Do I need to salt okroshka. Okroshka cooked with kefir whey

Good afternoon, our dear readers. In the last issue, we talked about how to cook delicious homemade kvass. And now we will find out how okroshka is prepared on kvass. This dish is known to everyone, at least in our country, especially in Siberia.

How to save yourself from the heat, while eating a hearty meal - okroshka. Usually a housewife takes almost everything that is left a little bit from the refrigerator, cuts it with salad and pours it, for example, with kvass. Here's the crumble.

Of course, in addition to kvass, you can also use whey, you can use water with vinegar, mayonnaise, sour cream, and so on. This is for an amateur. Most of all, in the summer we prefer to make okroshka on kvass.

It is better to choose fresh products for okroshka. But kvass is best taken at home, which is well infused. And if there is none, then you can also store it, but it is better to choose natural, on live fermentation. Then okroshka on kvass will turn out what you need.

Here are a few recipes that we make ourselves from time to time. Very tasty and satisfying, we advise you to try such recipes. And let's start with the classics, okroshka with sausage.

Classic - okroshka on kvass with sausage.

The number of ingredients is given in full three-liter pan. This, of course, without kvass. Well, the amount of kvass is at the discretion, everyone loves it differently, for some it is thick, for others it is liquid. And the number of servings will be different.

If you love this cold soup not very thick, then reduce the amount of ingredients. If the okroshchnaya mass remains the next day, then it can be stored in the refrigerator. It won't affect the taste in any way.

We will need:

  • Boiled sausage - 300 gr;
  • Potatoes - 4 - 6 pieces (depending on size);
  • Egg - 5 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumber - 4 pcs (small);
  • Radish - 250 - 300 gr;
  • Green onions - a bunch;
  • Dill - 0.5 bunch;
  • Parsley - 0.5 bunch;
  • Grated horseradish - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sour cream - for serving;
  • Kvass - 1.5 - 2 liters.

Any hostess knows that the amount of ingredients is a very relative concept. So, cucumbers and potatoes can be both very small and extremely large.

Therefore, in this case, the “eye” is the most basic measure. Everything should be about the same. Okroshka is good because it has a lot of things. Therefore, we put "a lot" of everything.

Only from quality and delicious food you will get a quality and tasty okroshka.

Sausage is better to take without fat. The Ostankinskaya or Doctorskaya variety is well suited, preferably in a natural casing.

Cut it into small cubes.

Sometimes cooked with semi-smoked sausage and even fried. But I believe that this is already for gourmets. Plain boiled sausage usually used in our okroshka recipe.

Pre-cooked and cooled potatoes cut into medium-sized cubes. In order for it to be easily cut, it must be thoroughly cooled. Then the cubes will be even and will not stick to each other.

If possible, cut all the ingredients to the same size. So the dish will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Step 3

Boil eggs, cool cold water and cut into cubes. To make this easier, use an egg cutter. In this case, the cubes will turn out to be slightly smaller than the others in the cut, but our cold soup will look more beautiful.

Rinse the radishes thoroughly, cut off the tails and on both sides and clean as needed. As mentioned above, it is better to purchase fresh, medium-sized radishes. Such a vegetable is juicy, strong, moderate bitter-sweet taste. Just the way you need it.

Overripe specimens are already too bitter, besides, they are often empty inside, and their skin is very tough and fibrous. It is better not to use such a radish in a dish.

The same goes for cucumbers. It is better to take them in medium or small size. Such fruits with a thin skin, seeds have not yet formed in them, they have a sweetish fresh taste and a wonderful smell.

Cucumbers cut into cubes standard size, as other components were also cut.

Step 6

Greens also chop, if necessary, cutting off the rough stems.

Put all the ingredients after cutting into a saucepan.

Cut the green onion as usual, transfer to a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Grind with a mortar until juice appears.

If you just chop the onion and pour it into the total mass, it will just float in the soup, and taste a little when we eat. The grated onion will release juice, and this juice will nourish literally every piece cut into a tiny mass. Needless to say, this will significantly improve the taste of the dish as a whole.

Add mustard and horseradish to the onion, and grind it all together. Add a spoon or two, adjust yourself. But I will say right away, even adding two tablespoons of both, you will not feel this in the dish. It won't be sharp.

In general, in the preparation of a real tasty okroshka, there are no extra steps. Everything is necessary and important! Sometimes they say - “What’s there, I crumbled everything, but poured it with kvass ...” I won’t argue, it will also be okroshka, but try to do it once according to the rules, as they have been cooking since ancient times, then you will feel the difference. Not for nothing because it has a name - classic! So, there are certain requirements for its preparation, there are also certain rules for preparation.

Step 9

Now add the pounded mass to the general cutting. Salt to taste and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes to chill the mass.

Now, as for kvass. In the old days, white unsweetened kvass was prepared specially for the dish, it was prepared from wheat raw materials.

You can also use purchased kvass, but preferably good, live fermentation. But it is advisable to use home-made kvass, of our own production.

The main thing is to cool the kvass in the refrigerator.

Well, now that everything is chopped and chilled, it's time to set the table. Be sure to put mustard and horseradish on the table. Although we put all this into the total mass, but someone may want to add. Also, do not forget to put sour cream, it will need to be put on everyone's plate for sure.

Of course, you need bread, fresh herbs. Well, you can put fresh garlic on the table. A bite with brown bread, it will be very tasty!

Divide salad mixture among plates. Do not regret, put more. And pour it with cold kvass, be sure to flavor it with sour cream. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Okroshka with chicken and beef (veal).

In general, this recipe in an old original version has a very interesting composition of meat ingredients. It includes veal, hazel grouse or partridge.

But since at present the last two ingredients are not often found on our table, we will simply replace them with our usual chicken or turkey.

We will need:

  • Boiled veal - 150 gr;
  • Chicken fillet - 150 gr;
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 - 4 pieces;
  • Boiled eggs - 4 - 5 pieces;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 4 pcs (medium);
  • Green onion - 100 gr;
  • Parsley, dill - 50 gr each;
  • Sour cream - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Mustard - 0.5 tsp (or to taste);
  • Kvass - 1.5 - 2 liters.

Okroshka on kvass according to this recipe is quite versatile, you can use any meat you like.

Meat and chicken can be pre-boiled or fried, as you wish.

Boil potatoes and eggs.

Cut all the ingredients into small cubes or sticks. Chop greens and cut green onion. Mix all.

In this recipe, I do not grind onions with salt, and I do not use radishes. The meat here is too tender.

Mix sour cream with sugar, salt and mustard, pour a little kvass, and pour chopped food.

Stir and refrigerate for 30 - 60 minutes to ferment slightly.

Then put a small mass in a plate for each and pour the right amount of kvass chilled in the refrigerator.

Okroshka vegetable.

This okroshka on kvass is very useful, as it contains many vitamins in vegetables. In addition, it is very tasty and we could not just ignore it.

We will need:

  • Bread kvass - 1 l;
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Beets - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Green onions - 60 g;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Mustard to taste.

Boiled and chilled beets, carrots, as well as fresh cucumbers cut into small cubes.

Step 2

Grate boiled potatoes.

Step 3

Finely chop the green onion and mash with a spoon, adding a little salt to make it soft and give juice.

Step 4

Peel the hard-boiled eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, chop the whites into small pieces, and grind the yolks with mustard.

Pounded green onions combine with potatoes, yolks, sour cream, sugar, salt, mix it all up, dilute with kvass, put chopped beets and carrots.

When serving, put chopped dill greens in okroshka.

Okroshka on kvass with hunting sausage.

I especially like this recipe, because it contains my favorite hunting sausages. They give a very spicy taste. I love smoked meats in many dishes, and in okroshka, duck is generally very tasty. I advise everyone to try this recipe.

We will need:

  • Potato - 200 g;
  • Bread kvass - 1 l;
  • Boiled sausage - 100 g;
  • Radishes - 2 pieces;
  • Cucumbers - 1 piece;
  • Hunting sausages - 2 pieces;
  • Dill to taste;
  • Green onions to taste;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces.

Russian okroshka is such an amazingly tasty dish that you will never get tired of. It is served with different fillings (dressing), and some even say “sauce”. Everyone has different preferences and tastes, someone does not accept okroshka with kefir, someone eats only with whey, and for whom the favorite is okroshka with kvass. Many make okroshka with lemon juice, mineral water, someone even seasons with mayonnaise.

Recently, okroshka recipes with such sour-milk drinks as tan and ayran are increasingly common. I personally have not tried this okroshka, probably also tasty.

Each gas station has its own certain nuances and pluses.

Dressing based on kvass, or okroshka on kvass

Dressing on kefir for okroshka

In order to make such a dressing, you need to dilute kefir with boiled water, because kefir is thick. You can use mineral water. The proportions are: 1:2, i.e. to
Ether must be taken twice as much as water. At the same time, sour cream is also added to such okroshka.

Dressing with mustard in the preparation of okroshka

Such a dressing is considered dry, and it gives such a piquant taste. It is advisable to use in combination with kvass.

We will need:

  • eggs (egg yolks) - 3 pcs.
  • dry mustard - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • kvass - 1.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Take the yolks and rub with a fork to make small crumbs.

2. Add mustard, salt, sugar to the yolks. Next, add kvass and mix everything thoroughly.

3. Before serving, dilute this mixture with the main main amount of kvass. Such an unusual filling for okroshka will turn out!

Mayonnaise dressing

I know that if you try to dissolve mayonnaise in water, it will not dissolve well. Therefore, if you are making okroshka with mayonnaise, then it is better to take your own homemade mayonnaise.

If, nevertheless, you took store-bought mayonnaise, then put it directly into the mixture of vegetable, egg and sausage ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly. Next, pour water mixed with lemon juice into the okroshka (1/3 of a lemon is used for 0.5 liters of water, meaning lemon juice). If you follow these steps, then store-bought mayonnaise will definitely dissolve well in okroshka.

Kefir vegetable smoothie

We will need:

  • Kefir 1% - 0.5 l
  • Celery stalk - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • A bunch of parsley ~ 20 g.
  • A bunch of dill ~20 g.
  • Sea salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Wash the greens and cucumber well. Coarsely chop everything with a knife. Next, send everything to the blender.

2. Add more salt and kefir to the blender. Grind everything at low speed.

3. Before serving, add sour cream to such a filling. Very original and delicious!

Refueling with lemon juice, step by step with a photo

We will need:

  • sour cream 20% - 200 g
  • filtered chilled water -1 l
  • lemon juice - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l. topless
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l. topless

Cooking method:

1. Combine water with lemon juice, add sugar and salt. Add sour cream to the main ingredients of okroshka and mix with them.

2. Add this dressing to the okroshka.

I hope all these unusual gas stations in summer season you will try it inapplicably, and you will find the most favorite for yourself. Treat each other with goodies, create and surprise everyone with your exquisite and unique options.

P.S. Do they eat okroshka in hot? It turns out there is Polish okroshka.

This okroshka is best done in winter. The ingredients are very unusual for our Russian, it contains fruits and even wine. But, nevertheless, such okroshka is often eaten here in Russia. Have you tried this kind of okroshka?

Meet! Hot Polish okroshka. Try to make such yummy 😆 Although in my opinion the dish is complicated, as it takes a lot of time to cook. But, it's still worth a try.

We will need:

  • fresh cabbage white head - 0.5 kg
  • Sauerkraut - 150 g
  • Chicken leg - 150 g
  • Boiled pork - 150 g
  • Boiled beef - 150 g
  • Pork knuckle (boiled-smoked) on the bone - 150 g
  • Sausage - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc. Quince - 1 pc.
  • Dry wine - 150 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Cumin seeds, salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Clean pork knuckle and chicken okrochek from skins, veins and bones. All the "waste" must be put in a saucepan and boil the meat broth on this for about 1 hour.

2. All meat that is used in this type is cut into pieces and fried on olive oil. Add finely chopped onion. Well fry everything.

3. Chop the cabbage and stew with the cooked broth.

4. Peel the fruits. From the peel and seed pod from the fruit, boil the fruit broth, cook for about 3 minutes after boiling. Strain the broth and cool.

5. Cut the fruits into cubes and add them to the cabbage. Next, send the fried onion, meat, cumin, Bay leaf ik and pepper. Salt.

6. Pour in fruit broth, wine and simmer for 2 hours, adding a little meat broth.

7. Now remove the finished okroshka from the heat and cool, let it brew for 12 hours in the refrigerator.

8. Then heat up and enjoy a new kind of okroshka, the so-called Polish 🙂 Bon appetit!

Ingredients for okroshka

It's traditional Russian dish usually prepared from such ingredients: vegetables (potatoes, radishes, herbs), eggs, sausages and kvass. Instead of kvass, many also use whey, kefir, water with lemon, mineral water, water with vinegar, beer, etc.

All ingredients are cut into cubes or straws and seasoned with any dressing. I think that such a familiar recipe is known to everyone, therefore, today I have selected many options for this soup so that you choose your original creation and surprise everyone!

Let's take a closer look at the gas station. After all, exactly what kind of dressing we will have, our taste of this cold soup will depend on this.

Refueling types:

  • traditional classic dressing: bread kvass
  • broths: meat, chicken, mushroom, vegetable, fish
  • based on kefir or liquid yogurt without additives
  • mayonnaise diluted with water
  • kombucha, its tincture
  • cucumber pickle
  • water with vinegar
  • beer
  • based on mineral water or whey
  • tomato juice

Any of these dressings is interesting in its own way, and choosing any, you will find a new taste of everyone's favorite dish. You can always experiment with this cold soup. Maybe that's why when summer comes, we all do it so often.

You can find my most favorite gas stations in this article, which has already appeared on this blog.

Okroshka on kvass

This option is the most popular option in our time. This view is considered truly traditional-classic. You can read the method of cooking on kvass in.

Or you can watch this video:

Cooking with kefir

On kefir - a very popular dish, especially in the summer, because little time is spent on this type. In the summer we harvest vegetables. Therefore, be sure to cook it for your loved ones in the household. Indeed, in order to cook, it is enough just to want it, because there is nothing difficult in this matter.

Kefir contains a large amount useful substances, these are proteins, vitamins, microelements. And also kefir improves the functioning of the stomach. And since we will use it together with vegetables, this will give us good protection for our body and help restore the natural balance of human microflora.

Soup based on kefir is useful product for our body, and also delicious. The dish is refreshing and healthy.

We will need:

  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled meat - 150 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh radish - 4 pcs.
  • Fat-free kefir - 500 ml
  • Lemon juice - optional
  • Boiled chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Parsley, dill, pepper, salt - optional

Cooking method:

1. Take vegetables, cucumbers and cut radishes thin straw or grate on a coarse grater.

2. Cut the eggs however you like. Add boiled chopped meat, greens.

4. Take lemon juice and sprinkle over the ingredients.

5. Salt and pepper. Fill everything with kefir. Mix well. Ask to the table. Bon appetit!

Such a dish on kefir can be supplemented with an apple. To do this, just take and cut the apple into cubes and add to the cold soup.

Vinegar Recipe

Okroshka on vinegar is a very common option. If you search for this soup on the Internet, you can find a whole dozen, someone makes it with sausage, sausages, meat, someone with this and that. Ingredient options that always remain unchanged are greens, cucumbers, eggs and meat (in any form).

If you want it to bring only benefits to your body, then add vinegar-based dressing to it (water plus vinegar). Now I will share this cooking method. But about vinegar, I would like to say that it helps to remove all sorts of unnecessary substances from our body, reduces appetite, helps not to gain extra pounds, and quenches thirst well.

We will need:

  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled meat - 150 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh radish - 4 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 500 ml
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Boiled chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Parsley, dill, pepper, salt - optional

Cooking method:

1. Crumble all the ingredients of your choice into a saucepan.

2. Fill with water and add 1 tbsp. vinegar.

3. Salt and pepper.

Okroshka with chicken broth

An excellent option, which is popular with us in Russia. They eat this as well as the classic chilled kvass. And here is the way of cooking, a little unusual. We will have chicken broth, so we will definitely need chicken fillet. And of course good mood)))

We will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Salt
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Dill, onion, herbs

Cooking method:

1. Take a pot in which you will cook chicken bouillon. To do this, pour water into the pan, add the chicken fillet, salt, pepper, at the end of cooking, throw in the bay leaf, to give an unusually delicious combination. Do not forget to remove the foam during cooking, so the broth will be transparent.

2. Cut the potatoes into cubes and throw into the boiling broth. The broth should boil in advance for about twenty minutes.

3. Separate the whites and yolks from the eggs. Separately, grate the whites and separately the yolks.

4. Cut cucumbers, sausage into cubes. Chop greens and onions.

5. Pour all the ingredients obtained into another saucepan, mix.

6. When the chicken is cooked with potatoes, the poultry meat will need to be pulled out and crumbled into small pieces, and then put back together with potatoes.

7. Wait for the broth, chicken pieces and the potatoes are cold. Then add all the remaining ingredients from another saucepan. Mix well. Salt, pepper.

8. Send the dish to the refrigerator for an hour. All is ready! Bon appetit!

Vegetable soup with sour cream and mineral water

This option on sour cream and mineral water is one of my favorite types. After all mineral water useful for our body, and it also gives sourness. It turns out a very easy and healthy first course. Instead of mineral water, you can also use ordinary non-carbonated water. The choice is always yours. Try and experiment. As they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color.

First of all, to start preparing a liquid dish, look in the refrigerator and check all the products you need to prepare it.

Cooking method:

2. Cut the cucumber and sausage into pieces too.

3. Chop the onion and dill, salt, and then take a potato masher and remember the onion and dill with it a little. So the onion and dill will not swim like a “frog” and will also give a very pleasant shade.

Refrigerate and then serve. Bon appetit!

Instead of sour cream, you can add mayonnaise, then it will become much more satisfying.

Lenten summer option

Lenten view - a variant of the soup when fasting is in progress. This is prepared from vegetables and herbs, dressing is a traditional Russian summer drink-kvass.

We will need:

  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh radish - 4 pcs.
  • Parsley, dill, onion, pepper, salt

Cooking method:

1. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel them. Cut.

2. Cucumber and radish cut into strips.

3. Chop parsley, dill and onion and salt, then mash with a potato masher.

4. Mix all the ingredients together.

5. Fill the soup with kvass. Bon appetit! Lenten delicacy is ready, waiting for the first visitors to take a sample!

Secrets on how to make delicious okroshka at home

  • All components of this dish should be finely chopped (cubes are mainly used, although radishes and cucumbers are often grated to improve taste qualities, add richness and aroma to the dish).
  • For such a soup, it is best to choose meat that is not fatty, for example, it can be chicken or beef.
  • To add saturation, the yolks are often kneaded with a fork and mixed with kvass.
  • Do it in a container that does not oxidize. And you will harm your health! Important, boil the potatoes for this dish in their skins.
  • Onions and dill, as well as other greens, must first be cut, and then crushed with potatoes several times. Then the greens will give some juice, this will saturate the taste, and also the greens will not float like “frogs”.
  • If the dressing (filling) seems to you not sour enough, then do not be afraid to put a little apple cider vinegar or citric acid.
  • Salt the cold soup already in the bowl.
  • You can try adding sugar to this first dish, and the taste will also become spicy and refined, as well as unique.
  • Do not spare sour cream, it will turn out much more pleasant with it.
  • Create and experiment! Find your favorite flavor! Choose the most for yourself the best option famous soup!

In fact, there are a lot of options for this soup. In this article, I told you about the most popular types. In the next issues, I will talk about very unusual species, for example, Ural, fish with horseradish, krill meat, meat, cauliflower, beet, mushroom, nuts, fruits, etc.

P.S. Anecdote: Our meeting was such a mistake. 😈 It was necessary to part with her a long time ago, when it was summer outside, and she offered to warm up okroshka for me.

It is quite possible that summer in the middle lane will someday come. So, it still makes sense to put bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as weather forecasters promise, just by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (in the afternoon).

How to prepare sourdough
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams rye flour+ 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Cooking time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry flour or slices of bread until it darkens (but does not char, it is sometimes difficult to understand with black bread: it is just fried or already burnt).
  • In a little warm water dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And once again insist a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And refill with fresh water.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its brazen yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness, and it will be possible to put drinking kvass on it. To do this, once every 1.5 - -2 days a three-liter jar with the prepared sourdough, it will be necessary to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers, before removing some of the old soaked and sinking to the bottom. For taste, you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey ...
  • notebook recipe

    Okroshka on kvass

    Soups are cold


    • 1 l kvass
    • 150 g potatoes
    • 150 g cucumbers
    • 0.5 tsp mustard
    • 3 eggs
    • Radishes 1 small bunch
    • small bunch of green onions
    • parsley, dill, sour cream to taste

    Cooking method

    • Boil meat, potatoes, eggs.
    • Cucumbers, radishes, green onions, herbs, potatoes, cut meat. Grind the yolks with mustard, cut the whites.
    • Mix everything, arrange on plates, pour kvass, add sour cream to taste.

    What is needed for okroshka? The list of ingredients has been known for a long time. This familiar dish appeared in Rus' many years ago, its origin lies at the very origins of Russian cuisine.

    A very simple, light, quick, beneficial and satisfying dish will add variety to your menu. Do not torture yourself in the summer in the heat with complex and heavy dishes! Prepare yourself a better saucepan of delicious okroshka.

    What is needed for okroshka on kvass, on kefir, on whey and other bases? Let's find out.

    But first, let's find out what okroshka is, and then we'll learn how to make okroshka. Okroshka is a cold soup that is loved in Russia and Ukraine. It is usually prepared from products that are easily found in the garden or in the nearest shop with vegetables and fruits. All the ingredients are inexpensive, they last a long time, and they give an amazing taste.

    By the way, making okroshka is very easy, everyone can cope with the execution of this dish: both novice housewives and children. And the stomach will enjoy the combination of light foods that are easy to digest in the heat.

    What you need to know about cooking classic okroshka?

    Each housewife imagines how to make okroshka on kvass and how to make it lighter, or, on the contrary, reduce its satiety. For example, sour cream in okroshka on kvass will add “heaviness” to the dish. And if there is okroshka seasoned with sour cream, with bread, then you will be full for a very long time.

    Milk whey as a dressing reduces satiety, but gives okroshka a light and very unusual taste.

    Okroshka, made on kefir, will help the stomach to improve its functions.

    Okroshka on ayran or tan will give the dish a taste unlike anything else.

    A few secrets for a good okroshka

    What is needed for okroshka? For starters, good homemade kvass. To prepare it, you will need sourdough. It can be made from a mixture of wheat, buckwheat and rye flour, as well as barley and rye malt. Malts should be fermented with mint.

    Good kvass has a whitish hue and a sour taste.

    Of course, okroshka can be prepared with store-bought kvass. But the experience of this dish is a little different.

    Put meat or poultry in the right okroshka. Especially tasty is okroshka on beef, chicken or turkey meat. It is better to use varieties of meat that do not have too much fat. It still turns out very satisfying.

    Meat is not always on the list of what you need for okroshka. For quick cooking, boiled sausage can be used instead of sausage.

    Cut all the ingredients included in the dish equally. You can do it with straws, or you can do it with cubes. Stick to one style of slicing to make the okroshka look prettier.

    Prepare the dressing for the dish. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks together with spicy mustard. Add sugar to the mixture, stir. Add sour cream and some kvass. Then stir the dressing properly.

    Before you add green onions to the okroshka, you can grind it along with table salt. So he will allocate more juice and okroshka will become more fragrant.

    There is a way to fill okroshka well, very quickly and not mess with kvass. We will need very carbonated mineral water and kefir. You need to mix the dressings 1 to 1. You also need to squeeze lemon juice into the dish, and add sour cream as a sauce. Salt everything. The dressing needs to be slightly brewed separately, then it can be poured with vegetables, meat and eggs chopped for okroshka.

    There is also a very masculine variation of okroshka, which cannot be called ordinary for the Russian ear. In addition to standard cucumbers and radishes, potatoes, eggs and meat, it also includes 50 g of shrimp. You need to pour such a little dark beer. You can fill with mayonnaise and your favorite spices.

    Such a okroshka with non-alcoholic beer can be used even at lunch on weekdays.

    I suggest you check out a couple. interesting ways cooking this favorite dish.

    Classic okroshka, delicious recipe with photo:

    What you need for okroshka (for 5 servings):

      1. Potatoes in uniform - 5 pieces

      2.Fresh medium cucumber - 4 pieces

      3. Boiled egg - 2

      4. Radishes - 7 radishes

      5. Lean meat (cooked) - 300 g

      6. Greens (parsley, dill, green onion) - each type in a bunch

      7.1 tablespoon mustard

      8. Sour cream 100 g

      9. Spices (sugar, salt, ground black pepper - be guided by your taste)

      10. 1 liter of homemade kvass

    Clean all the listed components of the dish, cut in the same style. Peel the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. We will rub the yolks. So we cut only proteins.

    Prepare a dressing for our dish: rub the yolks together with spicy mustard, add salt, sugar, sour cream and kvass, mix.

    Add dressing to okroshka, sprinkle with herbs on top.

    Now mix all the ingredients well to distribute the dressing and pour the okroshka with kvass. The dish needs to be infused for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, and okroshka can be served.

    Another version of okroshka is very popular in the southern part of Russia. Fish is used for its preparation. What do you need for okroshka with fish?

    two potatoes;

    1 cucumber;

    2 large or 3 medium boiled eggs;

    Greens (dill, onion, parsley - grind with salt);

    1 glass of cranberries;

    300-400 g fillet of pike perch.

    Preparation of okroshka with fish:

    Take an ice mold, put a cranberry in each compartment and pour over mineral water. Then freeze.

    Pour a glass of cranberries with a liter of boiling water, let it brew. Then strain, squeeze the berries.

    Cut vegetables and eggs.

    Put the fish in a plate, fill with a mixture of vegetables and eggs. Top with chilled cranberry infusion. At the end of cooking, put ice cubes with berries frozen inside in okroshka, sprinkle everything with herbs.