Milk shake. Calorie milk and other cocktails

Many modern low-fat diets involve the inclusion of fresh fruits, milk and milk in the daily diet. natural yogurt. Usually in such diets it is proposed to use these healthy foods separately, but why not take a step back and mix the ingredients together for an incredibly delicious banana milkshake.

Banana milkshake: preparation video

Low Calorie Banana Milkshake Recipe

For making banana milkshake For 1 serving you will need: - 1 glass of chilled milk; - 1 ripe but not overripe banana.

The preparation time for this banana milkshake is 5 minutes

The preparation of this cocktail is very simple. After peeling the banana, cut it into pieces, and then mix it in a blender with milk. Pour over ready-made cocktail in a beautiful glass and drink healthy drink with pleasure.

The calorie content of this banana milkshake is only 71 kcal.

Energy Banana Milkshake Recipe

This nutritious and satisfying banana milkshake is recommended to drink 1 hour before training. To prepare this tonic drink for 1 serving you will need: - 1 glass of skimmed or soy milk; - 1 tsp. high-quality instant coffee; - 1/2 part of a ripe banana.

Slice half the flesh of one banana. Whisk the instant coffee and soy milk with a mixer, pour the mixture into a tall glass and garnish with banana slices. The calorie content of 1 serving of this banana milkshake is 214 kcal.

Diet Banana Milkshake with Pineapple

To prepare a diet banana-milkshake with pineapple for 4 servings, take: - 100 ml of milk; - 150 grams of natural yogurt; - 1 cup of sliced ​​pineapple; - 1 mango; - 1/2 banana; - 1 glass of ice; - 1 pinch vanillin.

Ready-made banana-milkshake can be decorated with slices of various fruits of your choice

Grind mango, pineapple, banana and ice in a blender. Add milk, vanilla and yogurt to it. Whisk the milk mixture properly. Pour the finished drink into glasses and serve immediately. This banana milkshake, thanks to the content of pineapple in it, has an effective fat burning effect.

Experts have long proven that sweet carbonated drinks do not quench thirst as well as it seems at first glance. At the same time, for many, a pleasant coolness from an ice-cold milkshake remained a vivid memory from childhood. And if you supplement it with some kind of fruit, then such a drink can also be useful. It's easy to prepare. For example, banana coctail with milk in a blender can be done in minutes. But first you need to find out for yourself a few important questions.

with bananas

Some people mistakenly believe that fruits can be eaten in their natural form, as well as made into a salad, fresh juice or smoothie. However, there are a huge number of complex drinks in which these products act as the main ingredient. Take, for example, a banana. It tastes great with milk. Together they form a delicate, fragrant and very healthy mixture. Easier cocktail with milk in a blender. To do this, you need 1 (115 grams) and only 260 grams of fresh milk.

The technology for preparing such a drink is extremely simple. The process takes place in three stages:

  1. First, peel the banana, and then cut the flesh into pieces and put them in a glass.
  2. Add milk.
  3. Blend ingredients with a blender. The result should be the most homogeneous mass.

A banana smoothie with milk in a blender is prepared in just a few minutes. After that, the drink remains only to pour into glasses. And to make the finished dish look more impressive, you can fix a small circle of banana on the edge of the dish. It is better to drink such a cocktail through a straw.

Cream flavored

Banana milkshake in a blender can be prepared with ice cream. Due to this component, the drink acquires a pleasant creamy aroma. For work you will need: 2 bananas, 1.5 cups (300 milliliters) of milk and 120 grams of ice cream.

In this case, the cocktail is prepared a little differently:

  1. Randomly divide the peeled banana pulp into pieces and put them in a blender container.
  2. Load ice cream there. For such a drink, it is better to use ice cream. This will help make the consistency of the mixture more homogeneous.
  3. Turn on the device for a few minutes. The mass should not contain individual pieces or any inclusions.
  4. Pour milk.
  5. Turn on the blender again. The mixture should become homogeneous, and a small airy foam will form on its surface.

Now ready drink you can safely pour into glasses and enjoy it with pleasure rich taste, gentle aroma and pleasant coolness.


How else can you make a banana milkshake in a blender? A recipe with the addition of eggs is familiar to many under the name "mogul-mogul". In this case, you will need the following set of ingredients: a glass of fresh milk, 50 grams of granulated sugar, 1 banana, 1 egg, a little cinnamon and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

This drink is made quite simply:

  1. All ingredients (with the exception of cinnamon) must be loaded into a blender bowl.
  2. Beat the mixture until it turns into a homogeneous plastic mass.
  3. Pour the finished product into a glass and sprinkle it with a little cinnamon on top.

As usual, a piece of banana acts as an additional decoration. There are no strict rules for the use of such a drink. Therefore, just in case, it is better to serve it with a straw. Mogul-mogul is not only an amazing dessert, but also a very healthy product. Enriched with vitamins, minerals and various amino acids, it is ideal for solving problems related to the respiratory tract. In addition, this drink is considered an excellent prophylactic in the fight against cancer and all kinds of heart diseases. It also strengthens bones, improves the condition of hair, teeth and nails.

The energy value

People who are prone to fullness should often prepare a banana milkshake in a blender for themselves. The calorie content of such a drink is relatively low. True, in each individual case, it is necessary to take into account its composition according to the recipe. For example, in 100 grams finished product, where there is only milk and a banana, contains only 71 kilocalories. This dessert, in fact, can replace one of the meals during the day. But here you have to be very careful. It is better not to drink drinks that are made in cafes. There, for their preparation, fat milk (3.6 or 2.5 percent) and ice cream are more often used to create the desired consistency.

As a result, the calorie content of the finished product increases markedly. It becomes unsafe for those who are trying to keep their figure. These are best prepared at home. Here you can control the fat content of each component and exclude unwanted products. And if the farm has a blender, then such a process will not take much time.

with banana

With the addition of chocolate, you can make an excellent banana milkshake in a blender. The recipe with a photo clearly demonstrates each step of this simple process. First you need to collect everything necessary ingredients: 200 milliliters whole milk, 1 banana, 100 grams of ice cream, 18 grams of cocoa powder and a pinch of vanilla.

After that, you can get to work:

  1. The first step is to take a fresh banana and remove the peel from it. The pulp that remains, cut into pieces and put them on the bottom of the blender bowl.
  2. Add all other ingredients one by one. You can enter them in any order. This will not affect the final result in any way.
  3. Turn on the device and beat the mixture well. Depending on the power of the device, this will take from 30 seconds to several minutes.
  4. Pour the finished mass into glasses (or glasses).

You need to drink the drink immediately, until it warms up. The air foam that forms on the surface pleasantly cools and gives an additional effect.

Cooling secret

When it's hot outside, you always want something refreshing to drink. Many in this case prefer milk-fruit shakes. But there is one problem here. For a cooling effect, ice cream is often used in such drinks. What if, for example, a person is on a diet and cannot afford to use such an ingredient? How to make a banana milkshake in a blender without ice cream? In fact, everything is very simple. To work, you will need the simplest set of components: 2 bananas, 50-75 grams of sugar (optional), a glass of milk and 5 ice cubes.

In this case, you must use the following method of preparing the drink:

  1. First, you need to pour milk into a blender, add chopped banana pulp to it and beat this mixture well.
  2. Add remaining ingredients.
  3. Continue beating until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Here the ice performs two functions:

  • beverage cooling;
  • means for uniform mixing.

The result is an almost airy sweet cocktail with a pleasant fruity aroma, which has a wonderful cooling and tonic effect.

Nutritious Dessert

There are people who perceive otherwise. Nevertheless, they agree that it is better to prepare a banana milkshake in a blender. Feedback from such supporters healthy food boil down to the fact that it may well be a nutritious and quite high-calorie dessert. And it doesn't have to be cold. As an example, consider quite interesting option a cocktail that uses the following ingredients: 1 banana, 4 cookies, ground cinnamon (at the tip of a knife) and a glass of fresh milk.

To prepare such a dessert you need:

  1. Crumble the cookies, and then beat them together with cinnamon and banana slices in a blender bowl. You should get a slightly thick plastic mass.
  2. Add warm milk.
  3. Repeat beating until the mixture is completely smooth.

Such a dessert will be the perfect breakfast for those who care about healthy eating. One glass of this nutritious product is enough to quickly satisfy your hunger and not feel unpleasant heaviness in the stomach. In this case, the cocktail is already considered as food, and not as a soft drink. But on this score, everyone should have their own point of view.

A cocktail is an alcoholic or soft drink consisting of several ingredients. There are a huge number of such drinks. Even a child can prepare some of them, while others can only be tasted in expensive restaurants, since only a professional can prepare a drink correctly.

Those who follow a healthy lifestyle, watch their diet and figure, should take into account that the calorie content of a cocktail is higher than the calorie content of green tea or water. Therefore, while on a diet, you should keep a record of not only the calorie content of the food you eat, but also the drinks you drink. This article will help you understand the main issues related to the calorie content of cocktails.

Calorie content of alcohol-based cocktails

Everyone knows that alcohol abuse is detrimental to our body. Therefore, we warn you in advance - use alcoholic cocktails in large quantities not only from the point of view of dietary nutrition, but also from the point of view of common sense.

For the most part, the calorie content of alcohol-based cocktails is quite high. For example: the calorie content of one glass of wine can be compared to the calorie content of one serving of a pie. And if during the diet, most people deny themselves the use of any pastries, then they use wine without fear for their figure, but in vain.

The calorie content of an alcohol-based cocktail depends on the calorie content of its components. Below we consider the calorie content of 100 ml of the most common alcoholic beverages:

  • 30 kcal - calorie content of 5% beer;
  • 76-80 kcal - calorie content of 12% red and white semi-sweet wine;
  • 160 kcal - vermouth calories;
  • 235 kcal - vodka;
  • 240 kcal - cognac;
  • 220 kcal - rum and whiskey.

To some, the calorie content of beer and wine will seem harmless. Meanwhile, the use of these particular drinks is rarely limited to 100 ml.

Calorie content of non-alcoholic cocktails

Non-alcoholic cocktails are not so dangerous for our health, but the figure can be no less detrimental, of course, if you do not know the measures in their use. As we have already explained, how many calories are in a cocktail depends on what it is made of.

The most popular non-alcoholic cocktails are milk-based drinks. How many calories in a cocktail depends on the fat content of the milk used to make it, as well as on the calorie content of other components. Let's look at an example.

The classic milkshake recipe involves the use of such ingredients: milk, ice cream and cream. As flavor additives syrup, caramel, chocolate and fruit can be used.

The calorie content of a milkshake can vary over a fairly wide range - from 50 to 150 kilocalories per 100 ml of drink. Taking fat concentrated milk as a basis, adding ice cream and cream to it, using syrup or caramel, crushing a cocktail with chocolate, nuts or cinnamon, you will get a high-calorie drink, which is far from a dietary product.

You can reduce the calorie content of a milkshake in this way: take milk with 1.5% fat as a basis, add to it fresh fruits or berries (strawberries, raspberries, apples, bananas, pineapples, oranges), refuse ice cream and cream, add honey and ice if desired. The calorie content of a cocktail prepared according to this recipe will be about 50-55 kilocalories per 100 ml. Agree, even those who are on a diet can treat themselves to such a delicacy.

Banana smoothie calories

I would like to pay special attention to the banana cocktail, as it is the leader in popularity among other milkshakes. This is a high-calorie drink, so it is not recommended for those who are on a diet. The cocktail is indicated for a lack of proteins, animal fats, carbohydrates, microelements in the diet. Milk, being the basis of this drink, contains the necessary set of fat-soluble vitamins, rich in fats, protein and calcium. Bananas make up for the lack of water-soluble vitamins, light carbohydrates, vegetable fats and microelements in the diet, among which potassium plays a special role - an element necessary for convulsive syndrome and heart rhythm disturbances.

In Thailand, every week I bought a bunch of 16-18 pieces in the market. They are cheap there. Approximately 10-30 baht depending on the size. In theory, you can search for them for free 🙂 But I didn’t want such adventures.

I liked the red bananas the most. They taste like dried bananas.

It is often said that only fodder bananas are sold in Russian stores. This is not true. Supermarkets sell only specially bred varieties of bananas. He steadfastly endures the flight to another continent and is delivered to us intact. Yes, it tastes different from those that are sold in the same Tai, but not so much.

But in Thailand, for the first time, I came across the fact that some varieties contain bones that are hard as a stone. I almost broke my teeth on them. I took a photo of this fruit. Bones can get up to 10 things. Therefore, I cut it finely, and then send it to a blender.

They are small, black and easily break teeth. Just think if such bananas would be sold to us on the shelves. I certainly wouldn't give these to a child. Once, out of ignorance, I decided to make a banana cocktail from such fruits. Almost broke the blender. He crackled, puffed ... horror.

Benefits of Bananas

In fact, it is not even a fruit, but a herb. That doesn't make them any less delicious. So, what are the benefits of the yellow fruit:

  • help overcome depression due to the high content of tryptophan, which is converted into the hormone of happiness (serotonin);
  • before training, bananas will give you energy and maintain blood sugar levels;
  • Protects against muscle cramps during workouts (great for pre- and post-workout snacks)
  • resist calcium loss;
  • act as a prebiotic (stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines)

It also contains a huge dose of potassium. I could go on and on. But I think you got the hint to include a healthy tropical fruit in your diet.

A banana is 74% water. According to the BJU ratio, it contains 1.5% protein, 0.5% fat and 21% carbohydrates. It also has an indecent amount of potassium - 348 mg

Milkshake with banana in a blender

The recipe is as simple as a felt boot 🙂 Take 150 ml of milk and 1 banana for one glass. Peel the fruit, break into several pieces and put in the blender bowl. Add milk.

Beat all the ingredients for about 30 seconds until the mixture is smooth.

The calorie content of a milkshake is approximately 170 kcal.

To prepare a cooling drink, you can do without ice cream. Cut the banana into pieces and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then follow the same steps as you would for a regular banana smoothie.

Due to the high sugar content, banana is recommended to be consumed in the morning.

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  1. Take only ripe bananas. Green fruits contain a lot of starch and have an astringent taste.
  2. Which milk to choose? It's up to you. If you are watching calories, then choose a fat content of 2.5% or less. Can you try cooking with coconut milk. The whole process will take no more than 1-2 minutes.
  3. If you like sweets, then first taste the cocktail. And then add a spoonful of sweetness. It can be cane sugar, natural honey or stevia.
  4. Drink the cocktail right away. If it stands, it begins to darken and oxidize. The consistency and taste of the drink changes.
  5. For more nutrition, I recommend adding 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. The drink is obtained with a chocolate flavor.

In Thailand, every week I bought a bunch of 16-18 pieces in the market. They are cheap there. Approximately 10-30 baht depending on the size. In theory, you can search for them for free 🙂 But I didn’t want such adventures.

I liked the red bananas the most. They taste like dried bananas.

It is often said that only fodder bananas are sold in Russian stores. This is not true. Supermarkets sell only specially bred varieties of bananas. He steadfastly endures the flight to another continent and is delivered to us intact. Yes, it tastes different from those that are sold in the same Tai, but not so much.

But in Thailand, for the first time, I came across the fact that some varieties contain bones that are hard as a stone. I almost broke my teeth on them. I took a photo of this fruit. Bones can get up to 10 things. Therefore, I cut it finely, and then send it to a blender.

They are small, black and easily break teeth. Just think if such bananas would be sold to us on the shelves. I certainly wouldn't give these to a child. Once, out of ignorance, I decided to make a banana cocktail from such fruits. Almost broke the blender. He crackled, puffed ... horror.

Benefits of Bananas

In fact, it is not even a fruit, but a herb. That doesn't make them any less delicious. So, what are the benefits of the yellow fruit:

  • help overcome depression due to the high content of tryptophan, which is converted into the hormone of happiness (serotonin);
  • before training, bananas will give you energy and maintain blood sugar levels;
  • Protects against muscle cramps during workouts (great for pre- and post-workout snacks)
  • resist calcium loss;
  • act as a prebiotic (stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines)

It also contains a huge dose of potassium. I could go on and on. But I think you got the hint to include a healthy tropical fruit in your diet.

A banana is 74% water. According to the BJU ratio, it contains 1.5% protein, 0.5% fat and 21% carbohydrates. It also has an indecent amount of potassium - 348 mg

Milkshake with banana in a blender

The recipe is as simple as a felt boot 🙂 Take 150 ml of milk and 1 banana for one glass. Peel the fruit, break into several pieces and put in the blender bowl. Add milk.

Beat all the ingredients for about 30 seconds until the mixture is smooth.

The calorie content of a milkshake is approximately 170 kcal.

To prepare a cooling drink, you can do without ice cream. Cut the banana into pieces and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then follow the same steps as you would for a regular banana smoothie.

Due to the high sugar content, banana is recommended to be consumed in the morning.

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  1. Take only ripe bananas. Green fruits contain a lot of starch and have an astringent taste.
  2. Which milk to choose? It's up to you. If you are watching calories, then choose a fat content of 2.5% or less. Or you can try it with coconut milk. The whole process will take no more than 1-2 minutes.
  3. If you like sweets, then first taste the cocktail. And then add a spoonful of sweetness. It can be cane sugar, natural honey or stevia.
  4. Drink the cocktail right away. If it stands, it begins to darken and oxidize. The consistency and taste of the drink changes.
  5. For more nutrition, I recommend adding 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. The drink is obtained with a chocolate flavor.