Peach jam: a quick recipe. Peach jam: the best recipes

Fragrant and sweet delicious jam from peaches - a real find for the sweet tooth. This gourmet dessert getting ready different ways, and almost every hostess has her own favorite recipe. Here are some popular options for preparing gourmet treats. Jam can be put into jars and put away in a dark place to enjoy the taste of fruits in winter, which have absorbed all the warmth, light and benefits of summer.

Classic peach jam recipe

Classic recipe peach jam extremely easy to prepare. Every hostess will cope with it, regardless of the level of her culinary skills. The composition of the dessert includes the simplest ingredients.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

Simple peach jam

A very simple peach jam recipe for the winter is a great solution for those hostesses who would like to please their family delicious treat. Such a cold dessert is created without cooking. Cooking will take a little longer if you first remove the skin from the fruit. This can be done by simply dousing them with boiling water.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g.

Cooking method

Peach jam slices

In order to enjoy the amazing taste of summer fruits in winter, it is worth making peach jam in slices. So that the composition does not boil down to the state of porridge, only strong and hard fruits should be used to cook such a jam, and it will not be difficult to purchase the rest of the ingredients. This dessert will turn out very tender, refined and fragrant. It is perfect for tea drinking and goes well with toasts and cereals.


  • strong peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

On a note! Natural lemon juice can be replaced with acid.

Cooking method

  1. visual step by step recipe peach jam with a photo will help cooks. To begin with, it is worth preparing all the ingredients.

  2. Wash the peaches well and remove the pits from the fruit. Then the fruit must be cut into slices. Then the fruits are transferred to a metal container: a pan or basin.

  3. Now we need to make syrup. To do this, you will need to dissolve the amount of sugar indicated in the jam recipe in 250 ml of water. The syrup must be brought to the boiling stage so that the sugar is completely dispersed. In this case, the ingredients should be constantly stirred: this will help to avoid burning the liquid.

  4. What should be done next? Pieces of peaches in a container are poured with pre-prepared sugar syrup. There you also need to put only one cinnamon stick and citric acid, if it is used. This mixture must be boiled. Then it is removed from the fire and completely cooled.

  5. Then the future peach jam slices once again need to be brought to a boil. The composition is mixed with a spatula made of wood, after which it is removed from the stove and thoroughly cooled in natural conditions.

  6. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a separate saucepan.

  7. Now lemon juice is poured into the jam. Future peach jam with fruit slices is brought to a boil. After that, the mass must be cooked for at least 30 minutes. In this case, heating should be minimal. It remains only to remove the cinnamon stick from the mixture.

  8. Ready hot peach jam, cut into slices and diluted with lemon juice, remains to be poured into clean, sterilized jars. Dessert needs to be rolled up.

Apricot jam with oranges

Incredibly useful, fragrant will be apricot jam. The rich and dense taste of this delicacy is memorable and bright, just like the appearance preparations for the winter. When cooking such a dessert, you should use a step-by-step recipe for peach jam with a photo. This will help cooks avoid possible errors. The result is a colorful composition enriched with vitamins. If you include citric acid in the composition, then the product will acquire a special piquancy.


  • ripe peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • water - 200 ml.

Note! Cooks who have already mastered this wonderful recipe do not recommend using overripe fruits for cooking, which quickly “spread”. It is best to take a little underripe fruit.

Cooking method

Five-minute peach jam

Another popular version of peach jam is cooked using a method that is well known and loved by many housewives. This is the famous five-minute.


  • peaches - 700 g (pitted mass);
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

Cooking method

Video recipes for peach jam

Now you know how to cook peach jam correctly and tasty. And a video will help to present the process of cooking from peaches more clearly.

Peach jam "Five Minute", the recipes of which will be described below, is very tasty and healthy treat. Making this dessert is easy. Therefore, it is very popular among modern culinary specialists.

Ready has a pleasant delicate texture and unsurpassed taste.

How to choose the main component?

To cook Five Minute Peach Jam, you must first choose the right fruit, and then process them carefully.

It is advisable to purchase peaches for such a delicacy in late August - early September. It is at this time of the year that fruits are sold in almost all stores at a very reasonable price.

In order for the “Five Minute” peach jam to turn out delicious, the main component should not be too soft. However, it is also undesirable to use hard fruits. Ideally, you should take peaches, which, when pressed, leave clear dents. It is this product that will contribute to obtaining a tasty and not sprawling jam.

Fruit pretreatment

Before peaches "Five Minute", they should be carefully processed. Fruits are thoroughly washed hot water by removing the existing stalks. Next, cuts are made on the peaches, broken in half ( better with hands, turning the halves in different directions) and take out the drupe. After that, the remaining pulp is chopped into slices. If you purchased medium-sized fruits, then they can be used in the form of halves.

By the way, some housewives cook Pyatiminutka peach jam only after the main component is peeled. However, we do not recommend doing this. This is due to the fact that the hairy part of peaches has a large amount of vitamins. What's more, it allows the fruit pieces to keep their shape, and does not turn jam into jam.

It should also be noted that some cooks make Pyatiminutka peach jam with drupe kernels. With them, the dessert turns out much tastier and more aromatic.

We make a simple and quick peach jam "Five Minute"

If you do not like to stand at the stove for a long time, then this recipe for making peach dessert will do you the most. To implement it, we need:

  • small beet sugar - about 1.5 kg;
  • processed peaches, cut into slices - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 250 ml.

Cooking process

To make such a treat at home, you will need a large saucepan or an enamel bowl. It is necessary to put all the processed peaches in it, and then add sugar and mix thoroughly with a large spoon.

In order for the fruit to begin to secrete its juice, the filled basin should be covered with a newspaper and left warm for 20-25 minutes. After the lapse of time, the peaches are again stirred from the bottom and put on a very slow fire. At the same time, drinking water is poured into them.

Re-mixing the components, they are brought to a boil. In this case, the jam should gradually become covered with a sweet foam. Some housewives clean it with a slotted spoon. We do not recommend doing this.

After the peach jam boils, note the time. From this moment on, a tasty and tender delicacy is cooked for exactly 5 minutes.

Where to store?

After the specified time, the peach jam should be fully cooked. It is laid out in small sterilized jars and covered with plastic lids. In this form, the containers are left at room temperature until completely cool.

Due to the fact that the jam we are considering was prepared with the help of a gentle heat treatment, it should be stored only in the refrigerator. Moreover, it is desirable to consume such a delicacy within 2-3 months.

Cooking peach jam for the winter

"Five Minute" ... A dessert with this name can be prepared for several minutes, and several days. If you decide to prepare this jam for the winter, then you will have to use another recipe. To implement it, you need to purchase:

  • small beet sugar - about 1.7 kg;
  • processed peaches, cut into halves - 1 kg;
  • drupe kernels - 150 g;
  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • drinking water - 200 ml.

Cooking method

As in the previous recipe, to make peach jam at home, you will need a large enamel basin or deep saucepan. Put all the halves of the fruit in it and immediately cover them with granulated sugar.

Leaving the peaches under a newspaper for 1.5 hours, put them on the stove, pour in water and mix well. After the contents of the dishes boil, the jam is cooked for exactly 5 minutes. After the lapse of time, it is removed from the fire and again left under the newspaper for 5-6 hours. Such actions should be carried out 5 times. In other words, Pyatiminutka jam must be cooked for exactly 25 minutes. Moreover, on the 4th boil, drupe kernels should be added to it, and on the 5th - citric acid.

Such processing will contribute to obtaining a dark and thick jam, which can be stored in the cellar for quite a long time (up to six months).

Seaming process and storage method

As soon as the peach jam is boiled for the fifth time, it is immediately laid out in small sterilized jars, which are rolled up with tin lids. In this form, the amber dessert is covered with a blanket and kept in it until it cools completely. In the future, peach jam is sent to a dark and cool room (for example, a pantry, cellar, underground, etc.), where it is stored for no more than six months.

How and with what to use?

You can use ready-made peach jam prepared according to any of the above recipes immediately after the end of the heat treatment. But it would be better if such a delicacy was previously kept in the refrigerator. In this case, it will become thicker and more tasty.

You can use such a delicacy with tea or some other drink. Many housewives make sweet sandwiches from it. To do this, thick peach jam is spread on crispy toast and immediately served.

Sweet, juicy, fragrant peaches are everyone's favorite summer fruit. I propose not to part with the delicacy in the winter and stock up for the winter a few jars of fragrant and very tasty jam.

I don’t feel like cooking jam for hours in the summer heat, so I propose a simple, quick and easy recipe peach jam, the preparation of which will not take you much time and effort.

According to this recipe, peaches are cooked for a short time, in two stages. Most of the time, the peaches “rest” and soak in the syrup without any participation on your part, and the real work of preparing the fruit and harvesting it takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

This approach not only simplifies the preparation of peaches, but also preserves their natural rich aroma, taste and color. In addition to the obvious speed and ease of preparation, I also like this recipe for making peach jam for the winter because the fruit retains its natural shape. I sometimes use peach halves from this jam in winter to decorate desserts, ice cream and pastries.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Place the peaches in boiling water for 15-30 seconds, then in cold water. After that, the peel will separate from the pulp, and it will be easy to remove. Remove the skin and, after removing the pit, cut the peaches into halves, wedges or pieces.

You can leave the peel on, but, for my taste, jam from peeled peaches turns out to be tastier.

Lay the peaches in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

When making jam, the classic ratio of sugar and fruit is 1 to 1. But if the peaches are very sweet and ripe, I reduce the amount of sugar to 700-800 grams.

Leave the prepared peaches for several hours.

When the peaches start up the juice, and the sugar is partially dissolved, you can start cooking the jam.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the jam cool down.

Allow the peaches to cool in the syrup to room temperature before proceeding with further cooking. If you have time and desire, you can leave the mixture for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

Separate the peaches from the syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil and boil separately for 15 minutes over low heat, removing the foam.

Place the fruit in the reduced syrup, bring the mixture to a boil and turn off the heat.

Pour hot peach jam into sterilized jars. Close with sterilized lids.

Turn over and wrap until cool.

Fragrant and tasty peach jam for the winter is ready. Bon appetit!

Fragrant homemade peach jam is a wonderful sweet billet winter that the whole family will love. If you do not remove the skin, the finished dessert will turn out as in the picture, and without it, the jam will be a rich amber color. Elastic peach slices in thick sugar syrup the light sourness of the lemon perfectly sets off: such a dessert is not ashamed to be served even to guests at the festive table!

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for peach jam for the winter, but there are some nuances. For example, for this fragrant preparation it is necessary to take not fully ripened and dense fruits, because otherwise the slices will simply boil and turn into mashed potatoes. I just had such peaches: a very cheap batch was brought to the store, so I already knew what exactly I would cook from them.

In addition, depending on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit, it may take a different time to turn sugar into syrup. It is important not to rush and then your expectation will pay off with interest. The density of the peach syrup itself can be easily adjusted by longer boiling. In any case, I am sure that you will definitely prepare the most delicious and fragrant peach jam for your family!


Cooking step by step with photos:

Wash and dry the peaches, then cut the pulp into slices. It all depends on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit! I had very dense and crispy (like apples) peaches, so the pulp didn’t want to leave the pits - I just had to cut it off with a knife. Whether or not to remove the velvety skin is up to you (it doesn’t bother me at all in jam). I indicate the mass of peaches (1 kilogram) in the ingredients in an already prepared form, that is, pitted. We put the slices in the dishes in which we will prepare the jam.

We fall asleep peaches with granulated sugar - you need 1 kilogram. It may seem like a lot, but it will soon turn into syrup. We shake the pan or mix everything with our hands (if the peaches are dense, like mine), so that the sugar evenly covers all the slices. In this state, peaches with sugar should be left at room temperature for several hours, periodically stirring the contents. As a rule, I keep hard fruits for quite a long time - I fall asleep with sugar in the evening and leave everything until the morning.

In the morning (or after a few hours) all the sugar will turn into syrup (it may remain a little at the bottom) - it's time to move on to the next step in making peach jam for the winter. We put the dishes on a quiet fire and let the granulated sugar with the juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid for this time.

Thus, bring the contents of the dishes to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Do not forget to remove the foam - there will be quite a lot of it. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and allow the future peach jam to cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush, so you can leave the delicacy to rest for at least 5, at least for 12 hours.

Now you need to carefully remove the slices of peaches from the syrup. It's not very long, don't worry. We do this in order to properly boil the syrup.

Then pour 50 milliliters lemon juice, which will help the syrup stay clear and not cloudy. In addition, lemon will add sourness to decently sweet jam. Cook at a medium boil for another 10-15 minutes. A soft-soft ball serves as a test for the readiness of the syrup: if you drop quite a bit of syrup on a chilled saucer, the drop does not spread, but keeps its shape.

We put peach slices in boiling syrup, boil everything together for another 10 minutes on low heat after boiling again. homemade jam of peaches is ready - we close it for the winter.

Cooking homemade jam

Peach jam is very healthy! The recipe for the winter is quite simple, and the result is really amazing. Try it! You will not regret...

1 b

24 hours

220 kcal

4.5/5 (6)

To preserve fruits in jam beneficial features, and the delicacy turned out to be delicious, important choose the right peaches:

  • The fruits must be ripe, but not overripe. If a clear indentation remains on the surface when pressed with a finger, such a peach is perfect for jam.
  • Damaged fruits with wormholes are not suitable for cooking delicacies.

The best peaches for the preparation of jam they ripen in the second half of August - early September.

What is required for cooking

In addition to the main component of jam - the fruit of the peach tree, we need per 1 kg of fruit:

The process of making primary jam for the winter

So let's cook! The process of cooking jam will seem quick and easy if you do everything in stages:

  1. Peaches carefully sort out, remove the stalks, rinse under hot water.
  2. Get the bones by making cuts on the fruit for this and breaking them in half.
  3. Cut the pulp into slices up to 1.5 cm thick.
  4. Put the pieces of fruit in an enamel bowl, cover with sugar, cover from above and leave in a warm place for half an hour.
  5. When the peaches release their juice, mix them, put on a slow fire, add water, mix again and cook until boiling.
  6. Five minutes after boiling, turn off the jam, mix, and then bring to a boil four more times with breaks of 5-6 hours.
  7. Pour the finished delicacy into pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Banks wrap with a blanket and do not unravel until completely cooled.

  • Peels should not be peeled before cooking. The fact is that it is in this part of the fruit that are found in large quantities. nutrients and vitamins. In addition, the peel does not allow the pieces to fall apart during the cooking process.
  • The jam will be tastier if you do not remove the foam that forms on the surface during boiling.
  • Peach kernels will add a special taste and unforgettable aroma to the delicacy. They are added both whole and crushed, for the fourth boil.
  • For longer storage, you can add a little to the jam. citric acid. This should be done on the fifth boil.
  • The jam will become thicker and more delicious after it has been refrigerated.

How to store treats

Peach jam can be stored in rolled up banks up to a year. So that the delicacy probably does not deteriorate, the containers should be lowered into the cellar, basement or placed in the refrigerator.

The taste of jam in hidden jars is preserved for 1-2 months, provided they are stored in a cool place.