About red, black and snail caviar! How to replace low-quality canned red caviar. How artificial caviar is made.

Black caviar is special, refined, expensive dish Therefore, in high-class establishments, tasting and serving caviar is presented as a beautiful ritual that can be compared to the appearance of a royal person.

1. There are several types of black caviar

Caviar has always been a delicacy and a very scarce product. In Soviet times, you didn’t really have to choose, and if you suddenly managed to get a jar of black caviar, you were very proud of it, and no one knew what kind of caviar it was. Especially when she looked good: for example, she was deep black. So, it turns out that not only caviar happens different types, but there’s nothing good about rich black either.

Traditionally, the so-called black caviar is obtained from the main types of sturgeon fish: beluga, sturgeon and stellate sturgeon. In fact, the lighter the caviar, the higher its value.

Oscietra caviar, produced from Russian sturgeon, has a dark egg color, ranging from olive to light brown. This caviar has a delicate nutty taste with a deep and soft aftertaste.

Baerii caviar is no less highly regarded throughout the world. Baerii is made from Siberian sturgeon. It has an aromatic “silky” taste, followed by a refined, spicy aftertaste.

Sevruga caviar is obtained from the small sturgeon Acipenser stellatus. This type of caviar has a platinum hue and a rich taste with a delicate fruity aroma.

Beluga is considered the rarest and most expensive type of caviar. It is obtained from the sturgeon Huso huso. Large eggs of light gray tones have a delicate taste and creamy aroma with a slight hazelnut flavor.

2. Black caviar has very strict storage rules

This is important because, according to tradition, black caviar is bought long before the New Year, and it is stored specifically for the festive table. So the caviar will have to spend some time in the refrigerator before it can finally be eaten. When buying such an expensive and delicate product, you need to pay great attention to how you will store it, so that the caviar not only does not spoil, but also does not accidentally lose all its magical properties.

To save taste qualities caviar, it is necessary to create special conditions for it. The optimal storage location will be the bottom compartment of the refrigerator with a temperature of -2 to +2 C. Before opening the jar, hold it for several minutes at room temperature. Then open and enjoy! With prolonged contact with air, eggs can become watery and lose their elasticity. Therefore, it is advisable not to leave caviar in the jar for longer than 2-3 days.

3. There is a slightly strange, but very important ritual that must be followed when tasting black caviar.

Of course there is an easy way. Spread butter on bread, caviar on butter - and eat. And, by the way, there is nothing wrong with this method. At the end of the day, your main goal is to have fun. But this very pleasure can also be extended. In addition, there is a way to understand a lot about caviar.

Like the best varieties It is important to taste wine and caviar before serving. Place a few eggs on the outside of your hand between your thumb and index finger. The warmth of your skin will help to fully reveal the full range of its taste, while high-quality caviar will not leave any odor on the skin. Inhale the aroma of caviar, and then taste it by pressing the eggs to the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Feel all the flavors, swallow slowly and wash down with a sip of good champagne.

4. Black caviar should not be served on anything...

And I don’t mean grandma’s set or the jar in which you purchased caviar. The main thing to remember is that the dishes should be such that they do not in any way affect the taste of the caviar. Yes, this product is so delicate that it is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail, right down to what you will serve the caviar in and how to scoop it up.

Glass or mother-of-pearl dishes are most suitable for serving caviar. Metal utensils should be avoided as they distort the delicate taste of black caviar.

5. ...And also with just about anything

We all know barbarians who can wash down caviar with cola or eat it with jellied meat. Probably, each of us has relatives who are lovers of incompatible foods. But you can’t do this with good black caviar. If she ends up on your table, your entire menu should be subordinated to her. Black caviar- the most important dish at the holiday. Your task is to make sure that everything else enriches it and does not overshadow it.

When choosing a menu, it is better to focus on dishes that will not dominate delicate taste caviar.

Marina Arkadi

The text was prepared with the support of Attilus.

Attilus is a leading producer of the best Russian sturgeon caviar according to standards proven over a decade of work in the caviar and fish industry.


Sevruga caviar, sturgeon caviar. How to serve caviar and what to eat it with . What to drink with caviar. What are the benefits of black caviar?

Perhaps we are the last generation that has had time to taste it as nature created it. In the old days, it was salted only with a special salt called “blue grenade”, which was mined near Perm. Under Alexei Mikhailovich it was boiled in milk of poppy seeds. And now we eat it raw...

Price of black caviar, black caviar prices, how much black caviar costs, where to buy, sturgeon caviar caviar chernaya ikra xthyfz brhf regbnm


Until now, the literature is full of indications that caviar was first eaten in Rus', in the 12th century, and Europeans became familiar with the delicacy only under Shakespeare and Cervantes.


  • Highest grade - one type of fish, one salting, one grain size, uniform color, no foreign tastes or odors, eggs are easily separated from each other.
  • The first variety is a little wetter and thicker, there may be a subtle aftertaste.
  • The second one... well, whatever the second one is, you can eat it too.
  • But there are types of caviar out of varieties that receive special names depending on the age of the fish. Exactly 35-year-old stellate sturgeon caviar is called “classic gray”, caviar of 20-year-old sturgeon – “royal black”. Appreciated Rogen Osietra – 45-year-old sturgeon caviar, and if sturgeon turns 85, his caviar gets a proud name – Imperial. I don’t know how the age of the fish is determined – maybe they check the passport?
  • But all this pales in comparison Golden caviar, which it is wrong to call black caviar - it is a beautiful golden-amber color and The cost of this game reaches up to $25,000 per kilo. They say that this caviar is from nature's rarest game - albino beluga. In Iran, such caviar is packaged in jars made of 995-carat gold - why regret it, how much is needed there, if such caviar cannot be obtained more than 10 kilos a year? They probably don’t sell it to blind rich people: they don’t see the color, but the taste is exactly the same.


Previously, when black caviar was a common product, it was fried, boiled, at Easter not only pancakes with caviar were baked, but also caviar pancakes, caviar pancakes, for which the caviar was beaten, mixed with flour and steamed. They even added it to the soup - the ancient kalya soup was not prepared without caviar.

  • Place the caviar on the table in a special container - a caviar bowl, glass or porcelain. In no case should it be metal - metal can oxidize when it comes into contact with caviar, and this will affect the taste.

  • Under the caviar box there is a box filled with ice to keep the caviar cold - warm caviar is an even greater shame for the cook than warm vodka. Therefore, I personally am not delighted with the wooden caviar bowls, painted to resemble Khokhloma, used in some “a la Russe” restaurants - wood does not conduct heat well.
  • The caviar spoon should not be metal, but mother-of-pearl or even made of ivory. The caviar is worth it!

  • Entrust the accompaniment of caviar to its faithful companions: eggs - chicken or quail, shavings fresh oil, lemon (just without frills, it can overpower the delicate taste of the delicacy), toast, finely chopped red onion, thin pancakes, pancakes. In this retinue there may also be an overseas guest - mango puree.
  • It is better to serve black toasts with black caviar - they will only emphasize the taste of the caviar, while white ones can overwhelm it. A toast doesn’t have to be eaten with caviar at all – think of it as a dish.
  • Pancakes with caviar, in addition to the delicious contrast of a warm pancake and cold caviar, also delight with the softness of the sour cream that goes with them, preferably thick.
  • You can surprise guests with a newfangled serving of caviar with the provocative name “beggar’s purse”: a spoonful of caviar and a little sour cream are placed on the pancake, and then the pancake is tied like a bag with a feather of green onion. Don’t think the name is meaningless - after paying for such a dish, you can go around the world...

  • More sophisticated guests may want to eat caviar not with a spoon, but with a credit card - in no case Visa Electron or Cirrus Maestro, better than Gold or Platinum. You don’t eat caviar with the Infinity card - for its owners this product is somewhat plebeian...
  • And for very cool guests, you can serve caviar in the form of a Novorussian salad: put lobster in a bowl of red caviar and top it with black caviar so that it is not visible. You pour all this over with Napoleon cognac, sprinkle with Raffaello and eat straight from the bowl without using your hands...


  1. Black caviar activates the formation of collagen and elastin, that is, prevents skin aging and even promotes its rejuvenation. Therefore, super-elite cosmetics are prepared from caviar. But eating it is much more pleasant than smearing it on your face.
  2. Black caviar contains a lot of vitamins - A, B, D, E, in general, half the alphabet. They are necessary for human growth and normal development. So it’s not in vain that children are fed caviar.
  3. Vitamins and minerals Caviar is good for our circulatory system. They normalize blood pressure and increase hemoglobin.
  4. There are many minerals and trace elements in caviar- phosphorus for the brain, potassium for the heart, calcium for the bones, iodine for the glands, iron for the blood, sulfur for tone, chlorine, silicon, sodium, manganese and zinc for fullness of sensations and a lot of little bits of everything else.
  5. Caviar is an excellent source of complete proteins such as albumins and globulins. It contains a lot of lecithins, and caviar itself is an excellent natural biostimulant. It will come in very handy before an exam or difficult meeting!
  6. Caviar fat contains a lot of iodine and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are extremely necessary for the body, which promote weight loss, so you won’t gain weight with it.


The drinks served with caviar here are not the same as in Europe. We believe that the best liquid company for caviar is a glass of ice-cold vodka; Europeans shrug their shoulders condescendingly when they see our steamy decanters and full glasses, while they themselves sip brut champagne from a tall glass of caviar. There is no point in arguing - if something didn’t suit caviar, they wouldn’t drink it with it. You haven’t seen anyone who would wash down caviar with compote, have you? And they wash down caviar with vodka - Fyodor Chaliapin adored this and specially emphasized that they do not eat vodka with caviar. The status is not the same.


  • Artificial caviar in a jar often looks like it's covered in frost. It's not frost...
  • Many (but not all!) types of artificial caviar simply melt in boiling water.
  • Real black caviar does not smell (or almost does not smell) of fish. And artificial ones are often flavored with almost herring tails. If you smell a strong fishy smell, don’t buy it!
  • If the caviar does not burst when lightly pressed, but resembles millet to the touch, it is more likely millet than caviar.
  • Don't buy quicksand caviar! If you tilt the jar of caviar slightly to the side, the caviar should not “float”. And caviar should not stick together in clumps either - this is poor processing and can affect not only the taste, but also your health.
  • Using the handle of a small spoon, pick the caviar from the bottom of the jar - it should not be dry, but crumbly. At the same time, check if they have slipped you a “sandwich” - a jar with good caviar on top and who knows what below.
  • And now the main sign - good caviar it doesn't come cheap! If you buy cheap caviar, you will certainly overpay.


In my opinion, the special taste of black caviar comes from a guilt complex. Sturgeons existed for 600 million years, survived dinosaurs, and no matter what, but they may not survive electrification - the rivers they need for spawning are blocked, and I’m not even talking about water pollution. Schools of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea have decreased to a critical size, and the export of caviar has been banned to all Caspian countries except Iran. By eating a spoonful of caviar, we destroy an entire school of beluga. We need to do something, otherwise our grandchildren will have to tell them for a long time what a delicious thing it was - black caviar.

Black caviar ban. The international organization of activists for the conservation of wildlife has proposed its own means of fighting for sturgeon - it calls for the abandonment of black caviar, hoping that this will reduce demand and dampen the activity of poachers. I don’t even know whether to laugh or cry...


Back in the mid-60s, Academician Nesmeyanov managed to take an unconventional step in the fight against caviar deficiency, producing the world's first artificial caviar from gelatin. Later they mastered the production of caviar from chicken eggs, and in 1994 its industrial production began in Murmansk. Now ersatz caviar is made from seafood, including seaweed. Maybe someday artificial caviar will be able to adequately replace real caviar. In the meantime, most often it is used to falsify it.

So in Belgium they learned how to breed sturgeon in ponds and have already sold the first half a ton of such sturgeon caviar, and since the revenue exceeded all expectations, they are going to expand production. And Japan began to produce black caviar, having mastered and improved breeding technology bester - a hybrid of beluga and sterlet, and plans to increase the gross turnover of the valuable product to 10 tons per year in the near future. So, as a last resort, we will buy caviar from the Japanese. But humanity clearly does not want to give up such deliciousness.

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Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Kyiv, Milan, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Kazat, Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Donetsk, Minsk

Black caviar is rightfully considered a real delicacy. However, anyone, even the most exquisite product, you can successfully replace it with an analogue. The situation is exactly the same with black caviar.

What is black caviar?

Black caviar is the eggs of female sturgeon fish. The sturgeon family includes fish such as sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga and thorn. The most valuable is beluga caviar. Its eggs are larger than those of other fish. In addition, beluga eggs do not have a specific fishy smell; their aroma is rather reminiscent of hazelnuts.

The second most expensive item is sturgeon caviar. This caviar is the most popular among consumers. In addition to its pleasant taste, this product is distinguished by many useful properties. Firstly, black caviar is very nutritious and is, in fact, an easily digestible protein. Secondly, caviar contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. This includes iodine, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, as well as vitamins A, D, E and B.

Substitute fish

Pike caviar is most similar to sturgeon caviar. It is pike eggs that are used by scammers, passing them off as an expensive delicacy. To do this, pike caviar, which actually has a pinkish-gray tint, is tinted black using special substances. Therefore, often the average buyer is not able to distinguish a fake from an expensive product. However, a gourmet will never confuse sturgeon caviar with pike. The fact is that pike caviar is smaller and has a characteristic bitter taste. While the real delicacy has a pleasant, mild taste, and the diameter of the eggs is about 1.5 mm.

In addition to pike, black caviar can be replaced by halibut and lumpfish eggs (or sparrow fish). The latter, by the way, is not even tinted by unscrupulous sellers, because it already comes in both black and red. But halibut caviar has a light shade, therefore, like pike, it is processed with dark dyes.

How not to make a mistake?

In order to distinguish real black caviar from a fake, you should know a few tricks. Firstly, when you open a jar of 100% delicacy, you should feel a slight aroma of seaweed and iodine. If a sharp fishy smell hits your nose, most likely you are looking at pike caviar or another fish less valuable than sturgeon.

Secondly, throw a couple of eggs into a glass of water. If a dark trail follows them in the water, it means the product is artificially colored.

And thirdly, black caviar always has a pleasant, delicate taste. But bitter notes are more characteristic of pike caviar.

Are you planning a wedding, anniversary, birthday or other important event? Do you want to surprise your guests with an abundance of dishes? festive table? Perhaps you cannot do without such a tasty and healthy delicacy as black caviar. However, it is recommended to approach the issue of choosing black caviar carefully and responsibly. After all, today you can find a considerable number of fakes on store shelves. To begin with, it is worth noting that sturgeon caviar is considered a classic black caviar. And the sturgeon family, in turn, includes:

  • sterlet
  • beluga;
  • sturgeon;
  • stellate sturgeon.

So, how to choose really high-quality black caviar:

  1. First of all, it is worth making sure whether the production and supply of black caviar is legal. To do this, you need to carefully study the label on the jar. It must contain the authorization number of the CITES certificate. If such a number is available, it means the product is legal and of high quality. The absence of a number may be evidence that the product is poached and contains prohibited dyes and preservatives.
  2. If you purchase black caviar in glass containers or by weight, pay attention to its color. Black is not the only color considered normal. Caviar may have a blue tint.
  3. It is also worth paying attention to the size of the eggs. This will allow you to find out the age of the fish from which the caviar was obtained. The larger the size of the eggs, the older the fish. However, the size of the eggs can indicate not only the age of the fish, but also what species it belongs to. In any case, the larger the size of the eggs, the more valuable the caviar.
  4. It would be worth noting that purchasing black caviar in bulk is less dangerous. After all, you can evaluate its quality yourself. So, first it is recommended to pay attention to the smell of caviar. It should resemble the smell of fresh sea ​​fish and should not be harsh.
  5. Some manufacturers pack black caviar in glass containers, which also allows you to visually determine the quality of the product. The eggs should not stick together. There should be no liquid at the bottom of the container. If liquid is present, it means that the caviar was packaged poorly.
  6. If you decide to purchase black caviar in a tin, shake the container and listen to the sound. There shouldn't be any sound. If you clearly hear the sound of a “dangling” liquid, then this is a low-quality product. Caviar should not float in the jar.
  7. When choosing black caviar, it is recommended to pay attention to the production date indicated on the jar label. The fact is that fish belonging to the sturgeon family spawn only in July and August. After spawning, the caviar extracted from the fish is immediately processed and preserved. If any other date is indicated on the label, it means that you are looking at a product that is “stale.” Finally, I would like to give some advice. Buy black caviar only from trusted retail outlets that have a positive reputation. Then black caviar will only benefit the body and will not cause food poisoning or poor health. Enjoy the shopping!