How to cook rice noodles? How to cook beautiful, tasty pasta so that it doesn’t stick together: tricks and subtleties How to boil vermicelli so that it doesn’t stick together.

Simple. Horns, vermicelli or noodles are always poured into boiling salted water, and there should be a lot of water.

If you pour half a kilo of noodles into a liter of boiling water, you will get porridge. Italians advise adding a couple of spoons to boiling water. olive oil in order to pasta didn't stick together. They need to be cooked for exactly the amount of time indicated on the package. If the cooking time is not indicated on the package, stir the noodles (vermicelli) periodically and test for doneness.

How to cook noodles and what to serve them with? The noodles are cooked in the same way as other pasta: poured into boiling water, salted, and when ready, thrown into a sieve and washed with cold water, at the end a piece of butter is added.

Soups with noodles are very tasty (especially homemade ones). I often add fried noodles to boiled hot noodles. minced chicken, you get naval noodles. Delicious, fast and hearty lunch or dinner for a large family.

Cooking steps:


Noodles 400-500 g, water 2-3 l, salt 3/4 tbsp. spoons, butter 30 g.

Rice noodles are a very popular product in Asian countries, but they are becoming increasingly widespread in Russia. The reason for this is the speed of preparation and versatility of the product. It is precisely because rice noodles are almost completely devoid of their taste that they go well with various ingredients. Noodles can be served either hot or chilled, in any case, they will become a good and tasty dish, of course, provided they are prepared correctly.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that rice noodles are prepared in a completely different way from the well-known wheat noodles. The product consists of rice flour and consists of thin long strips.

Cooking noodles takes a minimum of time, but exceeding the cooking time will turn the product into a sticky mass, which is why it is extremely important to know all the intricacies of preparing noodles so as not to be disappointed in the dish later.

What it is?

Rice noodles, as the name suggests, are made from rice flour, but otherwise, the process of its production is no different from the well-known wheat noodles. The dough is made from rice flour and water, then it is rolled out in a very thin transparent layer, after which it is cut into narrow strips.

Depending on the type of noodles, the strips may be wider or thinner, or even have a rounded shape, like regular noodles in the form of straws. Salt can also be added to the dough, but classic rice noodles are prepared without adding salt.

There is also a type of noodle called funchose; many people mistakenly confuse it with rice noodles, although funchose consists of mung bean starch, less often corn and potato starch. Due to the fact that bean starch is often replaced in production with corn or potato starch, naturally, all the usefulness of the product is lost. Funchoza can also be called glass noodles, because after cooking it becomes half transparent.

To prevent the noodles from sticking together when cooking at home, you must take into account all the cooking recommendations.

How long does it take to cook?

The rice noodles themselves can be cooked in literally minutes, usually taking about 7-15 minutes - depending on the type of noodles. Obviously, thin noodles will be ready much later faster than noodles in the form of thick stripes.

Rice noodles are often combined with other foods or simply added with some ingredients, such as vegetables or meat. In this case, the cooking time will naturally increase.

How to cook correctly?

There are several methods for preparing rice noodles, each of them is relevant for a specific dish. If the noodles are used in a hot dish, then they will undergo actions such as frying or boiling, and the cooking process itself will be somewhat different from the method when it is served immediately or in a cold dish.


First of all, the product needs to be transferred to a large container, for example, a pan or bowl. It is worth noting that the noodles are extremely fragile, so this procedure should be performed carefully.

Next, you should consider the type of dish in which the noodles will be used - further actions depend on this. If it is added to soup, fried or used in any hot dish, then it should be poured for 7-10 minutes warm water until the noodles begin to separate. Warm water makes the product cooked on the outside, but undercooked in the middle. Due to this, during subsequent actions with the noodles, it will not boil over.

If the noodles, after cooking, do not subsequently undergo a heat treatment procedure, that is, they will be served immediately after cooking or will be added to some cold dish, for example, a salad, then the noodles should be poured with boiling water for the same 7-10 minutes to fully cooked.

What to do with overcooked noodles

If the product is overcooked, it is possible to return it to its normal state. You should try drying the noodles by draining the water using a colander, and then placing the noodles on some surface, leaving them for half an hour until they dry.

However, if the noodles are overcooked, unfortunately, the situation cannot be corrected.

Making your own rice noodles

There are many benefits to making rice noodles at home:

  • you can choose the consistency of the dough yourself;
  • add the required amount of salt;
  • choose any shape and thickness for future noodles.

But this process takes much more time than preparing a store-bought product.

You should start by making rice flour; for this you need to have a mill. You can use ordinary white polished or steamed rice, but it is advisable to obtain the finest grind. To obtain flour, do not use steamed rice with big amount starch. If it is not possible to grind rice, you can always buy ready-made rice flour.

To prepare the dough you will need the following ingredients:

  • rice flour – 500g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • salt.


  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer, adding a little salt, then pour them into a plate with flour. Then start kneading the dough, adding a little water if necessary. The dough should become soft and elastic. If the dough breaks, you should add a little cornstarch, but no more than a tablespoon.
  2. From ready dough pinch off a small piece, then start rolling it out. This must be done as subtly as possible, until transparency appears.
  3. Flour the resulting layer of dough on both sides and leave to dry for half an hour. After this, cut the dough into thin strips. Store the finished noodles in a dry place and in an airtight container, but be careful, because after drying the noodles will become extremely fragile.


"Beijing style"

It is worth noting that you do not have to adhere to the list of products given in the recipe, but include any ingredients you like in the dish.

Method and algorithm of preparation.

  1. Cut the cucumber onion and bell pepper. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the vegetables for 7-10 minutes.
  2. Then pour soy sauce into the same frying pan and add noodles, keep on the fire for some more time, after which the dish will be ready.

With squid

Like the previous dish, this too will not take a lot of time to prepare, but at the same time it will turn out to be nutritious and, most importantly, healthy.

Products you will need:

  • a pair of octopuses – 250 g;
  • butter;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • soy sauce.

Method and stages of the preparation process.

  1. Peel the sweet pepper and cut into thin slices.
  2. The onion should be chopped as finely as possible.
  3. The octopuses need to be cut in half and then shredded into small slices.
  4. Heat a frying pan, add oil, after it boils, add onion, then pepper. Stir-fry for 5 minutes.
  5. Place chopped octopus in a frying pan, add soy sauce. This process will take 10 minutes.
  6. Then combine all the products together and stir. The dish can be served in any form: both hot and chilled.

With chicken and vegetables

This dish has a lot of advantages: it can be prepared quickly at home, is healthy thanks to vegetables and high in calories due to chicken, and looks appetizing and boasts excellent taste.

  1. The chicken fillet should be washed, removed from the skin and bones, and then cut into small slices. Next, you should put the frying pan to heat up, pour a little on it vegetable oil and wait for it to boil. Then pour the chopped chicken into the pan. Fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.
  2. Peel the bell pepper and cut into small pieces. Fry on maximum heat for literally one minute. Due to this, the pepper will remain crispy on the inside and acquire a golden hue on the outside.
  3. Chop the cucumber and carrot into thin strips, then fry in the same frying pan. If necessary, add a little oil, but do not overdo it, the vegetables should be fried.
  4. After a minute has passed, add the peppers and chicken prepared earlier into the frying pan. We add to them rice noodles, followed by soy sauce, sprinkle everything with ground pepper for spiciness, and, stirring, cook for another 5 minutes, you can add salt if necessary.
  5. Remove the dish from the stove and, garnish with herbs, serve.

With hot pepper

Cooking process.

  1. Prepare rice noodles, rinse with cold water. Then leave the noodles for a while to dry a little.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into thin slices lengthwise. bell pepper core, cut into slices.
  3. The chili pepper should be cut in half, removing the seeds with partitions, if there is no need to prepare a spicy dish, otherwise leave it. Cut the pepper into small pieces.
  4. Mix pepper and onion. Place vegetables in a hot frying pan with oil. Cook over high heat, stirring regularly, 2-3 minutes. Then add seasoning and corn kernels, a little water. After boiling, add the noodles, keep on the heat for a while, then serve.

Rice noodle soup

This dish is a representative of Asian cuisine; soy sauce and the rice noodles themselves give it its peculiarity. Approximate cooking time is 40 minutes.

Required ingredients:

  • garlic;
  • starch – 1/2 tablespoon;
  • onion;
  • soy sauce;
  • greenery;
  • chicken bouillon– 1 l;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • Bell pepper.

Cooking process.

  1. Cut the onion and then the bell pepper into thin slices, chop finely green onions. Throw the onions into a heated frying pan with butter, then add garlic and green onions to it, then add bell peppers. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Pour chicken broth into the fried vegetables, then add a little soy sauce and place the rice noodles. Wait until it boils.
  3. It should be served after garnishing with herbs.

The recipe for rice noodles from Ilya Lazerson is in the next video.

Vermicelli is an excellent seasoning for soups and a side dish for meat dishes. It can be prepared as a casserole or served with special sauces. Children love nutritious and tasty noodle dishes. But in order to preserve the attractive appearance of the vermicelli and so that it does not boil over, you need to cook it according to the rules.

Vermicelli: how to cook it correctly

Photo by Shutterstock

General rules for cooking pasta

Since vermicelli is one of the types of pasta, you need to cook pasta in the same way as all the others - in a large amount of salted water. The water should boil before you throw the noodles into it. Immediately after immersion, stir the vermicelli and reduce the heat to medium. It is better not to cover the pan with a lid - the foam formed during cooking will flow onto the stove.

The cooking time for vermicelli depends very much on what type it is and what kind of flour was used to prepare it. Therefore, every self-respecting manufacturer indicates this parameter on the packaging. If it is top-grade vermicelli, wheat is used for it durum varieties- the so-called “durum”. This is a guarantee that if the cooking time is observed, the vermicelli will not become boiled; it does not even need to be washed in cold water– just drain the water through a colander, put the vermicelli in a pan and put a piece in it butter.

If you are afraid that the vermicelli will stick together during cooking, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the boiling water.

How to cook vermicelli correctly

If there are no recommendations on the package, the cooking time for noodles depends on the dish and the type of pasta. If it is a “cobweb”, you can pour it into boiling salted water, to which a piece of butter has already been added, and immediately turn off the heat, closing the pan with a lid. In 15 minutes the “web” will be ready – you just need to throw it in a colander in time.

Vermicelli in the form of rice grains or small stars should be cooked for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly and tasting. When it stops crunching on your teeth, but still remains dense, you can drain the water, put the vermicelli in a saucepan, add oil and let it sit under closed lid 10 minutes more.

Every good housewife has several recipes in store delicious dishes from noodles. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook noodles correctly. Very often it turns into sticky dough. Of course, such noodles are edible, but they have a rather unpresentable appearance. And even if your family doesn’t reprimand you, serving such a dish to guests is simply disrespectful. Many housewives simply don’t take it seriously, it seems like a no-brainer, put on the water, throw it in, cook it for 10 minutes... But in reality it turns out to be a bummer. To avoid this trouble, you should learn how to cook noodles. First you need to find out classic way her preparations. After all, with its help you can cook not only ordinary noodles, but also homemade ones.

Classic way to prepare noodles

The process of cooking noodles always begins with boiling water, since pasta cannot be placed in cold water. It should be noted important point– you need to pour enough water into the pan so that the noodles can float freely in it during the cooking process. Otherwise it may stick together. So, let's look at how to cook noodles step by step. Homemade recipe see below:

  • Salt should be added to boiling water at the rate of 2 tsp. for 2 liters of water.
  • After the noodles are poured into the pan, they should be thoroughly stirred with a spoon.
  • When the water boils again, reduce the heat and loosely cover the pan with a lid.
  • Now you need to find out how long to cook the noodles. On average, vermicelli takes 10 minutes to cook, but precise information about the cooking time should be found on the pasta packaging. Also, the readiness of the noodles should be checked by taste; they should be slightly undercooked and elastic.

It should be noted that the cooking time depends on the recipe for the finished dish. For example, if you decide to cook a casserole, then the cooking time should be halved. When you feel the noodles are ready:

  • You need to take a colander, pour boiling water over it and drain the contents of the pan.
  • After this, add butter to a heated frying pan, melt it, add noodles and fry for 5 minutes.

To reduce the chance of pasta sticking, you can add a little to the boiling water. sunflower oil. The resulting broth after boiling the noodles should not be poured out. It contains most of nutrients of this product. It can be used to make sauce or soup. Add there chicken fillet, carrots - and quick soup ready.

How to cook milk noodles

In order to prepare milk noodles you will need: sugar, milk, noodles, salt, butter.

  • First, you need to boil the milk, then add salt and sugar to it to taste.
  • After this, you can add the pasta and mix it thoroughly. It should be noted that large varieties of noodles should be cooked for about 10 minutes, and spider web vermicelli for only 5-6 minutes.
  • When the noodles are ready, you need to add a little butter to them and mix thoroughly again.

How to cook rice noodles

Rice noodles, unlike the usual noodles made from wheat flour, it is not customary to serve it without any sauces. The thing is that rice noodles are tasteless and very bland, although filling. As a rule, it is served with additional products that have a specific strong aroma, for example, fish or smoked meats. So, how to cook noodles made from rice? Very simple!

  • You need to pour water into the pan, wait for it to boil and add the noodles.
  • Then stir it with a spoon and cook for 3 minutes. If you forget about the noodles or decide to cook them longer, they will turn into mush.
  • After cooking, rice noodles should be placed in a colander and poured over with boiling water. Cooked noodles have a grayish color and become transparent.

You can prepare a spicy tomato sauce for rice noodles. It is prepared as follows:

  • First, fry the finely chopped onion
  • Then add mashed tomatoes to it, 1 tsp. adjiki, finely chopped garlic and herbs.
  • The resulting sauce must be simmered for 5-6 minutes, and then the finished rice noodles must be added to it.

Try it, you will definitely succeed! Bon appetit!

Quite often, housewives avoid making boiled noodles as a side dish. This is often associated with fears of ending up with a lump of sticky mass that cannot be served and the only thing left to do is throw away the brew. In fact, preparing delicious crumbly noodles is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know a few tricks of its preparation. Today's detailed recipe with step-by-step photos, he will simply and clearly tell you how to properly cook vermicelli for a side dish so that it does not stick together.

First, let's look at vermicelli. It can be “Classic”, with a diameter of 1.5-2 millimeters, or the “Cobweb” type, which is much thinner. In the photo you can see the difference between these pasta products.

Many housewives confuse these two types and cook “spider web” according to the time required for regular noodles to be ready. The end result is porridge sticking together into one lump.

Tip #1: You need to choose pasta from durum wheat. They hold their shape better and are less susceptible to overcooking.

So, to prepare our side dish, let’s take 250 grams of regular thick noodles.

Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan. Add salt to the water to taste. Don't be afraid to overdo it a little with this ingredient, as the pasta will be rinsed after cooking and excess salt will be removed.

Tip #2: It is necessary to put pasta in boiling water.

Place the product in boiling water and stir immediately.

As soon as the water with pasta boils, we begin counting the time. You need to cook classic vermicelli for 7-10 minutes, depending on its thickness. The specific cooking time is usually indicated on the packaging. Vermicelli “Spider Web” should be cooked for no more than 2-3 minutes.

When cooking, the heat should be reduced to medium, and the lid of the pan may not be closed. You need to stir the contents of the pan every minute, and after 5 minutes you can start tasting the noodles so as not to miss the moment of its readiness.

Tip #3: Despite manufacturers' statements that pasta made from durum wheat does not require rinsing, vermicelli should be rinsed with cold water after cooking.

Drain the finished vermicelli into a colander and rinse thoroughly in cold water. This procedure will stop the cooking process and will help produce a crumbly side dish.

Tip #4: After washing, the vermicelli should be thoroughly dried.

Vermicelli will not stick together during frying if it is placed in a frying pan with a minimum amount of moisture. To do this, you need to leave it in a colander for at least 20-30 minutes.

Pour 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a frying pan and add the boiled product.

Fry vermicelli for 2-3 minutes.

Ready crumbly garnish Can be served with any meat product or sauce.

This is how you can cook delicious noodles quite simply so that they don’t stick together. Try to prepare such a side dish using the basic cooking rules revealed in this recipe with photo.