Fruits fried in dough on the grill. How to cook fried bananas in a frying pan: recipes with caramel, butter, batter and dough

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You can use any fruit to make these pakoras. Bananas need to be cut into slices, pineapples into small pieces, apples and pears into slices. Small fruits or berries, such as, can be fried whole by dipping them in the dough. You can skip the baking powder if you prefer. In this case, the crust will be a little harder, but the pakoras will be just as tasty.

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except fruit, melted butter and powdered sugar, and whisk to form a dough thick enough to coat fruit when dipped in it. Place a handful of chopped fruit into the dough. Stir until each piece is completely coated with batter.

Heat up melted butter in a karhai or low saucepan over medium heat. The butter is ready when a drop of dough that falls into it bubbles and immediately rises to the surface. Remove the fruit pieces from the dough one by one and carefully lower them into the hot oil. Fry the pakoras for 3-4 minutes until they are golden brown and crispy. Remove the pakoras with a slotted spoon and place in a colander to drain the oil. If there is any dough remaining, chop more fruit.

Sprinkle pakoras powdered sugar and serve warm or room temperature. Phal ka pakoras go well with shrikhand and kheer.

Cooking time - 25 minutes.

You also think not the best way Is it better to enjoy tender peaches, juicy mangoes and sweet berries than to eat them the moment they are brought home from the market? Do you also love to feel like fruit juice running down your chin? We dare to assure you that there is a good alternative to the usual taste. Take fruits and berries and place them on the grill grate.

Complex taste and rich aroma

Why is the grill the best solution for roasting tender slices? Here's what Chef Greg Denton, owner of Ox Restaurant (Portland, Oregon) says: “Many people like to start their meal with something cool, refreshing, crunchy. But when you expose your favorite fruit to high temperatures, the flavor of the pieces transforms into something rich and complex. The complex flavor palette is emphasized by caramelized fructose, which is well complemented by a slight bitterness added by fire.”

Grate instead of oven

If you have previously only encountered baked apples, we invite you to expand your knowledge in the field of preparing fruits. Baked on the grill, they are good in everything: from garnishing drinks to being a side dish on their own. If you have a choice, use a charcoal grill instead of an oven. This way, the coals will add even more flavor to the fruit pieces. This method also gives you the advantage of a higher temperature, which means you have the opportunity to prevent the fruit pulp from sticking to the grate itself. This ensures that you get a perfectly baked product without burning.

Final preparations

This is how you should do it at home. Heat the grill to high temperature, remove the grate and check that it is clean. Lightly rub the surface with oil and arrange the fruit pieces. If the fruit is too small, use a small cast iron pan. Try to ensure that the entire surface of the grill or baking sheet is covered with fruits and berries. If you don't know how to grill fruits and berries, check out our recipes.

Grilled peaches in gazpacho sauce

Peel peaches, nectarines and plums. Cut them into large slices. Grill at high temperature. Before turning off the oven, prepare gazpacho sauce. To do this, grind the cucumber, red Bell pepper, onion. Add a few drops of wine vinegar, salt, pepper and pieces of ice to the resulting mass. Before serving, garnish with croutons and feta cheese. Don't forget the olive oil.

Fried melons with prosciutto and mozzarella

Due to their increased juiciness, melons are ideal ingredient for grilling. Small pieces will benefit from exposure to very high temperatures. This way, all the sweetness will concentrate on the surface and turn into a natural glaze. However, the inside of the slices will remain cool and moist. You can thread 2-3cm thick pieces onto skewers. Don't forget to sprinkle them olive oil. A small amount of use salt and pepper to taste. Serve the fried melon with a slice of prosciutto and mozzarella.

Grilled oranges

Cut the peeled orange slices into slices 1-1.5 cm thick. This method of grilling oranges means that you will only bake the slices on one side. Readiness is indicated by the pronounced smell of burnt sugar. Well, the top side must be left raw. This way you can enjoy a mixture of flavors. Ready-made slices can be added to a classic milkshake or banana shake.

Grilled berries

The berries are surprisingly good when grilled. Remember that when exposed to high temperatures, components quickly begin to deteriorate. Therefore, be quick. To prevent the pieces from leaking through the grill, place them on skewers or in a special mesh. Total cooking time is 6 minutes (at slightly above medium temperature). Every two minutes, lightly move the berries inside the mesh by shaking. The best dressing for grilled berries is spicy sauce for barbecue.

Extraordinary adventures of fruits in our lives

Grilled fruits

Choose - an aperitif, a side dish, and a dessert...

Fruits are ideal for grilling because they are easy to prepare and very tasty. Fruit is mostly water and sugar, and grilling removes excess water and natural sugars, concentrating flavors while reducing water. The process is very simple. All you need is chopped fruit, water and vegetable oil to make. Grilled fruit is a quick and easy addition to any dish. It can be an aperitif, a side dish, or a dessert. Tough fruits such as apples, pears, and pineapples are better suited to simple grilling as they retain their shape and texture while cooking. Soft fruits such as peaches, nectarines, plums and mangoes are more difficult to prepare as they lose flavor and appearance when overheated. You need to be more careful when cooking with these types of fruits. In any case, you want to choose fruits that are ripe but firm enough that they won't lose their texture on the grill.

The process of cooking fruit on the grill.

Many fruits for grilling are cut in half, and bananas are cut lengthwise. All fruits must have their seeds removed. As a general rule, it is best to leave the skin on most fruits. Large fruits and citrus fruits should be cut into slices. Once you have cut the fruit, soak it in water to maximize the amount of liquid inside the fruit. This will allow the fruit to remain dry after cooking. Use enough cold water to completely cover the fruit. Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice in every cup of water to preserve the color of the fruit. Let the fruit soak in the lemon water for 20 to 30 minutes. You may want to add ice to keep the water cold. It is best to grill the fruit over medium heat on a very clean grate. Nothing ruins the taste of fruit like leftover food particles from the last batch of hamburgers. To keep the fruit from sticking to the grill, lightly wet it vegetable oil . But it is better to use deodorized maso, since many oils, like olive oil, for example, have too strong a flavor for fruit. To enhance the aroma of the fruit, try adding spices to the soaked fruit. Simply throw a pinch of vanilla or a cinnamon stick into the soaking bowl. You can also add nutmeg, allspice, cloves, ginger. If you want to make the finished fruit sweeter, you can sprinkle it brown sugar , but be careful because sugar burns quickly and gives an unpleasant taste and color. You can also add to marinades alcoholic drinks

: A mixture of rum, brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg can make a truly fantastic pineapple wedge. Be careful as alcoholic beverages may increase grill flames.

Grilled pineapple. This is a fantastic dessert recipe. The dish is prepared quickly and easily. Pineapple is pre-soaked in lemon juice cold water
, where a spoonful of rum or tequila is added.
-1 large pineapple, peeled, hollowed, sliced
- 3/4 cup of tequila,
- 3/4 cup brown sugar, - vanillin,
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon,
vanilla ice cream.
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

  • Mix tequila, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon together until sugar dissolves. Preheat the grill. Place pineapple on grill. Fry, turning the slices from time to time for about 10 minutes. Serve hot with a scoop of ice cream.

Your Life Will Never Be The Same

It is a good source of vitamin C, which means it will be useful to support a healthy immune system. Fresh dill is good for salads, soups and stews . Fennel is especially good for fish dishes

, especially when the fish is fatty. Fennel seeds enhance flavor and improve fat digestion.

You can sprinkle fresh chopped fennel leaves over yogurt, tofu, or steamed vegetables. Cardamom According to Ayurvedic medicine, cardamom makes fatty foods more digestible. Cardamom contains cineole, which has antiseptic properties.

Cardamom, due to its aroma, is ideal for combating bad breath. It can help cure a sore throat. Try adding cardamom to tea, coffee,

hot chocolate

and hot milk.

In addition, cardamom goes well with rice and baked goods - it could be coffee cake, muffins, or cookies. Copyright 2014. Fruits in our lives. All rights reserved. On the grill you can cook not only kebabs, but also delicious desserts. Try these recipes and see for yourself!

Sweet dishes are best cooked over well-heated coals without fire. Wait for the wood to burn thoroughly, fry the meat and vegetables, and at the end proceed to dessert. Below 7 original recipes , which will not leave you indifferent! Add a scoop or two of ice cream to these desserts and it’s simply delicious! Pizza - favorite dish many children and adults, but few people know that it can be... dessert! Try making sweet pizza right on the grill. Use frozen dough

different types
chocolate and also
fresh berries . This unusual dessert will surprise and delight your loved ones!
Dessert pizza recipe with berries >>
50 g
white chocolate
50 g dark chocolate
1 package frozen pizza dough
50 g strawberries
50 g raspberries

50 g blackberries
50 g blueberries 2 tbsp. spoons of almond petals 20 g butter
How to make dessert pizza with fruit: 1. Defrost ready dough
3. Wash the berries. Cut the strawberries into thin slices. Place strawberry slices, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries on the dough. Sprinkle with almond flakes and gently drizzle with melted white chocolate.

Baked bananas are good on their own, but if you add marshmallows, chocolate and popcorn to them, they will turn from the usual fruit into a real gastronomic pleasure. And don’t let the appearance of this dessert scare you: it tastes absolutely special!

Recipe: Banana boats >>
chocolate and also
2 bananas
50 g marshmallows
50 g chocolate
50 g sweet popcorn

How to make banana boats:
1. Carefully cut the peeled banana along the concave edge in the middle and open it slightly to create a “boat”.
2. Place marshmallows, chocolate pieces and sweet popcorn inside the banana.
3. Wrap in foil. Place on a hot grill and bake for 5-7 minutes to allow the chocolate and marshmallows to melt. Uncover the foil on top and bake the bananas for a couple more minutes. Serve dessert with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream.

Pineapple is perhaps the most popular fruit to grill. In this form it is added to various salads and hot dishes, but it is best to use grilled pineapple as a base for a quick and delicious dessert. Add a scoop of ice cream, a little rum sauce, and perfect dessert Ready for a picnic!

Recipe: Grilled Pineapple with Ice Cream and Rum Sauce >>
chocolate and also
1 pineapple
50 g raspberries
2 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar
2 tbsp. spoons of rum
200 g vanilla ice cream

How to make grilled pineapple with ice cream and rum sauce:
1. Trim the top and bottom of the pineapple, carefully peel it and cut crosswise into 8 rings, each about 1-2 cm thick. Using a spoon or knife, remove the core of each pineapple piece.
2. Place pineapple rounds on grill grate. Fry them for 2-3 minutes on each side until they are browned.
3. Heat the butter, sugar and rum in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved and the sauce has thickened slightly, about 2 minutes. Remove sauce from heat.
4. Serve dessert in portions: place a couple of pineapple circles on a plate, add a scoop of ice cream and pour 2 teaspoons of sauce.

Baked apples are considered one of the healthiest and low-calorie desserts. To make them more tasty, stuff them with the mixture oatmeal, cinnamon, nuts and raisins! This dish can be prepared in the oven, but on the grill it will turn out especially tasty.

Recipe: Grilled Baked Apples >>
chocolate and also
5 apples
100 g oatmeal
50 g flour
2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1-2 tbsp. spoons of honey or sugar syrup
nuts and raisins - to taste

How to cook baked apples on the grill:
1. Wash and core the apples. Place each of them on a separate piece of foil.
2. In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients for the filling: oats, flour, cinnamon, nuts and raisins, then add the butter and honey. Mix thoroughly.
3. Stuff each apple with the resulting mixture.
4. Grill the apples for 20-30 minutes until they are soft. Remove them from the heat and serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

This peach dessert is a bit like crumble - lazy pie made from fruit with dough or cookie crumbs. When grilled, peaches become tender and soft, and also acquire a magical taste and aroma due to the addition of cinnamon and ginger cookies.

Recipe: Peaches with Yogurt and Ginger Cookies >>
chocolate and also
500 g peaches
3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
100 g ginger cookies
10 g butter
Yogurt for serving

How to make peaches with yogurt and gingerbread cookies:
1. Cut the peaches into large slices. Mix sugar and cinnamon and roll the fruit pieces in it.
2. Grind into crumbs Gingerbread Cookie. Add half to the peaches.
3. Take thick foil and grease with butter. Make an envelope out of foil and place peaches and cookies in the center. Add some oil.
4. Place the envelope on the grill and cook over medium heat for 8-10 minutes. Remove the dish from the heat and place in a bowl. Serve the dessert by pouring yoghurt over it and lightly sprinkling it with gingerbread cookie crumbs.

Fruit skewers? Why not! Usually fruit skewers are served fresh, but we suggest you try a similar dessert, but lightly grilled.

Recipe: Fruit skewers >>
chocolate and also
2 bananas
100 g strawberries
1/2 pineapple
2 kiwi
other fruits - optional

How to make fruit skewers:
1. Preheat grill to medium heat.
2. Wash fruits and berries. Cut the banana and pineapple into large slices, and cut the strawberries in half. Form skewers onto skewers.
3. Grill them for about 5 minutes. You can serve the dessert with ice cream or whipped cream.

You've probably seen in many films that heroes on camping trips roast soft white marshmallows over a fire? But it's not just marshmallows, it's marshmallows! They differ in ingredients and preparation method. Don't try roasting regular marshmallows; they'll just melt. Buy a package of marshmallows, such as those in the shape of colorful braids, and go on a hike to try this unusual treat!

1 package marshmallows
50 g chocolate

How to make roasted marshmallows with chocolate:
1. Before threading marshmallows onto a skewer, warm up the tip.
2. Form marshmallow skewers.
3. Fry it over a fire for 2-3 minutes to form a golden crust. The inside of the marshmallow will become tender and soft.
4. Melt the chocolate over the heat in a small saucepan and dip the toasted marshmallows in it.
In chocolate, marshmallows turn into a very tasty treat!