Quiche with broccoli and cheese recipe. Quiche with broccoli and cheese: recipe and cooking tips

Kish is open pie. Do it with various fillings. It can be sweet, meat or fish. The cake is prepared simply and from those products that you can find at home. This time we want to introduce you to a pie recipe in which we will use broccoli and cheese as a filling.

Required Products

  • wheat flour - 250 gr
  • cottage cheese - 250 gr
  • butter— 125 gr
  • Feta cheese - 250 gr
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • cream (10%) - 200 ml
  • hard cheese - 50 gr
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil

Let's start cooking

  1. Pour flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. All mix and sift.
  2. Grate the butter into the flour mixture, stirring occasionally. Then we grind everything into crumbs with our hands.
  3. Knead the cottage cheese with a fork and add to the flour. Knead the dough and collect it into a ball.
  4. We coat the form with vegetable oil and put the dough into it. We form the basis for the pie. We put the prepared base in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. Feta cheese cut into small cubes. Wash the broccoli and separate into florets.
  6. In a bowl, beat the eggs, beat and add the cream. We mix everything.
  7. We get the base for the pie. Put the broccoli and cheese on it. Sprinkle with spices on top and pour the prepared sauce.
  8. We put the cake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes. After the allotted time, we take it out, sprinkle with grated cheese and put it back in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Ready pie cool and serve to the table.

You can also try a simple one. You can cook it according to the recipe from our website.

Enjoy your meal!

Kish- this is open pie with a base of shortcrust pastry . Its filling can consist of any ready-made components that are combined with whipped raw eggs with or without cream. This is one of my favorite pies. His very easy to cook especially if you have on hand detailed recipe with photos. I will take care of the photos, you just need to decide and start, and everything will go like clockwork. I have not met a person who would not like this cake, and I am sure you will love it too!

You will need:

For test:
  • yolk 2 pcs
  • butter 75-100 gr
  • sour cream 4 tbsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • pinch of salt
Quiche filling:
  • onion 4-6 pcs
  • broccoli 400-500 gr (or 1 package frozen)
  • feta cheese 500 gr
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • ground black pepper
  • cheese 100 gr (Russian type)

You will also need a form with borders. My cake mold is 24 cm in diameter.

If you are baking quiche for the first time, then immediately after baking, you will probably understand that this is a casserole pie. The filling of this "casserole in the dough" can be very diverse. Its basis is eggs, an obligatory component is cheese. Everything else will be prompted by fantasy and the availability of products in your kitchen. Just like in the preparation of pizza, you can send almost anything that is edible to the filling for quiche - experiment!

Step by step photo recipe:

Separate 2 yolks from whites. It is convenient to do this using a special separator or pouring an egg from one half of the shell to the other. Remaining save 2 squirrels, later add them to the filling.

Sift into a bowl flour(2 cups), make a well in the flour and put yolks(2 pcs) , soft butter (75-100 gr) , sour cream(4 tablespoons), a pinch of saltsugar(1 tsp) and soda quenched with vinegar (0.25 tsp) Quickly knead the dough - combine all the ingredients until flakes form and collect them into a ball.

Put the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film or a bag and remove in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

While the dough is chilling, prepare the filling.

Quiche stuffing

Cut the onion (4-6 pcs) and fry in vegetable oil until soft.

Boil broccoli (400-500 gr). I use frozen broccoli - it's already cut into pieces. Cut fresh broccoli into florets. Pour over broccoli boiling water, bring to a boil and brew on a small fire 10 minutes. Drain the cabbage into a colander.

cut into Chees Feta small cubes (1x1 cm).

The filling is almost ready, but before you form the quiche, you need to bake the dough base for it. Some chefs form this cake without first baking the base, but still the classic of the genre is a lightly baked base, so we will bake ⇓⇓⇓

Roll out the dough into a circle (the diameter of the mold plus the height of the sides) and place in a baking dish. If you suffer from perfectionism, you can trim the edges evenly))), putting the trimmings on the bottom. But I like all these bumps - after baking they will become crispy and very appetizing - it's so homely.

Pierce the dough with a fork over the entire surface so that it does not rise during pre-baking, put baking paper on it and pour any cereal, peas or beans. Put the mold in the oven t 200°C on the 10 minutes so that the dough is slightly baked - “grabbed”.

While the base is in the oven, complete the preparation of the filling - break into a bowl (5-6 pcs) , add the rest of the dough squirrels(2 pcs) and whip all with salt and pepperto a homogeneous mass. Be careful with salt, because the filling will contain salty feta cheese.

Put the fried, boiled cabbage and Chees Feta into a bowl, add beaten, but do not mix yet.

After 10 minutes take out the form with the dough, remove the paper with the beans. Reduce oven temperature to 180°C.

Advice: when the beans have cooled, they can be folded into a dry jar, closed and stored until the next use.

Gently, so as not to crush the cheese, mix the filling - it is convenient to do it with your hands. Lay out the stuffing on the dough and evenly distribute throughout- comfortable with your hands.

Bake the quiche in the oven t 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

While the cake is in the oven grate cheese(100 gr) on a fine grater. In 20 minutes get the quiche sprinkle its grated and bake a pie another 20-25 minutes.

Here it is our pie with such an interesting name - Kish!

It can be eaten hot and cold. It keeps well in the refrigerator - wrap with cling film, and then reheat in the microwave.

You will need:
For test:

  • premium wheat flour 2 cups (glass volume 200 ml)
  • yolk 2 pcs
  • butter 75-100 gr
  • sour cream 4 tbsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • pinch of salt
  • soda 0.25 tsp and 1 tsp. vinegar to quench it

Quiche filling:

  • onion 4-5 pcs
  • broccoli 400-500g (or 1 package frozen)
  • feta cheese 500 gr
  • eggs 5-6 pcs and 2 squirrels remaining during dough kneading
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • ground black pepper
  • odorless vegetable oil 80-100ml
  • cheese 100 gr (Russian type)

Separate 2 yolks from whites. Save the remaining 2 squirrels, later add them to the filling.
Sift 2 cups of flour into a bowl, make a hole in the flour and put the yolks, butter there (it should be soft - room temperature), sour cream, salt and sugar.
Combine baking soda with vinegar and pour into a bowl. Knead the dough. As soon as it becomes homogeneous, blind the ball, cover it with a film and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil until soft.
Pour boiling water over broccoli and cook for 10 minutes, drain in a colander and cool.
Feta cheese cut into cubes (1x1cm)
Whisk eggs and remaining egg whites with salt and pepper.
Take the dough out of the refrigerator, roll it out and put it into a mold.
Pierce the dough with a fork, put baking paper on top, pour beans on it. Bake at 200°C for 10 minutes.
Combine broccoli, onion and cheese in a bowl. Pour in eggs and stir.
Put the filling in the pie base and bake the quiche in the oven t 180° C 30 minutes. In 20 minutes get the quiche sprinkle its grated and bake a pie another 20-25 minutes. The cake is ready when the filling is completely hardened.

Yesterday in a cafe I tried a very tasty quiche with broccoli - so delicious that I could not stand it and asked the chef. The result is in front of you. Of course, there are many recipes for this pie on the site, including those with broccoli too, but there is no such one. I liked the minimum of product names here (nothing more), thin crust delicious dough and lots of toppings.

Broccoli Quiche Ingredients:

Nutritional and energy value:

Broccoli quiche recipe:

To prepare the dough, mix flour and salt in a bowl, then add softened butter, egg and water. Knead the dough quickly until smooth. Form a ball of dough, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 15-30 minutes.

Broccoli can be fresh or frozen, it doesn't matter, the procedure is the same.
Divide the broccoli into small florets, place in a pot of boiling water, cook for 4 minutes. Do not cover with a lid, so the cabbage will retain its bright green color. Then put the cabbage for 5 minutes in a bowl of cold ice water (I add ice cubes to the water), then put it in a colander and let the water drain.
Look how bright and juicy the color of the broccoli is.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out into a circle, slightly larger than the diameter of your pie dish, you also need to take into account the height of the sides.
It is more convenient to roll out the dough between two layers of baking paper. First, spread the dough on the paper with your hands, and then roll it out with a rolling pin.
After the dough has been rolled out to the size we need, we need to carefully remove the top layer of paper. Prick the dough with a fork. Transfer the dough along with the bottom layer of baking paper to a baking dish.
Now is the time to flatten the dough and form the sides, pressing the dough firmly against the sides of the mold. At this stage, you do not need to strive for beauty, let the sides be of different heights.

After you have formed the sides, take the scissors and carefully cut off the excess layer of dough protruding above the sides - I got carried away here and cut the paper along with the dough, but in general it is better to leave it, it will be more convenient to move the baked cake.

Prepare the filling: lightly beat the cream, milk, eggs, salt and spices, add grated cheese and mix. At this point, I decided that I would also add feta cheese, and therefore did not add any spices or salt.

Pour the filling into the form with the dough. Put broccoli on top. Feta pieces can be added if desired, but this is not necessary.
Please note that I have a 24 cm form, the filling does not reach the edge by about 1 cm - this turned out to be not enough, because the filling layer will rise in the oven. Nothing escaped, but it was exciting. It is better to immediately take a wider form, 26-28 cm.

Place the cake in a preheated oven at 200C and bake for 20 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180C and bake for another 30 minutes.
The pie is ready! Let cool slightly.
Enjoy your meal!

The cake is delicious both hot and cold. Very light and satisfying, and very easy to prepare, which is also important.

1. You can lightly bake the base for the quiche for 10-15 minutes in the oven, this is done so that with a large amount liquid filling the dough is baked. This recipe does not

Great option for a second. Something new, not boring, not too solid, but the products are familiar, and you can hardly stuff so much good into any other dish. In general, the most that neither is children's food, and these children are happy to take part in the preparation, well, they try it slowly. For example, yes.

Or imagine: this little man has just cut down a tree! Now it will be sawing.

When sawn, we throw the inflorescences into boiling salted water and cook for 5 minutes.

Ready cabbage should be thrown into a sieve and let the water drain.

For the base of the tart, we will make puff chopped dough- 200 g of flour and 100 g of butter (for the umpteenth time I advise salty!) chop into crumbs and knead with an egg with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of ice water. Roll out, lay out the shape of 23 cm, cool. Then pour the load and bake for 15 minutes at 200C.

While baking - cut the boiled chicken breast slices, grate cheese (75 grams), I took oltermani, my children eat it with pleasure. Whisk two eggs in a bowl, add salt and ground pepper.

Pour in 200g of cream and stir.

Remove the load from the cake, bake for another 10 minutes, and then put half the cheese, chicken, cabbage and a couple of sweet tomatoes on it.

Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and pour in the filling.

Bake at 180C for 20 minutes.

And then ... in short, I didn’t have time to bake for a long time (it would have taken 45 minutes), and I just took the cake out of the metal mold, put it on a plate and in the microwave at full power it took two minutes to bake. Like this!

It turned out not worse than from the oven, but 10 times faster.
You can do the opposite - first bake in the microwave, and then put under the grill for browning.