How to cook a pollock fillet baby. How to cook pollock in the oven with vegetables and sour cream

In order for children's food to be varied and benefit the growing child's body, the menu must include products containing useful trace elements and vitamins. It is not only vegetables, fruits, various bakery products, meat products, but also fish, especially marine. As you know, such fish is rich in all those useful trace elements that the body needs so much.

Very often for the preparation of children's fish dishes pollock is used, but since children will eat the cooked dish, it is important to make sure that such food is safe for them. Fish bones can be dangerous here, so it is best to use fillets for children. It is he who we use today for the preparation of pollock as in kindergarten...

We will get the pollock fillet from the freezer in advance and let it defrost. In the meantime, let's prepare the other ingredients for the dish. head onion clean and cut finely.

On the vegetable oil Let's start frying the onion.

Now we will cut the required amount of carrots for a fish dish. Let's cut it into small pieces.

We send the carrots to the pan with the onions and continue to fry them together until soft.

Cut the defrosted pollock fillet into small pieces.

Now place the fillet pieces in a pan with onions and carrots. As soon as the fish seizes on one side, turn each piece over and cook it on the other side.

In the meantime, prepare sour cream sauce, mix low-fat sour cream, I prefer 15% fat sour cream, tomato paste and salt.

Dilute the sauce with water.

Immediately pour the sauce into the pan to the fish and vegetables.

Bring to a boil and continue to cook it for 10-15 minutes, because the fish cooks very quickly, especially the fillet. Check for salt and add if needed.

Pollock is ready as in kindergarten. As you can see, this dish is prepared very quickly, of course, if you bought a fillet, and not a whole fish, which also needs to be cut. Remove the pan from the stove, and you can serve with a side dish!

For fish, it is best to serve boiled potatoes as a side dish, pouring all this yummy with sour cream sauce.

Do not forget also about the vegetable salad and enjoy your meal!

A feature of pollock fish is a relatively small number of bones. Therefore, it is very popular and in demand in cooking. How long to cook pollock in time depends on the dish and on the method of preparation. In general, from this fish you can cook not only soup, snacks and side dishes, but even pies.

What is useful pollock

Pollock contains a lot of phosphorus, vitamin PP, A (good for the skin), iodine, sulfur and potassium. Omega-6 and 3 acids present in this fish help to improve metabolism and lower cholesterol in our blood, increase brain activity. Pollock is a good antioxidant, rich in protein (15.9 g), so it is recommended for children from 8 months. It is also useful for pregnant, lactating and the elderly. If you are losing weight, then you should include this fish in your diet, since it has only 72 calories and 0.9 fat.

Duration of pollock cooking

If you are preparing a dish from a whole fish, then you need to cut off the fins, peel off the scales and remove the insides, wash and cut into pieces. The larger the pieces, the longer pollock will cook. It is conditionally possible to distinguish three cooking methods, on which depends how long to cook pollock:

  1. Pollock is boiled in salted boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. If the meat is well separated from the bones and its color is white, then the fish is ready.
  2. In a multicooker in the “quenching” mode, pollock is cooked for one hour
  3. In a double boiler, the fish will be ready in half an hour

How much to cook pollock for a child

Pediatricians advise giving pollock every week. Since it has a neutral taste and is slightly harsh, it is recommended to cook it in milk sauce. Perfect for a first meal fish soup- pollock puree. It is worth giving it in the morning so that you can track the appearance of an allergy.

As we can see, how long to cook pollock depends mainly on the method. It is cheap and at the same time incredibly healthy fish. Easy and fast to prepare. Nutritionists, pediatricians recommend including this fish in your diet. Enjoy your meal!

When your baby has mastered dishes from vegetables, cereals, cottage cheese and meat, it's time to introduce him to fish products. How and at what age is it better to do it?

Along with dairy products, eggs and meat, fish is a complete source of high quality protein. At the same time, each of these products contains unique, inimitable proteins that differ from others in their amino acid composition. This is why nutritionists recommend a varied diet.

The flesh of the fish is tender, it does not contain coarse connective tissue fibers and films, which abound in meat. Therefore, fish proteins are easily digested: the percentage of their assimilation is 93-98% (for example, meat proteins are digested by 87-89%). The amino acid composition of fish proteins perfectly matches the needs human body and is well received by them. All types of fish are high in minerals(zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and especially iron), there are also quite a lot of vitamins in fish: A, D, B2, B12, PP. Sea fish, in addition, is rich in iodine, which is necessary for the proper development and functioning of the thyroid gland. Fish fats are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including the omega-3 group. These fatty acids play an important role in the construction of cell membranes, especially for nerve tissues and the retina of the eyes; are precursors for the synthesis of tissue hormones - biologically active compounds that regulate metabolism in body tissues. Fish is one of the few natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Where to begin?

Fish should be introduced into the diet of a healthy baby approximately 3-4 weeks after the introduction of meat complementary foods, that is, at 9-10 months. However, it should be borne in mind that fish is one of the strongest food allergens, therefore, children with allergies should start introducing fish dishes into the diet after 1 year and with extreme caution. Ideally, especially in babies with a pronounced allergic predisposition, the start of fish feeding will be coordinated with the allergist observing the child.

Low-fat varieties are suitable for introducing a baby to fish: haddock, cod, pollock, flounder, hake. You can cook fish at home or use ready-made canned fish for baby food. You should start with ¼ teaspoon, usually in the form of fish puree, preferably in one of the morning feedings, in order to be able to carefully observe the baby until the evening. Allergic manifestations may take the form of a skin rash, regurgitation or vomiting, stool disorders. As a rule, they are observed a few hours after meeting with the allergen.

Sometimes allergic reactions develop only on the sea or, conversely, only on river fish.

If you notice certain allergic manifestations in the crumbs after you gave him a fish dish, you should refrain from further acquaintance with this variety. Wait a week or two, offering the baby only those foods that he is already used to. After the condition returns to normal, you can try to give him a different kind of fish. Sometimes allergic reactions develop only on marine or, conversely, only on river fish. Often, children who are allergic to one type of fish tolerate other varieties quite calmly. It may also happen that the same variety of fish, say, causes an allergy when home cooking, but is well tolerated in canned (that is, industrial) form, or vice versa.

If the first acquaintance went smoothly, and you did not notice any negative manifestations, the next day you can offer your baby 1 teaspoon of fish. If in this case everything is in order, you can gradually increase the daily dose to the age norm. At one feeding, a child aged 9-10 months can eat about 50 g of fish, by 11-12 months you can offer him up to 60-70 g. Fish proteins have one more property: an allergy to them is often associated with an accumulation effect. This means that if you offer fish dishes too often, the risk of developing allergic reactions to them increases significantly. That is why fish products should be offered to the baby no more than 2-3 times a week, potential allergy sufferers (of course, those who tolerate a specific type of fish) - 1 time per week.

Beware of allergies!

With particular caution should be taken to allergic reactions of the immediate type (they appear almost immediately after eating), which, although rare, unfortunately, can occur when eating fish. The most harmless of these reactions is urticaria. More formidable include redness and / or swelling of the lips shortly after eating, hoarseness. Similar symptoms may be signs of the development of Quincke's edema, a dangerous condition characterized by swelling of the tissues of the face, and in 20% of the mucous membrane of the larynx, which makes breathing difficult.

If suddenly you notice anxiety, pallor or cyanosis of the face in the baby, combined with difficulty breathing, immediately call an ambulance and give the child any antihistamine (for children under 3 years old, ZIRTEK or FENISTIL are preferable in drops at an age dosage). If you have noted an immediate type of allergic reaction in your crumbs, in the future you should be extremely careful if you begin to cook this variety of fish for other households. The fish is in a sense unique product: an allergic reaction can occur from its smell alone! The fact is that usually the smell of food is due to volatile low-molecular compounds, which are practically incapable of causing an allergic response. But the fishy smell is due to protein molecules and therefore can cause an allergic reaction in predisposed people.

Fish products are replaced on selected days with corresponding meat dishes. At first, it will be easier for the baby to cope with mashed fish, later it can be replaced with fish puddings, fish meatballs or steam cutlets. At 1 year old, the baby can already be offered boiled or baked fish prepared for the rest of the family. In all cases, all bones, even the smallest ones, should be carefully removed from the fish, because the baby is not able to separate them on his own and can choke. Try not to offer fatty fish varieties to the baby, as they can cause intestinal upset. Fish broths are not used in baby food up to about 3 years: they are too saturated with extractive substances, which are unnecessary stimulants for the immature digestive system of babies, and they do not differ in particularly valuable properties. Also, children under 3 years old are not offered caviar and seafood, as dishes with a high allergenic potential.

Culinary Secrets

* It is better to thaw frozen fish in salt water (8-10 g of salt per 1 liter of water): this reduces the loss of minerals that is inevitable during defrosting. It is generally not recommended to completely defrost the fillet. Slightly thawed fish is washed in cold water and subjected to heat treatment.

* Fish cooked whole or in large pieces is always tastier and juicier. The less liquid is taken for cooking, the better the result will be. Steamed fish will retain the most useful substances.

* Many chefs recommend poaching as the main way to cook fish, primarily sea and ocean fish. This is the name of boiling fish in a small amount water with certain flavorings - butter, lemon juice, herbs and spices (onions, carrots, parsley or celery root, dill, Bay leaf). In this case, the loss of valuable nutritional properties reduced to a minimum, and the taste of the fish is greatly enriched and ennobled. Only "red" fish is often cooked without spices. Seasoning time for portioned pieces - 10-15 minutes, for large fish - from 25 to 45 minutes.

* When cooking or poaching, it is better to lower the fish into already boiling water, and then immediately reduce the heat. Fish cooked over high heat boils and becomes tasteless.

Making a choice

For cooking, subject to tolerance, it is better to use sea fish: it is rich in iodine, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, it is believed that freshwater fish “collects” salts of heavy metals, which can pollute the waters of rivers and lakes. best grade from freshwater, worthy little gourmet, considered trout.

Any fish is especially tasty in winter and spring, until it spawns. If you buy a whole fish, pay attention to its freshness. Fresh fish have clean, bright red gills, bulging and bright eyes, even shiny scales. The appearance of mucus in the gill slits, a film on the eyes, dull or sometimes desquamated scales cast doubt on the quality of the product. Chilled fish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-4 days. If you are used to acquiring frozen fish, you should know: properly frozen carcasses make a ringing sound when tapped, external signs the freshness of frozen fish is the same as that of chilled fish. The flesh of a freshly frozen fish in a section is white or pale pink in color, and that of a second-time frozen fish is of a darkish color. It is recommended to store frozen fish in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days, and after defrosting, use it immediately. O improper storage fish say dents on the carcass, the yellowness of rancid fat and its smell.

For feeding children, you can also use special canned children. Most often, fish is produced not in its pure form, but as part of fish and vegetable and sometimes fish and cereal dishes. Vegetables help enrich the final product dietary fiber, which is poor in fish, which significantly increases biological value dishes. For the manufacture of children's canned food, sea (cod, hake, pollock, salmon) or river fish (perch, trout) are used. Usually it is from 10 to 30% of the mass of the product. Potatoes are used as a vegetable component, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, green pea, beans. From cereals, canned food includes rice, pearl barley, buckwheat, semolina, corn, oats. Sometimes canned fish dishes, along with a small amount of fish oil, also contain vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, soybean, corn, rapeseed, and sometimes animal fats - butter.

To improve the taste of the final dishes, greens and spices are added. Ascorbic acid may be added as a preservative.

Cooking fish dishes at home

Fish puree

Fish fillet (without skin) - 60 g,

milk and vegetable oil - 1 tsp. spoon.

Boil the fillet in a small amount of water for 15-20 minutes, cool, pass through a meat grinder or beat in a blender, after removing all the bones. Add milk, butter, salt, mix well and bring to a boil over low heat.

Steam fish soufflé

Fish fillet - 100 g,

milk - 25 g,

flour - 3 g,

egg - 1/3 pc.,

butter -5 g.

Boil the fish fillet, remove all bones. Pass through a meat grinder with a fine grate, add thick milk sauce (boil milk with flour for 5-8 minutes), butter, egg yolk, mix, carefully introduce whipped protein into the minced meat. Put the mass into a greased form and bring to readiness in a water bath under the lid for 15-20 minutes.

fish pudding

Fish fillet - 100 g,

potatoes - 1/2 pc.,

oil - 2 teaspoons,

milk - 2 tbsp. spoons,

egg - 1/4 pc.

Boil the peeled potatoes until fully cooked, drain the water, mash with a wooden pestle so that there are no lumps, and dilute with milk. Boil the fish in salted water, separate all the bones. Finely chop the pulp, mix with potatoes, lightly salt, add melted butter (1 teaspoon), egg yolk and egg white whipped into a thick foam. Lubricate the form with oil, put the mass into it, close the lid, put in a water bath and cook for 20-30 minutes.

fish meatballs

Fish fillet - 60 g,

wheat bread - 10 g,

yolk - 1/4 pc.,

water - 10 ml,

vegetable oil - 4 ml.

Fish fillet (for example, cod) free from bones, pass through a meat grinder with a piece of bread soaked in water, add egg yolk and vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Form balls from the resulting mass, place in a bowl half-filled with water, and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Steamed fish cutlets

Fish fillet - 80 g,

milk - 25 ml,

white bread - 10 g,

egg - 1/4 pc.

Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder, add soaked in milk White bread, knead, again pass through a meat grinder, salt, beat the egg and knead until a homogeneous lush mass is obtained. Form cutlets from the mass, steam them, laying them on the grate of a steam pan (special grate inserts for cooking steam dishes in ordinary pots can be purchased at the hardware department of department stores), within 20-30 minutes.

Pollock is an unpretentious and inexpensive fish available to every family. It is prepared very quickly, does not have a specific fishy aroma, which is why it is loved even by children. In addition, pollock goes well with almost all vegetables, cheese, mushrooms. We offer the most interesting recipes from the pollock fillet.

Cooking tender pieces of fish is easy in a skillet. It turns out fish in a golden crisp, melting in your mouth. The dish is prepared in an elementary way, and it can be eaten both cold and hot.

To prepare for half a kilo of pollock you will need:

  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • salt, pepper - a pinch.
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml.

Pollock fillet should be defrosted at room temperature - so the fish will retain all its taste and beneficial features. We just have to prepare everything for frying.

  1. To do this, beat the eggs with salt and pepper with a whisk.
  2. Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  3. Dip the pollock pieces into the egg, and then the flour and put it in the pan.
  4. Fry on both sides over medium heat, turning when done.
  5. The finished fish acquires a golden color and an appetizing crust.

Pollock will acquire a pleasant sourness if you sprinkle it with lemon juice before frying.

How to cook delicious fish in the oven?

Pollock is considered a dietary fish, and therefore it is advised to eat it for everyone who wants to get in shape. The protein of this fish is very valuable, but at the same time easy to digest. The main thing is to fry the fish without fat. To prepare dietary pollock, we suggest using the oven, and supplement the dish with low-fat sour cream and onions.

The perfect accompaniment to fish is fresh celery and parsley.

We will need:

  • pollock fillet - 600 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Put the fish on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Let's salt and pepper. On top of the pieces of pollock, lay the onion, cut into thin half rings, and fill everything with sour cream. We cover the fish with foil and put in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, remove the foil and let the fish brown. Serve with lettuce, cherry tomatoes and a large bunch of fresh herbs.

Simple appetizer - pollock fillet in batter

Pollack fillet in batter is a great appetizer that always flies away first and never gets bored. The batter can be anything - on beer, on milk or sour cream. Choose your option, and we offer an affordable kefir batter. Such a dough turns out to be airy, the sweet and sour taste of which is in perfect harmony with the fish.

Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • kefir room temperature- cup;
  • egg- 1 PC.;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • batter will be even tastier if you add a little (dessert spoon) sugar to the dough.

From kefir, flour and eggs, knead the dough. It should resemble in texture thick sour cream. Cut the pollock fillet into pieces a little larger than a matchbox. We heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Save on oil is not worth it, because otherwise the fish will not be fried evenly. We dip the fish in the dough, throw it into the pan and quickly fry on both sides. Put the finished pieces on a paper towel - it will absorb excess fat. We eat fish warm or cold - as you like. Very tasty pollock in batter with barbecue sauce.

For a couple in a multicooker

Pollock fillet in a slow cooker is an ideal choice for slimming girls. The dish is ideal from the point of view of nutritionists, and the taste of such pollock is not inferior to many expensive varieties of fish.

For cooking we need:

  • pollock fillet - 700 g;
  • lemon juice.

Marinate the fish in lemon juice. So she does not even require salt, which is very important for anyone who is losing weight. In the multicooker, we will prepare a special grate (it always comes with the appliance). Pour water into the bottom of the multibowl, grease the grate with oil and put pieces of fish on it. Close the lid and set the fish mode. We are waiting for a signal about the end of cooking - pollock can be served.

The best accompaniment to such fish is broccoli or cauliflower, which are also easy to steam.

Stew with vegetables and sour cream

Pollock stewed in a pan can be cooked with any vegetables. AT summer season perfectly complement the dish with ripe tomatoes, bell pepper, young carrots and onions.

For cooking you will need:

  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 3 small carrots;
  • large bell pepper;
  • a large onion;
  • half a glass of low-fat sour cream;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

But the best spice for such a dish is ordinary black pepper.

  1. Fry the fish in a skillet and set the pieces aside.
  2. Put the chopped vegetables in a saucepan and stew them until soft.
  3. We combine vegetables with fish, pour everything with sour cream, let it boil and immediately turn everything off.
  4. Let the dish cool slightly and serve.

Such pollock is ideally combined with buckwheat, rice and literally melts in your mouth. It is good hot and cold.

Fillet cutlets

Pollack cutlets are surprisingly juicy, delicate. Since pollock does not have a pronounced aroma, even picky children love cutlets - that's why such cutlets are often included in the menu of kindergartens.

Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • pollock fillet - 800 g.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • a crust of white bread;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

The cooking process does not require special skill:

  1. We scroll the fillet through a meat grinder. Chop the onion into cubes and fry in butter.
  2. Add onion to the minced meat, a crust of bread soaked in milk, drive in a chicken egg and mix thoroughly.
  3. We form small meatballs.
  4. We heat the pan, put the fish blanks in hot vegetable oil and fry them on both sides.

Put the finished cutlets on a flat dish. We serve them with mashed potatoes, fresh herbs and pickled cucumbers.

Under vegetable marinade

Pollock fillet in the oven can be cooked under a vegetable marinade of onions, carrots and tomatoes. It turns out an amazing dish that is very tasty both hot and cold. The taste becomes especially rich the next day, when the fish and marinade are saturated with each other's juices.

Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • carrot - 3 large root crops;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • pollock fillet - 700 g;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l;
  • bite 5% - 3 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

We cut the onion into cubes, three carrots on a coarse grater. Saute vegetables in a frying pan with the addition of vinegar and tomato paste. Put pollock in a baking dish, salt and pepper it to taste. Spread the vegetable marinade on top in a generous layer and cover everything with foil.

We bake the dish in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Serve chilled. Marinated fish goes well with boiled potatoes and mashed cauliflower.

Oven casserole with potatoes

From the fillet you can cook a wonderful dish - a casserole with fish and potatoes under cheese crust. The casserole is liked by adults and children, while it is easy to prepare for dinner, because it takes very little time to cook.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 4 large tubers;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • pollock fillet - 600 g;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • any hard cheese- 50 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

We will prepare like this:

  1. We clean the potatoes and cut into circles. Boil in water for 5 minutes, then recline in a colander and fill with cold water (this will stop the cooking process immediately).
  2. Pollock cut into thin strips, marinated in mayonnaise or sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Cut the onion into cubes and fry until golden brown.
  4. Put a layer of potatoes in a baking dish, a layer of pollock and fried onions on top. Last layer there will be potatoes again.
  5. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise and put the casserole in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.
  6. Bake until potatoes are golden (about 20 minutes).

5 minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle the casserole with a layer of grated cheese and let it melt. It is better to cut the dish 15 minutes after cooking - so the casserole does not fall apart. Serve it with herbs, pickles or fresh seasonal vegetables.

Soup with cheese

Fish soup with cheese is an easy first course that is prepared in minutes and eaten even faster. For cooking, you should look for a special "soup" processed cheese good quality, and can be with pieces of mushrooms.

What else needs to be prepared:

  • pollock fillet - 500 g.
  • potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • bunch of parsley.

Pollock soup should not be cooked for future use - it loses palatability. The optimal portion is calculated for one or two times.

  1. Boil water in a saucepan, and in the meantime cut the fillet into small pieces.
  2. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  3. We lower it into the pan first - pollock is cooked almost instantly and if it is put early, it will have time to fall apart.
  4. When the potatoes have become soft, put the fish to it and dissolve the processed cheese in the hot broth.
  5. Add finely chopped parsley, taste for salt and turn off our soup. He's ready.

We eat such a first course with garlic buns or brown bread.

Heh from fillet in Korean

You can cook pollock fillets in a very unusual way - in the form of a spicy appetizer heh. Such a fish serves as a decoration for any festive table and is very loved by men. For cooking, we need: a package of spices for Korean carrot, vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l, vegetable oil - 100 ml, garlic clove.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Pollock fillet cut into small pieces.
  2. We fall asleep with spices "in Korean".
  3. Squeeze out a clove of garlic.
  4. We heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and as soon as smoke appears, add vinegar.
  5. Adjust the amount of vinegar yourself: who loves spicy variant, may increase its quantity or vice versa.
  6. Pour the fish with hot vegetable oil and vinegar.
  7. We mix.
  8. We put a small press on top (for example, a plate).
  9. We put it in the refrigerator overnight.

The fish should be infused and thoroughly soaked in the marinade. We serve it to festive table or simply as an accompaniment to any bland soup. Such a delicious spicy snack to chicken soup with dumplings.

As you can see, there are many ways to cook pollock. The main advantage of its fillet is that there is no need to cut the fish, free it from the insides, clean the skin and remove the bones. The only important thing is to choose the right carcass. It should not have a dense ice crust - otherwise, the fish will melt and it will turn out that the piece is very small. Experiment, choose your favorite recipe and arrange fish days for loved ones more often. Enjoy your meal.

It happens that a child does not eat meat not because of empty whims, an inappropriate menu or an unsuccessfully prepared dish, but because it is difficult to digest.

Any "baby perturbations" are not random and require attention, but while you figure it out, we will replace one healthy protein on the other and we will select dishes for children from fish. They not only act as a full-fledged alternative to meat, but also perfectly complement it due to their composition.

The benefits of fish dishes for children

If the child is not allergic, fish dishes must be introduced into the diet from 8 to 9 months, since this protein is absorbed much better than meat. Compare: 96 - 98% to 87 - 89%, that is, proteins obtained from fish not only enter the baby's body, but do it in the most targeted way.

With its help, it will be easier for a child to build bones, muscles, and form tooth enamel. Fish has everything you need for this: fluorine, phosphorus, iron, amino acids, B vitamins, which are no less than in beef. And, most importantly, if we are talking about the sea, we will find iodine, which is necessary for mental development, and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which improve concentration and memory.

If the child is allergic

So, the question of the benefits of fish and its need for a children's diet is no longer worth it, is it? But what if the child is allergic?

It is enough to postpone the introduction of it into complementary foods until 12 - 18 months and cook only white varieties, avoiding any red meats. Of course, we are talking about boiled and stews; baked, and even more so fried fish, can be offered to children only from the age of 2.

It is best to introduce sea fish into complementary foods: cod, pollock, hake, blue whiting. These varieties are the least allergenic, easy to digest and do not contain harmful impurities that can be found in river species. And the bones in the fillet sea ​​fish many times less.

As for any pickles and smoked products, then, like any delicacy, it is a delicacy, but no more. Make a regular companion children's menu smoked eel or salted red fish is not recommended by any nutritionist.

100 g per week of freshly cooked fish will fully satisfy the needs of the child's body for the necessary animal proteins, minerals and trace elements.

In this article, we have selected the most interesting, fast and delicious food from fish that will inspire not only children, but also their parents!

How to make fish dishes as healthy as possible for children

But, before we start cooking, let's remember some subtleties that can make the dish not only tastier, but also healthy!

  • Incomplete defrosting

If we have a ready-made fillet in front of us, it is not worth completely defrosting it, as this will reduce the content of nutrients.

  • Storage no more than a day

In no case do not keep the finished dish in the refrigerator for more than one day. Ideally, the fish should be prepared for each specific meal.

For ease of preparation, you can immediately divide large piece fillet into several small pieces of 40-50 g each and freeze.

  • Do not use fish broth

Fish puree for feeding children 10 months

It is best to start fish feeding babies at 10-11 months with fish puree. To prepare it, we need 40 g of hake fillet or blue whiting - for safety reasons, it is better to take leaner varieties, and leave the cod until the baby's body gets used to it.

  1. Bring the water in a small pot to a boil, add a little salt and put the fish.
  2. Cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat and pass through a sieve. Of course, you can also use a blender, but since the portion is very tiny and will spread more on the walls, and no one has canceled the presence of “random” bones either, it’s better to use the old way, this will save you from unpleasant surprises.
  3. Since the consistency of the fillet itself is quite watery, no additional components such as oil, water or a mixture are required - the puree will turn out very tender anyway.

If in doubt that the child will eat fish in its pure form, mix it with zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower. In a stew, fish puree is more like it.

Now that the baby is already accustomed to the simplest, but very delicate fish dishes and their combinations with vegetables, let's try to offer him something more dense, for example, soufflé. Its advantage is that it also turns out with not too rich taste because it contains potatoes.

Fish souffle with potatoes for children 2 years old

The proportions are indicated per serving for a child 1.5 - 2 years old, if desired, observing the ratio, they can be increased. If it turned out to make extra minced meat, we remove it in the freezer.


  • Fillet of sea fish (hake, pangasius, pollock) - 50 g
  • Potatoes - 50 g (or ½ pc.)
  • Egg - ½ pc.
  • Cream or milk - ½ tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter for greasing the mold

Step by step cooking baby fish soufflé

  1. Separately, cook the peeled potatoes cut into slices and a piece of fillet.
  2. Beat ½ eggs with cream or milk until frothy.

*Cook's Tips
If you want to get an even lighter and airy texture, separate the protein from the yolk and beat it with grains of salt. You will need to add the resulting dense foamy mass at the very end, stirring it with a spoon.

  1. Potatoes are drained, wiped or beaten in a blender, it is possible together with boiled fillets. Mix with egg mixture, taste for salt and, if done separately, add protein foam.
  2. Lubricate the mold with butter, put the minced fish in it.

Souffle can be prepared in several ways:

  • Bake at 180 degrees in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes on a baking sheet with or without water. In the first case, you get a variant of a water bath, in the second, ordinary baking.
  • We put in a water bath in a saucepan, pouring enough water so that the mold sinks 2/3. Keep also at least 25 minutes under the lid. To avoid condensation, cover the soufflé with foil or baking paper.
  • We cook in a double boiler on the desired mode.

As usual, we check the readiness of the dish with a toothpick. Serve warm with sour cream or cream sauce, in addition to vegetables or by itself.

If the child is more than 2 years old, then it is quite possible to add onions sautéed in vegetable oil to the main composition. This will make the soufflé more fragrant and in this form it will compete with the usual cutlets on an adult table.

How to cook fish fillet in batter for children

Well, when our plans include preparing a delicious fish dish not only for the child, but for the whole family, we will fry the fillet in batter. Just make it not from the usual combination of milk, eggs and flour, but from zucchini. The option is suitable for those who have children older than 3 years.

  1. We take approximately equally zucchini (zucchini) and hake or telapia fillets, only 200 g each.
  2. We cut the fish into small pieces, clean the vegetable, remove the seeds and grate on a coarse grater and squeeze well or let it drain.
  3. Add an egg, salt and 1 tablespoon of flour to the grated zucchini, mix. If desired, chop a bunch of fresh herbs into the batter mixture. The mass should not be too liquid so as not to drain from the fish during frying.
  4. Now we put the fillet pieces in raw batter, mix again and, until the juicy telapia gives juice, immediately put each piece in a hot pan with a spoon.
  5. Fry in oil for 3-5 minutes on both sides over low heat. An extra crust is useless, and the fish should sweat well.

Such a batter will make the fillet of any fish even more fragrant! Enjoy with or without garnish.

Baby nutritious cod meatballs

For those who are tired of zrazy and beef or chicken cutlets, we offer a recipe for meatballs.

Basically, this is an option. fish meatballs varies as you like and can be served to both children and adults. We choose cod, since its meat is one of the fattest and most nutritious, but if necessary, we replace it with hake or pollock.


  • Cod (fillet) - 300 g
  • Rice - 2 - 3 tbsp
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 1.5-2 tbsp

How to cook baby fish meatballs

This is exactly the case when the fillet needs to be completely defrosted. This is necessary in order to be able to completely sort out the fish with your hands for small bones.

  1. After checking, grind it in a blender or scroll. You can do this right along with the onion - the consistency of minced meat should be completely homogeneous.
  2. We boil the rice, it should double in size, that is, about 5-6 tablespoons will be obtained for this volume.
  3. We mix everything, drive in an egg, salt and let stand for 10 minutes and form small balls, the size of large meatballs.

You can cook meatballs both in a double boiler, and simply in a saucepan, putting them out. In the first case, select the desired mode and add raw meatballs in a container, in the second - we lower them into a small saucepan and, half-filled with steep boiled water, cover with a lid and put on a small fire for 30 minutes.

Finished fish meatballs serve with mashed potatoes or vegetable stew. It turned out to be a light, but very tasty and satisfying dinner!

Children's delicate fish cream soup

But after all, fish for children can be used to cook not only second courses, but also first ones, you say, and you will be right! And if you don’t surprise anyone with the usual fish soup, then all family members will definitely appreciate cream soup from pelengas or pangasius.

This soup is prepared quickly, simply, but the taste is very delicate.


  • Fish fillet - 300 g
  • Cream 20% - 250 ml
  • Potatoes (medium) - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Salt, spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Bread for croutons

Cooking fish soup for kids

  1. We lower the fillet cut into cubes in 2 liters of salted boiling water and cook until tender, about 15 minutes.
  2. We take out the fish and leave to cool, and filter the broth.
  3. We clean the potatoes, cut them arbitrarily, but not large and set to boil in fish broth.
  4. In the meantime, sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil. If necessary, this can be omitted, but the fried vegetables will add more flavor to the soup and make the taste more intense.
  5. As soon as the roast is cooked, add it to the broth to the potatoes and after 5 minutes pour in the cream.
  6. We sort out the cooled fish so that not a single bone remains, and put it in the soup. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and puree with an immersion blender.
  7. Three cheese on a fine grater, add it a tablespoon to each plate when serving.

We dry croutons from white or rye Borodino bread in the oven or directly in a pan. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, there are a huge number of fish dishes, and they are suitable for both children and adults!