How to make fluffy ryazhenka pancakes. Pancakes cooked with fermented baked milk - the unique taste of baked milk


We will make excellent pancakes, but without filling. If you can’t imagine similar products without it, use apples, apricots, cherries or raisins. With this filling the food will become even tastier and more appetizing.

  • Let's start preparing fluffy ryazhenka pancakes by preparing the dough in accordance with the step-by-step photo recipe. Take a deep bowl and pour fermented baked milk into it. Then beat into the same bowl chicken eggs, add salt and sugar. Using a hand whisk or blender at low speed, beat until smooth.

  • Then sift the wheat flour to saturate it with oxygen. Gradually add the dry ingredient into the container, stirring the mixture with a whisk or blender (but only at low speed, since the flour cannot be beaten, but must be stirred in so that the products are fluffy). Send soda there at the rate of 1.5 teaspoons per liter of liquid. Soda acts as a leavening agent. If thick lumps suddenly remain, there are bubbles, and the dough itself seems lumpy, don’t worry, this is how it should be, the pancakes will still turn out delicious. Moreover, the dough should be thick: the thicker, the better. The splendor of the pancakes depends on the density. Pour into a large saucepan hot water. Place the container with the dough in it and leave it like this for twenty minutes to infuse.

  • After the specified time has passed, you can start frying the pancakes. The dough must not be stirred. Place a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil on the stove and wait for it to heat up. Then scoop up the dough with a spoon (without stirring) and pour it into the pan. Fry the pancakes on each side for two to three minutes. The products should become rosy.

  • When ready, transfer the food to a serving plate. As a result, we were able to make tender and fluffy ryazhenka pancakes according to the proposal step by step photo recipe. You can serve them to the table. Bon appetit!

The recipe for making pancakes is quite simple and accessible to everyone. Any housewife can bake them, but first study the nuances listed below.

    • Ingredients


  • Ryazhenka – 500 ml;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt – about 2-3 g;
  • Flour – 2 cups;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Making fluffy ryazhenka pancakes: cooking method

    The process of making pancakes with fermented baked milk is quite simple, but at the same time it requires certain skills so that the pancakes really turn out tasty and fluffy.

    In order for the pancakes on fermented baked milk to turn out fluffy, you need to add a little soda to the dough


  • Fermented baked milk is poured into a medium-sized container, eggs are added to it, the mixture is whipped using a whisk or blender until smooth. After this, you can add sugar and salt; it’s better not to overdo it with sugar, since not all people like sweets. It’s better to then serve the pancakes with jam, jam, honey, etc.
  • Half of the flour needs to be sifted, added to the mixture along with soda, carefully, without whipping, everything needs to be mixed, as soon as the mixture becomes sufficiently homogeneous, you can add the rest of the flour, at this stage the dough needs to be mixed with a whisk, just mixed, not whipped, the mixture it should be thick.
  • In a large saucepan, you need to heat the water (but not to boiling water), and place a container with ready-made dough Thus, it turns out to be a water bath; the top of the dough needs to be covered with a towel. Keep the dough in a water bath for about 25–30 minutes.
  • The frying pan is heated, a little vegetable oil is poured onto it for frying, the dough is scooped out of the table container (the dough is not mixed) and laid out on the heated frying pan.
  • When the pancakes are fried on both sides for 1.5-2 minutes, they will have time to fry from the inside and at the same time remain fluffy and tasty.

    Pancakes with fermented baked milk: recipe with photos and cooking secrets

    The step-by-step recipe for making pancakes using fermented baked milk, including sour milk, is simple and not particularly different from making classic pancakes.

    The only difference is that yeast is not used in preparation.

    Here they make do with other components.


  • Ryazhenka is poured into the container, then 2 eggs are broken, add sugar, salt, and the whole mixture is stirred evenly. Then soda and flour are added to it; instead of soda, you can add baking powder.
  • To make the pancakes fluffy and tasty, the mixture must be kneaded with a whisk or fork for quite a long time, but under no circumstances should you use a blender, since when you use it, the pancakes will not be fluffy. If there are lumps in the dough, it's okay. You can add a little vegetable oil to the mixture.
  • The dough should be thick, if it is liquid, then all the splendor of the pancakes will also disappear, and you will end up with ordinary thin pancakes. If the dough seems liquid enough, you can add a little flour to it.
  • The finished dough should no longer be stirred; the container with it should be placed in a warm place for 20–30 minutes. Afterwards, the pancakes are fried in a well-heated frying pan, frying each pancake in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil on one side and the other for 1.5–2 minutes.
  • If during the kneading process it seems that the dough is quite thick, then you can add a little more fermented baked milk, and if there is no more, then you can add a little kefir.

    Delicious ryazhenka pancakes: recipe with zucchini

    Pancakes can be made from almost any dairy product, even expired and sour, and they will turn out tasty and nutritious.

    To prepare them and, moreover, in a relatively short time, you can use fermented baked milk.

    You can also use other ingredients that are available, for example, add a little zucchini to the mixture.

    Pancakes made with fermented baked milk and zucchini are quite unusual and original.


  • Beat 1 or 2 eggs with a pinch of salt using a whisk or fork, you can also add literally 2 grams of sugar. You need to pour fermented baked milk into the finished mixture, and again the whole mixture is mixed.
  • Afterwards, the zucchini is peeled and seeded, cut into half rings and then grated on a medium grater.
  • Grated zucchini is added to the mixture, and everything is mixed again, if desired, you can add any spices or herbs to it. After this, sifted flour is added to the mixture; when adding flour, the mixture must be stirred constantly.
  • The dough should be quite liquid; if it is too liquid, it is recommended to add a little flour. If, on the contrary, it is too thick, you should add a little fermented baked milk or other dairy products.
  • When everything is ready, place in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil spread with a tablespoon of pancake and fry on one side and the other until golden crust. To remove excess oil, place the pancakes on a plate covered with a paper kitchen towel.

    Hearty pancakes with fermented baked milk (video)

    These pancakes can be served warm, or cold with sour cream or other seasonings.

    Fluffy ryazhenka pancakes: recipe (photo)

    Pour fermented baked milk into a small container room temperature. Add eggs, flour, soda and sugar to taste, mixing everything thoroughly

    The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream.

    In a hot frying pan with sunflower oil fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown

    Before serving, pancakes should be dried slightly on a napkin.

    It is better to serve pancakes with fermented baked milk hot. Bon appetit!

    For me, a childhood dish is definitely my grandmother’s pancakes. Lush, beautiful, ruddy, fragrant - they never left me indifferent. With or without apples, with sour cream or jam, or simply with a glass of milk - this is a real pleasure. I’m already a big girl, and grandma doesn’t make pancakes that often, and I don’t come to visit often. But I borrowed the recipe from her - everything that I tried to cook from the books turned out to be completely wrong pancakes.

    Today I will share with you two versions of pancake dough - with and without egg. I like both options, and you choose what you like.

    Pancakes with fermented baked milk

    Yes, it's a secret grandma's recipe exactly this. We'll cook fluffy pancakes on fermented baked milk simple recipe with photo.

    Kitchen appliances and utensils: gas or electric stove, mixer, large bowl and slightly smaller deep bowl, spoon, frying pan and spatula, fork, paper towel and pancake plate, kitchen towel.

    The most important thing about pancakes is not the utensils, but what they are made from. We will deal with this issue now.


    Successful pancakes require good, fresh ingredients:

    • You can take ryazhenka either store-bought or homemade. If you buy in a supermarket, be sure to check the expiration dates and the integrity of the packaging. If at the market, pay attention to the storage conditions of such a product and the cleanliness of the seller’s hands; it would not be amiss to ask for a veterinary certificate.
    • You can also get eggs either at the market or at the market. The main thing is the freshness and appearance of the eggs. The shell must be intact and clean, without cracks or traces of droppings. If you shake the egg, nothing should gurgle inside - this is an indication that it is not rotten.
    • Take premium quality wheat flour. Check the expiration dates and the integrity of the packaging - in a torn bag, flour quickly becomes damp, and we don’t need that at all.

    When everything you need is in the kitchen, you can safely begin the cooking process, especially since there is nothing complicated about it.

    Step-by-step preparation

    1. Mix two eggs, 500 grams of fermented baked milk, 3 grams of vanilla sugar, 70-100 grams (to your taste) of regular sugar and 1-2 grams of salt in a deep bowl using a mixer.
    2. Add 450 grams of flour (that's about 3 cups), 2 grams of soda.

    3. Knead the dough well at low mixer speed.

    4. Pour hot water into a large bowl and place the bowl of dough in it. Cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes.

      After this, the dough can no longer be mixed.

    5. Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Place the dough in small portions into the heated oil.

    6. Fry the pancakes over medium heat on both sides until cooked (2-4 minutes each).

    7. First place the finished pancakes on a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. Then they can be served immediately. Bon appetit!

    Video recipe for making pancakes with fermented baked milk

    If you are a novice housewife, definitely watch this video. This way you will finally understand the whole process of preparing fermented baked milk pancakes and the dish will definitely turn out great.

    Ryazhenka pancakes without eggs

    To be honest, I was surprised that this was even possible. Well, I’m used to putting eggs in any such dishes, and that’s it. Now we will prepare no less fluffy and tasty fermented baked milk pancakes according to a recipe with a photo, and everything will work out for us.

    Cooking time: about 20 minutes.
    Number of servings: 2-3.
    Calories: per 100 grams 150 kcal.
    Kitchen appliances and utensils: gas or electric stove, deep dish for dough, whisk, spoon, frying pan, spatula, paper towel, plate for ready-made pancakes.

    When the necessary spoons and bowls are on the table, the question of the composition of the dish becomes an issue.


    All the ingredients are already familiar to you, and I am sure that you will choose them absolutely correctly. So we immediately go to the kitchen to prepare pancakes.

    Step-by-step preparation

    Video recipe for making pancakes with fermented baked milk without eggs

    This video clearly shows how to cook ryazhenka pancakes without eggs. It’s very simple; after watching, even culinary beginners will be convinced of this.

    How to decorate pancakes

    The finished pancakes themselves come out rosy and appetizing. In fact, you can decorate this dessert with anything:

    • toppings;
    • sour cream;
    • jam;
    • honey;
    • fresh berry mousse.

    What to serve with - it all depends solely on your preferences. For example, I treat you with sour cream. And if you really want something sweet, use condensed milk.

    • Remove all the ingredients from the refrigerator half an hour to an hour before cooking, this will allow them to warm up to room temperature and the pancakes will turn out fluffier.
    • There is no need to extinguish the soda; the acid in the fermented baked milk will extinguish it.
    • The amount of flour you need to add depends on its quality, the main thing is that the dough comes out with the consistency of thick sour cream.
    • The thinner you pour the pancakes, the less time you need to fry them.
    • It is very convenient to place the dough into the pan using a tablespoon.
    • Fry the pancakes in a large amount of vegetable oil - the splendor also depends on this moment.

    Ideally, this dish should be served warm, of course, but cooled pancakes are also very tasty. Serve them for dessert, breakfast or afternoon snack, with sour cream, condensed milk, honey - to your taste. These pancakes will definitely be a success in any form.

    Options for making pancakes

    When I started researching the “pancake” theme, I couldn’t even imagine that there were so many variations of this simple dish Slavic cuisine. Pancakes can be made from almost anything in the world and any way you like. Of course, you can’t compare it with ryazhenka pancakes, but many variations on the theme turn out quite well:

    • Alternatively, you can do them, even I really liked them.
    • Of all the versions of this dish made with fermented milk, the ones I came out with were very tasty, although not too fluffy, but that’s not scary.
    • My mother cooks, her food is very tasty, but I generally have a strained relationship with yeast.
    • It was a shock for me. It even turned out to be delicious. The recipe is interesting and simple, be sure to try it at your leisure.

    In general, pancakes can be prepared in any way you like and from almost anything, and even without eggs. If you know how to make ryazhenka pancakes even better or you have your own original recipe this dish - share your ideas in the comments!

    Everyone knows that pancakes are prepared on a fermented milk basis (there are also yeast variants, but this is usually a completely different story), and kefir and sour milk are usually used as it.

    But few people think that pancakes can be prepared even with fermented baked milk, and they will turn out very tasty, tender, fluffy, with an indescribable taste of baked milk. Any breakfast or snack will be decorated with these pancakes!

    The simplest recipe

    First you need to mix the fermented baked milk with eggs, sugar and salt - it is advisable to do this with a whisk, but you can simply beat it with a fork.

    Then add flour and soda to the mixture and mix everything well again (it is better not to use a mixer for pancake dough) - the dough will be thick and may even turn out to be slightly lumpy, but this is normal.

    But then you don’t need to mix the dough again - just scoop it out of the bowl with a spoon and put it in a frying pan with hot oil.

    Fry on both sides until crusty.

    Fluffy pancakes made with fermented baked milk and yeast

    It seems that there is some kind of division - flour dishes are prepared either on any of fermented milk products using soda or yeast. But you can cook pancakes using both fermented baked milk and yeast at once, as a result of which they will turn out lighter and fluffier. They can be made sweet, but the most traditional version looks like that.


    • 1.5 cups sifted flour;
    • 1.5 cups fermented baked milk;
    • a packet of dry yeast;
    • 1 egg;
    • 3 tbsp. spoons of butter;
    • 1 teaspoon salt;

    Time to prepare the dish: half an hour plus baking time.

    Calorie content: about 170 Kcal/100 g.

    The yeast needs to be poured with fermented baked milk and a pinch of sugar added to enhance fermentation. The mixture will have to stand for 20 minutes - during this time bubbles will appear on it. Add flour and beaten egg, add salt and pour in melted butter.

    You can bake the pancakes immediately by scooping the dough with a spoon and placing it in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

    How to cook delicious pea soup with smoked ribs read.

    How to cook chicken with apples in the oven - incredible tasty dish, which can be prepared quite simply.

    Take note of candied pumpkin - such sweets will not harm your figure.

    Pancakes on fermented baked milk with banana

    Many people like to eat pancakes with jam or fruit salad, turning your breakfast and afternoon snack into dessert. Or you can make pancakes a dessert right away by adding banana and sugar to the dough.


    • 3 glasses of fermented baked milk;
    • 2 cups sifted flour;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 1 banana;
    • 0.5 teaspoons salt;
    • a pinch of soda;
    • vegetable oil for frying.

    Calorie content: about 250 Kcal/100 g.

    First you need to beat the eggs with sugar - with a whisk, mixer or just a fork. You don't need a lot of foam, just enough for the sugar to dissolve. Then you need to pour fermented baked milk into this mixture, add salt, soda and mix everything well.

    Add flour gradually to avoid the formation of lumps. All that remains is to add a banana mashed with a fork and you can start frying the pancakes in hot vegetable oil on both sides.

    Lush pancakes on sour milk without eggs

    It often happens that there are no eggs in the refrigerator, and this stops you from cooking some kind of baked goods - pancakes in particular. But in fact, this is not such a fundamentally important product for making pancakes, and it is quite possible to do without eggs.


    • 0.5 liters of fermented baked milk;
    • 0.5 kg of sifted flour;
    • 2 teaspoons of soda (or baking powder);
    • 50 ml boiled water;
    • 50 gr. Sahara;
    • 0.5 teaspoons salt;
    • vegetable oil for frying.

    Cooking time: 10 minutes plus baking time.

    Calorie content: approximately 200 Kcal/100 g.

    First you need to combine all the dry ingredients - flour, salt, soda and sugar. Then pour fermented baked milk and water into this mixture, gently stirring the dough so that there are no lumps. At this point, its preparation is completed, you can start baking the pancakes in butter, and in the end they will be as fluffy and tender as with the addition of eggs to the recipe.

    For frying it is better to put medium heat, so the pancakes will be fried and not burnt.

    Cooking tips

    Pancakes are a very simple and quick dish to prepare, which is why they are so often prepared for breakfast. They go with any drink and various additives– sour cream, jam, honey, condensed milk, chocolate spread, syrups, and with anything. But everything has its tricks, and cooking pancakes with fermented baked milk is no exception. For example, these:

    1. It is best to fry pancakes in a thick-walled frying pan, because the temperature in it will be distributed evenly, and you will not get a situation in which the pancakes will quickly burn, but at the same time remain raw inside;
    2. If pancakes are made with yeast, then you can send the dough to the pan only when bubbles appear on it, because due to some nuances it may happen that the specified time has passed, but the dough has not risen, and then the pancakes simply will not rise in a frying pan - the result will be flat cakes;
    3. You need to put the dough into the frying pan with a tablespoon, taking into account that they will increase in size when frying - 4 pancakes fit in a standard frying pan, but it is better to act according to the situation, looking at how the dough rises;
    4. To avoid excessive absorption of oil in fermented baked milk pancakes, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the dough, even if it is not included in the recipe;
    5. You can add a variety of fruits and berries to the dough - for example, the option with apples is very popular and available. You can also add dried fruits;
    6. To make pancakes, you don’t have to buy fermented baked milk specially - you can take one that has accidentally stagnated in the refrigerator and has turned a little sour, which will be an excellent use for a product that would otherwise be thrown away;
    7. If you have time, it is still better to let the pancake dough stand for a while in a warm place, which will allow it to be saturated with oxygen. This is an optional but desirable item.

    Bon appetit!

    The recipe for making pancakes is quite simple and accessible to everyone. Any housewife can bake them, but first study the nuances listed below.

    1. Ryazhenka – 500 ml;
    2. Eggs – 2 pcs.;
    3. Salt – about 2-3 g;
    4. Flour – 2 cups;
    5. Soda – 0.5 tsp;
    6. Sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l.;

    The process of making pancakes with fermented baked milk is quite simple, but at the same time it requires certain skills so that the pancakes really turn out tasty and fluffy.

    In order for the pancakes on fermented baked milk to turn out fluffy, you need to add a little soda to the dough

    1. Fermented baked milk is poured into a medium-sized container, eggs are added to it, the mixture is whipped using a whisk or blender until smooth. After this, you can add sugar and salt; it’s better not to overdo it with sugar, since not all people like sweets. It’s better to then serve the pancakes with jam, jam, honey, etc.
    2. Half of the flour needs to be sifted, added to the mixture along with soda, carefully, without whipping, everything needs to be mixed, as soon as the mixture becomes sufficiently homogeneous, you can add the rest of the flour, at this stage the dough needs to be mixed with a whisk, just mixed, not whipped, the mixture it should be thick.
    3. In a large saucepan, you need to heat the water (but not to boiling water), and lower the container with the finished dough into it, thus creating a water bath; cover the top of the dough with a towel. Keep the dough in a water bath for about 25–30 minutes.
    4. The frying pan is heated, a little vegetable oil is poured onto it for frying, the dough is scooped out of the table container (the dough is not mixed) and laid out on the heated frying pan.

    When the pancakes are fried on both sides for 1.5-2 minutes, they will have time to fry from the inside and at the same time remain fluffy and tasty.

    The step-by-step recipe for making pancakes using fermented baked milk, including sour milk, is simple and not particularly different from making classic pancakes.

    The only difference is that yeast is not used in preparation.

    Here they make do with other components.

    1. Ryazhenka is poured into the container, then 2 eggs are broken, add sugar, salt, and the whole mixture is stirred evenly. Then soda and flour are added to it; instead of soda, you can add baking powder.
    2. To make the pancakes fluffy and tasty, the mixture must be kneaded with a whisk or fork for quite a long time, but under no circumstances should you use a blender, since when you use it, the pancakes will not be fluffy. If there are lumps in the dough, it's okay. You can add a little vegetable oil to the mixture.
    3. The dough should be thick, if it is liquid, then all the splendor of the pancakes will also disappear, and you will end up with ordinary thin pancakes. If the dough seems liquid enough, you can add a little flour to it.
    4. The finished dough should no longer be stirred; the container with it should be placed in a warm place for 20–30 minutes. Afterwards, the pancakes are fried in a well-heated frying pan, frying each pancake in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil on one side and the other for 1.5–2 minutes.

    If during the kneading process it seems that the dough is quite thick, then you can add a little more fermented baked milk, and if there is no more, then you can add a little kefir.

    Delicious ryazhenka pancakes: recipe with zucchini

    Pancakes can be made from almost any dairy product, even expired and sour, and they will turn out tasty and nutritious.

    To prepare them and, moreover, in a relatively short time, you can use fermented baked milk.

    You can also use other ingredients that are available, for example, add a little zucchini to the mixture.

    Pancakes made with fermented baked milk and zucchini are quite unusual and original.

    1. Beat 1 or 2 eggs with a pinch of salt using a whisk or fork, you can also add literally 2 grams of sugar. You need to pour fermented baked milk into the finished mixture, and again the whole mixture is mixed.
    2. Afterwards, the zucchini is peeled and seeded, cut into half rings and then grated on a medium grater.
    3. Grated zucchini is added to the mixture, and everything is mixed again, if desired, you can add any spices or herbs to it. After this, sifted flour is added to the mixture; when adding flour, the mixture must be stirred constantly.
    4. The dough should be quite liquid; if it is too liquid, it is recommended to add a little flour. If, on the contrary, it is too thick, you should add a little fermented baked milk or other dairy products.

    When everything is ready, place a tablespoon of pancakes in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry on one side and the other until golden brown. To remove excess oil, place the pancakes on a plate covered with a paper kitchen towel.

    Hearty pancakes with fermented baked milk (video)

    These pancakes can be served warm, or cold with sour cream or other seasonings.

    Fluffy ryazhenka pancakes: recipe (photo)

    Pour fermented baked milk at room temperature into a small container. Add eggs, flour, soda and sugar to taste, mixing everything thoroughly

    The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream.

    In a hot frying pan with sunflower oil, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

    Before serving, pancakes should be dried slightly on a napkin.

    It is better to serve pancakes with fermented baked milk hot. Bon appetit!

    Lush pancakes with fermented baked milk

    Recipe for lush pancakes with fermented baked milk with photo

    Many housewives ask the same question: “What to cook for breakfast?” They often recommend ordinary dishes such as porridge, cereals and sandwiches, which will not surprise anyone. A completely different matter are the lush pancakes made with fermented baked milk, which will delight you with their taste and lift your spirits for the whole day.

    • Ryazhenka – 200 ml (1 tbsp.),
    • Vegetable oil – 40 ml,
    • Wheat flour (premium grade) – 120 g,
    • Baking powder – 10 g,
    • Vanilla sugar – 10 g,
    • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.,
    • Chicken egg – 1 pc.,
    • Coarse salt - to taste.
    1. In order to prepare fluffy pancakes with fermented baked milk, you need to pour fermented baked milk into a clean, deep enamel bowl. Stirring constantly with a whisk (if such a tool is not in your kitchen arsenal, you can use a regular fork) add the egg, salt and sugar.

    Wheat flour sift through a sieve so that the fermented baked milk pancakes come out fluffy. Thanks to this stage, you can rid the flour of small lumps and saturate it with oxygen. Stirring constantly, add flour to the rest of the mixture. The result should be a dough of uniform consistency.

  • Heat in a non-stick frying pan a small amount of oil and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Lush pancakes made with fermented baked milk are served directly from the frying pan, hot with honey, sour cream or jam. Bon appetit!
  • An excellent dish for every day and festive table You can make Roquefort cheese at home using this recipe.

    Fluffy pancakes with fermented baked milk without yeast

    Every person who has cooked pancakes at least once knows that there are different recipes their preparations. You can bake pancakes with yeast, lean, fermented milk or soy.

    As a rule, housewives prefer to prepare pancakes using kefir or sour milk as a basis.

    It just needs to be noted that the pancakes made with fermented baked milk turn out to be very tasty. These are tender, tasty and indescribably airy flatbreads with the aroma of baked milk.

    Starting the morning with this delicious breakfast, you can count on being full of energy and in a great mood all day long.

    The recipes are really very different, and therefore I decided to create a selection of the best of them, attaching photos to them so that beginners in the kitchen could understand more clearly how to cope with this task.

    Let's start with easier cooking methods, and then you can master complex recipes baking.

    Easy recipe for pancakes with fermented baked milk

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. I mix fermented baked milk with chicken. eggs, add salt and sugar. It is best to knead the dough using a whisk. You can cope with this task even using a simple fork.
    2. I add flour and soda to the mixture. I stir. If you didn’t know, you shouldn’t beat the pancake dough with a mixer, because the device will ruin the batch and the pancakes won’t be fluffy. Even if you can’t remove all the lumps manually, there’s nothing wrong with that.
    3. The dough should be allowed to stand warm for 20 minutes. You can pour it into a deep container and place it near the stove.
    4. I don’t stir the dough and immediately start baking the pancakes. Be sure to cover the hot surface of the frying pan with heat. oil I fry on both sides to form an appetizing crust.

    It will take about 30 minutes to prepare the pancakes. I took this into account and allowed the dough to rest for 20 minutes. In 10 minutes you will make a batch and fry delicious pancakes.

    It turns out that the recipe is not complicated. It must be said that in 100 gr. finished product will be 215 calories.

    Banana pancakes with fermented baked milk

    It is very tasty to eat pancakes with fruit salad or jam. Few people will refuse such a breakfast.

    Plus, they can become delicious dessert. It is better to bake pancakes with banana if the batch is made with fermented baked milk. The recipe is not complicated, try it in practice personally.

    Ingredients: 2 tbsp. flour; 3 tbsp. fermented baked milk; 3 tbsp. Sahara; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 PC. banana; 0.5 tsp salt; soda; rast. oil.

    It only takes 10 minutes to bake the pancakes. The ingredients are available to everyone and can be purchased at any modern grocery store.

    These pancakes will be slightly higher in calories than classic recipe preparing dessert. In 100 gr. the product will be 250 calories. Look at the photo, what beautiful dessert You can bake fermented baked milk with fruit for tea yourself at home.

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. I whip up the chickens. eggs, adding sugar to them. For these purposes, I take a mixer or a whisk. If anything, even the simplest kitchen fork will be useful. Sugar must be completely dissolved.
    2. I add fermented baked milk and salt to the mixture, only then add soda and mix the mass.
    3. I introduce the flour, doing it carefully so that there are no lumps. I add banana to the mixture. You just need to mash it with a fork in advance.
    4. I fry the ryazhenka-based pancakes until done.

    Don't forget to cover the pan with heat. oil Below are other recipes.

    Lush yeast pancakes with fermented baked milk

    Dishes using yeast take a little longer to prepare than it would take to bake pancakes with fermented baked milk without it.

    This cooking method is unique in that the dish is prepared using fermented baked milk and yeast right away. Thanks to this they will be fluffy and light. Make them sweet if you like.

    The classic method is not complicated at all, try it in practice.

    Components: 1.5 tbsp. fermented baked milk and 1 glass of flour, maybe a little more; 1 PC. chickens egg; 1 tsp salt; 3 tbsp. sl. oils; 1 tsp dry yeast; rast. oil.

    It takes about 45 minutes to make the dish at home, because yeast dough you will need to let it sit for about 20 minutes. 100 grams of ready-made pancakes will contain 170 calories.

    The cooking method can be used even by those who are on a diet, but don’t get carried away, because the pancakes are so tasty that there is a high chance of overeating.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. I pour the yeast with fermented baked milk. I add sugar to make them ferment. Leave aside for 20 minutes to activate the mixture.
    2. I add flour and beat the chickens. egg and add it as well, salt and add melted slurry. oil into the mass.
    3. All that remains is to bake the pancakes. I turn the heat to medium, add the dough and bake until a golden crust appears on the pancakes.

    The pancakes are fluffy without chicken. eggs

    Very often it can happen that there are no chickens in the refrigerator. eggs Even if this happened in your case, you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of preparing delicious fluffy pancakes at home for your family.

    There are recipes for pancakes without this product. Below I will present to your attention one such recipe. The result of your labors is to your liking and appearance certainly won't disappoint. It takes about 15 minutes to prepare the dish.

    Ingredients: 500 ml fermented baked milk; 500 gr. flour; 2 tsp soda; 50 ml boiling water; 50 gr. Sahara; 0.5 tsp salt; rast. oil.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. I mix all the dry ingredients together and add fermented baked milk and water. I stir to avoid lumps.
    2. I'm baking pancakes.

    In 100 gr. ready-made pancakes without chickens. eggs will be 200 calories. In appearance, they will be no worse than pancakes made from chicken dough. eggs. It's tender and lush pastries with a pleasant taste.

    When starting to fry pancakes, thoroughly heat the frying pan with a little heat. oil It's better if it's on medium heat while baking. The pancakes will not burn and will be perfectly fried inside, they will be fluffy and beautiful.

    This is where the recipes in the article come to an end, but below I will present tips, guided by which, you will definitely cook very delicious pancakes for breakfast!

    They are combined with different teas, coffee. You can supplement the pancakes with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, honey, syrups and much more.

    There are secrets to successfully cooking pancakes with fermented baked milk, and therefore I advise you to read them in order to subsequently apply them in practice:

    1. For frying, use a frying pan with a thick bottom. The temperature will be distributed equally, and therefore the pancakes will not burn, and they will be perfectly fried inside.
    2. Pancakes can be baked with a yeast base. When there are bubbles in the mixture, immediately send them to the frying pan. You should not delay baking the yeast mixture, because if the dough does not have the required consistency, the pancakes will be flat.
    3. Place the dough tbsp. onto the frying pan. Remember that they will expand during frying, so leave room in the pan. A standard frying pan will hold 4-5 pancakes. Of course, each case is individual, and therefore see for yourself how the dough rises and how much space the pancakes take up in the frying pan.
    4. To grow the oil in the fermented baked milk pancakes was absorbed in a normal amount, I advise you to also add 1 tbsp to the dough batch. this component. This can be done safely, even if this is not indicated in the recipe and cooking algorithm.
    5. Experiment to your heart's content by adding berries and fruits to the mix. For example, I even add dried fruits. If you bake pancakes with fermented baked milk, then it is not at all necessary to go to the store for this product. You can take the required amount of expired fermented baked milk, which has been in the refrigerator for a long time. The cooking result will not be spoiled by this.
    6. The dough must sit for a while. Let the mass be filled with better oxygen.
    7. Sift the flour before adding it to the batch. This way you will get tender and fluffy pancakes.

    Read other baking recipes on my website. Recipes are presented in a wide variety, taking into account different levels of complexity.

    My video recipe

    Pancakes with fermented baked milk - 7 recipes for making fluffy pancakes

    Pancakes made with fermented baked milk are tender, not at all sweet, with a unique taste of baked milk, familiar to everyone. If you prepare them correctly, the delicacy will surprise you with its splendor. Our selection contains tricks for preparing the right pancakes, and nuances - the composition of additional ingredients.

    Lush and delicious pancakes with fermented baked milk

    Lush pancakes with fermented baked milk can be prepared on weekends, when the household is gathered and waiting for a delicious family dinner. Fresh fermented baked milk and Varenets are suitable for cooking. They are easy to use even if fermented milk drinks have gone on a spree for some reason. In addition to the fermented baked milk itself, we will need some flour, a couple of eggs and vegetable oil.

    The pancakes turn out very soft, fluffy and beautiful.

    Exact ingredients:

    • 2 chicken eggs;
    • package of fermented baked milk – 0.5 l;
    • flour - 2 cups (proportions are always taken by eye);
    • sugar to taste (about 3 tbsp);
    • soda or baking powder;
    • a pinch of salt (otherwise the dish will come out bland);
    • vegetable oil for frying.

    The main secret of the right pancakes is the temperature of the ingredients. Under no circumstances should they be cold, otherwise the delicacy will not rise and will come out “gummy”. It is better if the components are at room temperature or slightly warm. This applies to both the fermented baked milk itself and the eggs - cold ones are difficult to beat and do not form foam.

    Some housewives do it simpler - pour the eggs directly into the fermented baked milk; You can do this if you are in a hurry, but it is still better to combine the eggs and sugar first.

    Heat the oil, but not too much, so that the dessert does not burn, but bakes evenly. Pour the dough with a ladle or spoon, shaping it into flat cakes, and wait until they acquire a golden color. If everything is prepared correctly, then a small miracle happens in the frying pan - the pancakes rise and become fluffy. As it cooks, turn it over to the other side, bring it to readiness, remove it, and place it on a large plate.