Is it possible to freeze parsley in the freezer? Greens for the winter table: is it possible to freeze parsley and how to do it correctly? Methods for harvesting parsley for the winter

Parsley is not only an aromatic herb that can transform the taste, and when fresh it can also decorate any dish, it is also a whole set of vitamins and microelements necessary for human health.

The easiest way to preserve this aromatic seasoning for the winter is to freeze it. This method is much more convenient than preparing it in oil or pickling (parsley will not lose its fragrant aroma and retain most of its beneficial substances).

Summer residents practice 3 main methods of freezing: chopped pieces, whole branches and in ice cubes.

Pros of freezing:

  1. Most of the vitamins are preserved, so if you eat this parsley in winter without heat treatment (after defrosting), you can replenish the body’s vitamin balance.
  2. The fragrant aroma and characteristic taste are preserved, practically unchanged.
  3. Preparing for freezing will not take you much time - a maximum of 30-45 minutes.

What kind of parsley is suitable?

For freezing, only bright green herbs should be selected, without diseases or mechanical damage. The plant must be fresh. For example, when stored in the refrigerator for 3 days, parsley loses up to 50% of its beneficial vitamins. For the same reason, it is not advisable to buy greens for freezing; it is better to use your own, freshly picked.

An important nuance: in most supermarkets, greens are deliberately highlighted to make them look fresher. You should not buy parsley for freezing in such places.

Preparatory work:

  • The collected parsley must be cleaned - remove debris and all unusable leaves, cut off the roots.
  • Soak the greens in salt water. It should cover the parsley completely.
  • Gently shake off excess moisture from the parsley bushes and place them on a clean towel to dry naturally, turning them over periodically.

Greens prepared in this way are ready for freezing.


For freezing, 3 common methods are usually used: in bags, in ice cubes, in bunches. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

In the package

When choosing this method, it is extremely important to ensure that the greens placed in the bags are completely dry. Otherwise, the parsley inside will stick together into one icy lump, which will be difficult to split into separate pieces.

It is most convenient to store chopped greens in bags. To do this, parsley is collected in bunches, the stems are cut off and chopped. This option in winter is well suited for seasoning first and second courses.

Can be used as usual plastic bags, and special cases with clasps (with a zipper). There is no point in stuffing a lot of greens into one bag. If you regularly remove frozen greens from the refrigerator, they will begin to partially thaw and spoil. You will use up a small package much faster, so there are much fewer problems with it than with a large one.

In bundles

If you don’t have the time or desire to bother with a shredder, freeze the parsley as is, in bunches. The greens should be thoroughly dried first.

It is necessary to distribute the parsley among the bunches so that each of them can be used 1-2 times. The collected bundles are carefully tied with a large rope. Next, they should be placed (separately!) in plastic bags or wrapped in cling film.

These greens are perfect for adding to soups, baked fish, meat and chicken. Plus, whole bunches look more colorful than chopped parsley.

In the ice

This method will save you from the need to thoroughly dry the parsley beforehand. Use standard refrigerator molds to make ice. Place chopped parsley in them, compact it and fill with water. As a result, in winter you will always have frozen portioned cubes with herbs on hand.

The filled mold with parsley is placed in the freezer for 4 hours, after which it is removed and the cubes are quickly transferred to plastic bags, which are placed in the freezer for permanent storage.


If the freezer of your refrigerator is already packed to capacity, then you can dry the parsley, preserving the vitamins and microelements contained in it to the maximum. With this method, the seasoning will also largely retain its fragrant aroma.

Drying should be done in stages:

  1. It is necessary to remove yellowed and diseased leaves and cut off the root.
  2. Next, the parsley is well washed and dried.
  3. Place parchment on a baking sheet, onto which the greens are spread in an even layer. All this is placed in the oven, preheated to a temperature of +60 C.
  4. To ensure that the parsley dries evenly, you need to stir it periodically.

In practice, freezing is much more convenient than drying. The latter method should be chosen only in cases where it is not possible to freeze greens.

In the middle of winter human body needs support. Therefore, housewives begin to prepare various preparations and snacks for the winter in the summer. This is necessary to maintain general health. Greens are no exception. There are several ways to prepare parsley for the winter. The choice always remains with the housewife.

It is difficult to overestimate the degree of usefulness of greens, since the therapeutic effect on the human body is very great. The diverse influence of the constituent elements leads to an increase in overall tone.

The effects of parsley on humans are:

  • improving the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • improving metabolism;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • ensuring normal functioning of the brain;
  • improving the body’s condition in diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • stimulation of digestive enzymes;
  • stimulation of appetite;
  • feeling of satiety;
  • beneficial effects on the organs of vision;
  • strengthening gums and much more.

When using parsley in any form, do not forget about contraindications. In addition to benefits, it also brings harm. You should consult your doctor before self-medicating.

It is not advisable to use parsley for those who:

  • suffers from bladder diseases, cystitis, urolithiasis,
  • has chronic diseases of internal organs,
  • has a tendency to allergies.

Everything is good in moderation - there is no need to abuse it, and there will be no harm from using the culture.

Prepare the necessary ingredients

When collecting greens for storage, it is worth considering several rules under which parsley will retain maximum beneficial properties:

  1. The green part of the plants is collected at any time. The vitamin reserve concentrated in the leaves does not change during different periods of the growing season.
  2. The roots are collected only in the fall, since it is at this time that they are filled maximum number useful substances.

Before you start harvesting parsley, you need to separate the green part from the rhizome. Sort through all the leaves, removing dry, yellowed specimens.

Wash all components and dry well. Then decide on a method for storing it in the winter. It depends on the time available to the housewife and the personal preferences of family members.

Methods for harvesting parsley for the winter

For every housewife there are recipes that suit her preferences and wishes. You just have to search a little. Creating suitable home conditions for preparations is not difficult. And the resulting seasoning compensates for all the effort expended.

The entire plant is harvested for the winter; there are not many ways to accomplish this task:

  1. Drying. The roots and leaves of plants are dried in the oven or in the fresh air.
  2. Freezing. The crushed parts of the culture are frozen and stored in the freezer.
  3. Marinating or salting. Chopped greens and chopped roots are pickled or salted.
  4. Oiling. The workpiece is mixed with oil and stored in the refrigerator.

You should choose a method of preserving the culture by studying the recipes.

Dried parsley

There is nothing difficult about drying parsley. It is enough to fulfill a few requirements, and everything will work out.

The advantages of this method are that the parsley loses weight and becomes more compact. And it is easier to store it, and it does not require special conditions.

To prepare green mass or roots for future use, they are washed and dried well. Then they sort through, removing unsightly, diseased and deformed specimens. At the end of sorting, the roots are cleaned.

The greens are dried as a whole bunch, together with the lower part of the petiole, or each leaf individually.

The roots, depending on the size, are cut into circles or cubes. The prepared raw materials can only be dried. Do it different ways.

On open air

This method takes a long time, but the effectiveness does not suffer from this. Greens are dried whole sprigs or chopped for immediate consumption.

To dry, it is placed on a plane, evenly distributed over the surface on which it is dried. The thinner the layer, the faster the raw material will dry. Lay out no more than 1 centimeter thick.

The greens collected in bunches are hung under a canopy or in another well-ventilated area. The leaves should hang down. It is advisable to exclude direct sunlight on the foliage, as it will turn yellow and lose its attractiveness.

The roots are also dried in the fresh air, cut into arbitrary shapes and covered with gauze to prevent insects. Periodically turning the pieces will speed up the drying process and eliminate scorching.

Depending on the accompanying conditions, the plant will have to dry from 5 to 20 days, not forgetting to periodically turn the raw materials to speed up the process.

In the oven

It doesn’t take much time to prepare the spice this way. The seasoning will dry out much faster than in the first case.

It is important here not to overdo it with the temperature, because the higher it is, the faster the roots and greens dry. But it suffers appearance and a complex of useful substances included in their composition.

The optimal temperature is 40-60 ⁰С. The washed and peeled roots are cut into cubes or slices and laid out on a baking sheet. The greens are laid out in sprigs or cut and distributed in a thin layer.

Dry with the door open, the approximate time spent in the oven is 5-6 hours. Finely chopped raw materials dry several times faster.

In an electric dryer

This kitchen assistant will always help out the housewife. You don’t have to do anything special, the roots need to be cut, and the green branches should be laid out whole.

Set the “For herbs” mode, and set the temperature to no more than 45 ⁰C. It is necessary to periodically monitor the process, changing places of pallets. It is difficult to indicate the exact time; it depends on related factors: air humidity, slice thickness and much more.

In the microwave

Place the parsley on a plate, preferably flat, and cover the bottom with a napkin. The power of the device is maximum. The time for which the raw materials are placed in the microwave is 2 minutes, then you should look at the appearance of the plant. If it is not dry enough, leave it for another 2 minutes. And so on until the mass reaches the desired state.

An effective way to preserve crops for the winter is to sprinkle them with salt. There are many recipes for its preparation. It is necessary to select the most suitable method.


Salting in this way is not difficult; a minimum of ingredients is used:

  • parsley – 400 grams;
  • salt 100 grams.

The greens are sorted, washed with running water and separated from coarse stems. The prepared glass container is scalded with boiling water. The twigs are mixed with salt so that it is evenly distributed. Then they are placed in jars and stored for storage. A refrigerator, balcony or other cold room will do.

The classic way in a jar

This method, proven over the years, preserves the beneficial substances that make up parsley. No additional ingredients are needed. All unusual ways require a lot of time to prepare, but this recipe is simple and no less healthy.


  • parsley – 300 grams;
  • salt 3 tablespoons.

Well-washed greens are wiped with a towel, chopped and ground with salt. The more carefully this is done, the better.

The resulting mixture is compacted into sterile jars and closed with any lids at the discretion of the housewives.

The lid should close tightly without letting air through. This will prevent signs of spoilage from appearing.

The salty seasoning stores well in the refrigerator or cellar. At room temperature Mold may develop. Any dishes and salads can be prepared with this parsley.

To pickle parsley with dill, you will need a minimum set of ingredients. And the benefits increase several times. The amount of greens is determined by the housewife; it is important to observe only the proportions of salt. If there are more raw materials, it’s okay.


  • equal amounts of dill and parsley;
  • salt at the rate of 200 grams per 1 kilogram of green mixture.

The green part of the plants is washed well with water and then dried. The raw materials are crushed in any convenient way.

Then all the ingredients are combined in a separate bowl, the salt is thoroughly mixed with the green mass. Then they begin compacting. If you just stack it, the greens will start to spoil. It is necessary not to add a little to the top, leaving a gap between the lid and the seasoning.

To prevent spoilage of the finished product, housewives pour a little more salt on top of the workpiece.

Banks are stored refrigerated. If they are small and there are few of them, then a refrigerator is quite suitable.

With celery

It is recommended that everyone try to prepare this preparation with salt. The result is a healthy vitamin mixture, perfect for seasoning dishes, salads and soups.


  • parsley, celery and dill - 250 grams each;
  • salt – 250 grams.

First of all, the green parts of the plants are sorted and washed, making sure to remove all unsightly specimens. Thick stems are cut out. Cut into pieces 2 centimeters long.

The celery root is peeled and cut into the same strips. Place in a separate bowl.

First, combine the herbs and salt, grind well, then add celery roots. Mix everything well and put it in jars. The workpiece should be compacted and then put in the refrigerator.

An equally effective way to prepare greens for the winter is freezing. Culture preserves the entire stock nutrients, thereby helping to support immunity in the middle of winter. Freezing plants will require very little time and effort. There are 3 ways, which one is the best, the hostess herself will decide.

In the package

All you need is parsley. Quantity is not limited. The leaves are washed well, sorted and dried.

If the greens sit for more than 30 minutes, they will begin to wilt. This will complicate the preparation process.

Drying using a towel is quick and effective. Next, you should cut it as desired or as for immediate dressing of the dish.

The finished chopped green mass is placed in bags. Do not freeze in large quantities, this is not advisable. After repeated defrosting, the leftovers will turn black and will not go into the gas station. Next, the bags should be frozen.

Cubes in ice trays

A more labor-intensive way to harvest greens in the winter. You will need boiled water and herbs.

Parsley is washed several times in cold water. There is no need to dry it, as it is filled with water. Chop finely, it will be easier to compact it into small cubes.

Place in molds, seal and fill with chilled water. Place in the freezer for several hours. After the cubes are frozen, take them out of the mold and put them in bags. For convenience, sign it.

In bundles

The finished bundles are wrapped in pieces of cling film or placed in a plastic bag. And they are sent to the freezer until required.

Preparing fresh parsley in vegetable oil

To properly prepare this recipe, you don’t need to do anything special. Greens are prepared in the same way as with other methods of storing for the winter.

Parsley is chopped and placed in a dry container. In this case, there is no need to compact; then poured vegetable oil and store the dressing in the refrigerator.

Parsley in marinade

Making the appetizer is a little more complicated than previous recipes, since you need to prepare a marinade.


  • parsley;
  • leaves of horseradish, cherry, currant;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water;
  • bay leaf, allspice;
  • 70% vinegar - 0.5 teaspoon per 1-liter jar;
  • water.

This is how you prepare for the winter: Parsley is washed and sorted, cut in any way. Place in jars with previously added leaves of cherries, currants, horseradish and garlic cloves. Prepare the brine: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Pour into prepared jars and close with lids. Sterilize for 15-25 minutes, depending on the size of the container. They are rolled up and put into the cellar for storage. It is better to prepare this seasoning in the summer, when greens are richest in vitamins.


Preservation is one of the ways to prepare parsley for a long shelf life. Even a beginner will not have any difficulties with cooking. The main preservative in all recipes is vinegar.

To prepare the preparation you will need directly herbs, vinegar and salt.

Parsley is prepared as for all other recipes. Wash well and dry. Cut into pieces 5 centimeters long. Carefully place in jars, then prepare the brine. For 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt.

Add 2 tablespoons of 6% vinegar to the finished jars and fill with brine. Do not top up, leaving about 2 centimeters.

Place in a container for sterilization. Boiling time is approximately 10-15 minutes. When ready, the jars are rolled up and placed under a blanket or blanket until completely cooled.

Storage rules

The approximate temperature regime for product preservation is 0 ⁰ - +10 ⁰С. Humidity is 80%.

Frozen greens should not be defrosted and re-frozen; this will cause the mass to turn black and become unsuitable for consumption.

Dried herbs should be stored in a tightly closed glass container in a dark, dry place.

Seasonings prepared according to recipes require a cold room for long-term storage. A refrigerator, glassed-in balcony or cellar will do.

Prepared greens, which, if necessary, are always at hand, are a great help in the middle of winter. In addition, it helps support the body during periods of vitamin deficiency.

Fresh parsley from the garden is an unforgettable aroma of hot meat and vegetable dishes, a spicy addition to salads and marinades. When warm days are coming to an end, the plants produce less and less green fragrant leaves, and soon they disappear completely under the snow. How to keep parsley fresh for the winter so that the vitamin-rich diet does not become scarce, and the menu remains as varied and healthy as possible even in the cold season?

In a refrigerator, at temperatures up to +6 ° C, parsley can be stored for no more than a month. At the same time, the foliage gradually loses moisture, turns yellow and withers. Parsley rhizomes are hardier.

If the root crops, cleared of the remains of foliage and soil, are immersed in clean sand, a constant flow of air and a temperature of +1 to +5 ° C are provided, then the parsley will successfully overwinter. True, not everyone has a cellar, and during wintering the rhizomes lose quite a large part of their useful substances. How to store parsley?

Today, even at home, you can use several methods and recipes on how to prepare parsley for the winter. Moreover, in all cases, the processing of greens and root crops does not affect taste qualities products, nor on their vitamin composition.

Is it possible to freeze parsley for the winter?

Parsley's dense foliage and root vegetables, harvested in the fall, lend themselves well to freezing.

Exposure to cold does not disrupt the structure of the tissues of roots and leaves, and the amount of aromatic and beneficial substances does not decrease at all. In addition, the method when whole bunches or leaves are frozen can today be considered the simplest and fastest. How to prepare parsley for the winter using this recipe?

The step-by-step photos show how to freeze parsley for the winter. If you do not expose the greens to thawing and repeated exposure to cold, parsley will keep well all winter. It is important that at the time of planting, the bunches are as clean as possible, and there are no traces of water left on the surface of the leaves, which can, at low temperatures, not have the best effect on the quality of the greenery.

You can judge the presence of moisture inside the bags by how the parsley looks. If the greens have not been sufficiently dried, the thawed stems will be dark green, completely lost their elasticity, and drooping. High-quality greens will keep their appearance and texture fresh.

Do the same with parsley rhizomes. They are washed, removing small roots and remaining leaves. The peeled rhizomes are cut into strips or cubes, like greens, dried and packaged in small bags. In winter, this parsley can be used when preparing broths, stews and other hot dishes.

How to freeze parsley for the winter: photos and descriptions of original methods

It is not always possible to use up a whole bunch of parsley, albeit a small one. Is it possible to freeze parsley for the winter in even smaller portions? Yes, if you use ice cube trays, sorted, washed and finely chopped parsley after freezing turns into aromatic cubes for seasoning broths, casseroles, stewed vegetables or pasta.

When using this method of harvesting parsley for the winter, it is important to choose the right degree of chopping of the foliage.

If you use a blender, the green mass will give juice and become mushy, but at the same time it will perfectly fill the cells of the ice container and freeze. When grinding by hand, the particles will be larger, but forming a cube is much more difficult. Therefore, before freezing parsley for the winter using this method, as shown in the photo, you will have to take care to chop the foliage as finely as possible. In any case, such an addition to dishes fully conveys both the taste and aroma of fresh herbs.

If you want to keep almost whole leaves in cubes, then after laying out the coarsely chopped green mass into the cells, pour the contents a small amount water, or preferably melted butter or unrefined olive oil. Frozen cubes make an excellent addition to fried meat, dumplings, rice dishes and potatoes.

If desired, you can add other favorite herbs to the mixture, for example green onions, chopped garlic or Bell pepper, oregano and basil.

Preparing parsley for the winter in oil

A similar method of preparing parsley for the winter also involves using oil, but regular, refined sunflower oil. Yes and freezer in this case it will not be necessary.
  • The greens that you want to preserve must be washed, cutting off all spoiled, dried and rough parts of the leaves.
  • After this, the parsley is dried and chopped.
  • The greens are placed tightly in clean glass jars and filled with oil so that there are no air bubbles between the leaves.

When the oil covers the parsley, the jars are tightly closed and sent to the cellar or refrigerator, where the product will be stored at a temperature of +1 to +8 ° C.

How to prepare parsley for the winter: a recipe for pickling greens

Salting is one of the oldest methods that made it possible to preserve the properties of the most perishable foods in a time when home refrigerators were just a dream.

Today, few people remember how to keep parsley fresh for the winter using salt. However, salt as a natural preservative perfectly preserves all the qualities of greens and prevents the development of harmful microorganisms.

For pickling, clean chopped herbs and grated root vegetables are suitable. For five parts by weight of plant material, take one part table salt. The ingredients are mixed and placed in clean glass jars so that there is room left for the juice that forms as the salt dissolves. Closed containers You can store it in the cellar or in the refrigerator, and if necessary, use the pickled parsley for culinary purposes.

How to dry parsley at home

Drying greens and rhizomes is one of the most effective ways harvesting parsley for the winter. IN finished product All microelements and vitamins remain, the aroma remains virtually unchanged, and sometimes becomes more intense.

In addition, dried parsley does not require special storage conditions, loses many times its weight and volume compared to fresh parsley and is also convenient to use. Before drying parsley at home, wash the greens and root vegetables and dry them thoroughly and carefully. After drying, it will no longer be possible to separate weed inclusions, rotten and rough parts of the plant, so the raw materials are sorted out in advance and the rhizomes are cleaned.

Parsley can be dried either as a whole leaf along with the upper part of the petiole, or as separate small pieces. Root vegetables are cut before drying thin circles or small cubes. You can dry parsley, like other garden crops, in the open air, under gauze, in microwave oven, special drying or in the oven, at a temperature not exceeding +60 ° C. If the air is hotter, there is a risk of the greens burning and losing their beneficial properties. You can determine the quality of dry herbs by how the parsley looks.

If initially green grass acquired a yellowish or brownish tint, the temperature regime during drying was disturbed.

To ensure that the loss of moisture from leaves and pieces of root vegetables occurs more evenly and quickly, the raw materials are carefully turned from time to time. How to store parsley after drying?

At the end of the process, dry parsley is scattered into glass jars with tight-fitting lids or bags with an inner layer of foil. Such packaging will not allow the dry product to lose its aroma and absorb moisture from the air.

How to freeze parsley for the winter - video

Fragrant greens are a tasty addition to any dish. Summer and spring plants contain more vitamins than their “brothers” from greenhouses. The bright sun and suitable conditions give greenery many useful substances, so housewives think about how to properly preserve the crop. Before freezing parsley for the winter, it is important to understand what recipes exist and how to “conjure” it in order to preserve the fragrant harvest.

Product Features

Scientists find the first mention of the spicy plant in ancient Greek treatises. People wove them into head decorations and used them as an insect repellent. In the Middle Ages, aromatic culture began to be added to dishes. Today it has been proven that greens have beneficial properties and contains many vitamins:

  • group B.

The plant has a mild diuretic effect, so it is often used for diseases of the bladder and kidneys. The presence of substances such as potassium, sodium and phosphorus helps with cardiovascular problems. To ensure that the spice retains its properties, the herb is added fresh to first and second courses. After heat treatment useful elements are destroyed.

The plant is prepared in different ways for the winter, but freezing is considered the safest. The taste, aroma and consistency of the leaves remain unchanged, and much less time is spent on processing than when salting and drying. Parsley is often stored together with dill, after which it is used for its intended purpose.

The raw materials are of high quality and fresh. Branches with bright leaves should not have dry elements or damage. Before processing, you cannot store the workpiece for a long time, and it is better to send wilted specimens to drying. The torn bunch will remain unchanged in the refrigerator for three days, after which the vitamins will begin to break down and putrefactive processes will be activated.

Methods for freezing greens

To ensure that fragrant greens are on the table all year round, it is important to start preparing on time. Freezing activities are best carried out in several stages. In this case, the procedure is not as tiring as mass storage in the refrigerator.

Greenhouse specimens from the store do not smell as intensely and contain a lot of water, which will negatively affect the taste of dishes and the appearance of raw materials.

The harvest from your own plot is first sorted out, thoroughly washed and dried, laid out on a towel. Products ready for freezing do not shine under the lamp and do not contain droplets.

Classic version

The easiest way to prepare parsley is whole. The hard stems of the prepared bunches are cut off and the yellow leaves are removed. Greens cannot be left at room temperature for a long time; after three hours they will begin to wilt. Form tight “bouquets” from the grass, wrap tightly in cling film or baking foil, and place in the freezer. It takes no more than 30 minutes for a small bag with a plant to freeze.

If there is not enough free space in the refrigerator, then the plant is prepared in a different way. Clean greens are cut into small pieces and allowed to dry thoroughly. If the product is poorly dried, the stems and leaves will lose their elasticity and darken. The raw materials are placed in plastic boxes with a lid and sent to the freezing department. This great option for vegetable or meat stew, aromatic broths.

Housewives use the roots of the plant as a garnish. The underground parts are thoroughly washed and the top layer is scraped off. Leave on a towel for a couple of hours to evaporate the water. Chop into small slices and put into a plastic bag. All the air is released from the bag, tied tightly and sent for storage.

Cubes in molds

If the harvest is not very large, then at home it is better to make preparations in small containers. Silicone baking dishes, yogurt packaging or candy containers are suitable. Finely chop the parsley and dill, fill the molds tightly and press down with your fingers. The finished dishes are filled with filtered or boiled cold water, after which they are sent to the freezer.

The product will be ready the next day, so carefully remove the cubes and put them in a bag. This product does not like temperature changes and sticks together when re-frozen. The semi-finished product is used in first and second courses. The taste and consistency are no different from fresh herbs.

By the way, it is allowed to store raw materials only in plastic containers. Metal in the cold releases substances that negatively affect the shelf life of the source material and spoils the taste. If by chance the workpiece is defrosted, then repeating the procedure will make the parsley dark and slimy.

Portions in oil

Frequent power outages have a negative impact on the quality of food in the freezer. To protect the greens from regular thawing, housewives are advised to store the herbs in oil. With this method, plants are not damaged by low temperatures and maintain an attractive appearance. The semi-finished product has a muted smell, which does not allow the aroma to spread throughout the chamber. Cubes are added to hot dishes or spread on sandwiches.

Raw materials with dense foliage and without hard stems are suitable for freezing. The branches are washed, sorted and thoroughly dried. Small greens are left whole, while large ones are chopped. Fill two-thirds of the ice cube tray with the product. Carefully pour olive oil or melted butter, sent for freezing.

Store in fat aromatic herb You can also use it in puree form. The semi-finished product takes up less space in the drawer and is very convenient to use. The prepared raw materials are thoroughly crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder twice. Spices take twice as much as liquid fat. Slowly mix both components and pour into molds or special bags.

Preserving the harvest for the winter is an important task for a good housewife. Properly frozen parsley smells great and retains a pleasant taste. The preparations are easy to use for cooking.

Greenery. This makes it possible to nourish the body with essential vitamins and other useful substances in winter, when getting fresh vegetables and fruits is problematic. On our website you can find best recipes freezing various products. In this article we will talk about proper freezing at home.

What greens can be frozen

Perhaps it is best suited for a storage method such as freezing. After all, it is precisely this that allows you to preserve most of the valuable substances that make up plants. And greens are very beneficial for the human body, and nutritionists everywhere recommend introducing them into the daily diet.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to freeze leaves for the winter. This also should not be done. After defrosting, it turns into an unattractive porridge that no longer has a fresh taste or smell.

It is also not recommended to freeze it. If there is a need to preserve it for the winter, it is better to use drying. This way it will better preserve the aroma.

For soup

Frozen ones are perfect for soup. They can be frozen individually or as a mix.

For decorating dishes

To decorate dishes, you can freeze curly and ordinary. Greens are also frozen for filling in savory pies. And are well suited for this purpose.

For tea

It turns out great from frozen. Can also be frozen tea sets from:

  • leaves;
  • leaves;
  • leaves;
  • leaves;

In addition to tea, such frozen infusions are perfect for cosmetic procedures and facial wiping.

Preparing greens before freezing

Preparing and freezing your greens for freezing is very easy. The first thing you need to do is wash it - pour water into a bowl and rinse it well several times. Then rinse under running water.

Then the herbs need to be dried well, but no more than an hour. Excess moisture will cause unwanted ice chunks to form. To dry the grass, place it on a paper or cotton towel.

If you plan to freeze the green mass in bunches, you will need to remove the stalks. When freezing by other methods, the greens will need to be finely chopped using a sharp knife or scissors.

Also, some plants are recommended to be blanched before freezing. In the case of greens, this means scalding with boiling water. It is important to understand that during this process some of the vitamins evaporate and the smell weakens somewhat.

Important! The less time passes from the process of collecting herbs to freezing them, the more vitamins will be preserved in the plants.

Freezing methods

There are several ways to freeze fresh herbs for the winter. They must be selected depending on where you plan to use it in the future.


In order not to bother too much, the green mass can be frozen in its entirety in bunches. Here's how to do it:

  1. Form a small bunch of washed and dried greens with the stems removed.
  2. Wrap it in cling film or foil, forming a kind of sausage or roll.
  3. Place in the freezer.

To consume, you will need to remove the “sausage” from the freezer, open it at one end and chop the required amount of greens. Wrap up the rest and place it back in the freezer. If the integrity of the film or foil is accidentally damaged, wrap it in a new layer.

You can freeze any greens in bunches. In this form it can be used in salads, first courses, side dishes, pies, sauces, pizza.
There is also a way to store greens in bags and containers:

  1. Dry the washed branches and place them on a tray (baking tray, tray, plate, dish) in one layer.
  2. Place in the freezer for two to three hours.
  3. After this time, remove the branches from the freezer and scatter them in vacuum or regular bags, or in plastic containers.

The green seasoning prepared in this way is immediately removed from the freezer before being placed in the finished dish and, without defrosting, is chopped and then added to the food.


If you have time, then all the grass that you plan to freeze will need to be chopped.

Chopped plants are frozen as follows:

  1. Wash and dry.
  2. Finely chop with a knife or scissors.
  3. Place in a regular or vacuum bag.
  4. Level it well and release the air.
  5. Send the package to the freezer.

This way you can freeze one type of herb or several. Preferably in small batches.

There is another way to freeze cut plants:

  1. The finely chopped green mass is wrapped in film, thus creating a “sausage”, as is the case with bunches. The length of such a package should not exceed 10-12 cm - this is enough for four to five uses.
  2. Place the “sausage” in the freezer.

Ice cubes

Few people know how to freeze greens in the freezer into cubes. However, this is a simple matter and not at all troublesome. Here's what the process looks like in practice:

  1. Finely chop the washed and dried plants.
  2. Place, compacting, in ice trays.
  3. Fill the molds with water.
  4. Place in the freezer.

The cubes can continue to be stored in the ice tray. Or you can remove them after freezing and pour them into one container or bag.
Cubes are also great for freezing herbs for tea. To do this, they are first brewed in a teapot, and then, after the tea has cooled, it is poured into ice molds. After freezing, such cubes are good to add for herbal taste to regular hot tea or just in boiled water. They are also used for wiping the face for various skin problems, or for toning.