use of peach helps improve intestinal function and improve complexion.

Peach is also used in cosmetology: for example, crushed peach pulp helps to revive the skin after sunburn and significantly relieves pain.

The maximum content of vitamin C in peach helps the body strengthen the immune system and cope with colds during the winter. Moreover, regular consumption of peach by children helps stimulate the growth of a young body.

For urolithiasis, peach will also be indispensable because it has an excellent diuretic effect.

And pregnant women can eat peach to prevent toxicosis.

But no matter how good the positive properties of peach are, there are still contraindications to its use. Thus, diabetics are strictly prohibited from eating peaches, since the fruit contains carbohydrates that are undesirable in this case. Those who suffer from allergies or increased excitability should not eat a lot of peaches. And it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of peaches can cause dysbiosis in people suffering from intestinal disorders.

Preparing peaches for jam for the winter

As a rule, peaches ripen in our regions from August to September. It is worth considering that to make jam you can buy a peach in the supermarket at any time, but it will still be better if you make the jam from a local seasonal fruit. This way you can get the most benefit from the jam.

So, to pick peaches for jam, you need to be ripe, juicy, but not overripe. It will be ideal if the fruit is slightly elastic, but soft.

Before cooking, it is necessary to remove the skin from the collected fruits, since it will separate from the pulp and become an unpleasant addition in the form of a boiled thin film in the workpiece.

We separate the peach from the bone and we can start making jam.

Dishes for making peach jam

To prepare peach jam, you will need an aluminum or enamel container (basin or pan). It is best to pour peach jam into small containers (from 0.2 ml to 0.5 ml). This way you can convey all the beauty of peach slices in the preparation.

Don't forget about a spoon (spatula) and a plate for skimming.

To ensure that peach jam retains its original appearance and does not become sugary in jars, when preparing it, add a little citric acid or lemon juice to the brew.

To make peach jam, it is better to take yellow varieties of fruits. They will make the most flavorful jam.

If you buy peaches for jam, then ask the seller (or buy one fruit) to give you a taste of the peach. If the seed inside is dry and easily separated from the pulp, then the fruit is imported and contains many chemicals and nitrates, which careless sellers use to improve appearance fruit and its long-term storage. In this case, it is better to refuse the purchase and look for another seller.

Before cooking peach jam, you need to remove the skin from them. This can be done easily if the washed peach is first dipped in boiling water (10 seconds), and then immediately in cold water(10 Seconds).

Recipe No. 1. Peach jam for the winter

This recipe for peach jam is considered a classic and was used by our grandmothers long time. The result of this recipe is a gorgeous jam that gives you the energy of the sun and summer on cold winter days.


Peach - 1 kg.,

Sugar - 1.3 kg.,

Citric acid - 0.25 tsp,

Vanillin - on the tip of a spoon,

Water - 1 tbsp.

How to make peach jam for the winter:

Rinse the peaches thoroughly with running water and dry lightly with a towel. Remove the skin and separate from the pit. Place the fruits in a container for making jam.

In a separate container, cook sugar syrup. To do this, pour water into it and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for a few minutes.

Pour the boiling syrup over the peaches and bring them to a boil. Cook for about five minutes and turn off the heat. Set aside the jam for six hours until completely cooled or infused.

After the jam has settled, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil again. Cook the jam for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add vanillin and citric acid to the jam.

Place the hot jam into jars and roll up the lids. We put the workpiece under a warm blanket until it cools completely. Deliciousness for the winter is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe No. 2. Peach jam with almonds and cinnamon

This jam will have an excellent taste and aroma thanks to the almonds and cinnamon included in its composition. You are guaranteed an excellent stand-alone dessert or a pleasant addition to tea drinking in winter with this jam. Be sure that you will be able to surprise your loved ones or guests.


Peach - 1 kg.,

Sugar - 1 kg.,

Almonds - 200 gr.,

Ground cinnamon - 2 tsp.

Recipe for making peach jam:

Place peeled and pitted peaches in a container for making jam and cover with sugar. Let the fruits brew for at least two hours and release the juice.

When the sugar is saturated with peach juice, you can put the jam on the stove. Bring the brew to a boil over low heat and simmer for at least 10 minutes. It is necessary to remove the foam.

Now set the jam aside until it cools completely, but not less than six hours.

Before the second stage of cooking, you need to prepare the almonds. To do this, cook the nut in small quantity water for about five minutes, after which we remove the skin and divide it into halves.

Let the jam cook in the second batch. Dip almonds and cinnamon into it. Mix everything thoroughly and cook for at least 30 minutes.

Pour hot jam into jars and close with lids. We put the workpiece under a thick fur coat until it cools completely. Beautiful and fragrant jam for the winter is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe No. 3. Unripe peaches jam

You can make this jam if you have unripe peaches. Or maybe the peach harvest in the garden was successful, but the weather is preventing them from ripening. In this case, so that the harvest does not disappear completely, you can remove it and cook this jam.


Peach - 1 kg.,

Sugar - 2 kg.,

Water - 1.5 tbsp.

How make peach jam:

Peaches must be thoroughly washed and pricked with a match in several places. Next, you need to pour water over the fruit and bring it to a boil. You need to cook the peaches for at least 10 minutes.

Now carefully remove the fruits with a slotted spoon and add sugar to the peach syrup. Mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. Boil for five minutes and let cool slightly.

Pour the cooled syrup over the peaches and set to simmer over low heat. Cook the jam for 20 minutes, stirring gently and skimming off the foam. After 20 minutes of cooking, let the jam cool.

As soon as the jam takes room temperature, you can proceed to the second stage of cooking. Bring the jam to a boil again and simmer for another 20 minutes.

Pour the hot jam into dry, sterilized jars and close the lids tightly.

Peach jam is ready! Bon appetit and happy winter days!

Recipe No. 4. Peach and apple jam

And such a jam recipe will give you a mass very similar to aromatic jam. This jam will be a wonderful filling for pies or an excellent addition to any dessert. Apples in this jam will give your body additional vitamins.


Peaches - 1 kg.,

Apples (sweet variety) - 1 kg.

Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook peach jam with apples:

Peel the peaches and remove the pits. Pass the resulting fruit slices through a meat grinder and place the mixture into a container for making jam.

Peel and seed the apples and also pass through a meat grinder. Applesauce combine with peach. Add sugar to the fruit mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

Place the jam on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Don't forget to remove the foam. As soon as the jam boils, you can boil it for about 10 minutes and remove from the stove.

Pour hot jam into jars and roll up the lids. We put the workpiece under a thick fur coat until it cools completely. A great winter dessert is ready! Bon appetit and good health!