How to cook pink salmon soup over a fire. Ear from the head and tail of pink salmon - the best recipes for delicious fish soup

After I cut my pink salmon into steaks and baked them in the oven, the recipe which you can see here “Pink salmon baked in the oven - with potatoes and tomatoes”, I was left with illicit parts of the fish. These are the head, tail and fins. Using them, I decided to prepare a delicious and aromatic fish soup...

Place the fish parts into the pan, add one peeled onion, Bay leaf and salt...

We fill it all in cold water and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes. After this, the contents of the pan must be strained. We won’t need the bay leaf and onion anymore, but we put the fish aside for now, let it cool, we’ll need it later. We get such a fragrant and transparent fish broth...

Cook it until half cooked and follow with potatoes, cut into small pieces...

Cut the onion into half rings, grate three carrots...

Fry the onion in a frying pan for a couple of minutes...

Then add the carrots and fry everything together for another 2 minutes...

During the process, I add spices to the frying and fry them along with the vegetables. This will enhance the aroma of our soup and give it a brighter and more rich taste and color. You can use any spices at your discretion. I add my favorite spice mixture just for cooking. fish dishes, which includes: coriander, paprika, turmeric, thyme, a mixture of peppers, leeks and garlic...

As soon as the potatoes boil, add the fried vegetables to the pan. Then I separate the meat from the bones of the already cooled parts of pink salmon...

And I cut the greens, I used parsley, green onions and dill...

As soon as the potatoes are ready, add pink salmon meat and herbs, taste for salt, add more salt if necessary, let it boil and turn off...

Adding pink salmon meat at the very end will allow us to maintain the integrity of the pieces. Pour the finished fish soup into plates and serve...

Fast, easy and delicious! Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT00H50M 50 min.

The most common and popular recipe for preparing classic Russian fish soup is fish soup from pink salmon heads, which involves preparing a dish based on rich fish broth. Recipe fish soup made from pink salmon heads, or simply fish soup, belongs to the category of first dinner dishes, is popular among modern housewives and has gained particular fame among tourists, fishermen and simply lovers of outdoor recreation in the spring and summer season.

A distinctive feature of this recipe is the fact that the products are used more than sparingly. After all, it is worth noting that instead of using the entire fish in cooking, the recipe of the dish allows you to use only fish heads. This allows each cook to prepare the rest of the product at his own discretion and provide the feast menu with an additional healthy second course.

A common question regarding the proper preparation of fish soup based on pink salmon head broth is how to process the product at the initial stage in order to eliminate the bitter taste of the prepared dish and unwanted turbidity of the broth.

Therefore, when starting to cook fish soup, it is worth properly processing the heads prepared for cooking:

  • Remove fish eyes. Many people neglect to perform this action, but professionals insist on its necessity;
  • Get rid of the fish gills by carefully cutting them out of the head with a knife. This will eliminate the strong bitterness of the cooked dish or the basic cooked broth in the future;
  • If the head is large enough, it is recommended to cut it into 2–4 parts;
  • At the last stage of preparation, immediately before cooking, pour boiling water over the workpiece and immediately rinse with ice water.

Now the product is ready for the stage of direct preparation of the planned dish.

Recipe: “Classic fish soup from pink salmon heads with millet”

In order to prepare fish soup with fish heads, you can add some types of cereals at your discretion, such as millet, pearl barley, rice; sometimes there is a recipe with the addition of buckwheat and peas. All this is solely at the discretion and preference of the cooks.

Products for the recipe:

  • Pink salmon heads – 2 pcs.
  • Wheat cereal – 150g.
  • Potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 (large) pcs.
  • Onions – 2-3 pcs.
  • Vodka – 1 glass.
  • Spices (bay leaf, salt, peppercorns, cloves) - to taste
  • Lemon juice or lemon slices - to taste, to add sourness and remove fishy smell.
  • For tenderness: Sour cream or cream - 200g.


1.Prepare a saucepan for cooking soup. If we are talking about a large company, then you can limit the volume of dishes to 2.5–3 liters. The same volume of dishes will be optimal for preparing a family dinner;

2. Pour cold water into the pan according to the load of fish heads;

3. For this volume of preparation of the first course, two medium heads of pink salmon will be enough;
Place the heads in water and place over high heat;

4. While the water in the pan is boiling, rinse 100–150 grams of millet cereal. Millet cereals should be of high quality: bright, clean, uniform. Thus, the dish is provided with both beauty and benefits. The cereal can be washed a couple of times, drained and set aside;

5. Meanwhile, take 3-4 medium potatoes, peel, rinse, remove eyes and cut into large cubes;

6. Take a large garden carrot and peel it. There are two options for cutting carrots: you can either thinly cut into strips or simply grate on a medium grater;

7. Then peel two small onions and cut into small cubes;

8. At the moment the water boils in the pan, slightly reduce the flame and pour the washed millet cereal into the future broth;

9. The cereal should be boiled over moderate heat for about 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to season the fish soup with potato, carrot and onion preparations;

10. Adjust the heat of the fire and cook the soup until the vegetables are ready. The total cooking time is about 20 minutes. The size of cutting vegetables also plays an important role here;

11. In the last minutes of cooking, if desired, you can add a laurel leaf, a few cloves, or add your preferred herbs. At this stage, the soup should be salted to taste;

12. If you want to add tenderness and satiety to the soup, it is recommended to pour in 200 ml of fresh cream or country sour cream;

13. If you don’t want to make the recipe high-calorie or don’t have a particular passion for dairy products, you can add it to the already ready soup a teaspoon of natural lemon juice. This will add piquancy to the taste, highlight the taste of the fish and give the resulting dish an unusual aftertaste. Of course, in this case you should not add sour cream or cream;

14. Vodka can also be the final ingredient in fish soup. In a similar order, at the final stage of cooking, a standard shot of vodka is poured into the contents of the pan. This recipe should be considered, naturally, in the absence of children in the company or at dinner. According to proponents of this recipe, exactly one hundred grams of vodka provides the dish with an excellent taste, completely neutralizes the specific fishy smell and eliminates the bitter taste even if the fish gills were not removed before the start of cooking. It is also worth noting that according to Far Eastern traditions, fish soup will be fish soup until vodka is added to it.

The fish soup recipe implies the presence of countless variations in execution. Having studied the basics of cooking, you can independently fantasize about preparing such a tasty and healthy dish. An excellent variety of soup would be the first one made with fish broth and with the addition of red beans, replacing cereals with fine paste, options for compositions of spices and herbs added during cooking, replacing sour cream with butter or even cheese. Thus, among such an abundance of cooking methods, everyone can choose for themselves exactly what suits him and his company.

Let's get acquainted with the ingredients that are needed to prepare fish soup from the head of pink salmon. We prepare products according to the specified quantities. From kitchen utensils We take a cutting board, a knife, a frying pan for frying vegetables, a spatula, a grater, a spoon and a 2-2.5 liter pan.

First of all, let's deal with the main ingredient of the proposed hot dish - pink salmon head. We rinse it under cool running water. Place in a saucepan, add water, and place on the stove to cook. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat. Cook the fish head until done. Then strain the resulting fish broth from the pink salmon head through a fine sieve. Season the broth with salt, based on your taste.

Let's move on to the next stage of preparing the fish soup. We peel the potato tubers and then cut them into cubes or bars. Transfer the potato slices to the fish broth.

As you know, ukha is most often prepared using grains such as millet. We wash the millet cereals very thoroughly under cold water several times. The water after washing the millet should be absolutely clean and transparent. Transfer the washed millet to a pan in which the potatoes have already boiled.

Now we wash the vegetables: carrots and onion. We clean these ingredients and proceed to grinding. We grate the peeled carrots, and just finely chop the onions.

The chopped vegetable ingredients for the fish soup need to be fried a little in vegetable oil. For this procedure, pour into the pan vegetable oil. Let's heat it up. Place chopped carrots and onions into heated oil. Sauté them until soft. We try hard not to overcook.

We check how things are going in our pan with the readiness of potatoes and millet cereals. These boiled ingredients should be almost ready. Place the sautéed vegetables into the pan. Continue cooking the fish soup in fish broth. In parallel with this process, he is preparing fresh herbs, which will become the final culinary “touch” in preparing pink salmon head soup. We wash the greens (this can be dill, green onions or parsley) under running water. Then dry the greens using a paper towel. Finely chop the prepared greens using a knife.

Step-by-step recipes for preparing delicious and healthy fish soup from the head of pink salmon, with the addition of the tail with seasonings and spicy spices

2017-11-16 Mila Kochetkova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

11 gr.

3 gr.


6 gr.

103 kcal.

Option 1: Classic from the head and tail of pink salmon

One of the most enduring traditions of Russian cuisine is the first course for lunch. And not the last place in this area is occupied by ukha - after all, this is what any soup in Rus' was called. In broth from river or sea fish you get very rich soups, and the fish soup from the head of pink salmon turns out to be aromatic and incredibly tasty.


  • Pink salmon - 1 fish weighing 900 g;
  • Fresh potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Half a large onion;
  • Sweet pepper “Swallow” variety - 2 pcs.;
  • A handful of quality millet;
  • Sunflower oil - 35 ml;
  • Fresh dill - 4 sprigs;
  • Large table salt and pepper;
  • Bay leaf and peppercorns.

Step by step recipe fish soup from the head and tail of pink salmon

The first fish dish can be prepared from any varieties and parts, for example, ear from the tail of pink salmon will be no less tasty than from fillet. Therefore, you should first prepare the fish for cooking, cut it up, put the fillet aside, remove the gills from the head and cook a rich broth from the bones and illicit parts of the carcass. At the same time, you can immediately add all the dry spices and salt to it so that the taste reveals itself as brightly as possible.

Cool the resulting broth slightly, strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, remove the pulp from the bones and discard. Add washed and pre-soaked millet and coarsely chopped potato wedges to the broth. To prevent the ear from becoming cloudy, do not make the fire strong.

Cut the onion into half rings, fry it in a frying pan, but do not fry, but simmer until it becomes soft. Add thin slices of fresh carrots and peppers, heat through and add to the broth. Cook until all vegetables are soft.

Cut the fish fillet into pieces so that they fit on a spoon (one bite size). Dip into almost finished broth with vegetables, check the balance of salt and spices in the fish soup and add chopped herbs.

The most delicious ear classic recipe ready to serve, all that remains is to pour it into plates and serve.

Option 2: Quick recipe for making fish soup from the head and tail of pink salmon

Fish broth is one of the fastest to prepare, of course, if you do not cook aspic. So if you have whole carcass Pink salmon cannot be easily and quickly prepared as a first course. In such an ear from the head of pink salmon, simple fresh vegetables will harmonize perfectly.


  • Pink salmon tails and heads - 1 kg;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Fresh carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Greens (dill and parsley) - to taste;
  • Salt and spices, black pepper.

How to quickly prepare fish soup from the head and tail of pink salmon

Pour water over the heads and tails of pink salmon; you don’t even have to defrost them; it is only important to remove the gills - otherwise the fish soup will turn out very bitter and cloudy. Boil for about 20 minutes, making sure that the broth does not boil too much.

Remove the fish and strain the broth into a clean saucepan. Cut the vegetables into pieces so that they fit in a spoon, add to the broth along with salt, spices and seasonings.

Boil the soup for about 10 minutes, check if there is enough salt in it. While the broth is cooking, you can remove the meat from the head and tail of the pink salmon and send it in large pieces to the almost finished fish soup.

Before serving, be sure to chop some greens into the soup to not only decorate the dish with fresh colors, but also to give the ear from the pink salmon tail an additional aroma and taste.

Option 3: Recipe for making fish soup from the tail and head of pink salmon with rice

Quite often we buy red fish for holiday feasts and use only fillets. But we don’t know where to use the head and tail. But from them you can cook ear from the head of pink salmon, using the tail, so that there is more meat in the soup.


  • Head (remove gills) and tail of pink salmon;
  • Rice, steamed long - 1 handful;
  • Potatoes - optional;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • Spices, seasonings, salt;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Olive oil (unflavored) - 40 ml.

Pour water over the parts of the fish you need to prepare the fish soup, put on fire, add spices. There is no need to remove the foam, because we will still be filtering the broth. But do not let it boil too much, otherwise it will become cloudy.

Strain the finished broth and disassemble the fish into large pieces. Add washed (and even boiled, to make the broth transparent) rice and peeled potatoes, cut into cubes, into the hot broth.

Dice the onion and carrots and fry until the root vegetables are soft and golden brown. Add the roast to the fish soup, stir, add salt and season with spices and cook until done.
Before removing the ear from the pink salmon tail, it is worth adding fresh herbs for an appetizing look and aroma.

Option 4: Recipe for making royal fish soup from pink salmon

To prepare the “Tsar’s” fish soup from the head of pink salmon, it is customary to use a rich double broth with the addition of rooster, which does not cook quickly, but the taste of the dish is excellent.


  • Set (of head and tail) for fish soup;
  • Half a rooster or fat hen;
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • Fresh carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Greens - fresh and dry;
  • Seasonings and spices;
  • Coarse table salt - 2/3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vodka (good quality) - optional;
  • Onions - 3 pcs.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Pour clean cold water over the soup set and chicken carcass and let it cook. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat. In a dry (without oil) frying pan, fry one carrot and an onion, cut in half, until dark (with burnt marks), and lower them into the broth. Add salt, spices and continue cooking for about an hour. After an hour, remove the vegetables, extract the spices, remove the meat and set aside to cool, and strain the broth well.

Cut all the vegetables into portions, except for the onion - it should be chopped into thin half rings. Add them to the broth and cook until tender.

Meanwhile, sort out the meat, return it to the pan, add herbs, pour in vodka and bring to a boil, turn off the heat.

After pouring the fish soup from the tail of the pink salmon, you can add a little greenery to the plate; you should definitely offer fresh bread and green onions.

Option 5: Ear from the tail and head of pink salmon with quail eggs

Few people will refuse to taste the delicious pink salmon soup, especially if it was cooked over an open fire in a cauldron. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible - and we will prepare an appetizing first course on the stove, and decorate it very beautifully when serving.


  • Pink salmon - 1 medium fish;
  • New potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • Small carrots - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Onions - to taste;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • A small piece of butter.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the chop, clear the head of the gills, and the tail of the fins. Pour clean cold water and cook for approximately 25-30 minutes until done. Strain the broth and place the fish on a flat dish to cool.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, cut the onion into half rings and saute it until golden brown. If desired, add carrots, cut into half rings, to the onion; you can cut stars out of them.

Peel the potatoes, cut them, add them to the broth along with the fried vegetables, and cook until they become soft. Add spices, add salt.

Disassemble the fish into portioned pieces, approximately the size of potato slices, carefully looking out for small bones and add the fish pulp to the fish soup. At this stage, you can pour a little vodka into the pan, add aromatic spices and seasonings,
salt if there is not enough salt in the dish.

Just before serving, finely chop the fresh herbs, add them to the soup, cover the pan with a lid so that the soup simmers without fire. If you use dry greens, they will take a little longer to develop their flavor.

All that remains is to pour the incredibly delicious soup from the head of pink salmon (and tail) into plates and urgently call everyone to the table.

It would be more correct to call this dish soup from pink salmon heads, since using the entire carcass of the precious fish for soup is too expensive. If you are lucky enough to catch or buy a whole relative of salmon, cut off the head, fins and tail - this will be enough to prepare a flavorful broth. You can put vegetables, cereals, add cream in your ear - everything will be delicious.

Russian classic ear from pink salmon

We wash the soup set (head, fins, tail), remove the gills and eyes and fill it with cold water for a few minutes. At this time, peel the vegetables: 4-5 potatoes, parsley root, carrots, large onion. Drain the water from the pink salmon, pour fresh water into the saucepan, and put the fish to cook over high heat. When it boils, remove the foam and switch the gas to the minimum mark. Wash a few spoons of pearl barley or rice and add to the fish. Let it simmer slowly with the lid on. Cut the potatoes into cubes. We cut the carrots and onions very coarsely (in quarters) and fry them in a frying pan or in the oven until they burn and a black crust forms. After the broth has simmered for an hour, skim off the foam again and take out the fish. You can safely give it to the cat - the bones have already boiled enough, so the animal will not choke. Add vegetables, 2-3 bay leaves, pepper and salt to the soup. When the ear from the head of the pink salmon is completely ready, catch and discard the carrots and onions, parsley and bay leaf.

Light fish soup

This recipe takes a completely different approach. First, cook the vegetable broth: 4 diced potatoes, a peeled onion, a whole carrot and parsley (you can add a small head of celery to them). Then take out all the vegetables except potatoes, and put pink salmon in the broth. For a 5-liter pan you will need about half a kilogram. This could be a head with fins, but also pieces of a carcass. Add spices along with the fish: peppercorns, bay leaf, salt. Cook it all over low heat for another 20 minutes, covering it with a lid. Then you need to pull out the fish, separate the meat from the bones, and put the fillet back into the pan. The pink salmon soup will turn out amber if we are not too lazy to often remove the foam from the fish. For richness, you can add fried onion and garlic to the soup, which is cooked in butter or vegetable oil.

Pink salmon soup with mushrooms

Rinse half a kilo of fish or fish soup thoroughly. Do the same with the onion in the husk. Fill everything with water (3 liters) and put on fire. When it boils, reduce the gas, remove the foam - “noise”. Peel, cut 2-3 potatoes and one carrot, throw into boiling broth, boil for 15 minutes. Peel, wash 200 g of champignons, cut into large pieces and also throw into the fish soup. After 7-10 minutes, add spices and salt. Wait another two minutes and remove from heat. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Pink salmon soup with cream

We begin to cook the soup, as in the previous recipe, only without potatoes. When the fish is ready, turn off the heat and strain the contents of the pan through cheesecloth. Throw away the onion, bay leaf, and root vegetables. A glass of cream is diluted with a glass of fish broth, while the rest of the soup is again on the fire. When the soup boils, pour in the cream, let it simmer for a couple more minutes, then turn it off. The soup is ready!