Mushroom and chicken pasta. Fettuccine with chicken and mushrooms - an original Italian pasta dish

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms- one of the standard dishes in our family, which is not surprising. The recipe for pasta with chicken and mushrooms is simple, you almost always have the ingredients on hand, and it doesn’t take long to prepare. Miracle!

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms is a great dinner, almost festive. Considering that everyone loves pasta or spaghetti, pasta with chicken and mushrooms is simply a workday delicacy! It will be very good if you marinate the chicken in the morning or the day before. Pasta with chicken and mushrooms can be served with white wine for some family holiday lunch, or you can simply cook it on a weekday for dinner after work, since the recipe for pasta with chicken and mushrooms does not require long cooking. Good luck and bon appetit!

Ingredients for ten servings:

  • Pasta - 300 grams
  • Chicken breast - 300 grams
  • Mushrooms - 10 pieces
  • Cream 18% - 200 Milliliters
  • Milk - 150 Milliliters
  • White wine - 130 Milliliters
  • Starch - 2 teaspoons
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground pepper - 1\2 teaspoons
  • Dry thyme - 1 \2 teaspoons
  • Salt - To taste

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cut the chicken into pieces.
  2. Add 4 tbsp to olive oil. l wine., add thyme.
  3. Soak the chicken in the marinade for 1 to 12 hours.
  4. Fry the chicken in a hot frying pan for one minute on each side.
  5. Place chicken in a bowl.
  6. Cut the mushrooms into 8 pieces and fry in olive oil.
  7. Add cream to the mushrooms, dilute the starch in milk.
  8. Stir the sauce with the mushrooms, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute until it thickens.
  9. Add chicken.
  10. Add boiled pasta, mix well.
  11. Bon appetit!

Pasta with mushrooms and chicken - for dinner today

  1. Wash the chicken, dry and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion and chop finely. Wipe the mushrooms with a dry cloth and cut into pieces.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the chicken for 2-3 minutes, then add onions and mushrooms, fry everything together until golden brown. Pour in the cream, let it boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in plenty of salted water until al dente. Drain the water and place the pasta in a frying pan, add finely chopped parsley leaves, heat everything together and serve.

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms: the best combination for chicken and pasta

Pasta - a traditional dish, which was invented in Italy. Although today this expression means different pasta made from wheat exclusively durum varieties: for example, spaghetti, tagliatelle, spiral, capellini, fettuccine and others. However, no matter what they say, for most this phrase brings to mind images of a fragrant Italian dish. Many people are accustomed to thinking that they can only taste it in specialized restaurants and cafes - this is a mistaken opinion. We invite you to make delicious pasta with chicken and fresh mushrooms with your own hands. You will see how simple it is.

Chicken pasta with cream and mushrooms

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms is ideal for romantic dinner or a friendly feast. You can prepare it in just half an hour, which, you see, is very convenient, given the modern rhythm of life. Another plus: the recipe involves using products that are in every refrigerator.


  • one small onion
  • black pepper (optional)
  • 100 grams of dry pasta
  • 300 grams of fresh chicken fillet
  • salt at your discretion
  • 50 milliliters heavy cream (use 35%)
  • 40 grams freshly cut parsley or dill
  • 3 spoons (tablespoons) olive oil
  • 150 grams of fresh (or dried) champignons

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet into medium pieces, and the mushrooms and onions into small cubes. Now pour olive oil into an already heated frying pan (it is better to take refined oil, it does not add bitterness) and fry the chicken meat for two to three minutes, then add the vegetables and keep on the fire until the characteristic golden color appears.
  2. Then pour in the amount of cream indicated in the recipe, let it boil, turn down the heat a little and simmer the sauce some more? hours.
  3. Now you need to prepare the pasta - cook the pasta according to the package directions. However, remove them from the stove a few minutes before the time recommended by the manufacturer. They should come out slightly undercooked - this is how they do it in Italy.
  4. Combine the pasta and sauce directly in the pan and mix well with a spoon. Finely chop the parsley (you can replace it with dill) and place the pasta with chicken and fresh mushrooms on a beautiful plate, sprinkle with herbs.
  5. You can diversify the recipe by adding, for example, grated cheese (Parmesan is suitable for this). Unusual taste the dish will be given cedar or walnuts(Crush them first).

Spaghetti with cheese and mushroom sauce and chicken

This recipe is especially useful in those moments when the stomach requires food, and there is catastrophically little time to prepare it. This pasta with chicken and mushrooms turns out to be very satisfying; it can be served with vegetable juice or alcoholic drinks. A gentle creamy taste The dish is enhanced by melted cheese.


  • one pack (about 400 grams) spaghetti
  • 400 grams of any champignons (canned, fresh or dried)
  • 200 grams of delicious processed cheese
  • 350 grams chicken (we used fillet)
  • table (or sea) salt - quantity at your discretion
  • spices as desired
  • 3-4 tablespoons olive oil

Cooking method:

  1. First, boil some spaghetti in enough salted water. Then drain the remaining liquid (to do this, place them in a colander). To keep the pasta warm, cover it with a thick towel.
  2. Now you should prepare the sauce. To do this, cut the meat and mushrooms into small cubes. We used fresh ones, but you can feel free to change the recipe to your liking by using canned or dried ones. So, place the chicken in a frying pan (preheat it) with olive oil, add a pinch table salt, fry a little on all sides, then add vegetables. When the champignons release their juice, keep the dressing on low heat, stirring constantly with a spoon, for about ten minutes.
  3. Now grate the cheese on a medium-sized grater and combine it with the rest of the ingredients, wait until it melts. Pour the prepared sauce over the spaghetti and serve hot. If you want to “decorate” the dish, use fresh herbs as decoration.
  4. To liven up this pasta with chicken and mushrooms a little, you can add a small amount of sour cream and Italian seasonings to the sauce. This will not make the product worse, but, on the contrary, will only benefit! Try it!

Paste specially for mushroom pickers

If your family has avid mushroom pickers, then this recipe will definitely come in handy. Do you really think that forest products can only be dried and preserved? You can prepare any dish from them. Today we propose making aromatic pasta, where chicken and porcini mushrooms are part of the sauce.

AND ingredients:

  • two tablespoons (tablespoons) of olive oil
  • onion - one piece
  • 500 grams of fresh chicken fillet
  • 200 grams of any pasta (we used spaghetti)
  • soy sauce - two large spoons
  • 250 grams of porcini mushrooms
  • herbs and spices - optional
  • 100 grams of heavy cream or sour cream
  • table salt - at your discretion
  • 70 grams of cheese (hard)

Cooking method:

  1. This recipe is very simple. First, boil the chicken meat, let it cool, and then cut it into small strips with a knife or separate it into fibers with your hands.
  2. Now cook the spaghetti (or other pasta, depending on what you choose) and let it drain. The main rule for making pasta with chicken and mushrooms look like real Italian is to remove it from the stove slightly undercooked, that is, as culinary experts say, “al dente”. To prevent the pasta from sticking, drizzle it with a few drops of olive oil.
  3. Do flavorful sauce: to do this, cut the porcini mushrooms into cubes, the onion into medium half rings and fry them in a preheated frying pan with oil (take olive oil). When the vegetables release their juice, add the chicken, stir for a few seconds and pour in medium-fat cream or sour cream. To prevent dairy products from curdling during cooking, warm them up a little in advance. Now salt and pepper (you can sprinkle with spices or Provençal herbs) all the ingredients and simmer them over low heat. The mixture should thicken a little. Pour in soy sauce. Not everyone prefers this product, so if you don't really like it, just don't use it.
  4. Delicious pasta with chicken and porcini mushrooms is served on beautiful large plates, drizzled with sauce and topped with fresh colorful herbs and grated cheese. Parmesan, which is far from cheap, is considered the most suitable, so you can replace it with another variety. We hope that this recipe will become an indispensable assistant for you in preparing delicious dishes!

Wine and mushroom pasta with chicken fillet

Extraordinary delicious pasta with chicken and mushrooms it turns out if you cook it with wine sauce. Want to try? Then read the recipe, buy the ingredients and go for it!


  • 250 grams of dry pasta (we used fettuccine)
  • 100 grams of spicy sausages
  • 60 milliliters olive oil (preferably refined)
  • two small garlic cloves
  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh champignons
  • 1/2 cup dry wine (ideally white)
  • some fresh parsley
  • 250 milliliters heavy cream
  • 30 grams of elite Parmesan

Cooking method:

  1. Salt the water and cook the fettuccine in it until al dente, that is, they should turn out a little raw. To do this, remove them from the heat a few minutes earlier than the instructions say, then throw them away and let them drain.
  2. Heat the oil in a deep saucepan and fry the sausages until a crust forms (you can replace them with sausages).
  3. Cut the mushrooms into medium cubes and combine with the previous product along with pre-chopped garlic cloves.
  4. Now pour in the wine, stir regularly with a spoon and cook until most of the liquid has evaporated.
  5. Warm the heavy cream slightly to prevent it from curdling and, stirring, add to the sauce.
  6. Place the paste on large dish, sprinkle with Parmesan and herbs.

Tagliatelle with chicken and honey and mushroom sauce

Despite the fact that the warm season is noticeably coming to an end, no one has canceled the holiday. Start your day off with a delicious Italian dish. You can prepare it all in just half an hour, and then go with your family for a walk outside the city. The recipe makes two large servings.


  • 300 grams tagliatelle
  • 200 grams of dried butter
  • 2 spoons (tablespoons) soy sauce
  • olive oil
  • one large fillet
  • 2 large spoons of aromatic golden honey
  • a couple of pinches of sea salt
  • 50 grams of fresh butter

Cooking method:

  1. To prevent the butternuts from becoming tough, soak them for 15-20 minutes. Then cut the fillet and mushrooms into small pieces. Place in a heated saucepan butter, after – the above products.
  2. When they acquire a golden hue and a characteristic aroma, add salt and a little soy sauce, honey and keep it all on the stove for about five minutes.
  3. While the dressing is preparing, boil the tagliatelle. Then place them on a large plate, pour honey mushroom sauce with Chiken. If you want to give the pasta a more beautiful “restaurant” look, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and fresh herbs. Does the recipe seem boring to you? In this case, introduce more exotic ingredients - pine nuts or pieces of prunes.
  4. You can prepare an appetizing and aromatic pasta from a variety of products that you have in your refrigerator. The main thing is that the mood is excellent - then any dish will turn out great!

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms cream sauce, we'll show you how to cook!

  1. Finely chop the onion and fry over high heat for 3 minutes.
  2. Add chicken, cut into strips.
  3. After 2 minutes, add the mushrooms, cut into slices.
  4. Add finely chopped garlic, boiled fettuccine, cream. Instead of salt, I added 1/3 of a mushroom cube and finely chopped parsley.
  5. After a minute, place on a plate and sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Bon appetit!

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms


  • Chicken fillet: 300 g
  • Spaghetti: 400 g
  • Mushrooms: 200 g
  • Tomatoes: 1 piece
  • Spices: to taste
  • Salt: to taste
  • Ground black pepper: to taste
  • Mayonnaise: 1 tablespoon
  • Tomato paste: 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic: 2 cloves
  • Onion: 1 head
  • Vegetable oil: 1 tablespoon

How to cook pasta with chicken and mushrooms:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet and dry it with a paper towel, cut into 1 cm strips.
  2. Fry on vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  4. Cut the mushrooms (medium) into 4-6 pieces, add to the chicken fillet and fry a little.
  5. Add onion and garlic.
  6. Fry for 5 minutes over low heat.
  7. Add finely chopped tomato.
  8. Add tomato paste and mayonnaise, mix well.
  9. Add salt, pepper and spices.
  10. Simmer over low heat.
  11. Meanwhile, boil the spaghetti and rinse.
  12. Place the spaghetti on top of the ragu and serve.

How to cook pasta with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients for the following recipe:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece
  • Champignons -150 gr
  • Pasta half a pack
  • Olive oil
  • Italian spices
  • White wine - 0.3 cups
  • Cream - 100 milliliters
  • Parmesan cheese - 200 gr.

Step by step steps:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small strips.
  2. Slice the mushrooms thinly, fry in olive oil until half cooked and add the chicken fillet. Fry everything together for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Cook pasta according to instructions in salted water. When cooked, drain in a colander.
  4. Pour dry white wine into the pan with the chicken fillet and let everything steam a little, add cream, add salt, pepper and sprinkle with seasonings. The cream should thicken a little, and only then add the pasta and stir everything quickly, the sauce should turn out thick. Again it is worth testing for salt, and make sure that the pasta (pasta) is all floating in the sauce, otherwise it will be dry.
  5. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle our cooked pasta with chicken and mushrooms on top.
  6. Your creamy pasta with chicken and mushrooms is ready, invite everyone to the table and leisurely enjoy the result.

Be sure that everything will work out for you!!!

To prepare this dish you will need:

Mushrooms (no more than 300 grams).
Chicken (half a kilo)
Onion (1 piece).
Cream (no more than 250 grams).
Olive oil (3 tablespoons).
Cheese (100 grams).
Spaghetti (half a kilo).

Below will be presented step by step recipe(with photo) how to cook with mushrooms and chicken:

1. Preparing the chicken. It is necessary to defrost the fillet, remove the bones and cartilage, cut into portions, after washing the meat.

3. Preparing mushrooms. Mushrooms are washed and cut into thin slices.

4. Frying mushrooms and onions. Pour three tablespoons of olive oil into a frying pan and add mushrooms there. Then, after five minutes, add the onion.

5. Frying chicken. As soon as the onions and mushrooms begin to brown, add chicken pieces to them. When all the vegetables acquire a golden color, you need to add cream, salt and spices. Next, the ingredients are fried for twenty minutes under a closed lid.

6. Cooking spaghetti. The noodles for the dish should be boiled in advance. How to properly prepare this product is indicated on the back of its packaging.

7. Preparing the cheese. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater and thrown into the pan with the rest of the ingredients.

8. Mixing all ingredients. Place the spaghetti into the frying pan and mix the dish thoroughly. After five minutes, remove from heat. Bon appetit.

How to cook pasta with chicken, mushrooms and white wine?

Chicken, mushrooms, cream sauce and white wine are the best quartet that will help you get into a good mood after a hard day at work. Moreover, the recipe for preparing this dish does not require any special ingredients that would be difficult to find in the nearest supermarket.

Below is a step-by-step recipe (with photos) on how to cook pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce:

1. Preparation chicken meat. At this stage, it is necessary to defrost the fillet, remove bones and cartilage, if any, and cut into portions. In addition, before doing this, be sure to rinse the chicken under running water. Portion pieces should be small and round.

2. Preparing the marinade. The meat in the dish should have a pleasant spicy taste. To do this, it must first be marinated. To prepare the marinade, you will need to mix four tablespoons of olive oil and four tablespoons of dry white wine. If desired, you can serve a delicious one with the finished dish.

Chicken pieces are immersed in the prepared marinade and left in this position for an hour in the refrigerator. It is important that the marinade covers every piece. To do this, you can make it a little more, for example, taking each ingredient not four spoons, but five.

3. Roasting chicken. After an hour, you can start frying the chicken. The fillet pieces are thrown into a heated frying pan without oil. It is recommended to fry the chicken in portions. This way, each piece can be thoroughly cooked on each side. The finished pieces are transferred to a clean bowl.

4. Frying mushrooms. The next stage of preparing pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce (step-by-step recipe with photos) is frying the mushrooms. It is advisable to use champignons. They should first be wiped with a damp cloth and cleaned. Vegetables should only be washed as a last resort.

Mushrooms are fried with two tablespoons of olive oil. When the oil is absorbed, add three tablespoons of water to the mushrooms and fry for a few more minutes.

5. Making the sauce. When the mushrooms are fried until golden brown, it's time to start making the creamy sauce. To do this, add three tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon of starch to the mushrooms. To these ingredients add two tablespoons of wine and two tablespoons of cream. As soon as the mixture boils, it must be simmered over the fire for at least another minute.

6. Cooking noodles. The noodles for the dish should be boiled in advance. How to properly prepare this product is indicated on the back of its packaging. The finished noodles are placed in a frying pan, chicken and mushrooms are added. The dish is simmered on the stove for a few more minutes and removed from the heat. Before serving, the pasta can be decorated with herbs. Bon appetit.

Tips for making real pasta

To make pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce (step-by-step recipe with photos) truly delicious, housewives are advised to familiarize themselves with a few simple recommendations that will greatly facilitate the process of preparing the dish:

1. What type of pasta should you use to make traditional pasta?

Traditional Italian pasta– these are the same traditional pasta. The form doesn't matter. All that matters is the raw materials for their manufacture. The best pasta is those made from durum wheat varieties. You can also use colorful spaghetti. The only condition is that natural dyes must be used for them.

2. What should the meat be like?

It turns out that chicken also needs particularly careful selection. Experienced chefs recommend using unfrozen chicken. You don't have to buy only fillets. For example, it could be crumb from the shin.

3. Selection of mushrooms.

The traditional option is champignons. But if there is any other type of mushroom in the refrigerator, it’s okay. They can also be used to make pasta with chicken. The main thing is that the product is fresh. Otherwise, it may ruin the dish.

4. How to cook pasta correctly?

In order for pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce (step-by-step recipe with photos) to be exactly as it is prepared in the traditional form, the pasta should be slightly undercooked. They will still have time to reach full readiness - stewing along with other components of the dish in cream.

5. How to give a dish a delicate taste?

Delicate taste - this is how properly prepared pasta with chicken and mushrooms should be remembered. To do this you will need to use milk. Among the advantages of adding it to pasta, it is worth noting not only the pleasant taste, but also the aroma.

6. Is it necessary to beat the meat with a hammer?

In some recipes, the authors talk about beating the meat with a hammer. This is recommended only if the dish is prepared using chicken that has already been in the freezer. Processing meat with a hammer should be done quickly and without using much force.

7. Decorating and serving pasta.

As with any dish, so with pasta, both decoration and presentation are important. You can use any greens and vegetables as decoration. With them, the dish will certainly sparkle with bright colors.

Another one simple idea for a quick dinner from sunny Italy - pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce, recipe, as always, with step-by-step photos. According to tradition, in Italian cuisine commonly used fresh champignons– their taste is neutral and goes well with various components of sauces. But in modern cooking you can replace them with oyster mushrooms or wild mushrooms. It is advisable to take a curly pasta: bows, horns, spirals, so that the sauce lingers on it or gets inside. Then the finished dish will have a very delicate, juicy taste.

I add a little spice to the recipe for pasta with chicken, mushrooms and cream sauce, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to overpower the taste of the cream. A couple of pinches of black pepper, paprika or provencal herbs will be sufficient.

To prepare pasta with champignons, chicken and cream sauce you will need:

  • fillet chicken breast– 300-350 g;
  • durum pasta – 300 g;
  • mushrooms – 150 g;
  • onions – 2 heads;
  • cream 10-15% - 200 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l;
  • salt - to taste;
  • black pepper, paprika, a mixture of Provençal herbs - 2-3 pinches each.

How to cook pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce. Recipe

First of all, I prepare everything necessary. On medium heat I put a pot of water for the pasta. I add some salt. While it's boiling, I'm cutting up the ingredients for the sauce. I cut the onion into small cubes.

I wash the mushrooms, trim the stems, and clean all dirt from the caps. I cut it into slices. If you cook with wild mushrooms, you need to boil them first. It is not necessary to boil the oyster mushrooms, but it is better to cut them into small pieces. Frozen ones should not be thawed; they go straight from the bag to the frying pan.

Let's move on to the chicken. With fillet it’s simple: I cut it into bite-sized pieces. You can replace the fillet with other meat by cutting the flesh from the thighs or legs. But in this case you will have to fry longer.

To aroma and improve the taste, I sprinkle the chicken with pepper and paprika. But you can leave it like that and add spices along with salt.

I pour oil into the frying pan and heat it up. Pour in the onion, sauté over low heat until translucent or brown slightly until a golden edge appears around the edges of the cubes.

Loading mushrooms. I increase the heat to high to evaporate the mushroom juice faster.

As soon as the liquid evaporates, reduce the heat. Stirring, lightly fry the champignons along with the onions.

I add chicken fillet. I also evaporate the resulting juice and leave it to simmer over low heat until the fillet cubes turn whitish.

I add salt to taste and season with a couple of pinches of Provençal herbs (or thyme, basil). After that, cover with a lid and cook the chicken until cooked.

The water began to boil. I pour the paste into salted boiling water and immediately stir vigorously so that the spirals do not stick to the bottom. When it starts boiling, I turn the heat down to very low. With low heat, the boil will be low and the pasta will cook evenly. Look at the packaging for cooking times; each manufacturer has its own recommendations. You can cook it al dente when the top layer is soft and the paste inside is thicker. Or cook until soft - whatever you like.

Meanwhile, the chicken, mushrooms and onions are almost ready. I take out one piece, cut it - inside the meat will be an even whitish color, soft.

I pour in the cream. I took low-fat ones, they thicken when boiling, but not so much that you need to dilute them with something. If the fat content is high, then it makes sense to add a little pasta broth to the sauce or dilute it with broth and water.

After adding the cream, I let the sauce boil, adding salt if necessary. I don’t cover it with a lid so that the cream doesn’t separate.

In about five minutes the sauce will be ready. To improve the taste, you can grate a small piece of cheese and wait until the cheese melts.

I put the paste in a colander and strain out the broth. I leave a little, perhaps it will be useful to give the sauce the desired consistency.

Then there are two serving options: put the pasta in a frying pan with the sauce and stir. Or mix it already in a plate. If you choose the first option, then do not make the sauce thick. First, dilute it, and then spread the paste. And let it warm up well.

We usually serve pasta with sauce on large plates to make it easy to mix everything. I lay out the pasta in a mound and make a hole in the center. There I put two or three spoons of creamy sauce with pieces of chicken and mushrooms, sprinkle with herbs. Well, then everyone decides for themselves what will be tastier: mix or dip the pasta in the sauce. Bon appetit everyone! Your Plyushkin.

A detailed cooking recipe can be viewed in video format.

Pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce

It's fast and tasty dish It will serve as a good solution for both a family lunch and a romantic dinner.


  • Paste – 250 g
  • Chicken breast – 250 g
  • Champignons – 5 pcs.
  • Onions – ½ pcs.
  • Sour cream or yogurt – 120 g
  • Basil
  • Olive oil

Preparation of pasta:

  1. First of all, you need to boil the pasta in salted water.
  2. Peel the onions and mushrooms and cut them into small cubes or slices, as you like.
  3. Fry the onion in small quantity olive oil, then add mushrooms. Fry over medium heat, stirring, for 5-7 minutes. Add sour cream or yogurt and mix everything well until smooth.
  4. I prefer to fry the chicken separately, but you can add the fillet to the mushrooms and onions and simmer it all together.
  5. Add the prepared pasta to the prepared sauce, mix the spaghetti with mushrooms and onions well.
  6. I like to serve this dish by placing small pieces of chicken on top of the pasta, and a small basil leaf will add some zing.

Spaghetti with mushrooms and chicken in creamy sauce is ready. Bon appetit!

Pasta with mushrooms and chicken in creamy sauce

Italian cuisine is loved all over the world for its mouth-watering, tasty, yet simple and quick to prepare dishes. Pasta is one such dish. In cooking, there are more than a dozen types of this pasta, and there are even more sauces that go with it.

Pasta with mushrooms and chicken in creamy sauce is a wonderful solution for an everyday dinner, when you want something special, without spending a lot of time and effort standing at the stove.


  • Durum wheat spaghetti – 200 g;
  • Chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • Fresh oyster mushrooms – 150 g;
  • Cream – 200 ml;
  • Onions – 0.5 pcs;
  • Hard cheese – 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l;
  • Salt, pepper to taste;
  • Fresh herbs for decoration.

How to cook pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce

Let's start by making a creamy sauce with chicken and mushrooms. In heated butter or vegetable oil (refined sunflower oil is ideal, as it contains little less calories than in butter) fry the mushrooms cut into small pieces.

As soon as the mushrooms have evaporated the moisture and browned, add finely chopped onions to them.

When the onion becomes soft and begins to become translucent, add chicken fillet, cut into small cubes, into the pan. It is better to take fresh, chilled chicken fillet, not defrosted, so the meat will retain more juice and the chicken in the sauce will not be dry. Fry the ingredients together for about 8 minutes until the chicken is cooked through, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

It's time to boil the spaghetti. Add water to the pan in the amount indicated in the instructions on the package. Usually it is 1 liter. for 80 g dry pasta and 1 tbsp. salt. It is recommended to add 2 tbsp to boiling water. olive or sunflower oil so that the spaghetti does not stick together.

Cook the spaghetti until al dente - slightly undercooked. It is not only more tasty, but also healthy, and hot sauce will bring them to readiness already in the plate.

Meanwhile, add cream to the pan. An hour before cooking, remove the cream from the refrigerator so that it becomes room temperature and did not curl up in the pan. Bring to a boil and cook until the sauce thickens slightly, about 5 minutes.

As soon as the sauce is ready, add finely chopped hard cheese and stir it thoroughly.

Remove the finished spaghetti from the heat and drain the water.

At this time, the sauce was finally cooked and became more viscous in consistency, as the cheese was completely melted in the hot cream.

Start serving creamy pasta with chicken and mushrooms: Place a portion of spaghetti on a warm plate, making a small well in the center.

Fill this cavity with a few spoons of cream sauce.

Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and finely chopped fresh herbs.

Cooking tips:

  • This dish must be served immediately after cooking, as the pasta may cool and even stick together while the sauce is being prepared. Therefore, it is better to put all the ingredients on the table in advance so as not to waste time searching the desired product in a refrigerator.
  • It is best to cook pasta in a creamy sauce with mushrooms and chicken using oyster mushrooms. But you can replace them with champignons, the cooking process will be the same. If you decide to use Forest mushrooms, then they must first be boiled.
  • Ready-made spaghetti can be added directly to the pan with the sauce, stirred and placed on plates in this form. This way the pasta will be juicier, but the presentation of the dish will be more homely.

Pasta with champignons and chicken in creamy sauce

Cooking pasta with chicken, mushrooms and cheese

To prepare this dish you will need:

Mushrooms (no more than 300 grams).
Chicken (half a kilo)
Onion (1 piece).
Cream (no more than 250 grams).
Olive oil (3 tablespoons).
Cheese (100 grams).
Spaghetti (half a kilo).

Below is a step-by-step recipe (with photos) on how to cook pasta in a creamy sauce with mushrooms and chicken:

1. Preparing the chicken. It is necessary to defrost the fillet, remove the bones and cartilage, cut into portions, after washing the meat.

3. Preparing mushrooms. Mushrooms are washed and cut into thin slices.

4. Frying mushrooms and onions. Pour three tablespoons of olive oil into a frying pan and add mushrooms there. Then, after five minutes, add the onion.

5. Frying chicken. As soon as the onions and mushrooms begin to brown, add chicken pieces to them. When all the vegetables acquire a golden color, you need to add cream, salt and spices. Next, the ingredients are fried for twenty minutes under a closed lid.

6. Cooking spaghetti. The noodles for the dish should be boiled in advance. How to properly prepare this product is indicated on the back of its packaging.

7. Preparing the cheese. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater and thrown into the pan with the rest of the ingredients.

8. Mixing all ingredients. Place the spaghetti into the frying pan and mix the dish thoroughly. After five minutes, remove from heat. Bon appetit.

How to cook pasta with chicken, mushrooms and white wine?

Chicken, mushrooms, cream sauce and white wine are the best quartet that will help you get into a good mood after a hard day at work. Moreover, the recipe for preparing this dish does not require any special ingredients that would be difficult to find in the nearest supermarket.

Below is a step-by-step recipe (with photos) on how to cook pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce:

1. Preparing chicken meat. At this stage, it is necessary to defrost the fillet, remove bones and cartilage, if any, and cut into portions. In addition, before doing this, be sure to rinse the chicken under running water. Portion pieces should be small and round.

2. Preparing the marinade. The meat in the dish should have a pleasant spicy taste. To do this, it must first be marinated. To prepare the marinade, you will need to mix four tablespoons of olive oil and four tablespoons of dry white wine. If desired, you can serve a delicious pasta sauce with the finished dish.

Chicken pieces are immersed in the prepared marinade and left in this position for an hour in the refrigerator. It is important that the marinade covers every piece. To do this, you can make it a little more, for example, taking each ingredient not four spoons, but five.

3. Roasting chicken. After an hour, you can start frying the chicken. The fillet pieces are thrown into a heated frying pan without oil. It is recommended to fry the chicken in portions. This way, each piece can be thoroughly cooked on each side. The finished pieces are transferred to a clean bowl.

4. Frying mushrooms. The next stage of preparing pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce (step-by-step recipe with photos) is frying the mushrooms. It is advisable to use champignons. They should first be wiped with a damp cloth and cleaned. Vegetables should only be washed as a last resort.

Mushrooms are fried with two tablespoons of olive oil. When the oil is absorbed, add three tablespoons of water to the mushrooms and fry for a few more minutes.

5. Making the sauce. When the mushrooms are fried until golden brown, it's time to start making the creamy sauce. To do this, add three tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon of starch to the mushrooms. To these ingredients add two tablespoons of wine and two tablespoons of cream. As soon as the mixture boils, it must be simmered over the fire for at least another minute.

6. Cooking noodles. The noodles for the dish should be boiled in advance. How to properly prepare this product is indicated on the back of its packaging. The finished noodles are placed in a frying pan, chicken and mushrooms are added. The dish is simmered on the stove for a few more minutes and removed from the heat. Before serving, the pasta can be decorated with herbs. Bon appetit.

Tips for making real pasta

To make pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce (step-by-step recipe with photos) truly delicious, housewives are advised to familiarize themselves with a few simple recommendations that will greatly facilitate the process of preparing the dish:

1. What type of pasta should you use to make traditional pasta?

Traditional Italian pasta is the same traditional pasta. The form doesn't matter. All that matters is the raw materials for their manufacture. The best pasta is those made from durum wheat varieties. You can also use colorful spaghetti. The only condition is that natural dyes must be used for them.

2. What should the meat be like?

It turns out that chicken also needs particularly careful selection. Experienced chefs recommend using unfrozen chicken. You don't have to buy only fillets. For example, it could be crumb from the shin.

The traditional option is champignons. But if there is any other type of mushroom in the refrigerator, it’s okay. They can also be used to make pasta with chicken. The main thing is that the product is fresh. Otherwise, it may ruin the dish.

4. How to cook pasta correctly?

In order for pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce (step-by-step recipe with photos) to be exactly as it is prepared in the traditional form, the pasta should be slightly undercooked. They will still have time to reach full readiness - stewing along with other components of the dish in spicy sauce from cream.

5. How to give a dish a delicate taste?

Delicate taste - this is how properly prepared pasta with chicken and mushrooms should be remembered. To do this you will need to use milk. Among the advantages of adding it to pasta, it is worth noting not only the pleasant taste, but also the aroma.

6. Is it necessary to beat the meat with a hammer?

In some recipes, the authors talk about beating the meat with a hammer. This is recommended only if the dish is prepared using chicken that has already been in the freezer. Processing meat with a hammer should be done quickly and without using much force.

7. Decorating and serving pasta.

As with any dish, so with pasta, both decoration and presentation are important. You can use any greens and vegetables as decoration. With them, the dish will certainly sparkle with bright colors.

I suggest preparing pasta with a creamy sauce that includes chicken fillet and mushrooms. For this dish, you can use your favorite spices, not just black pepper and salt. The cream must be heated before adding so that it does not curdle later. I heat them up in the microwave. I used fresh mushrooms, but champignons and any other would be perfect.

Ingredients for making pasta with chicken and mushrooms

Cut the chicken fillet into thin slices and then into cubes.

Fry the fillet in vegetable oil, adding salt and pepper. After five minutes, add the chopped onion.

Wash the mushrooms well and cut into slices.

Add mushrooms to fried chicken and onions. Salt and add your favorite spices. Stir-fry until the mushrooms are soft and golden brown.

Then pour in the hot cream, stir and simmer until thickened, about 3 minutes.

Boil the pasta and place on a dish. Top with creamy sauce with mushrooms and chicken.

Cooking time- 1 hour.

Number of servings – 3.

Experienced housewives know that the most simple dishes often the most delicious. One of these win-win options– pasta with chicken and mushrooms in creamy sauce. Just four ingredients - chicken, mushrooms, onions and cream - give unique taste, which is adored by many. And in combination with high-quality durum wheat pasta, this dish even claims to be a universally recognized culinary masterpiece.


  • Chicken fillet – 600–800 g;
  • Frozen champignons – 700 g;
  • Onions – 1–2 heads;
  • Spaghetti – 150-200 g;
  • Water for cooking spaghetti – 2 l;
  • Cream 20% - 200 g;
  • Starch or flour - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper (to taste);
  • Hard cheese;
  • Vegetable oil.

To prepare you will need:

  • Spaghetti cooking pot;
  • Pan for preparing mushrooms;
  • Sieve or colander;
  • Deep frying pan or wok with lid;
  • Stirring spatula;
  • Cutting board and knife.

Cooking process

First of all, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to strictly observe the ratio of ingredients. For example, if you have a little more or a little less chicken, it’s okay - it won’t spoil the dish. The only thing that is important to monitor is the amount of salt for the available volume of basic products.

So, here is a step-by-step recipe for making spaghetti with chicken and mushrooms:

    1. Rinse the chicken fillet, cut off fat, excess veins and bone fragments, if any. After this, chop the meat into small pieces. Try to cut across the grain first, then along it. Salt the prepared fillet and mix.

    1. If the mushrooms are frozen, they must first be “warmed up”. Pour them into a saucepan or saucepan and place over high to medium heat. Keep an eye on their condition - just melt the ice and boil the mushrooms in the resulting liquid until half cooked. After this, they need to be thrown into a sieve or colander, ridding them of the broth.

    1. Place a frying pan with oil over high heat and work on the onions. It needs to be cut into quarter rings. Place the chopped onion in a heated frying pan and fry it until golden brown.

    1. When the onion has become transparent and browned, add chopped chicken fillet to it. Don’t rush to stir right away - let the chicken also have time to brown a little. After this, the contents of the pan need to be mixed and left to simmer under the lid.

    1. At this point, you can boil the water for the spaghetti. When it boils, you need to add salt (about ½ tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water) and, after immersing the pasta in it, cover with a lid. On average, durum wheat spaghetti takes 10-15 minutes to cook.

    1. If the chicken in the pan is evenly light in color and slightly browned here and there, you can add mushrooms. After this, be sure to stir everything and cover again. Leave for 5 minutes.

    1. After 5 minutes, pour the contents of the pan with cream, mix again and leave to simmer under the lid. After waiting a little, add starch - it will thicken the sauce. After this, you can put out the fire. At this stage, you should try a piece of chicken to add more salt if necessary.

    1. Once the spaghetti is ready, place it on plates. Chicken with mushrooms in a creamy sauce are placed on top and sprinkled with grated cheese, which immediately begins to melt. You can pepper and decorate the dish with a sprig of parsley.

If you are not very concerned about the aesthetics of serving, you can mix the spaghetti with the prepared sauce directly in the frying pan - the pasta will be evenly covered with a creamy mass, and the taste of the dish will be more uniform.

You can also use fresh mushrooms, but then they will need to be added a little earlier - right after the onions.

If you decide to replace starch with flour, try not to overdo it - it will thicken the sauce much faster.

The pasta sauce can easily be turned into julienne - you just need to add 150-200 g of cheese at the last stage.

Bon appetit!