What solution is best to soak carrot seeds in before planting? Secrets of proper washing

Most often, in response to complaints about tough meat, you hear: “”. Of course, you can’t argue with Captain Obvious...

But what to do, and not always what you dreamed of? Or, even worse, a piece of the same beef looks great. Then we use a few tricks that will help overcome the toughness and make our dish juicy, soft and expressive.

There are only two ways to soften meat before cooking: coating and marinating. I'm not talking about beating a piece of meat with a hammer - that's not sporting.

1. Fruit marinade - with kiwi, papaya

From my own experience I can tell you how to marinate young beef steaks. I bought a decent piece of tenderloin and decided. But vague doubts haunted me: what if the beef turns out to be tough? And then, on the advice of our author and friend Sergei Milyanchikov, I marinated them for half an hour in a fruit marinade.

You will need: 2 kiwis, 0.5 tsp. salt, freshly ground white pepper, a little dried rosemary, 6 beef steaks.

Preparation: Peel the kiwi and grate on a coarse grater. Add salt and spices. Soak the steaks in the resulting marinade. Leave for half an hour. Then take it out, dry it with a napkin and fry it in a hot dry frying pan. The steaks turned out perfectly tender! Do the same with green papaya.

2. Marinade with dairy products

In my family, like everywhere else in the south, there is. The result was always a juicy and tender piece of meat. I now use the barbecue marinade on all meats that need to be tender: beef, chicken or turkey breast, pork tenderloin or lamb steaks.

You will need: 500 ml kefir, 500 ml mineral water with gas, a little salt, freshly ground black pepper, dry herbs to taste, 1 kg of any meat for frying.

Preparation: Mix kefir, water and spices. Place the meat in the marinade for 2-4 hours. Then take it out, dry it with a napkin and fry. It can be grilled, it can be in a frying pan, it can be on skewers.

3. Marinade with wine and mineral water

Also proven by generations of my family, as well as friends and acquaintances, a very simple marinade that preserves the tenderness of the meat. . If you marinate shish kebab, add onions. If you just have meat for frying in the form of steaks, cutlets and chops, you can do without it.

You will need: 500 ml dry white wine like “Rkatseteli”, 500 ml. sparkling mineral water, a little salt, freshly ground black pepper, dry herbs to taste, 3-4 onions, 1 kg of any meat.

Preparation: Mix wine, water and spices. Place the meat in the marinade for 3-5 hours.

4. Mustard and beer marinade

The President suggested this method to make meat tender. public organization“Shashlik League”, Valery Maltsev.. The meat is not only that... There is only one minus - it’s a pity for “Krušovice”...

Required: ordinary mustard, 250 gr., dark beer 250 ml, freshly ground black pepper, meat - 1.5 kg.

Preparation: Cut the meat into portions. Spread generously with mustard. Sprinkle with pepper. Leave for 1 hour. Pour beer over the meat and leave for 2-3 hours. Fry by dredging in flour and sprinkling with salt water.

5. Soaking in vodka and soy sauce

Also a recipe I personally tested. When I did, I noticed that Chinese chefs often prepare meat for instant frying this way. And the meat always turns out deliciously soft. This marinade is especially suitable for chicken, duck and turkey breast.

You will need: soy sauce 7 tsp, vodka 70 g, meat 1 kg

Preparation: Cut the breast into long strips. Mix vodka with sauce and pour over meat. Cover the mixture and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Then remove, dry with a napkin and fry or simmer.

P.S. By the way, if you stew meat, add a little alcohol to it - wine, vodka, beer. Choose according to taste - this always makes the meat softer, and alcohol levels evaporate without harm to the body.

What should I soak carrot seeds in before planting?

Some crops germinate very poorly and take quite a long time, so the planting material requires certain processing. For example, it is better to soak the seeds of a root vegetable such as carrots in a specially prepared solution before planting, so that they germinate faster. How to do this will be discussed.

Why soak seeds?

In order for a plant seed to germinate, the following conditions are required:

  • availability of water;
  • presence of oxygen;
  • a certain temperature.

The process begins with swelling, that is, attracting water. Under its influence, enzymes begin to work, converting complex substances contained in the seed as reserves into simple ones available for nutrition of the embryo.

Then oxygen comes into play and the complex process of building the cells of the future plant begins. The root sprouts first, followed by the bud and stem. Moreover, all this “magic” can only happen at a certain temperature.

Advice. To saturate the seeds with oxygen, you can place them for a day in a jar of water, where there is a compressor that pumps air into the container.

Some plant seeds take a long time to germinate. This is due to the presence of a difficult-to-permeate shell. It is this problem that forces gardeners to resort to special techniques to achieve rapid germination.

What is the best way to soak seeds?

Soaking is a simple and easy method of treating seeds that will allow them to sprout much faster. There are several methods that have been tested by gardeners.

Soaking in nutrient solution, which is prepared independently according to several recipes:

  • 1 tsp growth stimulator dissolves in 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tsp wood ash mixed with 1 liter of water;
  • For 1 liter of water add 20 drops of juice squeezed from aloe leaves.

Carrot seeds

The seeds are poured into a rag bag, which is dipped into the prepared solution. Usually it takes a day to soak. Then the bag is removed and the seeds are washed with running water.

Advice. After soaking and washing, it is advisable to put the seeds in the refrigerator for several days. This additional technique will increase the germination percentage.

Soaking in vodka. Dry seeds are placed in a cloth and immersed in a container with vodka for 10 minutes. This time is enough to dissolve the oils that are under the shell and do not allow water to penetrate to the nucleoli. Afterwards, the seeds are removed and washed well. Treatment with vodka ensures excellent germination within a couple of days.

Each gardener decides for himself whether to soak carrot seeds before planting or whether to use other processing methods. In any case, all this work is aimed at increasing the number of sprouted plants and, accordingly, obtaining a high yield.

Preparing carrot seeds for planting: video

Want to know how to properly soak shish kebab? Forget about mayonnaise, vinegar and all kinds of chemical additives from supermarkets. Today only natural products and only the necessary advice! Collected here best recipes from cuisines of several countries. You will learn how to soak shish kebab in Georgian, Cossack and Afghan style. This is a completely different approach to the same dish. But each recipe is unique in its own way. Read, cook, enjoy.

The first recipe was left to us by a Georgian friend. It was he who told it so that it would be juicy, aromatic and really tasty. It turns out that it is both quick and simple. For the barbecue, he chose meat ribs (brisket). For those who do not like fatty meat, it is better to stick to the neck (the most tender pieces without fat).

The pieces should not be small, otherwise you will get croutons instead of kebab. Onions are usually cut into rings. It is important that there is approximately the same amount of meat as meat (equally). The only seasonings needed were lemon juice, basil, tarragon, parsley and white pepper (and salt to taste). All this was mixed and put under pressure until the coals began to produce the required heat (an hour and a half). The meat was threaded onto skewers along the grain (in no case across), freed from greens. Fry until browned, sprinkling with lemon juice.

The next recipe is an echo of old Cossack cuisine, but with new additions. In general, the word “kebab” was invented by the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who borrowed the method of cooking on a spit. The meat was then soaked not in wine and onions, but in sour milk. The details of how to soak shish kebab the Cossack way have not reached us, but the basics still remain. Therefore, let’s try to get closer to the cuisine of the Zaporozhye Sich.

Prepare large pieces young lamb (2 kg), black pepper and almonds (ground), spoiled milk(a couple of glasses) and salt. Mix all ingredients except salt. The meat is marinated for about three hours (or more). You will need salt before you put the meat on a skewer (or put it on the grill) on the coals (not before, otherwise the juiciness will be lost). Lamb lovers will appreciate this kebab.

The third recipe relates to Afghan cuisine. It’s not enough to know how to soak kebab; you also need to know how to choose the “right” meat. Lamb should only be young, pale pink, light, smell good and have no veins. Each piece is wiped with a mixture of olive oil and pepper, then chopped onions and peeled garlic cloves are added to the meat (per kilogram of meat - a head of garlic, more is possible), tomato juice and curry. Salt, as in the previous recipe, is added directly before the grill, since it “draws out” the juices. Don't overpower excellent lamb shish kebab with store-bought sauces. Limit yourself to fresh vegetables, herbs and good dry wine.

Before soaking meat for barbecue, pay attention to a few tips given below.

1. Any meat (lamb, chicken) should only be fresh, or even better, fresh. Frozen is not suitable for barbecue.

2. Don't use vinegar. It is better to take lemon and gooseberries as a sour base. Will do dry wine or kefir.

3. Onions, tomatoes, spices, and herbs are friendly to meat. As an experiment, try adding a little honey and mustard to the marinade (not for everyone).

4. The meat is usually marinated for 6 hours, but no more than a day, otherwise the onion will begin to give off its bitterness.

5. The pieces are strung only along the fibers (you can alternate with onions and tomatoes).

6. Shish kebab fried on a fire will be doomed - it needs the heat of coals, not flame.

7. Best kebab made on grapevine coals. Since this is very rare, fruit tree logs (not branches) will do. Pine will add bitterness to the meat, and birch will turn the kebab black.

8. If you want to play with flavors, try throwing a little cardamom, wormwood, dill, and thyme onto the coals.

9. When frying, sprinkle the meat with either dry wine or lemon juice.

10. The readiness of the kebab will be indicated by cutting the piece. When clear juice appears, remove the meat. If it's still pink, it needs a few more minutes. Well, if there is no juice at all, the kebab is too dry.

Washing is a process in which every housewife can easily have her own secrets. And although the new generation of washing machines sometimes seems to perform outright cosmic functions, every second housewife does a lot of things with her own hands. For example, soaking laundry - sometimes there’s no escape from this pre-washing action.

Some people use grandma's secrets, others soak their laundry by trial and error. But how to do this correctly? This process can be described in four simple tips.

Soaking simplifies the washing process. This is an axiom. What is the essence of washing, think about it. You go to your unit, let it be, for example, a Samsung washing machine, and throw the laundry in there. Dirt from the laundry should go into the water, partly into the detergent, and this dirty water will go down the drain. But if you soak, a significant part of the dirt will go into this first water. And the laundry will go into the washing machine, to some extent, clean, and it will be easier for it to wash further.

There are some important nuances here:

  • Be sure to sort things, both by color and type of fabric, and by degree of soiling;
  • Do not wash knitwear with wool;
  • Do not wash dyed cotton and linen with undyed cotton and linen;
  • Do not wash synthetics with natural fabrics.

Sometimes it’s worth soaking things after washing. But more on that later.

Be sure to prepare the soaking solution in advance. You can, of course, “plop” the finished product from a bottle into water, but this is not entirely correct.

You can simply dissolve a little detergent in water and throw things into this concentrated mixture. Sometimes they are soaked in water containing detergents, where the laundry will subsequently be washed.

If the solution is warm, then you need to soak things in it for at least three hours. By warm we mean a solution of 30 degrees.

If the solution is cold, it will take longer to soak.

It’s worth mentioning separately about laundry soap. Yes, progress is progress, and this cheap remedy never ceases to prove its worth. So, let's say you've soaped things up, quite heavily. You can soak them in warm water, where in addition to the soapy solution from things, there will also be a tablespoon of soda. The time of such soaking is 8-10 hours.

For example, workwear with oil stains. And in general, men's clothes, soiled to some extreme degree, women often have to wash.

Follow these instructions:

  • Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of soda ash or trinitriphosphate in ten liters of water;
  • Such clothes need to be soaked for at least 12 hours, or better yet, a day;
  • Soaking temperature - 30-40 degrees;
  • But do not soak woolen items for more than ten minutes, no matter how dirty they are;
  • You should never wash things made of lavsan and (or) nitron with soap.

If the contaminants are of a protein nature, for example, berries, sauces, eggs, blood, the soaking products must contain enzymes.

And now about how and why to soak laundry after washing.

For example, you washed, ironed, and the mark from the hot iron appeared so offensively on the item. Or the situation is simpler - the product simply fell off after washing. What to do? You'll have to soak it.

The solution for soaking after washing is as follows:

1 tablespoon of turpentine;

3 tablespoons of ammonia;

2 tablespoons of vodka;

10 liters of water.

This is the so-called grandmother's recipe, which rarely fails.

Be sure to take these tips into account:

  • You can soak white items in cold water, you can in a warm one, but again - no higher than thirty to forty degrees. While soaking, you can add a little washing powder to the water.
  • And if you are soaking kitchen towels, add salt to the water, just a little bit.
  • White items should not be soaked for more than an hour.
  • The best time for soaking is half an hour.
  • After soaking, thoroughly rub the areas on white items with soap again, and only then put them in the washing machine.

Well, that's all the tricks. Correct mode subsequent washing is important: be it a Beko washing machine, be it a more modest appliance.

Successful washing with the cleanest result!

Soaking is part of the washing process, which directly affects how clean your laundry will be. And the secrets of proper soaking will help you cope with even the most complex and large laundry. So how to soak laundry correctly?

You should take half as much washing powder for soaking as for washing. The duration of soaking should be at least 2 hours at a solution temperature of at least 30°C

If you have to wash rough items made of cotton and linen fabrics, oily overalls, very dirty laundry, then use highly alkaline products for soaking, such as “Soda ash”, “Trisodium phosphate: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of the drug per 10 liters of water. The duration of soaking such things is from 12 to 24 hours at 30-40°C.

For soaking, you can use washing powders and pastes with biological additives (enzymes) that help remove protein contaminants. Linen should be soaked in such products at a water temperature no higher than 35-40°C, and washed at up to 60°C, since at higher temperatures the enzymes die.

White and colored linen are soaked separately.

To ensure that the laundry gets thoroughly wet, it should not be packed tightly when soaking. It is recommended to stir the laundry from time to time; you can wrinkle or rub it.

If the laundry is very dirty, then change the soaking water several times. If you need to wash very washed cotton linen, soak it for a day in a solution containing 2-3 tablespoons of detergent for cotton fabrics and the same amount of turpentine per 10 liters of water. There is another way: you can soak things in a warm (30-40°C) vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Excessively long (more than a day) soaking is not only impractical, but also harmful, since the laundry turns sour and acquires a foul odor, which is difficult to remove even with subsequent washing and thorough rinsing.

Soaking is also necessary for things contaminated with protein and starchy substances - blood, pus, milk, eggs, etc.

For heavily soiled laundry, do two soaks: the first (for 2-4 hours) is done in plain water, softened with a small amount of soda. For the second soaking, you can use detergents or prepare a soap-soda solution: for 1 kilogram of laundry, take 10 liters of water, 5-8 grams of soda and 3-5 grams of 40% soap. First in small quantity hot water dissolve the soda and pour it into a container for soaking, and after 15-20 minutes a separately prepared soap solution is added to the water, then put in the laundry, well wrung out after the first soaking. Instead of soda, you can use trisodium phosphate, washing powder or ammonia.

Cotton lace, tulle, lace fabrics are soaked for an hour and a half in cold salted water before washing and only then washed in warm water, adding some powder with chemical bleach. They cannot be rubbed or twisted, but only very lightly squeezed. Then the lace is rinsed in large quantities warm water and lightly starched.