Cook rice with minced meat in a slow cooker. Fluffy rice with minced meat muffins

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Cooking rice with minced meat in a spicy sauce in a slow cooker

Do you have a piece of minced meat lying around in the freezer and you don’t know where to put it? There is a very tasty and at the same time simple dish - rice with minced meat in a slow cooker.

Some call it navy rice, for others it’s lazy pilaf, in any case, the result exceeds all expectations. After all, when you cook pilaf with minced meat in a slow cooker, all the ingredients are soaked in each other’s juices, which is what makes the dish truly unique.

You can add zucchini or mushrooms to this dish, which produces a rather interesting result. But first, I’ll tell you how to quickly and easily cook rice with minced meat in a slow cooker. And then we’ll move on to a more complex recipe.

Cooking technology

Step 1

Wash and finely chop the carrots, onions and tomatoes. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode. When it warms up a little, add vegetables there and fry them in vegetable oil.

Step 2

When the vegetables are ready, add minced meat and mix everything.

Rinse the rice and pour it into the multicooker bowl, salt everything, add seasonings and pour water. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, close the lid and set the “Pilaf” mode.

Rice with minced meat in a slow cooker will turn out quite juicy and cooks quickly. You can serve it with sour cream, black bread and kvass.

Rice, zucchini and minced meat

This is a very original and piquant dish with a spicy taste. Not only is it quite filling, but the aroma will gather all your family in the kitchen long before you are ready to call everyone to the table.

What you need

  • One glass of rice.
  • Zucchini.
  • One hundred and fifty grams of minced beef.
  • Leek.
  • One carrot.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • A bunch of greenery.
  • Half a spoonful of Dijon mustard.
  • Salt with spices.
  • Spoon of soy sauce.
  • A spoon of vegetable oil.
  • A spoon of ketchup.
  • Half a glass of water.

Cooking technology

Step 1

As you have already seen, this recipe does not contain any supernatural products. All these ingredients are available in almost any kitchen.

Wash and cook the rice. But we remember that we need slightly damp cereal, so for one part of rice I take one and a half parts of water. By the way, there is no need to salt anything here yet.

Step 2

Clean, set and fry the onion in a multicooker bowl. It's better to do it on olive oil. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry with the onions.

Meanwhile, rice, which is cooked separately in a saucepan, must be stirred, otherwise it may stick to the bottom.

Step 3

After the vegetables are browned, add minced meat to them. If your zucchini is young, then you don’t have to touch the peel, otherwise it’s better to cut it off and get rid of the seeds.

Cut it into medium cubes. Don’t go too small, otherwise you risk getting a mess at the end. I usually don’t make them smaller than 1 by 1 cm. Then they will retain their shape and fry well.

Step 4

When the minced meat is slightly fried, you can add the zucchini to the slow cooker. And mix everything again and cook for about ten minutes. This is just enough time to prepare the sauce.

Step 5

Finely chop the greens.

Add crushed garlic and Dijon mustard to it. If you don’t have exactly that kind of mustard, then don’t put any at all. It will not be possible to replace it with regular one; all the piquancy is lost.

Now fill it all up soy sauce and sprinkle with turmeric. But add this spice very carefully. She is very capricious, and even if you overdo it a little, you can ruin everything. Very little is needed.

Step 6

The sauce turns out beautiful and has a bright, pleasant aroma. But we can put it aside, we will need it at the very end. And by this time the rice should reach the condition we need.

Step 7

The zucchini has become slightly translucent and a little soft. Now you can add ketchup, fry everything a little more and season with spices. Next, you need to put rice in the “miracle oven” and fill everything with warm boiled water.

Set the multicooker to “Stew” mode and wait twenty minutes. Then add the sauce and leave for another five minutes. Now the food can be placed in a dish and served. It goes well with fresh vegetables.

Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

As you know, you can cook a lot of dishes in a slow cooker. For many housewives, this unit has become a real lifesaver. Today we suggest you find out how to make it with minced meat. There are many variations of dishes using these products; let’s look at the simplest and most delicious ones.

Lazy pilaf

If you don't know, then this dish will become excellent option. Lazy pilaf it is called because it is not difficult to do, but in the process heat treatment All ingredients are soaked in each other’s juice, and the result is an aromatic, satisfying and tasty dish that your household will surely enjoy. So, let's find out what products we need to cook rice in a slow cooker with minced meat.


If you want to make this dish for lunch or dinner, you will need:

  • 500-600 grams minced meat;
  • onion and carrot - one piece each;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • two glasses of rice;
  • four glasses of water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

How to cook rice with minced meat in a slow cooker?

To begin, finely chop the onion and carrots, cut the tomato into small cubes. Fry the vegetables in the multicooker bowl in baking mode. Add minced meat. Mix well and fry for about 20-30 minutes. The mixture should be stirred periodically, breaking up lumps of minced meat with a spatula.

Wash the rice and add to the fried ingredients. Add water. Salt, pepper and mix. We turn on the unit in the “Pilaf” mode and cook until the sound signal. Rice in a slow cooker with minced meat can be served immediately or you can let the dish brew a little longer. Bon appetit!

Original recipe for rice with minced meat in a slow cooker

If you want to surprise your household with an interesting, very tasty and satisfying dish, then prepare a casserole for them! This recipe requires the use of the following ingredients:


First of all, you should boil the rice. We rinse it, pour it into the multicooker bowl, fill it with water or broth, salt it, add spices. Select the “Rice” mode and wait for the sound signal.

Then, in a separate bowl, combine the finished rice, minced meat, mayonnaise, add an egg and about one hundred grams of cheese (pre-grated). Mix all components.

Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and place the mixture of minced meat and rice into it. Level the surface and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Our dish will take 45 minutes to prepare in baking mode. After the sound signal, it is advisable to leave the casserole to “finish” for another quarter of an hour. Now the finished dish can be served with ketchup, mustard or your favorite sauce.

and vegetables in a slow cooker

We offer another recipe using the ingredients we are considering today. It’s very easy to cook rice in a slow cooker with minced meat, and the dish will turn out hearty and tasty.

So, first, let's find out what products we need:

  • 200 g minced meat;
  • 1 piece each onions and carrots;
  • two glasses of rice;
  • peas - 1 cup;
  • three multi-glasses of water;
  • salt, spices;
  • oil for frying.

Finely chop the onion and carrots. Then fry the onion in a multicooker bowl in vegetable oil in the “Stew” mode. Add minced meat. Fry for five minutes. Add peas and carrots, mix, add rice. Pour three glasses of water, salt and pepper. Close the lid of the multicooker and cook for a quarter of an hour.

As we can see, all the recipes given are very easy to prepare and do not require any hard-to-find or expensive ingredients in your kitchen. The dishes turn out very tasty and satisfying. Surely your family will ask you to pamper them with rice and minced meat again and again.


There are many recipes for cooking rice with minced meat in a slow cooker. When combined, these ingredients give an amazing taste and harmonize with a variety of vegetables and mushrooms. We offer a selection of recipes for hearty and easy-to-prepare dishes.

Unusual pilaf

Rice with minced meat in the Redmond multicooker is nothing more than pilaf. The recipe is simple, and it will take little time to prepare the dish. Shall we try?

Attention! The amount of liquid and rice grains in the recipe is indicated in multi-cups.


  • 0.4 kg minced meat;
  • carrot root vegetable;
  • tomato;
  • 2 tbsp. rice;
  • 4 tbsp. filtered water;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Advice! Add turmeric to the pilaf. This spice will give the dish an alluring aroma and exquisite color.


And this dish is known in culinary circles as lazy cabbage rolls. It tastes no worse than classic cabbage rolls, and is much easier to prepare.


  • head of cabbage;
  • 0.4 kg minced meat;
  • 150 ml sour cream;
  • 50 ml tomato paste;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • 2-3 laurel leaves;
  • a few peppercorns;
  • 50 g rice;
  • unflavored vegetable oil;
  • carrot root vegetable.


Rice casserole

A casserole of rice with minced meat in a slow cooker turns out so tasty that you can’t tear yourself away from it. Your household will be happy and well-fed.


  • 0.3 kg minced meat (preferably mixed);
  • 120 g rice cereal;
  • 180 ml filtered water;
  • 65 ml milk;
  • egg;
  • unflavored vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • greenery.

On a note! Instead of rice cereal, you can use any other one.


A dish from childhood

Kids just love rice urchins. Of course, they are not only tasty, but also look quite attractive. And adults will happily enjoy this dish.


  • 0.6 kg minced meat;
  • 0.5 tbsp. rice;
  • egg;
  • carrot root vegetable;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • unflavored vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • black pepper.


  1. Peel the carrot root, rinse and grate on a fine grater.
  2. Wash and dry the tomatoes, cut into cubes.
  3. Pour oil into a multi-bowl. Turn on the “Baking” mode.
  4. Add onions, tomatoes, carrot mixture.
  5. Stirring, fry the vegetables for about 10 minutes.

  6. Add egg, black pepper, salt.
  7. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  8. With slightly damp hands we form hedgehogs (like cutlets).
  9. Place the preparations on top of the vegetables in a multi-bowl.
  10. We simmer everything in this mode for another ten minutes.
  11. Then add spices and add hot water. The ingredients should be almost completely covered with liquid.

  12. Cook for 60 minutes.

This recipe for a second course of rice and minced meat in a slow cooker is called “Fed Dad.” It consists of very simple available products and is easy to prepare. And most importantly, it’s very hearty dish, which can feed even the hungriest man.


  • Chopped meat;
  • Cabbage;
  • Carrot;
  • Tomato paste or ketchup;
  • Garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Everyone knows what kind, but from rice and minced meat you can cook at least delicious food.

Cooking rice with minced meat in a slow cooker

Set the multicooker to the “Frying” mode.

Pour some into the bottom of the bowl sunflower oil odorless and lay out the minced meat for frying.

Salt, add seasoning and fry for 5-10 minutes with the lid open, stirring constantly and breaking up lumps.

Place chopped cabbage in the almost finished minced meat.

Add a little water, stir and set the multicooker to the “Stew” mode. Of course, close the lid of the multicooker. Let the cabbage and minced meat cook for about half an hour, and in the meantime fry the onion, grated carrots and garlic in a separate frying pan, adding a spoon tomato paste or ketchup.

After half an hour, open the lid, pour a little rice into the multicooker bowl, and stir.

Add water. The water level should be two fingers higher than the rice with minced meat and cabbage. As the rice cooks, it will absorb all the excess liquid.

Close the multicooker lid again and simmer the dish for another 25 minutes. Then add the fried vegetables with tomato paste and stir. You can add a little more tomato paste to taste.

Your rice with minced meat in the slow cooker is almost ready. Submerge him under closed lid on the “Stew” mode for about ten minutes and serve hot.

When serving in season, sprinkle the dish with fresh, finely chopped herbs. In general, it turns out very tasty.

A Redmond RMC-M20 multicooker was used to prepare the dish.

P.S. For those who want to reduce the fat content of the dish, you can not fry the garlic, onions and carrots, but add them to the slow cooker along with cabbage. The taste will not suffer from this, but the calorie content will be significantly lower.

Bon appetit!

Servings: 2
Cooking time: 45 minutes

Recipe Description

Recently, on the Internet, I saw original cupcakes made from minced meat. I was interested in the recipe - we really love all kinds of minced meat dishes.

In addition, the simplicity and speed of preparing the cupcakes impressed me. I decided to steam this yummy dish in silicone molds in a slow cooker.

To make the lunch complete, I cooked fluffy rice along with the muffins. The result pleased me, it turned out tasty, aromatic and satisfying!

To cook rice with minced meat in a slow cooker you need:

For the meat muffins:

  • Minced meat – 150 grams;
  • Egg – 1 piece (no need to add);
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • Cheese – 70-100 grams;
  • Salt, ground pepper.

For fluffy rice:

  • Rice – 1 multi glass;
  • Water – 2 multi glasses;
  • Salt.

Cooking step by step:

To begin, grind the onion and garlic in a blender.
We combine them with minced meat (I have pork + beef), add an egg, salt, pepper, grated cheese.

Mix everything well. Fill with minced meat silicone molds and put them in a steamer container.
Top each “cupcake” with additional cheese.
I prepared for 2 servings.
The quantity of ingredients can be easily increased if desired.

About rice: rice can be cooked like this - rinse the cereal, add it to the multicooker, add water, add salt and turn on the “Rice” or “Buckwheat” mode until the beep sounds.
It turns out well.
Especially if you use steamed rice.

And I cooked it this way: I poured boiling water into the bowl, turned on the “Steam” mode for the time required for the water to boil.
In many multicookers, at the moment of boiling, a sound signal sounds.
And, already in boiling water, I poured well-washed rice and salt.
I mixed it, installed the steamer container with the muffins and turned on the “Rice” mode.
With this cooking, even rice that has not been steamed turns out super crumbly.

Cooking time for rice in my slow cooker is 40 minutes.