Fish stuffed in the oven. Stuffed fish in the oven: a selection of the best recipes with photos

According to researchers of the history of Jewish cuisine, the dish originated in the Middle Ages.
Once it was exclusively stuffed with chopped minced meat, taken from a whole large freshwater fish.
In Germany they prepared pike, in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine - carp.
Subsequently, the dish was transformed, and minced fish cutlets boiled in fish broth began to be called “stuffed fish”.
Polish Jews love to add to minced fish a lot of sugar, Lithuanian - a lot of black pepper.
Some cut fish into rings and stuff an empty place in the center, someone fries cutlets.
The broth that remains after boiling the fish, when solidified, turns into a wonderful fish jelly.
Someone pours pieces of fish (or meatballs) into the broth, cools it down and serves it like a jellied fish.
Someone cools the broth in a mold and serves the jelly separately, cut into pieces, for those who wish. Someone boils potatoes in broth and serves them hot next to the fish ...
How many housewives, so many recipes for stuffed fish borscht! I'll introduce you to our family recipe.
Fast forward to many, many years ago. Not even to the kitchen in a communal Odessa apartment, where my grandmother cooked her wonderful dishes on a single stove. Let's go even further, to a small Jewish place in Ukraine, near Tulchin, to my great-grandmother's kitchen, and cook the fish the way she cooked!

Basic recipe.

1 carp or pike (weighing 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg)

the weight of the finished minced meat will be from 800 gr to 1,500

For every 500 g of minced fish, take:

1 onion

1 tbsp matzah flour or white breadcrumbs

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp Sahara

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1 tbsp vegetable oil for sautéing onions

In addition, you will need for cooking fish:

2 - 3 raw beets

5 allspice peas

10 black peppercorns

2 bay leaves


Meat grinder and grate with small holes.

A shallow oval-shaped pan, which is specially designed for boiling fish (a fish pot with a grate at the bottom) or a pan for frying poultry (it can also be an elongated oval shape, but wider and deeper than a pan for boiling fish) or a rectangular shape 40 cm long ( such forms are made of foil, disposable, and fire-resistant glass).

Long sharp needle, strong white threads.

Scissors for cutting poultry and fish (I bought these in a building materials store, for iron).

A very sharp chef's knife and a small sharp knife (for vegetables).

A fish grate (if it is not included with the pan) or a piece of clean white gauze at least 40 cm long and 30 cm wide.

Focus on skinning.

Removing the skin so that it can then be stuffed takes a lot of time in the absence of the right technology.

For many years I have tried more than one way, and today I know exactly how to do it the easiest and fastest way. This is the only way my recipe differs from my grandmother's.

Usually the skin is removed in two ways.

A. Cut off the head and then tighten the skin with a "stocking". They don’t sew the head back on, they stuff the “stocking” with minced meat, sew it up around the neck, stuff the head with minced meat, boil it all together, then put it on a dish, joining the pieces.

B. The fish is cut along the abdomen, the head is not cut off, the skin is removed. The abdomen is then sutured.

The disadvantages of both methods are the high complexity. It is difficult to remove the skin in these ways, because inside there are bones of the dorsal fin, which runs along the entire length of the fish and holds the skin tightly. This fin must be painstakingly cut out, otherwise it tears the skin.

My method is simple - I cut the fish along the back and remove the fin. After that, it is very easy to remove the skin, nothing interferes and does not tear it.

The first time the process can take a lot of time, but then everything will take 10-15 minutes!

Let's get started.

2. Remove the scales from the fish, if you want - cut off the lateral fins and the protruding part of the dorsal fin. Cut the back along the dorsal fin on one side. Deepen the knife so that it rests on the costal bones (you will feel this as soon as you make an incision). Turn the fish over to the other side, cut the back along the dorsal fin, pull the fin out.

3. Using a knife or scissors, cut the rib bones along the spine and cut the head into 2/3 lengths.

4. Use scissors to “bite” the spine at the head and tail of the fish. Remove the spine. Fully open the fish like a book. Remove the insides, gills. Dry the inside of the fish with a paper towel. If there is caviar, put it aside.

5. Now nothing prevents you from removing the skin.

With a small knife, cut the skin horizontally at the back. Stick your finger into the incision, between the muscles and the skin, as far as you can. Then slide your finger under the skin, in an arc, separating it from the muscles. Repeat this until you have lifted all the skin on one side of the fish.

To separate the skin around the head and fins, use scissors or a small knife to cut the muscle around the cartilage that holds the skin. Leave these cartilages on the skin.

As a result, you get this picture.

You you can try a slightly different method, maybe you like it better.

1. Remove the dorsal fin and, without cutting the back, remove the skin. Just remember to cut the spine at the head and tail.

2. Cut the "naked" fish as you like - along the back or abdomen. Remove the entrails, gills and fillet.

Minced meat preparation and skin stuffing.

1. Remove all fillets from the bones. Begin to remove from the piece adjacent to the back. Then remove the meat from the breast parts. I usually only have rib bones covered with a thin film. Add all the bones to the scales and fins, cut the removed fillet into small cubes.

2. In advance, before you start cleaning the fish, you need to save the onion in a small amount vegetable oil.

To do this, peel the onion, cut it into large cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the onion and saute it over low heat, stirring constantly, until the onion becomes transparent and a pleasant smell appears. Sprinkle the onion with sugar, saute for another minute or two. Transfer the onion to a large flat plate and cool completely.

3. Pour flour or crackers into a cup, add a little water and leave to swell.

4. Fish fillet mince twice with onions. The grate should be with small holes.

5. Add salt and pepper, matzo flour along with water to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. The stuffing should be light. If it's too sticky, add some water.

6. Prepare a cup with vegetable oil. Thread the needle and dip the thread into the cup of oil.

7. Start stitching the skin of the fish in the direction from the tail to the head. Before each stitch, dip the tip of the needle in oil.

8. When 2/3 of the length of the skin is sewn, put down the needle and take the bowl of minced meat. Prepare also a cup of cold water.

Dip a spoon in water, scoop the minced meat into the spoon and put it in the "stocking". Repeat the action until half of the stuffing is inside.

9. With one hand, hold the head of the fish, with the other hand, run the edge of the palm along the “stocking”, from head to tail, moving the minced meat to the end. Do not stuff the fish tightly! Minced meat should occupy no more than 2/3 of the volume of the "stocking". If there is too much minced meat, the fish will burst during cooking.

10. Continue to fill the fish with minced meat.

11. Sew the skin up to the head of the fish.

12. Fill the head of the fish with minced meat and tie it with a thread.

Cooking fish.

1. Peel the beets and cut into thin slices.

On the bottom of the pan (if the height allows) or on the sides (if the shape is low), put the scales and bones. Line the bottom with beetroot slices. Place a wire rack or gauze over the beets. Put the fish on the grate (gauze).

2. Dilute 1 tsp in a liter of water. salt and pour over the fish. The water should reach 1/3 - 1/2 the height of the fish. If there is not enough water, prepare more of the required amount of solution. Put both types of pepper in a saucepan and Bay leaf.

3. Cover the pan with a lid or foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 C (or cook on the stove).

In any case, the cooking time for fish is 2 hours.

For such long time cooking, the collagen contained in the skin and bones turns into gelatin, and the small bones remaining in the minced meat soften so much that they are no longer felt.

After cooling the fish, the gelatin holds the stuffing together and it becomes dense, thanks to which the fish can be beautifully cut into thin pieces.

4. Let the fish cool in the broth and carefully remove it, together with the grate or gauze, from the pan. Transfer the fish to the refrigerator (for 8 - 10 hours), strain the broth and save.

5. Remove strings from completely chilled fish.

Serve fish with horseradish, gherkins, fresh white bread.

The broth, as I wrote above, can be served separately in the form of jelly, or you can boil potatoes in it and serve as a hot side dish.

Cooked fish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Stuffed fish - cutlets.

My husband claims that the meatballs are not real stuffed fish.

But I think that fish cooked in this way is also delicious! Cooking cutlets is easier, because in this case there is no need to remove the skin with a stocking, and then sew it up.

The recipe for cutlets is no different from fish, stuffed whole, only minced meat does not need to be diluted with water, it must be viscous.


1. Put the whole fish on the table and sprinkle big amount coarse salt. Rub the fish with this salt to remove the slime from the skin. Rinse the fish under running water and pat dry with paper towels.

2. Remove the scales from the fish, cut off the fins, cut off the head, cut the back along the fin, remove the fin and remove the skin. Don't worry about the integrity of the skin, so shoot as you go. Set the bones and skin aside.

3. Clean the head - remove the gills.

4. Cut the fish along the belly, clean out the insides.

5. Prepare minced meat as described above.

6. Prepare the fish pan as described above.

7. Dipping the spoon and hands in cold water shape the cutlets and place them carefully on the beetroot slices. You can simply put the skin in a pan, or you can cut it into strips and wrap fish cakes with it. If the area of ​​​​the pan is not enough, cutlets can be laid out in a second layer, laying beet slices on top of the first layer.

8. Boil cutlets, like a whole fish, for 2 hours.

9. Let the cutlets cool completely and remove them from the pan. Place the cutlets in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours to cool completely.

Options are possible!

1. Yes a good option, allowing you to reduce the time of work, but increase the number of fish.

Buy a good fillet sea ​​fish- for example, cod. Add this fish to carp and cook mixed minced meat. Use part of the minced meat to stuff the removed skin, make cutlets from the rest, put them next to the whole fish and boil everything together.

I draw your attention to two more important moments: Do not stuff the skin of the fish too tightly and fill the fish with cold water.

If the fish is stuffed too tightly, the skin will shrink during cooking and may burst. In principle, this is not scary and will hardly affect the taste of the fish.

Flood hot water large fish is not allowed, because in this case the outer layers of the fish will cook very quickly, almost immediately, and the middle of the fish will take a long time to reach readiness.

2. There is a recipe that allows you to cook fish with the taste of "stuffed" without any work at all.

For this, the gutted carp is cut into 2 cm thick slices. The onions are sautéed as described above.

Place onions, all spices, beet slices and fish in a saucepan. Pour the fish with hot water and cook over very low heat for 2 hours. Then the fish is cooled, carefully removed and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

3. Very often, fish is added to the water for cooking fish. onion peel, and carrots are used instead of beets. In this case, the fish broth is light and golden and can be used for other fish dishes, such as jellied fish.

"Catch" of freshwater pike, carp, zander, carp or silver carp - just right! It is these varieties that are more common in Jewish cuisine, which has recipe laurels, and are suitable for dietary stuffed fish in the oven. When cutting, medium-sized carcasses, formed and not yet overgrown with fat, will deliver less trouble and show the best result.

No doubt, the dish is laborious. But the possibility of serving both cold and hot, taste and presentability more than cover the difficulties. Let's surprise our loved ones with another chef's feat, treating fish stuffed with vegetables, baked in the oven.

Cooking time: 90 minutes / Number of servings: 10-12 / Form 35-40 cm


  • silver carp 1 kg
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • onion 1-2 pcs.
  • beets 1-2 pcs.
  • dill 5-6 branches
  • salt, hot and allspice, bay leaf, dried thyme to taste


    I got a kilo steak of a giant silver carp. I can’t say that it’s easier to deal with him than with a small carcass. In any case, the freshness of the fish is important. She, as you know, is only the "first". First, we scrape off the scales, then we separate the skin with a sharp thinning knife - we try not to damage it, the integrity of the future shell is important.

    Now we tear the fillet from the bones. It is convenient to cut the meat into small pieces in order to carefully examine and pull out inconspicuous small bones. old recipes do not stand on ceremony with the bones, as they involve many hours of stewing until the final softening of the bones (as in canned fish). But today we are preparing quick stuffed fish in the oven, so we put more effort and vigilance at the start.

    We skip the fillet cut at least twice through a meat grinder - we probably grind even an accidentally missed bone. And the stuffing itself will become fine-grained, more tender.

    Next to the minced fish we push through large juicy carrots - the orange root vegetable will leave natural sweetness and bright blotches inside the grayish, pale filling. We also grind onions, several branches of young dill or other herbs. We throw a pinch of salt, hot ground pepper.

    We mix until the spices and all components are evenly distributed, slightly beat off, thereby increasing the plasticity of the fibers. Notice that in our dietary silver carp there are no eggs, no bread, no cereals. When there is no need to increase the volume of the dish due to additional ingredients and reduce the cost, we leave the composition as fishy as possible.

    With slightly oiled or moistened hands, we form an oblong loaf, at the same time we squeeze and ram the raw mass along the entire length so that it does not fall apart and crumble. We carefully wrap the skin in a spiral, leave about a dozen punctures with a toothpick on top - so the shell does not swell with bubbles, let the steam through and stick to the filling. Caution is important here - the semi-finished product is massive and very delicate. For example, it is easier to stuff a whole "stocking" or to sculpt portion cutlets and cover each with strips of skin.

    We carefully transfer the updated silver carp into a spacious refractory dish. Around we place thinly chopped beets. Aromatize with allspice, thyme and bay leaves. We throw a sheet of foil and put the stuffed fish in the oven (preheating to the maximum), bake for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. We keep the last 10-15 minutes without foil. Usually, the moisture released from fish and vegetables is sufficient. But if you see that the “bar” is burning from below, pour in boiling water (covering the silver carp by about 2 cm).

    Ready! The fish seized, slightly increased in volume, saturated with delicious aromas. If you are going to serve cold, leave in the form - cooled is even easier to cut into portions.

Stuffed silver carp languished in the oven for an hour, who is unbearable, serve immediately - divide into wide slices and spread along with circles of baked beets. Bon appetit!

Fish is a dietary product, rich in vitamins and microelements, which is suitable for gourmets who care about their health. Gefilte fish in the oven will become a decoration of the festive table and will fit into the daily menu. Baked in the oven, it keeps beneficial features, it cooks quickly, even a novice hostess can stuff and bake a dish, and our recipes with photos will help with this.

How to choose a fish

It's no secret that seafood is a perishable product. Therefore, it is extremely important to take a responsible approach to the choice of seafood if you decide to arrange a fish day.

The main guideline when choosing will be the sense of smell. A fresh product will not have a pronounced smell, you can only feel the smell of the sea and mud. If the fish is stale on the counter, then its aroma will be more saturated.

Next, pay attention to the tail. If it is dry and brittle, then this is a clear sign of stale goods. In addition, the fish should have moist and shiny scales. If it is dry, brittle or cracked, then it should not be purchased and prepared from such a product.

Also important are the eyes and gills. The former should be convex and transparent, while the latter should be pink or bright red. Stale fish have cloudy eyes and gray gills.

It is a little more difficult to choose frozen fish, here you will have to fully rely on the integrity of the seller. However, if the store or supermarket is checked and does not fail with the quality of other products, then it is quite possible to purchase a frozen product, although there will be much less benefit from it.

Cooking red fish

Red fish has always been considered a delicacy, so it will perfectly complement any holiday table. AND stuffed with vegetables it will turn out juicy and healthy, and even children will like it, since it practically does not contain bones. It is very important to purchase large fish so that it is easier to fill it. However, with proper culinary skills, you can cope with a sea or river inhabitant of almost any size.

You will need:

  • red fish (trout, salmon or pink salmon) - 2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pieces;
  • white onion - 2 pieces;
  • dill, parsley - 2 branches each;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - for decoration.


  1. Thoroughly clean the fish from the insides and remove the scales, cut off the fins from the peritoneum. Leave the head for a more effective presentation or remove it.
  2. Peel the carrots and onions and cut into small half rings.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. To make red fish stuffed with vegetables tender and juicy, it must first be marinated. To do this, place the whole trout or salmon in a bowl, pour over the juice of half a lemon and sprinkle with salt. Then leave to marinate for 1.5 hours.
  5. The pickled carcass should be laid out on a baking sheet covered with foil. Place onions, carrots and herbs in the abdomen, salt to taste, then close it. This is where toothpicks come in handy.
  6. The remaining half of the lemon must be cut into thin slices and put on top of the carcass.
  7. After that, it should be wrapped tightly with foil and placed in the oven for 50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Before serving with red fish, lemon slices should be removed, since the citrus has already given up all the juice and no longer carries any taste in itself. The whole carcass can be transferred to big dish and decorate with a mesh with mayonnaise or sour cream, or arrange in portions.

Did you like the fish dish? Try the bird! will not leave anyone indifferent.

Stuffed Mackerel

A little more budgetary, but no less tasty and healthy dish can become mackerel in the oven. Fish baked in foil will be juicy and soft, it will be an excellent main dish for every day. The recipe often has variations. One of the most versatile is baking with potatoes, melted cheese and aromatic spices.

You will need:

  • medium-sized mackerel carcass - 1 piece;
  • boiled potatoes - 1 piece;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon;
  • oil (sunflower or olive) - 1 tablespoon;
  • spices (hops-suneli, mixture for fish) - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. To begin with, the fish should be prepared - cleaned of the insides and scales, remove the head and fins. You also need to carefully remove the spine. To do this, just press a little on it from above.
  2. Next, the carcass should be sprinkled with salt and spices and greased with mayonnaise.
  3. Peel and grate the boiled potatoes, then place inside the mackerel.
  4. Melted cheese also needs to be rubbed and laid on top of the potatoes. To make it easier to grate, you can put it in the freezer for a few minutes.
  5. Now the mackerel needs to be carefully closed and placed on a piece of foil, which must first be oiled.
  6. Wrap the fish tightly in foil.
  7. Then place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 25 - 30 minutes.
  8. Then carefully transfer the carcass to a separate dish. Garnish with sour cream if desired.

Stuffed with buckwheat

Buckwheat is an integral part of traditional Russian cuisine, so there are recipes on how to use it to cook fish in the oven.

You will need:

  • whole carcass of fish - 3 kg;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • green pea- 1 bank;
  • buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.


  1. The carcass must be cleaned, cut off the head, fins, separate the backbone and remove small bones.
  2. Next, open the workpiece, salt and pepper to taste. You can also add fish spices.
  3. Green peas are laid out next. You should not lay out the whole jar at once, just sprinkle the dish.
  4. To prepare the filling, you need to boil buckwheat.
  5. Next, finely chop the mushrooms and fry with onions.
  6. Cheese grate on a fine grater. Add 2 eggs, fried mushrooms with onions, buckwheat to it. Mix it all thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Then put the filling on the carcass and carefully sew up the abdomen.
  8. Put baking paper on a baking sheet and put the fish there.
  9. Lubricate the carcass with sour cream and bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.
  10. Cool slightly before serving and remove seams. You can decorate with a net of sour cream or mayonnaise or sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds.

One of the variations of this recipe can be rice filling. To do this, it is enough to replace buckwheat with rice. This is suitable for more oily fish as the rice absorbs the excess.

Stuffed fish can be the main dish of any holiday table. There is a huge amount various ways preparing such a treat. In some recipes, it is stuffed with vegetables and cheese, while in others it is stuffed with red fish and mushrooms. In Jewish cuisine, such fish is served only on the most solemn occasions. The larger the fish, the more beautiful and appetizing the dish will come out in the end.

What kind of fish can be stuffed?

Stuffed seafood is a very satisfying dish that always looks presentable. For cooking, it is possible to use various ingredients, which significantly affects the cost of the finished dish. Each recipe has its own unique taste qualities and preparation features. The main thing is to decide which fish will be used in the cooking process.

To prepare such a dish, it is not necessary to look for special delicacies. Traditionally, pike, carp and some species of red fish are used in our country. So, for stuffing it is recommended to use:

  • zander;
  • pike
  • carp;
  • sterlet;
  • trout;
  • carp;
  • dorado.

For the preparation of stuffed fish, it is worth choosing chilled carcasses. Of course, the ideal option is fresh fish. When buying, pay attention to the quality of the product:

  • the eyes should be transparent, and the gills should be red;
  • the abdominal cavity should be dense;
  • when pressing on the carcass with a finger, it should quickly restore its structure;
  • the scales must fit snugly around the body and not fly off if you run the tip of the nail over it.

Sea fish has a different smell than river fish. This is worth remembering when choosing products. For cooking at home, it is better to use medium-sized fish. Very large individuals are difficult to stuff and cook in a conventional oven.

You should avoid buying frozen seafood. Many experts recommend trying to cook minced fish in separate pieces for the first time.

Fish processing

The main stage in the preparation of the dish is the competent preparation for stuffing all significant ingredients. First of all, scales must be removed from the fish. To do this, it is better to use a large bag and a deep sink in the kitchen. Butchering fish usually requires a knife, special scissors and a cutting board. The scales are removed from the tail towards the head. After the scales are removed, the carcass should be washed and dried with a paper towel. In general, there are several ways to process fish.

If you need to remove the skin, then you should perform the following sequence of actions:

  • after the whole fish is cleaned, its head needs to be cut off, after which all the insides are removed (for this, a knife with a long blade penetrates into the abdominal region, along the sides, and slightly cuts the skin in the tail area);
  • all the insides are removed, and then the skin is carefully removed (it is better to remove it towards the tail);
  • if necessary, it is allowed to make small cuts on the pulp.

Another way to process:

  • the carcass must be carefully, and then - cut the abdominal cavity;
  • all entrails are carefully removed (bones and spine also need to be removed);
  • with the help of a spoon, all the meat is removed from the skin;
  • after the skin is cleaned, the fish can be stuffed;
  • before you start cooking, it is worth sewing up the abdominal part with threads, and after cooking, remove them.

Additional option for preparing fish:

  • some experts do not cut the abdominal cavity, but put the minced meat in the abdomen;
  • eminent chefs recommend gutting the product without damaging the abdominal region - they cut the fish into round pieces and cut out the meat (minced meat with filling is placed in the resulting hole);
  • another option is to remove the spine and ribs.

It is very difficult to skin carp and carp. They are quite close to the meat. Therefore, in such a situation, the hostess needs some skills and experience. It is better to remove the fat on the fish, otherwise it can spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Stuffing methods

There are basic rules that should be followed for competent stuffing of fish.

  • From fish meat you need to cook minced meat. To do this, the pulp is ground through a meat grinder or blender to a mushy state. Some experts recommend the additional use of a culinary mallet.
  • After that, additional ingredients can be added to the stuffing. It is recommended that you definitely taste the consistency so as not to spoil the dish in the end. If there is a fear to try raw minced meat, then you can fry it, and after that - taste it.
  • Then minced meat with the selected ingredients is filled with fish.

In order to get stuffed fish with pieces, you must:

  • the carcass must be well gutted and the head removed;
  • the abdominal region is not touched, and all the insides are removed through the head;
  • fish should be washed well and cut into large pieces;
  • bones with meat are cut out of each piece, leaving a small layer of pulp on the skin;
  • minced meat is prepared from the pulp, which fills the resulting hole;
  • in the process of cooking, the pieces must be placed tightly to each other so that the filling does not fall out until it is completely fixed.

Whole-cooked fish is the main decoration of any holiday table.

What can be stuffed?

Currently, many chefs prefer to use not their pulp for stuffing sturgeon, but a special mass made from trout and salmon. Bread, cream, spices and other seafood in the form of shrimp or lobsters are also added to minced meat. Capers and olives may be added.

In some countries of the former USSR, it is customary to add a bun or biscuits soaked in milk to minced meat. Some cooks prefer to use semolina instead of bread. It is customary for many nationalities to stuff fish with walnuts or pine nuts. Very often, fresh herbs, garlic and olives are added to minced meat. Some chefs cook savory dishes with the addition of fried zucchini and fennel.

Filling for certain types of fish

  • It is customary to stuff sterlet with rice with the addition of mushrooms or fried onions.
  • Carp is traditionally stuffed with buckwheat. Any mushrooms fried in vegetable oil with onions.
  • Pike is the most common type of stuffed fish. It is stuffed with minced meat from its pulp with the addition of carrots, onions, mushrooms and bread soaked in milk.
  • Trout and catfish go well with vegetables and chicken eggs.
  • Some breeds of red fish are best stuffed with shrimp or cabbage. This great option for baking in the oven.

In the process of choosing the filling, the main rule should be observed - it should be combined with fish and create a harmonious concept of the whole dish.

Dish recipes

There is a huge amount various options cooking stuffed fish. The main thing is the exact observance of the technology of cooking fish. In addition, all ingredients must be fresh and of high quality.

stuffed carp

The recipe for stuffed carp is very popular. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 kg carp;
  • pepper;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 2 onions;
  • salt;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 100 g of dried bread;
  • 2 chicken yolks.

Cooking steps

  • The carp is descaled. The abdominal cavity does not need to be touched. The head and gills are cut off. All entrails must be carefully removed.
  • A small incision is made under the skin. Then it is pulled together to the edge of the tail, it is not necessary to completely remove it. The skin of the carp should be turned out, the meat should be cut off, and the bones should be removed.
  • Sliced ​​carrots are laid out on a baking sheet. This will serve as a kind of protective barrier for the fish - it will not burn during the baking process.
  • Bread should be poured with milk and start cooking minced meat. To do this, fish pulp is twisted several times in a meat grinder.
  • Yolks, spices are added to the resulting composition - everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • Onion fried until golden brown and squeezed bread are added to the minced meat. The carp carcass is stuffed with minced meat.
  • Stuffed carp goes to the oven for 60 minutes. The finished dish is decorated with lemon slices.

For kids

There is an unusual option for cooking dishes for children. For cooking you will need:

  • carcass of pike perch of medium size;
  • allspice;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 2 onions;
  • fresh dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • carrot - 2 pcs;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 100 g of processed cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • spices to taste.


  • Prepared fish must be cut in such a way that the skin can be removed.
  • Pike perch fillet is carefully separated from the bones.
  • Cheese and pike perch pulp are sent to a meat grinder. Onions are added to them. An egg, semolina, salt and pepper are also added to the minced meat. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a fish skin.
  • The bones are placed at the bottom of the stewpan, and on top they are covered with onions and carrots. Pike perch is laid out on top.
  • Butter, peppercorns and bay leaf are placed on the fish.
  • The dish is poured with boiling water so that the pike perch is under water. Top the saucepan with a lid and place in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.
  • While the fish is cooking, grate the cucumber on a fine grater, mix it with sour cream and dill, and then pour the finished fish with the resulting mixture.

Stuffed sterlet

Stuffed sterlet will serve as a wonderful decoration of the festive table. For its preparation you will need:

  • 3 fish;
  • 1 kg of champignons;
  • 1 glass of rice;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil;
  • fresh greens;
  • salt and pepper.

Cooking method

  • Prepared fish must be oiled and rubbed with spices. Then the fish is laid out on a baking sheet, previously covered with a sheet of foil.
  • Porcini mushrooms are fried with onions until golden brown.
  • In a separate container, mushrooms are mixed with rice and flavored with spices.
  • The resulting composition is carefully stuffed with the abdominal cavity of the fish. It is better to spread the sterlet stuffing down, and on top - cover with a layer of mayonnaise.
  • The baking sheet should be sent to a preheated oven for 40 minutes.
  • Ready fish is served with lemon and fresh herbs.

With mushrooms

Mushrooms are a fairly common ingredient and pair well with many types of fish. To cook stuffed mullet, you need to take the following products:

  • fish carcass;
  • 300 g of champignons;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 spoon of mustard;
  • oil;
  • ground ginger;
  • spices.


  • champignons are fried in a pan until fully cooked;
  • dry the prepared fish with a paper towel;
  • in a clean container, you need to prepare a sauce with honey, ginger and mustard;
  • a spoonful of sauce is mixed with mushrooms, and the rest of the composition is rubbed with fish;
  • after the fish is stuffed, its abdomen should be sewn up with a thread;
  • the mullet is laid out in a sleeve and sent to a preheated oven for 60 minutes.

Stuffed sturgeon

Stuffed sturgeon will become the royal decoration of the festive table. For cooking you need:

  • sturgeon;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • flour;
  • green onions;
  • dill;
  • oil;
  • spices.

Cooking steps:

  • first, carrots and onions are fried;
  • the potatoes are boiled and kneaded, an egg, flour and chopped green onions are added to it;
  • potatoes, fried vegetables and finely chopped dill are laid out in layers on a horizontal surface;
  • prepared sturgeon must be flavored with spices and stuffed;
  • the fish is laid out on a baking sheet, covered with foil and sent to the oven for 25 minutes;
  • after the specified time, the foil is removed, and the fish is baked for another half hour;
  • the finished sturgeon is laid out on a large dish with fresh herbs and decorated.

Decoration and serving

Before serving, the dish must be decorated. Formatting and presentation matter a lot. It is possible to sprinkle the baked fish on top with your favorite herbs or paint with various patterns using soy sauce. For more exotic taste you can add various fruits: apples, grapefruits or pineapples.

Lemon slices, olives and olives are perfect for decorating the dish. Experienced housewives you can make decorations in the form of flowers from lemon. Grilled vegetables or pickles go well with fish. Unusual figures can be cut out of vegetables or fruits and decorate stuffed fish with them.

Stuffed fish is a festive and extraordinary dish. It takes a lot of effort and work to stuff a fish deliciously. But what she will worthy decoration table, that's for sure. Next, we will tell you the easiest recipe for how to cook stuffed fish in the oven, and what it is better to serve it with.

What kind of fish to choose for stuffing?

First, let's decide what kind of fish to stuff? You should not beat the thresholds of supermarkets in search of some unusual fish. For stuffing, pike perch, and carp, and pike, and silver carp are suitable. The main thing is that it should be large, at least 1.2-1.5 kg. Small, simple, inconvenient to stuff. It is better to take fish fresh, not frozen. In a thawed carcass, the skin is fragile and will tear when baked.

Recipe for stuffed fish

Further, which recipe for stuffed fish to choose is also up to you, there are a lot of them. If you do not fast, then you can add (do not be surprised) chicken fillet to minced fish. In this case, the dish turns out juicy, tasty and neat. In addition, minced fish alone may not be enough to prepare a dish. Chicken fillet will add satiety and density to the dish.

Fish Stuffing Ingredients:

fish 1.5 kg.

- chicken fillet - 200 g.

- loaf (or White bread) — 0.5 pcs.

- carrots - 1 pc.

- onion - 1 pc.

- soy sauce - 1 tsp. lies.

lemon juice

- instant gelatin - 1 pack (15 g)

- salt

- sugar

- black pepper

- butter

- milk

- mayonnaise

How to separate the skin of a fish?

Whoever is going to cook stuffed fish in the oven for the first time, now the most difficult thing begins for you - you need to separate the skin. What is the best way to do this? Clean the fish from scales, remove the gills and, of course, the insides. Carefully cut off the head. Wash well. Separate the skin from the opening on the abdomen, freeing the ribs, and in the direction from the head to the tail. Lightly cutting, lift the skin to the back, and along the ridge, so as not to tear, you can cut along the fins with scissors or a knife.

If the skin is removed with a lot of meat, it can be lightly removed with a spoon. Just be careful not to overdo it so as not to tear. You don't need to clean it too hard. Although it all sounds very complicated and it seems that this process is not feasible without special preparation, do not panic. Not the gods burn the pots. And you, with a little practice, you can easily cope with this.

Cooking minced fish for stuffing

To cook stuffed fish in the oven, first of all, it is important to make the main ingredient - in fact, the minced meat itself. Cut carrots and onions into small pieces and sauté until golden brown in butter. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.

The fish meat remaining on the ridge is separated from the bones and twisted in a meat grinder with chicken fillet and passivated onions and carrots. Soak half a banana in milk. Instead of a loaf, you can use white bread, but, believe me, it will still be tastier with a loaf. Twist it in a meat grinder and also add to the minced meat. Take a slice of lemon and squeeze the juice out of it into the resulting mixture. Salt, pepper, add a pinch of sugar.

Add one teaspoon of soy sauce. a pack instant gelatin pour into the prepared filling, mix thoroughly. During cooking, the free liquid that is released during the baking process does not flow out, but is bound by gelatin, which allows the dish to retain juiciness.

Prepared minced meat, put into the skin and form a fish.

Bake fish in the oven

To cook stuffed fish in the oven, it is better to take a baking sheet with high sides and carefully greased with vegetable oil. Put the fish cut (belly) down, put the head next to it. You can give it the desired shape. Lubricate everything with vegetable oil and a thin layer of mayonnaise. From above we cover with foil, not only the fish, but the entire baking sheet. So that the foil does not stick during baking, it should also be well greased with vegetable oil.

In an oven heated to 180ºC, over low heat, our dish is baked for 1 hour - 1-10. It is advisable for the first time not to touch the dish at all and let it steam. Then remove the foil and let it brown for another 5-10 minutes.

How to serve stuffed fish

Remove from the oven and let the fish cool. Before serving, it should be cut and put on a dish, garnished with herbs, vegetables, a mesh of heated butter. If desired, eyes can be made from olives.

You can also serve stuffed fish on the table cold. This is convenient as it can be prepared ahead of time. You can think about a side dish for it already before serving.

What to serve stuffed fish with

It's time to talk about what stuffed fish is served with. Although stuffed fish is a very tasty and satisfying dish, it also needs a side dish. It makes the fish dish attractive, more satisfying. Emphasizes its taste, increases its volume and weight.

Properly selected side dish improves digestion. Attention and dexterity are also required by the serving of a side dish as the main element in decorating and decorating a dish. Garnish is also part of the decor. Originally laid, neatly, beautifully, symmetrically decorated garnish gives the dish a special look.

Vegetable garnish for fish

It is good to use vegetables as a side dish. They are suitable in any variation: salted, baked, boiled, fried, pickled and pickled. A vegetable garnish for fish can consist of a single product, the so-called simple garnish, or include assorted vegetables - a complex garnish. When selecting ingredients for a complex option, the compatibility of products with each other should be taken into account.

Pairs well with fish: beets, green peas, carrots, green salad, tomatoes, eggplant, Bell pepper, zucchini, cauliflower and white cabbage.

Potato for fish

Serving potatoes with fish is considered a classic. In any form, it perfectly emphasizes the taste of the main dish. Both boiled and baked, in pieces and mashed potatoes - it is recognized as the most frequent companion of fish dishes. If you want to lighten the dish, complement it with various light vegetable salads.

Unfortunate companions for stuffed fish

Pasta is the worst side dish for stuffed fish. Also, most cereals are unsuccessfully combined with fish. Don't experiment like this. holiday table. The exception is fig. It pairs well with fish dishes especially when served with sauces.

Horseradish sauce for stuffed fish

Perfectly complements stuffed fish with horseradish sauce. It is very easy to prepare. Horseradish root is ground in a meat grinder, fine grater or in a powerful blender. Salt is added, a pinch of sugar and a little boiled water. Here is the easiest cooking method. But horseradish sauce for stuffed fish is indispensable.

Stuffed fish is good because it can be both the main dish and decoration of the festive table, as well as a wonderful hearty snack. Of course, you will have to suffer a lot with this dish. And make an effort and show imagination. But when stuffed fish baked in the oven appears on your festive table, you will appreciate this work of art - beautiful, fragrant, decorated in accordance with all the rules. In order to make a holiday, you should not wait for special dates. If you want a culinary variety, then it's time to serve stuffed fish on the table. Get creative and enjoy your meal!

On our site you can also find healthy recipes variety of dishes for all occasions. Read, for example, and much more.