Americano coffee recipe. Americano coffee is not dirty water

Americano is one of the most popular coffee drinks. His recipe is extremely simple. The basis is a portion of espresso, to which we add water. As a result, we get a hot black drink of different strength and taste. It all depends on the amount of water in the drink.

There are a lot of recipes and ways to prepare americano. Now we will get to know them.

  • Grain or ground coffee. With the correct setting of the coffee machine, a portion of espresso will require about 12-15 grams of raw materials.
  • Sugar and cinnamon to taste.
  • Pure water .

Get your machine ready for work. Pour in the grains, fill in clean water. You must first have the grind and bookmark set up.

Place a cup under the tap and select the espresso shot in the settings. When you're done, into it need to add hot water . Use a steam tap for this purpose. I recommend that you start by adding 100 ml of water. Next you need to try the finished drink, and depending on palatability, increase or decrease this value.

Please note that some models have a built-in Americano cooking mode. Passes through a coffee tablet large quantity water. As a result, you get almost the same drink. Depending on the factory settings, the volume may vary.

The photo below shows a Delongi coffee machine. And two modes are marked - cooking americano and espresso.

It remains only to add cinnamon and sugar to taste. Keep in mind that this will be reflected in the calorie ready drink(cm. ). It should be noted that the Americano prepared in a coffee machine has the most best creams(foam).

All other recipes will differ in the method of preparing a portion of espresso, and the final ingredients.

Preparing americano in turkish

  • Put a Turk (cezve) on the stove, pour two spoons into it ground coffee(12-15 grams). Now heat it up a little (see).
  • Add 40 ml of water. Highly important point- Your drink should not boil. Heat it up until foamy, then remove from heat. Repeat this process three times.
  • Boil clean water.
  • Pour the finished espresso from the Turks into the cup. You can use a saucepan.
  • Now pour in hot water. Add sugar and cinnamon to taste. Americano in Turkish is ready!

Little secret. If you add a little salt while brewing espresso in a Turk, the drink will turn out even tastier.

How to make americano in a drip coffee machine

What do we need :

  1. drip coffee machine.
  2. 15 grams ground coffee.
  3. 200 ml of water.

How will we cook .

  • Pour the raw materials into the coffee container, and add water (200 ml) to the tank.
  • Start cooking process
  • Prepare a deep enough cup
  • After a couple of minutes, the ready americano can be served.

While serving the finished drink, you can additionally use a second glass of clean water. If you drink coffee and water, you will notice that the aftertaste will become much softer.

Cinnamon can be added directly to the cezve during the cooking process. Or pour it into the finished drink.

All recipes come down to preparing a portion of espresso, in any way available to you. The difference will be only in the amount of hot water that you bring your drink to readiness.


For my taste, at home, the best americano is obtained in the Turk. Excellent aroma, viscous drink. To prepare it, you only need to stock up good grade coffee, and buy a good cezve. The price tag for it ranges from 1000 to 3000 rubles. With proper use and care, you will be able to make coffee in it for many years.

Many of us cannot imagine our day without delicious aromatic coffee, of which there are a great many varieties. This drink was originally invented by the Italians. They prefer strong. And it was they who gave the name "Americano" to the drink that the Americans preferred and which is less strong than traditional Italian coffee. How to make Americano coffee, we will tell you now.

Making Americano coffee with a drip coffee maker

AT drip coffee maker water is supplied without pressure, resulting in weak coffee. This is a traditional American version of the preparation of this drink.


  • ground coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 220 ml.


For one serving of coffee, pour 220 ml of water, put 1 teaspoon of ground coffee. It is better that it be medium grinding and dark roast. We set the temperature in the coffee maker to 85 degrees. And that's it, then the coffee maker will handle itself and prepare the desired drink for you.

Americano - a recipe for cooking in European style

Europeans, on the other hand, do not really respect drip coffee makers, and therefore they came up with their own version of Americano.


  • freshly ground coffee - 16 g;
  • water - 120 ml.


To make an Americano, first brew a traditional double espresso with 16g of freshly ground coffee and 60ml of water. Then the fun begins: we dilute the finished coffee boiled water heated to 92 degrees.

With the Italian method of preparation, water is added to espresso in a ratio of 1: 1. At the same time, foam, of course, collapses, but it is quite acceptable.

And here is the second method, which is called “Swedish”: hot water is first poured into the cup, and only then the finished espresso is carefully added. In this case, the foam is preserved. The proportions of water and espresso remain the same - 1:1.

There is another option for serving americano - hot water is brought in a separate glass, and everyone already decides for themselves which option for preparing americano to choose.

Fans can separately serve ice water. In this case, one of the varieties famous drink- cold americano

A classic American drink that has become an integral part of business negotiations is Americano coffee. It is a kind of compromise that retains the strength of espresso, but has a milder coffee taste. What is the peculiarity of the drink and what are the ways to prepare it at home, we will consider further.


We can say that Americano appeared by accident. The history of its creation dates back to the end of World War II. At that time, Italy was occupied by the Americans. When they entered a coffee shop, they would require the barista to serve up a "Cup of Joe," a large portion of the mild coffee they were accustomed to at home. The classic strong espresso was too strong for them and they didn't like it.

Italian baristas got out of the situation simply - they diluted the prepared espresso with hot water. And so the drink appeared, which is now one of the most popular in the world.

Characteristics of the drink

If you briefly answer the question - what is Americano coffee, then this is nothing more than espresso diluted with water. Since the creation of the drink, only the proportion of the ingredients used has changed.

Classic composition drink by technological map- 7 gr. espresso with 120 ml of water. If you want to get more rich taste, proportions can be changed, as well as milk, syrups, sugar, honey and other ingredients can be added to the drink.

Properly cooked americano has a mild taste, but retains a rich aroma.

Americano, just like espresso, is served in small portions in 200-250 ml. It is a low calorie drink. A cup contains only 3 calories. However, drinking it with sugar or milk can already disrupt the diet, as the drink will contain 20 kcal.

Despite the reduced concentration of coffee, it should not lose flavor lines. However, many, including professional baristas, make the mistake of increasing the coffee extraction period in the coffee machine. This results in a bitter taste and burnt bean flavor that is unacceptable for a quality Americano.


Americano has several varieties depending on how it is prepared.

Types of drink:

  • European;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Italian.

The European method involves two cooking options:

  1. Add 90 ml of hot water to fresh espresso.
  2. Brewed espresso and a cup of water are served separately, so that the client can independently regulate the concentration of the drink.

The recipe for Italian Americano coffee is to dilute the finished espresso with water. The volume of the drink should be 120 ml. With this combination of ingredients, the characteristic crema foam will be absent. Although manufacturers have already learned how to create a drink on an industrial scale, which in all respects is similar to classic recipe(e.g. Jardine americano crema).

The Scandinavian recipe differs from the Italian only in the sequence of ingredients. First, 120 ml of hot water is poured into the cup, and then the brewed espresso is added.

It is believed that with this serving, coffee acquires a milder taste, and the crema foam is also preserved.

How is it different from espresso

True coffee connoisseurs know the difference between espresso and Americano. The rest are often tormented by the choice and do not understand what the difference is between drinks.

There are two main differences between Americano and espresso coffee:

  • Strength and taste.
  • The volume of the drink.

Espresso is highly concentrated and fully reveals the taste subtleties of the drink. It has a bit of bitterness, noble nutty notes and a long-lasting aftertaste. Americano has different proportions of ingredients, where coffee beans and water are taken 1:1. Because of this, it has a more delicate mild taste, but the richness and attractive aroma are lost.

Coffee lovers, of course, prefer espresso. Of two similar drinks, they will choose the one that is stronger. Americano is suitable for people who drink coffee rarely and are not accustomed to strength and bitterness. Although baristas recommend taking espresso and brewing it with milk or cream to make the coffee softer.

These coffee recipes also differ in volume:

  • A serving of espresso is 40-70 ml.
  • A portion of americano - from 150 to 200 ml.

What else drinks differ from each other is the caffeine content in one serving.

This indicator is important for people suffering from pressure drops or having gastrointestinal diseases. Espresso contains 20 mg of caffeine per cup, so this drink is not recommended for hypertensive patients. Americano is lightly concentrated - only 7.5 mg of caffeine per serving. This is its great advantage for those to whom the use of caffeine is contraindicated for health reasons.

Cooking at home

You can prepare Americano coffee in a Turk or using a coffee machine. The choice of grains is of great importance - give preference to a medium grind Arabica variety.

Here is a simple recipe for how to make Turkish Americano coffee:

  • Boil 220 ml of water.
  • Let it cool down to release the steam.
  • Pour one teaspoon of ground coffee into a cezve of water.
  • Put on the fire and as soon as the water begins to boil, remove the coffee from the stove.

The finished drink will remain to be poured into cups, avoiding getting thick. The taste of the resulting Americano is similar to coffee from a professional barista. But a drink prepared in a coffee machine will be much richer and tastier.

As a rule, even simple coffee machines already have modes for creating a specific type of coffee and all that remains is to press the desired button.

Americano capsules are also easy to prepare - there is a barcode on the disc, which is inserted into a special tank. It is read by the machine, and it itself regulates the extraction time and the amount of water supplied to the cup

Baristas recommend resorting to tricks - making espresso in a coffee machine and simply diluting it with hot water. Thus, you can adjust the strength of the drink according to your preferences, and the taste is brighter and more noble.

cinnamon americano recipe

Many interesting drinks can be prepared on the basis of Americano, for example, with cinnamon. You only need 3 ingredients:

  • coffee;
  • milk;
  • cinnamon stick.

To get started, brew fresh coffee in a Turk or a coffee machine. Take 150 ml of milk and put in a saucepan over low heat. Put the cinnamon stick in the pan and boil for a couple of minutes. Milk acquires a beautiful brown hue and an unusual spicy aroma.

Add brown milk to a cup of americano. If desired, you can put a spoonful of honey in the drink. Such a drink is especially pleasant to drink in the winter cold by a warm fireplace.

chocolate americano

Coffee goes great with chocolate, so try making a homemade chocolate americano served cold.

Grate a few pieces of chocolate on a fine grater and dissolve the resulting mass in hot water. Prepare americano and combine it with hot chocolate in equal proportions. Sugar, fruit syrup or a little milk can be added to the drink to taste. Place in the refrigerator for an hour and serve chilled.

Other interesting drinks can be prepared on the basis of americano. You'd be surprised how many there are a variety of recipes. Be sure to get to know him better so that every day brings joy and new emotions.

“Do you want an espresso or an americano?” This question confuses many people.

The names, of course, are well-known, but what distinguishes one drink from another is difficult for a person who is not very well versed in the “coffee theme” to understand.

To fill the information gap, we have already talked about this in detail in one of the articles, but in short, Americano coffee is the same as espresso, only diluted with water. We wrote about what espresso is and its preparation recipes.

Americano - what is it

Americano is a low-calorie drink (27 kcal per 100 ml). As for caffeine, it contains the same amount as espresso, however, the concentration is less. read the link.

Routing, which indicates how many grams of coffee and how many ml of water are consumed per serving of Americano, offers the following parameters: natural coffee - 7 g, water - 120 ml.

The drink, as the name suggests, is especially popular in North America, but the recipe and the name itself were born in Europe, or rather, in Italy.

During the Second World War, soldiers from across the ocean, going into Italian bars, were interested in a “cup of Joe” (this is how they ordered coffee in the USA).

The local drink seemed too strong for them, at home they were used to a softer one, then they went to meet them, having prepared what the whole world knows today under the name "Americano". This is the history of the origin of the drink.

Types of this coffee can be divided into two large groups:

  • American (it must be prepared in a coffee maker, the standard volume is 220 ml, the temperature is 85 degrees);
  • Europeanized(90 ml of hot water is added to an already prepared espresso, the temperature of the drink is up to 92 degrees).

Types of American coffee

Americano brewing methods differ from each other in the order in which coffee and an additional portion of water enter the cup:

  • italian recipe- pour hot water into a cup of espresso;
  • Scandinavian (Swedish)- pour espresso into a cup of hot water;
  • European Democratic Submission- a cup of coffee and a container of hot water are served separately, so that the person himself decides how much to add to the drink, more or less than the traditional norm.

Depending on the chosen method of preparation, you can get a drink to your liking.

For example, if you don't want foam on the surface of your coffee, it's better to prepare it the Italian way: when water is added to a cup of espresso, the existing foam is destroyed. This does not happen in the Swedish version.

The taste of the drink practically does not depend on the chosen method of preparation, however, coffee connoisseurs still note that the first sips of Swedish coffee are richer and more aromatic than in the Italian version.

The American way is that a drink of not the highest strength can be obtained directly from the coffee maker if the water is supplied without pressure.

Recipes, composition of drinks

If you are a conservative when it comes to drinks, then you will definitely like Americano, prepared according to the classic recipe.

Love experiments - replace sugar in coffee with honey or add mint syrup, cinnamon, cream, cognac ... There are many options.

Classic Americano at home

To make a real americano, you need to take high-quality medium-ground coffee (it's good if it's Arabica).

Pour 220 ml of water into a Turku, boil it, and then cool a little. Pour coffee into the Turk (one teaspoon), put on fire and cook, not bringing to a boil. Remove from heat, wait for the thick to settle to the bottom, and pour the coffee into a cup.

How to choose a Turk for coffee can be found.

Americano at home can be made not only in Turkey. If you have a coffee machine, it is most likely already programmed for both espresso and americano, all you have to do is press the right button and you will get exactly the drink you like.

However, professional baristas recommend a different way to get a quality Americano: brew a portion of espresso (30-60 ml) in a coffee machine and dilute with boiling water.

Such coffee is much more pleasant to drink, its taste is brighter, because it does not lose it when a large portion of water passes through a coffee tablet.

Popular cooking recipes various kinds you will find coffee in the coffee machine.


If you want to make a double americano, double the ingredients This applies to both espresso and hot water.

With marshmallow

Americano with marshmallows looks like coffee with marshmallows. In fact, this dessert (sometimes called chewy marshmallows) tastes more like marshmallow and is prepared, unlike real marshmallows, without whipped egg whites.

You can buy marshmallows today in the supermarket, and preferably white, because it does not contain dyes that would change the taste of the drink.

Here's how to brew coffee. Pour a couple of teaspoons of finely ground coffee into a Turk and pour 200 ml of water. Boil.

Strain coffee, pour it into a cup, pour marshmallows (about 50 g) on ​​top. After a minute or two, the marshmallows will begin to melt, and this is a signal that the drink is completely ready to drink.

Those with a sweet tooth can add sugar to such coffee, but this is not at all necessary - the sweetness of marshmallows is enough.


The cinnamon adds a spicy touch to the Americano, softening its natural bitterness. Can use cinnamon powder or sticks. Moreover, the second option is more interesting, although it will cost more.

The fact is that the sticks are used several times (5 or 6) and no cinnamon sediment forms at the bottom of the cup, as happens when using the powder.

Prepare this coffee different ways and here is one of the options. First, “brown milk” is boiled: milk (150 ml) and a cinnamon stick are put on a small fire, boil for about five minutes.

Americano (120 ml) is prepared in the usual way, filled with a cup, and then “brown milk” is poured into it.

Another option - americano with cinnamon and honey. A teaspoon of honey is added to a cup of coffee, a little cream (and if you want a “festive” drink, then a scoop of ice cream) and sprinkled with cinnamon.


Honey Americano can be prepared not only with cinnamon, as in the previous recipe, but also with mint or caramel syrup.

And honey and coffee go very well with milk and cream. None of these ingredients will impair the taste of coffee.


Americano mint is a versatile drink: chilled it perfectly refreshes in summer, hot it warms in winter and fills a person with energy and strength for the whole working day.

Doctors, by the way, do not get tired of reminding about the benefits of mint, which does not lose its qualities even in coffee cup- supports the digestive system, helps to overcome stress and cope with insomnia.

All you need to do is put a couple of mint leaves in a cup of hot coffee. You can also add a little vanilla to the drink.

Wait a minute or two for the mint to give the drink its flavor, and you can drink coffee.

Our material about medicinal properties mint and its contraindications will find.


Among the various chocolate recipes» especially good cold americano with chocolate.

Pieces of dark chocolate should be melted in a few tablespoons of hot water, then pour the chocolate into cold coffee, add a little sugar, cinnamon and cream, stir and put in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

It is most convenient to prepare not one, but several servings of coffee at once. For a company of four people, for example, you need 500 ml of coffee, and all other ingredients - to taste.

With cream

The bitterness of coffee is very pleasant to soften with milk or cream. If you use milk, you can warm it up and replace the extra water used to make the americano.

Cream looks very good in a cup in the form of a fluffy white cap, which compensates for the lack of foam in this drink. delicious decoration made with a pastry syringe.

If you want to cook creamy americano, you need to take coffee, cream and cinnamon and mix all these ingredients.

The drink has the only drawback compared to the classic americano: it has more calories, which means it is contraindicated for those who are worried about their figure.

With syrup

The most unusual Americano can be obtained by adding one of the syrups that the food industry produces specifically for coffee.

It is customary to add one teaspoon of syrup to a serving of Americano, while the drink can be hot or cold.

For weak coffees such as americanos, these are best various berry-fruit syrups(for example, cherry, raspberry).

How to drink coffee

Many people think that coffee should only be drunk in the morning. A cup of Americano, which was drunk in the evening or after dinner, supposedly can turn into insomnia.

In fact, this is not the case - coffee will not create problems for you, even if it is drunk half an hour before bedtime.

Americano is good during meals, as well as after the completion of lunch or dinner. It is drunk hot or cold - as you like.

Coffee is especially good in the company - with a cup of Americano, the conversation is warmer, and the mood is more romantic.

Factors affecting the taste of the finished drink

A cup of Americano will not bring true pleasure if:

  • poor quality grains were used;
  • the drink is diluted more than required;
  • used coffee left over from a previous brew;
  • the coffee machine is set to a longer (up to 50 seconds) coffee extraction mode, which gives it a burnt taste.

Video with a recipe for making americano in a Bork coffee machine:

Americano coffee (Italian Caffè Americano) is espresso diluted with hot water. The presence of foam (cream) depends on how coffee and water are mixed.

Attention! Do not confuse the concepts of "Americano" and "American coffee". In the second case, we do not mean diluted espresso, but a drink prepared through a filter system, the second name is Joe's Mug.

americano history

Drip coffee makers have been popular in the United States since the 19th century. They use filters. According to the technology, hot water is poured through a layer of ground coffee on the filter. Therefore, coffee brewed in a drip coffee maker is called filter coffee. In all the bars of America, visitors were offered the so-called "Joe mug" - a container with 220 ml of filter coffee, which took 5-7 minutes to prepare.

An American soldier with a Mug of Joe, the prototype of modern Americano coffee

At the end of World War II, American soldiers liberating Italy from the Nazis tormented local bartenders with demands to prepare a "mug of Joe". Espresso, beloved by Italians, seemed too strong to Americans, and servings of 30 ml after a large cup of filter coffee were completely ridiculous.

The Italians considered the request to prepare almost a tub of weak coffee to be at least an eccentricity. But the customer is always right. Soon, especially for Americans, espresso began to be diluted with hot water and served in latte cups. And so that it was easier for the military who did not know Italian to order a diluted espresso, they began to call it americano.

Over time, it turned out that the taste of Americano is quite original and largely depends on the way the ingredients are mixed. The new drink has gained connoisseurs in different countries Europe. Bold experiments were carried out with Americano, adding milk, crushed ice, and alcohol to it.

Returning home, the US military remained faithful to their favorite filter coffee and forgot to think about a drink invented just for them. Paradoxically, America only really discovered Americano coffee in the 1990s, when the drink appeared on the menu of the Starbuks coffee shop chain.

A misunderstanding arose: although the drinks differ from each other in taste and method of preparation, some baristas still confuse American coffee, that is, filter coffee, and Americano, diluted espresso.

Americano coffee rules

If coffee could be compared to a painting, then espresso is a bright, life-affirming still life of one of the old Dutch masters, and americano is a watercolor sketch in pastel colors. The peculiarity of Americano is a delicate taste. This coffee differs from other drinks in a very low concentration of caffeine: in a serving of Americano with a volume of 60 to 120 ml (and sometimes more) - as much caffeine as in 30 ml of espresso.

For a large portion of Americano, a glass is better than a cup.

Americanos are often preferred by people with very sensitive taste buds, able to recognize the slightest flavors. Another category is those who love the aroma of coffee more than the taste.

Characteristics of Americano coffee (table)

Grain varieties Blend of several varieties of Arabica or 90% Arabica and 10% Robusta
Roast degree From medium (Full City or Viennese) to dark (Italian or French). The darker the roast, the more bitter and less sour.
Grinding Fine espresso or medium
Pressure in the coffee machine In the espresso chamber - at least 9 bar, pump operating pressure - at least 15 bar
Group water temperature For medium roast coffee - from +91 to +93 ° C,

for dark - from +88 to +91 ° C

The temperature of the water with which the finished espresso is mixed +90 to +92 °C
Ready coffee temperature At the outlet of the holder spout — +88 ± 2 °C,

in a cup - from +75 to +85 °C (depending on the amount of hot water used to dilute the espresso)

Cooking time, seconds 25–30, depending on the coffee maker model
The volume of the portion at the exit, ml Mostly 60–120, but in rare cases up to 500
Caffeine content (strength) 50-68 mg (per serving)
Recommended amount (servings per day) 1-3
Ultimately allowable rate(portions per day) 7
calories 9 kcal per 100 ml, 2.25 kcal per serving
calories with sugar 21.60 kcal - coffee with 5 g sugar (1 sticker)

Americano coffee selection

If there is sourness in the taste of the coffee mixture, then in Americano it manifests itself especially brightly. For those who love this shade of flavor, it is recommended to brew coffee from a mixture of several varieties of Arabica, the roast should be Full City.

If you want a little more noble bitterness, you should choose a mixture of 90% Arabica and 10% Robusta. At the same time, the coffee will be a little stronger: Robusta has a higher caffeine content. On an Americano made from a mixture of Arabica and Robusta, the foam is somewhat denser and more stable than on pure Arabica coffee. But mixtures with more than 10% robusta have a less intense aroma and are bitter, they are only good for those who like to mix americano with milk.

Kenyan Arabica gives the coffee a chocolate flavor with a slight hint of peppery spiciness. Indian Arabica Plantation A is characterized by chocolate sweetness, light sourness and thick, rich taste. When forming a mixture in a specialized store, it is worth adding 20–30% of Kenyan and Indian Arabica to it: then even Americano, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2, will not seem liquid and tasteless.

For lovers of warm, chocolatey notes, Viennese roast beans will do. Darker roasts (French or Italian) increase the bitterness. For the preparation of Americano, mixtures with a strong degree of roast can only be used if espresso is diluted with water in a ratio of no more than 1: 2 (1 part espresso - 2 parts water): in less concentrated coffee, the taste of bitterness is unpleasant, it has to be masked with sugar or milk .


For americano, fine espresso grinding is optimal, in extreme cases - medium. The coarser the grind, the less concentrated the espresso will turn out, and when weak coffee is diluted with water, the taste will become completely inexpressive.

Americano coffee maker

A good espresso coffee maker is suitable for Americano: in a metal case, with a stainless steel horn, providing a pressure of at least 9 bar in the espresso chamber. It is desirable that such a coffee maker has a separate tap for hot water.

classic americano recipe


  • ground coffee - 7-11 grams;
  • water - 30 ml for brewing espresso and 30-470 ml of water in order to dilute it;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking technology

1. Turn on the coffee machine and wait until the ready indicator lights up.

2. If the coffee machine is equipped with a grinder, put a heaping tablespoon of coffee beans into the grinder.

3. If the coffee maker is carob, measure out 7-11 g of ground coffee (measured container or teaspoon, 1 teaspoon - 3 g). Tamp the coffee in the cone with tempera, applying a force of at least 20 kg.

4. Install the horn in the coffee maker.

5. Preheat a large thick-walled cup (eg latte glass) for coffee and another for hot water.

6. Place the espresso cup in the drip tray, brewing time is 25-30 seconds.

7. Pour hot water into the second cup (approximate temperature - from +90 to +92 °C).

8. Mix the ingredients. Add sugar to taste.

The nature of the crema depends on how the espresso is mixed with water.

If you want to get more Americano, you can make a double or triple shot of espresso, increasing the amount of ingredients accordingly. But you can’t brew coffee for more than 25-30 seconds, because after that the smell of burnt beans appears.

Most of the caffeine enters the cup in the first 25-30 seconds of extraction. If you do not stop cooking, resins and other substances with an unpleasant odor and taste will begin to wash out of the ground grains.

There is a rule of 3 phases of coffee extraction:

  • in the first 8–9 seconds of extraction, substances that create sour taste enter the cup;
  • in the second third of the extraction process, coffee acquires sweet, chocolate shades;
  • in the third phase, bitterness appears.

If the taste of the purchased mixture does not suit you, you can slightly adjust it:

  • if you don’t like the sourness, substitute the cup 2-3 seconds after the start of the extraction;
  • to reduce bitterness, interrupt the extraction process 3-4 seconds earlier.

There are 3 ways to mix americano:

  • Italian - add water to espresso and stir. The foam disappears almost completely. For 1 part espresso, usually take 1-3 parts of water. But if desired, the concentration of coffee can be made even less;
  • Scandinavian (Swedish) - hot water is poured into an espresso cup and the vessel is placed in a drip tray. The result is a weak coffee with a beautiful foam and a delicate taste. The first sip is especially pleasant;
  • European. At the same time, a large cup with 1-3 shots of freshly brewed espresso and a vessel of hot water are served. The guest himself decides how to dilute the coffee.


All variants of Americano coffee are made using one of the methods described above, sugar is added if desired. Every 5 g of sugar (the content of 1 sticker or a teaspoon without a slide) increases the calorie content of the drink by 19.35 kcal.

Types of americano

Cold americano. Instead of boiling water, the guest is served a glass of cold water. Additionally, you can use ice cubes.

Long Black ("Long black", long black) - according to the Scandinavian method, a double shot of espresso is added to hot water;

Americano with alcohol. Add 1-2 teaspoons of grappa, whiskey or rum to coffee.

Americano with milk - part of the water in the americano recipe is replaced with milk.

Red eye (“Red Eye”, “Red Eye”, “Eye Opener”) - espresso is not mixed with water, but with filter coffee (about 120 ml).

Black eye ("Black Eye", "Black Eye") - a portion of espresso is mixed with 30-120 ml of filter coffee and the same amount of milk.

How to Serve and Drink Americano Coffee

An Americano cannot be drunk in one gulp, like espresso. Therefore, it makes sense to serve it in a latte glass with a straw, a sugar bowl, or 1-2 sticks of sugar. In the office, it is convenient to drink Americano from a paper cup, sipping through a straw.

The drink can be eaten with the same products as espresso: chocolate, fruit, hard cheese. But Americano is also in harmony with desserts, pastries, both sweet and salty. The classic combination is Americano with donuts.

The harm and benefits of americano

Americano - a win-win for those who love latte or cappuccino, but watch their figure. The advantage of the drink is a large volume with a low calorie content. The amount of caffeine is the same as in espresso, but the concentration is much lower.

If for a coffee lover 3-5 servings of espresso per day is almost the norm, then even 2 servings of Americano is already a lot. In addition, coffee dehydrates the body and creates a false sense of thirst quenching. Drinking americano, containing a large amount of water, a person at the same time makes up for its loss. Therefore, for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, for whom dehydration is especially dangerous, Americano is preferable to pure espresso.

The maximum proportions of americano: for 30 ml of espresso - 470 ml of water. This, of course, is no longer coffee, but water with a coffee smell and a slight aftertaste. But Americano according to this recipe is suitable for people on strict diets, when coffee is not allowed, but you really want to.