Pie with pumpkin from the finished dough. Layer cake with pumpkin

Hello dear friends! I can never get out of my daily routine to continue to share with you my unusual and ordinary, but always delicious recipes. 🙂 Today it is frosty and cold here, and therefore we want home warmth and comfort. I decided to bake puff pastry with pumpkin. Bright, juicy, and very simple.

Let's take:

  • a pack of frozen puff pastry(it is more convenient if it is dough from two plates);
  • a piece of pumpkin about 500 grams;
  • 4-5 table. spoons of honey;
  • cinnamon (if you like).

While the dough is defrosting, peel the pumpkin and chop it on a coarse grater (as usual, I use my favorite;).

Advice: You can save a pumpkin well if you freeze the pre-peeled and chopped or grated pumpkin. Autumn pumpkin can be stored for quite a long time, but it’s warm in my apartment, and if I start a pumpkin, then usually it won’t lie in the refrigerator for more than a week ... Therefore, I cut some of the pumpkin into slices, rub some on a grater and store them in separate bags in the freezer. 😉

When the dough unfreezes and becomes plastic, we roll out one layer not very thinly - I have a form 41 cm long, and rolled it out to this length.

Put the shredded pumpkin on top, sprinkle with cinnamon (here you can add some other spices that you like), pour honey on top of the filling.

We turn on the oven to heat up to 200ºС and roll out the second layer of dough in the image and likeness of the first plate. Here you will need to make small cuts on the dough.

It is more convenient to do this with a special roller for cutting noodles ...

... but I had a pathetic semblance of such a video. 🙂

After making cuts, carefully transfer the dough into the form.

We pinch all the edges in a circle pumpkin pie, and send it to the oven for 30 minutes. We observe the dough, because when the dough rises strongly and browns, it means puff pastry with pumpkin ready.

Pumpkin pleases us with its rich color, unusual, interesting shape and fragrant, fresh content. But! By itself, the pumpkin is insipid and is eaten on its own only by gourmets. However, not using such a healthy and voluminous vegetable mass is simply a sin. This has long been understood by people in all parts of the world, and pumpkin is laid as the basis for many dishes. Americans love these pies for Halloween, Italians love any pumpkin desserts and snacks, the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space grew up on porridge with pumpkin. A special theme is pumpkin pies.

Even simple pies with pumpkin - will always decorate any table. Pumpkin gives the cake an interesting orange hue and a characteristic delicate taste. It can either be part of the filling (pumpkin pies) or included in the dough (pumpkin pies). Pumpkin is also valuable because it can absorb the aromas and taste of other ingredients of the dish. This is what makes pumpkin indispensable in the preparation of pies. Cooking pumpkin pies in the oven and pumpkin pies in a slow cooker. Both options are good and fairly common.

Many types of pumpkin dishes are obtained depending on the dough used: lean pie from pumpkin, layer cake with pumpkin. Also, the dough can be sweet, then they make a pie with pumpkin and cottage cheese, a pie with pumpkin and apples, cherry plum, pineapple. Maybe and unleavened dough even slightly salty. It is used to make a pumpkin pie with meat or ham, a pie with pumpkin and rice. There are also great options with nuts, dried fruits, cream and even chocolate. And if you mix chopped pumpkin with soft cheese, you get a cheesecake.

Popular Ossetian pie with pumpkin. The main rules for making such a cake: round flat shape, bright appearance, the presence of the filling is twice as much as the dough, and the pumpkin in the filling forms the basis.

All of these pumpkin pies are delicious and healthy. You will definitely succeed tasty pie in the pumpkin oven, especially sweet. After all, if pumpkin is taken as the basis for the filling, sweet pie- this is the best that can be prepared from it.

Make your own pumpkin pie, recipes can be found on the website. And from the photos you can choose the variant of the final product. So if pumpkin pies, recipe with photo first! Your guests will definitely love your pumpkin pies, recipes will help you prepare the dish quickly and tasty, and the atmosphere for dinner will be warm and sunny.

Learn and try different recipes, choose your only one, to your taste. After all, pumpkin pie in the oven, the recipes for this dish are varied and original. It is also convenient to make a choice from a photograph. The recipe for the "pumpkin pie" dish and the photo of this dish together look more convincing.

Now a few tips for those who want to make pumpkin pie:

You need to choose a small pumpkin with dense pulp for the pie. Connoisseurs recommend the Muscat variety;

If you use one pumpkin for the filling, without apples and other sweet and sour fruits, you need to water it lemon juice for taste;

If the pumpkin for the filling is too hard, it must first be boiled a little;

In the oven, the cake is cooked at a temperature of 210 - 230 degrees. A small incision can be made on top of the pie to contact the filling with heat;

The aroma of the cake can be shaded with spices: ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice. Choose according to your taste.

Puff pastry pumpkin puffs are a wonderful homemade baking, which hardly anyone can refuse of their own free will. And also this great option breakfast, what could be better delicious start day? Or puffs can be used as a snack that will suit everyone, even schoolchildren.

I think that even those with a sweet tooth who watch their figure will appreciate such pastries. After all, if you compare store chocolate candies, which do not differ in particular naturalness and benefits, and such a puff, then, of course, homemade cakes will win this fight. And the calorie content of one puff is not so great, again, when compared with the same sweets.

I also like this pastry because it is cooked relatively quickly - after all, the dough in this recipe is used ready-made purchased. That's just worth paying attention to his choice - it must be of high quality. Otherwise - in the case of using a low-quality product - all pastries will simply have to be thrown away. Unfortunately, I had such a case - I came across a very poor-quality dough, and it was simply impossible to eat products from it. As a result, our dog ate all the puffs, not us. Of course, he was very happy about this, but since then I have been very attentive to the choice of ready-made puff pastry.

Remember! Choose ready-made puff pastry need to carefully. The taste of the finished baking depends on it!

In general, if you find high-quality store-bought puff pastry, then feel free to cook such puffs! Or learn to make it yourself. And if you already know how to cook such a dough - then do not hesitate, but immediately take up the recipe! In addition, it takes a little time to prepare - only half an hour, and you can already put the kettle on for tea with delicious puffs. I'm sure you'll love this cake!


  • Ready puff pastry - half a kilo
  • Fresh pumpkin - slice
  • Cherries (frozen or canned)
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc. (for lubrication)


1. We start cooking with a dough. Let's defrost it. We prepare all the products and you can start cooking. Already thawed by this time, the dough is cut into squares.2. We cut the pumpkin into not too thick bars. I highly recommend cutting it, and discarding the idea of ​​making life easier for yourself and grating the pumpkin. The fact is that in this case - in the case of rubbing - too much juice stands out from the pumpkin, which we absolutely do not need in this recipe. Lay the prepared pumpkin slices on top of the dough.3. Cherries (it is better to take pitted berries), we fall asleep with sugar. Mix and spread them on top of the pumpkin in future puffs.4. And now we neatly connect the ends of the squares, forming pretty puffs.5. Lubricate the top of the puff with a loose egg and send it to bake in hot oven. They are baked relatively quickly - about 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees (we focus on the rudiness of the puffs - they should become a beautiful golden color).6. After the oven, let the pastries cool down a bit, and serve them warm, or completely cooled - they will be delicious in both cases.

These delicious, beautiful and simple puff pastry puffs with pumpkin and cherries can be prepared to please your family or guests.

Bon appetit!

We continue the pumpkin theme. Since my pumpkin has not yet ended, I need to sell it somewhere. I really like to cook manti or samsa with pumpkin, popular dishes, but today I decided to cook a puff pastry pie stuffed with pumpkin, green onions and eggs.

Ingredients for pumpkin puff pastry pie recipe:

  • Puff pastry 500 grams
  • Pumpkin 500 grams
  • green onion 1 bunch
  • Eggs 3 pieces
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook pumpkin pie with onions and eggs

To prepare the pie, I used ready-made puff pastry, taking it out of the freezer in advance so that the dough would defrost. Peel the pumpkin from the hard peel and cut into cubes, approximately 1x1 cm in size. Wash the green onion and chop finely. Since I did not have a lot of green onions, I added another head of onion.

If you do not have green onions, then you can use only onions. Put chopped pumpkin and onion in a cup, break 3 eggs there, salt and pepper and mix the stuffing.

Roll out the puff pastry on a floured board and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Roll out the second cake in the same way. Which will cover the filling.

Pour over the filling and spread evenly. The filling will be a little wet because of the eggs, so you need to work quickly so that the liquid part of the filling does not spread all over the cake, but remains in the center and the edges of the cake remain dry so that it is easier to blind them. Cover the filling with the second layer of dough and pinch the edges of the pie. The top of the pie can be smeared with an egg, but you can leave it as it is.

The cake turns out ruddy without it. Put a baking sheet with a pie in an oven preheated to 180ºС. Cooking time for the cake is approximately 50-60 minutes, depending on your oven, the time may vary.

Remove the finished cake from the oven, let cool slightly and then cut into portions. Pumpkin lovers can cook a sweet pie with it, the recipe of which can be viewed. You can also cook very well with pumpkin. There are a lot of recipes with pumpkin, from first courses to desserts.

When I was finishing the recipe, they brought me another pumpkin, so the pumpkin theme does not end, there will be new recipes. Therefore, in order not to miss them, subscribe to blog updates and receive new recipes in your mail. Bon appetit.

I suggest making puff pastry puffs with pumpkin. It's beautiful, useful and delicious pastries, which does not require special skills and abilities from the hostess. If you use ready-made puff pastry, then you will spend no more than 30 minutes on the entire process of preparing puffs. And despite this, the puffs will turn out to be airy, tender, with fragrant juicy pumpkin filling. To give a special flavor, add cinnamon to the filling or lemon peel. These puff pastry puffs are perfect for dessert for a family tea party. Sprinkle over puffs before serving. powdered sugar— will come out very nice!


  • 500 grams of ready-made puff pastry,
  • 300 grams of sweet pumpkin,
  • 15 grams of dark raisins,
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 0.3 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 egg.


Preparation of the recipe "Puff pastry puff pastry with pumpkin":

To prepare pumpkin puffs, we need sweet pumpkin, sugar, raisins, cinnamon, egg, ready-made puff pastry.

Peel the pumpkin and grate on a coarse grater.

Combine pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon and washed raisins.

Roll out the dough slightly in one direction.

Cut the puff pastry into squares approximately 12x12 centimeters. Place two full tablespoons of filling in the middle of each square.

Fold the square in half and crimp the edges with a fork.

Put the puffs on an ungreased baking sheet, which is lightly sprinkled with cold water.

Brush the top of the puffs with the beaten egg.