How to make ginger tea. How to prepare ginger tea and correctly invite the “herbal king” to the table

Tea with ginger - this aromatic drink is increasingly gaining its admirers. For those who have already tried ginger tea or considers himself a fan - food for thought. For those who have heard, but are still afraid to conduct a “trial experiment” - a little useful tips, recipes, videos. Don't be afraid to try! An unattractive-looking spine can do a lot.

Ginger story of conquering the world

The main component of ginger tea... ginger is a spice native to South Asia. Now wild plants not even in the “historical homeland”. Ginger has been domesticated and cultivated in India, China, Indonesia, Africa and Australia.

The “white burning root” was first mentioned in ancient Indian treatises. Researchers claim that due to the great love for the “ginger delicacy”, its medicinal properties, and phytoaroma, densely populated India and China avoided the disastrous medieval plague epidemics.

Monastic chronicles indicate that Germany and France discovered ginger in the 9th century, and in the 10th century the British already included data on its medicinal benefits in the Anglo-Saxon Directory of Medicine. Later, supplementing the information, the effect of calming tea with ginger in hysteria was even described.

In England in the 13th century, the cost of 1 pound of ginger was equal to the price of a ram. In the XIII-XIV centuries. the spice was brought to Africa, and in the 16th century “mastered” America and the West Indies, becoming an export crop.

Queen Elizabeth I of England was a big fan of ginger. With her light hand, the gingerbread man “saw the light” in Europe. And in London Gingerstreet appeared - Ginger Street.

Taste, aroma, composition

Ginger taste is fresh, peppery, pronounced, with a long aftertaste. The aroma is sweetish. Gets along with many products. Ginger is added to green and black teas and brewed with spices and herbs. In ginger decoction, the white root is supplemented with honey, rose hips, citrus zest, apples, and spices.

For Indian yogis and Tibetan monks, during meditation, tea with ginger is the only permitted “material” cleansing of the soul and body.

The warming effect of ginger has long been known. According to Ayurvedic principles, such tea awakens the hot “yang” energy in us. In the cold season with reduced immunity, colds, sore throats, coughs - great way prevention and folk remedy. It is better to use fresh root, which is brewed quickly, otherwise it will give off all the pungency and make the tea bitter.

The root contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, and essential oils. A whole range of amino acids with abstruse names, but useful properties. Microelements. Ginger contains natural antioxidants and substances similar to natural antibiotics.

A separate story

In the list of “benefits”, the fat-burning ability of ginger drinks stands alone. It has been scientifically proven that tea with ginger can reduce weight... only “working in tandem” with physical activity and a balanced diet. No need to wash down the buns ginger tea, hoping that in a few doses the extra calories will be burned. Essential oils normalize metabolic processes, reducing cholesterol levels. They lift your spirits and give you strength for active fitness and sports. This approach is one way to achieve the desired “curly shape”.

For the first time drinking ginger tea for weight loss, start with half a glass a day. Further, the volume can increase - as much as you can drink.

Only by regularly drinking ginger tea for several months can you achieve results. For example, fresh root + green tea, mint, fresh orange juice.

For those who do not suffer from the desire to lose weight, drink this tea for your health to lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. If you have a cold, drink for a cold. Toxicosis in early pregnancy? – Relieve your condition by brewing ginger tea.

Ginger tea is almost universal, but there are also contraindications. If you know about health problems, consult your doctor.

Nuances of the tea ceremony: how to brew?

What are the benefits of ginger tea? Among its advantages is the effect of a warming “internal heating pad” in winter, acting as a tonic and quenching thirst in summer. It is good for preventing or treating a cold that has already begun. As a means of accelerating metabolic processes, restoring strength, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, analgesic.

It takes time to get used to its specific taste. After adding the root to boiling water, let it brew and you can drink - this is the most accessible way.

About some features of ginger, how to select and store, how to prepare tea - watch the video.

The white root is brewed together with mint, lemon balm, beneficial features which he strengthens. Milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg are also suitable additions. Lemon can be successfully replaced with orange, lime, and grapefruit.

Ginger tea: some features

You need twice as much dried root for tea as fresh. The decoction is steamed with it for 20-25 minutes over low heat.

Boil water with ginger for about 10 minutes in an open container for tea for colds.

Add fresh mint leaves and ice cubes to “summer” ginger tea, adding any sweetness to taste.

The benefits of honey “evaporate” at high temperatures, so it is added to a cup of ready-made tea or eaten with a spoon.

Cutting the root is also important. When brewed, the thin “petals” will give the tea a slight ginger note. Fresh grated root will give a pronounced taste, and the cubes will reveal the entire flavor palette. It is better to grate the root using a coarse/medium grater. Small - will “absorb” a lot of healing juice.

A lot of ginger in tea will provoke a strong effect of hot pepper. As a medicinal cold and warming tea, this is not bad at all. In another case, it’s not for everyone and without contraindications.

Ground root is unlikely to be suitable for tea - the drink will be cloudy, the taste and aroma will be unnoticeable.

It is advisable to drink ginger tea for weight loss before meals. General strengthening for immunity - in the morning, on an empty stomach. In the evening, it is better not to indulge in invigorating ginger tea; it increases tone; it can cause insomnia.

In the sea of ​​recipes, there is sure to be ginger tea with your favorite additives.

Spicy green tea with ginger recipe

  • Cinnamon (ground) - pinch
  • Zira (cumin) - pinch
  • Cloves - 4 pcs.
  • Cardamom - 4 pcs.
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Ginger (a piece the size of a large cherry)
  • Green tea - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon - 1/4 pcs.
How to cook:
  1. Peel the ginger and grate it, put it in a teapot, which you first pour over with boiling water.
  2. Add cloves, cinnamon and cardamom.
  3. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Pour green tea into a strainer and pour boiling water over it.
  5. Transfer to a teapot with spices and leave, stirring, for another 5 minutes.
  6. Before serving, squeeze lemon juice into the teapot.

Tea with ginger: simple and tasteful...

Ginger tea with rose hips, fruit tea with ginger, refreshing mint-ginger tea... An unusual bouquet of flavors, recipes for all occasions.

Anti-cold ginger tea. Classics of the genre. For 1 liter of water, put a 4-5 cm piece of ginger. Cut the peeled root into thin petals, or better yet, grate it. Place in boiling water. Brew for 10 minutes over low heat. You can add ground pepper during the process. The sweetness, spiciness, and acidity of ginger tea are regulated with honey, lemon, sugar, and orange. The amount of ginger itself is the same. The main thing is that the sharpness is not lost, which, by “dispersing” the internal heat, fights a lingering cold.

Another method is preventive. In a brewing mug, mix 1 tbsp. l. ginger, chopped or grated, honey, lemon (orange) juice. Fill ¼ full with water room temperature. Add hot water, not boiling water, to the top. Let it sit for 5 minutes. tea drink ready to eat.

Ginger tea is soothing. As additives - fresh mint/melissa leaves, sage, thyme, fireweed, lemon, lime.

Tea "Trans-Siberian Express". A combination of Asian ginger and Russian sea buckthorn. For tea you need 100 g frozen sea buckthorn, 200 ml orange juice, 40 ml each of ginger juice, lemon, honey. Heat the mixture to 60 C and you can drink it.

Experiment, improvise, combining your taste preferences and favorite aromas. Create unique recipe tea with ginger and drink it for your health!

Ginger, which has an oriental, fiery taste, has earned special trust among culinary experts. The aromatic seasoning provides dishes with additional piquancy. And drinks prepared with the addition of rhizomes help to warm up in severe frosts and refresh on hot days. Ginger teas quench thirst, treat illnesses and even allow you to lose weight. But before you brew the drink and fill the kitchen with a spicy aroma, it is important to find out what the benefits and harms of tea with ginger are.

Ginger tea containing a lot useful substances, has a powerful effect on the human body. It improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, excretory and nervous systems. But provided it is used correctly. If contraindications are not taken into account or the drink is abused, then it can cause harm to all these systems. Therefore, drinking ginger tea should not be taken lightly.

Tea with ginger: the benefits and harms of a spicy drink

Scientists have researched chemical composition ginger, discovered more than 400 substances beneficial to the body in the healing plant. Such a storehouse of vitamins and minerals allows for a comprehensive effect on a person and provides treatment for many pathologies. Healers and herbalists believe that some chemical drugs, for example, for colds, can be completely replaced with plant materials. That is why the benefits and harms of ginger tea continue to be studied by scientists and are of particular interest to patients.

What to expect: 10 point effect

The spicy drink, which amazes those who try it for the first time with its specific taste, can rightfully be considered the “king of herbal medicine.” It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body and affects almost all systems. Hot, scalding tea has the following properties.

People who, due to acquired illnesses, are forced to constantly use medications, should definitely consult a doctor before starting ginger therapy. The drink can enhance the effects of medications that thin the blood, lower sugar, stimulate the heart, and lower blood pressure. Ignoring medical advice can result in an unpleasant overdose, the consequences of which can be disastrous.

When a product becomes dangerous

Doctors warn that the drink can not only be a powerful medicine, but can also become a real pest for the body. Ginger teas have the following contraindications.

  • Gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • In case of inflammation of the ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, exacerbation of pancreatitis, drinks should not be used.
  • Bleeding.
  • Ginger thins the blood, so it can increase any bleeding (hemorrhoids, nosebleeds). Cirrhosis, hepatitis.
  • The active effect of the herbal remedy is contraindicated in patients with a diseased liver.
  • Cholelithiasis. Ginger is able to ensure the movement of stones. A stone can get into the duct and become a reason for urgent surgical intervention.


Drinking may increase your temperature.

Cardiovascular pathologies.

If you have severe hypertension or hypotension, have had a stroke or heart attack, you should stop using ginger.

Peculiarities. How to make ginger tea? To brew an aromatic-spicy drink, it will take only 20 minutes and the remedy that boosts immunity and restores strength will be ready. This tea can be consumed at the first signs of a cold or after severe physical and mental fatigue.


  • ginger root (chopped) - two tablespoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • honey - optional.

Cooking process

  1. The root is washed.
  2. The peel is cut as thin as possible.
  3. The peeled tuber is grated.
  4. The spicy paste is poured with boiling water.
  5. Cover the teapot with a lid and steep the tea for about 20 minutes.
  6. The drink is filtered through cheesecloth.
  7. To sweeten the tea, honey is added to it.

Green tea with ginger flavor

Peculiarities. One of healthy drinks for humans is green tea. It improves brain functioning, reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, and helps lose weight. Very often, green tea with ginger, for its strong fat-burning properties, is recommended for those who are committed to fighting excess weight.


  • green tea (large leaf) - two teaspoons;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • ginger - 60 g;

Cooking process

  1. Fresh tuber is grated on a grater.
  2. Place green tea in a thermos and add crushed spice.
  3. The mixture is poured hot water and seal the thermos.
  4. It is recommended to infuse the drink for half an hour.
  5. Then the liquid must be filtered.
  6. Leave ginger in tea for longer long time It’s not worth it, as the drink will acquire a distinctly hot taste.

Black tea with ginger flavor

Peculiarities. A combination of black tea and ginger is beneficial. This composition allows you to activate metabolism, improve liver function, and enhance the production of digestive enzymes. This promotes fat burning. A drink that combines the taste of black tea and the aroma of ginger can invigorate the body just as well as coffee.


  • loose leaf tea, without additives - two teaspoons;
  • grated ginger - two teaspoons;
  • cardamom - one pinch;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cloves - two pieces;
  • lemon - three to four slices;
  • honey - two teaspoons.

Cooking process

  1. Place a pan of water on the fire.
  2. When the liquid boils, crushed ginger is added to it. The spice should simmer for about two minutes.
  3. Then add the remaining spices to the pan.
  4. Simmer the product for five minutes over low heat.
  5. The tea is filtered. Then lemon slices are added to it and honey is added.

Ginger milk tea

Peculiarities. Studying various recipes When preparing tea with ginger, you should definitely try the drink with milk. This product strengthens bone tissue, prevents the development of osteoporosis, and protects against caries. And casein, which is part of milk, enhances fat burning.


  • milk (low-fat only) - 1 l;
  • tea (any) - three teaspoons;
  • ginger (dry or fresh) - 20 g;
  • honey - for sweetness.

Cooking process

  1. Place the milk on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Add tea to the liquid that is ready to boil, gently stirring the mixture.
  3. Next add grated ginger.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to steep for about 15-20 minutes.
  5. The drink must be stirred periodically.
  6. Then the tea is filtered and honey is added to taste.

This milk-ginger tea can be given to a child to prevent viral diseases and colds.

With orange and cinnamon

Peculiarities. Nutritionists recommend including oranges in your diet for quality weight loss. The orange component is able to eliminate free radicals and cleanse the body of breakdown products at the cellular level. Citrus helps slow down aging and effectively satisfies hunger. Ginger and orange combined with green tea They allow you to get rid of extra pounds, and in winter they protect against colds and improve your mood.


  • ginger tuber - approximately 1.5 cm;
  • orange - one citrus;
  • green tea - one teaspoon;
  • star anise - one star;
  • water - 450 ml.
  • cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon.

Cooking process

  1. Peeled ginger is cut into small pieces.
  2. The orange is washed well. Cut the citrus together with the zest into small slices.
  3. The prepared raw materials are placed in the kettle. Add green tea.
  4. These components are poured with hot water.
  5. Throw a star anise into the liquid and add cinnamon.
  6. The kettle is closed and wrapped in a warm towel.
  7. Infuse the drink for about 40 minutes.

Option with garlic

Peculiarities. If green tea for weight loss with ginger is supplemented with garlic, then effective disposal of those annoying extra pounds is ensured. This is exactly the drink that Angelina Jolie drank after giving birth, observing her slightly plumper figure in the mirror. And the talented actress managed to regain her ideal shape. How to make this tea with ginger and garlic at home?


  • ginger - 50 g;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • green tea - two teaspoons;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking process

  1. It is better to brew the drink in a thermos.
  2. The root is cut into thin petals and placed in a thermos.
  3. Garlic cloves are passed through a press. The pulp is added to the thermos.
  4. Add green tea to the ginger-garlic mixture. Fill with hot water.
  5. Infuse the drink for approximately one to two hours. Then be sure to filter.

Lemon-ginger drink with pepper

Peculiarities. This drink is recommended as an effective prevention and treatment of colds. It can be used to get rid of migraines and eliminate nervous tension. Tea restores strength and has a tonic effect. To activate the immune system to fight infection, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when preparing the drink.


  • root (grated) - three tablespoons;
  • water - 2 l;
  • honey - five tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - from one citrus;
  • black pepper (finely ground) - one pinch.

Cooking process

  1. The water is brought to a boil.
  2. Add grated ginger to the bubbling liquid.
  3. After two or three minutes, remove the pan from the stove and allow the drink to cool slightly.
  4. Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruit and added to ginger tea.
  5. Add a pinch of pepper.
  6. The last thing to introduce is honey. The product is added at the moment when the temperature of the drink drops to almost 40°C.

Remember not only how to prepare ginger tea, but also how to use it correctly. If the purpose of drinking tea is to lose weight, then take the fat-burning product 20–30 minutes before meals. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, and the digestive tract periodically reminds itself, then the drink is consumed during meals. Between tea parties, a pause of four hours is observed so as not to provoke sudden surges in pressure. And the last thing to remember is compliance with the measure. Drinking more than two liters of ginger tea per day is a direct path to painful overdose symptoms.

Ginger root can rightfully be called a storehouse of useful substances, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins and elements that can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Main secret When using this valuable product, you need to prepare it correctly so as not to lose even the slightest useful particle. Most often, tea with ginger is used to influence the body; how to brew it, recipes, interesting tricks - we bring all this to your attention.

Tea with ginger, benefits and harm

People who are passionate about this wonderful aromatic drink, are often interested in what tea with ginger contains, the benefits and harms of this liquid. Of course, you can get much more benefits from it than from many plant-based drinks, but to do this you need to know exactly how to do it.

Beneficial properties of aromatic tea:

  1. a huge amount of vitamins and useful elements;
  2. impact on the immune system;
  3. burning excess fat;
  4. impact on inflammatory processes in the body;
  5. strengthening blood vessels;
  6. cholesterol reduction;
  7. blood thinning.

It would take a long time to list the advantages, but this list is enough to find out what benefits the unsightly root hides. The main thing that should not be forgotten is that if tea with ginger was chosen for treatment, you need to know how to brew the drink, because this is directly related to how much all the wonderful substances can be preserved.

Despite the long list of advantages, there are also several contraindications, in the presence of which you should refuse the drink. You should not drink tea if you have bladder stones or problems with urination. If you have insomnia, it is also better to avoid consuming this tasty drink.

How to make ginger tea

You could write an entire dissertation on how to make tea with ginger, there are so many recipes for this drink. The only rule to remember is that boiling can reduce the beneficial properties of the liquid, so it is better to use a thermos for cooking.

How to properly prepare tea with ginger, how to brew the drink? Cut the required amount of peeled and washed root into slices or thin slices (to obtain more rich taste You can grate it on a grater with small holes), send the prepared raw materials to a thermos. Pour boiling water over the chopped root and immediately close the container.

Infuse tea for an hour. If you want to get a concentrated, rich drink, you can extend the infusion time. Filter the finished tea, add sugar (preferably a small amount) or honey to taste. Do not overindulge in sweets; they can not only reduce the delicious taste, but also partially take away some of the beneficial properties.

Tea with ginger and lemon, recipe

Lemon gives the drink a special taste, which also has many advantages and can affect the immune system, help treat colds, and even help you lose excess weight. To prepare tea with ginger and lemon, you don’t have to choose a recipe for a long time - it is usually prepared according to the same principle.

Preparing a healthy and tasty product:

  1. Peel the root and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Cut the root into thin slices and place in a container in which the aromatic and healthy liquid will be prepared.
  3. Pour boiling water over the slices (if the liquid is not prepared in a thermos, you can boil it for several minutes);
  4. Leave the drink to infuse, half an hour is enough.
  5. Filter, add a few crushed lemon slices to the warm broth (you can simply squeeze out the juice).

You can add sugar or honey to this decoction, although you need to monitor their quantity. No less delicious tea there will be no additional components, but not everyone is fond of sour drinks, so you can’t do without sweets.

Ginger tea for weight loss, recipe

Are there any special features, if you plan to use tea with ginger for weight loss, does the recipe have any special features? There is nothing complicated about it, and preparing the drink will require very little time and effort.

It’s easy to prepare a product that will help you lose weight:

  1. Cut the washed root into small slices and place in a saucepan.
  2. Pour cold water over the plant material.
  3. Turn on the heat and wait until it boils.
  4. Continue cooking at low simmer for up to a quarter of an hour.
  5. After a short infusion (about half an hour), filter the liquid.
  6. You can add honey or a small amount of cinnamon to improve the taste.

How to drink a healing liquid that can burn excess fat? You are allowed to drink up to a liter of drink per day. It should not be abused - this can lead to side effects, the most common of which is frequent urination.

Of course, you shouldn’t fully expect that you will be able to lose weight only with the help of a simple, albeit very tasty liquid - you will have to reconsider your diet a little and give up unhealthy foods. Simple exercises or short runs will be useful.

Ginger tea, recipe with garlic - a spicy drink for losing pounds

An unusual drink, one of the components of which is garlic, will certainly contribute to weight loss. You should not worry about the taste - it is quite pleasant and piquant, so you can drink tea when you have a cold, this will certainly contribute to your recovery.

Ginger tea, recipe:

  1. Take vegetable raw materials (root and garlic cloves) in equal parts.
  2. Grind the ingredients of the drink and place in a thermos.
  3. Pour boiling water over the raw material.
  4. Leave for up to two hours.
  5. Filter the liquid using gauze.

Drink liquid in moderation - only 300-400 ml per day is allowed. This amount should not be exceeded - garlic, which is one of the components, can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

It is not necessary to improve the taste of the drink, but it becomes much more refined if you add a little cinnamon powder. The only thing you need to remember is to pour the cinnamon into a warm, but not cold, liquid. Otherwise, the aroma of the spice will be significantly reduced.

How to make green tea with ginger

Many people have heard about green tea, the main component of which is the aromatic root, but how to prepare this wonderful and fragrant drink? There are no special secrets to brewing it, but you should strictly follow all the cooking recommendations - this will help to reveal a delicious bouquet of aromas.

How to make green tea with ginger? The most common recipe calls for:

  1. Take some green tea (be sure to take high-quality raw materials).
  2. Add grated root.
  3. Add some cloves to the mixture.
  4. Brew the plant material with boiling water.
  5. Close the container (it is recommended to take a thermos for this) tightly.
  6. Let the liquid sit for half an hour.

Filter the resulting aromatic liquid, you can add your favorite honey. A little trick - it is recommended to add bee product only to a warm drink - under the influence of high temperature it significantly loses its beneficial properties and aroma.

This tea perfectly helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. You can drink only 400-600 ml of liquid per day, but this is enough to feel much better. Fasting days can be carried out monthly, just one or two days.

Do you want to know how to make ginger tea at home simply and easily? Why buy tea in bags that are not of the best quality and freshness, when you can easily make tea with fresh ginger in your own kitchen? Treat yourself to a hot, healthy drink that's so good for your digestion.

I worked in Thailand for several years. Every morning, seven days a week, I brewed invigorating ginger tea for local residents. Do you know what his secret is and why Easterners live so long? Fresh ginger is simmered over low heat for a long time to preserve the flavor and natural aroma, combined with agave and honey to replace the sugar (though you might like the unsweetened version, depending on your health). This simple ginger tea recipe improves your immune system and is a great way to invigorate you in the morning.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and thus can help relieve sore muscles after strenuous exercise. It also helps deal with physical activity and muscle pain.

Women who experience severe menstrual cramps can use ginger tea as a pain reliever.

Side effects are extremely rare, but frequent consumption of ginger tea may cause heartburn or diarrhea. In addition, ginger is not recommended to be taken in combination with blood thinning medications.

Recipe for making ginger tea at home


  1. 4-6 slices of raw ginger (it all depends on the desired strength);
  2. 2 cups of water;
  3. Juice of half a lime;
  4. One tablespoon of honey or agave nectar (optional).

The output will be 1-2 cups of ginger tea.

Time to prepare: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 15 minutes

Exit: 1-2 cups ginger tea


  • Peel the ginger and cut it into thin slices. The thinner it is, the more flavor it will have.
  • Cook ginger in boiling water for 10 minutes. For strength, you can wait up to 20 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and add lime juice, agave or honey to taste.

This tea is ideal for those who constantly suffer from stomach pain. It stimulates and speeds up digestion.

Ginger is Mother Nature's protective cloak. It is especially useful on winter days. This tea is very spicy, so feel free to add a little more water or a little more honey than the recipe calls for.

Traditional advice: Do not drink more than two cups of ginger tea per day, unless you are using it as a remedy for an advanced cold.

Based on materials:

Do you want to know how to make ginger tea at home simply and easily? Why buy tea in bags that are not of the best quality and freshness, when you can easily make tea with fresh ginger in your own kitchen? Treat yourself to a hot, healthy drink that's so good for your digestion. Ginger tea For several years I worked...

A simple recipe for making ginger tea at home

A simple recipe for making ginger tea at home

Irina Mishina

When it’s winter outside and the body is sad, ginger tea comes to the rescue. It will not only lift your spirits and invigorate you, but also have a positive effect on your overall health.

During the off-season, viruses are everywhere, and the risk of getting the flu increases. Ginger tea will help avoid this. It must be taken to prevent colds because it improves immunity.

This wonderful drink should be taken regularly. It is an assistant in the fight against colds and an excellent means of prevention. Those who suffer from ulcers or have high body temperature should treat it with caution.

This drink perfectly relieves headaches, promotes weight loss by accelerating blood circulation, and improves digestion. This tea improves metabolism in the body. Ginger contains essential oil and many other beneficial substances.

There are a lot of drink options. Below are the most affordable and easiest options that anyone can do at home.

Ginger tea with lemon

This method is simple and accessible to everyone. Nothing exotic, the recipe is very clear. You need to grate the ginger (root) through a grater. It is better to choose a fine grater. If you don’t have a grater at hand, you can scrape the root with a knife. To prepare tea you need a teaspoon of the crushed ingredient. Then, you need to thoroughly mash the lemon wedge and mix the two components. Subsequently, you need to pour boiling water over the mixture and leave.

After infusing and cooling the drink to a comfortable temperature, the tea turns out tart, hot, but pleasant to the taste and very invigorating.

Ginger drink with green tea leaves

Often, this tea is consumed for pain in the throat.

To prepare, you will need any type of green tea. It needs to be brewed separately.
Next, brew a teaspoon of ginger puree, lemon and cloves - 3 pcs. in a separate container. After 10 minutes of infusion, the drinks are combined and passed through a sieve. Sweet honey will perfectly complement the spicy taste of tea.

Recipe "Classic"

To prepare this type of tea, ginger must be boiled. The ginger root needs to be peeled and cut into thin pieces. You can grate it on a coarse grater. You will need a small piece of root, about 5 cm. Cook the crushed main ingredient for about 10 minutes. The fire is slow.
For a “sharpness”, you can add a little ground pepper at the end of the process. Before drinking, the tea needs to be refilled a small amount lemon or orange juice.

This tea can help you ward off colds. And, as with any ginger tea, the best dessert what remains is natural honey.

Ginger and mint

The recipe is “indecently” simple. A teaspoon of ginger puree with the addition of lemon balm or mint leaves is brewed and infused. Honey and lemon optional.

So as not to spoil healthier than quality drink, it is advisable not to add sugar to it. To sweeten the drink, honey or dried fruits are suitable. But if you can’t live without sugar, then it’s better to make it yourself. To do this, you need to infuse a mixture of water, honey and sugar, this will take about 8 days. The result is fructose and glucose. This product is definitely healthier than sugar.

Special non-metallic kitchen knives are sold. It is better to use them so as not to lose the positive properties of the product during oxidation with metal.

The root must be fresh. When you feel it, it should be elastic. Of course, such ginger is the best option, in comparison with powder, which makes the tea cloudy and the taste not rich enough.

Alternatively, you can do it at home.