Commodity characteristics and examination of the quality of low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks. Quality requirements, defects of low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks Quality requirements for low-alcohol drinks

Introduction. 3

1. Requirements for the safety of alcoholic beverages. 4

1.1. Security requirements alcoholic products. 4

1.2. Ensuring the safety of alcoholic products during their production and circulation ………………………………………….…………....6

2. Ensuring the safety of alcoholic products. 13

2.1.Methods for monitoring the safety of alcoholic products. 12

2.2. Methods and means of falsifying alcoholic beverages. 17

Conclusion. 22

Literature. 23


Flavoring products – group food products, the main components of which are flavoring substances that have a specific effect on the digestive and nervous systems. Flavoring substances include ethyl alcohol, organic acids, alkaloids, essential oils, mineral and organic salts.

The term "alcohol" is of Arabic origin and literally means "fine powder."

The urgency of the problem is due to the increase in consumption of alcoholic beverages in Russia, a significant level of mortality due to low-quality alcohol, and an increase in crimes committed by persons while intoxicated.

The alcohol industry is currently being modernized, especially in terms of improving the quality of raw materials. Ethyl alcohol of the Extra-Lux and Extra grades is being produced, the volumes are increasing and the quality of the fruit wines produced is improving, technologies for alcoholic drinks for preventive medicinal purposes are being created, which are based on high-quality environmentally friendly plant raw materials. The search of scientists and practitioners is also aimed at developing methods for increasing the stability of alcoholic beverages and wines during transportation and long-term storage.

Course work consists of an introduction, two chapters divided into paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references. The work contains statistical material - three tables.

Requirements for the safety of alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol products are food products that are made using ethyl alcohol or without the use of ethyl alcohol produced from food raw materials and (or) alcohol-containing food products, with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of more than 0.5 percent, with the exception of food products in accordance with the list established in Annex 5 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of alcoholic products”. Alcohol products are divided into such types as ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, alcoholic drinks, low-alcohol drinks, wine products, distillates, brewing products, alcohol-containing food products, mead products (honey).

Requirements for the safety of alcoholic products.

The established requirements for the quality and safety of alcoholic products solve the problem of confirming the compliance of a particular drink sample with the requirements of current standards. One of the basic principles for shaping the quality of alcoholic beverages is their safety. Another priority principle is ensuring nutritional value product, according to its purpose in human nutrition. An important role is played appearance, organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators, packaging, information for the consumer about the quality and direction of use of the product.

Organoleptic indicators are indicators determined using the senses and characterizing organoleptic properties. Organoleptic indicators are widely used in all types of quality assessment: commodity, expert, certification, consumer, as well as in quality control.

When assessing the quality of alcoholic products, organoleptic examination determines color, taste, aroma (or bouquet), transparency, absence of turbidity and sediment. The organoleptic characteristics of alcoholic beverages must meet the requirements stipulated in the recipes for a specific type of drink. Alcoholic beverages with foreign odors and tastes, cloudy ones, or with sediment are not allowed for sale.

The organoleptic characteristics of food products are closely related to physical and chemical characteristics, which are also regulated by standards and technical conditions (TU).

Physico-chemical – indicators of physical and chemical properties determined by measurement methods.

Physico-chemical methods in alcoholic products, the content of alcohol, sugar, volatile acids, sulfuric acid, heavy metal salts, titratable acidity is determined, the completeness of the pour is taken into account, etc. The physical and chemical indicators of each type of drink must correspond to the values ​​​​provided by the recipe for each type of drink.

Product safety is a state in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life and health of citizens or the environment.

Alcohol products are characterized by three types of safety: chemical, radiation and biological. Of these, the first two types are represented by physicochemical indicators. Biological safety is characterized by microbiological and parasitological indicators.

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Establishing quality indicators for alcoholic products according to standard indicators solves the goal of identifying the compliance of the quality of a particular drink sample with the requirements of current standards. One of the basic principles for shaping the quality of alcoholic beverages is their safety. Another priority principle is to ensure the nutritional value of the product according to its intended purpose in human nutrition. An important role is given to the appearance, organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators, packaging, information for the consumer about the quality and direction of use of the product.

Organoleptic indicators are indicators determined using the senses and characterizing organoleptic properties. Organoleptic indicators are widely used in all types of quality assessment: commodity, expert, certification, consumer, as well as in quality control.

When assessing the quality of alcoholic products, organoleptic examination determines color, taste, aroma (or bouquet), transparency, absence of turbidity and sediment. The organoleptic characteristics of alcoholic beverages must meet the requirements stipulated in the recipes for a specific type of drink. Alcoholic beverages with foreign odors and tastes, cloudy ones, or with sediment are not allowed for sale.

The organoleptic characteristics of food products are closely related to physical and chemical characteristics, which are also regulated by standards and technical conditions (TU).

Physico-chemical - indicators of physical and chemical properties determined by measurement methods.

Physico-chemical methods in alcoholic products are used to determine the alcohol content of sugar, volatile acids, sulfuric acid, heavy metal salts, titratable acidity, take into account the completeness of the pour, etc. The physico-chemical indicators of each type of drink must correspond to the values ​​​​provided by the recipe for each type of drink.

Product safety is a state in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life and health of citizens or the environment.

Safety indicators are regulated by SanPiN and are among the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations. IN alcoholic drinks The allowed level of toxic elements in mg/kg is no more than: lead - 0.3; arsenic -- 0.2; cadmium -- 0.03; mercury-- 0.005; methanol - 0.05. Radionuclides: cesium -- 137 -- 70 Bp/dm; strontium - 90 - 100 Bp/dm; N-nitrosomines - 0.003 mg/kg.

Filling, packaging, labeling and storage

Filling, packaging and labeling are carried out in accordance with GOST 4827-70, for exported products GOST 27906-88 has been introduced.

Store liquor products in dry, well-ventilated areas at a temperature of 10-20 C. Painted products should be stored in dark rooms, since coloring substances can be destroyed under the influence of light.

Under these conditions, liquor products have a guaranteed shelf life, counting from the date of release: strong liqueurs, creams - 8 months; dessert liqueurs, liqueurs and punches - 6 months; sweet and semi-sweet liqueurs - 3 months; bitters and balms - 6 months, dessert drinks - 2 months. Products in which cloudiness and sediment have not appeared after the specified period are suitable for further storage and sale.

According to GOST 5363 - 93, organoleptic evaluation produced in the following order.

The drink is poured into a tasting glass to about 1/3 of the volume (40 - 50 cm3). The glass is lifted by the stem, tilted and the transparency and color are visually assessed in transmitted diffused light. Various deviations from color and transparency can be identified by comparing the analyzed vodka with distilled water, placing them in identical test tubes with a volume of 10 cm 3.

Then the smell and aroma are assessed by heating the bottom of the glass with your palms in a horizontal plane, which promotes better evaporation of aromatic substances.

After the aroma, taste is determined. Small portion The drink is taken into the mouth and held in the front part. Then, slightly tilting the head back, rinse the entire mouth, identifying deviations in taste.

The taste and aroma must be harmonious, pleasant, without the burning taste and smell of alcohol, foreign tastes and smells, such as the smell of rubber, kerosene, metallic taste from containers with damaged coating, foreign tastes and smells resulting from the production of vodka on poorly processed equipment.

It is allowed to taste no more than five samples of vodka at the same time, and samples of obviously better quality are analyzed first, and a break is taken between evaluations of each sample.

When bottling “by level”, the maximum deviations for an individual bottle (in cm 3) from the nominal capacity at a temperature of 20 + 0.5 C should not exceed the permissible deviations from the full capacity of the bottles according to GOST 10117 or other regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

Bottles are sealed with caps or stoppers made of various types materials approved for use by the Ministry of Health of Russia, bottles of vodka for the Ministry of Defense - in accordance with GOST 15846, decanters - with cork, polyethylene, glass, porcelain stoppers. The closure must be tight and not leak when turning the bottle or decanter over.

Product marking is carried out on labels and caps, as well as on corrugated cardboard boxes.

The following information must be indicated on the labels: the name of the organization in whose system the manufacturer is included; name of vodka; fortress, %; bottle capacity, dm 3;

Product standard designation.

On the reverse side of the label it is allowed to indicate the index of the manufacturer instead of the name of the organization in whose system this enterprise is included. The brigade number and bottling date are also indicated there. Information for the consumer must comply with the requirements of GOST 51074-97. Containers are marked according to GOST 14192.

When conducting an examination of the quality of soft drinks, the following research goals can be achieved:

Determining the type of non-alcoholic drink;

Establishment of drink quality indicators;

Determination of falsification;

Establishing a storage period;

Control of technological processes.

Establishing quality indicators for soft drinks according to standard indicators solves the goal of identifying the compliance of the quality of a particular sample with the requirements of current standards. When studying the quality of soft drinks, the dry matter content is determined from physical and chemical indicators (depending on the type of product, it ranges from 5.0 to 6.0%); acidity in ml 1 N. alkali solution per 100 cm3 of drink (1.7-3.5); the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide (not less than 0.42% in drinks of the highest category and 0.4% in drinks of the first category).

The sampling method was carried out in accordance with GOST 26313-84 Processed products of fruits and vegetables.

In order to analyze juice quality indicators, before conducting the study, a single sample is compiled from spot samples. Such samples are the contents of consumer packaging. In this case, the mass of such a sample must be at least half a kilogram or liter of the product.

If the quantity of a product in a consumer container is less than required, then its quantity is increased. If the mass of the product under study exceeds the required one, then spot samples of equal mass are taken from each unit of the product, while thoroughly mixing the product before sampling.

If the liquid product is not uniform in height, it is thoroughly mixed, after which samples are taken from its different layers using the following instruments:



Siphon and others.

In this case, the sample mass should be 100-500 g. In this case, the number of samples taken from each container should be at least two. The weight of each sample per unit container should be 0.3 - 3.0 kg. The total mass of the sample is determined based on the mass of the product being tested.

During the process of mixing samples, a visual examination of the product is performed for:



Other violations.

If such inclusions are detected, the product is sent to the laboratory for further research.

In order to study the mass fraction of elements and physical and chemical indicators of a product, it is necessary to compile a combined sample from product samples. In this case, the masses of the product must be equal.

Organoleptic indicators.

The appearance is determined visually for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for the finished product. Assess the correctness of the label, the presence of distortions, deformations, tears, and the cleanliness of the packaging.

The taste, aroma and color of juices must correspond to the natural fruits from which they are made.

Lightened natural juices and juices with sugar should be clear, without sediment, unclarified - evenly and finely pureed, flowing freely, of uniform consistency, opaque; juices with pulp - in the form of a homogeneous opaque mass with evenly distributed homogenized pulp.

Taste: bitter, sweet and sour, salty, clean, full, harmonious, pronounced (bright, weak), empty, tasteless, characteristic, rounded; characteristic of the corresponding fruits, fruits, berries, herbs and other raw materials; malty, honey, spicy, with a caramel tone, piquant, salty-sweet and sour, etc.

Transparency - transparent, shiny, opalescent (strong, weak), cloudy, without suspensions, with sediment.

Transparency and the presence of foreign inclusions in soft drinks are determined by viewing them capped in transmitted light, turning them over.

The color of soft drinks is determined visually in a clean, dry cylindrical glass with a capacity of 250 cm3. The shade and color intensity are assessed for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for the finished product.

Transparent - a clear liquid without sediment or foreign inclusions. Light opalescence is allowed, due to the characteristics of the raw materials used.

Cloudy - an opaque liquid, the inclusion of suspensions and sediment particles is allowed, without foreign impurities unusual for the product.

Physical and chemical indicators.

Main physical and chemical indicator soft drinks is the dry matter content. Standards usually specify a lower permissible limit for dry matter content. The content of dry substances in concentrated juice is 4.5-6.5 times higher than in the original juice, and ranges from 43.8 to 70%.

In juices with pulp, the amount of fruit puree is standardized as a percentage of the total weight of the drink. Mass fraction fruit juice or puree, depending on the type of juice, should be at least 25-50%. Intended for direct consumption.

In natural (clarified and unclarified) juices, juices with sugar and blended, the maximum acceptable content sediment, which, depending on the type of juice and its commercial grade, can range from 0.1 to 0.3%.

Acidity in combination with the amount of dry substances characterizes the harmony of taste and serves as one of the main signs when determining the modes heat treatment. The high acidity of concentrated juices (from 1-1.2% in grape and plum, up to 7.8 in cherry and up to 15% in cranberry) necessitates diluting them with water before consumption. The standard specifies either the lower limit of acidity or its minimum and maximum permissible limits. The mass fraction of ethyl alcohol, which can accumulate during fruit processing, for premium juices should not exceed 0.3%, for 1st grade juices - 0.5%, for branded juices - 0.2%.

The mass fraction of pulp in juices with pulp is 30-40%.