Presentation of modern methods of heat treatment of products. Presentation on "techniques of heat treatment of products"

Lesson: “Methods of thermal culinary processing» Basic methods of cooking Cooking is called heating food products in liquid up to a temperature of 100 C or in an environment of saturated water vapor. Types of cooking: 1. Cooking using the main method. Produced when the product is completely immersed in liquid. 2. Cooking at low temperature. Cook on a steam table or water bath (temperature 90), i.e. cooking without boiling. 3. Cooking at reduced (in vacuum devices) or increased pressure (in autoclaves). Workshop of teacher Nizamova E.G.

Cooking time decreases at a temperature of 110 - 130 C, but the nutritional value decreases; at a temperature of 100 C the nutritional value of products is preserved. Steaming. In a steam oven, the product is cooked with steam generated by boiling water. Allowance. This is cooking in a small amount of liquid (g per 1 kg of product) or in own juice in a sealed container. You can also poach foods in fat at a temperature of 90-95C. Cooking in microwave ovens ( microwave ovens) through thermal energy generated inside the product. Cooking time is reduced by 4-10 times, since a high temperature is created throughout the entire mass of the product. Used for preparing second courses, defrosting, softening, proofing, drying.

Frying. Frying is the heating of a product with fat (or without it) until a crispy crust forms on the surface, in which flavoring substances are concentrated. As a result, the taste improves and the nutritional value of the product increases. 1. Frying using the main method. This is frying a product with a small amount fat (5-10%) in a frying pan until a crispy crust forms on all sides. 2. Frying in an oven. The product is heated evenly at temperature C using coolants. 3. Frying in a large amount of fat (deep fat). The product is immersed in preheated fat () and fried until golden brown. They take 5-6 times more fat than product.

Frying without fat. Used in the manufacture of products from batter(fat is pressed out of the dough) or when using cookware made of special alloys and non-stick coating. Roasting over an open fire. Fry on an electric grill or over hot coals on a greased grate or on skewers. Frying with infrared rays (IR heating). In an electric grill using infrared radiation. At the same time, heat penetrates deep into the product, frying time is reduced, the juiciness of the product increases, and a crispy crust forms on the surface.

2. Auxiliary methods Sauteing. Frying foods at a low temperature (C) without forming a crispy crust. vegetables are sautéed to pre-soften, preserve coloring matter and essential oils, and flour is sautéed to reduce viscosity. Scalding. Used to facilitate mechanical processing of products or prevent darkening, or to remove bitter taste. The products are scalded with boiling water for 2-5 minutes. Searing. Used to remove wool and hairs from the surface of offal and poultry carcasses during processing.

3. Combined methods Extinguishing. This is the simmering of pre-fried foods in broth or sauce with the addition of spices and herbs. Products are stewed at closed lid for better softening and improved taste. Baking. This is the heating of pre-cooked or fried foods in an oven to bring it to readiness with the formation of a crispy crust. Cooking followed by frying. Used when preparing a very delicate product or, conversely, a very rough product. Bruising. Poaching a pre-fried product with broth or sauce in the oven.


on the topic: "Change nutritional value products during heat treatment. Peculiarities of nutrition of children, adolescents and students"

1 Change in nutritional value of products of animal and plant origin during heat treatment

Products of animal and plant origin are subjected to in various ways heat treatment, which contributes to their softening and better absorption by the human body. In addition, the products acquire a pleasant smell, taste, and aroma, which causes a strong secretion of saliva and gastric juice and increases the digestibility of food. Heat treatment helps disinfect food, since high temperatures destroy macroorganisms that contaminate foods, some of which may be pathogenic. Along with positive changes during heat treatment of products, a decrease in the mass of the product, a decrease in its juiciness, nutritional value, destruction of vitamins and aromatic substances, and loss of soluble nutrients can also occur.

There are main, combined and auxiliary heat treatments.

The main methods of heat treatment of products include:

Cooking in the main way - the product is completely immersed in liquid;

Cooking at excess (in autoclaves) or reduced pressure (in vacuum devices);

Steam cooking - the product is placed in a special steam oven or on a grate (liner), which is placed in a bowl with water so that the water does not reach the insert; the boiler lid is tightly closed before cooking;

Poaching - cooking in a small amount of liquid or in its own juice, when the product is filled with liquid to ¼ of the volume and heated with the lid closed: the lower part of the product is cooked in liquid, and the upper part is steamed.

Frying is the heat treatment of products in direct contact with fat or without fat at a temperature that ensures the formation of a specific crust on the surface, which is the result of the breakdown of organic substances and the formation of new ones. There are the following types of frying: the main method; in the oven; in a large amount of fat (deep-fried); on an open fire; in the field of infrared rays.

The main method of frying is heat treatment with a small amount of fat (5-10% by weight of the product) until a crispy crust is formed.

Frying in an oven - when a shallow dish is greased, food is placed on it and the oven is set to cook at a temperature of 150-270 ° C until a crispy crust is formed.

Frying in a large amount of fat (deep fat) - the product is completely immersed in fat at a temperature of 160-180 ° C. Fat is taken 4-10 times more than the loaded product.

Frying over an open fire - the product is brought to readiness using a metal rod (skewer) or on a metal grate pre-greased. The rod or grate is placed with hot coals or electric coils in electric grills and fried.

Frying in a field of infrared rays (IR heating) - the infrared field penetrates the product to a greater depth, the heat time is reduced, and a crispy crust forms faster.

Microwave heating is effective when preparing main courses. Heat occurs inside the product as a result of the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy. The duration of heat treatment of the product in a high-frequency current field is reduced by 5-10 times.

Combined methods of heat treatment Stewing - simmering a product previously fried in broth or sauce with the addition of spices and seasonings. Baking is the heat treatment of food in an oven with the addition of sauce, eggs, milk, etc. until a crispy crust is formed. Do not turn the product over during baking.

Auxiliary heat treatment techniques Singing is carried out by burning wool, hairs (limb limbs of livestock, bird carcasses, etc.) using gas burners.

Blanching (scalding) is a short-term (from 1 to 5 minutes) exposure of products to boiling water or hot steam (for example, scalding sturgeon fish before cutting).

Sautéing - frying products with or without fat at a temperature not exceeding 120 °C.

Thermostating is maintaining a given temperature of food during distribution or delivery to the place of consumption.

When food is cooked, its color, taste, smell, weight, nutritional value and digestibility change. This occurs as a result of changes in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and flavoring aromatic substances.

At temperatures above 70 °C, coagulation (clotting) of proteins occurs. Prolonged heating of proteins leads to a sharp decrease in their digestibility. In this regard, foods rich in proteins should not be overcooked.

When cooking animal products, some of the fat is rendered, and during the boiling process the fat emulsifies and breaks up into tiny balls. Food should be cooked at a moderate boil, and fat should be periodically removed from the surface. It should be borne in mind that cooking at high or low pressure (in vacuum devices) worsens the quality and nutritional value of products, although it speeds up the process of bringing them to readiness. When steaming, there is less loss of nutrients, so this method is more often used in medical nutrition. But the nutritional substances in products are more fully preserved during microwave heating, burning is eliminated, and the taste qualities prepared food.

Frying in an infrared heating field most fully preserves the nutritional value of products, their juiciness is better preserved, which allows you to obtain a product of high quality and high nutritional value.

When frying foods using other methods, profound changes in fat are observed. Thus, at a temperature of 180 °C, fat decomposes, resulting in the formation of substances that impair the taste of products. To prevent changes in fat when deep-frying foods, it is necessary to use deep fryers that have a cold zone, where the temperature of the fat is much lower, and food particles entering there do not burn and do not cause smoke and waste. To protect deep fat from spoilage, straining is used.

Carbohydrates also change during heat treatment. Thus, starch with a small amount of water gelatinizes when heated to 100 °C.

Starch gelatinization begins at a temperature of 55-60 °C. Raw starch is not absorbed by the human body. When starch is heated above 110°C without water, it dextrinizes, that is, it breaks down to form water-soluble products. Dextrinization also occurs on the surface of baked products.

Sugar (sucrose), contained in fruits, berries, or added when cooking dishes, undergoes inversion under the influence of acids present in the fruit, that is, it is broken down into glucose and fructose, which have a sweeter taste than sucrose.

When sugar is heated above 140-160 °C, dark-colored substances are formed during spraying. The process of breaking down sugar is called caramelization.

During heat treatment, protopectin, which holds plant cells together, is transferred to pectin under the influence of high temperature, resulting in herbal products soften and are well absorbed by the human body. Fiber in the heat! processing changes slightly: it swells, becomes porous, and more permeable to digestive juices.

Vitamins undergo significant changes during heat treatment, but fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K are well preserved in fats. Sauteing carrots almost does not reduce the nutritional and vitamin value. Carotene carotene dissolved in fats turns into vitamin A much more easily.

Water-soluble B vitamins are stable when heated in an acidic environment, and in alkaline and neutral environments they are destroyed by heating by 20-30%. Vitamins PP are very stable when heated; they partially turn into a decoction.

Vitamin C undergoes significant changes during heat treatment, as it is oxidized by oxygen and air. Vitamin C is destroyed when cooking with the lid open.

An acidic environment helps preserve vitamin C in vegetables and fruits. By frying potatoes the main way, vitamin C is retained significantly less than when deep-frying. When cooked, a significant part of the vitamin C goes into the decoction. Mineral substances during heat treatment pass into the decoction and do not undergo changes. Therefore, it is useful to prepare soups and sauces based on decoctions. Dying substances undergo significant changes in heat treatment. When cooked under the influence of acids, the chlorophyll of green leafy vegetables is destroyed by the formation of brown-colored substances. Anthocyanins contained in cherries, black currants, and plums are resistant to heat treatment, unlike beet pigments, which acquire a brown color when cooked unless an acidic environment is created. When cooked, meat changes color from bright pink to gray due to changes in hemoglobin. Carotene from carrots and tomatoes is resistant to high temperatures, so it is used to color dishes. When cooked, white vegetables acquire a creamy color due to the formation of flavones.

The taste and aroma of products depend on the content of extractive substances in them. These substances have a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and improve the digestibility of food. Meat and fish contain a significant amount of extractive substances, which, when cooked, pass into the broth. Therefore, boiled meat and fish lose their nutritional value and taste during heat treatment and are less easily absorbed by the human body. To maintain the quality of products, it is necessary to choose the right method and duration of heat treatment.

2 Nutritional features of children and adolescents

There is no doubt that the security healthy eating depends not only on the well-being of individuals, but also on society as a whole. The solution to this issue in any state is a mirror reflection of the living standards of the people,

In Russia, the problem of nutrition remains one of the most important in both socio-economic and medical aspects.

The following nutritional issues remain a priority today:

1) insufficient content of essential nutrients in the diet: vitamins, macro- and microelements, dietary fiber, animal protein, vegetable fats;


2) imbalance of the diet in terms of basic nutrients, discrepancy between energy consumed and energy consumed; the problem of “empty” calories, overweight and obesity;

3) alcoholism and smoking;

4) contamination of food with xenobiotics of chemical and biological origin; falsification of food products.

These problems pose a particular danger to children, adolescents, students and the elderly. The physical development of the body of children and adolescents, susceptibility to various diseases, emotional state, and mood are directly dependent on properly organized nutrition. The body of children and adolescents differs significantly from the body of an adult and has its own characteristics. For example, the main metabolism in children and adolescents occurs twice as fast. This is explained by the intensive growth and development of the organism, which entails the predominance of assimilation processes. Medical studies show that over 10 years, children's height has increased by an average of 40-5 OI; body weight sometimes increases by more than 30 kg. In addition to all this: the body of children and adolescents is forced to spend much more energy, as it has increased muscle activity.

IN baby food The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:3 at a younger age and 1:1:4 at an older age. It is also necessary to take into account that the proportion of products of animal origin and the weight of adolescents must be significantly higher than that of an adult. For normal physical and mental development of children and adolescents, a complete balanced diet is necessary that can provide plastic processes and energy consumption of the growing body, taking into account age. Energy value daily rational nutrition for children and adolescents should exceed the energy expenditure of an adult. This is due to the fact that some of the nutrients are necessary to ensure the growth and development of the body.

Daily physiological nutritional norms for children of different ages were developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

The child grows especially rapidly in the first years of life, in connection with this, the need for nutrients in children is inversely proportional to their age (i.e. smaller child, the greater the need for nutrients).

New cells and tissues in children and adolescents are built from protein, which is the main plastic material, so it is necessary to pay special attention to its amino acid composition.

With a lack of protein in the diet of children and adolescents, growth slows down, changes in bone tissue, mental retardation are observed, the protective functions of the body are reduced, and the activity of the endocrine glands is disrupted.

Depending on the age of the child, the daily protein requirement is normalized: for example, for 1 kg of body weight, children under 3 years of age need to receive 4 g of protein; 4-6 years - 4-3.5 g of protein; 11-13 years - 2.5-2 g of protein; 14-17 years old - 2-1.5 g of protein.

In children younger age animal protein must be at least 65-70%; school - 60% of the daily requirement of this nutrient. Best product Protein nutrition created by nature itself, in terms of the balance of essential amino acids in childhood, is milk and dairy products. Children under 3 years of age should receive up to 600 ml of milk daily in their diet, and schoolchildren should receive at least 500 ml of milk.

It is necessary to include daily in the diet for children and adolescents products containing complete proteins with a rich amino acid composition: meat, fish, eggs, legumes.

Fats act as plastic energy material. The daily requirement for fat is the same as for protein. Energy value of fats in daily ration nutrition should be at least 30%. Along with fats, the body of children and adolescents receives polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides and vitamins A, D, E, which are extremely necessary for the development of a growing body. Fats should be presented mainly in the form following products: butter, cream, vegetable oil. If the daily intake of fat in children and adolescents is constantly underestimated, then the body’s protective functions and resistance to disease will noticeably decrease, and growth will slow down.

The need for carbohydrates in children and adolescents is also higher than in adults. This is explained by their increased muscle activity. For 1 kg of human body weight, the norm of carbohydrate consumption should be 10-15 g.

The best source of carbohydrates is fruits, berries, juices, sugar, milk, jam. Sugars should account for 25% of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed. If the principles of balance and the daily requirement of carbohydrates are violated, then metabolic processes may be disrupted in children and adolescents, which leads to obesity and a decrease in the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.

Vitamins (especially C, A, D as growth factors) are of great importance in the nutrition of children and adolescents. They contribute to proper development and growth, as well as the body's resistance to various diseases. The development of the growing body of children and adolescents is impossible without minerals that affect the process of growth and formation of tissues, bone and nervous systems, brain, teeth, muscles. The daily requirement for calcium is 0.5-1.2 g; in phosphorus - 0.4-1.8 g. In order to prevent deficiency of iron salts, which are involved in hematopoiesis, children and adolescents are recommended to include hematogen in their diet. Sodium and potassium normalize water metabolism, iodine - the functions of the thyroid gland, magnesium forms enzyme systems, fluorine is involved in the construction of teeth, etc. The body's need for water in children and adolescents is higher than in adults and is per 1 kg of body weight 1-3 years - 100 ml; 4-6 years - 60 ml; 7-17 years old - 50 ml (adults - 40 ml).

Compliance with the diet of children and adolescents is very important, as it affects the absorption of food by the growing body. Children and adolescents should eat at the same times at least 4 times a day.

Children should be accustomed to a variety of foods that are beneficial for the proper development of the body. The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed and recommends a special range of food products for children and adolescents.

3 Meals for students

After graduating from school, yesterday's teenagers, having entered secondary and higher educational institutions, change their usual way of life. Psycho-emotional stress increases in combination with an increase in incoming information, and its presentation form fundamentally changes.

There is a need to independently distribute free time and properly organize preparation for training sessions, as well as diet, so as not to get diseases of various digestive organs, hypertension, neurosis, etc.

This is explained by the fact that in the body of young people the formation of many physiological systems is not completed. These primarily include the neurohumoral system, which is very sensitive to imbalances in food intake.

There is a direct relationship between study mode and diet: educational material is poorly absorbed if students start classes without breakfast.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition during examination sessions. If the principles of a balanced diet are not followed during this period, then a number of physiological systems will not be mobilized. During the examination sessions, it is necessary to increase the students’ diet in foods rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals increasing the protective functions of the body. Meals should be 4 times.

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Text content of presentation slides:
Thermal culinary processing of vegetablesTeacher of technology MBOU "Academic Lyceum of Tomsk" Rybalkina G.N. Purpose of the lesson: to organize the activities of students in the thermal processing of vegetables. Learning objectives: To develop knowledge about methods of heat treatment of vegetables. Present recipes for dishes made from cooked vegetables. In practice, teach how to prepare dishes from cooked vegetables and serve them on the table. Types of heat treatment of vegetables Boiling is heating food in a liquid (water, broth or milk) or an atmosphere of saturated water vapor. Types of heat treatment of vegetables Poaching is a type of cooking, but in a small amount of liquid. Types of heat treatment of vegetables Blanching is short-term (1-5 minutes) cooking or scalding with steam / boiling water, followed by rinsing the products with cold water. Types of cooking vegetables Frying is heating a product without liquid, in fat or heated air in a frying pan or roasting pan until a golden brown crust forms. Types of heat treatment of vegetables Passing is short-term frying of a product until half cooked in a small amount of fat. Combined types of heat treatment of vegetables Stewing is the simmering of a product that has been previously fried or boiled until half cooked with the addition of spices. Combined types of heat treatment of vegetables Baking is the frying of a pre-boiled (sometimes raw) product in an oven to form a golden brown crust. Technology for preparing a salad from boiled vegetables Vegetables Wash, Boil, Cool, Slice, Peel, Season, Stir, Decorate Requirements for the quality and presentation of ready-made dishes Boiled products included in the dishes must be soft, but not boiled, and retain their cut shape. Dishes must have the taste, color and smell characteristic of the products from which they are prepared. You need to decorate dishes before serving. Rules safe work sharp tools and devices, with hot liquid Practical work “Cooking a dish from vegetables” Consult with the team members what kind of vegetable dish you will prepare. Distribute responsibilities (roles). Study the technological sequence of preparing the selected dish. Complete assignments appropriate to your role on the team. Taste the dish. Evaluate the taste of the prepared dish in accordance with the requirements.

Attached files

Technological map of lesson No. 19

FULL NAME. teachers : Govorukha O.V.

Class: 5

Item: technology

Number of hours : 1

Lesson topic : "Thermal culinary processing of vegetables." "Cooking Vegetable Dishes"

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of students' knowledge of techniques and rules for thermal cooking of vegetables.

Lesson objectives:

1) To familiarize students with the main types of heat treatment of vegetables.

2) Teach students how to properly cook vegetables and prepare dishes of boiled vegetables

3) To cultivate in students an interest in the art of cooking, neatness, organization, independence and aesthetic taste, the ability to carefully and economically use products, and keep the workplace in order when preparing dishes from boiled vegetables.

Lesson type: combined

Educational resources: UMK on technology textbook 5th grade N.V. Sinitsa, V.D. Simonenko; workbook, computer, CIOR, presentation, posters, handouts.

Planned educational results:

Subject - students will learn about the methods of heat treatment of vegetables using vinaigrette preparation technology, and become familiar with the requirements for the quality and presentation of ready-made dishes from boiled vegetables.

Metasubject (UUD):

- regulatory – determination of the technological sequence of salad preparation.

communicative - the ability to work in a group when completing a task, the ability to cooperate with a teacher, resolve conflict situations, adequately perceive and develop a respectful attitude towards peers during teamwork.

- educational - choosing the most rational methods of cooking and conducting comparative analysis.

Personal contributereadiness formationto rational housekeeping,the ability to conduct self-analysis of the work performed, develop diligence, cultivate accuracy and tidiness in work.

lesson stage

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Formed UUD

Org. Moment.

Testing knowledge on the topic of the previous lesson.

Greeting children. Obtaining information about absentees. Preparation for the lesson (textbook, notebook, pen, diary).

Repetition of covered material:

1. What is the nutritional value of vegetables and fruits?

2. How does the environment affect the quality of vegetables and fruits?

3.What is it? mechanical restoration vegetables?

5. What are the most common forms of cutting?

6. Talk about the technology for preparing salad.

7. Listening to messages of “scurvy”, “night blindness”.

Children's answers.

1. It is the main supplier of vital vitamins, mineral salts and other nutrients.

2. Due to environmental pollution, vegetables absorb harmful substances such as nitrates; their excess leads to poisoning.

3. Before preparing a dish, vegetables are sorted, washed, peeled, washed, cut.

4. Keep peeled vegetables in water for no more than 10-15 minutes; clean only before cooking; peeled potatoes should be placed in cold water, otherwise it will darken; Utensils for storing and preparing vegetables should be enamel or glass.

5. Slices, circles, cubes, straws, cubes.

6. Before preparing the salad, vegetables or fruits must be sorted, washed, cut, seasoned, mixed, and decorated.

7. Messages of “scurvy”, “night blindness”.

K. development of speech activity, gaining experience in using speech means to regulate mental activity.

Motivation (self-determination)

to educational activities.

Let's continue the lesson. To determine the topic of the lesson, I suggest you read the words on the screen: cooking, poaching, blanching, frying, sautéing, stewing, baking.Slide 1

1.What do they mean?

2.Who can formulate the topic of our lesson today?

3.What should we learn in this lesson, what is its purpose?

Topic: “Thermal cooking of vegetables”Slide 2

1. Suggested answers:

(methods of preparing food, culinary processing......)

2. Discuss the questions being asked; trying to formulate a theme: "Thermal cooking of vegetables"

Objective of the lesson: To become familiar with the basic techniques of cooking vegetables and preparing dishes from boiled vegetables

3. Write down the topic in a notebook.

L. Self-determination, self-organization,

K. Planning joint collaboration with peers and with the teacher.

R. Ability to predict activities in the lesson

Updating knowledge and recording individual difficulties in a trial action.

Let's open the textbook and read the title of paragraph 11

What do the words "heat treatment" mean?

Thermal processing - processing heating method. Cooked vegetables are just as healthy as raw vegetables. They can be the basis for salads and vinaigrettes, a side dish for fish and meat, or an independent dish.

Let's consider heat treatment techniques:

Slide 3 Cooking - This is heating food in water, broth, milk or steam. Vegetables are boiled to make soups, appetizers, main courses and side dishes.

Slide 4 Roasting - heating food in a hot frying pan with fat. As a result of frying, a crust forms on the product.

Slide 5 Baking - frying vegetables on baking sheets or frying pans in the oven.

Slide 6 Extinguishing - combined method of heat treatment. When stewing, the food is first fried and then poured with sauce or broth, spices are added and simmered until cooked.

Slide 7 Allowance - cooking in a small amount of liquid or juice, which is released from the food when heated. Poaching is used if it is necessary to obtain a juicy product while retaining a significant part of the nutrients.

Slide 8 Passaging - lightly frying the product with or without fat. Passed products are used in the preparation of soups, sauces and main courses.

Slide 9 Blanching - rapid scalding or scalding. The product is poured with boiling water in a closed vessel or immersed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.


Group work using cards

Having correctly guessed the names of vegetables in the crossword puzzle, you will find the keyword and find out the name of the dish of boiled vegetables that we will prepare in the next lesson.









1. Favorite treat for rabbits. (Carrot)

2. Both adults and children love juice. (Tomato)

3. If onions are from 7 diseases, then this vegetable is from 99 diseases. (Garlic)

4. The most ancient vegetable, it is eaten and preserved only when unripe. (Cucumber)

5. How is the name of the famous Roman orator Cicero translated into Russian? (Peas)

6. Doesn’t like light, is afraid of the cold and wears a “uniform”. (Potato)

7. White root, the tops and roots of which are used for food. (Parsley)

8. “They won’t allow bread, yes..... they won’t allow it,” - that’s what the ancient Slavs said. (Cabbage)

That's right, it's a vinaigrette.

The vinaigrette - This is one type of salad that can be prepared from boiled vegetables.

Let's get acquainted with the recipe for making vinaigrette (CIOR)

Read the text in the textbook pp. 64-65 Preparation of salads and vinaigrettes from boiled vegetables

2. How to determine the readiness of vegetables when cooking?

3. What determines the form of naming vegetables?

Study the table on page 65 “Technology for preparing salad from boiled vegetables.

Write down the sequence of preparing the salad.

Slide 10 Let's consider the requirements for the quality and presentation of ready-made dishes.

They make assumptions about the questions posed. Let's turn to the textbook. Page 64.Reading text

They make assumptions about the questions posed.

Work in groups

Solving a crossword puzzle

They look and write down the recipe in a notebook.

Read, take notes

Answer questions

1. To reduce the loss of vitamin C, vegetables are cooked in a container with a closed lid.

2. The vegetable must be pierced with a knife or fork; it should be soft.

3. The form of naming vegetables depends on the type of salad.

Study the table

Determine and record the sequence

P.extracting necessary information from texts

P.performing a trial educational action

K. taking into account different opinions, expressing one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

K - the ability to work in a group when completing a task, the ability to cooperate with a teacher, resolve conflict situations, adequately perceive and develop a respectful attitude towards peers during teamwork.

Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Let's repeat what we learned:

1. List the methods of heat treatment of vegetables?

2. Name the technology for preparing salads from boiled vegetables;

3. Namerequirements for the quality and presentation of ready-made dishes.

Answer questions

1. Boiling, poaching, blanching, frying, sautéing, stewing, baking.

2. Vegetables - rinse - boil - cool - peel - cut - season - stir - decorate.

    Boiled products included in dishes should be soft, but not boiled, and retain their cut shape.

    Dishes must have the taste, color and smell characteristic of the fresh products from which they are prepared.

    You need to decorate dishes before serving.

P. analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification.

K.formation and argumentation of one’s opinion and communication position, management of the partner’s behavior.

L. Awareness of responsibility for a common cause.


Control of the formation of knowledge and skills.

Students listen to questions and write down answers on pieces of paper.Application.

Name the basic methods of heat treatment.

1 Processing vegetables in boiling liquid or steaming (cooking)

2 Process vegetables in a tightly sealed container in a small amount of liquid(allowance)

3 Scalding vegetables with boiling water or steam(blanching)

4 Processing chopped vegetables in a frying pan with butter until golden brown(frying)

5 Fry chopped vegetables in a small amount of fat until half cooked(sautéing)

6 Processing pre-boiled or half-fried vegetables in a small amount of water or broth(quenching)

7 Processing vegetables in the oven, raw or pre-boiled(baking)

Grading, argumentation.

Performed in pairs. Students exchange leaves of paper (mutual check). For each correct answer 1 point is given.

P., performing actions according to the algorithm, proof.

R.control, assessment, volitional self-regulation in situations of difficulty.

K. expressing your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.


Reflection on educational activities.

Let's summarize the lesson.

What did you like about today's lesson?

What do you remember that is important and most important to you?

What could you use in life?

On the desk there are emoticons symbolizing your mood, select a symbol of your mood and paste it into your notebook.

Slide 14 Homework - paragraph 11, answer the questions in the paragraph, look for the necessary information on the Internet. Distribute and bring ready-made ingredients for preparing the vinaigrette.

Repeat TB during culinary work.

Thank you for the lesson!

Student answers

P. reflection on the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and result of the activity.

L. Self-assessment based on the criterion of success, adequate understanding of the reasons for success and failure in educational activities.

K. planning educational cooperation.

Slide 1

OGAPOU "Borisov Agro-Mechanical College" METHODS OF THERMAL CULINARY PROCESSING lesson on MDK 01.01 Technology of processing raw materials and preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms, 1st year Author: Borzenko Inna Ivanovna teacher of professional disciplines, Borisovka village, Belgorod region.

Slide 2

The importance of heat treatment When preparing most dishes, products are subjected to various methods of heat treatment, which contributes to their softening and better absorption by the human body. In addition, the products acquire a pleasant smell, taste, and aroma. Heat treatment helps disinfect food, since contaminants are destroyed at high temperatures.

Slide 3

Heat treatment Heat treatment of products is divided into main, combined and auxiliary. The main parameters of the heat treatment processes of products are: type of coolant, ratio of product mass to heating medium, temperature conditions.

Slide 4

Basic methods Cooking is the heat treatment of products in a boiling liquid (water, milk, syrup, broth, decoction) or an atmosphere of water vapor. The role of coolant is played by water and steam. The duration of cooking depends on the temperature of the environment and the properties of the product. The higher the cooking temperature, the faster the product reaches culinary readiness.

Slide 5

Cooking Cooking using the basic method. The product is completely immersed in liquid. This method is used when cooking broths, soups, etc. Violent boiling during cooking is undesirable, as it leads to rapid boiling of the liquid, stronger emulsification of fat (deteriorating the quality of the broth), and destruction of the product’s shape.

Slide 6

Cooking in a water bath Technological process The preparation of some dishes should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 90 ° C and maintaining it throughout the entire period of culinary processing. A water bath is used for this purpose. Water is poured into one pan, heated to the required temperature and another with the product is placed in it.

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Cooking at excess (in autoclaves) or reduced pressure (in vacuum devices). With excess pressure, the temperature of the heated medium increases, which speeds up the cooking of difficult-to-cook foods (for example, boiling bones). The use of vacuum devices makes it possible to cook products at temperatures below 100 °C and maintain the high quality and nutritional value of the finished product.

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Steaming The product is placed in a special steam oven or on a grill (liner), which is placed in a bowl with water so that the water does not reach the insert. The steam generated when water boils, coming into contact with the product, heats it, simultaneously turning into water. When steamed, the shape of the product is better preserved and there is less loss of nutrients. Most often, this cooking method is used in medical nutrition.

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Poaching Poaching is the process of cooking food in a small amount of liquid (water, milk, broth, broth) or in its own juice. This method is mainly used for cooking foods with high moisture content. The product is filled with liquid to 1/3 of its volume and heated with the lid closed. In this case, the lower part of the product is boiled in water, and the upper part in a steam atmosphere.

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Frying This is the heat treatment of products in direct contact with fat or without fat at a temperature that ensures the formation of a specific crust on their surface, which is the result of the disintegration under the influence of high temperature of the organic substances contained in the product and the formation of new ones.

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Frying in the main way This is the heat treatment of products with a small amount of fat (5–10% by weight of the product) at a temperature of 140–150 °C until a crispy crust forms on the surface of the product.

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Frying in an oven: Grease a shallow dish (baking tray, frying pan, pastry sheet) and place food on it. Then the dishes are placed in an oven at a temperature of 150–270 °C.

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Frying in a large amount of fat (deep fat) The product is completely immersed in fat, preheated to a temperature of 160–180°C. In this case, a crispy crust forms simultaneously over the entire surface of the product. Deep frying is carried out using floating and submerged methods, and the productivity of the second method is much higher. They take 4–6 times more fat than the product loaded at the same time. Fry the product in a deep dish (deep fryer, electric frying pan) for 1–5 minutes.

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Frying over an open fire The product is placed on a metal rod (skewer) or placed on a metal grate, previously greased. The rod or grate is placed over hot coals or electric coils in special devices - electric grills and fried.

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Frying in a field of infrared rays (IR heating) Frying a product in electric grills occurs without smoke formation due to the exposure of the product to infrared radiation from electric heating elements (IR heating). The IR field penetrates the product to a relatively greater depth, frying time is reduced, a crispy crust is formed faster, the juiciness of the product is better preserved, which allows you to get finished product higher quality.

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Combined methods of heat treatment. Stewing is the simmering of products, in most cases pre-fried, with the addition of spices and seasonings. Broth or sauce is used as liquid. Stew food in a closed container. Baking is the heat treatment of food in an oven in order to bring it to culinary readiness and form a crispy crust. Bake like raw foods(cottage cheese, eggs, fish, meat), and those that have undergone preliminary heat treatment (porridge, pasta, meat, etc.)

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Auxiliary methods of heat treatment - Searing - Blanching (scalding) - Sautéing - Thermostating