The vinaigrette recipe is simple and delicious. Recipes for making the most delicious vinaigrette

Before, I didn’t really like vinaigrette, it seemed that at the festive table you could find something more interesting than boiled vegetables. But, when I prepared a classic vinaigrette for everyday food, this recipe simply captivated me.

It's so delicious and healthy dish, which is very convenient for a snack and as a side dish.

It is beautiful in color - bright and saturated. Each piece tastes different - sweetish beets and carrots, pickles and cabbage, green peas ... In general, balance, benefits and a minimum of calories, you need to cook more often.

It differs from mayonnaise salads in that it can really be eaten not only during gluttony feasts, but at least every day. Although I also have a delicious version of vinaigrette with mayonnaise.

The word "vinaigrette" has become associated with some kind of hodgepodge, when everything is in one pile. Although, if you think about it, the vinaigrette is a well-built salad. It is made in winter seasonal vegetables, budget, ideally combines boiled and healthy pickled vegetables. I think that for people who are fasting, this is just an indispensable salad. And in the summer you can do it with fresh cucumber, more on that below.

There are several stories why the name of this vegetable salad sounds the same as vinegar in French or English. They say that in ancient times in Russia, at the court, a French cook saw how salad was poured with vinegar, and asked: “Vinaigre?” (vinegar in French). And everyone thought that he called the salad that way and it stuck.

Yes, initially the vinaigrette was seasoned with a sauce for which vinegar was mixed with mustard and olive oil. But now it is customary to fill it with just vegetable oil, and there is nothing wrong with that. But you can add a spoon delicious vinegar or make a vinaigrette dressing, as in the good old days, I also write about this. In general, you will not spoil the vinaigrette with vinegar.

Salads are not pastries, it’s not necessary to know “how much to hang in grams”, everything can be done by eye and to your taste, so I give the main direction, and you can already correct it.

Vinaigrette - low calorie salad

Vinaigrette consists of vegetables that are low in calories, therefore, depending on the composition, 100 grams of this salad contains from 90 to 130 calories. By the way, gas station gives most of them. Because without vegetable oil, calorie content is generally reduced to 40 kcal. That is, you can safely eat three kilograms of such a salad in a day, and still be on a diet. At the same time, the salad is very nutritious, perfectly saturates, and there is no need to talk about the benefits of vegetables once again.

It is not surprising that there is even a vinaigrette diet - when you eat a specially prepared vinaigrette for a week - without pickles and vegetable oil (you can use skim cheese or yogurt). There are people who have significantly lost weight on such a diet - I know the result of 12 kg, but, probably, it was not in a week, but longer.

Personally, I think that diets are very harmful and create eating disorders. And 7 days on one vinaigrette can cause disgust for him. Therefore, you need to eat what you want. And even just starting to make vegetable salads more often, you can achieve harmony and health without any diets.

Simple rules for making vinaigrette

  • According to technology, the classic vinaigrette recipe does not contain onions, otherwise you will get a strong onion smell, like in a canteen, in the bad sense of the word. If you already add, then you can at least scald with boiling water or pickle.
  • Vegetables for vinaigrette can be boiled separately, because they have different cooking times. But I prefer to cook everything together and just take out some of the vegetables as they are ready (I write the exact time in minutes below). You can check the vegetables for readiness by piercing with a knife.

Salt is better to add during the preparation of vegetables, and the vinaigrette itself is no longer salted.

  • Be sure to let the vegetables cool before peeling and slicing. Then cutting will be much easier. It is convenient to boil vegetables in advance in the evening - and prepare a salad in the morning or afternoon.
  • It is better not to add beets to the vinaigrette immediately, but only before serving. And if you are preparing much in advance or are going to eat salad for several days, then it is better to store chopped pickles and sauerkraut separately. This will allow the salad to stay fresh longer, and the vegetables will not be stained from the beets. Then the vinaigrette will be as beautifully motley as we love it.
  • You can make a salad with only salted cabbage or only with cucumbers if one of these ingredients is not available.

How to cook vegetables for vinaigrette?

The most common way to prepare vegetables for vinaigrette is to boil them. Previously, they did just that all the time. But now there are new options: you can also bake or cook quickly in the microwave.

I recently tried to bake for the first time, I really liked it. When roasted, vegetables are more healthy, tasty, fragrant. There are other advantages - you do not have to wash the pan.

How to bake beets, carrots and vegetables in general for vinaigrette in the oven in foil?

I cooked potatoes, carrots and beets. Vegetables must be washed. I washed them well with a sponge. Then wrap each root crop in foil.

Arrange on a baking sheet or wire rack, and place in an oven heated to 180-200 degrees.

Carrots and potatoes are cooked for about half an hour, beets - 1-2 hours, depending on the size. If the beets are large - then an hour and a half or more. Check for readiness by piercing with a fork.

Baked beets and carrots are tastier than boiled ones: the taste is more intense, sweetish. The color also remains brighter; vegetables turn pale when cooked.

There is also an option - boil vegetables already cut into pieces - this is faster and, since they were cut raw, the pieces are clearer and more beautiful.

In the microwave, you can also cook in different ways. The easiest way is to make cuts and punctures with a knife and fork on vegetables and put in the microwave for twelve minutes. But keep in mind that potatoes cook the fastest, then you need to pull out the carrots, then the beets. If the vegetables are still not soft, then leave for a couple of minutes.

Vinaigrette is a classic recipe with green peas and sauerkraut. Step by step recipe with photo

There are many variants of vinaigrette, but this recipe with green peas. Someone thinks that peas should not be added to this salad, but I really like it, but, of course, everyone decides for themselves. It seems to me that this is the most delicious vinaigrette recipe.

I will give products designed both for a large amount of vinaigrette and for everyday 4 servings, I do just that much. In general, vinaigrette is made with pickles and sauerkraut, but I didn’t have cabbage at that moment, so I’ll mark it in the composition of the products for you, but it won’t be in the photo.

Ingredients for vinaigrette for 10-12 servings:

  • Potato - 500 gr.,
  • Beets - 500 gr. (two middle ones),
  • Carrots - 400 gr.,
  • Sauerkraut - 1 tbsp.,
  • 1 jar of green peas
  • Pickled cucumbers - 300 gr. (three or four pieces),
  • Sunflower oil - one hundred gr.,
  • Apple or wine vinegar - one tablespoon,
  • Salt.

The composition of the product for vinaigrette for 4 servings:

  • Potato - 2 pcs.,
  • Small carrot - 2 pcs.,
  • Small beets - 2 pcs.,
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.,
  • Green peas - a small jar (one hundred and fifty grams),
  • Sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons,
  • Wine vinegar (apple) - 1 tsp (optional),
  • salted cabbage - 0.5 tbsp,
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  1. Vegetables for vinaigrette are boiled in their uniforms. I cooked vegetables all together. Soak carrots, potatoes and beets with water, add one teaspoon of salt.
  2. Bring water with vegetables to a boil. Next, set a timer. Remove potatoes after 20 minutes. When another fifteen passes, the carrot is ready.
  3. You may need to pour in a little water instead of boiled away. After pulling out the carrots, boil the beets for another twenty-five minutes.

4. Cool and clean the vegetables.

5. Dice potatoes, carrots, mix and add green peas.

6. Cut pickled cucumbers. They are also desirable to add before serving. If you are going to store the salad for several days and eat gradually, then pour the chopped cucumbers with liquid from the jar and add as needed. But I immediately mixed these vegetables.

7. Cut the beets, put them in a separate cup and add half the vegetable oil indicated in the recipe and apple or wine vinegar (you can also without it).

8. Rinse sauerkraut under running water and drain. If you don't plan to serve the salad right now, don't add the cabbage yet, put it in a separate container and refrigerate.

9. Before serving, add sauerkraut and cucumbers, as well as beets to the salad. Pour in the rest vegetable oil. And stir. Classic vinaigrette with green peas is ready!

How beautiful to make a vinaigrette. Serving Options for this Salad

Vinaigrette, like every salad, can be served beautifully. The simplest is to lay it out using a molding ring or square.

If you do not have a serving ring or a square dish for salad, then you can make it from improvised materials, for example, from plastic bottle or cutting off a plastic bucket from mayonnaise.

  1. Place the lettuce in the form, tamping it down.

2. From above, you can decorate with something, for example, lay out pieces of pickles or mushrooms.

3. Also, if you just break a green onion feather, you will get curls.

4. Onions can also be used for decoration. Carefully remove the ring, and it turns out such a beauty.

5. And it turns out such beauty.

Snack vinaigrette on toast (decoration method)

If the vinaigrette is served on toast, you get something between a salad and an appetizer. You will also need a ring-shaped form, but smaller, if you make it from improvised materials, then this can be done from a plastic cup or a suitable plastic container.

  1. First, cut out circles of about the same size from the bread and make croutons out of them - in a dry frying pan, in the oven or on a grill pan.

2. Then, when the salad is ready, put your mold on the toast and place the salad in it, lightly tamping.

3. Then carefully remove the form.

Vinaigrette is probably the most famous salad we have. He is even more famous than such salads as or. Not one holiday is complete without a classic vinaigrette with peas, with, or even with herring, we usually call it a herring under a fur coat, but a vinaigrette can also be with a herring on a fur coat.

We will not give the championship in vinaigrette to anyone. This is a purely Russian salad. Vinaigrette is easy to make. Application simple products. Calorie vinaigrette with vegetable oil from 70 kcal. per 100 g. Of course, if you put 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise there, it will be much more. The main composition of the vinaigrette: potatoes, beets, carrots, green peas, vegetable oil. But of course there are as many recipes for vinaigrette as there are people who cook it.

Step-by-step recipes for making a classic vinaigrette - recipes with photos

Remember: Vinaigrette dressing is one of the most important points. I think that this is one of the very good dressings: Dijon mustard is the best, because. it is not sweet and moderately spicy. Mix a teaspoon of mustard with three tablespoons of 9% vinegar and 5 tablespoons of oil and black pepper. Mix thoroughly until smooth and season with vinaigrette. For a special flavor, you can add mustard or unrefined sunflower oil to the vinaigrette (mix in half with refined).



  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Carrots - 6 pcs.
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Canned red beans - 1 can
  • Green peas - 1 can
  • Salted cabbage - 100 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • green onion
  • Salt, ground black pepper
  • Vegetable oil


1. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and put them in a deep large cup.

2. We also chop the carrots finely and also into cubes and send them to the potatoes.

3. Cucumbers are also cut into small cubes and also sent to potatoes with carrots.

4. We will also cut the beets and send them there.

Always try to cut all the vegetables of the same size and shape into the vinaigrette.

5. salted cabbage we won’t be able to cut into cubes, so we’ll just cut it into small pieces and add it to other vegetables in a cup.

6. Very finely chop the green onion and send to the vegetables.

7. Pour red beans and green peas into a cup with vegetables, of course you can take white beans if there is no red one.

8. A little salt, do not forget, we have salted cucumbers and cabbage, do not oversalt. Sprinkle with black pepper and season with vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

9. The vinaigrette is infused, now you can decorate it for serving. In the center of the dish we put a culinary ring - a form and spread our vinaigrette around the ring.

10. Decorate the vinaigrette with dill sprigs and parsley leaves.

11. We cut the beets into circles very thinly, we will make roses from it. Carrots are also cut into thin circles.

12. Lay out the beet petals in a line with an overlap on each other, pieces 5-6. Stepping back from the edge by half of one beet petal, lay out three petals of carrots.

13. Wrap the carrot petals in beet petals.

14. Until you get a rose.

15. Cut off the excess beets so as not to interfere.

16. Decorate the salad with a finished flower. We make such flowers 4-5 pcs. and arrange on the salad evenly in a circle.

17. Carefully take out the form. What a handsome man we have. It's a pity there is. But it looks so appetizing that we immediately go to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Original vinaigrette with beans, sauerkraut, green peas and special dressing


  • Boiled potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sauerkraut - 200 g.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc. (1 cup water + 1 tsp sugar + 2 tsp balsamic vinegar)
  • Canned beans - 2/3 cup
  • Green canned peas- 1/2 cup
  • Green onion, parsley

For refueling:

  • Salt, pepper, 1 tbsp. lemon juice + 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar + 1 tbsp. honey + 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil. 1/2 tsp spicy mustard


1. First, as we said above, you should try to cut all the ingredients of the vinaigrette into the same size and shape. You should have this like a multiplication table, always in memory when you prepare a vinaigrette. So, we cut all the products.

2. Put chopped onion in a small cup, pour chilled, boiled water add a teaspoon of sugar balsamic vinegar. Any vinegar can be added. Mix and set aside. We don't need him yet.

3. We begin to bookmark. We have chopped potatoes and cabbage in a deep cup.

4. Add chopped pickles and carrots.

5. Add green peas and beans there. I prefer canned beans, if you want, you can cook, boil raw.

6. Add beets, green onions and parsley.

7. We filter our onion, which was pickled and set aside, let it stand a little more while we prepare the dressing.

8. We make refueling. Pour a little salt, ground black pepper into a small deep cup, pour lemon juice, put mustard, if you have it very spicy, add half a teaspoon, if not very, you can whole, add honey, about 1 tablespoon, add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. We mix everything. We try to stir so that honey dissolves in lemon juice and vegetable oil. That is, so that the mass becomes homogeneous.

9. Add pickled onions to the vegetables in a cup and pour dressing over everything.

10. Mix vegetables. We combine all the ingredients. Now you can try if there is enough pepper and salt in your dish and add if necessary.

11. Vinaigrette is ready. Look how bright it turned out.

Place on plates and serve. If before that he stands to soak for a while, it will be very good.

Enjoy your meal!


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Green peas - 1 can (310g)
  • Cabbage salad - 200 g.
  • Vegetable oil


1. Washed and dried potatoes, beets and carrots, wrap each vegetable separately in foil. Bake in the oven at 180° until done.

2. Remove from the oven. The baked vegetables have cooled down, we release from the foil.

3. Cut the beets into small cubes, put them in a large deep cup and pour over vegetable oil. This is done so that the beets do not color the rest of the ingredients strongly with their color.

4. Cut other vegetables into the same cubes and add to the beets.

5. Put green canned peas to the vegetables.

6. Add coleslaw. We made a salad of cabbage, carrots and bell pepper. A little bit of everything. I don’t describe the preparation of the salad, briefly: chop the cabbage, carrots, bell peppers thinly, cut them so that they are not long, you can add a little salt to make the juice go, mix. That's all.

7. Add a little vegetable oil to our vinaigrette, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly. Vinaigrette is ready.

Arrange on plates and serve. Or we serve in a common dish, if the company you have is only your loved ones.

Enjoy your meal!


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers small - 2 pcs.
  • Green peas - 1 can
  • Onions - 2/3 heads
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon - 1/2 pc.
  • Mustard
  • Vegetable oil
  • Black peppercorns


1. Vegetables, beets, potatoes, carrots, baked in the oven, in a bag. 30-35 minutes at 200°. Please note that I always give degrees Celsius. Take out of the oven and check for doneness with a toothpick. We cut the package. We take out and peel the vegetables. The amount of beets, carrots and potatoes should be approximately equal.

2. Cut the vegetables into cubes of about 0.5 cm on each side. First, cut the beets and add vegetable oil there, mix. For what, we already know that beets do not strongly stain other vegetables.

4. Finely chop the onion and add to the vegetables.

5. Cut pickles. If you like salty, put more. Also spread with vegetables. Mix everything and add green peas. Add peas to taste as well. Our children love when there are a lot of peas. Do not add pea juice, it will make porridge. Mix everything again.

We're getting ready to ship.

6. The first dressing option: Salt, black peppercorns, less than a teaspoon and one clove of garlic, grind, I do it in a mortar, you can in a mill. Pour into a cup, add half a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of wine vinegar, start with half a spoon, then you will taste it and you can add more if necessary. Also pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. This is the classic gas station.

7. We divide the vinaigrette into two parts. We will cook with two different dressings. Pour our finished dressing into the first half.

8. Sprinkle with herbs, we have parsley, and mix. That's it, one view is ready. Let it stand for at least half an hour to soak.

9. The second dressing option: At first, everything is the same, salt, peppercorns, a clove of garlic, we chop everything, but then differences appear. Instead of wine vinegar - juice half a lemon, also vegetable oil, about three times more than lemon juice, add greens, mix everything.

10. Here we have the second option, and although they look almost the same, they differ in taste. The first is spicy, spicy, and the second is sour. I like it better with lemon, although wine vinegar is also good.

Try it, choose.

Enjoy your meal!


  • Potato - 500 g.
  • Beets - 400 g.
  • Carrots - 250 g.
  • Apples (green, sour) - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Pickled cucumbers - 350 g.
  • Green canned peas - 350 g.
  • Sauerkraut - 350 g.
  • Pepper - 1 tsp


  • Boil potatoes, beets, carrots, you can bake in the oven.
  • Ready vegetables cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  • We also cut two sour apples into small cubes, add them to the vegetables.
  • Finely chop the onion and also send it to the vegetables.
  • Salt the vinaigrette with two teaspoons of salt. We mix.
  • Add diced pickles.
  • Add green peas or the same amount of canned beans to the cup.
  • Add sauerkraut. We mix.
  • Pepper with one teaspoon of ground black pepper or to taste and mix again.
  • Pour 150 g of salad oil into vegetables and mix everything thoroughly.
    • Boiled beets - 1 pc.
    • Boiled potatoes - 1 pc.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Sauerkraut - 100 g.
    • Green canned peas - 100 g.
    • Red onion - 1 head
    • Mayonnaise
    • Vegetable oil
    • Salt pepper


    The recipe for making this vinaigrette is practically no different from others.

    • We boil vegetables or cook them in a double boiler, then they will be a little crispy and, moreover, they will retain all the useful substances ..
    • We clean the vegetables. Cut into equal small cubes.
    • Finely chop the onion, we took the red sweet onion, especially salad.
    • Instead of pickles use sauerkraut
    • So that the beets do not strongly stain other vegetables, they must be cut, put separately, seasoned with vegetable oil and mixed.
    • Add potatoes, onions, carrots, sauerkraut, green peas to beets. Mix everything thoroughly.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.
    • We divide the vinaigrette into two parts.

    • Season the first part with mayonnaise.

    • Fill the second part with vegetable oil

    Now guests can take with the dressing they like.

    Well, we got a classic vinaigrette, only one part of it is seasoned with mayonnaise, which does not quite fit the classics.

    Enjoy your meal!

  1. Video - Vinaigrette with beans

Enjoy your meal!

Vinaigrette, salad of boiled potatoes, beets, carrots - tasty dish rich in vitamins.

It is good in winter and summer, often replacing a side dish, or even lunch or dinner, when the scales directly indicate the need for restraint in food.

Vinaigrette: history of origin, composition

Vinaigrette is considered to be a traditional Russian dish. With no less success, it can be attributed to German or Swedish salads, National cuisine these countries are widely used boiled vegetables for preparation of garnishes, salads. English cookbook of the mid-19th century. gives a recipe for a Swedish salad from boiled potatoes and beets, pickled cucumbers, apples, herring. Dressing for the salad served as a sauce of egg yolk, butter, sour cream, vinegar.

Although it is indeed called “Russian salad” abroad, it became such only after it was included in the recipe of our national pride - sauerkraut and cucumbers in barrels. And potatoes - an important component of salad - appeared in Russia in the reign of Peter I. The dish took root, replenished with new ingredients. It's hard to imagine now winter menu without this food. Let's get acquainted with the features of its preparation as a traditional Russian dish.

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl interprets "vinaigrette" as "okroshka, but without kvass."

The debate about the "classic" composition of the salad is not over to this day. However, based on the book of Elena Molokhovets, before the recipe was determined by the level of prosperity of the Russian family. Only in the qualification “for gentlemen” the author listed recipes where asparagus, cauliflower, crayfish, boiled beef, baked fish, olives, cauliflower served as ingredients ... Not a worker-peasant dish.

There were also simpler folk recipes, especially popular during church fasts. They included the usual potatoes, beets, forgotten turnips, boiled white beans. Pickled cauliflower and gherkins were safely and not expensively replaced by sauerkraut, pickles, mushrooms. The meat (fish) component has lost its role, it was included in the recipe at will.

Subtleties of cooking

The taste of any kind depends on small details that still have a significant impact on the final product. Vinaigrette is no exception, consider important details preparation of vegetables and the composition of the dressing.

Vegetables - boil or bake

More often, potatoes, beets, carrots are boiled unpeeled, having previously been thoroughly washed from the remnants of the earth. The water is lightly salted. The fire under the pots with vegetables is reduced so that the process occurs at a low boil. Beets cook for a long time, but you can speed up cooking. After 15 minutes of active boiling, the hot broth is drained, the roots are placed in cold running water for 30-40 minutes.

As soon as the vegetables are ready, place them under a stream of cold water, they will cool faster, easier to peel.

Many housewives prefer to bake vegetables in the oven. Cooking time at a higher temperature is reduced: medium-sized beetroots are baked in 40 minutes. In addition, when cooking, a significant part of the valuable substances leaves the vegetables in the broth. When baking, everything stays in place. Another argument for baking vegetables - the dish will be much tastier and healthier.

Vegetables cook even faster microwave oven. Washed, still wet vegetables are wrapped in cling film or placed in bags with holes (so that steam comes out). At full power, the microwave oven will cook potatoes in 7 minutes, carrots in 10, beets will need 15 minutes. Times are approximate and may vary depending on the type of microwave.

The slow cooker allows you to steam vegetables. Often housewives cook them already peeled, cut.

Whichever way you cook the vegetables, it is better to pick them up in medium size. They cook faster and are easier to cut.

Before preparing the vinaigrette, all its components are kept in the kitchen for an hour and a half: boiled ones will cool down during this time, and those stored in the refrigerator will warm up a little. It is impossible to combine vegetables of different temperatures in a salad, this will lead to its premature spoilage.

In what proportions to put vegetables in vinaigrette

Components are conditionally divided into two groups - mandatory and optional. The first includes potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers of traditional salting. The second includes beans or peas, salted or pickled mushrooms, less often boiled or fried, fish or meat, onions or greens, dill and / or parsley.

The proportion of the required ingredients is 2:2:1:1 by volume. However, the ratio is not strictly observed: vinaigrette without potatoes or with turnips instead is not inferior in taste to the traditional one. Often, housewives prepare a dish without carrots, if someone from the household hates this boiled vegetable.

Also, there are no strict ratios of optional components: people do not put onions because of the sharp aroma, avoid legumes for various reasons, consider it unnecessary to add fresh herbs. A matter of taste, as they say.

What kind of oil to take for refueling

Traditional dressing - vegetable oil. Trade provides a huge selection - olive, sunflower, linseed, etc. Considering a vinaigrette as Russian dish, remember that the original Russian vegetable oils are linseed, mustard and camelina.

Sunflower can also be classified as traditional, since it came to Russia at the same time as potatoes - thanks to Peter the Great. Which one to choose is a matter of taste of the hostess, there are those who take deodorized oil, if only there were fewer smells coming from the dish. Most, however, believe that it is better than freshly squeezed fragrant sunflower oil nothing can be. We will not argue about tastes, so long as the oil does not turn out to be rancid.

Making Vinaigrette Delicious

The simplest dressing is salt with vegetable oil. Prepared with soul, the salad is delicious and so. But do not forget about the traditions: the name "vinaigrette" comes from the French "vinegar" - vinegar. Therefore, his participation in the gas station is welcome. Lemon juice, dry white wine add a pleasant sourness.

The classic dressing consists of:

  • wine vinegar (table, apple or balsamic) - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • oils - 5 tablespoons;
  • ground pepper - 1/8 tsp;
  • mustard -1/2 tsp;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

The components are whipped until a homogeneous consistency. Salad is dressed with ready sauce.

You don't have to limit yourself to traditional dressing. Pleasant and healthy additives will improve the taste, add new notes. Ingredients often added to the dressing (for the given recipe):

  • chopped garlic - 1 clove;
  • finely chopped onions, parsley and / or dill - 1 tsp each;
  • tomato paste or sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • roasted and chopped bell pepper - 1 pc.

Spicy food lovers strengthen ground black (red or white) pepper with capsicum, pickled, pickled or baked. Fans of southern cuisine add cilantro greens or ground cilantro seeds. piquant note will add a small amount of finely grated parsnip root or parsley. Cucumber or cabbage brine will replace vinegar, giving a mild flavor.

Popular vinaigrette recipes

Each hostess prepares the dish according to her own rules, taking into account the tastes of the household. The base is always basic, just some ingredients are added (or removed) to the original recipe.

Vinaigrette classic

Any recipe taken online or from a cookbook is ready to impersonate a classic. Let us dwell on the version from P. Grishin's book "Cooking", first published by Lenizdat (Leningrad) in 1959. In fact, the book is a real textbook for young housewives for all time.

We quote:

"For 1 serving: 120 g potatoes, 80 g beets, 80 g pickles, 30 g green or onion, 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar, 20 g of vegetable oil, 3 g of mustard, 10 g of sugar, salt to taste.

“You can put sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, boiled beans, salted or pickled mushrooms, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

Vinaigrette with fresh cabbage

So, for this dish we take:

  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh cabbage - 200 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • vinegar 6 or 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • salt.

It is recommended to grind the cabbage with salt beforehand, it will become softer.

Vinaigrette without cucumbers

Such a salad turns out to be no less tasty if you replace the cucumbers with another product, often an apple.

For a traditional vinaigrette without cucumbers, take:

  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 150 g of beets;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 400 g of sour apples;
  • salt, sugar, oil are added to taste.

Cooking feature: peel the apples, cut out the core, cut in proportion to the vegetables.

Vinaigrette with herring

If you go back to the roots, this is the old Scandinavian version, more satisfying due to the fish.

When preparing a vinaigrette with herring, you should pay attention to the amount of salt added. We need:

  • 250-300 g herring fillet;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 beets;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 1 jar of green peas;
  • 25-30 g of dill and / or parsley;
  • 1/2 cup oil;
  • 1 tbsp. mustard and lemon juice;
  • ground pepper, sugar, salt - to taste.

Quite often, herring is served separately, using vinaigrette as a side dish to it.

Vinaigrette with beans

A hearty salad that completely replaces a snack with fast food or home dinner, which is in demand among fasting people.

Required Components:

  • 2 pcs. potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • a glass of squeezed sauerkraut;
  • a glass of canned or boiled beans;
  • butter, sugar, salt.

From one glass of dry beans, about 200 g of boiled beans are obtained.

When preparing vegetables, you can use salted or pickled beets instead of boiled beets. In the south of the country, salted beets are a traditional winter preparation. Hot peppers, a lot of spicy greens are put in salting. Sharp beetroot changes attitude towards traditional recipe with boiled or baked root crops.

Not everyone equally likes the rich color of the vinaigrette. So that potatoes and other components do not stain beetroot juice, beets are mixed with oil before adding to the rest of the vegetables, so it “soils” the products less.

The dish is served on the table in one of two ways: in a common salad bowl or in portions. Before serving, decorate with parsley leaves, dill, pickled onion rings, whole small pickled or salted mushrooms. They use the leftover or specially boiled vegetables for decoration, slicing them into shapes or creating colorful flower bouquets from them.

Delicious, hearty vinaigrette is easy to prepare. It does not require outlandish products, special culinary skills, extraordinary knowledge. A simple vegetable salad, which is always at hand, takes its rightful place on the festive table and in a cozy home environment.

Vinaigrette is a very famous dish in many countries of the world, especially in Russia. In terms of popularity, it can be compared, perhaps, only with Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal defined it as "A mixture of things."

It would seem that the dish is very simple in composition and preparation, however, it has a French origin. But french cuisine at all times it was famous for its sophistication and sophistication.

Vinaigrette - translated from French "seasoning of vinegar, Provence oil and spices." it spicy sauce, very famous in Europe. It was quite popular in pre-revolutionary Russia. Ingredients: olive oil, vinegar, mustard.

Refers to cold snacks. According to legend, the cook from France Antoine Karem, who worked in the kitchen of Alexander I, seeing how vegetable salad pour some kind of dressing, asked: “Vinegra?” So the vinaigrette became the vinaigrette.

How many housewives, so many vinaigrette recipes. So how do you make a vinaigrette?

The basis of the Russian classic vinaigrette is necessarily boiled cold vegetables: beets, carrots, potatoes. added sauerkraut and onion. Onions can also be green. Fans add pickled cucumbers to the appetizer.

The vinaigrette was traditionally dressed with vegetable oil and a weak solution of vinegar. Pepper, salt - to your own taste. The rule for the amount of ingredients is very simple: all products are in equal proportions, just do not get carried away with boiled carrots, put it a little less than other vegetables.

If there are a lot of carrots in sauerkraut, you can not add boiled cabbage at all. The proportions, however, can be slightly increased or decreased depending on taste preferences.

Currently, vinaigrette has lost the status of cold appetizers and is more like a salad, as the fantasy of culinary specialists has changed it beyond recognition. The basic basis of boiled vegetables remains unchanged. What is the easiest vinaigrette recipe?

The taste of such a salad is familiar to us from childhood, try to cook this version of the salad. So that the dish is not too sour, add pickled cucumbers instead of pickles, you will certainly like this innovation.

Salad Ingredients:

  • small beets;
  • 1 carrot and 1 potato;
  • onion head;
  • 250-260 g canned peas;
  • a couple of pickled cucumbers;
  • a handful of sauerkraut;
  • vegetable oil.

Vinaigrette salad with canned peas - step by step recipe with photo:

We wash the vegetables, boil the carrots, potatoes and beets in different dishes until they are ready.

Beets usually take longer to cook than potatoes, about 40-45 minutes.

We cool the finished vegetables, remove the peel from them, then cut them into cubes. Dredge the diced vegetables individually in sunflower oil. Due to this, they will not be stained with beets. We clean the onion head and finely chop.

It is not necessary to pour boiling water over it, since this salad should be spicy. Pickled cucumbers are cut in the same way as all other vegetables.

We mix all the salad ingredients and add sunflower oil, preferably unrefined, so the dish will be more aromatic.

Vinaigrette - recipe with beans

Recipe cooking classic salad vinaigrette with beans - a simple but time-consuming process. And although trade now offers us a large selection of these salads (you can make vinaigrette without cabbage), but still nothing can replace tasty and appetizing, rich in vitamins homemade snack.


  • large beets - 1 pc.,
  • medium-sized potatoes - 5 pcs.,
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • sauerkraut - 250 gr.,
  • pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs.,
  • beans, preferably canned (to reduce cooking time) - 1 can,
  • big bulb,
  • refined vegetable oil for salad dressing,
  • salt - optional.

How to make bean vinaigrette:

Potatoes, beets and carrots, washed clean under cold running water, put in a large saucepan.

Gulf of vegetables cold water, put the container on the fire. Potatoes and carrots can be boiled in the same pot, as they cook for about the same time, and beets in another (make sure that the vegetables do not overcook).

After the vegetables are cooked, drain the boiling water, and then place them for a few minutes in cold water. We do this so that in the future the peel from boiled vegetables can be easily and quickly removed.

After peeling boiled vegetables, as well as onions, cut all vegetables into small cubes. The same size cut for vinaigrette and pickled cucumbers. Open a can of beans.

Carefully pour all chopped vegetables, canned beans into a pre-prepared deep container, add sauerkraut.

After thoroughly mixing all the vegetables, add salt and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to your vinaigrette to your taste. Classic vinaigrette with beans is ready to eat.

Festive salad vinaigrette with herring


  • 400 g herring fillet;
  • two beets;
  • two pickled cucumbers;
  • one sweet and sour apple;
  • two sausages;
  • 180 g blood beef sausage;
  • 180 g of boiled doctor's sausage;
  • a tablespoon of capers;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • a tablespoon of mustard;
  • 10 ml of vinegar;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • dill, salt, ground pepper.

How to cook:

We wash the beets and boil until tender. Cool, peel, cut into cubes. We cut cucumbers and all kinds of sausages in the same cubes as beets. We cut the herring a little larger.

We put all the prepared products in one large bowl. Add chopped dill and finely chopped capers.

In another container, mix vegetable oil with vinegar, mustard, sour cream, salt and pepper. Filling vegetables, sausage and fish sour cream sauce, mix. Serve the salad chilled.

Vinaigrette with sauerkraut

Vinaigrette salad with sauerkraut - simple, ordinary, but tasty and healthy salad. Suitable for a lean table or a vegetarian menu. It can be used as an appetizer, a side dish for meat or an independent dish.

There are many options for preparing vinaigrette, and each housewife will praise her own way of preparing this well-known salad.


  • beets 3 pcs.
  • potatoes 3 pcs.
  • carrots 3 pcs.
  • pickled cucumbers 3-4 pcs.
  • sauerkraut 300 g
  • frozen green peas 400 g
  • red onion 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil


Pour into a baking dish coarse salt, two centimeters. Well-washed and dried beets are wrapped tightly in food foil and pierced over the entire surface with a knife.

Salt will create an excellent temperature regime, and due to the holes in the foil, the vegetable will breathe inside.

We send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for two hours.
Cook until cooked potatoes, carrots, green peas. Potatoes, as for all salads, are still almost hot.

Do not overcook the green peas, they should remain bright and dense. Send it to boiling water and let it cook for three minutes - no more.

Squeeze the sauerkraut well and chop finely. We cut everything into cubes. Onion - as finely as possible. Mix very carefully and well.

Salt, add a little freshly ground black pepper and season with olive oil (or vegetable) to taste. The most delicious vinaigrette, like many vegetable dishes, on the second day.

Vinaigrette salad with mushrooms and beans


  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Beans - 1 tbsp.
  • Pickled mushrooms - 150 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.

Pickled Mushroom Vinaigrette Recipe:

Soak the beans in cold water for 4-5 hours, and then boil. Boil the potatoes separately.
Peel the beets, cut into small pieces, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for about 45 minutes. Roasted beets will give the salad a sweeter taste.

Refrigerate all products for vinaigrette until room temperature. If you combine warm foods with cold ones, the salad will spoil very quickly.

Dice beets, potatoes, mushrooms (Marinated champignons) and cucumbers. It is noticed that the vinaigrette tastes better, the smaller the chopped vegetables.

Combine products, salt. Sunflower oil should be poured into the salad only after the salad is salted, because the salt does not dissolve in the oil.

Classic vinaigrette recipe with squid


  • one large beet;
  • small carrot;
  • two white potatoes;
  • pickled cucumbers - two large;
  • 200 grams of canned peas;
  • 200 grams of frozen squid carcasses;
  • 50 ml high quality olive oil;
  • half a small head of lettuce sweet onion.

How to cook salad vinaigrette with seafood:

Rinse the thawed squid carcasses well under the tap, remove the chordate plates and gut the insides, turning the squids outward and lightly scraping the inside with a knife.

Cut the carcasses into small strips and fry in a pan in a small amount of oil for no more than three minutes.

Cut the boiled vegetables into cubes, as for a regular vinaigrette, chop the cucumbers and onions into slices of the same size.

Combine all the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl, salt at your discretion, and season with olive oil.

Video - classic vinaigrette recipe

A favorite dish that accompanies not only holidays, but also simple days Russian man became salad vinaigrette, the classic recipe of which won the hearts of people with its brightness and varied taste.

Just do not be mistaken that vinaigrette is a national Russian dish. In fact, no one knows the exact time and country of origin, and of course the author of the recipe is not known. The word vinaigrette (vinegar), French, which Russian chefs voiced in their own way, and this contributed to the further naming of the salad. As a cold appetizer, the salad recipe in different interpretations was found in the northern countries - Scandinavia, Norway and Sweden.

And as proof of its northern origin, the recipe for vinaigrette is found in an English cookbook dating back to the 40s. 19th century, which includes ingredients - potatoes, grated apple, norwegian fish(herring), egg white, chopped, grated egg yolk, pickles, beets, and as a dressing - sour cream, oil or vinegar.

Vinaigrette was brought to Russia at the end of the 19th century by merchants and diplomats from Germany, but at that time it did not immediately gain a certain popularity. In compliance with the same proportions, it included: potatoes, beets, a bunch of green onions, white onions, carrots, sauerkraut, lightly salted herring, pickled cucumbers, boiled eggs.

And for dressing: black pepper powder, salt, vinegar solution and oil. But in modern days, vinaigrette has become not only famous and revered, but also received a certain status - "Classic" vinaigrette. Making a salad has its own specific actions that should be taken into account and observed.

Classic Vinaigrette: recipe with green peas

What is the secret of the excellent taste of the classic vinaigrette? Experienced chefs are sure that in order to cook real cold appetizer it is necessary, first of all, to observe the proportions of the products placed in ancient dish.

Only under this condition can one save nutritional properties each component of the vinaigrette salad. This is the case when it is desirable to apply the rule of the so-called golden mean, that is, to exclude the presence of a too pronounced salty, spicy or tart shade in the food. By following the suggested tips and recommendations, it is not very difficult to solve the problem.


  • 0.5 kg home salted cabbage;
  • five potato tubers;
  • three sugar beets;
  • a jar of green peas (you can buy a combined version with the presence of carrots);
  • head of onion (preferably red);
  • three pickled cucumbers;
  • for dressing, combine the ratio and amount of salt, vinegar (3%), sunflower oil, pepper (ground black) selected to taste:
  • a bunch of dill sprigs.

How to cook a classic vinaigrette with green peas - a step by step recipe with a photo:

Put potatoes and beets in different dishes, boil in a peel or send to the oven for baking.

It must be remembered that the tubers should not look like mashed potatoes in a salad, so it is advisable to cook them a little raw. Pay special attention to the quality of beets, choosing by all means a sweet (sugar) product, otherwise you won’t get a delicious salad!

Peel vegetables, chop into small cubes. To preserve the bright color of the beets, put the sliced ​​​​pieces in a separate bowl, pour over with oil, leave in this state for a quarter of an hour, add to the food at the last stage of assembling all the components.

Remove excess juice from cabbage.

If, during salting, the vegetable was chopped into too long strips, it is advisable to shorten them to ensure a convenient and aesthetic meal. It’s not too pleasant to “catch” products hanging from the lips!

Put the prepared ingredients in a porcelain or enamel basin (not in a metal one).

Add canned peas, chopped dill.

To prepare the sauce, you need to combine vegetable oil, vinegar, pepper and salt in a bowl. You can add a spoonful of fresh mustard.

The quantity and ratio of components to determine the taste. Make salad dressing immediately before use.

The presented vinaigrette recipe cannot be approached from the position of some kind of frozen dogma. Each master is able to show maximum personal imagination in order to present the dish in the most favorable and original light.

Based classic recipe vinaigrette salad, many additional, diverse options with different ingredients have appeared that make the dish an unforgettable and frequent guest on any holiday table.

Vinaigrette: classic recipe with sauerkraut and beans

For the "Classic" vinaigrette with beans, we prepare the products:

  • five tubers of a medium-sized potato;
  • two carrots;
  • two boiled eggs;
  • one medium onion;
  • three pickled cucumbers;
  • 80 g sauerkraut;
  • a couple of bunches of green onions;
  • greens (basil, parsley or dill) optional;
  • beets (1 piece);
  • 80 g of dry red beans or 1 can of canned;
  • black pepper powder with salt, added to taste;
  • five tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • four tablespoons of 3% vinegar.

How to cook salad vinaigrette with beans and sauerkraut:

  1. Some ingredients should be completely boiled:
  2. Potato tubers and carrots, which have the same cooking time, can be run in one container.
  3. Beetroot is cooked up to 45 minutes separately.
  4. Dry red beans are pre-soaked for 6-8 hours in water at room temperature, then boiled for 50 minutes - 1 hour.
  5. Boil eggs.

With the end of cooking, it is worth waiting for cooling. Products must be cut, if possible, I keep a square configuration. So the dish will look like a kaleidoscope beautiful and bright.

Vinaigrette with herring: the most delicious recipe

Since the "Classic" vinaigrette is a dietary dish, but sometimes you want, especially in the winter, to taste more high-calorie food, then salted herring is added for this.

Required Products:

  • two boiled carrots;
  • 5 boiled potato tubers;
  • beet;
  • white onion;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a spoonful of table salt;
  • refined oil, odorless;
  • sauerkraut;
  • medium salted herring.

Cooking method:

Separately boil vegetables from each other - potatoes, beets and carrots.

While the vegetables are cooling, you should disassemble the herring, rid it of all bones. Fish fillet must be cut into small pieces. If milk or caviar is found in the fish, then it can also be cut and added to the salad.

The onion is peeled and cut as desired: thin half rings, squares. If the onion is “evil”, then it can be kept in water for a couple of hours before cutting.

After the vegetables have cooled, they must be cut into small cubes and finely chopped cabbage should be attached to them.

Before mixing, combine the products, sprinkle with spices and pour in sunflower oil.

By the way, the herring in the classic salad can be replaced with shrimp. Such an unusual vinaigrette will decorate any holiday: New Year or birthday.

See also the video - a recipe for making a classic vinaigrette with herring, but without sauerkraut

Classic mushroom vinaigrette without cabbage

Common ingredients used for this salad are:

  • boiled potato tubers, beets and two carrots;
  • bulb and green onion(beam);
  • salted cucumbers;
  • sunflower, unflavoured oil;
  • a can of pickled beans;
  • marinated mushrooms.

How to cook a classic vinaigrette with mushrooms and beans - a step by step recipe:

The difference is the mushrooms and beans in the marinade added to the dish.

You can use any mushrooms, but mushrooms and chanterelles are best suited, they are dense and do not disperse. The marinade should be poured out beforehand. Salt can be omitted, since pickled beans and mushrooms already have sufficient salinity.

Cut all products, including mushrooms, if they are large, add beans and pour over with oil. Satisfying and very delicious salad Vinaigrette is ready, you can invite guests for dinner.

Vinaigrette without pickles with cabbage and peas

For the salad you will need:

  • boiled carrots and potatoes;
  • baked beets;
  • cabbage (sauerkraut) about 250 g;
  • onion head;
  • canned peas;
  • refined oil 60 g;
  • 2 spoons of lemon juice.

Vinaigrette recipe without pickles:

Cabbage must be squeezed out of excess juice, then thinly sliced. Boiled vegetables, after cooling, cut into cubes. Chop the onion. Drain all the pea juice from the jar. Pour all the ingredients into a salad bowl, pour oil and lemon juice.

Vinaigrette salad with fresh cabbage

Since sauerkraut is excluded from the salad and fresh cabbage is added, the dish will require a different approach to cooking, in order to be able to leave the familiar savory taste of vinaigrette to everyone. Therefore, you have to add large quantity vinegar and pickles.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • a few medium crispy cabbage leaves;
  • beets, carrots and potato tubers;
  • lemon;
  • the bulb is small;
  • two small pickled cucumbers;
  • sunflower oil.


  1. Boil potato tubers and carrots separately from beets. Beetroot must be boiled in salted water with one spoonful of 9% vinegar added to it. After boiling, peel all vegetables and cut into cubes.
  2. cabbage leaves rinse and chop into thin small strips.
  3. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Squeeze lemon juice over chopped onion.
  4. Then cut the cucumbers into small pieces.

Mix the entire composition, except for the beets, with half the oil. Only after this procedure, let it into the beets and oil and mix again. Classic vinaigrette with fresh cabbage is ready.

Recipe for a "winter" vinaigrette with fish and mayonnaise

Required Ingredients:

  • raw fish, tilapia (300 g);
  • potato tubers;
  • pickles;
  • beets, two carrots;
  • two buds of dried cloves;
  • 7 allspice peas;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise mixture;
  • a few drops of tabasco.

How to cook:

Two carrots, potato tubers and beets are traditionally boiled. After cooking, the vegetables are peeled and cut into standard squares.

Pickled cucumbers are cut into small squares.

In water with the addition of cloves, allspice peas and a bay leaf, fish is laid out and boiled. After cooling, cut into small pieces.

Everything is combined in one dish and seasoned with Tabasco sauce, mayonnaise and sprinkled with salt. All! The most delicious fish vinaigrette is ready, you can set the table.

Vinaigrette recipe with potatoes, beets and cauliflower

  • cauliflower (90 g);
  • two potato tubers and 2 carrots;
  • beet;
  • pickled green peas (70 g);
  • beam lettuce;
  • boiled egg;
  • dill greens;
  • sour cream (140 g);
  • a teaspoon of granulated sugar and table salt.

How to cook delicious vinaigrette with cauliflower:

Boil vegetables ( cauliflower, potato tubers, beets and 2 carrots). When cool: disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, cut the beets, 2 carrots and potato tubers into cubes.

sprigs of dill and lettuce leaves wash and dry. After drying, chop the dill, and tear the lettuce into pieces. Drain the marinade from the peas.

Combine the entire composition in one container, add granulated sugar and a little salt, add sour cream and mix.
Peel the boiled egg, grate it and sprinkle over the salad.

Vinaigrette salad on the festive table with beef and pickled cucumbers

According to this recipe, the classic vinaigrette is tasty and satisfying. Surprise your guests - cook meat vinaigrette for the holiday.

  • three potato tubers;
  • two pickled cucumbers;
  • beets (large);
  • two carrots;
  • 200 g pickled peas;
  • 350 g of beef;
  • mayonnaise;
  • table salt;
  • white pepper powder;
  • parsley to taste.

Vinaigrette recipe with meat festive table:

cut into cubes boiled beef, beets, potato tubers, two pickled cucumbers and two carrots. Remove pickled peas from the marinade and combine with chopped meat and vegetables. Add mayonnaise to the dish, after sprinkling with spices.

Vinaigrette salad dressings: unusual and interesting, very tasty

For vinaigrette, there are additional dressings based on sunflower oil and olive oil and other dressings that improve the quality of the vinaigrette and give a more subtle taste:

  • classic dressing on a lemon: 6 tablespoons of olive oil are taken, 2 medium cloves of garlic are crushed and juice is squeezed out of half a lemon .;
  • egg dressing recipe: take two egg yolks, per teaspoon - 9% table vinegar and granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, three tablespoons of refined oil. Everything is immersed in a blender and scrolled at high speeds until the mass becomes similar in consistency to mayonnaise .;
  • dressing for mustard vinaigrette: aromatic oil (90 ml) and wine vinegar (90 ml), a small head of garlic squeezed or finely chopped, 1.5 teaspoons of mustard powder, sugar and salt are used. Place all this in a salad bowl and mix thoroughly.
  • homemade "Pesto": a composition of two teaspoons of white wine with refined sunflower oil (6 tablespoons), finely chopped green onions, parsley, dill, with 1 teaspoon of mustard, a pinch of salt is mixed in a container. Add ground black pepper to taste.;
  • dressing for salad boiled eggs: Boil 2 eggs until hard. Then release the yolks from the proteins. Crumble two yolks, pour two tablespoons of 6% vinegar and six tablespoons of sunflower oil, sprinkle with black pepper and salt, add mustard powder (1 teaspoon), pass the protein through a grater .;
  • Homemade Pepperoni: A spicy topping made with medium-sized oven-roasted bell peppers. When the pepper has cooled, it is finely chopped, and vinegar, five tablespoons of refined sunflower oil, five pinches of mustard, a pinch of black pepper powder and salt are added to the pepper. Thoroughly mix the entire composition.;
  • French vinaigrette salad dressing: In a bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, in small quantities, 30 grams of olive oil, a spoonful of basil, honey and mustard powder. Before dressing the salad, watering must be shaken.

Vegetables to be boiled must be baked or boiled in their skins in order to preserve all their useful and taste properties.

All dressings for vinaigrette must be prepared and mixed separately, and only then introduced into the salad.

It is better to cut salad products into containers with high walls to facilitate convenient mixing.

Unfortunately, the salad has a negative quality - a short shelf life, only 12 hours. Therefore, you should calculate the time of its use.

It is worth considering that it is best to cut the products finer, the more pronounced it will be. taste qualities.

Benefits of vinaigrette salad

Vinaigrette, although an economical, affordable snack for everyone, it contains a lot of useful substances thanks to its constituent vegetables and dressings.

Potatoes have vitamin C and boost the immune system of the body as a whole.

Beets, with those in it minerals provides weight loss and regulates metabolism.

Carrots contain iodine, keratin, calcium.

Sauerkraut has strengthening and bactericidal action.

Facilitates and adjusts the stool use in salad oil.

Whatever it was, but the vinaigrette became Russian national dish, which is ready to please, give energy and strength at any time of the year.